Minutes 01-12-99 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEET HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, ON TUESDAYi JANUARY 12, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman James Reed, Vice Chairman Pat Frazier Mike Fdedland Steve Myott Maudce Rosenstock William Sherman, Voting Alternate Frances Cleary, Alternate Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Z Director Nicholas Igwe, Assistant City Attorne ABSENT J. Stanley Dub6 1. pLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Allegiance to the Flag. 2. INTRODUCTION OF COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBER,~, Chairman Wische introduced the Board Members, Assistant City Attorney, Nicl and Mike Rumpf, Actin§ Director of Planning and Zoning. Mr. Rumpf introduced Hanna Matras, the newest employee of the De Department. Ms. Matras has a Masters Degree in Urban Regional Planning. 3. AGENDA APPROVAl Chairman Wische asked for a motion [o approve the Agenda. Motion LORIDA? , ,ning ledge of )las Igwe, elopment Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Myott seconded the motior unanimously carried. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTER JANUARY112, 1999 Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes of the December 8, 1998 meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Friedland Ms. Cleary requested that a change be made in the first paragraph on the I; the minutes. The word "wall" should be changed to "old" so that the sent~ read "all old signs were to be eliminated..." Motion unanimously carried _COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT?, A. Planning and Zoning Report 1. Final disposition of the December 8, 1998 Plat Development Board meeting agenda items. Mr. Rumpf reported the results of the December 15, 1998 City Commiss~or regarding items previously presented before the Board: (a) Grove Plaza Master Plan Modification and Conditional Use Application were postponed. (b) Melear PUD Master Plan Modification was postpon~ (c) The Steak 'n Shake Variance and Conditional approved. Results of the January 5, 1999 City Commission Meeting. (a) Continued postponement of the Grove Plaza an PUD items. page of ice would ing and Meeting 7-Eleven d. ;e were Melear The Board members had no comments. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 2 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEA_CH, FLORIDA 7. NEW BUSINESS_ A, PUBLIC HEARING Abandonment JANUARh 12, 1999 1. Project Name: Peter Browne Agent/Owner: Peter BrOwne Location: 125 SW 1st Avenue Description: Request for approv(al for abandonment of a portion|of alley abutting property. ~ Chairman Wische instructed Assistant City Attorney Igwe to administer the eath to all persons who would be testifying this evening. Chairman Wische instructed the applicant to take the podium. Chairman Wische noted there were no staff comments. Chairman Wische noted that sa d encroachment would likely be accepted by the utility with a egal instrument ensuring peaceful access and a 'hold harmless' agreement against property damage". The applicant stated problem with this requirement. Chairman Wische asked if Mr. Rumpf had any further comments, to which he Chairman Wische asked if any Board members had any comments. There w{ Chairman Wische called for a motion. Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the request for approval for abandonment of a [ ,a?e,Y abutting the property located at 125 W 1st Avenue sub:e ...... · ' , J (-;[ (O s~aTr co ~v~ouon seconded by Ms. Frazier. e has no Id none, re none. )rtion of nments. vere no Chairman Wische announced the public hearing portion of the meeting. There comments and Chairman WiSche closed the public hearing. Motion carried 7'0. 3 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Conditional Use_ JANUARY 12, 1999 Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Lake Worth Christian School Donald E. Bryan, A.I.A., President Lake Worth Christian School East side of High Ridg approximately one mile north oi Boulevard Request for approval to constr[ story, approximately. 10,800 sq~ elementary school building and rE modificatiOns on the existing hi campus. Chairman Wische instructed the applicant to take the podium. The agent presented architect renderings and plans for the Board to vie~ Bryan, President of Bryan & Associates with offices in Pompano Beach podium. Mr. Bryan stated he resides in Boynton Beach at 916SW 38t~ Court. Chairman Wische noted there were 26 staff comments. Chairman Wische the applicant to respond to only those comments that he does not agree with [o discuss. Mr. Bryan stated that all comments have been rewewed with technical review committee and concurs with all staff comments. Chairman Wische asked if Mr. Rumpf had any further comments. Mr. Rumpf i the applicant has been cooperative in working with staff comments. Chairman Wische announced the public hearing portion of the meeting. There comments