Stanley DubS, Chairman
Jim Golden, Vice Chairman
Dave Beasley
Chris Reitz
Maurice Rosenstock
Lee Wische
~at Frazier, Alternate
William Burton, Alternate
Robert Elsner
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning
Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Development
Chairman Dub~ called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag was recited.
Chairman Dub~ acknowledged the presence of Commissioner Sid Rosen and City
Manager Carrie Parker, and introduced the members of the Board. Since
Mr. Elsner was absent, Mrs. Frazier sat at the dais as a voting member.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda as presented. Vice Chairman Golden
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
With regard to the minutes of the April 11, 1995 Planning and Development Board
meeting, Vice Chairman Golden changed the third paragraph from the bottom of
page 16 to read as follows:
"Vice Chairman Golden stated that when the Community Design Plan was
reviewed by this Board for consistency, he felt it was open to too much
interpretation. Since the members of the Board have not yet received a
copy of the regulations that were adopted, he felt it is hard to evaluate
this request."
Chairman Dub~ pointed out that Mrs. Frazier was present but was listed as being
- 1
HAY 9, 1995
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes of the April 11, 1995 meeting as
revised. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
A. Report from Planning and Zoning Department
1, Final dlsposl[ton of l~$t month's agenda items
Ms. Heyden reported the following actions taken by the City Commission:
Mainstreet Car Wash - land use element amendment/rezoning - unani-
mously approved, conditioned upon a buffer wall, limitation of the
development of the lot to parking and a storage building, and a menu
board type sign.
Lake Worth Christian School - continued.
Palm Beach Country Club Estates - rezoning of Lots 9 and 10 - unan-
imously approved.
Boynton Beach Tri-Rail Station - parking lot variance, new site
plan, and landscape appeal - unanimously approved, subject to staff
Palm Beach Leisureville Recreation I - site plan modification -
approved, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock stated that the Building Department is requiring the people of
Leisureville to submit a request for a variance before they could continue their
project. He advised that an ordinance was formulated when he was Chairman of
this Board a number of years ago because of a situation involving Hampshire
Gardens. The intent of the ordinance was to eliminate the need for parking lot
variances if a development is built out and no more units are being added.
Ms. Heyden stated that this project was approved subject to staff comments,
which included obtaining a Board of Adjustment variance for the number of
parking spaces. She stated that the change in the ordinance in 199D was to
exempt these kinds of facilities from having to upgrade their parking, not to
exempt them from having to provide adbitional parking spaces. This was not
Mr. Rosenstock's recollection. His understanding was that if a community ~s
built out and no more people will be living there, under no circumstances would
they have to increase the parking spaces.
City Manager Parker advised that we are dealing with two issues. The first
issue involves the requirement in the Code that if you add or improve a
building, the parking lot has be brought up to the current Code standards
(landscaping, lighting and drainage). This is the section of the Code that was
exempted for residential improvements. The second issue is the number of
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HAY 9, 1995
parking spaces required by an addition. When you add an addition to a facility,
based on the square footage of the addition, a certain number of additional
parking spaces need to be provided for that addition. This section is not
exempted under the ordinance that was approved in 1990. Therefore, Leisureville
is exempt from having to bring their existing parking lot up to Code. However,
they are not exempt from providing the additional parking spaces required by the
size of the addition.
Mr. Ros~nstock stated that if Leisureville added an office, a dance hall, a
meeting hall, etc., the number of people living there does qot increase. He did
not understand why they need more parking spaces if the population has not
increased since the City approved the number of parking spaces at the time of
build out.
City Manager Parker advised that in 1990, the rationale was that if additional
meeting rooms or facilities were added, then more people can come to use the
facility, which would require more parking spaces for that facility. Also, in
1~90, Leisureville added to their facility and followed this same procedure.
They went to the Board o.f Adjustment for a parking lot variance after the ordi-
nance was approved. City Manager Parker advised that if the Board wishes to
~ange the Code, they could bring th~s mat~er up before the City Commission.
M~. Rosenstock and Mr. Wische wished to bring this matter to the attention of
~he City Commission for their consideration.
Chairman Dub~ pointed out that only one little meeting room is being added to
In response to City Manager Parker, Ms. Heyden advised that because of the addi-
tion, Leisureville has to add 11 additional parking spaces. Mr, Wische advised
that the size of the addition is 1,600 square feet.
