MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M.
Lee Wische, Chairman
Jos6 Aguila
Mike Friedland
Stan Dub6.
Pat Frazier
James Reed
Steve Myott. Alternate
Maurice Rosenstock
Tambri Heyden, Planning and 2
Michael Rumpf, Senior Planne~
Michael Pawelczyk, Assistant
Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m
the Flag was recited.
The Pledge of All.
ance to
Chairman Wische introduced the members of the board and Attorney Pawel{
welcomed Mayor Taylor and his wife to the meeting. He also acknowle
presence of former City Clerk Betty Boroni.
Chairman Wische requested that Item 7.B.1 be heard ~ conjunction with It(
and 7.A.5 since they are related.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Dub6 seconded ti'
which carried unanimously.
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last me,
.zyk, and
~ged the
'ns 7.A.4
DECEMBE 22, 1997
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the minutes of the December 9, 1997
submitted. Mr. Dub6 seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
A. Planning and Zoning Report
1. Final Disposition of the December 1, 1997 Plan
Development Board meeting agenda items
Ms. Heyden reported that the three items pertaining to the Via Lugano
complex and the Harry Woodworth code variance were approved by
Commission subject to the recommendations of the Planning and Developmen'
6. OLD BUSINESS (Tabled at the December 9, 1997 meeting)
A. Election of Vice Chairperson to the Planning and Developme
Mr. Dub6 movee to appoint Jim Reed as Vice Chairman of the Plar
Development Board. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
B. Code Review - LDR Text Amendment
Roof Signs - Chapter 21
Joe Lelonek
Request to amend Chapter 21 - Signs of
Development Regulations to exclude fr
definition of roof signs and roof top sigd
placed on parapet walls.
Ms. Heyden stated that at the last meeting, staff brought before the board
from Boynton Commons to change the sign code with respect to roof signs sc
definition of roof signs would no longer prohibit parapet wail signs. The boa~
this request so that staff could write some alternative language to better ~
definition of roof signs. Page 1 of the backup on this item contains [his langua
words "parapet wall" were deleted and the words "or above~ or partially above
of a building" were added to clarify that signs are not allowed above or partial
the parapet wall. They should be located totally on the parapet wall. In
"parapet s~gn" was defined. Those signs have to be completely located on
~eting as
~ng and
the City
t Board
lng and
le Land
~m the
that the
~ tabled
ord the
~e. The
~ above
le front
DECEMBER 22, 1997
face of the parapet. A so, the word "top" was deleted from "roof top sig
rob b tons sect on to c ean up the language and make it tie in with other
to roof signs elsewhere in the code.
Mr. Aguila wondered if the definition of parapet sign could be interpreted to rr
sign can only be placed on a front parapet of a building. He questioned wh
would put a sign on the back of.a parapet where it would not be seen.
~s" in the
;an that a
Ms. Heyden pointed out that,,som~ buildings have mere [han one frontage. Mr. Aguila
suggested d~leting theword front. , ' 1-
Mr. Friedland stated that if the word front~ is de eted and a building has f~)ur sides,
signs could be placed on all four sides. Mr Aguila po nted out that that Iwould be
permissible if all the conditions of the sign ordinance are met.
Mr. Myott felt the graphics (Exhibit B) could be misinterpreted. Mr. Aguili
definitions address the board's concerns and recommended that the graphi~
incorporated in the Land Development Regulations.
Mr. Dubb moved to amend Chapter 21 Signs of the Land Development Regu
exclude from lhe definition of roof signs and roof top signs, s~gns placed or
walls, with the removal of the word "front" from the parapet sign definition
seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Attorney Pawelczyk advised that the board's recommendation will be forward
City Commission ~n the form of an ordinance for first reading at the
Commission meeting.
All witnesses were sworn in by Attorney Pawelczyk.
A. Public Hearing
Zoning Code Variance
Four Steel Communication Tower
(setback requirements)
Marda Zimring
Michael C. Desimone and Paul D. DeGrugilliE
felt the
not be
~tions, to
~r. Myott
~d to the
ext City
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Location: Approximately 275 feet south of Ocean Avenue and
west of 1-95 ~
Description: Request for approval of a zoning varian,~ to allow
reduction of the rear yard setback from the required
10 feet to 6 inches and the side yard setback from the
required 15 feet to 67 inches in connectign with a
future request for construction of a 141.61foot high
telecommunication tower on a 2,855 sqpare foot
leased parcel of land. '1
Chairman Wische advised that requests for variances are based on hard~hips] and
asked the applicants what hardship their request is based on.
Marda Zimring represented Newport :Communications and the property owr~er She
stated:that the hardship is based on- the fact that there are very mited s tes ~v th n the
City oi' Boynton Beach where communicat o~q towers can be located They I~oked for
sit~s primarily in industrial areas and tried to keep away from residential areas~ as much
as possible.' They were also limited by the eng nearing design and have to b~, within a
certain' area because~ they relate net just to, one site, but to a whole networl: of sites
throughout the entire region. This site is located between 1-95 and the railro~
south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. an~t can be seen from 1-95. It is in
industrial area. All the surrounding paroels are owned by the same proped
They thought they had met ~11 requirements; however, when they subm
applibation, it 'was brought to their att, Sntion that they had not met the
separation requirement from-residentiab ~.l-hey resubmitted the application an
the tewer as far away from residential as they could. However. in order to
250-foot separation requirement the.,y had to be s x riches from the property Ii
prope~ ~y line, is,owned by the prope~.oWner.in question and the other s FDO'I
way. =, 'lTh'ey are, negotiating with FDOT't? allow them'to go onto some of the r
way. FBOT'ha~s n~ p¢obl~m with the towers. Ms. Zimdng stated that in a City
developed as ~Boynton Beach has, the 250-foot separation requirement i
requirement, especially because there are so few sites where these towers are.
Mr',. ~A~..~ila asked why ~he applicant wou ? ~have to nfdnge upon the FDOT righ
MS. Z~ih~hing ~id~ised [hat they do not. S~he sa d she:was just po nt ng out that
ttle Oh ~ pr~peCty owder who s affected by this ack of separation, and the~
opPose t. '
Mr: Aguila asked if this ~s a monopole and if it will be within s~x inches on two
the property line. Ms. Zimring answered affirmatively. She advised that the
problem with the other two sides.
d tracks,
a totally
~, owner.
tted the
:1 moved
~eet the
~e. One
that has
~ a stiff
:DOT is
do not
~ides of
'e is no
DECEMBER 2J2, '1997
about the guy wires. Ms. Zimring advised that there are none[
Dubb inquired
Mr. Myott inquired about the other land owned by this property owner. Ms. iZimring/
· d that one lot is further south and would present the same separation t~roblem,
adwse ....... ~. .... ,~- which would not work at all. An easement runs
and.the miner proper~y ~s ~u u~ ,,~,-,, .-
through it and it is closer to residential.
Mr. Myott asked if the property owner could adjust his property lines by resurvE
replatting his land in order to p[ovide enough land to meet the setback requin
one side or to at least allow landscaping on both sides. He also asked if the F
allow the applicant to landscape the base of the tower.
Ms. Zimring has not asked the FDOT about landscaping their property· Sh
that they are required to have a fence there· She stated that it is possible that
title could have been created at some point. However, the separation problerr
known until after the application was originally submitted.
Mr. Aguila felt landscaping can be provided on all four sides except for the a~
the pole is six feet from the corner. Ms. Zimring stated that landscap ng will be
on two sides and in the parking area.
Ms. Heyden adv sed that she received a call today from the CSX Railroad
have indicated that they are going to send out o~e of their crews next wee
sure that the easement s a~minimUm of 12 feet from any structure re ated to t
In addition, they require that the signaling be coordinated so that the frequenc
Mr. Friedland asked why it would not be possible to take 5 or 10 feet off th~
Ms. Hoyden stated that you cannot make this parcel work for this type of use
the setback and distance requirements. In her professional opinion, the mosl
issue is the distance from residential·
Vice Chairman Reed asked if it was possible to disguise the concrete pillar ~
antenna. Ms. Zimring stated that monopoles are not much different than the
are already along 1-95. She pointed out that sometimes by making them
create more attention to them than they would otherwise merit. She also
that this is an industrial diStrict and there are large illuminated signs already i~
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing; however, no one in the audief
to address this item.
Mr. Dub8 pointed out that right now the same person owns the adjace
however, he could sell it the future.
ling and
merit on
30T will
~ unity of
,was not
;a where
and they
to make
~is tower.
es do not
250 feet·
and meet
~ a stealth
poles that
.ealth, you
,ointed out
the area.
~ce wished
DECEMBER 22, 1997
yard setback from the required 15 feet to 67 inches in connection with a futul
for construction of a 141.6 root high telecommunication tower on a 2.855
eased parcel of land. Mr. Dub~ seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Mr Aguila moved to approve request for approval of a zoning variance to allow
reduction of the rear yard setback from the required 10 feet to 6 inches an~ the side
e request
uare foot
2. Project:
Ms. Zimring stated that the setback doesnot allow the landscaping. In additior
no other landscaping in the entire area.
Four Steel Communication Tower
(landscape requirements)
Marda Zimring
Michael C. Desim0ne and Paul D. DeGrugill
Approximately 275 feet south of Ocean Avel ue and
west of 1-95
Request fo~.approval of a zoning variance to allow
elimination of the required two and one-half root wide
landscape buffer along the southern an¢ eastern
proper~y, lines in connection ~th a future r~ uest for
construction of a 141.6 foot high telecomrriunication
tower on a 2,855 square f(Jot leased parcel o land.
there is
Chairman Wische asked if Ms. Zimring had any objection to the staff cor
provide a landscape buffer along the eastern property line 15 feet south of the
ment to
corner of the property. Mr. Aguila wanted all four sides landscaped up to within six
inches of the corner where the pole is located.
Mr. Dub~ pointed out that there is no sprinkler system to maintain the lan~lscaping.
Therefore, it would have to be xeriscaped.
Mr. Myott asked if there are any assoc~eted structures or anything along with the tower
that has any elevation. Ms. Zimdng said the only thing that goes along with the tower is
the equipment box, which looks like ,two refrigerators side by side. The other side will
be screened with a fence and landscaping. The driveway will also be screenec. This is
a degraded industrial site and is totally paved over. The only thing you ~,ould be
landscaping it from is an elevated storag~ warehouse type of facility to the soutl
Mr. Myott pointed out that you can see it from 1-95. Ms. Zimdng stated that ~ou are
really not going to see it from 1-95 because there is all kinds of growth that t~ FDOT
has allowed to collect along there. There is nothing to landscape it from e~ ept the
railroad tracks and the rest of the site. which is pavement. Nothing is growing on this
DECEMBER 22, 1997
site. The surrounding property is owned by the same person, so he would be sc
it from h mself. This is a very heavy industrial, paved over use.
Mr. Agu a pointed out that the FDOT has been. clearing the growth along I-9,¢
last year and a half.
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing; however, no one in the audienc,
to address this item.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for the telecommunication tower sub
four sides be provided with xedscape landscaping ~nasmuch as it does not
conflict to the monopole structure itself and, therefore, approve, the requeStateverfOr
of the two and one-half foot wide landscape buffer requirement to wh
on those two sides.
He clarified that he is talking about the entire length of the east and south prop,
Mr. Dub~ seconded the motion.
Ms. Zimring asked for clarification. Mr. Aguila explained that the pl~
landscaping on the north and west property lines, in addition to that, there ne
landscaping on the east and south property lines up to the pole, and all the
on all four sides should be drought tolerant.
Ms. Zimdng advised that the landscaping shown is just around the leased p~
advised that they are just leasing the corner of the parcel and landscaping it.
of the parcel will be held by the property owner.
Mr. Aguila was lust interested in the part with the equipment and the tower.
agreed to land~cape the interior of the south and east sides as well.
The motion carriea 7-0.
Land Use Plan Amendment/Rezoning
Foster Property
Julian Bryan and Associates
Roland E. and Leila M. Foster
North side of Miner Road, one-half (112) m
Congress Avenue
Request to amend the Future Land Use
Comprehensive Plan from MR-5 in P;
for the
.~ct to
rovide a
rty lines.
.~ds to be
cel. She
The rest
west of
lap of the
Im Beach
DECEMBER 22, 1997
County to Low Density Residential,, and to r(
property from Agricultural Residential (AR)
Beach 'County to Planned Unit Developme
land use intensity of 4~0 ~PUD with LUI=4,0
for 98 zero lot line. single-family homes.
Attorney Marty Perry represented Continerital Homes, the applicant. He
zone the
in Palm
'ri with a
~to allow
ferred to
comment 19 and stated that he will be filing an application for a variam:e at the
appropriate time for a reduction of the width of the street rights-of-way to 40 fe&t.
Mr. Aguila asked what would happen if the variance is not granted. Mr. Pe~'ry said it
would reduce the.lot sizes and make it difficult to fit the product on the reducec~ lot.
With regard to comment 22. Mr. Perry advised that he will also be seeking a variance to
not have to provide sidewalks on both sides of the streets.
He referred to comment 26 and stated that they can relocate the emergency
However, there is a potential problem with providing pedestrian access in cz
with the relocated emergency access easement (comment 27). He pointec
there would be traffic going between two homes.
Ms. Heyden referred to comments 27 and 28 and advised that the applicant h~
diligently with staff to bring the lot s~zes down to be compatible with the su
Mr. Aguila pointed out that there is a conflict in the landscape plan. In one pl~
for two inch mulch and in another place it calls for three inch mulch. He prefe
inch mulch; however, he was adamant about Cypress Mulch not being used.
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing; however, no one in the audien
to address this item.
Mr. Dubb was concerned that the adjoining property owners were not present.
Mr. Perry advised that they have gone to some effort to address the issue, I:
to the east in terms of placement of the larger lots and reducing the numl:
along that side so that there is as ittle impact as possible. In addition, the
landscape buffer along that side is fairly heavy.
Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the request to amend the Future Land Use
Comprehensive Plan from MR-5 in Palm Beach County to Low Density Resid~
,n junction
out that
s worked
ce it calls
~'ed three
er of lots
ap of the
;ntial, and
DECEMBER 22, 1997
to rezone the property from Agricultural
Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 4.0 to allow for 98 zE
single-family homes, subject to all staff comments, and subject to Cypress
being used. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Mr. Perry thanked Ms. Heyden and her staff for their assistance.
4. Project: Woolbdght Place PUD
Agent: Unruh-Smith & Associates
Owner: Boynton Beach I Ltd. Partnership and TCRDAD
Vinings at Boynton Beach II Ltd, Partnership
Location: The east an~ west sides of S.W, 8th Sheet: one-
quarter mile north of Woolbright Road
Description: Request to amend the Future Land Use M ~p of the
Comprehensive Plan from Moderate Density
Residential to High Density Residential
See discussion below.
5. Project: First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach
Agent: Unruh-Smith & Associates
Owner: First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach
Location: The west s da of S W 8th Street o .....
· ' , ,,~-~lu~rter mile
north of the intersection of S.W. 8th Stieet and
Woolbright Road
Description: Request to amend the Future Land Use M~ p of the
Comprehensive Plan from Moderate Density
Residential to Local Retail Commercial and t,) rezone
the property from Planned Unit Development PUD) to
Planned Commercial Development (POD) to ~llow for
a nursing home, medical office building and an adult
living facility on 14.18 acres.
See discussion below.
B. Subdivision
Master Plan Modification
Woolbright Place PUD
Unruh-Smith & Associates
Boynton Beach I Ltd. Partnership and
Vinings at Boynton Beach II Ltd. Partnership
Residential (AR) in Palm Beach County to
ro lot line,
Mulch not
DECEMBER 22, 1997
The east and west sides of S.W. 8th Street one-
quarter mile north of Woolbright Road
Request to amend the Woolbright Plac (PUD)
master plan by removing from the PUD a 18 acre
parcel originally approved for a church.
Ellen Smith of Unruh-Smith & Associates advised that City staff recommended denial of
the plan amendment for the commercial designation for the 14 acres. Staff a so
recommended denial of the master Plan ameridment. The proposal is to ~xtract ~14
acres from a larger PUD for the purp(Jses of developing a health care campus.I In order
to accomplish this, they had to fi e throe different appl ~ations with the City. Tl-~ese three
app cations are befor~ this board this evening. ~l~e first application would ~xtract 14
acres from the overall 81 acres 'of the Woo bright Place PUD It wou d a so alter the
density of the remaining land. This is neceSsary for two.reasons. F rst the existing
Comp~'ehensive Plan density on the Woelbdght Place PUD is incorrect. What' ~xists on
the ground, as. approved, is'inconsistent with the Comprehensive,, Plan dens ty; This
applicaton f xes that. This application also exacerbates the density incol~sistency
because it removes some land, and the inc usion of the property effectively d lutes the
density of the existing PUD. Therefore, by taking th s and ~(~ut der~sity goes [ p. They
are not adding a single home, a single tdp, or asingle unit to the Woolbnght PI~' c® PUD.
The second item before the Board requests a Comprehensive Plan and 'ezoning
designation of commercial on the 14 acres that have been extracted -om the
Woolbdght Place PUD and the third application requests approval of a me~ cai care
campus consisting of a nursing home, a congregate care facility, and a medica affice.
Ms. Smith stated that the project is consistent with the code and the ComprE qensive
Plan in terms of the first 12 objectives. She addressed Objective 1.2 of the
Oomprehensve Pan and said it discourages sprawl and Promotes compai [ urban
development. She stated that this project is not sprawled. It is in the heart of ~tivity of
Boynton Beach. It is not in the downtown, but it is in town. This same ~bjective
encourages planned mixed use projects that are sensitive to the surrounding a ,~a. She
stated that this'project may not be m xed use, but it has that same sort of syneq lY and it
is a planned development with 'the medical office facility being able to set lice the
nursing home and the CLF. Another part of what makes the synergy of the proji .~ct work
are the peoPle who come into the CLF as married couples and then one of then. ~ begins
to require a ~igher level of care. They could co-ex st tolgether with skilled he~ Ith care
professionals in the middle of the site. In addit on, the majority of this project is; djacent
to intensb commercial uses The least intense portion of th s project is ¢laced as close
to a ne ghborhood as possible. The CLF build 'ng is on the northwest corner of tl~e site.
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Objective 1.6 requires that uses within districts be compatible. The CLF, the nurs ng
home, and the whole health care campus component are compatibleI with the
neighbors. These types of uses are permitted even in the moderate and higher levels.
With regard to Item 7.A 5, page 4 of the staff report discusses some other ~
objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Objective 1.17 seeks to minimize'
conflicts. This project is a great transition from the intense commercial us
south and to the east of the Sl~oppes of Woolbdght and the Woolbright Place
rather dense residential project and a little less dense residential proj
Therefore, it is a wonderful, appropriate transition. It is a use that is quiet in th,
has only daytime impacts associated with the medical office building. The pec
CLF and the nursing home will not leave the property as frequently as other r
uses. It is a S milar insttut onal use as what is already apprc;ved. It will not i~
school system It is not an outdoor-oriented residential facility~ which
consistent with the character of ts neighbor to the west and Leisurevil e. The
extended hours of operation to make this inconsistent. They have designed ~
that minimizes any potential land use conflict with regard to the. neighbors.
Objective 1.17.8 states that proposals should maintain the character of ex st[
family neighborhoods by preventing conversion to a higher density. This a
does not affect any density of any surrounding single-family development In
density of the proposed CLF portion is less than the density of its neighbor, th(
The single-family neighborhood referred to in staff's report, the Lake Boynto~
area, is about a quarter of a mile away beyond a preserve area. The water tn
north is designated as a water preserve tract. Therefore, a tremendous buff
and it is across a four-lane divided highway. They believe it is quite compa
what is around it and in no way will affect an existing single-family neighborhoo
The Comprehensive Plan states that any proposal should ~mprove the charao
surrounding area. They believe this proposed project would be a terrific buffe~
many of the homes in Leisureville. She pointed out that Leisureville has co
about the noise and odor associated with the Cracker Barrel Restaurant,
pointed out that vacant land does nothing to put a buffer in place. The
buildings and the landscaping would make a good impact
The Comprehensive Plan also discourages commercial uses except where
great and impacts on residential uses are least. The same objective advises
buffering and minimized impacts. This property is terrific for a health car,
because the access is so great and the population is dense around it.
acceptable access to the major arterials and expressways of the community t¢
use like this. The proposed landscaping for this project exceeds the co¢
proposed design minimizes impact, uses buffering, and has commercial use
access is appropriate.
foals and
land use
~s to the
PCD to a
;ct here.
; day and
pie in the
~pact the
makes it
re are no
~g single-
fact, the
tct to the
;r exists,
:ible with
of the
~he also
:tess is
e use of
l'here is
serve a
e. The
DECEMBER 22, 1997
The Comprehensive Plan also states that new commercial should be place¢ on infill
parcels or on specialized land that has specialized ocational or ste requirements
Because of the population demographics that surround th s use, th s S a s~ecializec~
location for this type of use and this proposal meets that criteria. 1
This proposal is quite consistent with the area around it and wil not create ah isolated
zoning district.It is related to the adjacent district and no special grant is being
requested. ' tI
When the First Baptist Church purchased this parcel, it came along with a do(~ument of
restrictive covenants placed on the land. The spirit of that was that certain
incompatible with the church, such as the sale of alcohol and tobacco. Since then, the
gas station facility was built and includes the sale of those items. Therefore.
change of conditions.
Ms. Smith addressed whether or not the proposed rezoning is compatible with
system, roadways, and other public facilities. She stated that the staff report ¢
the potential impact of this project on S.W. 8th Street, which runs along the
border of this property. She advised that they meet Countywide concurrency
standards for local roads. The Comprehensive Plan states that development
meet Level of Service C. She pointed out that Level of Service C is a range fr(
to 14,299 trips a day. She submitted an excerpt from the Department of Trans
with regard to the standards of Level of Service. The people in the nursing
not drive. The people in the CLF may drive on occasion. The bulk of
associated with this project would come from the medical office building, wh
necessarily a peak use. Southwest 8th Street s an appropriate place for 1
There is an 80 foot right-of-way and a four lane divided road. The traft
associated with Level of Service C on a four lane divided road is 31 000 trip
The 8.800 trips a day is the beginning of Level of Service C for a two lane secti~
road. She advised that the traffic counts were taken last week and pointed out
is the week before Christmas when the roadways are crowded. These uses
traffic generators. Typical uses in commercial districts generally are higher.
center that could be built on this property would total about 240,000 square
space and would have twice the traffic.
Ms. Smith stated that they are compatible with the scale of the neighborho~
density is about 12 beds an acre and the Vinings' net density is about 16. A Cl.
nursing home shou d be close to a residential area to minimize the feeling of el
segregation from the rest of the world. She believed this s an appropriate us,
land and requested approval of all three items. She submitted a letter f
Pre?dent of the Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association in supped
uses are
here is a
:he utility
~nd local
s should
m 8,800
ome will
~e traffic
:h is not
his use.
c count
s a day.
~n of the
that this
are Iow
A retail
feet of
d. The
F and a
; of this
om the
of this
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Mr. Aguila asked if the property owners in Leisureville were notified of this or if the
Board of Directors took it upon themselves to speak for the entire community.
Chairman Wische advised that he met with a group of residents in Leisureville and they
were conoerned about how close the proposed project is going to be to three homes on
Canal Way (702. 704 and 706).
Mr. Aguila stated that he did not know enough about this project until last wee
an opinion. He wondered how the Board of Directors of Palm Beach Leisure~
enough about it to write a letter of support on December 8th
Mr. Rumpf stated that from information that was collected by the Palm Bes
Traffic Engineering Office, 8,800 trips is the upper end of CD. CD is the trans
C to D. The County does not comment on local streets or impact on Ioca
Therefore a traffic ~mpact statement or summary is not going to address im
local streets. Staff had to evaluate its own ~mpact. They requested that
counted and the County obliged and did that technical work. He pointed o~
1986 when the original master plan was established, staff voiced some concer
traffic impacting th~ area north of the project. With regard to the road being t
or four lanes, it converges into two lanes prior to the northern extent of the proj
right-of-way is designed as a local street. The County does'not have the data ~
a Jocal street. It is performing, bytheir definition, as a collector road, based on
to intense uses and the volume of traffic. He stated .that staff needs to clarify ti
threshold of the C limit.
Chairman Wische asked if the traffic threshold is at its capacity. Mr. Rumpf sai(
if you include the current developed status of the environment. However. if yo[
vested tdps (those trips that are destined for the roadways once the approve(
footage is completed), it would exceed its capacity. There are still over 9
vested or approved for the master plan that are yet to be felt on the roadways.
Mr. Myott wondered if these items should be tabled in order for staff to
Ms. Heyden advised that the City does not have a Traffic Engineer on board
not had a Traffic Consultant on retainer for over seven years. Palm Beach
been doing the City's reviews. However. this is a local street and they have
do with it. City staff did it on their own as best they could and used information t
thought was correct. However. she felt the bigger issue is that the City fathers
taxpayers had an agreement regarding what would be tolerated with re
development of PUDs and PCDs in terms of traffic. She stated that this proj
evaluated under outdated standards. Even at that time and under those stands
decided to accept that traffic impact on the Lake Boynton Estates area In her
k to form
ille knew
ion from
~acts on
trips be
~t that in
ns about
vo lanes
.~ct. The
o review
le upper
it is not
00 trips
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DECEMBER 22, 1997
the Lake Boynton Estates neighborhood is the most impacted by this application They
are the ones who are going tO fee the traff c They are feel ng it now and staff receives
complaints all the tim~. -I=~is parcel s vested for 750 trips per day This pplication
would almost triple those trips per day. Realistically, that road cannot be wid~n~ed. The
right-of-way would be involvee and homes would be impacted She questioned who
'~ould pay to widen the'road. If it were widened, t would mpact the neighbor ood. The
increase in speed and the four lanes wou d ruin the hames that front on th~ roadway
This project ~'ould increase the number of trips. /
She felt the board also needs to consider the other parcels that are not built. : he statec~
that commercial uses are more ap,,tp~r,,o?ate y designated to areas center, d around
collectors and ai-terjals. Southwesf ~ ~treet is clearly a two-lane local stree from one
pa.rt of the project northward. It is not a place to be further encroaching a c, mmercial
With regard to the comment Ms. Smith made about Cracker Barrel, Ms. Heyde~
that this project s part of the PCD, which has a higher level of expectation
designin~ t~e master plan for that commercial project. There is a greenb
between Cracker Barrel and whatever the use on the church parcel ends up be
She stated that you need to [rade off any commercial application against what
allowed in a PUD. There are other uses that are not specifically approved in th
plan but are allowed under that zoning, such as multi-family. They can
minimum of 103 units on that property to ~ake it viable. For that type of use, y~
be within the vested trips for the church and there would not be any increase in
S.W. 8th Street to the north.
Also. the limits of the project are not just in front of the project. In terms of traf
!s a ~-adius of influen~ and you neec~ to consider properties to the north that ~
~mpacted. Contrary ~o the original study, people use that roadway as a cut ti'
get from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road. Therefore, not only
generated by what is there and what is plannect to be there, but additional pE
being attracted to that area to get to where they want to go faster. She advi
staff received two letters from residents of Leisureville who were concerned ab(
and lighting.
Bud Meadows, Boynton resident and property owner, stated that he is a State
Building Contractor and Deacon Minister of First Baptist Church. He has
member of the church for about 12 years. He spoke about the restrictive co~
He read the following from a document:"SpeaKing-' for the Congregation, we
that certain uses of adjacent property are incompatible with the proper function
church." The list below that included any place that would sell alcoholic bev6
lumberyard, a restaurant with a drive through, ana an automobile service stati~
~ advised
terms of
.~lt buffer
~arket a
)u would
:raffic o~
ic, there
~ould be
'ough to
~s traffic
~ple are
~ed that
Jt noise
been a
ng of a
~ges, a
DECEMBER 22, 1997
was an agreement that the church thought they were ocked into 10 or 11 ~vears ago
when they made the last transition of prc~perties with the former owner. Ha f~the items
set out in the. restrictions are now present on the adjoining properties Th s ~hy they
a.re before the board this evening. The rules hav~ changed and things ar~ different
since the church purchased the property He requested help from the board ir rezoning
this property because they did not believe a church belongs there any longer.
Dave Edwards, Pastor of First Baptist Church, said he and Unruh-Smith &
met with the Board of Birect0rs of ~alm Beach Leisurev e, showed them the
asked them What they thought Would be beneficial to LeisurevBe. The Directo
other members of the Board of Di~ctors thought the Proposed project was a
In additionl the church iS committe? to staying iln the downtown area. They pla
a 600 seat auditorium as a worship assembly and to beaut fy its Property t(~ enl
commuaity. He urged the board t~ approve this project
Greg Kine, Attorney w th Boose, Casev and Cia-Ii
, ., r, ~t, ==pfu=un[eQ Howard
Trustee, for the Woolbright P ace Joint VentUre He stated [hat the applicanl
tbhr;% r°cfht~neit;ae~ ' ri c~ co ve n ants He explained that certain uses were set
y p cl~ased the property. Those limitations were for a peri(
years and expired in 1995. They had fve yearn tobuitd the church and if the~
they felt that it was appropriate that their hands not be tied with the use of the
With regard to the; tmffi~ situation, his clant still;has 157,000 square feet
approved and vested for the PCD and will be coming forward with an applicatio~
He did not have any objection to this project as long :as the ~traffic does not in
client's ab lity to proceed with the build out of h s project He did not have any
to the medical office, Cl;F, or nursing home. Ho~veOer, he pointed out that his
vested for retail and'would not want this applicant te claim that it is nconsis
their quasi=residential ~ses. With respeci io ~he drainage, he requested
approval be conditioned upon the applicant paying his share of the dra [nag
Which was contemplated from day one.
Margaret Roberts, 112 S.W. 8th Place. said she was not aware of any meetir
leaflet was put on her door this afternoon. The Board of Directors of Pain
Leisureville never called her about her opinion. She lives a few feel from the
road and there is constant bumper to bumper traffic. She complained about t
from the cars and the cutting through to Home Depot, the gas station, and W
Attomey Gary Brandenburg of Carlton Fields represented the church. He st~
the church is an excellent corporate resident and has supported the City for a Io~
They had plans to move their church facility. In the 10 years that ensued, thing,,
changed that were adverse to their plans, which are reflective in the covenants
though they are not applicable anymore, they showed what the church's intentio
ans, and
· and four
eat idea.
~ to build
is not in
)ut when
~d of five
' did not,
of retail
~ shortly.
pact his
client is
ent with
hat any
until a
e noise
ed that
~g time.
IS were
DECEMBER 22, 1997
then. This is an opportunity for the board to help a church that s helping te revital ze
the downtown area by allowing them to pull the funds out of this property to er~hance the
downtown area. The propose~ plan is consistent with the Comprehensive PI n and the
Zoning code.
Hazel Wayman 703 Cana Way, stated that th s project affects more [han just three
homes, She asked f an entrance ~s going to be made into Le surev e for the traffic and
if the electric high wires wilt be relocated. She also inquired about the landscaping.
Mr. AguJla advised that there will not be a road from this property into L4isurev e.
However, the impact of what happens on their property will be affecte
intersection of Ocean and 8~h. Therefore. traffic would be able to enter Leisure:
In response to a comment from a resident of Leisureville, Ms. Smith advise(
water retention area to the n.orth of the property will remain. It is designated b
conservation area. The elecb'ic poles will be relocated, but she did not know ~
will be relocated· She stated that there is a possibility that they will go undergl
David Cure, Landscape Architect and Planner, advised that he designed I~
along all the buffers. There is a 25 foot landscape buffer continuously ar
project. That buffer is expanded by green space, which is adjacent to the buffE
narrowest portion of the landscape buffer, there is a total of 80 feet of green s
feet of landscape buffer and about another 50 plus feet of green area, some
easements, etc.). With regard to the buffer, he intends to use a mix of nativ
that can be maintained anywhere from 4 feet to 10 feet The buffers will I
thicker than the buffers at Cracker Barrel. The mater als will be tolerant and 1
be clustered Palm trees and ,flowering trees. The buffer will attract wildlife an
beautiful to look at from both sides. There is also going to be a fence.
considering using vinyl-clad chain nk and incorporating it into the landscape pi;
that it disappears within two to three years·
Chairman Wische advised that this board's dec's'on is not final. It is a recomm
to the City Commission, who will make the final decision.
The attached letter from Ray Phelan, 707 Canal Way, was read into the record.
At this time, Chairman Wische introduced the Director of Development.
Claire Friedlander, daughter of Minnette Deutsch who resides at 604 Canal ~f
this proposal, with modifications, could be an asset for this particular parce
suggested that the applicant provide a specf c site plan indicating the Iocatior
dumpsters and the delivery areas. She also suggested that approval be condit
d at the
that the
plat as a
lere they
)und the
r. In the
)ace (25
~f it with
; shrubs
~e much
were will
:1 will be
He was
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ray, felt
· She
of any
ned on
DECEMBER 22, 1997
aromas and sounds emanating from the property not going beyond the bou
the property.
The attached letter from Allan Silver was read into the record.
Ms. Friedlander concurred with Mr. Silver's comments about the buffer.
advised that the members of the community were not officially notified that
was being held with the applicant. Nor was there any notification in the
newspaper that is circulated to every resident. Today she was told by offi¢
Leisureville that on the advice of counsel, the Board of Directors was told
could not take a position.
Julia Galcznski~ 602 S.W. 8th Place, concurred with Ms. Friedlander that the
had no contact with the office of Leisureville.
George Bailey lives in Leisureville and advised that a Board of D rectors is elec
year to represent the res dents of Leisureville. The residents have faith and cz
that they will examine and analyze issues of interest to them. He was conf
they have talked to the people who they needed to in order to form an opinion.
Mr. Myott asked if there is a contract pending on the sale of this land relati~
development proposal. Ms. Smith stated that there is no contract for sale pe
this proper~y. However, they have been in contact with a developer for the
purchase of this site.
Mr. Myott asked if they have done any studies to determine if this is the higl
best use for this property. Ms. Smith advised that a market study has been p~
for a CLF nursing home to be developed on this property and the market is quit,
This is an appropriate use for the market as well as the surrounding community.
Mr. Myott asked how the .sale of this property might affect the present church
and benefit the downtown. Pastor Edwards advised that for some time, the ch
been working on a master plan for the downtown facility and the property that
They are in the process of purchasing the homes in their area in order to own tt'
block. They plan to build a new sanctuary in the area and to revitalize that are~
will be investing the proceeds in the downtown area.
Mr. Friedland felt this was a clean industry, least offensive, would not
surrounding residents, and could be a profitable experience for the entire comn
Ms. Frazier felt [his was a good location for a nursing home and medical office.
~dades of
~,lso. she
~ meeting
e staff at
that they
'ed every
e to this
~ding on
est and
~rch has
~rt the
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Mr. Dubb stated that about four years ago this board approved an ACLF and Ihas since
granted two extensions, but it has never been built. The board recently apploved one
on Congress Avenue and Golf Road. The one on High Ridge has rec(~ntly been
expanded. He was concerned about ending up with too many ACLFs.
Chairman Wische pointed out that the people who are migrating to Florida a~re mainly
elderly, He did not think there could ever be too many ACLFs. He pointed o~t that the
ones that are managed correctly have waiting lists. As you get older ~,ou need
assurance of a place to go.
