Minutes 10-10-95 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1995, AT 7:00 P.M. Stan DubS, Chairman Jim Golden. Vice Chairman Dave Beasley Robert Eisner Maurice Rosenstock Jaime Titcomb Lee Wische Pat Frazier, Alternate William Burton Alternate Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Dan DeCarlo, Senior Planner Chairman Dub~ called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. IISLTR_QDJ~CTION OF MAYOR: COMMISSLO- ' - : .... :~- F. RS Chairman Dub~ introduced the board members. 3. -- :: - - :- :-~ Vice Chairman Golden moved to approve. Mr. Beasley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 4. A P P ROV,~LOa~M~L~ES Mr. Rosenstock moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 5. ~NICATIONS & ANNOU3~ A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1. Final disposition of last month's agenda items a. Miner Road Abandonment - The Planning and Development MINUTES PLAN NING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Board recommended denial because the application was lacking counter applications and because of a recommendation from the Fire Department relative to retaining the right-of-way for future use, The City Commission tabled this item pending receipt of all the abandonment applications. Forest Court Abandonment - The City Attorney recommended that we require with this, and future applications, that the applicant secure a legal opinion from an attorney regarding ownership of rights-of-way. That legal opinion has been submitted by Mr. Harris, and it is currently being reviewed by the City Attorney. Three Abandonments for Poinciana School The City Commission approved the three abandonments subject to staff comments. Master Plan for Grove Plaza - This project was approved by the City Commission subject to staff comments. Community Design Plan Appeal for Boynton Festive Center-This appeal was for Hops Grill & Bar. The City Commission supported the applicant's position and approved the project in the way it was presented by the applicant. Packaging Concepts - Use Approval and Site Plan Approval - The Planning & Development Board discussed the possibility of widening the road for tractor/trailer usage. However, the Police Department retracted their comment relative to widening the road following a site visit. With regard to the use approval, the applicant raised concerns about the requirement for surety. This item was handled under the DRI for Quantum Park. Site Plan Approval for Boynton Estates - The City Commission endorsed staff's recommendation relative to the name of the project, and approved the site plan. Main Street Car Wash - The City Commission approved this project. MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Time Extension for Palm Walk - The City Commission approved the time extension subject to staff comments. Clear Copy Site Plan - The Cit~: Commission approved this project subject to staff comments and after the applicant offered additional items. Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan Modifications The Quarterly Report was transmitted for the period through September 30, 1995. When the last Quarterly Report was issued, the board requested that a list of approved waivers and modifications be included. This report includes a separate list of those items. The next Quarterly Report will contain a separate list by category -- commercial versus residential. Chairman Dub(~ noted that Longhorn has submitted a request to enclose their porch. He inquired as to their plan to accomplish this enclosure. Ms. Heyden was not able to answer that question at this time. None A. PUBLIC HEARING Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Commons Robert A. Bentz Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester & Elsie A. Winchester The southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct a 186,130 square foot retail complex on 23.03 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from C:3 to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) 3 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Mike Rumpf made the presentation using Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-566. This property falls within Planning Area 7.f. This project plans to include five (5) single-story buildings with uses that may include a restaurant, office, and other retail tenants. The surrounding land uses include the Boynton Festive Center and Old Boynton Road to the north: Oakwood Square Shopping Center and Congress Avenue to the east: the L-24 Canal and developed retail commercial and utility uses to the south: and Winchester Park Boulevard and undeveloped property to the west. Access to the PCD is provided by four ingress/egress driveways; two onto Winchester Park Boulevard and two located on Congress Avenue. All driveways allow right and left-turn in and out of the site with the exception of the south driveway on Congress Avenue which is limited to right in and out. There are two drive-throughs indicated on the master plan for a bank and pharmacywhich prevents them from being required to be reviewed as conditional uses. There are 979 parking spaces proposed on the master plan, and only 931 are required for this site. The perimeter greenbelt requirement for the Code nas been met except for a short segment along the site perimeter. A landscape appeal will be heard later