Minutes 10-14-97MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING I~IELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische, Chairman Jos6 Aguila Mike Friedland Stan Dub6 Pat Frazier Maurice Rosenstock James Reed. Alternate Steve Myott, Alternate ABSENT Jim Golden, Vice Chairman Tambri Heyden Planning and ~oning Administrator ~ Jerzy Lewicki. Assistant Plannbr Michael Pawelczyk, Assistant ~ ;ity Attorney of Vice was not ~ERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. In the absen( Chairman Golden. Mr. Reed sat at the dais as a voting member. Ms. Heyd6 yet present. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 2. INTRODUCTION OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEM Chairman W~sche welcomed Vice Mayor Jamie Titcomb to the meeting and the members of the board. Attorney Pawelczyk, and the Recording Secretary. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the agenda. Motion Mr Dubb moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Mr. Aguila seconded which carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last m itroduced motion, ling. MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTBOARDMEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBEF .14, 1997 Mr. Lewicki explained that there are seven criteria to be met in determinir something is a major or minor site plan modification. If it is determined to modification, it will be sent to the Planning and Development Board. Mr. Aguila stated that the board rewews plans and projects, makes recomn and has a certain understanding of what the ultimate product is going to b~ developed. He would like to know if something that the board approved iS even if it is only slightly modified· He did not think the quarterly report containi information· leaving him to come to the worst conclusions. Mr. Rosenstock referred randomly to the freestanding sign for the Sunshi Shopping Center and stated that the quarterly report does not indicate the location or reason for the sign. At this time. Ms. Heyden arrived. She explained that the items on the qua~ all meet code, do not require any waivers, exceptions, or variances· and can administratively· If the board thinks some of these items should not administratively, then it is time to revisit the criteria for minor site plan modifii was the consensus of the board to place this item on the agenda for the, workshop with the City Commission and Chamber of Commerce. 2 whether a major ldations, once it is modified, ~d enough e Square ize, color, .~rly report handled handled ~tions. It upcoming have disapproved. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes of the September 23. 1997 ~eeting as submitted. Mr. Friedland seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 5. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1. Final City Commission Disposition of the agenda iter s from the last Planning and Development Board meeting This item was deferred until the arrival of Ms. Heyden B. Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor S te Plan Modifications In ooking at the quarterly report, Mr. Dubb felt too many questions are left ur ~nswered. He did not know if anybody is requesting a change on something that the bard might MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBE 14, 1997 A= Report from the Planning and Zoning Department Final City Commission Disposition of the agenda item= the last Planning and Development Board meeting Ms. Heyden advised the board that as of July, items to be ratified by Commission are placed on the Consent Agenda, At their last meeting, Commission approved Clear Copy as submitted. 2. Dillards Ms. Heyden advised that Dillards has decided to move into the Boynton B where Mervyns used to be located Since the site plan has been approved 0y I a year ago, they decided to scale down the store. However, it meets the criti minor site plan modification and will not come back to the board. The elevati submitted to the board as part of the site plan application. Staff has scruti elevations. The applicant has not changed anything other than shrinking the little. The applicant wil not be building a parking garage; however, the parki the garage that was part of the odginal approval will still be pavement. Mr. Aguila inquired about the archway: the board approved it. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearings Zoning Code Variance from the City the City ch Mall we board ;ria for a )ns were ized the uilding a ~g under Ms, Heyden advised that it will stay e) ~ctly like Fidelity Federal Bank Kevin McGinley 611 Ltd.. c/o Dan Goebel President 1501 Corporate Drive (Fidelity Federal ~ank) 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Request to allow a 5 foot variance f~'om the required setback of 10 feet for a mc~nument sign. I, All those who planned to testify this evening were sworn in by Attorney Pawelczyk, Mr. McGinley was present to answer any questions. MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 14, 1997 Chairman Wische opened the public hearing; however= no one wished to ad ress this item, Mr. Aguila thinks the s gn could be moved back further. He wondered how mdch of this is a sign visibility issue versus a drainage easement issue. Mr. Dub~ felt a hardship is involved in moving the sign; however, he felt thethardship was self-imposed. He asked Mr. McGinley if he has quotes on how much it i~going to cost to move the sign. Mr, McGinley did not know how much ii would cost to move the sign; ho~ pointed out that it is a substantial monument s~gn, and the swale starts rig southern edge of the s~gn. The sign company that installed the sign no longer them. The thrust of. his involvement was whether or not it is a health, safety ar issue, if the sign detracted from the integrity of the site, and