Mr, Beasley did not think a blanket ordinance should be created. He pointed out
~hat if another meeting room is added to Leisureville, it could create more
Chairman Dub~ suggested that this matter be discussed further after all other
agenda items.
Ms. Heyden continued with her report. She advised that the City Commission
approved the soffit lighting, but not the roof lighting for Denny's Restaurant.
Chairman Dub~ advised that there was a fire at the Denny's Restaurant in
Hypoluxo. He wondered if the fire was caused by the lights on the roof. He
suggested that Ms. Heyden confer with the Fire Chief on this matter.
With regard to Miami Subs, they approved staff's recommendation to limit the
neon to the arches.
Ms. Heyden continued her report. She advised that the use approval for the
Boynton Commerce Center PID was withdrawn by the applicant before the City
Commission meeting.
HAY 9, 1995
B, Police Memorial Service and Awards Ceremony
Chairman Dub~ placed a copy of the invitation he received from the Boynton Beach
Police Department to the Police Memorial Service and Awards Ceremony in front of
each member.
k, Public Nearing
Land Use Element Amendment/Rezonlng
(continued from April 11, 1995 meeting continued to June 13, 1995
Project Name:
Lake Worth Christian School
J. Richard Harris, Esquire
Condor Investments, Inc.
East side of High Ridge Road, approximately one-half
{½) mile south of High Ridge Road
Request to amend the future land use map of the
Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to
Public and Governmental/Institutional and rezoning
from Planned Unit Development (PUD} to R-1AA, Single
Family Residential.
Vice Chairman Golden moved to continue the public hearing for the land use ele-
ment amendment/rezoning for the Lake Worth Christian School to the June t3, 1995
meeting. Mr. Reitz seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
A, Site Plans
1. Project Name:
Nautica PUD alkla Bo~nton Nurseries PUD
Collen W. Walter
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
Boynton Nurseries
Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D.
L-21 Canal
Request for site plan approval to construct entry
wall signage, a private recreation facility, common
area landscaping and landscape buffers.
Mr. Haag stated that this is a request for a site plan approval for Boynton
Nurseries which is now called Nautica PUD. He displayed an overlay showing the
location of this property and an overlay of the entire project. The Zoning
District is PUD with a land use intensity of 4.0. There are 374 single-family,
HAY 9, 1995
detached homes. Site plan approval is requested for a recreational facility,
site signage, and common ground landscaping. Mr. Haag displayed a site 21an of
the recreational facility and reviewed the required recreational amenities. The
parking facility is adequate to serve the recreational facility based on the
size of the recreational amenities. The building and recreational amenities
fall withi'n the building setback established at the master plan.
The clubhouse is of a Spanish style which will be acceptable to the homes that
are going to be built there. A sample of the root tile that will be used was
displayed. Mr. Haag stated that the colors in the report indicate a pale peach
light te×ture; however, the samples shown look more like baker's white.
COlOrr elevations of the entrance sign were displayed. The colors of the wall
sign will be the same colors as the building.
Mr. Rosenstock asked about the size of the sign. Mr. Haag said the size of the
~i§n was reviewed by the Building Department and is limited to 32 square feet.
Mr. Haag advised that several departments had comments. He reviewed the
following comments from the Planning and Zoning Department:
1. Modify the recreation area landscape notes to specify
Melaleuca mulch instead of shredded Cypress mulch.
To avoid conflict between the location of the required
site and pedestrian lighting poles and the landscape
material, show on the recreation area planting plan
the location of the required light fixtures.
To avoid conflict between the location of certain types
of landscaping material within a utility easement,
show and identify on the recreation area plantin~ plan
the location and width of all utility easements.
Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments.
Vice Chairman Golden asked about the driveway for the recreation area. On page
2 of staff's report, it indicates that it needs to be shifted to meet the
parking lot ordinance. He asked what the problem is and what needs to De done.
Mr. Haag advised that driveways located on collector roads have to be 180 feet
from intersections.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if the private streets allow easements for the Fire and
Police Departments. Mr. Haag answered affirmatively.
Vice Chairman Golden asked about the width of the right-of-way. Mr. Haag indi-
cated that it is 80 feet at one point and 50 feet at another point.
Vice Chairman Golden asked what the recommendation or alternatives are for
moving the driveway. Mr. Haag advised that staff has discussed this with the
l't~Y 9, 1995
applicant and he believes the applicant has worked up some preliminary drawings.
However, he has not seen the applicant's plan yet.