this evening to allow the perimeter landscape element to be placed on the north side of the accessway. Mr. Rumpf pointed out an error which exists on the master plan. The major tenant #1 is shown on the graphic as 50.000 square feet. It should be shown as 27,000 square feet. This error will be corrected. The proposed developer of the site has a future concept for the undeveloped portion of the property to the north. Staff recommends that this request be approved subject to staff comments referenced in the staff report and the correction of the error which was noted~ This recommendation is based on the follOwing: The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendation for Planned Commercial Development zoning as described for Planning Area 7.f within the Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII - Land Use Problems and Opportunities; o The design of the proposed PCD is in compliance with the design criteria established in the zoning code, subject to staff comments; The proposed master plan meets the criteria represented by the three standards for zoning property to PCD, subject to compliance with relevant staff comments; 4 MI N UTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON [~EACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 o The commercial uses allowed in the PCD district are consistent with uses allowed in the present C-3 zoning; and The proposed zoning, PCD, in general, is comparable to the existing C-3 zoning tCommunity Commercial). ~c~[c~Desi ~ i ~ .: ngress; advised that the applicant is ~roposing the greenbelt around the peri meter. However. instead of the hedge and tree approach, the applicant wishes to do an alternating shade tree and smaller grouping of three landscape elements such as Palms or smaller flowering trees. The applicant has submitted the site plan and the landscape plans required for site plan approval to the TRC for review on October 24. The applicant has gone through the TRC under this rezoning request and has responded to all requests. Chairman Dub~ pointed out that there were a number of items brought up by Engineering. Mr. Lelanic said there were no problems with any of the items brought up by Engineering. Items #18 and 19 were brought up on the first TRC rewew of the site plan. Because of the discrepancy bet~veen a site plan and master plan, they deferred to handle some of those items at site p]an review time. The items that must be addressed prior to master plan approval nave been satisfied. CHAIRMAN DUBI~ ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Chairman Dub~ acknowledged the presence in the audience of Commissioner Rosen. Mr. Wische moved to approve the request for Boynton Commons for zoning and master plan approval to construct a 186,130 square foot retail complex on 23.03 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from C-3 to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located on the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue, subject to all staff comments. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Golden moved to move up the landscape appeal from Item 7-B~1 to Item A- l .A. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Lal~dscap_e~ppeal MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Commons Robert A. Bentz Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester & Elsie A. Winchester The southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for a landscape code appeal to omit a 2½' wide landscape strip between the vehicle use area and the abutting property ine at the southwest corner of the site. Mike Rumpf made the presentation using the overhead p~ojector to display the master plan. The section of the code being appealed refers to the perimeter landscape strip which is required bet~veen the vehicle use area and the abutting property line. The ocation of the area being appealed is on the southwest portion of the site along the southwest accessway. The request is to amend approximately 270 lineal feet of hedge planted 18" tall spaced 2' on center and installed in a 2.5' wide landscape stri 0. The code states that me purpose of the landscape strip and hedge is to form a visual buffer to screen the view of the vehicle use area from abutting property. The applicant does not want to relocate the access aisle to accommodate that landscape strip due to the curb cut already existing in this location and 'n anticipation of a future access road. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this appeal provided that the approval of the appeal does not grant the property owner to the south an exemption to installing the required landscape material n a minimum 2.5' wide landscape strip. Mn Rosenstock asked for further clarification of the reqaest. Using the plans, Mr. Rumpf pointed out the location of the landscape strip and explained that there is not enough width between the accessway and the property line to install this landscape strip. The applicant requested permission to place the strip on the northern side of th e accessway. Mr. Beasley confirmed with Mr. Rumpf that when the property next to this parcel is developed, they will be required to install a landscape strip. ALTHOUGH THIS WAS NOTA PUBLIC HEARING ITEM, CHAIRMAN DUBI~ ANNOUNCED THAT THE BOARD WOULD ACCEPT INPUT FROM THE AUDIENCE. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. ]o~LedanJ~~th~. advised that the key to this area is an existing ingress/egress easement. This allows this property and the property to the south access to Winchester Park BouleVard through the median opening. This easement must remain. It already contains MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 pavement and it is a joint use for both properties. The applicant is proposing to provide the i0' PCD buffer. The only difference is that the applicant would like to place it on the north side of the easement. A hedge and tree row are proposed along the area. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to recommend approval of the landscape code appeal for Boynton Commons to omit a 2½' wide landscape strip between the vehicle use area and the abutting property line at the southwest corner of the site. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. THE PROCEEDINGS REVERTED TO THE PUBLIC HEARING PORTION OF THE AGENDA. C~itional Use A.uproval o Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: St. Joseph's Episcopal Church and School Jerome F. Milord St. Joseph's Episcopal Church 3300 South Seacrest Boulevard Request for conditional use approval to construct a new 6,482 square foot classroom building to the existing school, a 30 space parking lot and tennis courts. Mr. Titcomb declared a conflict of interest and would not participate in this hearing. Mrs. Frazier replaced Mr. Titcomb as a voting member. Dan DeCarlo made the presentation. The surrounding land uses and zoning include existing single-family homes zoned R-1AAB to the north; Seacrest Boulevard, existing houses and the Seacrest Scrub zoned R-1AAB to the east; undeveloped vacant land zoned R-1AA to the south; and a single-family neighborhood zoned R-1AAB to the west. The following standards were evaluated: Ingress and egress - The site has two driveways to the on-site parking area. The driveways are located on Seacrest Boulevard and Swinton Avenue. Off-street parking and loading area - A 1988 shared parking agreement was modified in 1994 to allow approval of the gymnasium and classroom expansion in 1994. Palm Beach County Traffic required a deed restriction to be filed that limited student enrollment to 225. This request provides a new 6,329 square foot classroom building and an adjacent 970 square foot fenced playground MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, H_ORIDA OCTOBER 10~ 1995 area. The 31 new parking spaceS will be located north of the building. o Refuse and service area - The Public Works Department does not anticipate any problems with the proposed layout and waste pickup. ° Utilities - Utilities are available and there are no concerns relative to the proposed new constructiOn. Screening, buffering and landscaping - The new landscaping will be consistent with all City codes. Signs and proposed exterior lighting - Additional parking lot lighting is not anticipated to produce glare or pose problems for the surrounding neighborhood provided the recommendations set forth in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-549 regarding shielding lighting and illumination levels, are required as conditions of approval. Chairman Dub(~ acknowledge the presence in the audience of Mayor and Mrs. Taylor. Setbacks and open space - Al! setbacks meet the R-1AA building and site regulations and the majority of the site remains pervious. ° General compatibility with adjacent properties - The existing facility has not generated any adverse comments. ° Height of the buildings and structures ~ The building height is compatible with the remainder of the site and adjacent communities. The highest point of the new building is 21 0 above adJacent ground level. The proposed project is in compliance with Standards 10, 11, and 12. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this conditional use request subject to reflection of staff comments and all of the other applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances on the plans submitted for building permits. Jerry Mi[oJ~l, Presidenkof Milord~e~opJ~nt CoJ~poration~. 3600~S. Corjgress Avenue~ reported that this project will help improve the environment of the school. The present library building now houses the library, two pre-kindergarten classes, and kindergarten. The pre-k and kindergarten classes will be moved to the new building. Chairman Dub(~ acknowledged the presence in the audience of Vice Mayor Bradley. MINUTES ?LANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 CHAIRMAN DUB¢ ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS PROJECT. Motion Mr. Rosenstock moved that the project of St. Joseph's Episcopal Church and School request for conditional use approval to construct a new 6,482 square foot classroom building to the existing school, a 30 space parking lot and tennis courts be approved subject to all staff comments. Mr. Eisner seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Titcomb resumed his duties as a regular board member. B. APPEALS Lal:ld~cape Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Descri pti on: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Waiter Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 S. Congress Avenue Request for a landscape code appeal to omit the 2½' wide landscape strips between the vehicle use area and the abutting property line at the southeast corner of the property, the east property line and the north property line. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to amend the agenda to move this item after the site plan and proceed with Carrabba's Italian Grill. Mr. Titcomb seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Item 7-B.2, Landscape Appeal for UPS Communication Data Center will now become Item 7-C.3. SITE PLANS ~Lea~Site Plan 1. Project Name: Carrabba's Italian Grill at the Target Shopping MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Center Lisa A. Tropepe, P.E. Sha[Ioway, Foy, Rayman & Newel]. Inc. Am erican Development Corporation Southwest corner of N.W. 22nd Avenue (Gateway Bou evarm and Congress Avenue Request for site plan approval to construct a 6,238 square foot, 222 seat, one-story restaurant on a 1.617 acre outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Dan DeCarlo made the presentation. The land use designation is General Commercial, and the zoning designation is Community Commercial (C-3). The surrounding land uses are N.W. 22nd Avenue and Mahogany Bay to the north; the Target Shopping Center to the south; Congress Avenue and Motorola to the east: and Savannah Lakes to the west. This property is an outparcel within the Target Shopping Center which ~s an im proved lot with parking and andscaping. With regard to traffic concurrency, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic generation and impact proposed by this ou[parcel, and has determined that there will be no net increase in trips generated than that previously approved ~'or the center. There is currently a capacity problem with Gateway Boulevard. To avoid having to make improvements to Gateway Boulevard, which are scheduled by th.e County for next year. traffic concurrency was met by reducing the 75,000 square feet of office use vested as part of the Catalina Centre to 68.230 square feet. This outparcel does not have access to the major public right-of-way; however, one two-way major driveway into the existing Target parking lot offers access to the subject site. The proposed parking facility contains the required spaces for commercial or restaurant use with 222 seats planned. The proposed development includes all minimum landscaping required by Code, and meets the requirements of the building and site regulations for C-3 zoning. The proposed stucco building will match the color of the adjacent Target building and includes green trim and green and white awnings. The colors are compatible with the colors of the neighboring structures. There will be signage on the facade of the building and one freestanding sign on the northeast corner of the parcel. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request sub. ect to reflection of staff comments and all other applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances on the plans submitted for building permits. ~e, 1201 Bpdvedere~l~oad. West Palm.each. reported that all second-round comments were rewewed, and the applicant is confident that all of those comments can be addressed. 10 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to recommend approval of the site plan for Carrabba's Italian Grill to construct a 6,238 square foot, 222 seat. one-story restaurant on a 1.61 7 acre outparcel at the Target Shopping Center subject to all staff comments. Mr. Beasley seconded the motion which carried 6-0. IMr. Wische was away from the dais. &g~Lor Site Plan Modific~n 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates. Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 S. Congress Request to amend the previously-approved site plan to construct 486 new parking spaces and upgrade the existing vehicle use area. Chairman Dub~ acknowledged the presence m the audience of City Manager Parker. Dan DeCarlo made the presentation. He advised that the zoning is M-1 (Light Industrial) and the land use desig~ atio~ is Industrial The site area is 32.89 acres, and the building square footage is 124,281 square foot of which 95,200 square feet will be used by UPS. The surrounding land uses are warehousing and industrial uses to the north: the canal to the south: 1-95 to the east: and vacant land to the west. Minor changes to the exterior of the structure are proposed The building color will remain as is. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve the required floor plan for the 750 employees expected for the commumcation and customer service operations. Additional parking spaces will be constructed on the east side of the building. With regard to concurrency and traffic, the existing project is anticipated to be vested for traffic concurrency. Verification is forthcoming from Palm Beach County Traffic Division. Two entrances to the existing facility now' exist off Congress Avenue. Only the one furthest south will be utilized. The north driveway wil be blocked off with a chain supported by bollards. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore. 11 MIN UTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 additional parking needs to be provided on the site. According to City Code~ an increase ih parking stalls exceeding 25 percent of the existing stalls requires upgrading of the entire parking facility, including new and existi ng vehicle use areas. It is because of this requirement that the applicant is before the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for a major site plan modification and a request for a parking lot variance. Based on the zoning requirements of one space per every two employees, the project would require 375 parking spaces for the UPS tenant and 61 spaces allocated for the 30,081 square feet of vacant space. With both existing aha proposed space, more than sufficient parking will be included on the site to meet the Cityrs zoni~ g requirements to occupy the building. An appeal to the City's landscape code has been filed concurrently with this major site plan modification application. Appeals are needed for the required hedge along the eastern, northern and sot~thern perimeters of the parking areas. Al other landscaping shall meet the Boynton Beach landscape code requirements. The proposed development meets the requirements of the building and site regulations. Two canopies are proposed at both entrances to the building, goth will match the color of the building. Signage was not submitted with the application It's recommendec~ that future signage be addressed administratively at the time of permit review. Mr. Rosenstock referred to staff's recommendation wherein the following statement exists, "However, staff recommends that the required landscape material ~e installed along the north and south sides of the vehicle use area." Mr. Rosenstock requested that Mr. DeCarlo point to these locations on the map. Mr. DeCarlo advised that the applicant is requesting an appeal on the north, east, and south portions. Mr. Rosenstock said he is very familiar with this particular site. When visiting the property, looking to the east reveals only a vacant lot. Looking north reveals warehouses. However, when driving in either direction on Congress Avenue, the addition to the parking lot will be obvious. The developer's request for relief from the landscaping to the north and east presents no problem and Mr. Rosenstock will support that request. Mr. Rosenstock is surprised that staff's recommendation is for the placement of landscape material on the north and south sides. The applicant has agreed to put additional landscaping on Congress Avenue. Mr. Rosenstock could not understand why the recommendation of staff insists that UPS be required to do so much work to the north and east portions of the site. He feels it would be better for the viewing public to see that the front is landscaped. In addition, he suggested placing landscape materials in the area to block the view of the new parking lot to the north. Ms. Heyden explained that the requirement is not just to screen from the travelling public. It is to screen from the adjacent property owner. In addition, there are exotics on the property ]2 MIN UTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 which must be removed. The City Forester is checking to see if the landscape appeal for the north is necessary. There is a hedge on the adjacent property line which may satisfy the requirement. KJera~ Kilday; agent fot~tbe applicaub displayed a~ aerial to depict the area being considered. The area being leased by the applicant has a small frontage on Congress Avenue and travels to the east, wraps around the back side of the existing lake, and then travels east again to the railroad tracks. At the time the application was submitted, there was no change proposed for the color of the building. Since that time, and following site visits, a decision was made to repaint the building. The replacement colors wil be "putty" for the building, and dark brown for the trim. The applicant plans a s~gnificant landscape hedge along the perimeter of the building on the front end. The area involving the variance is reconstructed parking area, the new parking area and the Process 1 area. Whe~ reviewing the Code, it talks about screening the property from ao, acent areas. As indicated, there is nothing to screen from on the east. south or north. The applicant has requested the variance as it affects the parking lot only. The parking lot appeal deals with the south parking area. The UPS facility is renting the north two-thirds ~%) of the building. The remainder will be vacant. The applicant agrees with staff's recommendation that the upgrade to the south area would occur in conjunction with the use being proposed for the balance of the building. Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that the City is very anxious to assist UPS. However. he felt it was incumbent upon this board to protect and defend all citizens of the City. He questioned whether UPS would agree to install a greater effect (including some trees~ up and down Congress Avenue. He feels this would be a tremendous service to the community. He reported that Phase I has been completed on the landscaping of medians on Congress Avenue. Phase II will begin when the road is expanded to six lanes. Those medians wil be developed with floral plantings. Mr. Kilday agreed to the request to plant some additional trees between the two roads. Commissioner Rosen inquired as to the hours of operation of this facility. Mr. Kilday advised that the first employees will arrive at 7:00 a.m., and the last shift will finish at 8:00 p.m. Mo~ion Mr. Rosenstock moved UPS CommuniCation Data Center, represented by Kilday & Associates, that the request to amend the previously-approved site plan to construct 486 new parking ]3 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10~ 1995 spaces and upgrade the existing vehicle use area be approved subject to the comments made by staff, and comments made by the board this evening. Mr. Wische Seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Golden confirmed with Mr~ Rosenstock that this motion includes the installatiOn of the additional trees on Congress Avenue. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 S. Congress Request for a landscape code appeal to omit the 2½' wide landscape strips between the vehicle use area and the abutting property line at the southeast corner of the property, the east property line and the north property line. Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that there will be approximately 750 employees at this facility and questioned how the applicant plans to put this number of cars onto a main thoroughfare during a working day. Mr. Kilday explained that there wil be staggered shifts of 150 to 200 employees during any one individual shift. Mr. Rosenstock wondered whether or not the applicant contemplated any traffic problems due to the traffic light within 500'. Mr. Kilday's response was negative and stated that the traffic light is of assistance to UPS. The applicant is in the process of seeking modification to the median in this area. There was a median cut n this area, but it was eliminated during the reconstruction. The applicant has submitted an application to DOT which is not yet approved. Mr. DeCarlo restated the appeal as a request to eliminate the required hedge on the north, southeast and eastern side of the proposed existing parking areas. All other areas around the perimeter of the parcel will meet or exceed landscape code requirements. The impact or omission of the perimeter hedge which would normally be required on the eastern side of the proposed and existing parking areas at this location is minimal based on the 500' distance from the vehicle use area to 1-95. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this request for omission of the wedge along the east side of the vehicle area; however, recommends that the required landscape material be installed along the north and south sides of the vehicle use area. Chairman Dub~ pointed out that it was now his understanding that the north is no longer in question. Therefore, staff's recommendation is for installation of the landscape material along 14 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 the south side of the vehicle use area. Mr. DeCarlo explained that the City Forester was asked To look at the site. He has confirmed that there is a problem of exotics on the site along the northern perimeter which will have to be addressed. Mr. Kilda¥ said that if there are exotics on this property, they will be removed. Motion Vice Chairman Go]den moved to recommend approval of the landscape appeal for UPS to omit the 2½' wide landscape strips between the vehicle use area and the abutting property subject to staff comments which would, in effecL mean omission of the landscape strip along the east property boundary. Mr. Titcomb seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Kilday pointed out that there was discussio~ about additional landscapin~ on the north. He thought that additional landscaping was m lieu of doing the small area on the south of the parking lot. Vice Chairman Golden stated that Mr. Rosenstock's remarks related to additional trees along Congress Avenue which were incorporated as part of the recommendation for the site plan approval. That was not part of the landscape appeal Chairman Dub~ feels that the northern portion will probably not be an issue by the time this application goes to the City Commission. Mr. Kilday would rather take the cost, which is not a large cost on the south property line. and use it to enhance the front of the building. They will submit a cost estimate. Mr. Rosenstock felt this was an excellent idea, and Chairman Dub(~ agreed that this could be modified witi~ staff prior to the City Commission meeting. D. OTHER P~king~t Variance Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 S. Congress Request for relief from Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2.F of the Land Development MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Regulations, to allow an increase ~n parking spaces which exceeds 25 percent of the existing stalls without upgrading the portion of the existing vehicle use area located between the south property line and the existing building. Dan DeCarlo made the presentation and explained that this request for variance involves the applicant's need to expand the parking lot beyond 25 percent of the existing spaces provided at the site. The variance excludes implementation of the regulations pertaining to required improvements as subscribed in Article I[, Chapter 23. The applicant proposes upgrading all of the existing vehicle use area with the exception of the area which is south of the building. This area contains 152 parking spaces. The applicant further proposes that the area remain as is and that it be upgraded to comply with current regulations at the ti~me when tenants occupy the vacant space within the building. On Tuesday, September 12, 1995, the TRC reviewed the plans and documents submitted and formulated a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRC recommended approval of the req ~est to expand the parking area by more than 25 percent without upgrading, to current parking lot regulations, the vehicle use area located in the south. This recommendation for approval is subject to the property owner upgrading the subject vehicle use area at the time that a tenant expands into or occupies any portion of the 30.081 square feet of vacant space. Also. since the applicant did not address or include the north access aisle as part of this request, this access aisle shall be upgraded at the time of tenant occupancy of thevacant space, or earlier, if UPS finds that they need to use it. Mr. Kilday agreed to the conditions. Vice Chairman Golde~ pointed out that no copy of the variance application was included in the back-up material. As part of the request, the applicant must define the hardship. Ms. Heyden advised that staff has stopped including these applications in all of the packages. She will include them in the future if the bOard wishes to see the applications. She could not recall the applicant's justification for a hardship. Mr. Kilday said that although the code requires less parking than what existed on the site, the applicant was constructing twice as much parking to code. The only area which was not being upgraded was an area which will not be utilized for parking purposes. It made sense to request not having to upgrade that area until such time as it would be utilized. 16 MINUTES pLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that a variance, once approved, runs with the land. If the board grants this variance, it will be with a stipulation that the area be upgraded in the future. He questioned whether or not the City Attorney was comfortable with this. Ms, Heyden said this point has been discussed with the City Attorney and he is comfortable with it. Motion Mr. Rosenstock mowed, regarding UPS Communication Data Center at 3800 S. Congress Avenue, to appr°Ve a request for rel;ief from Chapter 23, Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2.F, of the Land DeveloPment Regulations to allow an increase in parking spaces which exceeds 25 percent of the existing stalls without upgrading the portion of the existing vehicle use area located bet~veen the south proPerty line and the existing building. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion which carried unanimously. E. TIME EXTENSION Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: RaceTrac Service Station at Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Anna Cottrell Basehart & Cottrell, Inc. RaceTrac Petroleum Inc. Northwest corner of S.W. 8th Street and Woolbright Road Request to grant a five-month retroactive and a one-year time extension for site plan approval and concurrency exemption. Mr. Wische questioned why this item is on the agenda since all of the back, up material indicates that this project is exempt because of a court order. Ms. Heyden explained that this project is exempt only for concurrency (traffic). RaceTrac became the property owner earlier this year. This time extension, if approved, would be in effect until April 20, 1996. In 1993, a master plan modification was approved. At that same time, the City Commission approved a site plan for RaceTrac. On April 30, 1993, the applicant applied for a building permit. On May 17, 1994, the City Commission granted a one-year time extension for site plan approval and concurrency exemption which expired on April 20, 1995. When the time extension was granted, the applicant indicated that by mid- June, 1994, FP&L would complete the removal of the poles and the installation of new lines. This has been done, but there has been no progress on the building permit. Based on the lack of activity for a period of more than six months, the Building Department voided the permit 17 MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 application on May 16, 1995. An environmental review approval took place on May 11, 1995. The approval was subject to conditions which have not yet been satisfied. The applicant has one year to satisfy those conditions. Our codeallows the City Commission, at its discretion, to approve an extension for one year provided the request has been submitted prior to the expiration. This request was not submitted prior to the expiration: however, historically, site plan extensions have been granted retroactively under certain circumstances. With respect to concurrency, the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD ~s exempt and vested indefinitely without requiring extension as part of the court order. Staff reviewed this request and unanimously recommended that the five-m onth retroactive and one-year site plan extension be granted subject to compliance with the previously-approved site plan and permit review comments. The recommendation is based upon a technical stan(~point on y. As part of the court order, the applicant was allowed to abide by all codes related to 1985; therefore, staff is not required to reevaluate this time extension for any codes that might have changed. Mr. Wische referred to Chapter 4, Section 5 of the Land Development Regulations. He read from this section and reiterated that the City Commission has the authority to grant a time extension provided the