TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1'1, '1997, AT 7:00 P.M.
Stan DubS. Chairman
Jim Golden, Vice Chairman
Robert Eisner
Pat Frazier
Maurice Rosenstock
Lee Wische
James Reed, Alternate
Tambri Heyden, Director of
Planning and Zoning
Mike Haag, Planning Coordinator
Jerzy Lewicki. Assistant Planner
Josh Aguila
Chairman Dub6 called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag was recited.
Chairman Dub6 introduced the members of the board.
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the agenda.
Mr. Wische moved to approve the agenda as presented. Vice Chairman Golden
seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last meeting.
Mr. Wische moved to approve the minutes of the January 11, 1997 meeting as
submitted. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
A. Report from Planning and Zoning Department
1. Final disposition of last meeting's agenda items
Ms. Heyden reported that the City Commission approved the site plan for Blockbuster
Video at Boynton Lakes Plaza, subject to all staff comments, as recommended by the
Planning and Development Board.
A. Site Plans
New Site Plan
Discount Auto Parts at Shoppes of Woolbright PCD
Michael Morton of Morton Group, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin. Trustee
East side of S.W. 8TM Street. approximately 300 feet north of
Woolbright Road
Request for site plan approval to construct a 6.492 square foot
automobile parts store on 0.64 acres in the Shoppes of Woolbright
Ms. Heyden modified comment number 33 to state "Certificate of Occupancy" instead of
"building permit". She also modified comments 34 and 36 to read "plat approval"
instead of "building permit".
Mr. Morton stated that the City Commission added the following condition to the
Developer's Order for Burger King: "The design elements approved for this site shall be
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
carried forward on all future development within the PCD." Mr. Morton stated that this
affects the two applications on [he agenda this evening. He vehemently objected to this
comment and said he was not present at the City Commission meeting when this
comment was added to the Developer's Order. Therefore, he was not aware of it until it
was put into the Developer's Order. He asked if it was the intentthat everything look
like Burger King and if Burger King ~s going to become the criteria for the balance of the
shopping center. He also asked what establishes Burger King as a criteda for
architectural design, control, and the architectural element for the Discount Auto Parts
project. He felt it would be ludicrous for all future developments on this property to look
like Burger King. He pointed out that all the outparcels have individual corporate
Ms. Heyden advised that this condition was recommended by the City Attorney. The
Community Design Plan rect uires buildings to be harmonious and compatible with one
another. Aisc. under a planned commercial development, there is language in the Land
Development Regulations that requires efficient and harmonious design and desJgns
that are related to one another. Therefore, there is an expectation that planned districts
be tied to one another so that they look like a unified comprehensive project.
Mr. Morton pointed out that usually the design of the shopping center is carried forward
into the outparcels instead of the outparcels dictating what the shopping center is
supposed to look like. He also pointed out that RaceTrac does not look like Home
Depot, and Cracker BarreJ does not look like anything else in the shopping center. He
said if he knew about this comment beforeh anti, he would not have allowed Burger
King to go forward.
Mr. Rosenstock felt it was a misstatement and m~snomer to say that Burger King is
setting the precedent or example of how Mr. Morton's shops are going to look. He felt
Mr. Morton is selling off any part of his development that he can to any organization he
can before any centralized theme or idea is set forth. He felt there has to be some
community responsibility on behalf of corporations that develop land within the confines
of a particular city. There should be unification of landscaping. There has to be some
element of tying the project together so that it does not look garish or uncoordinated.
He felt there has not been any attempt to unify this project with regard to design, color.
or landscaping.
Mr. Morton felt that if there was going to be continuity of a theme or color, it could have
been established from the start by attempting to make RaceTrac look like Home Depot.
It should have been established before Burger King was approved. Now is not the time
to set the theme to make everything else in the center have the design elements of a
Burger King.
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
With regard to tying in some elements. Mr. Morton agreed to make the landscaping on
the three outparcels totally compatible. The landscaping and lighting poles will be
compatible between these three projects.
The Food Court building will have some architectural compatibility with the Burger King
elements. It will have the same bronze standing seam roof instead of the blue roof that
is depicted on the drawing. A tile band will be used under the windows. The windows
will be redesigned on the building so that they will have some similarity to the design
elements of Burger King, including the color of the window frames, the same type of
entrance door frames, and the same bronze metal. Also. there is going to be a cap on
the top of the roof like the red cap one on Burger King. However, we are going to carry
the theme of the building color rather than the red So that it does not look exactly like
Burger King. The roof will be carried around all four sides of the building. In addition,
Discount Auto has agreed, to put an angle on their black metal fascia roof so that the
roof becomes a mansard style roof.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if the lighting that goes from RaceTrac to Cracker Barrel is going
to be different than the lighting proposed for the rest of the development. Mr. Morton
said he could not answer this question because he does not know what the lighting is
on the RaceTrac site and the Cracker Barrel site compared to what was approved for
Burger King. However, he said he is going to use the same light poles, the same light
fixtures, and the same style of landscaping.
Mr. Morton stated that comment 22 is the same as comments 34 and 36. With regard
to comment 33, Mr. Morton stated that the west buffer of the Woolbright Place PUD,
which runs from the north property line of the church to Ocean Avenue, was mandated
by a special agreement between the City, the developer, and Leisureville. He had to
install the hedges and that berm within a certain time period. However, Vice Mayor
Jaskiewicz asked him not to install them because she was having difficulty getting
agreement amongst the property owners of Leisureville regard ng what they wanted.
When she worked it out. he complied with the agreement. Simultaneously, he
submitted for permit which included that and the landscaping around the lake. At that
time, there was discussion between the landscape architects and the City as to the
littoral zones. He agreed to redo the plan. include littoral zones, and do it to the
satisfaction of the City Forester. The west buffer has been installed. He did not think
the condition that the west buffer of the Woolbrignt Place PUD (east side of S.W. 8TM
Street) that separates Purple Heart Way and the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD from the
residential development in the Woolbright Place PUD should be a condition of approval
for Discount Auto. He felt it should be a condition on whatever he does with the 14 ¼
acre parcel that still remains. He said it would serve no purpose to do anything with
that buffer. In fact. the Vinings put a buffer between their property and the proposed
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
Ms. Heyden advised that the buffers were installed without a permit. Mr. Morton has a
permit in. There were comments, but they have not been addressed. Mr. Morton has
revised his plans, but they have not been to the satisfaction of staff.
Mr. Morton said he put in the west buffer per an ordinance signed between the City
Commission and the developer. He applied for a permit for the installation of the
sprinkler system and the permit was issued. He installed the sprinkler system and put
the hedges m afterward. The hedge is now included on the lake maintenance plan
which is being revised.
Chairman Dubb inquired about the roof of the building. Ms. Heyden stated that she has
been working on this for two months with Mr. Morton and she is not going to agree to
anything until she sees it on paper. Chairman Dubb said he was referring to Discount
Auto, not the Food Court. Ms. Heyden advised that the City Commission was looking
for something to tie the buildings together. She said she told Mr. Morton that if he did
not like her version of what she feels ties the buildings together, to tell her what he is
offering. He offered nothing.
Mr. Rosenstock said the purpose of this board is to review plans, comment on them,
and advise the City Commission. He said Mr. Morton wants to bypass this board and
present plans only to the City Commission. He asked if Mr. Morton has complied with
the City Commission's request. Ms. Heyden was of the opinion that he has not. She
said even if the Commission had not made that comment, she would be before the
board tonight saying that there needs to be something to tie these parcels together.
They are very small, the buildings are very close together and are right up along the
street edge. It is more important to her to get these three parcels unified than it is to be
similar to some building that is set way back and is basically an industrial building.
Mr. Morton felt that instead of arguing about what is wrong with the Discount Auto
building, the Planning Department should be able to make recommendations as to how
they would like to see this building before it comes to this board. He stated that he
presented a typical corporate Discount Auto and if there ~s a problem with it, the
Planning Department should suggest what they would like to see on this build ~ng. In
absence of that, he is dealing in a vacuum. He said the comment states that the black
fascia should be replaced with a mansard roof on the south west and north, of a
texture, material, and color compatible with the mansard roof of Burger King. However.
it also states that to avoid monotony of highly visible building elevations, provide a
rhythmical pattern of off-sets on the west. He said either you have compatibility or you
do not. To him, monotony is making all the buildings look alike. He believes Discount
Auto is open to suggestions on how they can improve the look of their building. They
have a typical corporate building. Somebody needs to give them direction The City
needs to have the proper staff to help make these presentations more proper.
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
Vice Chairman Golden moved to recommend approval of the site plan for the Discount
Auto Parts to construct a 6,492 square foot automobile parts store on 0.64 acres in the
Shoppes of Woolbright PCD subject to staff comments with the modifications to items
33, 34, and 36 noted by the Planning Director and approved by Mr. Morton; that is.
changing "building permit" to "Certificate of Occupancy" in 33 and "building permit" to
"plat approval" in 34 and 36.
