ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, t997, AT 7:00 P.M.
Lee Wische. Chairman
Jos6 Aguila
Stanley Dubb
Pat Frazier
Mike Friedland
Steve Myott, Alternate
Jim Reed, Alternate (Left Shortly after commencement of meeting)
Tambri Heyden. Planning & Zoning
Jerzy Lewicki. Assistant Planner
Dan DeCado, Assistant Planner
Jim Golden. Vice Chairman
Maurice Rosenstock
Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and led the Pledge of Al
the Flag.
2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members
Chairman Wische introduced the board members, Assistant City Attorney Paw
Planning and Zoning staff, and the Recording Secretary.
3. ~roval
Mr. Aguila requested an opportunity to present a proposal tc the board under Age
"Comments by Members".
Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion that carrie
4. A~oval of Minutes - October 14, 1997
Mr. Aguiia moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Dub~ seconded the motion that cam
5. Communications and Announcements
A. Report from the Planning & Zoning Department
1. Final disposition of last meeting's agenda items
Ms. Heyden reported the following City Commission action of October 21s~:
.~g~ance to
4czyk, the
da Item 8.
OCTOBER 28, 1997
Site Plan for Guardian Storage - Approved subject to staff comments and ti
recommendations of the Planning & Development Board with respect ~
foundation landscaping.
Zoning Code Variance for a Sign Setback for Fidelity Federal Ban~
Although this board denied the request, the City Commission approve¢
because they felt a hardship existed based on the existing drainage structur(
close pro×[miry to the base of the s~gn.
At the last meeting, the board requested that standard comments (permit-re
comments) be deleted from the staff reports. Staff is working on this request.
passed this request on to the Technical Review Committee. It could take two to t
before this request can be incorporated.
Mr. Dub6 questioned whether or not a date has been set for the workshop meeting ~
Commission. Ms. Heyden advised that a tentative date of December 3ro has been
first meeting. It is anticipated that two meetings will be required to cover the issues i
the agenda for the first Planning & Development Board meeting of December all
issue will be discussed at that time. Ms. Heyden will be prepared to report on this i
next meeting of the Planning & Development Board.
Chairman Wische asked if the first Planr~ing & Development Board meeting
rescheduled since it falls on Veteran's Day. Ms. Heyden advised that the next me
be held on Wednesday, November 12~h, at 7:00 p,m., in Conference Room "C".
7. New Business:
Rezonin.q and Land Use Amendment
Cedar Ridge PUD
Joe Basile. Cedar Ridge Development,
Condor Investments of Palm Beach Cot
6.376 acres of property east of High F
west of interstate 95. approximately o]
mile south of Hypoluxo Road
Request to ameno the future land use
Comprehensive Plan from Low Densit~
to Public and Private Govemmenta
and rezone from Planned Unit Develop
AA. Single-Family Residential the nort~
of the Cedar Ridge PUD which ~
approved for 11 single-family lots.
Attorney Pawelczyk administered the oath to all persons testifying during this me
agenda ~tem.
~ted type
hey have
ir weeks
~ the City
t for the
ws it, this
sue at the
lhas been
ting would
idge Road,
e-half (1/2)
map of the
lent to R-1-
~ast portion
is formerly
ting on any
OCTOBER 28, '1997
Joe Basile, President of Cedar Ridge Development, Inc., represented Lake Wortl
School dudng these proceedings. Lake Worth Christian intends to use this parcel for!
recreation area. Mr. Basile expia ned that one of the Planning & Zon ng comments re
applicant to resolve the issue of the exist ng road rights-of-way. A meeting was helJ
~arks and
:luires the
with Ms.
Heyaen and Attorney Cherof to discuss this issue, but the problem could not bt
because there is not enough information ava lable at this time. This is a serious issue of who
owns the roads and who owned them previously. Mr. Basie aces not feel the exist ng roads
have any beadng on the zoning of Lake Worth Christian. This is a completely sep rate issue
that should not be addressed at this time. When Lake Worth Christian constructs th(
recreation area. they will have access througn their own property. Therefore,
problem will be created. If the reads are not owned by the City and become pnv~
point in the future, there is a cross-access agreement in place. This was a require~
City. If the toads are public and remain public, access is available. This is a sep~
that does not pertain to the issue of the existing roads.