applicant requests the extension prior to the expiration date of one year. lie further pointed out the City Commission's authority to impose additional conditions to conform the site plan to current development standards. Ms. Heyden explained that the code requirement relative to imposing additional conditions applies to all projects throughout the City other than this one. Chairman Dub~ pointed out that this applicant could keep extending this indefinitely and never build the gas station, or build it under old codes. Ms. Heyden explained that the City attempted to put together a new stipulated settlement agreement earlier this year which removed that clause; however, the agreement has not yet been signed. Ann,~C~Jt. xe][,3532~)~)keechobee~oad; We~s~P~lm Beach, advised that there was a delay in the development of this property because of the requirement to relocate FP&L poles. In addition, there were two other significant issues which contributed to the delay. The first issue was the requirement to remove an existing trunk line for a sewer service which ran through MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 the middle of this property. This project took time to accomplish and the City would not abandon the easement until the relocation took place. The abandonment was approved by the City in February of 1995. The other major issue which caused delay was the requirement that the original developer do some remediation on a drainage pond. This property is part of a general service management permit issued by the Water Management District. The specific drainage permit was delayed by South Florida Water Management until the original developer complied with the conditions of the original general permit. RaceTrac had a contract to purchase the property contingent on certain items that were to be handled by the seller. They closed on the property in April of 1994, but the seller still had some obi gation to complete the work required to relocate the trunk line, and the remediation on the pond. Those items have been done now. but the drainage pond project was only completed in April of 1995. When that project was completed. RaceTrac attempted to reactivate their permit and found that their site plan approval had expired. No changes have been made in these plans from the original submittal. The developer is ready to secure permits, an~ has all jurisdictional agency permits at this time. The only thing they need is their building permit from the City. After anal yzing the current ~roperty development regulations against this project, Ms. Cottrell found that the only difference between this site plan as originally approved, and the current code. is that there is now a requirement to do a 10' perimeter buffer which will affect only one area of this site. This plan meets the current code. Mr. Rosenstock questioned whether or not this particular outparcel was on the original court- ordered site plan. When Ms. Heyden responded negatively, Mr. Rosenstock stated that it is tt~en not subject to the court order. Ms. Heyden explained that the buildings on the west side of S.W. 8th Street were to be one building. When the master plan modification was approved after the court order was signed and sealed, the square footage was split into an outparcel at the corner and designated a gas station use on it. All development o~ the property is under the court order unless it is dissolved or superseded by another court order. Ms. Cottrell explained that she was with the planning firm that was originally involved in the application for the development. There was a master plan. The court order vested a certain level of development for the site. She does not believe there was ever a site-specific site plan that was part of the order. The order states that based on the settlement agreement, development that takes place within the project meets the 1986 code. This site plan is consistent with that 1986 code. ]9 MIN UTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 Mr. Rosenstock feels that the court order acknowledged that the developers were wrongfully detained from develop~ ng the site in the manner they chose. The court looked at the plan that was in effect and told the City that the site must be developed in the manner n which the deVeloper wants to develop it and froze it at that point. Mr. Rosenstock feels it is incumbent upon the Commission to determine whether there are any other factors that may now become relevant to a gas station use. If we can fin d a reason that may jeopardize the City of Boynton Beach or any other legitimate reason, this use can be denied. Mr. Rosenstock will vote against this project. Vice Chairman Golden moved to grant a five-month retroactive and one-year time extension for site plan approval and concurrency exemption subject to staff comments. Mr. Beasley seconded the motion. Mr. Beas[ey agrees that there should not be a gas station on this site, and hopes the City Commission will consider eliminating it. The motion carried 4-3. ~Messrs. Eisner, Rosenstock. and Wische cast dissenting votes.} 9. CO~S~ NTS ~ Vice Chairman Golden recommended t;qat the staff report include this hardship issue information on variance recl uests. 10. &DJOU RNME[SL~ There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~Janet M. Prainito RecOrding Secretary (Th ree Tapes) 2O