Minutes 07-14-98 MZNUTES OF THE PLANNZNG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMtSSION CHAMBERS, CZTY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, 1ULY 14, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman ]ames Reed, Vice Chairman J. Stanley DubA Nike Ffiedland Steve ~4yott Maurice Rosenstock Hike Rumpf, Acting Plannin, Zoning Director Peter Lichtman, Asst. City ABSENT Pat Frazier Vance Gragg, Alternate William Sherman, Alternate 1. Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., and led the Pledge of AIlec. Flag. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members, Chairman Wische acknowledged the presence in the audience of Vice Mayor 3a.' Commissioners Denahan and 'lqtcomb, and introduced the board members, the Attorney, Mike Rumpf and Dan DeCarlo and the Recording Secretary. 3. Agenda Approval Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Fdedland seconded the motion Mr. Dub& requested ti~at the motion be amended ta reschedule Agenda Item 7.A.1 Accessor¢ to Churchesl to the August 11~ board meeting ana Item 7.B.:~ (Auto Zone meeting. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Approval of Minutes Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the minutes. unanimously. Mr. Rosenstock seconded the motior Communications and Announcements Am Planning and Zoning Report Final disposition of the 3une 23, :L998 Planning and Board meeting agenda items & ~orney ~ce to the ~iewicz and istant City ~y Care Uses to the next that carried avelopment MEETZNG MTNUTES PLANNZNG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA JULY ~d,, 1998 Mr. Rumpf reported the following: Self-storage facilities item related to Code amendments was approved and will p~ the Ordinance stage. Shoppes of Woolbriqht PCD and Favorite Food Court were approved. The City ( approved the Favo~'ite Food Court application excluding the Planning 8~ De~ additional condition that restrictec~ the uses to restaurant uses only. When Chairman Wische questioned whether the Commission was aware of the fact that U had agreed to that condition, Mr, Rumpf explained that he did not have an answer to th; Boynton Beach Mall - The amendment of the Development Order was approvec Barrera Annexation Ordinances were approved on second reading. Hamptons PUD, First Baptist Church and Foster Property Ordinances were apprc reading B, Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Hodification$ Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that the filing of the Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers be submitted. Hr. Dub~ seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 6. Old Business None 7. New Business: A. PUBI.~C HEAR/NG Code Review PROJECT: AGENT: DESCR[PT/ON: Day Care Uses Accessory to Churches (Tabled from 6/23/98) Bishop Sylvester Banks Bible Church of God Request to amend the Land Development Chapter 2, Zoning, to allow day care as function to a church located in R-l-AA zor Agenda Item 7.A.1 was tabled until the meeting to be held on August 11, 1998. 2 ~ceed with )mmission ;Iopment's applicant question, red on first ,ire Plan ccepted as >,egulations, an ancillary ng districts. MEETING MTNUTES PLANNZNG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA 2. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 1998 Gene Moore, 639 East Ocean Avenue, is aware of the one staff comment and is in agreement with staffs recommendation. Mr, Hoore said he agrees with the retention of the entir~ area for installation of utilities. CHAIRMAN ~V~SCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRES ~T WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS ~TEM. Mr. Rumpf advised that there would be another right-of-way abandonment item at a futu meeting that deals with the stretch of right-of-way to the south. Motion Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the request for approval to abandon a 20 foot wide alley ; feet in length adjacent to the west property line of south ten feet of lot 4 and all of lot 5 an, I t qe north forty-five feet of lot 6, block I of Lake AddiUon, subject to staff comments. Mr. Myott sc :onded the motion that carried 6-0. Mr. Moore thanked staff for guiding him through the process. B, STTE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PRO.1ECT: Auto Zone Cl'abled from 6/23/98) AGENT: Scott A. Nickle Bussen-Mayer Engineering Group, Inc. LOCATION: Southeast corner of U.S. #1 and Shore Drive DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 7,23 square foot retail building on 1.75 acres for the sale of auto arts. Item 7.B.1 was postponed until the next Planning & Development Board meeting. Mr. Myott notified the residents who were present that Auto Zone had been tabled until ~e meeting to be held on August 11m. A BRIEF RECESS WAS DECLARED AWA1TiNG THE ARRIVAL OF THE QUA~ rUM PARK REPRESENTATiVES. VvI'rHIN TEN MINUTES, THE MEETING RECONVENED. 