Minutes 04-28-98 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEE'I'~NG HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, Fir ORIDA, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. pRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman James Reed, Vice Chairman J. Stanley Dub6 Pat Frazier Mike Friedland Maudce Rosenstock William Sherman, Alternate Tambri Heyden, Planni Zoning Director Mike Pawelczyk, Assisl City Attorney Bulent Kastarlak, Direcl Development ABSENT Steve Myott Vance M. Gragg, Alternate 1. _PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and led the Allegiance to the Flag. 2. INTRODUCTION OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMI Chairman Wische acknowledged the presence of Commissioner Jamie Titcon Kastadak; Development Director; Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Dire Assistant City Attorney, Michael Pawelczyk, Board Members and the Secretary. _ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON Chairman Wische introduced the first matter on the Agenda, th of a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board and motions from the Boara. Mr. Friedman nominated Lee Wische for Chairman of the Boar< seconded by Maudce Rosenstock. Chairman Wische asked [or any other nomin ations. Mr. Reed nominated J. Stanley Dub6 for Chairman of the Boarc seconded by Mr. Dub6. (Attorney Pawelczyk stated Mr. Dut second the motion.) g'& ~nt Dr of 'ledge of ER;; ); Bulent ;tor; and ~cording election ailed for Motion Motion could MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL." 28, 1998 Motion Chairman Wische called for a vote for the motion to nominate Lee Wische C the Board as previously made and second 9d. Motion camed 5 to 2. B. Chairman Wische called for nominations of Vice Chairperson of Stan Dub~ nominated James Reed as Vice Chairman of the F Frazier seconded motion. Chairman Wische called for any other nominations for Vice Chai )arson. Motion. There being no further nominations, Stan Dub6 moved that nominations I closed. Motion to close the nom rnations was seconded by Mr. Friedland and carried 7-0. Motion to elect James Reed Vice-Chairman of the Board as previously lade and seconded, carried 7-0. Chairman Wische thanked the Board for re-electing him to the Office of Ch~ man and expressed his appreciation. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Reed requested that an item be added to the Agenda under "New B~ tess" in order to provide Mr. Reed the opportunity to discuss the Commission Workshop held on Thursday, April 23, 1998 regarding code changes in signs and landscaping. Motion lairman of he Board. )ard. Pat There being no other additions or changes to the Agenda, Mr. Dub~ move¢ Agenda be approved as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Reed and carried 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTER Mr. Dub~ moved that the minutes of the April 14, 1998 Meeting be appro~ Rosenstock seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. .COMMUNICATIONS ANDANNOUNCEMENT$ 2 that the .~d. Mr. MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIl 28, 1998 A. PLANNING AND ZONING REPORT (Tambri Heyden, Plannh Zoning Director) Ms. Heyden thanked Mr. Reed for helping staff with the slides presented at the Commission Workshop on April 23, 1998. The slide well done and were a groat enhancement to the workshop. Final disposition of the April 14, 1998 Plar Development Board meeting agenda items. Ms. Heyden stated that at the last meeting several items were the City Commission meeting. One item being the Palm Walk, the other was the Hills at Lake Eden PUD. Palm Walk, ACLF Ms. Heyden stated that Palm Walk, ACLF was tabled becaus Commission requested that the Applicant relocate the DumpstE kitchen area presently located in front of the proper/y. This mat ready to go back to the City Commission and will be include( Tuesday's (May 5¢h) Agenda. Palm Walk has redone their site has relocated those areas. Ms. Heyden informed the Board that the original site plan col promenade in the middle of the property that separated the adh building from the ACLF. Both the kitchen and the Dumpster l- been relocated to the northeast corner of the ACLF Building. Mr. Reed stated that over the last couple of years, even thou have included an enclosure for a Dumpster, the enclosure inadequate because thera is an additional Dumpster for materials: Mr, Reed asked if this would be a problem with Pain well and that the Dumpster enclosure should be large enough t( both dumPsters. Ms. Heyden stated that the relocated enclosure only provides for Dumpster. Recycling is not a requirement, although staff enE recycling. 3 r and iat were were very ing and tabled at ~,CLF and the City 'and the ;liS now on next 3lan and [ained a ~istration ~ve now ih plans ;ually is acycling ~Valk as contain [he one )urages MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIl. 28, 1998 Discussion ensued regarding other businesses in the dumpsters do not comply with the code. 2. Hills at Lake Eden PUD Ms. Heyden stated that this matter was tabled becaus Commission and the Planning and Development Board were this issue, and the Planning and Development Board rec~ denial. The vote was 4 to 3. Ms. Heyden further stated t~ proceedings progressed, the Applicant decided more time was eliminate portions of the request. The Applicant has eliminated the request to reduce the side set 10 feet to 7 ¼ feet on the lots that front Seacrest and Swir matter will also be going before the City Commission meeting or May 5th. 3. Zoninq Code Variances These items are still tabled, as they have to be advertised placed on the Agenda for the Board meeting of May 12, 1998. 