Ms. Heyden explained that this PUD was platted in 1983. Improvements such
streets, street lighting and drainage structures were constructed. Shortly thereafter,
was taken back by the gTC. The project remained in receivership for quite some til
project fell into disrepair. The streets were never corn pleted. For that reason, the
accepted them. However. a recorded plat from 1983 indicates the streets were to b
to the City. In the mid-1990s, a developer purchased the property from the RTCi
development of the single-family portion of the project. Another multi-lam y pod
project is currently in the permitting process.
With regard to the parcel in question, it is the intent of the current developer to
platted lots and the area where the road has been constructed, but not accel
adjacent Lake Worth Christian School. During the meeting with Attorney Cherof
advised that he is interested in the entire road network becoming private so that he
the community with a gated entrance on High Ridge Road. Questions were raise(
this application could be processed. The bonds have expired and the bond compa
under. There is no way for the City to call the bonds. This is an issue that must be
the end of the meeting Mr. Basile was provided with several options for consid~
Basile wants to privatize this road quickly since he has made promises to the curt
owners. It was left to the attorney for Mr. Basile to come back to the City to advise
The City wants this issue resolved quickly. If Lake Worth Christian has no plans t¢
parcel in the near future, we will have a street in place with the City's name on it.
want to be in a position of having to maintain it. The City Attorney and Ms. Heyde
condition of approval. They believe it is a necessary condition of approval.
Mr. Basile said there is a question of the law with respect to how the City take:
There is a great deal more involved than just a resolution to accept the roads. Mr:
he tried to get information from the attorney on how this information was put toget!
made the decision about who owned the roads. The City Clerk researched the iss~
not find a resolution Staff made a decision that the City does not own the roads
parks and
To egress
9 at some
tent of the
rate piece
Is utilities.
the project
~e, and the
City never
and began
ion of this
sell the 11
:ed, to the
Mr. Basile
can secure
about how
~ has gone
,solved. At
lation. Mr.
,nt property
his option.
~evelop this
We do not
crafted the
Basile said
~er and who
e, but could
Mr. Basile
OCTOBER 28, 1997
advised that when he bought the property, staff told him he owned and was responsil
property, the roads and the infrastructure. He was [old how to turn the roads o,
homeowners' association. He did a survey-known as an S4 plat and submitted it t{
Planning and Zoning did not have a probem with it. However, Engineering stated i
were owned by the City according to the recorded plat. Mr. Basile feels this is nd
issue, and not one that this board or any City department needs to address at this
parcel in question has been sectioned out by a master plan modification. Mr. Basi
only reason he is representing Lake Worth Christian is because he was informed
would be held up if Lake Worth Christian did not institute the rezoning process.
He said the City held him hostage in January with respect to the Kilpatrick site. Th
not owned or built by Mr. Basile. However, because they misinstalled their engin
Basile's plat was held up for four months wh e the issue was being resolved. Mr. I
he is being held hostage again td.resolve an issue that'cannot be resolved very easil!
Chairman Wische acknowledged the presence in the audience of Mayor Taylor.
Mr. Aguila questioned what exists that would prevent the City from accepting the
Heyden advised that the Cty has not considered acceptance because Mr. Basile is i~
privatizing the roads. Ms. Heyden does not believe tl~e roads are ready for accept~
Mr. Basile feels this issue should not be tied to the rezoning because Lake Worth
the City could abandon that portion of the roadway. In addition, there is no way of
how long it will take to resolve this issue. Ms. Heyden adcled that the longer 1
remains unresolved, the greater the potential for liability on the part of the Cit,
Attorney is recommending this conditional of approval to protect the City. The City'
these conditions for approximately three years and it is now time to resolve the issue
Chairman Dubb pointed out that the City must accept the infrastructure. Howeve~
explained that it has been cut free. The applicant showed the City Attorney,
Statutes. that the City through a resolution and/or utilization could.accept the utilitie,,
City tied into the utilities, it fell under a guideline of ownership through utilization.
tried to resolve this issue without the rezoning~
Mr. Basile confirmed for Mr. Myott that the survey that was created was for only
rights-of-way. Mr. Myott does not feel the Planning & Zoning Department'-~
unreasonable because they want the portion abandoned that is going to Lake Wo~
Mr. Basile explained that it is not his to abandon. The City would have to aban
Worth Christian. Mr. Myott explained that this is necessary in order to make the
Christian piece whole.
