Minutes 06-08-99 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING ~ HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman J. Stanley DubS, Vice Chair Pat Frazier Woodrow Hay, Voting Alternate Steve Myott James Reed Maurice Rosenstock Michael Rumpf, Director of Plann n.c Mike C rullo, Assistant CKy Attorney Nancy Byrne, Acting Director of Der ABSENT Frances Cleary, Alternate Mike Friedland 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Allegiance to the Flag. 2. INTRODUCTION OF THE BOARD MEMBER~ Chairman Wische introduced the Board Members, Mike Rumpf, Director of and Zoning, NanCy Byme, Acting Director of Development, Assistant City Atton Cirullo and the Recording Secretary. 3. AGENDA APPROVAl Chairman Wische called for a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion Vice Chair Dub6 moved to approve the agenda. Mr, Rosenstock seconded th Motion unanimously carried. & Zoning ;Iopment edge of ~lanning ey, Mike motion. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Wische called for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 5, 1999 meeting. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOY_NTON BEACH, FLORIDA Motion JUNE 8, 1999 Mr. Rosenstock moved [hat the minutes of the May 25, 1999 meeting Motion seconded by Vice Chair Dubb. Mr. Myott wished [o clarify his comment about "gating the City" and state, not meant to be interpreted that he is anti-development. Motion carried 7-0. .COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT~ A. Planning and Zoning Report approved. hat it was 1. Final disposition of the May 25, 1999 Plat ng and Development Board meeting agenda items. Mr. Rumpf reported that on June 1, 1999 the City Commission took the follow~lg action on items previously reviewed by the Planning & Development Board. (a) The Palm Walk ACLF time extension was gra ted with approval for 120 days, The applicant has 120 da to meet all obligations of the Commission's approval. (c) The McCraney Office and Site Plan received ~pproval without further comment. ;mained Mr. Myott inquired if th e landscaping of the median and Mr. Rumpf stated it was not contested. The Melear PUD Phase 3B was approved. Mary Wyatt Abandonment was approved withoL comments or conditions. (d) (e) The Stor-AII Rezoning Ordinance was approved on reading. (f) Mr. Rumpf concluded his report and Chairman Wische asked if there comments from the Board. There were none. further second re any MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 8, 1999 Chairman Wische requested that all those persons who would be test fy ne this even ng to please rise and be sworn in by Assistant City Attorney Cirul o. At~'or~ey Cirullo administered the oath. B, Workshop Conference Room C - West Wing Chairman Wische reminded members that there is a joint workshop Commission on June 22nd in Conference C, West Wing, beginning at 6:00 p.m. 6. OLD BUSINESS June 22nd Joint Board/Commission Workshop 6:00 p.m. - with the A. SITE PLANS New Site Plan_ Project: Agent: Location: Description: ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Ellen Smith, Unruth, Smith & Associates Northeast corner of Boyntonl Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boul levard Request new site plan approval for the construction of a 9,000 square folot retail !liquor/wine) store and related Improvements on 0.84 acre. Chairman Wische inquired if the matter needed to be removed from the table, ssistant City Attorney Cirullo stated that the case had been continued to this meeting and required no further action in this regard. commentsMr' GeoffreYandSluggett of Unruth, Smith & Associates took the podium and state~ he was representing the applicant. Chairman Wische noted there ~vas a great deal of staff asked Mr. Sluggett to only address those comments that the~ do not agree with or need clarification on. Mr. Sluggett said that they have met with staff and they agree w th all ter{ms and conaitions set forth in staff comments. Mr. S uggett distribute(~ to the members a new rendering of the project for their review and Mr. Rumpf displayed the previous rendering for comparison. Chairman Wische wished to add tess staff comment #26, which reads as follows: 3 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE "On rectified plans submit revised rear elevation drawing to consistency with revised i~ront and side elevations (e.g. removal o' band, expansion joint spacing, addition of 5 decorative columns ev spaced, and continuation of parapet as noted on previous elev drawing." Chairman Wische asked the agent if they are agreeing to this comm~ Sluggett stated they were and Mr. Sluggett pointed out that the revised a~ drawings- ind cate those changes. Mr. Sluggett requested that he be allowe¢ [he rendering with the Board. Mr. Sluggett pointed out the following changes: ,1999 10W tile ;nly :ion and Mr. :hitectural to review The addition of a roof-canopy type structure wh ch will be terra cotta in colbr. The color of the. walls has been changed to an earthy-beige color, simltl;lar to the Boynton Commons project. - · Ar~ increased entrar~ce feature with a roof design, j · The color ban around the bu Iding has been removed The only band re~aining is under the windows to the left of the entrance feature and around on the west elevation. The colors have been changed to carry over the earth tone. · Columns have been added on the east side of the building. · The columns have been carried over to the west side of the building. · In accordance with staff's recommendation, the coJumns will be carried aroL ld to the north elevation in the ,rear of the building. · ']-he pole sign has been changed to $ monument sign and the base of th~ sign will match the color of [he buildfng. Chairman Wische asked if there were any comments from the Board. Mr. Rosenstock stated that Mr. Sluggett had telephoned him to point out the re' sions in the plan and Mr. Rosenstock wished to make this public information. Assi ~nt City Attorney Cirullo stated that the applicant can call the Board members individua and if any member has been contacted, they should so state for the record. Mr. Rosenstock said he appreciated ABC's cooperation in changing their plans what has been presented th s evening. Mr. Rosenstock discussed a particular Boynton Beach Boulevard in the corner that turns into Winchester Park poi~ t along DH~ Mr. Rosenstock asked the applicant what their intentions were specifically with rE ard to improvement of the landscaping in that corner. Mr. Sluggett referred the Board to page 3 of the staff comments which de,ils with landscaping. Mr. Sluggett said there would be much more landscaping than indicated 4 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA -- JUNE 8, 1999 on the plans. ABC has agreed to place smaller trees with lower hedge ih the open WinchesterSpace betweenand Boyntonthe treeS,BeachThereBoulevara.Will be a clustering of small palms on th6 corner of Mr. Rosenstock questioned the 48 square feet of signage and asked if at was in proportion to the building Mr Roser~stock asked about the size of the ;in on the buil~ding and was informed it was 88 square feet. Mr Rumpf Stated that ie sign is based 'uPon the linear footage of the buildng. Mr Rosenstock ques oned the discrepar~cy in size of the monument sign and the s gn on the bu ding and !r Rumpf stated that the s~ze of one s gn has noth ng to do with the size of the other sign. Mr. Rumpf stated that the montJm~nt sign is based upon property frontage toa m ximum of 64 s~uare feet and the other sign iS based bpon building :~rontage. Mr. Rosenstock said th s bothers him .and he would like the sign Code nc uc~ed in the agenda for the meeting with:the Commission. Mr. Rosenstock inquired if the terra cotta on the roof of the building would b, close in color to the roofs on the Boynton Commons. Mr. Rumpf said it would. Ms. tzpatrick showed the color of the tile roof to the members. Mr. Myott commended the applicant for their efforts in making the building bett r looking and Mr. Myott stated for the record that he received a call from Mr. Sluggett a ~d had a discussion with him. Mr. Myott stated he had a specific request that he )uld like included in the design. Mr. Myott referred to the right side of the building, wh :h has a large uninterrupted wall, and Mr. Myott would like to see a stand of Alexander ~alms at either Side of the s~gnage in order to break up the fac~ade. Mr. Myott noted theie was a great deal of sidewalk and suggested that adding some clusters of palms on i he front faCade in order to break up the sidewalk. Mr, Myott also requested that sor~ type of variation be added to the straight hibiscus hedge at the western elevation. Mr. Sluggett stated that these modifications would not be a problem. Mr. Myott said he was also concerned about the size of the sign over the entrs :e. Mr. Myott said that the City needs to move forward in modifying the sign Code. Chairman Wische announced the public hearing. Hearing none, Chairman /Vische closed the public hearing. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that the project known as the ABC Fine Wine and Spirits at the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boule, 5 )cated ard be MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 8~ 1999 = approved, subject to all staff comments including the landscaping items m~ ntioned at this Board meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. DubS. Motion carried 7-0. 7. NEW BUSINESS None 8. OTHE~ None 9. ~OMMENTS BY MEMBER~ Mr. Rosenstock inquired about an Agenda for the joint workshop. Mr. Rurr they were in the process of preparing the Agenda and a packet should be goJ members by mid-next week. 10. ADJOURNMENT ~Motion Mr. Dub6 moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Hay. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, )f stated ~g out to )roperly Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (one tape) 6