and Chairman Wische closed the public hearing. Chairman Wische asked if any Board member had any comment. Ms. Frazier as to the cost of constructing the school. Mr. Bryan responded that their including site work, is $850,000. Mr. Rosenstock acknowledged that the applicant had to comply with City Co questioned if there were State regulations for private schools or public sch( needed to be complied with. Mr. Rosenstock asked the applicant if he compliance with any applicable State regulations regarding school buildings. M said that to the best of his knowledge the applicant is required to adhere to t building code, fire code, State of Florida Code for ADA, as well as health, buil¢ 4 Road Gateway =t a one are foot ated site 1 school Donald :ook the lstructed wished he City's )ted that were no nquired budget, es, but )Is that was in '. Bryan le local ng and MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 12, 1999 planning department requirements. Mr. Bryan did not know of any De artment of Education requirements that must be adhered to. Mr. Rosenstock noted that sprinklers were not included in the plans and asl~ed if there was a sprinkler system Mr. Bryan said there were no plans to include a sprinkler system. Mr. Bryan said that the square footage and type of construction doe not have to be sprinklered per the NFPA and the Standard Building Code. Chairman Wische asked Mr. Rumpf for his concurrence with no sprinkler sy [em Mr. Rumpf stated that he is not that versed in building standards and relies upon :omments that are generated by officials who sit on the review committees. Chairman Wische inquired if there were any other questions by members of le Board. Hearing none. called for a motion. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that the Lake Worth Christian School, represente~ by their Agent at the present time, Dona d E. Bryan of Bryan & Assocates, b granted p~rmission to proceed to build a school as requested located on the east si~e~ of H gh Ridge Road, approximately one m e north of Gateway Boulevard, with a pr viso that the ~lanning Department specifically check to see if there are any State reqiirements regarding sprinkler systems for schools holding children or other public bu Idin s of type. Motion seconded by Ms. Frazier. g that Mr. Myott asked if the project would come back to the Board for site plan re~ Rumpf stated tonight's hearing for conditional use and site plan were bas same. You can choose one avenue over the other. Motion carried 7-0. B. SUBDIVISION Master Plan Modification Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Commerce Center Kevin Donahue Dalfan American Corporation 1800 Corporate Drive Request for approval to mod approved master plan to expand "A" by 8,400 square feet and 5 ew. Mr. :ally the y the uilding 'educe MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 12, 1999 buildings "B" and "C" each by 4,; feet. Chairman Wische noted that there was no one present this evening that the Boynton Commerce Center. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that due [o the absence of th ~ individuals regarding ti item, that the matter be tabled. Motion seconded by Mr. Friedland and carrie¢ Chairman Wische noted that the item be tabled until the next Plar Development Board meeting, two weeks from tonight. C. SITE PLANS New Site_Plan 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Gateway Professional Building C.T. Tarnowski, P.E. Quantum Holding Group, inc. Quantum Park--High Ridge Road Gateway Boulevard - Lot 90.1 )0 square )resented agenda 7-0. l~ng and worth of Request for approval to construct 10,178 square foot professional office building on 1.357 acres. Chairman Wische requested that the applicant take the podium. Mr. Gus Tarnowski of the firm of Scott-B ackeslee-Disher, Architects took the Chairman Wsche noted there were 12 staff comments and asked the applic wished to address any comments that he does not agree with or needs clarifica Tarnowski requested to address Item #5. Mr. Tamowski sale that due to conditions and the height of High Ridge Road being 10 feet h gher than the floor elevation, it would be difficu t to build a ramp which would meet handi( which requires a certain pitch, f required to include a ramp, the applicant woul¢ build a winding ramp, which would be nearly impossible to build. Mr. Tarno~ that he checked ADA regulations, and ADA will make exceptions to projects th~ have engineering difficulties, that would cause a hardship, or is an unre~ requirement. 