When Mr. Basile came in for his plat. Planning & Zoning told him his plat would
Lake Worth Christian did not file the rezoning. He agreed to start the process.
applications, redid the surveys and traffic studies, and moved forward. A contingel
his townhouses was that the rezomng I~ad to be complete prior to the issuanc
Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Basile did not object. However, as a result of the
the City Attorney and Ms. Heyden, the zomng is subject to resolution of the road
)ie for the
'er to the
the City.
[he roads
w a legal
)int. The
said the
~s project
t site was
ering, Mr.
asile feels
oad. Ms.
terested in
nce by the
;hristian or
~s situation
The City
~s deferred
Mr. Basile
I~rough the
When the
Mr. Basile
le roadway
request is
h Christian.
ion to Lake
Lake Worth
i~eld up if
He filed the
placed on
of his first
~eeting with
uation. Mr.
OCTOBER 28; 1997
Basile realizes that if he cannot find a solution to that problem in the near future, the
townnouses will be shut down
Mr. Dub6 pointed out that if the roads are platted to the City, then it is the City's respo ~sibility to
abandon the road, Ms. Heyden explained that there are two steps in the process th at include
the dedication and acceptance. In that case, Mr. Dub6 determined that the roa¢ does not
belong to the City; therefore. Mr. Basiie can file the abandonment.
Ms. Heyden explained that several options have been presented to the applicant's at1 )rney. He
has not yet responded as to which one he has selected. Mr. Basile does not feel ti' s problem
can be resolved in a short ~)eriod of time.
Mr. Ffiedland realized that this board could not resolve the legal issue involved. He vever, the
board could approve the rezoning while Mr. Basile tries to settle the remaining issue.
Mr, Bas[le explained that if this stands as is, it would take the zoning of this pr )erty and
restructure of the roads away from the piece being built now.
Mr. Dubb moved to approve the request to amend the future land use p of the
Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to Public an, Private
Governmental/Institutional and rezone from Planned Unit Development to R-I-t A. Single-
Family Residential the northeast portion of the Cedar Ridge PUD which was formed, approved
for 11 single-family lots subject to staff comments. Mr. Friedland seconded the motiol ~.
Mr. Myott pointed out that the Attorney's condition of approval would be included nce this is
subject to staff comments.
Mr. Dub8 explained that there is no way for the board to resolve this issue since
issue. The board is moving this application on and the City will have to settle this pr
The motion carded 6-0.
Community Desi,qn Plan Appeal
Boynton Commons PCD
Joe Lelonek. Land Design South
Winchester, Winchester. Zeiher & Schr(
Southwest corner of Old Boynton
Congress Avenue
Request for approval of a community
appeal to allow four colors in addition
black, to be included in a proposed
for Boynton Commons PCD
:is a legal
Road and
lesign plan
white and
tn program
OCTOBER 28, 1997
Joe Lelonek, Land Design South, was present and had no comment.
There were nc comments from the board members.
Mr. Friedland moved to approve the request for approval of a community design plan, appeal to
allow four colors in addition to white and black to be included ~n a proposed sign p 3gram for
Boynton Commons POD on the southwest comer of Old Boynton Road and Congre,, Avenue.
Mr. Dubb seconded the motion that carried 6-0.
Boynton Commons - Tony Roma's
Joe Lelonek, Land Design South
Winchester. Winchester. Zeiher & SchroE
Southwest corner of Old Boynton
Congress Avenue
Request for approval of a community
appeal to allow roof illumination of To,
restaurant building
Mr. Aguila stated he is opposed to approving the amount of lighting requested becau~
no purpose. This lighting will do nothing for the project, and once the landscaping
the lighting will not be seen. He will not support this request.
