ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2019, AT 6:30 P.M.
Barbara Ready, Chair Mike Rumpf, Development Director
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
Cheryl Black
Ben Lowe
Jesse Feldman
Hollis Tidwell, Ill
Mike Wilson
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
to the flag.
2. Agenda Approval
Ms. Black moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Lowe seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously passed.
3. Approval of Minutes — July 8, 2019 (Minutes will be available at next meeting)
4. Communications and Announcements
Mike Rumpf, Development Director, commented Board Member Feldman contacted him
he would be out of town. There has been interest in organizing a tour for the Old High
School (OHS). They discussed dates. He asked what would be a good time, hours during
the day to maximize participation. Thursday at 4 p.m. was agreed on. Mr. Rumpf agreed
to contact the other members and email them with the dates.
5. Old Business:
Historic plaques for designated properties — Status of establishing a
marker program including conceptual layout, design and estimated unit cost
and purchasing of sample product (see accompanying combined staff
report for update).
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2019
Mr. Rumpf explained the Board agreed on, based on affordability, low theft and low
maintenance, aluminum plaques by Grandview. It became more difficult to come to
consensus on the exact design, but the Board did come to agreement about the sign
using a crest of the OHS which is on the façade. A general sketch was generated. The
members had discussed excluding the date, but the homeowner could order a separate
plaque for date. The Board could order several of the plaques at one time without the
dates and provide them to the registered property owners. Staff gave the sketch to the
vendor to design. The members viewed the second version of the plaques after Mr.
Rumpf had provided them with further feedback on the first version, and it was felt the
plaque may need to be redone. Images of other plaques were viewed for possible design
Mr. Rumpf offered to bring the issue back to the Board for further discussion. Examples
of plaques from other cities were viewed. Chair Ready inquired why one plaque was very
ornate, yet the Board's vendor could not replicate it. Mr. Rumpf felt it could be a cost
issue, or the City of San Antonio plaque, which was viewed, had their own design team
come up with a PDF or other version usable in the fabrication process. It could also be
the material. It was thought some examples were taken from clip art. Dr. Pedersen
thought they should scan the image and Chair Ready inquired if they could use a scanned
CAD image to give to the company.
Discussion ensued about whether the company has the ability to take the City's sailfish
and translate it into a carving. Mr. Rumpf agreed he would confirm that and pointed out
the price they quoted was quite low. The company had indicated they could send the
design to a designer, but it would add cost. Mr. Lowe liked the plaque from Dearborn,
Michigan. Mr. Rumpf toured historic homes with plaques, and commented, in the interest
of cost, the Board omitted the date. If dates are on the plaques, they would have to be
individually carved. Mr. Rumpf repeated that the property owner would purchase a
reduced version of the plaques with the date. The Board could order 10 in advance at a
discounted price, promote it and the homeowner could add the date later. Mr. Lowe
thought the plaque did not represent Boynton Beach. Mr. Rumpf explained that if they
wanted a sailfish, the company may just find clip art of a sailfish, but it may not resemble
Boynton's sailfish. Mr. Rumpf explained he will ask the vendor about it and confirm. Mr.
Lowe thought they discussed using a design of the OHS at the last meeting. It would be
a bit more elaborate, but he thought someone would be able to design it. Web designers
do so all the time as they create logos. Mr. Rumpf explained the less detail, the better.
They could use a silhouette, such as of the Schoolhouse Children's Museum because the
shape would be recognizable.
Chair Ready wanted the ribbon medallion because individuals would ask where it came
from, but the members felt the emblem looked like a soccer ball. She noted there are not
many historic homes that would take advantage of the plaques yet and perhaps they
should shelve the issue. Dr. Pedersen noted there was a lot of time spent on it. She
noted most of what was shown did not have a figure on it and just had the name of the
City. 80% of the plaques in West Palm Beach just had the name. Dr. Pedersen thought
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2019
if not, each plaque would have to be custom and reset the machine each time with the
date. Mr. Rumpf thought it would be pretty simple to just change the date and it would be
one plaque. Mr. Rumpf advised they have different shapes and they recommended the
oval. If selected, they already showed how it would look. Dr. Pedersen saw the plaques
advertised and they were not terribly expensive.
Chair Ready asked if the Board hired a graphic artist to create what they worked on, if the
vender could create the plaque. Mr. Rumpf agreed to find out. There was agreement to
proceed with the design if it could be made more dignified looking than a soccer ball. Mr.
Rumpf agreed to find out. Chair Ready asked if the City knows any graphic artists they
could hire. Mr. Rumpf thought the public information officers and Ms. Coles-Dobay know
graphic artists, they may be able to assist. First, he would find out if the vendor would
take a computer image created by the City.
There was consensus to move forward before they spend the money.
6. New Business:
7. Other
Dr. Pedersen gave a short presentation about the research on the Oyer(Hurricane Alley)
Building. She advised she would speak about it at the next meeting and would have
There was brief discussion about interest in the Magnuson property for assembly. Mr.
Rumpf advised there are development schemed and uses being discussed. Most
discussion is about reconstruction and relocation is the desire. Mr. Rumpf had no
concrete news, but being so close to Town Square, the land is more valuable now and
attractive for assembly as there are very few property owners. The area abutting the
walkway installed by the CRA has three owners including the CRA. Mr. Rumpf explained
the owners know the process they have to go through with local designation. A new
location for the home has not been determined. There is a Cottage District project the
CRA envisions north of Boynton Beach Boulevard. There are some historic cottage
homes in the area with a frame vernacular style that is a design the City would promote.
It is a redevelopment plan of the CRA and a relocation option.
8. Comments by members
Ms. Black advised she sold her historic home. If anyone wanted to tour it, they should let
her know as she moves out in December.
Dr. Pedersen advised the Historical Society is getting ready to resume its meetings. The
first meeting will be held October 21.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2019
9. Public comments
10. Announce date of next meeting — TBD (due to conflict with national
holidayNeterans Day)
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Ready adjourned the meeting at 7:02
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist