Minutes 07-09-96 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1996, AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT J. Stanley Dub6, Chairman Jos6 Aguila Robert Eisner Barry Hill Lee Wische James Reed, Alternate Pat Frazier, Alternate ABSENT Jim Golden, Vice Chairman Maurice Rosenstock Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Develop. Administrator Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner L L 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Dubb called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 2. INTRODUCTION OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Dubb introduced the members of the board. Mrs. Frazier and Mr. Reed sat at the dais as vOting members. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Aguila moved to move up Item 7.D.1 and hear it after Item 7.A.1, since both items pertain to the Riverwalk Shopping Center. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES With regard to the minutes of the June 11, 1996 meeting, Mr. Aguila said there is no reference to staff comment number 6. He asked if this was a typo, if we missed something, or if the original staff report did not contain a comment number 6. Also, in the seventh paragraph on page 20, the word "principal" should be "principle". Motion Mr. Wische moved to approve the minutes of June 11, 1996 meeting as amended. Dr. Eisner seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the minutes of the June 25, 1996 meeting. Mr. Wische seconded the motion. Mr. Aguila complimented the Recording Secretary for doing a good job on a very cumbersome motion. The motion carned 7-0. 5. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1. Final Disposition of Last Meeting's Agenda Items Ms. Heyden reported that the Notice of Proposed Change to the DRI Amendment for Quantum Park went to the City Commission last Tuesday, along with the use approval for CarMax and a land use change and rezoning to bring in Lots 80, 81, and 82 into the DRI. The latter was tabled until the DRI amendment can catch up. The Quantum Park use approval was approved subject to staff comments and the recommendations of the Planning and Development Board. There was one change with regard to the timing of the greenbelt plans. At the board meeting, a decision was made that the plans be submitted within 90 days after the approval. That timing was moved up to prior to first site plan approval submitted for a perimeter lot. The land use amendment was approved for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs, subject to staff comments. After a very long and tedious meeting, a compromise was reached with regard to the Notice of Proposed Change to the DRI amendment. The DCA was present at the meeting. It was decided that the applicant would revise the master plan to reftect staff comments. Therefore, it was not attached to the DRI with all the comments written into the DRI. She expects to receive the master plan tomorrow. The second reading of the Ordinance for Quantum Park to add in all the conditions and changes, will take place at the next City Commission meeting. In addition to agreeing to revise the master plan, Quantum Park agreed to designate Lots 53 and 54 as Government/Institutional. These are the school lots which are on the west side of Quantum Boulevard. They agreed to changing the timing of getting the traffic reports for future site plans to monitor the operating conditions Gateway, 1-95 and Gateway, and High Ridge Road to the time of site plan rather than building permit. They MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 agreed to change the master plan to reflect the cul-de-sac as being public. Ms. Heyden is still researching to determine whether excess landscaping will be required. Quantum Park agreed to incorporate the hotel traffic as part of th e overall commercial traffic, and agreed to the square footages included in the staff report. Those square footages were slightly lower due to changes since the 1983 ADA to allow additional land uses which correspondingly decreased the commercial square footage Quantum agreed to upgrade the sewage lift station: on Park Ridge Boulevard when the capacity ~s exceeded It is predicted that, based on sewage flows, when the additional commercial comes in, the lift station will need to be upgraded. There were 30 commercial acres that were part of the DRI. Quantum was requesting a total of 83 total acres of commercial. The City Commission required them to reduce that to reflect 30 acres, plus CarMax. They are also required to indicate the commercial lots on the master plan that is attached to the development order. Th e commercial will total approximately 47 acres. Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan Modifications Ms. Heyden advised that the handout, which was included in the back-up packet, listed all commercial and residential permits that were rewewed as part of the building permit process. These are site plan waivers and minor site plan modifications which do not come to this board for review. The purpose of providing this information is to make the board aware of wh at is coming and what staff is reviewing administratively. Mr. Aguila asked for clarification of the item regarding a red neon stripe on top of Carrabba's Restaurant on the Target ou[parcel. Ms. Heyden stated that staff has turned it down, and if they want to pursue it, they have to file an administrative appeal. Chairman Dubb acknowledged the presence in the audience of Commissioner Jamie Titcomb. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (Postponed from June 11, 1996 Meeting) Project Name: Agent: Owner: Public Storage, Inc./Planning Area 1.q. Mike Carter Construction, Inc. Public Storage, Inc. MEETING MINUTES PLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENTBOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Location: Description: Planning Area 1 .q. - West side of South Federal Highway between Old Dixie Highway and the Gulfstream Mall Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan, Section 1.q. of the Future Land Use Element, Section VIII Land Use Problems and Opportunities, as,it applies to property at 3000 N. Federal Highway. Roger Borthwick, representing Public Storage, requested a land use designation change from Retail Commercial to General Commercial for the self-storage facility located at 3000 N. Federal Highway. This proposed change would unify the land use designations that are currently bisecting the property. They are now designated as both Retail Commercial and General Commercial. The unification of these land use designations would enable the applicant to proceed with future improvements of the existing facility. The site is contiguous with commercial properties to the west and to the north and, therefore, would not create an isolated commercial district. The existing facility is a Iow intensity trip generator, which does not adversely affect the surrounding residential and retail commercial uses. According to the institute of Transportation Engineers, the facility only generates an average of 39 trips per day. Self-storage facilities are characteristic of retail uses. The facilities are used largely by residential customers who select these facilities mainly on the basis of convenience. However, they are also used by a number of retail, commercial and professional clientele. For these reasons, the change of land use designation and subsequent property improvements will absolutely have no adverse affects on the surrounding properties. This land use change will also enable the applicant to improve the existing facility and provide enhanced service to his current and future customers. Chairman Dubb asked if this involves only one piece of property or the whole area. Ms. Heyden explained that the text amendment which was submitted with the application included the words ,'existing commercial uses". The proposal was to change the zoning and land use of all the properties on the side of Federal Highway that had existing commercial uses on them. She pointed out that the problem is not necessarily with this piece of property. The exhibit shows which properties are built and have existing commercial land uses on them. This would not be contiguous, The problem is that by opening uP C-3, you open up a whole bunch of different land uses and zoning. We compared the Deiray Beach Plan Amendment, which is contiguous to the south, to our Comprehensive Plan relative to what it recommends for Federal Highway versus Old Dixie and found them to be quite similar the way they are right now. If we change this right now, we Will be opening it up to other uses that we do not want in a C-3 zoning district in this area. Within the next year, we will probably look at this area and see what other uses, besides what is already allowed, could be allowed subject to special landscaping, lighting, MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 etc., but not necessarily opening it up to an additional zoning district. In her opinion, it would be premature to do this now and this would not be looking at it in a comprehensive fashion. She recommends holding off on this. Mr. Aguila questioned whether staff would have taken a different approach if the applicant had requested the change on his parcel only. Ms. Heyden responded negatively, and reiterated that the entire area needs to be looked at as a whole. She stated that when the City Commission approved the change for mini warehouses, there was discussion about allowing mini-warehouse uses ~n zoning districts other than C-3. It can be designed in such a way that is more retail-oriented. It appears to be along the lines of what Delray Beach is looking for. In the rear, they want to introduce manufacturing uses that appear to look like retail uses, or with special conditions that will not have the impact that manufacturing uses have. But this needs to be done ~n a comprehensive manner. A study needs to be done, with conditions written in. Chairman Dub~ fully agreed with staff comments A, B, C, and D. Motion Mr. Aguila moved to deny the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan, Section 1 .q. of the Future Land Use Element, Section VIII - Land Use Problems and Opportunities, as it applies to property at 3000 North Federal Highway, Public Storage, Inc. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearing Conditional Use Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Riverwalk Shopping Center f.k.a. Causeway Shopping Center Michael Carey Florida Boynton Investment, Inc. Robert Armstrong, President East side of Federal Highway and 150 feet south of Woolbright Road (1600 S. Federal Highway) Request for conditional use approval to add a drive-through window to the west end of the Walgreen's Drug Store, a new 4,115 square foot restaurant on a leased outparcel and 10~130 square feet to the east end of the shopping center; demolish 11,061.95 square feet of floor 5 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 space to replace with parking; demolish 5,000 square feet of mezzanine within the east building; and modify the existing driveways and parking layout. Mr. Haag stated that the staff reports contains an unusual amount of comments. He explained that those comments were generated by all the staff. There are 72 comments. During the first review, there were more than 80 comments. Due to some changes that the applicant made in the site plan, some additional comments had to be generated. Aisc, the applicant and design professional answered some of the comments in a written description rather than applying the information and notes on the plans. Therefore, staff had to add comments. Ms. Heyden explained that the way the site plan process is set up, the Technical Review Committee does not have the opportunity to hold back a plan if they feel it is premature for it to go forward. We have a certain number of days to process plans. If the comments are problematic and require redesign and could not be done at the time of the building permit, staff recommends denial. However, we are required to pass them on, regardless of how many comments. Mr. Aguila stated that there are some nonsensical, generic-type comments that do not need to be included. They are informational and administrative commen[s addressed to the applicant. He sees this with every application and those comments just use up paper, are not necessary, and make the picture look worse than it is. Every developer and applicant knows he has to meet MCTU traffic standards, City of Boynton Beach driveway design standards, and all the other code standards that exists in this City and other cities. He felt staff was stating the obvious. Mr. Haag explained that in the past, when these types of comments were excluded, when the applicants turned in the permit documents they would claim that the Commission approved the oroject that way. This has put staff in a position where they have to cover just about every issue that is not shown. Michael Care¥, Care¥ Company, 218 Westminster Road, West Palm Beach, is the applicant for Riverwalk Shopping Center. He distributed a handout describing the items he disagrees with. On the conditional use approval for the site plan, there are seven comments that are covered by the variance requests. The number on the comments refers to the comments he received from the Planning and Zoning Departmenl Some of them address the same ~ssue. He accepted all of the 75 conditions for approval except for those that require the variances that he ~s requesting. Aisc, he made comments for three additional items. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY9,1996 Comment number 7 requests Traffic Irt pact Analysis. This Chapter and Section do not relate to the applicant. They submitted the traffic statement, and there is no square footage increase in the plan as per the existing shopping center. Comment number 21 references closing one of the bank driveways. He was not sure which driveway staff is referring to (the one on [he highway or one of the internal driveways), n the first series, they recommended closing one of the driveways in the shopping center on U. S. #1, and the applicant did close one of them. In addition, this will require the bank's approval. In response to a question posed by Chairman Dub6, Mr. Carey indicated that the bank only owns the parcel they are on. There is an ex~sting cross-easement agreement that requires their approval for modifications. Comment number 24 is a recommendation to narrow the width of the aisles in the parking area from 30 feet to 27 feet. Winn-Dixie requires a 30 foot width in their aisles for the primary area. This was the extent of his comments for the conditional use approval. Mr. Haag confirmed that Mr. Carey was correct that the first seven items deal with the parking lot variance which is the next item on the agenda. With regard to comment number 7, Mr. Carey is correct to an extent. We still have a problem on the total square footage of the project. Mr. Carey is showing that there is not going to be any net added square footage, gross or leasable square footage. We still have a problem with reading the plans for identifying the total square footage. If there is no increase in square footage, comment number 7 can voided. [t appears the way Mr. Carey has the plan, that it is not going to generate any additional square footage. Mr. Haag said he clarified comment number 21 with the City Engineer. The driveway that the City Engineer wants closed is the south internal cross-access between the Riverwalk Shopping Center and the bank. Mr. Haag stated that comment number 24 was a recommendation by the Engineering Department to reduce the aisles from 30 feet to 27 feet. With regard to comment number 21, Mr. Carey said that site has a one-way access through it. He did not think it would be a good idea to close it off and force all vehicles back out onto the highway. In addition, it provides better circulation on the site for emergency vehicles. He stated that this is not a major drive. It is generally an exit. Furthermore, he did not have the ability to close it off without NCNB's approval. Mr. Aguila pointed out that if someone is driving north and misses his turn into the Riverwalk Shopping Center, he might pull into the opening at the bank and come back. Aisc, if you are parked along Federal Highway towardS the north end of the bank's parking MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 stalls and do not want to go back to the entrance where the traffic light is, you might sneak out where cars are coming and getting ready to turn right It is busy there, plus you would be going into traffic that is circulating counterclockwise towards you. That is dangerous. Mr. Carey pointed out the locations of the two driveways, one of which the applicant proposes to close. He stated that the code has a two driveway limit per street frontage. Mr. Aguila felt the driveway ~s in the right place and that it does not make sense to move it north, as recommended by the Engineering Department. He was ~n support of leaving the cross-access driveway open and leaving the driveway where it is. Mr. Aguila did not think the drive-through makes a lot of sense. He pointed out that the service at Walgreen's Pharmacy is very slow. He thinks there will be a pile up of cars, and wild not be very attractive or this elevation. This is the one item he is least supportive of on this ~)roposal Chairman Dubb pointed out that this is the new trend. Mr. Carey advised that the drive-through window is for prescnptions only. Mr. Aguila questioned the limits of the privacy wall on the property line on the south side. He asked if Mr. Carey is on ~y proposing that for the portion of the site that is adjacent to residential. Mr. Carey responded affirmatively. Mr. Aguila asked what happens when you get to the corner of the outparcel. He asked if it swings north or stops at the corner on the south property line. Mr. Carey said it stops right at that corner. Mr. Aguila questioned the zoning of the corner parcel. Mr. Haag advised that it is zoned C-3. Mr. Aguila referred to the Cabbage Palms in the main portion of the parking lot. He did not think they are attractive and suggested that they be replaced with Laurel Oaks. Mr. Carey agreed to this. At this time, Chairman Dub~ acknowledged the presence in the audience of Mayor and Mrs. Taylor, and Commissioner Tillman. Mr. Aguila referred to the note that says all landscape islands have six inch raised concrete curbs, etc. He asked if that includes the six pods in the main portion of the parking lot where Mr. Carey just agreed to put the Laurel Oaks in. Mr. Carey believes that is a requirement where landscaping meets a parking space. Mr. Aguila asked why the least amount of architectural enhancements were made to the east elevation. He pointed out that this elevation is visible from the Intracoastal. Mr. Carey said he attempted to make this elevation a lot simpler than the back of a Winn-Dixie usually looks. They designed the only covered truck loading areas that he knows of on a Winn- Dixie where the truck backs into a cove that is half covered to simplify it and make it as gracious as a back of a Winn-Dixie can possibly look. There is nothing hanging out of it or protruding from it. The back wall is high enough to screen any equipment that currently MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 exists and that will exist on the roof so that it will not be obvious from the Intracoastal. He was also trying to enhance the landscaping in that area. He met with one of the neighbors across the Intracoastal who requested that more mature material be planted there, and Mr. Carey agreed to that. He said he promised this neighbor that when the planting is done. he will not be able to see a truck there. Mr. Haag said staff comment number 40 indicates that we cannot encroach into a parking lot with that type of raised curb. Staff recommends moving that landscaped area the areas identified as basket corrals. The applicant agreed to that condition Parking Lot Variance Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Riverwalk Shopping Center f.k.a. Causeway Shopping Center Michael Carey Florida Boynton Investment, Inc. Robert Armstrong, President East side of Federal Highway and 150 feet south of Woolbright Road ¢1600 S. Federal Highway) Request for three variances from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article Ih 1) Section F - Drainage, to reduce the required 2.5 inches on-site containmenl of storm wazer to .5 inches; 2) Section H.3 - Distance from streets, to reduce the required distance from the intersection of U.S. No. 1 and Woolbright Road of the west driveway located on Woolbright. Road from 180 feet to 158.5 feet; and 3) Section H.5 - Clearance at major driveways, to reduce the required distance of the interior access aisle to the west driveway on Woolbright Road from 100 feet to 25 feet and the existing middle driveway on U. S. No. 1 from 100 feet to 87 feet and 25 feet for the access aisles on the north and south sides (respectively). With regard to Item 7. D.1, Mr. Wische noticed that page 28 is missing from the back-up packet. Aisc, two comments were numbered 11. The first one should be numbered 10. At this time, a recess was declared so that the Recording Secretary could make copies of page 28 for everybody. Mr. Carey advised that this request contains three parts. First, the west driveway on Woolbright Road is only 158.5 feet from the intersecting R-O-W lines of U.S. 1 and Woolbright Road. The code requires it to be 180 feet from that point. He agreed with staff's condition that if the variance is approved, he would add the triangle raised median, the signage, and extend the curbing referenced in condition number 8. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Mr. Haag said that was correct. The distance required is 180 feet. Staff's recommendation for that section of the parking lot variance was for denial of the reduced dimension. Staff recommends closing that off so that there is only one ingress/egress to the site on Woolbdght Road. However, additional staff comments at the end of the report indicate that if the Commission approves the applicant's request, staff recommends that additional improvements be made to the intersection. Chairman Dub~ pointed out that this would leave just one entrance to the bank from U.S. 1. Mr. Haag said staff recommends closing this driveway because of the movement of traffic and anticipated traffic build up in the area. Staff recommends that there be a 100 foot throat. Mr. Wische feels the 158.5 foot distance is a lot better than blocking off the driveway and forcing the traffic through one central point. Comment number 9 deals with a variance for the length of the access aisle. Currently, the Code requires 100 feet when you enter the driveway before you can make a turn into an access aisle for parking on the entrance for major driveways. The entrance to the north meets that requirement. However, the ma~n entrance off U.S. 1 does not meet that requirement. The applicant has extende(: the island on the north side of the driveway approximately 87 feet. This would be 13 feet short of the requirement. On the south side, the applicant agreed with staff's comment number 9 to remove the parking spaces so that there is free access for that turn and somebody backing out of a parking space will not inhibit the traffic flow. If the variance is approved, the applicant agrees to remove all the oarking spaces and add landscaping pursuant to comment number 9. Mr. Haag concurred with Mr. Carey. He said the TRC recommended denial of the request to reduce this to 87 feet and 25 feet, even with the recommendations mentioned by Mr. Carey. Staff recommended closing this off entirely and relocating a driveway to another location. Mr. Carey did not think that was a good idea. He said we are meeting the city requirement and starting to conflict with other agencies' requirements. When we push that major entrance closer to the intersection, it creates more of a problem by integrating the traffic coming into the shopping center with people making right turns. He pointed out that these are existing curb cuts and driveways. The shopping center ~s approximately 30 years old. This is a major improvement to the site. in 1989, a variance for the locations of the drives was approved. Mr. Carey said comment number 10 relates to a variance request for the particular drainage provision requiring 2.5 inches of on-site containment to allow us to have .5 inches of on-site containment for dry retention. A variance was approved in 1988 or 1989 for this item for zero containment. The applicant is adding a half inch of containment and 17,000 feet of permeable surface area (landscaping) in other areas that will accept drainage and run-off. The applicant is meeting all other drainage requirements of the South Florida 10 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Water Management District and the City. This req Jirement is to settle the dirty water out so that the sediment can settle and the water that flows off the site into the Intracoastal is cleaner. The first half inch of storm water is the dirtiest. The last inch of storm water is less important. The applicant agrees with staff's comment number 10 to add the two storm water outfall pollution control devices and provide the maintenance contract for control devices. When this variance was approved in 1989, it did not have any additional retention It was .0 additional retention, but it had the two storm water outfall pollution control devices. The applicant agrees to add the filtration and control devices. Mr. Haag concurred that variances were approved in 1988. Staff recommends denial of this request, but if th e Commission approves th s, staff recommends that the previously- approved pollution abatement structures be placed where it outfalls into the Intracoastal. The applicant agreed to this condition as contained in comment n umber 10. Mr. Carey said this project is a major improvement to this location, and a substantial improvement for the area and the community. It will bring in jobs, taxes, and landscaping. Every item has been ~mproved. Every item,in drainage has been improved. Dry retention is only one item contained in drainage. The applicant feels these requests are reasonable particularly in light of the fact that this is an existing center. It has particular ~roblems that relate to redeveiepi[~g the site. There is a lot of enthusiasm in the community for this project to move forward. Mrs. Frazier asked hew much it will cost to redo the shopping center. Mr. Carey advised that it will cost appr0ximately $6 million in construction costs; excluding land costs. This center will be redesigned. This center is needed. There are 28,000 people in a two mite radius served by one inadequate Publix that is not located well. He said he would be afraid of how long that site wil! remain there. This is a 63,000 square foot grocery. This does not exist anyplace in Palm Beach County. It has an eat-in cafe area and a gourmet food area. This is Winn-Dixie's new prototype. They want to make this store an upgrade of their image. Mr. Haag advised that during the recess, one of the board members expressed concern about the pedestrian crosswalk that goes from Sunshine Square to the current Causeway Shopping Center. This issue was discussed by the TRC. The Engineering Department called FDOT to see if the crosswalk will remain in place when the resurfacing of Federal Highway is done. Their response was affirmative. They are not opposed to working with the developer to come up with a post-mounted light on the property to indicate the same traffic signal as at the pedestrian crosswalk. Mr. Carey was in agreement with that. He feels the current condition is confusing. He will comply with DOT's recommendation. Mr. Carey advised that the submittal shows landscaping for the median in the highway for the length of the property; however, DOT's plan are for a concrete median. He indicated his willingness to move that material from there to the bridge approach. Mr. Aguila would ]! MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 like Mr. Carey to pursue leaving it where it is. Mr. Haag said not the entire frontage of the property will have concrete. The left turn lane will be extended onto Woolbright Road; however, some portions will be landscaped. He advised that the City Forester is working with FDOT on the materials to be planted. Mr. Haag reiterated that the Planning and Zoning Department recommends closing the driveway and relocating it to another area. He asked Mr. Aguila what his main objections to this were. Mr. Aguila said he would take a different approach if this was a virgin piece of land with nothing on it. However, this is a substandard, 30-year old dump that is an eyesore. The applicant is putting a ton of money into it. This is the first time in many years that anyone has seriously come forward to do something with this proper~y. The applicant is notdesign~ng th s from scratch; therefore, he has to work with as much as he can while still making this a profitable venture. Mr. Aguila feels this is going to make Boynton Beach a better place and that the applicant is making a big improvement. The applicant is adding a lot of landscaping, Painting, and tearing down ugly portions of the building. Although it is not Meal for the driveway to be where itis, it is where the traffic signal is for pedestrians, it is where everybody ~s used to it being, and it is where the natural access is in front of the storef~ont. Mr. Aguila safd it makes sense, based on what is there today, not based on virgin land. He would not support making them move the driveway. Mr. Haag said staff recommended closing this driveway and moving it north of the pedestrian access so that there will not be any conflict with vehicles exiting the site and turning right. Aisc, staff has not received anything in writing from the applicant or FDOT indicating that any relocation in this area is [oo close to that intersection. Another problem is that even if this area is landscaped, you still have a turning movement. People coming down Woolbright who want to get there will have to make a u-turn to get into the site, or enter the site off Woolbright, which means cutting acreSS in front of incoming traffic. These two scenarios could back vehicles into the right-of-way. The relocation of the driveway would minimize some of the possibility of backing up into U.S. 1. Mr. Carey thinks the recommendations made by staff if the variance is approved would mimmize that movement. In addition, that movement is prob~tbly a fraction of the movements to get into that drive through. He said people negotiate turns in parking and driving all the time. Every single move cannot be managed. Dr. Eisner inquired about the pedestrian problems. Mr. Reed explained that when the light on U.S. I turns red to allow a pedestrian to cross, traffic stops just short of the entrance to the shopping center. A pedestrian walkway is on the far side of the walkway. People exiting the shopping center turn right because they appear to have free access to go, but pedestrians are ~n [he middle of the street. Traffic ex~sting the shopping center cannot see the traffic light. Mr. Carey said the walk is on the wrong side of the driveway. Instead of being on the north 12 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 side, it should be on the south side, and it needs tobe properly marked. He agreed that the crosswalk shoUld be moved to the south side of the site so that people exiting the stores can utilize it, not People from the Parking area. He agreed to move it to the south side of the driVeWay. Ms. Heyden said the closing of the driveway had a lot to do with the new building being added. She suggested in exchange for closing this driving, allowing a connection here (pOinting to an area on the plan). She said it does not meet Code; however, there is already a variance on fiie for a hundred foot throat variance. She said perhaps something can be done to rework this situation so that there is quicker access to the bank. Mr. Carey feels this would be trading one variance for another. He pointed out that as marked on the site plan, the applicant will come back to the City on this building. He did not want to design something that is going to be redesigned again later. He said the City will have the opportunity to review the site plan for that. Mr. Aguila asked him to put the landscape islands at the end of the parking areas before he brings it back. Motion Mr, Aguila moved to approve the conditional use request for conditional use approval to add a: drive-through window to the west end Of the Walgreen's Drug Store, a new 4,115 square foot restaurant on a leased outparcel and 10,130 square feet to the east end of the shopping center; demolish 11,061.95 square feet of floor space to replace with parking; demolish 5,000 square feet of mezzanine within the east building; and modify the existing driveways and parking layout subject to staff comments except for Comments #3, 7, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21,24, and 29. He fur[her moved that they change the landscaping materials in the island pods within the parking area from Cabbage Palms to Laurel Oaks, and that they relocate the pedestrian crosswalk to the south side of the driveway on Federal Highway. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for three variances from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article Il: 1) Section F - Drainage, to reduce the required 2.5 inches on-site containment of storm water to :5 inches; 2) Section H.3 - Distance from streets, to reduce the required distance from the intersection of U.S. No. 1 and Woolbright Road of the west driveway located on Woolbright Road from 180 feet to 158.5 feet; and 3) Section H.5 - Clearance at major driveways, to reduce the required distance of the interior access aisle to the west driveway on Woolbright Road from 100 feet to 25 feet and the existing middle driveway on U. S. No. 1 from 100 feet to 87 feet and 25 feet for the access aisles on the north and south sides (respectively) subject to staff MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 comments except Comments 8, 9, and 10. with the conditions agreed to and submitted by the applicant this evening. Mr. Wische seconded the motion. Mr. Haag asked for clarification on comments 1 through 11. Mr. Aguila said the applicant has agreed to all comments except for comments 8, 9, and 10. Mr. Oarey said he accepts conditions 8, 9, and 10. They are the conditions that require improvements. Mr. Aguila asked for the applicant about comments 1 through 7, and 11. Mr. Carey said those comments reiterate what the variance is requested for. Amended Motion Mr. Aguila amended his motion to state, "subject to staff comments 8, 9, and 10 with the added conditions as stipulated this evening." Mr. Wische agreed to the change to the motion. The motion carried 7-0. CHAIRMAN DUBE~ ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THESE APPLICATIONS. B. SUBDIVISION Master Plan Modification 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Citrus Park P.U.D. James A. Hamilton III CCL Consultants Next Development Company East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard Request to amend the previously-approved master plan to reduce the width of Lots 22 and 23 from 55 feet to 51 feet; reduce the non-zero line side building setback from 15 feet to 11 feet; reduce the rear pool setback on Lot 32 from 8 feet to 7 feet and reduce the rear screen enclosure setback on Lot 32 from 6 feet to 5 feet. Mr. Haag advised that staff will follow the conditions of approval identified by the City Commission. These conditions are listed in Memorandum No. 96-358. Brett Nein, CCL Consultants, 1520 NE 17 Court, Ft. Lauderdale, agreed with the conditions set forth in Memorandum 96,358. ]4 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Mr. Haag advised that staff is requesting additional landscaping between Lots 22 and 23, but nothing was specified at the City Commission meeting. He asked if the board wants staff to work this out with the applicant. Mr. Aguila suggested that staff work this out and be consistent with [he pattern already set for [he development. Motion Mr. Hill moved to amend the previously-approved master plan to reduce the width of Lots 22 and 23 from 55 feet to 51 feet; reduce the non-zero line side building setback from 15 feet to 11 feet; reduce the rear pool setback on Lot 32 from 8 feet to 7 feet, and reduce the rear screen enclosure setback on Lot 32 from 6 feet to 5 feet, subject to staff comments. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, which carried6-0. (Mr. Wische was away from the dais.) C. SITE PLANS New Site Plan Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Healing for the Nations Church Vincent Delalla Healing for the Nations Church West side of Seacrest Boulevard, approximately 335 feet north of Mission Hill Road Request for site plan approval to construct a 6,888 square foot church located on 1.006 acres. Mr. Lewicki pointed out the location of this site. Vincent Delalla, 1170 Hillsboro Mile, Hillsboro Beach, Florida, said he plans on building a 7,000 square foot church that will seat 200 people. He provided a rendering for review by the members. He accepted all of the conditions recommended by staff. Mrs. Frazier asked if Mr, Delaila has spoken with the people in the neighborhood and if they are happy about this. He pointed out that this is going to put more traffic on Seacrest. Mr. Delalla did not know how the people in the neighborhood felt about this. However, he did not think this would put more traffic on Seacrest. He said this is a very small church. Mrs. Frazier stated that she lives in Chapel Hill and it is not easy to get onto Seacrest between 7:30 a.m, and 8:30 a.m. In addition, there have been many accidents near the day care center. Chairman Dub6 pointed out that the traffic will only be there on Sunday. Mr. Aguiia felt that other events will take place at the churCh, and traffic will be a mess. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9,1996 Chairman Dub6 asked where the church meets now. Mr. Delalla advised that they meet in Delray Beach in a shopping center. The membership is very small, and the proposed site meets their needs. They will probably only need 50 parking spaces. He did not think the membership would ever reach 200. Mrs. Frazier asked what kind of church it is. Mr. Delalla said it is a nondenominational healing ministry. They want to bring in people in wheel chairs to heal th am Mr, Aguila agreed with Mrs. Frazier's concerns about how this project will affect traffic on Seacrest Boulevard. However, he did not know what to do about that other than deny every project that comes along. He felt that road sh auld be widened. He has concerns about the lack of landscaping associated with this project. He felt the three parking areas that end with the handicap parking space need to end with a landscape island. Right now it ends with pavement and probably the striping for the handicap crosswalk. There are 55 spaces shown on the .olan Only 50 spaces are required. Mr. Aguila recommended the deletio~ of three spaces to provide a landscape island at the end of those three banks of ten parking spaces. Mr. De,alia agreed to this condition Mr. Aguila stated that the dumpster must have gates. Mr. Delalla said that would not be a problem. Mr. Aguila pointed out that the landscaping shown on the plan is absolutely minimal. He wanted a tree placed in every island, including the three new ones Mr. Delalla agreed to add this evening, in addition to ground cover or sod, not a mulch bed. Mr. Delalla had no objection to this request. Mr. Aguila also wanted foundation planting all around the perimeter of the building. He recommended that Mr. Delalla do something at the entrance. He pointed out that on the west side of the entrance to the foyer there is a big sodded area where Mr. Delalla has the opportunity to put some annuals or something tasteful. Mr. Delalla had no objection to this recommendation. Mrs. Frazier asked if the 6 foot fence on the neighbor's property already exists. Mr. Delalla responded affirmatively. Mr. Lewicki pointed out that this is on the neighbor's property, not the church property. Mrs. Frazier asked if there will be a wall or a fence between the church and the residence. Mr. Aguila explained that there is no requirement for a wall or fence since churches are not commercial entities. Mr. Lewicki advised that documentation has been provided that the traffic generated by this use is acceptable per County standards. MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9, 1996 Motion Mr. Aguila moved that we approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 6,888 square foot church located on 1.006 acres on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, approximately 335 feet north of Mission Hill Road, project name Healing of the Nations Church, subject to staff comments and the following: That he provide three additional landscape islands at the end of the parking rows adjacent to the handicap spaces with trees and some sort of ground cover; that he provide dumpster gates on the dumpster enclosure; that he provide building [oundation planning along ali four sides of the building; and that he provide trees and ground covering in all landscape islands, including the three new ones. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried 6-1 Mrs. Frazier cast the dissenting vote. 8. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Chairman Dub~ addressed Mayor Taylor. He stated that at the last Planning and Development Board meeting, there was discussion about the possibility of dissolving the Community RedeVelopment Advisory Board on the basis that we could pick it up and add it to the Planning and Development Board. Mayor Taylor advised that he was aware of the discussion. Mr. Aguila advised Ms. Heyden that Tiffany's has recently butchered just about every perimeter tree that they used to have on their site. He would like someone tO check what has been approved versus what is currently on that site. He said Tiffany's hatracked the trees down to stumps, and they will never grow again. Ms. Heyden will follow up on this matter. Chairman Dubb explained that the CitY requires projects to have loading and unloading zones. After the project is built, the loading and unloading zones sit there empty. For example, at the McDonald's/Amoco, when the McDonald's delivery truck unloads, it blocks every handicap parking space every day because it is convenient to roll everything inside the door. Mr. Haag advised that the trucks do not use the lOading zone behind the Walgreen's building. They park at the northwest corner (the entrance to Walgreen's), and this causes a problem at that intersection. t? MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 9,1996 Ms. Heyden reminded the members that staff followed up on the final inspection for the Outpatient Facility parking lot. They failed the final inspection under the xeriscape policy, therefore, they must now install the irrigation. The applicant isvery unhappy about this and the Assistant City Manager and Ms. Heyden will be meeting with him. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:48 p.m. Eve Eubanks Recording Secretary (Two Tapes)