Minutes 11-06-34~EvGUI~R }~EETTNG OF I~0'~E~BER 8~ 1934
A ~,~guia~ Meeting o£ the Boar~' of Town Con~issioners of Re
Of Boynton, Flo~ida~ was held at the Town HAll on ~sday
evening, November 8, 1934 at V:30 o~ciock P.M.
H. D. Stevens, ~Iayor
Wm. Menze!,
J. P. Bowen, To~rn Clerk.
Board of Town
The above constituting the
!9~4 were
Conmtissioners of the Towu~ of Boynton, Florida~
-.-znutes of tb_s Regu~lar D~eting of 0ctob~
read ~d appmoved upon motion ~de by Co~issi~em
by CQ~!sszoner E~nzel ~d duly ca~ied.
Upon_ motion ~de by C~ss~onem'
Come,toner Stevens ~d un~n~ously
bills wem~ approved for pa~ent ~n f'o~s ~ a~ilabl~:
Southemn Bell Telephon~ Co .......
~me Ga~e (Sept Bills) ....
~Y~'s~a~age (Poiic~ D~pt)..~
~y's ~a~age (Wate-~ ~pt~
Fla. Povzer & LiEht Com~.ny .......
seconded by
the following
35. S3
Upon meriden m~de by Commissioner Bowen, seconded by
Co~missione~ Stevens a~ud duly cazTied, the fei!owing Resolution
was passed s.~ adopted:
W~P~, Vice-~yo~ Wm. Me,el, on &~st 22~ ~ 23~, 193~,
atte~ed on be~ of the T~ of B~nton, the L~a~e of Florida
M~icipalities Convention held at 0~1~o, Flo~i~, and,
~, the traveling exoenses ·
_ incurred by Nr. ~Ienzel
in attending said Convention ~ou~ted to the sum of $ 12.~0
N0~, THERE_WORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Tow~ Commiss-
ioners of the Tow~ of Beyntom, Florida, that ~, ~m. ~nzet b~
~e-i~m~u~ed fo~ his e~s ~c~d ~ att~d~g s~id G~vention
BE IT ~T~R ~SOL~ that th~ T~eas~e~ be~ ~ h~ hereby
is~ ~uth~iz~d, o~e~ed
~. Eenz~l in the s~
the ~s.~e of Florida }~icipalities Convent_on
~ 0rl~do*
Ordi~ce No. l&8 entitled: '~ 0rd~nce of ~e T~
~ Bo~ton, Pa~ Beach C~ty, Florida, ~ending
entitled: '&n Ord~ce of th~ To~ of Bo~ton, Flori~, p~id~g
cemta~ repletions for the use of trifle
~blic ways; p~ohibit~ the use of ~rta~ ve~icles on such
streets om public ~ys; fLx~g ~ wei~t of load, s~ p~ovid-
ing~. penal~ fern vio~tion them~of. ~, ~s placed on
it.s second
Co~issione~ B~en me'ed the adoption of CTd~ce No. l&~
w~ch was seceded ~ Co~ssioner Menzel ~d up~ berg put to a
vote, the following vote was h~d thereon:
Thereupon, ~.~tevens, as ~,~yor PresidLug, declared
0rdi_uauce No. 1~5 to have been duly passed and adopted.
A Resolution to pay claLms was adopted.
There being no f~the~ business the meeting adjou~nedo
~ , ~ayor
Town C!erk.