Minutes 08-24-99 PLANNi'NG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETZNG HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, C~[TY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman J. Stanley Dub6, Vice Chair Mike Friedland Pat Frazier Steve Myott Maurice Rosenstock James Reed Larry Finkelstein, Alternate Woodrow Hay, Alternate Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning ~, Zoning Mike Cirullo, Assistant CityjAttorney Nancy Byrne, Acting Director of Development Hanna Matras, Economic Research Analyst 1. Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., and led the Pledge of Allegian~:e to the Flag. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members Chairman Wische introduced the members of the board, Assistant City Attorney Cirullo, HikeB Rumpf, Nancy Byrne and Hanna Matras. At Chairman Wische's request, Attorney Cirulio administered the oath to all'that would testi / during the proceedings. 3, Agenda Approval Vice Chairman Dub~ moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Reed seconded the motion th~ carried unanimously. 4, Approval of Minutes Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Vice Chairman Dub~ seco~ ded the motion that carried unanimously. 5. Communications and Announcements A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final disposition of the August 10, 1999 Planning and Devel ~ment Board agenda items. MEETZNG MZNUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPH ENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA AUGUST 24, 1999 Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, reported the following City Comm ssion action of August 17, 1999: · The Center for Self Discovery - Setback variance for a s~gn - Approved · Senior Center - Setback Variance - Approved · Nautica PUD - Master Plan Amendment to decrease buffer - Denied · American Legion Rezoning -Approved · EAR-Based Comprehensive Plan Amendments School Siting and Related Coordination - Approved for transmittal to the State for review · Day Care Text Amenoment Ordinance - Approved on first reading · Height Change Ordinance - Approved on first reading 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: Aw SZTE PLAN New Site Plan PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: GEVAS NORTH AIrIER/CAN HEAD(~UAR Pierce Architectural Group Quantum Park- Lot 51-D Request new site plan approval to consb'uct square foot industrial building on :[.80 acn Marlo Remiano, 300 NE 3~ Avenue, Suite 300, of Pierce Architectural Group, a( the applicant will comply with all staff comments. When Mr. Myott inquired about the proposed colors for the structure and signage, M~ circulated a color chart, The colors are light yellow and white. Mr. MYott complime applicant for a very innovative design. CHAIRMAN WISCHE ACKNOWLEDGED THE ARRIVAL OF COMMISSIONER RON WEILANE Mr. Rosenstock asked about the height of the glass circular entry. Mr. Remiano reported 16' to the parapet. Mr. Rumpf also advised that there would be a berm that surrounds the of the building that would make it look lower scale. CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESEi WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. 2 'ERS ~ 10,022 sed that Rumpf ted the :hat it is nt~ance T WHO MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 24, 1999 Motion Mr, Rosenstock moved that the Gevas North American Headquarters request for a new'site plan approval to,construct a 10,022 square foot industrial building on 1.80 acres at Quantum Park PID be approved. Vice Chairman Dub6 seconded the motion that carried unanimously. B. USE APPROVAL 1. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIP-F~ON: QUANTUM PARK P~'D George G Gentile George G. Gentile &Associates, Inc Boynton Masonic Lodge Quantum Park PTD Request to amend the list of permitted usefi for the Quantum Park PID to add Meeting Fac t e~ for the BoYnton Mason c Lodge on lots designated "Office". Attorney Cirullo administered the oath to ,lason Li~terick, who was present to represent George Gentile & Associates. Mr. Rumpf advised that there were no staff comments and he had no comments to often CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEA~NG, THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO VV~SHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. In response to Mr, Rosenstock, Mr. Litterick advised that this building would be the heac~quarters for the local Masonic Lodge. The structure will contain their offices and a meeting hall. -fihere will be banquet facilities. Attomey Cirullo administered the oath to Tom Manville who resides at 5960 Morr~inqside Drive, Lake Worth Florida. The existing Masonic building is located at 504 East Ocead Avenue in Boynton Beach. Mr. Manville advised that the Masonic lodge conducts