Mr. Morton felt comment 22 should be included. He said it is going on the master plan
and asked if it belongs there. Vice Chairman Golden would not include this in the
Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried 6-1 Ms. Frazier cast the dissenting
vote. (During discussion of the next project, Mr. Rosenstock changed his vote on this
project. Therefore, the motion carried 5-2.)
Mr. Morton asked if this board had any recommendations about how they would like this
building to look or if he has to continue to work in a vacuum. Mr. Eisner questioned if it
is up to the board to design or if it is up to the developer to bring ~n plans. Mr.
Rosenstock said he voted for this motion beca use it says what Ms. Heyden has been
saying from day one. He suggested that Mr. Morton make an appointment to see the
City Manager if he feels the Planning Department is not cooperative. He said maybe
something could be worked out if Mr. Morton asked the Planning Department what they
want and what they think would be a good viable landscaping plan, or if Mr. Morton
submitted some suggestions that tie the projects together. Mr. Morton advised that he
has met with the Planning Department dozens of times, and we are still hung up on the
language that came down from the City Commission. He has met with the City
Manager and the Mayor. and he is still looking for some kind of guidance. The issue is
that is states "make it look like Burger King". Mr. Rosenstock felt that was a
misstatement. Mr. Morton pointed out that Mr. Rosenstock voted in favor of the motion.
Mr. Rosenstock clarified that he voted for unification or some kind of coordination. If he
voted for making it look like Burger King, he wanted to change his vote to nay.
Mr. Wische suggested that Mr. Morton contact the City Attorney for clarification. Mr.
Morton said he has contacted the City Attorney and the City Attorney does not feel that
this should be such a major issue, but Mr. Morton feels it is. Mr. Morton advised that
the Planning Department has a recommendation for a more compatible elevation:
however, it is still subject to interpretation of the comment by the City Commission. He
felt there could be a more common sense, logical approach to handling this issue and
felt the City Commission should clarify their intent.
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
2. Project:
Food Court at Shoppes of Woolbright PCD
Michael Morton
Morton Group, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee
East side of S.W. 8th Street, approximately 450 feet north of
Woolbright Road
Request for site plan approval to conszrucz a 3,710 square
foot food court building on .49 acres in the Shoppes of
Woolbright PCD.
See discussion under Item 7.A. 1.
Chairman Dub~ did not feel that any four companies would rent one open space that
would allow access to everybody else's food. Mr. Morton said it is possible that the
interior floor plan might be divided.
Mr. Morton referred to comment 10 which states, "Provide certification by developer's
engineer that drainage plan complies with all city codes and standards." He pointed out
that the drainage information is shown on the engineering plans, and it is complete.
Also, staff mentions that the traffic is inconsistent with previously approved traffic. He
advised that according to his Traffic Engineer, the traffic study is acceptable.
Mr. Morton advised that this building will have a bronze metal standing seam roof. The
color of the building will remain the same. There will be a stucco cap, the same color
as the building, around the roof. The windows will be of the same bronze metal as the
Burger King. The entrance and the doors will be improved to add the same kind of
design elements as the Burger King doors. The landscaping for Burger King, Discount
Auto and this parcel will be revised so that they are compatible and acceptable to the
City Forester and the Planning Department. The roof will only be 25 feet high
However, there is a comment that states that the roof should only be 16 feet high
because Burger King is 16 feet high.
Mr. Morton requested that comment 8 be revised. He said the words "building permits"
make that whole sentence contradictory. He will comply with everything per the
Certificate of Occupancy.
He disagreed with comment 27. With regard to comment 42, he stated that according
to his Traffic Engineer, the traffic study was proper.
With regard to comments 47 and 49, he requested that the words "building permit" be
changed to "plat". Ms. Heyden agreed to this. She also changed the last sentence in
comment 42 to read, "Prior to the building permit issuance, obtain a letter from Palm
Beach County which approves the January 17, 1997 revisions to the traffic study." She
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
explained that Mr. Morton's engineer transmitted the traffic study to the County without
forwarding it to us for forwarding to the County. Mr. Morton apparently received a
verbal agreement from the County; however, it is not in writing. Mr. Morton advised that
he has a letter from the Director of Development that states that the traffic study was
accepted. He pointed out that he needed to do a traffic study before he could get
Kennedy, Burger King, and Cracker Barrel approved. He said Ms. Heyden should have
a copy of this letter, if not, he will give her one. However. he did not want a condition
that puts the onus on him to go through the City's records. Ms. Heyden said the
procedure is that Palm Beach County reviews traffic studies. Mr. Morton said he will
bring in this letter.