6 podium. ~nt if he on. Mr. the site Jilding's ~p code have to ski said t would ;onable MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 12, 1999 Chairman Wische asked Mr. Rumpf to address this issue· Mr. Rumpf sug~ this item be resolved with staff. Mr. Rosenstock did not agree with Mr. Rumpf. Mr. Rosenstock would like th to obtain a certificate from the ADA certifying that the ADA will accept and a recommended design plan. Mr. Myott asked if the problem would also exist for persons using the handicap accessible parking spaces. Mr. Tarnowski said this would not be a prol: am. The problem exists for a handicap ramp from the road to the building. Mr. Tarr ¢ski said that a handicap person could not travel on the s dewalks because the roads db not have the required pitch. Mr. Tarnowski stated that the handicap parking spaces ~eet ADA requirements. Mr. Rosenstock suggested that the applicant should sub)mit their plans to th approval and provide a certificate to the Planning Department that the ADA the plans. Mr. Rosenstock stated that the plans could be approved tonigl- receipt of the ADA certificate and verification that the Planning Department h~ it. ested that applicant ~rove the ADA for approved pending received Chairman Wische explained to the applicant that he would not have to appE the Board again, if a motion were made contingent upon submittal of the ce~ the Planning Department from the ADA. Mr. Tarnowski said this would be a h~ obtain this certificate as there is a permitting process and lees involved, and prefer not to be required to obtain a certificate. Mr. Tamowski had a copy of Code with him that he wished to present to the members. The members did see the copy of the Code. The Applicant agreed to obtain the ADA certificate and stated he agreed wit all other staff comments Chairman Wisch e announced the public hearing portion of the meeting. Therwere no comments and Chairman Wische closed the public hearing. Chairman Wische asked if any member of the Board had any comments, r. Myott asked what type of glazing would be used on the building. Mr. Tarnowski stated that tempered glass is being used. Mr. Myott inquired if the glass would be im act esistant and w. as informed it wou d be Mr M,,ott su · - ~ ~u ~na[ [ne app can[ snould consider security measures because of the g ass. Mr. Rosenstock said that Hunters Run has recently spent several millions of dql ars on its clubhouse and because it wasa publicly accessible build lng, all of the glazin~l over a 7 ~r before iflcate to rdship to ~e would the ADA t wish to MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOY_NTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ JANUARY 12, 1999 = certain number of square feet had to be hurricane proof. Mr. Rosenstock not{~d that th ~s was part of the County Code, but that the City had not adopted the County C~de at that time. Mr. Rosenstock thought that the City has subsequ(~ntly adopted the Code. Mr. Rumpf was not certain if the City had adopted the Code regarding gla~ing. Mr. Rosenstock stated that if the glazing did not comply, the approval is deficient. Mr. Rosenstock suggested that anyone making a motion should include the gl~ zing. Mr. Rosenstock also suggested that the School should be required to meet the 3ode with regard to glazing. Chairman Wische noted that the Board had already approved the School. Ho ever, Mr. Rosenstock statee this could be brought up when the approval is brought efore the Commission, and that the Planning Department can raise this issue. Mr. My, tt felt this would be noticed during the building plan approval process. Mr. Myott was ~ 3ncemed regarding the amount of glass used in the project and the concern for secu~ [7 for the building and its contents. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the Gateway Professional Building, cared at Quantum Park and High Ridge Road, north of Gateway Boulevard (Lot 90. request for approval to construct a 10,178 square foot professional office building n 1.357, contingent on the Planning Department receiving a certificate from the ADA :ertifying that the plans for handicap persons meet their approval and that it meets a~ ~ glazing code with regard to hurricanes that would apply to the Gateway Professional 3uilding. Motion seconded by Ms. Frazier. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Atlas Party Rental Mike Sipula Condor Investment of Palm Beach High Ridge Commerce Park an~ Ridge Road Cedar Request for approval to construct ~ 15,043 square foot office/warehouSe facilit~ to be used for storage of party rental eq~iipment and supplies On a 1,099 acre parcel ( If land. Assistant City Attorney Igwe administered the oath to the Applicant. Mike Sipula, of JM$ Design, Inc. Architects, 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Delta Florida took the podium. 8 Beach, MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 12, 1999 Chairman Wische noted there were 18 staff comments and Mr. Sipula stated the applicant agrees to comply with all staff comments. Chairman Wische announced the public hearing podion of the meet ng. The e were no comments and Chairman Wische closed the public hearing. Chairman Wische inquired if any Board members had any comments. Mr. R~senstock asked if the air conditioning was on the roof. The applicant replied the air conditioning is on the ground. Ms. Frazier inquired if the bud ng would be used for storage of rental equipment and a small office. The agent did state that there would be some equipment on 'th~ property for rental, but the equipment wh ch inc udes tables chairs and d shes, is airily for large parties. ~n Mr. Rosenstock inquired how the applicant would deal with the outside storage. The agent said there would be no outdoor storage and all equipment is stored indoors. .Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the site plan application to construct a 15,043 sc office/warehouse facility to be used for storage of party rental equipment anc on a 1.099 acre parcel of land, subject to all staff comments. Motion secondE Frazier. Motion carried 7-0. .Maior Site Plan Modification Project: Agent/Owner Location: Description: Storage Building Al Pica 817 N. Railrod Avenue Request for approval to c~ two storage buildings each square feet (5,920 square fee Chairman Wische informed the agent that there were 30 staff comments. Ti' requested to respond to item 11 regarding the installation of a Sidewalk. Th stated that there were no sidewalks in this area and he has aPplied for a waiver. 9 Jare foot supplies by Ms. nstruct t 2,960 otal). agent agent MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY The agent also requested to respond to item 13 requiring that all open are~ and behind the buildings be sodded and irrigated. Mr. Pica said he would crushed stone in these areas. Mr. Pica thought it would look better and discussed this with Mr. Rumpf at prior meetings. Mr. Rumpf stated that the applicant would be removing the fence and wot the site as a cleaner open area. Mr. Rumpf also stated that the apt expressed concerns regarding security and that a closed fence would lure the area. Chairman Wische noted that the condition cited is in accordance with LDR Sect on 8.A and Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5(B)(1)(c). Therefore, accol Code the area must be sodded The applicant stated he has the required amount and landscaping in [he 1 building and on the sides. The applicant stated the public would not see this property would look nicer and prevents people from going behind the bull hiding in their vehicles. Chairman Wische stated that this Board must follow the Codes and asked As,~ Attorney Igwe for his opinion on this request. Assistant City Attorney Igwe there were regulations that guide the Board and unless there were any reason, felt the Board must abide the Code regulations. Mr. Friedland wished to address the sidewalk issue and felt that the pr sidewalks along Railroad Avenue and along NE 8th Avenue should be corn even there are no other sid ewalks in this area. 12,1999 s between e to place lid he has maintain icant has eople into ;hapter 4, ing to the )nt of the id felt the lings and stant City :ated that )mpelling 4sion for )lied with Mr. Rumpf stated that the Code relies upon staff in certain circumstances to r~,view and inspect the areas to waive certain requirements. Mr. Rumpf stated the Boai'd should consider what would be accomplished to require one individual to place a sid6[walk if in fact it is not likely that future sidewalks would be placed to link certain areas. Hr. Rumpf stated that other projects have been g~ven waivers when there is no linkai~e being provided. Mr. Friedland asked Mr. Rumpf if staff would agree to not requiring sidew~ Rumpf stated there are no other sidewalks in the vicinity and this would requirement. Mr. Friedland also questioned wh~ther the City would at request that sidewalks be provided in this area and if this were the case, project be grandfathered. Mr. Rumpf stated there was not enough space to p~ sidewalks. 10 ks. Mr. ; a spot ~metime )uld this )vide for MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 12, 1999 Mr. Myott noted that the buildings were "removable" and are prefabricated and asked the applicant why he was building two buildings instead of one large buil :1 ng. The applicant stated that because the building design had to meet the wind (od~s, il is difficult to have a 100' wide building meet these reGuirements. Mr. Pic~ informed members that he has worked over one year with the manufacturer to make ~:ertain that the building would fit in the aesthetics of Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach area. Mr. Myott questioned since the build ngs were removable, is the applicant ¢ )nsidering the property/temporary and at some po nt the bud n s wo r ~ . · g uld be moved. Mr. Myott stated that the bu~ld~n s were n ' ..... ~, .. g, ct very attractrve and even though the bu di~ gs will be areaUCa[edwouldm anbemeUsmalattractive.area, Mr. Myott would hope that any new Projects g( ng in this Mr. Pica stated that the buildings would look attractive and that he alread, building on the site. All three buildings would be alike. Mr. Myott notei landscaping was acceptable. Mr. Pica said that he has owned the property time and owns property next to this property and does not plan to