Mr. Friedland agreed with Mr. Aguila's remarks.
Joe Lelonek, Land Design South, said Tony Roma's has a standard prototype d
would like to light the barrel tile roof. He pointed out that staff recommended dE
request, but they did not have a clear indication of what to do because there is no
in the Code. Mr. Lelonek feels the up lighting will provide a nice look and feel for
He agreed that the landscaping will hide some of the lighting, but other features ir
(clock tower) will have the same type of illumination. [f approved, this will provide
Mr. Lelonek feels this lighting is warranted.
Mr. Aguila said he is a proponent of smaller signage and drawing less attention to
by artificial means. The architecture of this building is very n~ce. These lights will d,
enhance the architecture of this building.
Mr. Aguila moved to DENY the request for approval of a community design plan apl:
roof illumination of Tony Roma's restaurant building as submitted. Mr. Dub~ se
motion that carried 6-0.
.oad and
~sign plan
it serves
wing and
~ial of this
~r direction
wis center.
the center
nothing to
;al to allow
;onded the
OCTOBER 28, 1997
2. Project:
Boynton Commons PCD
Joe Lelonek. Land Design South
Winchester, Winchester. Zeiher & Schroe
Soutl~west corner of Old Boynton
Congress Avenue
Request for approval of major site plan m
to include, a sign program for Boynton
Joe Lelonek reminded the members that Comment #11 no longer applies since the
been granted. In addition, the first part of Item #4 also addresses the colors. Tbs
part of the comment should be stdcken from #4.
Mr. Lelonek referred to the last sentence of Comment #2 that reads. "No sign shall
upon or above a roof or parapet wall of a building". The Building Department deterrr
s~gn cannot be affixed above the fiat roof of the building or a parapet wall.
explained that in reviewing the sign drawings, it is obvious that most of the signagE
the parapet wall of the buildings, and it is located above the flat roof. Looking at t
from the front of the building, no one will know whether it is below or above the roof.
Mr~ Lelonek pointed out that his signage's similar to all other signs in the City for
establishments. He provided photos for the board members to rewew.
In reviewing the last sentence of Comment #2. Mr. Lelonek said his interpretation
roof signage. He believes this sentence should be clarified to read as follows:
"No sign shaft be erected upon a roof or above a parapet waft".
At this point, the Planning & Zoning Department cannot override the Building Dep;
addition, this was a determination made by a staff member who is no longer with 1
Department. Therefore. they do not have the ability to overrule that decision. Mr
requesting that the Planning & Development Board and the City CommissK
determination in this regard. In addition, he said they have tried to implement sorr
Code change so that this will not come up again in the future. Mr. Lelonek reques
portion of Comment #2 be stricken from the conditions of approval He further tee
the board make a determination to allow the signage as proposed and interpret the
Mr. Aguila felt Mr. Lelonek's interpretation of this issue was correct. He is aware
prevalent situation n projects throughout the City. He believes the intent was
s~gnage on the roof or on the parapet to extend the elevation of the building.
Mr. Aguila said he likes the sign package proposed: however he feels the pylon
busy. He suggested that the applicant make them smaller and less busy. The
pylon is attractive, but there are nine stores advertised on one stgn on Congress
stores advertised on the Winchester Park Boulevard sign, and eight advertised or
~ad and
~pea[ has
;fore, that
~e erected
'~ed that a
· . Lelonek
will be on
e s~gnage
~ addition,
uld be no
rtment. In
~e Building
_elonek is
make a
thing as a
,~d that this
~ested that
de to that
this is a
1s are too
sign of the
/enue, nine
)Id Boynton
OCTOBER 28, t997
r Mott recommended that the signage for Sports Authority and Bed, Bath and Beyond
M. y ............ ~-~ ou,~,,ested that the variation n color or logo be eliminated fo, r
ma n as DrODOSeQ nu~ww,, ,,~ o ~u
r[~e smalle~ tenants. Mr. Myott also has a prob em w th the use of four co ors n additidn to black
and white. He feels the smaller tenants should De limited in color.
