Minutes 01-24-34SPECIAL MEETING 0F JANUA~ 24~ 1934. A Special Meeting of the Bbamd of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town ~ on Wednesday eveni~ January 24~ 1934 at V:00 O~Clock P.M. Present: H. Do Stevens~ M~yor ~¢m. ~.enzel, Vice Clerk J. P. Bowen, Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of To,,wn Com- missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing ma~ters pe~ ~a~ng ~o the Contract entered into with B. J. Price for the b~uling of trash and garbage in th~ Town of Boynton ~d taking such action as may be deemed cnecessary fo~-t~ best interests of the Public Health of the Citizens and taxpayers of the Towm~ of Boynton, sm_d for any other busi- ness that may come before the m~etir~g. After considerable discussion Commissioner Stevens moved the adoption of the following Reoolut~on. ~E~_S; at a Special Meeting of th'e Tov~ ~ CommisSion held ~.~r, ly !, 1933 the ~¢.ayor.~ s~ad Town Clerk were autho, zzed ordered mud directed to enter %utc Z valid and binding Con- tract with B. J. Price for the remova~Lof trash and garbage that may be accumulated within the Town of BQy, nton and the Town of Boynton Beach, for a period of one y~ar, for the ° ' ' ~ x =- ~ ($68.66) per s~mm of S~xty-szx Dollars and oi t~ s~x Cents ~LE;~E~.S~ n-o,~,,.erous complaints have been filed with the the garbage is being collected from the residences of the Citizens mud inhabiter_ts of the Town of Boynton and the Town of Boynton Beach~ and~ ~H~REAS~ it is deemed necessary and expedient for the preservation of the Public Health and General ~elfare of the Citizens, Inhabitam_ts and Taxpayers of the Tows of Boynton and~ Boynton Beach~ that the Contract hereinbefore entere~ into with B. J. Price for the removal of trash and garbage in the Town of Boynton and the Town of Boynton Beach be cancelled forthwith and that another method be devised for the removal Boyn~on and the To~m of N0~, THEREFORE BE of the To'~m of Boynton, of trash and garbage in the Town of Bcynto n Beach. iT RESOLVED by the Town Florida, that the ~ont_ wit~_ Bo Pric~ for the removal of trash and garbage in t~e To~-~ of Boynto'n another devised. ~ the To~ of Boynton Beach be cancelled and that method for the removal of trash and garbage be Co~m~ss_one~ Bowen seconded the motmo., for tb~ adop- tion of the above and foregoing Resolution a~ud upon being put ~o z vote the following vote was had theri~on: Co~issioner Stevens ~Aye~'~ COrf~dlS S~ o~er ~enzel Co~zs s ~ oner ~ow en ~ :~e~ The DIayor stated that If~. Price had offered to turn back the S~ita~ Truck to the To'~m~ provid~ the Town would refund n~ the Fifty Dollars ~$50.00):~which he has j paid On same. Upon motion made by Commissione~ Bowen seconded by Commissioner Stevens and unanimously carried, ~.~. Price~s proposition was accepted. ~r. Newman T. Miller~ Attorney, was present and stated that in Compliance with instructions of the To~n Commission he had gone into the matter of Refunding the outstanding Bonds of the Town of Boynton, Inc!uding interest thereon and had come to the conclusion that~a fai~ and reasonable fee for his services in this co~uection would be One h~if of on~ percent of tlue total ~mount of Bonds issued. Upon motion made by Commissioner Stevens seconded by Commissioner Bowen smd ~_u~uimously carried ~r~ Eiller~s ~ud ~r. Niller was instructed to the preparation of the necessaz~ proposition was accepted immediately proceed with papers relating the~eto~ There being no further business the meetin~ Nayor Town Clerk