TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M.
Stan DubS. Chairman
Jos6 Aguila
Robert Eisner
Maurice Rosenstock
Lee Wi$che
Steve Myott, Alternate
James Reed, Alternate
Jim Golden, Vice Chairman
Pat Frazier
Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner
Mike Haag, Current Planning
Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner
Chairman Dub6 called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag was recited.
Chairman Dub6 welcomed Vice Mayor Jamie Titcomb to the meeting and introduced
the members of the board.
Chairman Dub~ added "Discussion Regarding Combining and Eliminating City Advisory
Boards" under "Comments by Members".
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Eisner seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
APRIL 8, 1997
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last meeting.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1997 meeting as
submitted Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department
1. Final Disposition of Last Meeting's Agenda Items
Mr. Haag reported the following:
Boulevard Center - Land Use Plan AmendmenfJRezoning/Comprehensive Plan Text
Amendment - The City Commission remanded this item back to the Planning and
Development Board.
Crystal Key at Woolbright Place PUD - New Site Plan - The City Commission
unanimously approved this item sub.oct to all staff comments plus the comments made
by the Planning and Development Board regarding the cypress mulch and the
perimeter fencing. Approval was also subject to there not being any changes in the
perimeter buffer from what was previously approved by the City Commission. However,
the City Commission allowed the applicant to reduce the size of the Saw Palmettos to
24 inches.
Pollo Tropical at Shoppes of Boynton - Abandonment of a portion of a 15 foot wide
utility easement - This item is still tabled.
Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan
This report was provided to the members of the board for their perusal. Mr. Haag
answered some questions Mr. Aguila had regarding the freestanding s~gn for Polio
Tropical, the expansion of the non-conforming use for Showtime, and the reductio~ of
the required peripheral belt for Boynton Commerce.
APRIL 8, 1997
Chairman Dub~ was concerned about the Pete Rose Caf~ going into the Holiday Inn
because he felt the parking problem is going to get worse. Mr. Haag advised that the
applicant has to adhere to the number of seats licensed for that facility. Parking is
based on the number of seats in the facility. If the applicant increases the seats, he will
have to justify new shared parking.
A. Land Development Orders (Other Than Site Plans)
Time Extension
Brisson Medical Building
Monica Brisson
Dale and Monica Brisson
305 S.E. 23r° Avenue
Request for approval of a 20 month retroactive
time extension for a major site plan
modification and concurrency to expire
October 21, 1997.
Mr. Haag advised that staff recommended approval as identified in Exhibit "D".
Dale Brisson requested this extension so that he may proceed based on the approvals
received about a year and a half ago.
Mr. Rosenstock asked why nothing has been done yet. Mr. Brisson attributed this to
financing. Mr. Rosenstock asked if the financing is in place now, Mr. Brisson advised
that he has not received a commitment. Mr. Rosenstock asked why he did not request
a time extension prior to the deadline. Mr. Brisson stated that he has about 10 other
businesses, and this time extension just lapsed.
Mr. Aguila stated that several years ago, the City generally approved time extensions
because of the economic conditions. He does not feel that this request falls into this
category. He pointed out that Monica Brisson's letter requesting an extension does not
give any justification or explanation.
APRIL 8, 1997
Mr. Rosenstock moved to deny this time extension as requested for the Brisson Medical
Building located at 305 S.E. 23rd Avenue. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion.
Mr. Reed did not see any convincing rationale for approwng this time extension.
Mr. Rosenstock did not think there would be a problem approving a time extension if
the applicant had a letter of commitment from a bank or financial institution showing
that the financing is in place.
The motion carried unanimously.
With regard to the request for direction in the first paragraph on page 2 of Planning and
Zoning Department Memorandum No. 97-129, it was the consensus of the board that
retroactive time extensions should not be approved.
Grove Plaza
Julian Bryan and Associates
Dr. Walter H, Janke and Ms. Alice Fay
Southeast corner of Hypolu×o Road and
Lawrence Road
Request for approval of a one I1) year time
extension for subdivision master plan approval
and concurrency to expire March 19, 1998.