Mr. Aguila did not support this project. He stated that he lives at the second ~et of stop
signs ~and nobody stops at them. Ever since this road was opened, the ameudt of traffic
generated from the two lane road going to Boynton Beach Boulevard I~as been
incredible. He wondered why the church had not voiced its objections at the time the
gas station and Cracker Barrel came in, He felt that this particular proposal s not the
0nly thing that can solve the church's dilemma. This site cou d be sold to a r ~sidential
developer and can go to medium and high density The owners can get their n Ioney out
of it and do the ~mprovements that they want to do downtown without having a negative
impact on the traffic on S,W, 8th. He wondered how Cracker Barrel, RaceTrac, and
Home Depot feel about pulling this out of the PCD ~
Mr. Reed did not support this project. He stated that just because the church~ishes to
withdraw from that property doesn't mean it has to automatically be rezoned. -here are
compatible uses that can be made with the property that will also protect the itizens of
Leisureville and the surrounding areas and will not impose the traffic penalties ~nd other
penalties that adding a commercial faci.lity in this area would do.
Mr. Friedland stated that the.City is growing and you cannot stop growth. H6 felt there
was plenty of "pie" for this industry and for bringing taxes and additional job~ into the
community. He could not think of anything cleaner to put in this area other ti' n private
dwellings. However, private dwellings do not provide jobs.
Motion on Item 7.B.1
Mr. Aguila moved to deny the request to amend the Woolbright Place (PUE) master
plan by removing from the PUD a 14,18 acre parcel originally approved for i church.
Mr. Dubb seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the Recording ecretary.
The motion failed 3-4. Messrs. Aguita DubS, and Reed voted aye.
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Mr. Myott moved to approve the master plan modification for the Woolbright Place PUD,
Item 7.B.1. subject to staff comments. Mr. Friedland seconded the motion.
vote was polled by the Recording Secretary. The motion carried 4-3. Mess~
Dubb, and Reed cast the dissenting votes.
Motion on Item 7.A.5
Mr. Aguila moved to deny the request to amend the Future Land Use M
Comprehensive Plan from Moderate Density Residential to Local Retail Cz
and to rezone the property from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to
Commercial Development (PCD) to allow for a nursing home. medical offic
and an adult living facility on 14.18 acres. Mr. Dubb seconded the motion.
vote was polled by the Recording Secretary. The motion failed 3-4 Mess
Dubb. and Reed voted aye.
Mr. Myott moved to approve the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning o'
Baptist Church of Boynton Beach, Item 7.A.5. subject to staff comments. Mr.
seconded the motion. A roll cai vote was pollec~ by the Recording Secrel
motion carried 4-3~ Messrs. Aguila, Dubb= and Reed cast the dissenting votes
A roll call
s. Aguila
ap of the
A roll call
s. Aguila,
the First
~ry. The
Motion on Item 7.A.4
Chairman Wische asked if the applicants agree to the one staff comment. ~s. Smith
answered affirmatively. She stated that her prior comments apply to this as w~ll. except
that most of the traffic will go directly to Woolbright Road
Mr. Myott moved to amend the Future Lane Use Map of the Comprehensive
Moderate Density Residential to High Density Residential, Item 7.A.4, the V
Place PUD. subject to staff comments. Ms. Frazier seconded the motion, whi,
5-2. Messrs. Aguila and Dub~ cast the dissenting votes.
Chairman Wische declared a recess at 9:31 p.m. The meeting resumed at 9:3
~lan from
:h carried
DECEMBER 22, 1997
6. Project:
Woolbright Twin Medical Plaza (f.k.a. Wo,
Medical office)
David Remlanc~
Fredric Newman
Southwest corner of Woolbright Road an~
Request for a 12 foot wide utility
abandonment in connection with developrr
parcel as the Woolbright Twin Medical Plaz.
referred to as Woolbright Medical Offices.
Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the request for a 12-foot wide utility
abandonment in connection with development of the parcel as the Woolbi
Medical Plaza formerly referred to as Woolbright Medical Offices. Vice Chairr
seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
Project: School Siting Amendment (CPTA)
Agent: City of Boynton Beach
Description:Request to amend the goals: objectives an
within the Intergovernmental Coordination E
include school siting and School Board co(
requirements as mandated by Florida law.
Mr. Dub~ moveC to approve the request to amend the goals, objectives an
within the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to include school siting ar
Board coordination requirements as mandated by Florida law. Ms. Frazier
the motion, which carried 7-0.
Mr. Dub~ pointed out that this is mandated by Florida law.
B. Subdivision
Master Plan Modification
1. Project: Woolbright Place PUD
the E-4
.~nt of the
ight Twin
lan Reed
.~ment to
DECEMBER 22, 1997
Unruh-Smith & Associates
Boynton Beach Ltd. Partnership and TCRDAD
Vinings at Boynton Beach 1 Ltd. Partnershil:
The east and west sides of S.W. 8th St eet, one-
quarter mile north of Woolbright Road
Request to amend the Woolbright Pla(:e (PUD)
master plan by removing:from the PUD a 14.18 acre
parcel originaliyapproved for a church.
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
A. Discussion of the Discount Auto elevations requeste( at the
December 9, 1997 Planning and Development Board meetin~
Mr. Aguila circulated some photographs of Discount Auto. He stated that at the last
meeting, he pointed out that there are additional signage display "windows" o~ the west
and south facades of the building. Also, there are two roll down shutters over the two
side windows and the front entry door. He felt this was a very unattracti~,e way of
providing storm protection. He stated that if anybody is going to put something on a
building that has such an impact on its elevation and ~)n what the citizens seel it should
be presented to this board at the time of site plan approval when the board re'views the
elevations. He wanted to know how s~x more signs were allowed on this building and
how the storm/security roll down shutters were put on without the benefit of this board
reviewing it.
Michael Morton. the former developer of this site, was present and stated that he sold
the property to Discount Auto. He felt they should be directed to take the siCns down.
This was offensive to him because he still has the rest of the shopping center to build
and this is not what he intended to see in the shopping center.