move the Du Mr Rosenstock id not · . FI feel that the apphcant could make the buildings look Pica sta4ed that the:building that s on the propertv has been ther Ioo,k.s g, ood.tOda~. Mr. Rosenstock asked staff.if ~he Cod; ;tat;~etfh°2rf2f0h/e~l sod,?eo ,and ,rr.!ga~ed and that if it is hidden from public vierS, why ~)-;s'~:~'~; applicant a variance to place gravel. Mr. Rump[ stated that wher~ the ~'~;'7~ the ent re site would be in view, except for the rear area. Mr. Rump[ stated applicant were permitted to place gravel, it would surround the buildings. The applicant stated that the gravel wou d only be n the re ' between the thr . . . _ ar of the bu~ ring and w , , r,ee. ~u!ld~.ngs. The applicant stated that the landscaping in he front OU~d nave sod ~b between the buildings and will have . . _R_°_,s.e, nst°ck as, k,e.d '.f'r. ng,a.t,on would be,ncluded. The applican[%~hdatSi~rt~e~ weMr~hJ= sou [nerd wou~a De ~rngadon, but if there were gravel he would not have irrigation. Ms. Frazier stated that anyone who a,tt. ended the Visions 20/20 plannin/~neetin. .woul.d not want to see Quonset huts on th~s ..... .~_ ,, ...... g gs ~,,,~u,~y ,w~ r-razler s~atea this er ire ar ~s being improved and there was no place for Quonset huts. ea Vice Chairman Reed also agreed with Ms. Frazier and expressed disappointn ant that this land lacks value that the Board would be considering this request. Mr. Fdedland said that there rs already one building there now and felt it would more attractive to allow the addition of the buildings with the landscaping than to lea~/e it the way it is with only one building on the property. 11 has one that the or a long dings. dce. Mr. ; and still must be give the removed ~at if the MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY112, 1999 The applicant stated that his property has vagrants on it and wants the pe¢ property. This is how he ntended to rid the property of the vagrants. Mr. the buildings would be attractive and well lighted. Vice Chairman Reed agre property needed to be cleaned up and improved, but did not feel this was the Mr. Rumpf stated that he has reviewed the Visions 20/20 documents and recommendations as projects are presented to staff. Mr. Rumpf stated th 20/20 did not specify any recommendations in this type of situation. Mr. that although the area ds close to downtown, it is in a szeabie M-1 zon ng d Rumpf also stated that the property is flanked by the C-4 zoning district visible from U.S. I which is a block away. Mr. Rumpf stated he views this pn improvement to the area. ~le off the ica stated ~d that the cay to go. Bizes the it Visions ~mpf said tdct. Mr. nd is not eot as an Chairman Wische announced the public hearing portion of the meeting. Assistant City Attorney Igwe administered the oath to Louis Lichtenstein of 942 D South Drive Terrace, Delray Beach who took the podium. Mr. Lichtenstein stated e was a friend of Mr. Pica and when speaking of Quonset huts, people th nk of th ,air,plane,Quonset' huts. Mr. Lichtenstein stated the buildin,,~o '":--~'vvu,~ .-u""~ t, emury ~' ' el~d~uonse~style, arenUTSmodernan(] areandnOt attractive.the old-looking Quonset huts. Mr. Lichtenstein stated the Quo'~set huts Mr. Myott asked Mr. Pica if the Quonset huts resulted in a cost savings by route and'Mr. Pica stated this was the only way he could afford to do the pro has taken all his savings. Mr. Pica stated the buildings would be utilized f¢ use. .Mot/on Mr. Fdedland moved that the Board approve the request to construct two storage buildings located at 817 N. Railroad Avenue, each at 2,960 square f~ total of 5,920 square feet, subject to all staff comments, with the exception to relief from requirement #11, allowing no sidewalks, and item #13, that the area,, the buildings not be sodded. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. Motion denied 1-6 (Mr. Friedland voting in favor of the motion). The applicant asked for clarification of the denial and was informed that th~ project was denied. The applicant stated he nas already purchased the buildin, applicant was advised to bring this issue up when he appears before Commission. 12 )lng this ct and it his own )uonset at for a support behind entire The city MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARy12, 1999 _ Mr, Myott stated that since so much development is going on in the downto would be nicer zo have a conventional building in this area. Mr. Myott also the applicant should have determined the requirements before spending The applicant stated he has spent over a year on the project and has wor~ Building Department to make sure it would pass all the Codes. 8. OTHER None 9. COMMENTS BY MEMBER,~' None 10. ADJOURNED_ Motion Ms. Frazier moved that the meeting adjourn. meeting properly adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Motion seconded by Mr. Rosen Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (two tapes) vn area, it tated that is money. with the ;k. The 13