Attorney Jerry Nide represented the applicant and advised that this request for an
extension is timely. The reason for the delay in getting this project going had to do with
concurrency. He recently received a letter dated March 24, 1997 from the Palm Beach
County Department of Engineering and Public Works stating that the contract for the
widening of Gateway Boulevard from Congress Avenue to Military Trail has now been
awarded and this project meets the traffic performance standards of Palm Beach
County. Mr. Nide said'the phasing of this project was tied to the widening of Gateway
Boulevard. There were also problems with respect to getting sewer and drainage to the
site. The applicant is in the process of actively continuing the platting process and is
negotiating contracts with parties who are interested in this site.
Chairman Dub~ pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Department recommended
denial of this request based on four reasons. Mr. Nide and Mr. Bryan addressed those
reasons as follows:
APRIL 8, 1997
Staff Comment: This property represents speculative development as it has had a
commercial land use designation for almost seven years without building
Mr. Nide stated that when this property was annexed into the City, it was given a local
retail commercial land use designation because this parcel possessed a County
commercial Iow land use plan designation and because the narrow configuration of the
parcel would make residential development of the property very difficult. Mr. Nide
stated that the comments refer more to the merits of the master plan than to the request
for an extension.
At this time, Chairman Dub~ welcomed Mayor Jerry Taylor to the meeting.
· Staff Comment: The proposed uses do not m~nimize negative impacts on the
adjacent large lot. single family neighborhood to the south.
Mr. Nide stated that there is approximately 29,000 square feet of building area. On an
8+ acre site like this, you would typically see something in the range of 80,000 square
feet of retail. Therefore, this is substantially lower than what can possibly go on this site
in terms of retail development. This site was master planned to limit access to the
adjacent roadways, limit the impact on the adjacent roadways, and limit the curb cuts.
It is a Iow intensity development. When this project was first approved, there was a
condition of approval that at the time site plans are brought in for the individual parcels,
detailed site development regulations will be provided to govern architectural features,
access, lighting, design, etc. All of this will be master planned so there is a similar
theme regarding development of the property.
Staff Comment: The proposed ot arrangement (numbers of lots) and building layout
(lack of unified structures with architectural, landscape and signage controls) reflects
strip commercial and does not employ planning principles that will ensure an
attractive, quality development.
Julian Bryan, Planning Consultant for this project, was not certain what the basis for
these, comments were. He called staff several times; however, the Director has not
been able to return his calls over the last month and a half. He stated that this is the
same staff who reviewed this 18 months ago and did not have these comments. He
went through three TRC meetings regarding site planning issues, such as the rear
access drive that connects all six building pad sites and parcels, the location of access
points onto Hypoluxo Road. the placing of a wall along the rear property line, the
significantly greater building Setbacks that are presently required by Code. etc. There
are general notes on the plan representing that the first site plan would be the one that
APRIL 8, 1997
would establish the design guidelines, architectural elevation, building colors, textures,
roof details, signage, and uniformity of landscaping. The applicant recognized that
there needs to be a property owners association that will maintain the common
elements. Not only has this site been significantly underutilized, but the applicant has
provided additional safeguards with additional setbacks, wider landscape buffers~ and
placed the dumpsters about 60 feet away from the property line to try to minimize odor.
All of the dumpsters are set up so thatthey work in one direction
· Staff Comment: Development of this type will encourage similar development on
the vacant parcel on the southwest corner of Lawrence Road and Hypoluxo Road.
Mr. Bryan felt it would be good if the southwest corner was developed similarly. The
large national franchise people are going more often to freestanding sites. This would
provide an opportunity to have a group of freestanding sites with control and internal
circulation. There will be cross access easements internally for all vehicular access.
There is an opportunity to go from one site to another without going on the street. You
can go from the residential development area south on Lawrence Road into the site
without going on Hypoluxo Road and going through the intersection.