if it imposed a traffic. The conclusion was that it is not. He requested that the board app request. Motion Mr. Reed movee to approve the request to allow a five-foot variance from the setback of 10 feet for a monument sign for Fidelity Federal Bank, Mr. Aguila the motion for the purpose of discussion. Mr. Aguila felt the sign could be moved back five feet, It will be within the be~ the swale, but there are hundreds of ways to support that sign without affei practical functional purpose of the swale. There is a reason for a ten-foot se1 such a busy road for signage, One of the reasons is the proximity to the traffic. concerned about being partially liable if somebody hit that sign. He pointed out is becoming a very busy intersection. He felt they should comply with the Code. Mr. Rosenstock concurred with Mr. Aguila and could not support this motion. that a five-foot sign of this type adjoining a main artery, which is becoming bu hazard. Mr, Fdedland felt the sign could be moved back without a great deal of expense Chairman Wische respected Mr. Aguila's opinion as an architect. The motion failed S-1. Mr. Reed was the only member to vote in favor of the mc ever, he ~t on the vorks for ~ welfare [hreat to 'ove this required .~conded nning of ting the Oack on He was that this He felt ier. is a ion. 4 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 14, 1997 Motion Mr. Dub~ moved to deny the variance to Section 5, Setbacks. requested Federal Bank. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 6-1 Mr. ReE dissenting vote. B. Site Plans New Site Plan Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Guardian Storage Gregory Miklos William H. Baker. c/o William F. Kou( Northeast comer of Congress Avenui S.W. 35th Avenue Request for site plan approval to ( 77,622 square foot mini-warehous, on a 3.78 acre parcel of land. Mr. Miklos was present to answer any questions. He agreed to all 'the staff cc Mr. Aguila referred to the landscape plan and the entrance that is the most used public entrance between buildings "A" and "E". He would ike the planting continued along the south side of building "A" and the west side of bi consistent with the rest of the landscape material. He pointed out that It is a and felt it needs to look a little nicer. Mr. Miklos agreed to the additional planting. Mr. Aguila inquired about the elevations of the buildings on 35th Avenue an( Avenue. Mr. Miklos advised that the half-wrung columns are about 12 inch going to project at least six inches beyond the face. He circulated color three colors of the building. Mr. Rosenstock asked if Mr. Miklos is affiliated with the other storage coml: area. Mr. Miklos stated that he is not affiliated with any other storage corn area. Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the new site plan for Guardian Storage loc; northeast corner of Congress Avenue and S.W. 35th Avenue. subject to staff and the addition of additional foundation planting landscaping on the so~ building "A" and the west side of building "E". Mr. Dubb seconded the mc carried unanimously. ~y Fidelity cast the ~. Jr. and nstruct a complex ~ments. ;ommonly 0undation lilding "E" :ocal point bundation Congress ~s and are dps of the my in that any in the ted at the comments th side of ion, which 5 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 14, 1997 8. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Some of the members of the board felt that the conditions of approval cont~ many unnecessary staff comments and that it would save time and paper if ~ eliminated. Mr. Dub8 referred to one comment that stated that City water mi used for irrigation where other soumes are readily available. He pointed ou; applicant is obviously going to comply with that comment, He referred tC comment that stated that Department of Health permits shall be required for' and sewer systems serving the project. He pointed out that they are not goi wa~er and sewer without the permit, and it-is the Utilities Department's job to ,, is done at time of permit or Certificate of Occupancy. He stated that sor conditions of approval have no bearing on this board's approval. Ms. Hoyden advised that the TRC has discussed this issue. There is a problen conceptual site plan process. We are not really getting conceptual site plans getting building permit level of detail type drawings. There is a lot of detail drawings and if there is accurate information on: those plans, we feel that ourselves trouble by making those comments now. The applicants are not res advantage of this being a conceptual site plan;process. When they go to the ~ (the building permit stage), they end up taxing these plans that have been sub the~ Planning and Development .Board ;a~d turn them back in wthout mai revisions and they think they can get a permit based on thesedraw~ngs. Mr. Aguila pointed out thal some of the comments are the same for everyl: suggested separating those comments~from the agenda packet. Mr. Rosenstock felt if the unnecessary comments were eliminated that these would not last as long. In addition, he p, ointed out that the purpose of tt meeting twice a month was to expedte; development. Howe~er, t~e did see the l of having a second meeting for the requests'th~lt have come before this board sd Ms. Heyden stated thai two or three weeks means a lot to a person who has invested. However, she will give people the option of waiting. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Mr. Rosenstock adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which unanimously. Recording Secretary (One Tape) 6 lined too ley were ~y not be that the another he water ~g to get ~e that it e of the with the We are )n these ~/e save ly taking ext step hatted to lng any )dy and leetings ~ board Jrgency far. money )ved to carried