Collen Walter was present on behalf of G. L. Homes of Florida, the developers of
Nautica. She displayed the overall plan that was used as part of the develop-
me~t order amendment, which is essentially the master landscape plan for the
project. Ms. Walter advised that she is before the Board this evening with
regard to the common area landscaping and landscape buffers, the site plan, and
Ms~ Walter stated that a minimum of one tree for every 25 linear feet and one
shrub for every 1~ linear feet was required as part of the master landscape plan
along Lawrence Road. She proposed a substantial upgrade to the Lawrence Road
buffer. It is a combination of native plant materials, flowering trees, and
accen~ shrubs, The? are clustered so that views are maintained to the lakes
along Lawrence Road. ID addition, the landscaping around the entry signage has
been upgraded. She advised that the approved master landscape plan would have
requ}red 8g trees and 199 shrubs. However, the proposed plans show 185 trees
and over 2,150 shrubs. In addition, there is a 20 foot utility easement which
~uns along Lawrence Road. There was,a 10 foot landscape buffer dedicated on the
P~P,roved site plan~ and ~n additional 20 feet whic~ is the lake maintenance ease-
merit, Port~ons of the littoral plantings have been located in this lake main-
be~a~ce easement adjacent to the 10 foot buffer. Therefore, essentially, a 30
~D~ wide landscape buffer has been ¢.reated along Lawrence Road, including the
l~i~,toral plantings. With regard to the pear,meter buffers, the applicant has
complied with the master landscape program.
M~, Walter stated that when the plat came before the Planning and Development
Bo-airdl, there were some neighborhood concerns with regard to security and the
}~ndscaping. She advised that G. L. Homes of Florida has entered into an
ag?eement with the adjacent homeowners. (This agreement is attached to the ori-
ginal minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mr. Walter advised that the
ad~jacent homeowners had concerns with regard to screening, security, and people
cutting through their properties to get to Military Trail and the commercial
c~teY. Therefore, the applicant agreed to install a 5 foot high chain link
~nce. A hedge will be planted next to the fence so that it will grow through
~e fence. In about a year, the fence will be hidden by the hedge and the hedge
~t~l be mai~ntained at a height of 8 feet. Ms. Walter stated that this provides
~r3 good screening between this pro3ect and the adjacent neighbors. In addi-
tion, the fence will prohibit anybody from cutting through, which addresses the
s~curity issue. In addition, trees are proposed along the buffer.
M~. Walter advised that she has worked at great length with Kevin Hallahan, the
C~ty Forester/Environmentalist, with regard to the littoral plants. She advised
t' e
~at th purpose of littoral plantings is to filter runoff from the project.
Th~se plan~s collect the fertilizers and pesticides that people use on their
Id,ts and filter them out before they get to the water. Another purpose of lit-
toral plantings is to provide some type of native habitat for animals, birds,
MAY 9, 1995
etc. She advised that the applicant has met the minimum requirement with regard
to the littoral plantings.
Ms. Walter displayed a graphic showing the proposed entry sign. It also imposes
the landscape from the landscape plan. The entry sign is about 6~ feet high.
The main portion of the sign is about 15½ feet long and it has about a 7 foot
wing wall which wraps back into the landscape. Ms. Walter advised that this
sign had been reviewed by the Building Department to make sure that it met their
With regard to the site plan and landscape plan for the recreation center,
Ms. Walter advised that the applicant has provided the required amenities and
the required parking area for the recreation facility. It meets the setbacks
and there is ample open space provided on site for open play.
With regard to the issue of access, Ms. Walter stated that the interpretation is
that the Code requires a 180 foot separation from the main road and the first
entry drive. The applicant is providing a 133 foot separation, but can accom-
modate the 180 foot separation by shifting the entry drive and relocating four
parking spaces. However, the applicant has requested an interpretation from
W%ll~amHukill, the Director of Development, as to whether or not the 180 foot
separation is necessary since this is a private road and not a thoroughfare
road. However, Mr. Hukill is out of town until Friday.
In response to Chairman DubS, Ms. Walter stated that the master landscape
program requires only trees along the northern property line. However, the
developer is interested iq screening the agricultural use from this project and
~I1 probably add a hedge along the northern property line.
Mr. Wische felt this was a well-presented plan and a lot of thought and work
went into it. He was in favor of it. Mr. Rosenstock agreed that the presen-
taton was well done and liked the landscaping plans.