Mr, Nide advised that he had no objection to staff comment 2.
Mr. Myott pointed out that the general notes mention similar exterior colors; however.
they do not mention textures, s,gnage, or similar architectural forms or elements that tie
the site together. Mr. Nide stated that approval of the master plan was conditioned
upon bringing in site development criteria, guidelines, or standards that would govern
the development of the site at the time the applicant comes back with the first site plan.
Mr. Aguila wanted continuity of architectural style and he wanted all tenants to abide by
it, regardless of their corporate identity. Mr. Nide stated that he recently worked on a
similar situation in the City of Sunrise and developed guidelines that had a palette of
colors that were complimentary to each other, architectural styles that were
complimentary, and signage guidelines that were complimentary but would still
accommodate the umque requirements of the individual tenants to a degree.
Mr. Aguila stated that the two easternmost parcels are restaurants. Restaurants have
unique requirements such as loading, can washing, and cooler placement. He asked if
the applicant is confident that he is going to be able to isolate the smelly and noisy
activities from the residential to the south and other parcels. Mr. Bryan answered
affirmatively. He pointed out that the setback on the easterly structures is about 90 feet
from the south property line. This provides an opportunity to create a substantial area
north of the rear access road that connects the six parcels. This ~s one reason why the
APRIL 8, 1997
applicant placed the dumpsters to the greatest extent possible on the north side of that
Mr. Aguila asked when the road work will be finished Mr. Nide did not know.
Mr. Aguila wondered if the applicant will return to this board if this work takes more than
a year. Mr. Nide advised that the issue that solves the concurrency problem and allows
the applicant to go to the next phase of the development is the actual letting of the
contract. He did notthink the applicant has to wait for the actual construction.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for a one time only 12 month time extension
for the Grove Plaza project located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and
Lawrence Road, subject to all staff comments. Mr. Eisner seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
B. Site Plans
New Site Plan
Crystal Key at Woolbright Place PUD
Kenneth H. Kruger, P.E.
Kennedy Homes
East side of S.W. 8TM Street approximately
2.200 feet north of Woolbright Road
Request for site plan approval of a .32 acre
recreation area to include a pool, cabana and
parking facility.
Kenneth Kruger, Engineer for Kenneth Homes, agreed to all the conditions of approval
in Exhibit "C" except 12, and requested clarification of 13. Number 12 is a
recommendation only. The developer posted an amount of money to the City in lieu of
having to put any kind of recreation area in this project. He is providing the recreation
at his option. Kennedy Homes has built a number of communities throughout Palm
Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties and is familiar with what makes a successful
community. In addition, the single family lots are of sufficient size so that small
swimming pools can be built by the individual homeowners.
Mr. Myott asked if staff based this recommendation onthe Swimming Pool Code.
Mr. Haag advised that the Development Department felt that the size of the pool is
similar to a single family residential size pool and seems too small to offer as an
APRIL 8, 1997
amenity in this development of 83 homes. The pool is not too small according to City
Regulations; however, the Health Department's approval is required. Staff had
suggested that the applicant check with the Health Department. Mr. Kruger stated that
there will be a loading requirement.
At this time, Chairman Dub6 welcomed Commissioner Matt Bradley to the meeting.
Mr. Aguila inquired about the location and screening of the pool equipment. Mr. Kruger
advised that it will be located adjacent to the small cabana building that is adjacent to
the pool and will be screened or landscaped.
Mr. Aguila asked about curbs, He asked if there is going to be a s~x inch curb coming in
from the street to the first parking place and then wheel stops the rest of the way.
Mr. Kruger answered affirmatively. Hence. Mr. Aguila stated that where grass parking
is now shown, there will be no grass parking and no need to continue the hedge. Mr.
Kruger said that is correct. It will be paved parking.
Mr. Aguila inquired about trash pickup. Mr. Kruger advised that there will be a small
trash receptacle and the groundskeeper will empty it as needed.
Mr. Aguila commented on the numerous staff comments and felt it sends a message
that we do not want people to continue 'to build in this town.