4. Englewood Medical Building (Site Plan) Ms. Heyden said the City Commission, subject to staff's con' recommendations from this Board, approved this item. Ms. Heyden stated that the Planning and Zoning Department very busy. There is a great deal of new applications that will be at the next two meetings creating a busy agenda. OLD BUSINESS None 8. NEW BUSINESS ity whose the City iivided on mmended at as the leeded to ~ack from on This Tuesday, ~d will be ents and las been resented Mr. Reed presented the issue of new sign and landscaping codes. At the Co~nmission workshop held April 23, 1998 it was recommended that a committee be forme~J to make recommendations on the proposed code changes, and people were request6 t to sign up for the committee. Mr. Reed felt that the committee members selected rom this 4 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA workshop d,d not represent a true p,cture, as most of them currentl~'~Ra~L~ violated th e code in some way. Mr. Reed felt it would be beneficial to have a nember of this Board become a member of that committee as well. Mr. Fdedland stated that he had asked Ms. Hoyden if she would consider b member of at the Co Committee important ti of that corn Mr. Kastad; as the Plan the Depart~ Mr. Kastarl~ would be r, volun[eer fo very import~ Mr. Reed al the commie owners, sin residents. A. PUB_ that committee also. In addition, Mr Friedland, who also was in att2e°n~ianngc~ nmission workshop, stated those nine persons that signed u for the were not in compliance wth the code. Mr. Fred and also stated heieit it was ~at staff has inptJt on these issues, and requested that he become member dttee' · ik addressed the Board. Mr. Kastadak stated that this Board, n t~capacity ling and Development Board, is nformed of all policies and actions taken by nent of Development before any matter appears before the Co~mission. tk stated that any new ordinances with regard to signs and la4dscaping ;viewed by this Board. Therefore, it is not necessary that ann Member ' a new committee. Mr. Kastarlak also stated that these new ordinances are nt and require the review of the entire Board, not just one or two volunteers. so stated that he was.in, a.greement with the Mayor's recommendet on that .~e being formed consist or only residents of the City, rather thanl property ;e many of the offending signs are owned by businesses thalJ ar~ not HEARING Chain this rr one pr Mr. D Aband of a Benw Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Benvenuto Restaurant Jean-Philippe Gaudree Ronnard, Inc:, a Florida corporation Mare Perron, Jean-Philippe Gaudree and Jon How~ 1730 North Federal Highway ~an Wische asked if there was anyone present who would be te tter and if so, needs to be sworn in by Attorney Pawelczyk. Ther. -~Sent to testify. Jb~ stated that since there are no conditions to the Req )nment that thiS Board could vote to approve the request for aban ;pecial purpose easement in conjunction with an expansion luto Restaurant as included in the agenda. ¥ing in was no est for )nment of the MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Motion APRIL, 28, 1998 Mr. Dub6 moved that the Request for Abandonment by Benvenuto Restaurant as presented to this Board and as contained in the agenda be approved. Mr. Rosenstock seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Wische presented the next matter on the agenda that was Be~nvenuto's Restaurant -.Review of Federal highway gate design and elevatons as per development order condition of approval #5¢ approved by the Commissiol Ion March 17, 1998, subject to five staff comments. There was no discussion Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that this Board approve the request of Benvenuto's Review of Federal Highway gate design and elevations as per developrr condition of approval #57 approved by [he Commission on March 17, 1998, the five staff comments Motion seconded by Mr. Dubb. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Dub~ stated the reason that these issu es were referred back to this Board this Board had requested they come back. Mr. Dub~ further stated that 1 approved these requests because it agreed wth the changes as submi' Rosenstock added that the Commission had approved these items. staurant- ;nt order ubject to was that is Board ed. Mr. Attorney Pawelczyk stated [hat the Commission approved these items subj6 Board's final approval. 9. MEMBER COMMENTS Ms. Frazier asked Ms. Heyden if the Discount Auto issue has been address, d? Ms. Heyden informed Ms. Frazier that she had referred the matter to code enf cement. Attorney Pawelczyk stated that the issue has not come to the Code Enforcemen Board to date. Ms. Heyden said she would check into the matter and report bac to Ms. Frazier. to this 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Dub6 moved thai the 6 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA meeting be adjourned. Motion seconded by Mr. Reed. The meeting proped at 7:25 p,m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara M. Madden, Record ing Secretary (one tape) 7 28,1998 a~oumed