Vice Chairman Golden asked the reason for the 80 foot stubbed out collector road
that turns into a 50 foot private right-of-way. Ms. Walter stated that in the
unincorporated Palm Beach County Zoning Code, the number of trips generated
determines the hierarchy of the roadways. The Engineering Department was con-
cerned with the number of trips generated by two pods and the recreation center
and felt this needed to be an 80 foot right-of-way. Ms. Walter thinks this was
based on the County regulations.
Chairman DubA did not see anything wrong with the driveway and felt it makes
sense to keep it that way. Ms. Heyden confirmed for Mr. Beasley that a variance
would be required to leave the driveway there. Ms. Walter asked if the Director
of Development could make the determination that even though this is an 80 foot
right-of-way, it does not constitute a thoroughfare. Ms. Heyden advised that
according to the ordinance, any road that is a collector road has to be 180
feet, and the driveway off of it has to be 180 feet. Vice Chairman Golden asked
if the stub or a portion of it could be abandoned to eliminate that problem.
Ms. Heyden advised that this could be done.
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NAY 9, 1995
Vice Chairman Golden saw no reason why the City would want a little stubbed
collector road. He felt the City Engineer would be happy to get rid of it.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the Nautica PUD a/k/a Boynton Nurseries PUD,
located at the northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 canal,
request for site plan approval to construct entry wall signage, a private
recreation facility, common area landscaping and landscape buffers, subject to
staff comments. Mr. Reitz seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
2. Project: Outpatient Properties, Inc,
Agent: Wayne E. Puls
Owner: Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Location: Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Description: Request to amend the previously approved site plan to
construct a surplus parking facility on a parcel adja-
cent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Haag displayed an overlay of the location of this project and an overlay of
the site plan. The request is for a surplus parking facility. The rest of the
project is being used as a percolation area for drainage. He reviewed the
surrounding land uses. The applicant is proposing 17 parking spaces, including
one handicapped space to be used as surplus parking for the medical building
owned by the applicant at the ~ortbwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Boulevard. Based on a determination from the Engineering Division to allow
construction of this parking to temporary parking lot standards, the plans sub-
mitted do not meet the lighting requirements.
Mr. Haag advised that the parking area will be asphalt.
Mr. Haag advised that there is a requirement that the lot be 120 feet before any
development takes place; however, it is only 115 feet. The applicant went to
the Board of Adjustment for a variance to allow it to be reduced to 115 feet.
The Board of Adjustment approved the variance, subject to the parking facility
being built to standard regulations, not as a temporary parking facility, and
that whatever buffer is required along the west property line abutting the resi-
dential, be in place prior to the use of the parking facility.
Mr. Haag advised that according to the Code, when a C-1 zoning district abuts a
residential district, the applicant has a choice of either providing dense
landscaping (2 feet in height along the property line) or a six foot high buffer
wall, stuccoed on both sides and painted. In this case, it is required along
the west property line.
Mr. Haag stated that the Planning and Zoning Department could not find the
landscape plan that the applicant said he submitted. Therefore, he was asked to
NAY 9, 1995
bring it in today, which he did. However, the Planning and Zoning Department
has not had time to thoroughly review it.
In response to Vice Chairman Golden, Mr. Haag advised that the Board of
Adjustment approved the lot depth subject to the facility being built to a
regular parking lot, not applying any temporary standards that may be waived by
the Engingeering Department for such items as lighting and landscaping.
Mr. Haag reviewed the landscape plan submitted by the applicant. Hedge material
and trees were provided along the west property line. Mr. Haag reiterated that
the Planning and Zoning Department did not get to thoroughly review this land-
scape plan. He advised that some items are missing from it; however, it is a
much better plan than what was previously submitted.
A few departments submitted comments. Mr. Haag reviewed the Planning and Zoning
comments. Melaleuca mulch was recommended if mulch is going to be used. It was
recommended that a wall be used rather than landscaping. This recommendation
was based on the fact that the project to the south, which is also iq the C-1
zoning district, has a site wall that separates that project from the residen-
tial to the west. Planning and Zoning recommended that this wall be continued
and :ontain the same architectural features as the existing wall. Planning and
Zoning also r.ecommended that the location of the site lighting fixtures be indi-
cated on the plans to avoid interference with landscaping. They recommended
that the applicant chose a specie from .Florida Power and Light's "Plant the
Right Tree in the Right Place" brochure to avoid the overhead power lines along
Seacrest Boulevard.