3 JULY 14, Lakeside Addition alley abandonment (Stein family) Gene Moore 907 N. Federal Highway Request for approval to abandon a 20 foot vide alley 105 feet in length adjacent to the west pr( perry line of south ten feet of lot 4 and all of lot 5 ant the north forty-five feet of lot 6, block 1 of Lake Add :ion. MEETZNG PI~'NUTES PLANNt*NG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA 3ULY 14~ 1998 REPRESENTATIVES. WTrHIN TEN MINUTES, THE MEE-[/NG RECONVENED. Chairman Wische acknowledged the presence in the audience of Bulent Kastarlak, Development. 2. PRO3ECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: quantum Corporate Park DR/- Lot 52 Winston Lee Winston Lee and Associates, Inc. 2400 Quantum Lakes Drive Request for site plan approval to construct a 60 foot, three-story office building on 4.41 acres. -ector of 3 square from MFT lng these iving late. He is in Eugene Gerlicker, Mock-Roos and Associates, introduced the applicant, Tom McGilicudd Development and John Glidden of Oliver ane Glidden. The Recording Secretary administered the oath to all that would be testifying d~ proceedings. Winston Lee, 1532 Old Okeechobee Road, West Palm Beach, apologized for a] He stated that he has worked very closely with staff and resolved all of the issue~ agreement with the nine staff comments. CHAIRMAN WISCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS Pt: I l ~ iON. Mr. Rosenstock expressed concern about the size of the pedestal sign. He feels it is o~ ~rstated for the size of the project. Mr. Lee explained that Comments 5 and 6 require the applica ts to bring back a comprehensive sign program if there will be any deviation from what wa,' )reviously approved. Mr. Rumpf further stated that the applicant's signage must comply with the existing ar roved sign program in Quantum Park. Mr. Lee dadfied that there was an original sign program developed 10 years ago. CarM modified the signage showing certain sign elements including a larger sign base. When Mr. Lee submitted this package, staff advised that their sign was not consistent with either of the two approved plans. Therefore, staff placed a condition on this appreval requiring that all signage for the project will have to be approved by the City. The applicant will bring back a comprehensive )rogram to upgrade all signage in Quantum Park. Mr. Lee reminded the board members that the application before them did not include signage. Mr. Rumpf confirmed, however, that a sign would be approved during this meeti ~g per staff comments that it be consistent with the sign program. With so much going on in Qua rum Park at this time, additional approvals are anticipated in the near future. When the applicant Is the time is right, the signs for this site and other sites will be combined and the sign program will be modified. blEETING MI'NUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA 3ULY :L4~ 1998 Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that the Planning & Development Board has been charged with the responsibility of approving signage throughout the City. If a Code is adopted for Quantum Park, the board will not be able to approve or reject the signage. Hr. Rumpf reminded Mr. Rosenstock that a sign program currently exists. If the plan goe~ through the permit process and proceeds, the City would only permit the sign that is consistenl with the existing sign program that the City has approved. The applicant does not antici ~ate this happening It is anticipated that other projects will come on line timely so that a revis on to the . ~cess and sign program can be processed That procedure will~ go through the public hearing pn the Planning & Deve opment Board and City Commission will approve it. The s gn being ~approved at this point is one of the original Quantum Park signs and it is slightly larger than 16 sc ~are feet. Mr. Lee explained that during staff review, there was agreement that because the signs being proposed ~ere not part of a comprehensive package, there would be a condition placed on the project that it will meet an approved sign plan. An updated sign plan has not yet bee~ submitted. Therefore, the sign will either meet what is already approved or a comprehensive lan will be brought forward. Mr. Myott observed sign construction on Gateway Boulevard when he visited the site. ~ asked for clarification. Tom McGillicu-d--dv, 1902D Paimland Drive, Bovnton Beach, advised that the m, on some of the signs that have been in place for years has been stolen a~d sold for scrap met~ There is no s~gn construction in progress. Vice Chairman Reed feels the landscaping plan for this project will be a contribution to t ~e City. He que~oned why Bahia and St. Augustine grasses are being mixed. Mr. Lee advised that his mixture would be on the southeastern portion of the site only where the grasses abut an uplar preserve. The applicant is attempting tc extend the upland system to the edge of pavement. Vice Chairman Reed also mentioned a new program in this State known as the Florida Yard and Neighborhoods Program. This program prov des standards for maintaining landscapingl!.n' southern Floridai By meeting certain levels of management practices, the properties become cettified. V ce Chairman Reed suggested that Mr. Lee investigate becoming part of this program lhrough the County Extension Service. , I. Tn response to Mr. Rosenstocks question, Hr. Lee advised that the lake would be used to irrigate landscaping in the project. CHAIRMAN WTSCHE ANNOUNCED THE PUB!