Mr. Haag clarified comment 13. Staff wants the applicant to provide the dimension to
ensure it meets the setback from the intersection. Mr. Kruger had no problem with the
30 feet.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for site plan approval of a .32 acre recreation
area to include a pool, cabana and parking facility for Crystal Key at Woolbright Place
PUD, subject to all staff comments and the additional comment about screening the
pool equipment, filters, and pumps from view and sounds. Staff can work this out.
Mr, Reed seconded the motion.
Mr. Eisner inquired about comment 12 Chairman Dubb advised that the board agrees
with this recommendation: however, it is only a recommendation
The motion carded 5-2. Messrs. Rosenstock and Wische cast the dissenting votes.
APRIL 8, 1997
Hampton Innat Quantum Corporate Park
George F. White A.I.A. and Associates, Inc.
Boynton Beach Hospitality, Inc.
Northwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and
the E-4 Canal
Request for site plan approval to construct a
65,816 square foot (107 moms) hotel complex
on a 3.57 acm lot (Lot 1) in Quantum
Corporate Park.
Richard "Chip" Carlson, Esquire, represented the Boynton Beach Hospitality Inn, the
contract purchase of Lot 1. where the hotel is proposed. He advised that this is a
limited service hotel. It does not have a lounge, restaurant, or meeting facilities. It is
designed with the business traveler in mind and is intended to serve the Quantum Park
development .and Motorola. The design aspects of the project have been closely
coordinated with the needs of Motorola. The site is designated on the master plan for a
hotel. A larger facility is provided for on [he east end near 1-95.
Mr. Carlson referred to comment 14 on Exhibit "C" and advised that the Land
Development Regulations provide for two different kinds of loading requirements. The
one called for in comment 14 is for planned commercial developments, and this is a
planned industrial development district. Our loading requirements are found in Section
7 of the Code, not Section 6. Therefore. comment 14 does not apply. Mr Lewicki
agreed to remove this comment.
Mr, Carlson advised that comment 24 relates to how Lot 1 was set up with two adjacent
tracts; They were intended to be developed in a large package. However, we are only
dealing with Lot 1, which does not involve the lake to the west (Lot lA) or the canal
easement to the east (also Lot lA). Comment 36 relates to that issue. The Planning
and Zoning Department wants a covenant recorded that would separate Lot 1 from Lot
lA on the master plan and plat. That would make comment 24 moot. The Quantum
Community Development District is responsible for maintaining the water management
tract and the canal easement needs to be maintained by the Lake Worth Drainage
With regard to comment 35, Mr. Carlson stated that the applicant does not necessarily
have to move the greenbelt outside the easement. Mr. Lewicki agreed that if the
applicant can get the consent of FPL to have them overlap, there would be no problem.
Mr. Aguila asked for clarification of comment 36. Mr. Carlson advised that the plat of
this portion of Quantum Park ties LOt 1, which is what his client is purchasing, with Lot
APRIL 8, 1997
lA to the west, which is the water management tract serving Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the
Quantum Park development. It also ties Lot 1 with the Lake Worth Drainage. District
canal easement to the east. He thinks the intent was to provide for a more intensive
type facility on Lot 1 because it is surrounded with open space. Staff felt the better
approach is to separate Lot I and make it clear that it is a separate freestanding lot that
,does not involve the water management tract to the west and the canal easement to the
east. Mr. Carlson did not have any problem with this. This makes comment 24
academic because his .client would not be taking on the maintenance responsibility of
that. That belongs to the Community Development District.
Mr. Aguila asked if there is a plan for the future development of the east side of Lot 1.