Mr. Lelonek exp ained that all of the tenants want these signs because this is ay inwardly
rented roect None of the tenants have signage on Congress or Old Boynt,on Road;
o ' , P., J ' - -- '- --,--~ ~nct Innc~ Mr Lelonek said they tried not to set lira!rations on
therefore me want melt uu,u, ..... ~-- -
· . ' ,Y ...... -~='~'~ ~"~'"unt of si'~nane He agreed that if this were ~= strip mall
this sgnage oecause oTme I[.~L~,=-,u u = ' ' ' , nl one
with individual s gns for each tenant, it would be a nightmare· However. th s w~ll b~. o y
pylon sign on each roadway. This signage gives the tenant its individuality.
Mr. Fdediand feels the colors and excitement of this package show off the individual
feels this is done attractively and believes it would be good for the merchants.
Mr. Aguila felt Mr. Lelonek made a valid point when he stressed the fact that ther
limiteo number of signs on this site.
Mr. Aguila asked Mr. Lelonek to talk about the landscaping at the perimeter of the ,ase of the
s~gns. Mr. Lelonek explained that preliminary designs have been prepared. The >lanning &
Zoning Department has included a comment requesting native species in that Io( ition. The
applicant is willing to work on the landscaping around the signs if the proposat is not ufficient at
this time. Mr. Lelonek has not yet had an opportunity to discuss this with staff. C ,Ior witl be
includec [n this landscaping.
Mr. Dub~ agreed with Mr. Friedland's remarks about the 9reposed signage. He wo~
to see the colors of the signs changed. He will support this request.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for approval of major site plan modification
sign program for Boynton Commons PCD subject to staff comments with the followi~
1 Delete Comment #2.
2. Delete the first sentence (first three lines and part of the
fourth linel of Comment #4.
Delete Comment #11.
All other comments are to remain. Mr. Dub~ seconded the motion that carried 6-0.
1. Project:
Harrison Import and Export - High Ridg(
Park PID
Ron Kent. Jack Lupo Realty
Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, In~
~res. He
~ is a very
not want
)include a
OCTOBER 28, 1997
Commerce Road (300 feet north of the inter~ection of
Miner Road and High Ridge Road) ~
Request to amend the list of approved uses for~ the High
Ridge Commerce Park PID to include warehoasing and
wholesale distribution of fabrics
Ron Kent was present and agreed with the one condition of approval.
Mr. Dub~ moved to approve the request to amend the list of approved uses for the F
Commerce Park PID to include warehousing and wholesale distribution of fabrics sub
comment. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion that carried 6-0.
New Site Plan
1. Project:
Harrison Import and Export - High Ridge
Park PID
Mark Snipes. CMSI Real Estate
Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Commerce Road (30C feet north of the inte
[gh Ridge
;t to staff
ction of
Miner Road and High Ridge Road)
Request for site plan approval to construct a 15@68
square foot warehouse on 1.1 acres of land
Mike Seguela, of JMS Des .qn Architects located in Delra¥ Beach, Florida, con
allofthe comments. However. he asked for clarification of tabling the sign ordi.ance
was of the opinion that issue was delineated on the plans.
Mr. Aguila explained that the board members have not seen the sign. Although th
agrees to corn ply with the Code. the board wants to see the sign.
With regard to Comment #27. the applicant was of the opinion that hedges along ti
wall of the dumpster enclosure were sufficient since everything is internal to the site
the applicant will abide by staff's recommendation.
Mr. Aguila said the west elevation has a cut-down parapet that allows roof drainage
this is a typical industrial type of architectural style, he would prefer to have
consistent all the way around the building. Mr. Aguila also asked the applicant
consider putting a slope as opposed to the supports (similar to a gable roof or shed
out of the wall on the canopy on the east elevation.