Staff recommended approval of this project, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if staff is recommending approval of this parking lot as a
temporary parking lot. Mr. Haag said, "No." City Manager Parker clarified that
the applicant is in the process of constructing a permanent parking lot in
accordance with City Codes.
Vice Chairman Golden asked if there is any provision in the Code for a temporary
par~ing tot. Ms. Heyden advised that the parking lot regulations recognize a
~emporary parking lot. It states that if such is designated by the City
Engineer at his discretion, it has to include phasing and information regarding
when it is to be removed. Ms. Heyden advised that the applicant only needed to
appear before the Board of Adjustment with regard to the lot depth.
Mr. Rosenstock felt "temporary parking facility" should be defined in the Code.
Wayne Puls advised that the the land across the street from the Outpatient
Center is not owned by the applicant; it is owned by a different corporation.
He stated that the parking facility would be for the employees of the Outpatient
Center only. He stated that the City Engineer told him there was a special
regulation for a temporary period not to exceed two years. He stated that when
the Board of Adjustment heard the request for the variance for the lot depth,
HAY 9, 1995
the temporary parking facility fell apart. He understands that applicant has to
complywith the standard parking regulations, but he did not understand why a
wall is required if the Code permits the applicant to install a vegetative
buffer. He stated that the applicant chose to install a vegetative buffer to
hold down costs, since he does not Know how that property wilt be developed in
the future. Mr. Puls also did not understand why lighting is required. He
stated that emoloyees will start parking there about 6:15 a.m. and will be gone
by early afternoon.
With regard to the requirement for unity of title, Mr. Puls said that the two
pieces of property are owned by different corporations.
Mr. Rosenstock asked why this parking lot is needed if the Outpatient Center is
currently meeting the Code requirements for their parking lot. Mr. Puls advised
that they have more patients than originally anticipated.
Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that at six o'clock in the morning in the wintertime,
it is dark out. Therefore, he felt lighti:~g will be needed at least for the
safety of the people using the parking lot.
Mr. Rosenstock asked Mr. Puls if he base. spoken to the people adjacent to the
?roposed perking facility, Mr. Puls advised that he discussed this matter with
,heir spokesperson and was unable to reach an agreement.
Robert Foot, 2400 S.W. 1st Street, submitted petitions from 43 people in the
area west of Seacrest Boulevard and south of 23rd. He asked the Board to
include a requirement for continuation of the wall which separates the property
to the south from the residents to the west. He stated that this wall was
required by the Planning and Zoning Board back in 1984 when development of the
south end of the property was being considered. He stated that a wall, as
epposed to a hedge, will prevent storm~ater drainage from moving to the west,
w~ll minimize flow of exhaust fumes to the pools to the west, and will reduce
~he disturbances (headlights and noise) to the neighbors from use of the parking
l~ot at 6:00 a.m. Concerning the unity of title, Mr. Foot stated that if this
~arking lot is developed by ~tsetf, it coul~d at some time in the future be sold
to another party for use other than by ~he people to the north across the
street, such as the hospital.
Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that the Code gives the applicant the option of
Snstalting a wall or hedge. He also pointed out that there is no building on
~he site. He, therefore, questioned the need for a wall at this time.
Mr. Beasley did not know how this Board could require a wall when the Code gives
the applicant an option. Chairman DubA advised that this Board can make a
recommendation. Vice Chairman Golden added that certain uses sometimes may
require extra buffering° Chairman Dub~ stated that if he lived in this area, he
would want a wall. Mrs. Frazier agreed with Chairman DubS.
- 10 -
Mr. Reitz moved to approve Item 7.A.2, the major site plan modification per
staff recommendations and per the modification of extending the wall the full
distance on the west property line. Mr. Wische seconded the motion.
Mr. Beasley did not know how a unity of title can be required when the proper-
ties are owned by different corporations. Ms. Heyden stated that there has to
be unity of title because parking lots in and of themselves are not a permitted
The motion carried 7-0.
3. Project:
Christian Come Alive Deliverance and Conference
Center, Inc,
Milton Russell, Jr.
William and Annie Darville
3664 Old Dixie Highway
Request for approval to convert a vacant building for
church use and install parking and landscaping.
Mr. Hang displayed an overlay of the location of this project and an overlay of
the proposed site plan. The zoning district is C-4. The land use designation
is general commercial. The use is an existing building proposed for a church
conference center. The area of the building is 1,094 square feet and the site
acreage is .66 acres.