Ms. Heyden stated that Discount Auto is ~n violation of the Sign Code, which o~ly allows
20 percent of the glass area to be occupied by signs. In addition, the City did 8ot permit
the roll down shutters. She will report this to Code Enforcement tomorrow. ~
Mr. Aguila stated that the roll down shutters need to be removed. The Code~ requires
that they provide storm protection, n the soffit of the mansard roof, they can recess the
hood that receives the coil and it will not be seen by the public, except at night ~vhen the
store is closed.
Bulent Kesterlik, Director of Development. stated that windows are functional and
should be used for light or air.
F'HOHE I~0. : ~i 3~ 5238
and Zo ..... o Director
: All~n D. Silver
606 O&~al Way
Date: December 22, ]997
I ~:~'~ a homeo%~,er whe ~ill be e. ffected by the zonin~
ch~e requested for ~he 1&.%8 meres at Weo!briSht and
~ 8th Avenue.
believe that th~ property ~hould be required to
~r~vide suppression of noise ~nd odor mufficie~% te
eonflne them to the property itself.
In addition, there sheuld be aa eight foot fence on the
~rop~rty ~erimeter abuttias the ~e!~oorlns residential
properties. AIs~, six foot evergreens should be plante~
en the proDermy on the side of the fence fac!ag the
residemces. These trees mhoul~ be m~lntalne~ in perpetz
Michael Rumpe
Planning and Zoning Department
City. of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426
[] C Ray Pheian
PO Box 554
Chariestown, RI 02813-0554
Dear Mr. Rumpe;
I am writing because I am unable to attend the December 22nd public hearing. Please
read this into the record_
This is in regards to your notice of land use change on Woolbright Place, plat 1 as
recorded in Plat Book 67 pages 47 tl~ough 49 in the public records of Palm Beach County.
I have no problem with the reqnest for the zone change in so far as it effects tract "H'
a purcel of I4.18 acres owned by the First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach Florida.
My concern is for the area in said 14.18 tract "17 on the northwest corner adjaeem to
Palm Beach Leisureville.. An existing berm on the west side effectively prohibits any over flow
of the 6.2 acre retention pond from flowing on to Palm Beach Leisureville. However, this berm,
at pr~ent, ~e~..ds short .of the F'.~rst Baptist Church property. The result is tha~ heavy rain~ have
over nowed the retention pond and badly flooded Leisureville and particularly Canal Way, a
private street in Leisureville. This happened w/thin the last 11/2 years.
I am requesting the creation of a small Imffer zone0ess than 1/4 acre) in the northwest
corner of the church property. A buffer zone would:
* preserve two specimen 40 foot hibiscus trees
*be part of the easement for the high voltage mmsmismon lines
*be part of the easement for the 30" culvert draining the retention pond
Additionally, thc continuation of lhe buffer, as reqnimd in the Master Plan. should be
positioned south of the wansmission line and drainage easernents. This would:
* create the small buffer referred to above
* preserve the 2 specimen 40 foot hibiscus trees
* prevent flooding of Palm Beach Leisureville
create the -visual and noise buffer for Palm Beach Leisureville as originally
intended by construction of the berm
[ would appreciate being kept informed of any developments relative to this property.
Thank you for making this part of the public record.
Sincerely yours,
Ray Phel~..~ ~)~ }
~ cc Kevm
__- ~ Engineering Department City of Boynton Beach
PHONE (407) 732-7474
December 8, 1997
Jerry Taylor
City of Boynton Beach
100 E Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, F1 33425-0310
Dear Mayor,
[ recently met with Ms. Ellen Smith of Unruh, Smith and Associates, Inc. and the pres~
of the First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach.
I feel fha! the proposal to change the zoning at SW 8~ Ave., in order to allow a health
campus would be b~._eeneficial to this community. This subject was discussed with the me
the Board of Directors and the response was also favorable
Thank you. ~ ~
C/14?/de Helsinger, Presid~t
l~oard of Directors
cc: Ellen Smith
Unruh, Smith & Assoc.
at Pastor
abers of
Goal 2
Objective 2.1
Policy 2.1.1
Policy 2.!.2
Policy 2.1.3
To develop and mainuain a uraffic circulation
system which will serve the transportation needs
of all sectors of the City of Boy, ton Beach in a
safe, efficient, cost effective,~nd
aesthetically p~easing manner.
Subsequent to plan adoption the C%ty shall
provide a uransportation network Based on the
following minimum level of service standards:
· Level of Service "C" or bettertunder daily and
peak hour conditions on all unspecified City and
collector highway facilities.
Level of Service "C" for avera¢'e daily and LOS
"D" for daily peak season and year'-round peak
hour condinlons on all non-specif:.ed arterial
Level of Service "D" for yearo ~d daily and
~eak hour conditions on Seacrest ~oulevard south
of SE 23rd Avenue, US 1 between B ;!rnton Beach
Boulevard and Woolbright Road, I- ~5 through the
City, Boynton Beach Boulevard fro~] Old Boynton
Road uo 1-95, NW 22nd Avenue betwi.en Congress
Avenue and 1-95, Congress Avenue ])etween Bolrn5on
Beach Boulevard and NW 22nd Avenu~ and Boynmon
Beach Boulevard east of 1-95.
Level of Service ,,Maintain" fc all f-~
.h-.~ ~ .... ~ ~ Ec~ --~ - ...... 95 from
Bovnton Beach Boulevard to Woolbz Loht Road,
Bovnton Beach Boulevar~ from Old ~o%-nuon Road to
1-95. Con=ress Avenue from Bovntc % Beach
~oulevard to the south City limit ~ and HvDoluxo
Rgad east of 1-95.hav~ kccn
The City shall adopt the LOS s=~ ~ards set
forth above for thoroughfares in =he City. These
standards shall be evaluated aft~ r !992, but
prlor to 1995, with regard ~o their continued use
or modification through the year!2000-
The City shall coordinate with F]0T, the Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council, and Palm Beach
County regarding the designation of ,,Special
Transportation Areas" for those ~oads with
operational standards less than ~OS "D".
The City shall annually identifylBack!ogged and
Constrained facilities and roadwSys operating
below their adopted Level of SerVice. Through
DEC-22-~SG:r? 16:0D
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