Mr. Carlson advised that the plan is to bring in a separate freestanding restaurant once
the master plan is amended to allow that use in there. That restaurant would meet all
the property development regulations in that area that is designated for future
Mr. Myott ~nquired about the s~ze and use of the office structure, Mr. Carlson advised
that it is about 1,500 square feet and the intent is to have the office functions and
management functions of the hotel put into that separate building. There is some
thought about not going forward with a separate facility and bringing it back into the
hotel. He has discussed [his with staff and they indicated that if the applicant decides
to put the office in the hotel, it would be an administrative process.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if there are individual air conditioners under the windows in every
room and if the windows can be opened. Mr. Carlson answered affirmatively to both
questions. Mr. Eisner asked why there are individual window units as opposed to one
central unit. Architect James DeSpidto of George F. White A.1.A. and Associates. Inc.
advised that it is much more economical and energy efficient to have separate units in
each room.
Mr. Wische moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 65,816
square foot (107 rooms) hotel complex on a 3.57 acre lot (Lot 1) in Quantum Corporate
Park for Hampton Inn at Quantum Corporate Park, subject to staff comments with the
deletion of 24 and 14 and the modification of 35. Mr. EiSner seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
APRIL 8, 1997
Major Site Plan Modification
Old Dutch Mill Seafood Market
George C. Davis
Scott and Mary Jo Bills
1022 North Federal Highway
Request for approval of a major site plan
modification to remodel the existing building
exterior, add a 100 square foot addition and
reconstruct the parking lot on ,25 acres.
Mr. Aguila asked how the building is nonconforming. Mr. Lewicki advised that the
setbacks are nonconforming. Mr. Aguila asked how long it has been vacant.
Mr. Lewicki advised that it has been vacant for about two and a half years. Mr. Aguila
asked if there is a use problem with what the applicant is proposing to do. Mr. Lewicki
said there is no use problem because the use proposed is within the zoning
classification. However. the change of use triggers the major site plan modification
Mr. Aguila referred to the comment in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum
#97-126 that there ~s minimal landscaping on the site. but its quantity and location
cannot be verified as the submitted survey of the property Js deficient. He asked if staff
reviewed the current landscaping conditions to make an evaluation, or if they are
relying on the survey. Mr. Lewicki said he was hoping that the second submittal would
resolve the problem.
Mr. Aguila felt sign packages should be submitted and reviewed at the time this board
evaluates the rest of the site because signage has a major impact on projects.
Mr. Lewicki explained that the Code requires submittal of the sign package; however, it
also states that we cannot stop an application once it is in the process.
Architect George Davis agreed to all the conditions of approval on Exhibit-"C".
Mr. Aguila asked what the second floor is going to be used for. Mr. Davis stated that
the second floor is inhabitable and will be sealed off until the applicant has money to do
something with it.
Mr. Lewicki stated that the location of the screemng and rooftop equipment has to be
identified and expects that this issue will be resolved at the time of permit.
Mr. Myott stated that the plan is not clear with regard to the windows on the second
story and the trim. He suggested that the whole building be cleaned up. Mr. Davis
advised that the applicant plans to do that.
APRIL 8, 1997
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the Old Dutch Mill Seafood Market subject to all staff
comments. Mr. Wische seconded the motion.
Mr. Haag advised that the board could request the applicant to prepare a sign package
and have staff bring it back to them for review, Mr. Aguila did not want to slow down
this project. However, he would like to see sign packages with future applications,
particularly in major corridors and areas that are highly visible.
The motion carried unanimously,
C. Other
Parking Lot Variance
Old Dutch Mill Seafood Market
George C. Davis
Scott and Mary Jo Bills
1022 North Federal Highway
Request relief from Chapter 23 - Parking Lots,
Article I1~ Section H.3 to allow continuance of a
driveway onto Federal Highway, 74 feet from
the intersecting rights-of-way lines.
Mr. Davis advised that this variance ~s crucial in order to proceed with the work. it is a
very sma/ lot and the large garbage truck cannot get into the area to pick up the
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for relief from Chapter 23 - Parking Lots,
Article II, Section H.3 to allow continuance of a driveway onto Federal Highway, 74 feet
from the intersecting rights-of-way lines for Old Dutch Mil Seafood Market. subject to
staff comments. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
APRIL 8, 1997
Discussion Regarding Combining and Eliminating City Advisory
Chairman Dub~ asked the members of the board for their comments, since some of
them will not be able to attend the Commission meeting Friday. He stated that staff is
recommending that the number of members of this board be reduced to five.