_[C HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THiS Pi: ~ I I ION. [Vlotion Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 60,753 three-story office building on 4.4:~ acres for Quantum Corporate Park DP~ - Lot 52 ;quare foot, · bject to all MEETZNG MZNUTES PLANNI'NG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACh, FLORZDA JULY 14, 1998 staff comments. Mr. Myott seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 8. Other None 9. Comments by members · Construction Behind Amoco Station Mr. Dub~ questioned whether staff had investigated the building being constructed ~.ehind the Amoco station. · ; · intentional hasing of the project. They are actively seeking Mr. Rumpf ad.v?sed that th, ere s no_ _ Ap · · ' for ermits t~ construct leases at this brae. Once tney ease 50% uf th= budding, they w~II come ~n p the building. pMr. Rosenstock questioned whether the developer has the right to phase a project even ~hough the arming & Development Board and City Commission did not approve a phased project. IMr. Rumpf explained that he was not familiar with the conditions of approval for this project because he was not involved in the project at that time. Chairman Wische pointed out that if the developer planned more than one constructior phase, the board and City would have apprised of that fact. The Planning & Development Board ~ought the entire project would be built at one time. Mr. Rosenstock requested that the Panning Department and Mr. Kastarlak investigate v ~at the City Commission an~l Planning & Development Board approved, and vet fy that the project ~ill be built 'n its entirety without phases. [f this is not the case, the Planning & Development Boa~ should be notified immediately by mail so that action can be taken. Mr. Myott explained that there is concern about the public being able to see the overhead doors. He wants to be sure the overhead doors will be screened from view as indicated on ~e plan. · Renovation Project on Federal Highway Mr. Myott referred to a renovation project that is in ~)rogress on North Federal High~ ]y, south of the Auto Care Center. This renovation project looks awful. Mr. Myot~ questioned hether this ro'ect was pr~ocessed through an aesthetic review, and pointed out that this is a pete. ct example oPf ~hy the Planning & DeVelopment Board should review exterior renovations, eJxterior color changes and exterior detail changes. Mr Rumpf a0rvised that he was not aware of the permit history on this project, offered to investigate th s situation and report back to the board. MEETZNG Mt'NUTES PLANNI'NG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACHr FLOR/DA .1ULY 14f, 1998 · Letter from Mr. Tafoya Chairman Reed questioned whether all board members received a letter from Mr. ]a~kTafoya r'~rding Auto Zone. T~ Vice Chairman Reed's opinion, the board shou'd respond t° ~r-Tafoya with only one letter. · - eal of discussion since only certain members of the board, ls well as c~e~a~nP~egr~a~dt~eg~mdission, received the letter. Mr, Tafoya was sol,citing the boa-d's plans and views prior to the hearing. Hr. Rumpf advised that the letter was also sent to the former director of Planning & Z( ling. Mr. Rumpf drafted a response. Mr. Kastadak reviewed the draft and the letter will be forw; rded with copies to everyone who received Hr. Tafoya's letter. Motion Hr. RosenstocK moved that the discussion was totally out of order ano should be elimi~ time and brought up at the next meeting. Mr. Rosenstock suggested that staff respond by notifying Hr. Tafoya that individuals letter. There was a consensus of the board for staff to send out this type of letter. Rr. Rumpf explained that he provided a technical staff position. He pointed out in the the use to date had been reviewed for conformance with the zoning regulations. With rE Visions 20/20 issue, Mr. Rumpf told Mr. Tafoya that we have not as yet received the · , not review t based on those recommendations. Mr. Rumpf also and, therefore, cou d . , Tafoya on the negotiat ons occurnng bet~Neen the app ~cant and the homeowners ass At the board's request, Attorney Lichtman agreed to prepare a letter to IVlr. Tafoya, fro~ acknowledging receipt of his letter and advising that a response to the letter will be pro regular board meeting. 10, Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Planning & Development Board, properly adjOurned at 7:50 p.m. Deputy City Clerk (One Tape) 7/16/98 ~_~.:47 AN j :\sh rdata\cc\wp\min utes~pdb\07:~498-doc 7 ~d at this :eived the letter that lard to the inal report ~dated Hr. iation. the board, ided at the ne meeting