Mr. Wische asked when the traffic study was made. Mr. Morton advised that it was
made about six or seven months ago. Ms. Heyden advised that the revisions are dated
January 17, 1997. Mr. Morton said the revision was strictly for this particular
application. The original traffic study was approved. It was a requirement of the City
Commission on a prior approval. The January 17th letter states that they have attached
tables to show how the Food Court and these applications fit into the previously
approved traffic study. It is not a traffic study. It only proves to the City that there is no
change from the original traffic study. Ms. Heyden advised that any revisions to traffic
studies are reviewed by Palm Beach County and they are tied to that particular project.
That is why this comment is tied to this project. She clarified for Mr. Morton that she
has no verification that the rewsions dated January 17TM have been approved. She has
the revisions, but she does not have the approval of the rews~ons. Mr. Morton asked if
it is his job to get the approval from the County. Ms. Heyden stated that his Traffic
Consultant forwarded the revisions to Palm Beach County; therefore, she felt it would
be best for Mr. Morton to follow through on the approVaJ
Chairman Dub6 expressed concern that a revised drawing, new renderings, etc. could
be presented to the City Commission meeting without this board ever seeing them Mr.
Morton advised that this will be heard by the City Commission on March 4t~, Chairman
Dub6 pointed out that this board is approving a site plan that is landscaping only.
Mr. Rosenstock did not understand how this board can be asked to approve anything
that it does not see. He did not think this board should even vote on this. Mr. Morton
asked that the board vote on the elevation that was displayed. He pointed out that he
offered to change this elevation to try to accommodate some of the issues.
Mr. Rosenstock wished to change his vote on the last project to nay. He said he did not
notice comment 27 which states. "With the approval of Burger King, the City
Commission required that the design elements approved for Burger King site shall be
carried forward on all future development within the PCD." He felt Mr. Morton is correct
and that this is a wrong statement. Chairman Dubb instructed the Recording Secretary
to change the vote on the last project.
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
Mr. Rosenstock moved that this board reject this project as set forth now because we
do not have the plans and specifications that will be presented at the time of the City
Commission meeting. Ms. Fraz~er seconded the motion, which carried 5-2. Chairman
Dub8 and Mr. Reed cast the dissenting votes.
Since this board is not able to correctly vote on this project, Chairman Dubb requested
that the City Commission return it to this board Mr. Morton stated that under the
expedited approval process, he is not to be delayed. He will present the amended
drawihgs of the Food Court to Ms. Heyden by next Tuesday and requested that this
board reconvene before the March 4th City Commission meeting.
Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that Mr. Morton knows when these meetings are scheduled
and questioned why he did not bring in the revised plans this evening. Mr. Morton
explained that he had no intentions of revising the plan and had made this clear to the
Planning Department, the City Manager, and the City Attorney. He offered to change
the plan by installing a bronze metal standing seam roof and a band on top of the roof
that is compatible with the band on Burger King. He is going to attempt to put some
kind of coml~atibility on the windows so that they are the same color as Burger King.
He felt the members of the board could have visualized these improvements and
pointed out that when they have previously d sagreed with the design of other projects,
they did not reject them. they sent the~ back ~nd told the app ca~t to make changes
to them. They did 'not have to come back before this board. This is what he was
proposing this evening. He offered to show the board the revisions that are
con[e, mplated, along with any changes to;the Discount Auto elevations.
Ms. Heyden advised.that all of what Mr. Morton has offered to do with the building
would satisfy staff's comments. Chairman Dubb was in favor of approving this subject
to the current staff conditions, but not subject to the Planning Department's approval.
He advised that this board could meet again on February 25, 1997 if necessary.
Mr. Rosenstock said he does not always agree with staff and felt this board is entitled to
the courtesy and option of exercising its authority and should not be usurped or
bypassed. If approved by the City Commission. he felt this should come back to this
Mr. Wische knew of someone who is interested in putting an Enterprise Auto Leasing
on a certain piece of property and requested him to get a consensus from this board.
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
Vice Chairman Golden did not think the board had enough information to comment on
At this time, Chairman Dubb acknowledge the presence of Commissioner Jamie
Ms. Heyden advised that the property Mr. Wische is referring to is a parcel on the west
side of Federal Highway, immediately south of Nothin' But Ribs. which is on the corner
of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Federal Highway. The property came before the
Commission three years ago as "Williams' Auto Sales". The property is zoned C-4.
Sales of used autos requires conditional use approval in the C-4 zoning district. The
department made a recommendation for approval; however, the City Commission
denied it.
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned
at 8:20 p.m.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
('Two Tapes)