Mr. Wische was unable to attend the last City Commission meeting. Therefore, he
requested to hear from the Commission. Commissioner Bradley advised that he
brought up the idea of sunset-ting all boards in order to create a level playing field from
which the Commission can begin to look at all boards from a staffing perspective.
Information is being gathered regarding what it costs the taxpayers to have staff people
at 22 different boards. He felt we need to look at consolidating some boards,
sunsetting some, and keeping others.
He would like to combine this board with the Community Redevelopment Advisory
Board. In addition, he would like to give some of the quasi-judicial duties of some of the
other boards to this board. He would like [o reduce some of the boards by giving this
board more responsibility. He could not imagine reducing the membership of this board
if it is given more responsibilities.
Mr. Wische inquired about a special master. Commissioner Bradley stated that in many
municipalities, quasi-judicial issues are resolved by a special master. This is another
option to consider. It may not be beneficial from a staff standpoint because you have to
pay a special master and an attorney to sit on the board. However. it takes some of the
liability away from the City and from the people who sit on the boards. The problem is
that it takes away public input and we are trying to get more people involved in the City.
The public input process is very important.
Mr. Myott said the Planning and Development Board does not seem to have much of a
community appearance type function. He felt this board shoulcJ be presented with
building plans so that they can get a better picture of what the project is going to look
like. Commissioner Bradley stated that if this board consists of experts in development.
planning, and community appearance, we might be able to accomplish all those things.
Chairman Dub6 advised that staff is going to recommended that this board meet twice
a month to expedite projects.
APRIL 8, 1997
Mr. Aguila said he sees projects going up in the City that he sees for the first time when
they are being built. He does not understand why this board does not have some input
on those projects. He felt ~he Board of Zoning Appeals, the Community
Redevelopment Board and the Planning and Development Board should be combined
and decide on all issues that affect developments, specifically items that impact the
public. It seemed to him that this board, is doing things in a vacuum without seeing
what is happening next door. Without looking at the whole picture and without having
full responsibility, he personally is lOsing interest and feels like he is wasting his time.
Mr. Rosenstock felt sunsetting all the boards is a bad idea. He felt that if there is a
problem with a particular board, the issue should stand on its own. He advised that the
Code Enfomement Board of Palm Beach County has had problems, and the County is
going to appoint three special masters in place of that board. He felt there should be no
more and no less than seven members on the Plan:ning and Development Board. The
Statute calls for this board be comprised of people in different areas of expertise to
decide what is best for the City. He felt the boards should be analyzed one by one.
He agreed with Mr. Aguila th~ this board should be able to look at the whole picture
and have some power. He felt 't is Unwieldy to have as many boards as we do just to
give people appointments. He pointed out that a lot of issues can be handled
Mr. Reed felt it was a good tactic to sunset all the boards because it can solve
problems without raising too many other issues.
Mr. Aguila was uncomfortable with the sunsetting of all the boards because it could
send a message to various board members that they are not appreciated
Chairman Dube felt this board has had more support from the Commission in the past
two years than it has had previously. He pointed out that this City Commission has
agreed with most of this board's decisions and puts more importance on what they say.
Mayor Taylor had no problem with Commissioner Bradley clarifying the action that the
Commission took at its last meeting. However, he did not want to make any comments
this evening because there is going to be a workshop on this issue Friday.
B. April 22"d Planning and Development Board Meeting
Mr. Haag advised that there will be a Planning and Development Board meeting on
April 22®. Messrs. DubS, Reed, and Aguila will be able to attend this meeting.
APRIL 8, 1997
Messrs. Rosenstock and Wische objected to meetings being scheduled on the Jewish
holidays. Chairman Dubb assured them that it will not count as an absence against
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned
at 8:53 p.m.
Eve Eubanks '
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)