Mr. Seguela said the canopy has been labeled optional since they are not sure how ~
necessary. The canopy was provided with a functional orientation to keep the Ioa(
the doors dry. At this point, the owner will have to make a determination regarding
not tc include it.
urred with
issue. He
; northern
e parapet
he would
of) coming
~uch of it is
ng area at
whether or
OCTOBER 28, t997
Mr, Aguils likes this feature, but feels a slope would be much nicer. Mr. Seguela said it would
not be a problem to shed it similar to the roof. Mr. Aguila confirmed that if the applicant
exercises the option of including the canopy, he will slope it,
Mr. Aguila requested that the applicant state on the p~ans that no Cypress mulch will be used.
Any type of mulch can be approved as long as it is not Cypress. Recycled Cypm ss mulch
would be permitted. In addition, he requested that the applicant use St. Augustine r~ ther than
Bahia. Mr. Seguela was agreeable to these requests.
It was noted that Comment #28 calts for a 5' concrete wall. However, it was pointE
was a typo since the plans indicate a 6' privacy wall The applicant agreed the wall wo~
With respect to Comment #18, Mr. Myott asked what would happen if a protected spe
found on the site. Ms. Heyden explained that a tree survey would indicate the specii
out this
~ld be 6'.
;les were
;s on the
site. If a protected species ts found, on resubmittal, the Forester will comment ti' at a tree
management plan must be submitted. With regard to fauna, Ms. Hoyden explained { ~at Kevin
Hallahan monitors this by personal visits and inspections. I.~ the species are determihed to be
on the site. approval from the proper environmental agencies is required prior to gettin.( 3ermits.
Mr. Myott feels the canopy is a very nice feature that breaks up the blank wall. Si
been shown to the board, he would not want to see it eliminated without the board's
He questioned whether the board has ever allowed options to come and go,
Mr. Seguela explained that the applicant is still in the process of developing budgets.
the canopy will require structurally reinforcing the entire wall from the top to the overt
This is a financial issue.
e it has
~ad door.
Mr. Aguila agreed with Mr. Myott's remarks and pointed out that this board is not conc~
economics. The board is concerned with the aesthetics of the building and the public'i
to that construction. He does not recall any applicant ever giving the board ¢
consideration. He agreed that the canopy is more attractive than having a blank wall.
Mr. Seguela explained that he was attempting to get approval so that if the can,
included at this time, but the applicant wishes to construct it down the road, they will r
come back before the board
Chairman Wische explained that the board members would be voting on what they w,
during this meeting.
Mr. Seguela asked if the applicant would have to come back to the board if the
removed Ms. Heyden explained that it would depend on how the Code reads at th
modification comes through.
rVlr, Seguela requested that the board consider approval of the project without the can~
rned with
)tions for
py is not
have to
,~ seeing
;anopy is
time the
OCTOBER 28, 1997
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the Request for site plan approval to construct a 15,9~8 square
foot warehouse on 1.1 acres of land subject to staff comments with the followingt changes
and/or additions: ~
1. Comment #28 shall read that it is a B' concrete wall in lieu of the 15'
concrete wall,
2. The parapet shown on the east elevation remains, but that it b, a
sloped roof with closed sides.
The roof parapet shall be the same elevation on all four sides
th& building.
A statement is to be placed on the plan that no Cypress mu[ch
be used.
5. St. Augusfine/Floratam is to be used in place of Bahia.
Mr. Dubb seconded the motion that carded 6-0.
8. Comments by Members
Mr. Aguila recommended that this board adopt a program similar to one in place
Beach whereby good architecture, good design, good landscaping, good sign progr
improvements to sites are recognized annually. He recommended that the mem
notice of things throughout the year that deserve recognition. Once a year a meetir
held to discuss these projects and one or two selections can be made in various c;
The City Commission can then issue certificates to those property owners and their
and designers commending them for their good work. Mr. Aguila said he visits many
and developers' offices and sees their certificates proudly displayed on their walls.
Mr. Aguila requested that a discussion of this item be placed on the next agenda. HE
forward ideas for discussion.
9. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the board. Mr. Aguila moved to adjc
meeting properly adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk
(Two Tapes)
ns and
ers take
[I can be
~vill bring
irn. The