social affairs andI dinners. A portion of the building will be used for that purpose, These events will not be conducted on a regular basis. Mr, Rosenstock asked whether or not the size of the parking lot had been investigated, My. Rumpf advised that the TRC reviewed the site plan today. That is an outstanding condition. Origir~ally, the parking was calculated using employees and general site space. Mr. Rumpf discussed tNith the designer and the agent the issue of calculations based upon the combination of office ant ;lace of assembly. The calculation will be based upon seats. Mr. Manville said there are 184 members in this lodge and the average attendance at the ~eetings 's approximately 25 to 30 or slightly higher. At one or two meetings per year, there could be as many as 100 members in attendance, but those are rare occasions. This lodge is comprised of Boynton Beach residents; however, there are some members from Delray Beach. 3 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 24, 1999 Ns. Frazier asked if the banquet facilities would be rented out for weddings. Mr. Manville said that is not traditiona y something the lodge has done in the past; however, they have, at times, opened their doors to Civic and youth organizations. Hr. Manville said he would n(~t rule out the IJossibi]ity, but it is not something that would be done on a regular basis. Motion Vice Chairman Dub~ moved that we approve the request to amend the list of permitted us~es for the Quantum Park P[D to add Meeting Facilities for t~e Boynton Masonic Lodge on lots designated "Office". Hr. Rosenstock seconded the motion that carried unanimously. C. OTHER None 9. Comments by members Mr. Myott reported that he viewed the Coiltronics drawing in the Planning & Zoning Divisk~n. Later that day, he saw it again at MFT. He noticed that the drawing at the City looked differer~t. Doug McDonald advised him that the Coiltronics plans went through the Quantum Architectural Review Board. Mr. Myott asked Mr. Rumpf if that board reviews pla~s after the Planning & Development Board reviews them, and questioned whether they could change alans that the Pla~nning & Development Board had already a aproved. Mr. Rumpf advised that if the Quantum Architectural Review Board reviewed the plan after it went through the City's system, and their review resulted in a change, t would be treated like ~ny other change and would have to come back to the City for a minor or major modification. M~. Rumpf advised that Coiltronics has submitted a request for a minor modification. ~ CHATRMAN W[SCHE ACKNOWLEDGED THE ARRIVAL OF COIViM[SS~ONER NELLIE DENAHAN. Mr, Myott also pointed out that in the jo nt City Commission/Planning & Developmer~t Board Workshop, there was no mention on the agenda relative to building color chanqes. Mr. My~tt would like to include a discussion on this subject at the next workshop with the Cit~ CommissioI. Ms, Frazier inquired about the clock tower at the Boynton Commons shopping center. Ml~ Rumpf advised that the dock would be on the new ]arid ]ewelers building that s presentl~` under construction. He further reported that he was contacted about a minor modificatio~ to add numerical digits and illumination to the dock. [n response to Chairman Wische, Mr. Rumpf advised that he has not received any further inquiries from Lowe's. With respect to the ice skating rink, Mr. Rumpf advised that the site plan slhould be before the Planning & Development Board within the next month Mr. Friedland pointecJ out that there was an application that came before the Planning & Development Board in the past and he was the only member who voted to support the r~quest. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 24, 1999 When it went to the City Commission, they unanimously voted to approve the request Tihe board was never notified why the Commission voted in that manner. Chairman Wischeland Mr. Rosenstock stated that the Commission does not have any obligation to explain to an advisory board why they vote in a certain manner. Vice Chairman Dub~ reminded the members that the board had an understanding with the last Commission and Mayor Taylor that when a request was denied at the board level and then changed at the Commission level, tl~e Commission would send it back to the board before they ap~proved t That does not happen any lOnger. Hr. Friedland felt t would be he pful to the board if treat practice was reinstated. 10. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Planning & Development Board, the~ meeting properly adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Deputy City Clerk (One Tape) At the conclusion of the meeting, Vice Chairman Dub~ advised that he would not be present for the September 14t~ meeting since he will be in Europe. 8/26/99 8:52 AH 5