Minutes 07-28-98HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, F ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETII~ Dan DeCarlo, Assistant City Planne Bulent Kastarlak, Dir. of Developmc Peter Lichtman, Assistant City Attof PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman James Reed, Vice Chairman J. Stanley Dub6 Pat Fraz~er Mike Friedland Steve Myott Maudce Rosenstock William Sherman, Alternate 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., and led the Allegiance to the Flag. 2. INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBER?, Chairman Wische introduced the members of the Board, the Assistant City A' Director of Development, the Assistant City Planner, and the Recording Secret~ 3. AGENDA APPROVAl Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Myott seconded the motion. Mol 7-0. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Myott moved to approve the minutes of the July 14, 1998 meeting. seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. 5. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTR Planning and Zoning Report (Dan DeCarlo, Assistant City Planner) Mr. DeCado stated that at the last City Commission me, items were on the Consent Agenda. The Day Care Uses to Churches was tabled and will be on the Plant Development Board's Agenda for the August 18, 1998 mee Quantum Corporate Park DRI, Lot 52 was approved. ,ORIDA, it ~ey ledge of )rney, the ry. fn carried 4r. Dub~ ~ing two cessory ing and ~g. The MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUL', 28, 1.,.,. Mr. DeCarlo stated that under the Public Hearings se!tion of the meeting, the Lakeside Addition Alley Abandonment was alproved. On the Legal Agenda, Items 2 through 8, which wele rezoning issues, were approved. 6. OLD BUSINESS_ None 7. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Wische stated that this was a public hearing and anyone in the au ience who wished to address the Board shou Id be sworn in. None were present. A. Code Review_ 1. PROJECT: Communication Pole on Recreation ledicated Land Richard Ventura Silvergate Site Acquisitions Quantum Park AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Request for a change to the Cit3 s Land Development Regulations to allow the pla~ ement of a communications pole on recreation-d~ signated land located within a Planned industri=~ Development (PID) Chairman ~/ici%C~h_e_. r.e. qu.ested_.that the Agent take the podium and state his nalme and address, ara vemura, zoning Manager for Silvergate Site Acquisitior~s, 4101 North Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida took the podium. Chairman Wische stated there were no staff comments and asked if staff had; nything further to add. Mr. DeCarlo had none and said the report is complete. C ~airman Wische stated that the Applicant has met all criteria for the equipment to be lstalled and inquired if any member of the Board had any comments? Mr. Myott raised the question if the text amendment was due to the fact that e code does not currently address recreational uses in the PID? Mr. DeCarlo stated at was correct. ' 2 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 28, '1998 Mr. Rosenstock referred to Item 4 under "Analysis" which states: "A tower at this location could possibly be used similar to the tower at the city's Little League Park, for the mounting of future ballfield lighting.. ," Mr. Rosenstock inquired if the Applicant had any contract with the City to pla( the tower?. Mr. Ventura stated they did not have any intent at the present Rosenstock further inquired if the Applicant had previously allowed lights to on their towers, and Mr. Ventura stated that they have. Mr. Ventura mer other carriers allow lights to be placed on towers. Attorney Lichtman said that the witness should be sworn in and the Secretary administered the oath. lights on lime. Mr. 3e placed oned that ~ecording Mr. Rosenstock inquired if it was a condition of approval, would the applicanl to sign a contract with the City to allow lights on the tower in the future? IV stated he would like to confer with the project manager before he responc question Mr. Dubb referred to a portion of the text amendment, which stated: 'The City shall authorize the application and use of city propert) after the applicant executes a lease agreement acceptable to the city." Mr. Woody Williams Project Manager for Silvergate Site Acq representing Omnipoint Communications of Deerfield Beach, Florida podium and was sworn in by the Recording Secretary. Mr. Williams according to the current revised city code, all communication towers must [ which means (a) a clock tower, (b) a light pole tower, or (c) a tower that re,, tree. Therefore, it is not anticipated that lights would be placed on the communications tower for Quantum Park because of the current code. be willing '. Ventura ~d to this lisitions, took the ~ted that stealth, ~mbles a ~roposed Mr. Rosenstock inquired if the Applicant, as an Agent of the Petitioner, woul( state for the record that recreational lights would be allowed to be placed on the tc ver. Mr. Williams stated that was correct. Mr. Myott inquired if the plans would allow for placement of the tower in an li§hts could be mounted on it for the purpose of lighting a recreational questioned how the actual site was determined for placement of the tower 3 ]rea that ield and include MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD _BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 28, 1998 future use? Mr. Williams stated they have not picked out a site as of this date because they are not aware of future development on the site. Once there is a des gn for the planned park, a site would be chosen for the tower. Mr. Rosenstock questioned if it is not known how the recreational area would be developed and is not developed until after the tower has been built, what wil happen if the tower ends up in the middle of the recreation area, as opposed to be p|a~ 9d on the perimeters? Mr. Rosenstock asserted "this is like placing the "cart before the lorse". It should be stated that the tower would be placed on the periphery of the area allow for future recreatidnal uses. Mr. Williams agreed with Mr. Rosenstock's assessment and stated that the ty was in the process of developing a site plan for the proposed recreation park. Mr. f ~enstock asked the Applicant when the tower would be built. Mr. Williams replied as soon as possible. Mr. Rosenstock inquired when the City plans for the recreatona a 9a would be completed. Mr. DeCarlo said this was already under review and that there ¢/ould be a pre-application meeting with the Applicant for review by all the departments volved. Mr. Kastarlak took the podium and agreed with Mr. Rosenstock's assessm mt of the plans. Further, Mr. Kastadak stated that the plan for the recreation area sh( ~ld be in place before a tower is built. Mr. Kastarlak said it was possible that a remote :omer of the site could be utilized for the tower, since a conceptual plan for the recre~ ion area has been prepared. Mr. Kastarlak stated that during the pre-construction co ference, the City would bdng the conceptual plan with its schedule for implementation Even if the park is not built until some t me in the future, a ocation could be deten ~ined for placement of the tower. If a site for the tower cannot be agreed to. the C ty will not permit a tower to be placed on the s te, since this is a condition' for allo~,ing the placement of the tower. Mr. Williams agreed that it is important to know how the park will be built in order for the Applicant to determine where the tower can be placed without interfering ~ith the recreational area. Mr. Rosenstock also inquired how precise must the placement of the tower site in order for the signal to be effective. Mr. Williams stated that he woul refer this issue addresSed to his engineer. However, based on their configurations, this Site is the best location. Mr. Reed, in order to clarify the question raised by Mr. Rosenstock, asked if t COuld be PlaCed anyWhere on the site for its signal to be effeCtive? Mr Williarr that it cOuld. ' ' 4 ~ on the have to igineer's e tower replied MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY,, 28, 1998 Motion_ Mr. Dub~ moved that a request for a chan e to th ' ' ,R__e_g,u, lat,o, ns. to allow the placement of a commu~-,=A-- e. C,ty s Land De, -~lopment · ,,,~-,=LmUHU pole on recreation-( ~ana located with in a Planned industrial Development (PID) be approved, sub ,signated c~ to any applicant applying must have permission for an agreement with the Recre~ )hal and Parks Department that the antenna will not in the future interfere witl' planned recreation. In addition, the applicant must agree to any lighting placed on the communications pole required for such recreation. Mr. Myott seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. 8. OTHER None 9. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS None 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Wische called for a motion to adjourn _Motion Mr. Dub~ moved that the meeting adjourn. Motion seconded by Ms. Frazier and :arried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara M. Madden ' Recording Secretary (one tape) 5