The existing site does not have a parking facility. There is a vacant building
on the site. He circulated photographs of what the building looks like at the
present time. These photographs were provided by the applicant. He also
displayed an elevation. Mr. Haag stated that no changes to the exterior of the
building are being proposed, other than some color.
There is a driveway going out from Old Dixie Highway, leading to a parking fac-
ility behind the building. The parking facility will support one parking space
per 100 square feet of floor area. The trees proposed by the applicant meet the
landscape code requirements. The applicant is also providing a hedge around the
perimeter of the vehicle use area and sod around the building. However, the
applicant has not indicated any lawn grass to the rear of the project, which is
covered in staff comments.
The existing building does not conform to the front setback requirements.
However, it is a nonconforming building and is grandfathered in as long as the
applicant does not try to add forward of the existing line. The plans show that
there are no proposed building expansions at this time.
The existing stucco building will be pale yellow with grey trim. It needs to be
painted, which the applicant proposes to do.
A free-standing sign is proposed in front of the project.
- 11 -
Several departments submitted comments. Mr. Haag reviewed Planning and Zoning's
comments. The proposed colors need to be indicated on the plan. The discrepan-
cies on the site plan and the landscape plan need to be corrected. A traffic
report is needed to evaluate whether or not it meets traffic concurrency. If
mulch is used, Helaleuca mulch is recommended.
Staff recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock advised that unless irrigation is demanded of the applicant, he
would not vote to approve this request. Otherwise, he was in favor of this
Chairman DubA referred to the road on the north side of the building that goes
all the way back to another building. Mr. Russell stated that the property to
the north is not part of this site.
Mr. Russell advised that the certified survey shows the setback to be 25', not
24' as shown on the site plan. He said he submtitted the survey to the Building
Department for correction.
Mr. Russell advised that staff recommended a fire hydrant for the existing
building. He could not understand why, since that building existed without one
previously. S~nce the Fire Department made this comment, Chairman Dub~ advised
that Mr. Russell would have to discuss this with them.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the Christian Come Alive Deliverance and
Conference Center, Inc.'s request for approval to convert a vacant building for
church use and install parking and landscaping, located at 3664 Old Dixie
HighWay, subject to all staff comments. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the
motion which carried 7-0.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
George Davis
Seventh Day Adventist Church
138 S.E. 27th Avenue
Request to amend the previously approved site plan to
allow shared parking and delete future additions shown
in order to reduce required parking,
Mr. Haag displayed an overlay of this site. The zoning classification is
R-l-AA. The proposed use is a church school and community center complex. The
area of ~he site is 2.31 acres. The building is 11,470 square feet {existing).
It is bordered on two sides by public streets, This project came before the
City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Board in 1991 for expansion of the
school, community building, and the church. At that time, the plans indicated
another bank of parking spaces. There were enough parking spaces to support all
of the uses at that time. The expansion of the school was completed and the
- 12 -
applicant asked the City for a Certificate of Occupancy. However, at that time,
they did not develop the parking spaces or redo the existing parking facility
which was required of them under the 1991 approval.
This request is for a shared parking agreement and to upgrade the existing fac-
ility to provide no less than the 41 parking spaces.
Staff concurs with the shared parking. The rest of the development for the
parking lot meets parking lot standards. The landscaping meets the landscape
standard code. There will be no more additions to the building. This meets
what was approved in lg91. All buildimg and site regulations for the existing
school have been complied with. No signage is being requested.
Several departments submitted comments, Mr. Haag reviewed Planning and Zoning's
comments, including rectifying the shared parking, the location of the driveway,
and landscaping. Staff recommended that the shared parking agreement be
accapted. If mulch is used, staff recommended it be Melaleuca. Staff recom-
mended approval of this request, subject to all staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if the applicant agreed to comply with staff's comments.
George Davis, 1100 S. Federal Highway, and Gene Roll (a member of the church),
t50 S.W. 24th Avenue, were present. Mr. Davis stated that Mr. Haag's comments
do not seem unsurmountable.
In response to Chairman DubS, Mr. Davis advised that the applicant intends to
bring the parking lot and landscaping up to Code,
Chairman Dub~ mentioned that the fence is lying on the ground. Mr. Roll
explained that the kids miss the backboard when playing basketball and have to
jump over the fence to retrieve the ball. After doing this for a number of
years, the fence became brdoken. He advised that a fence contractor has been
contacted to repair the fence so that the children will not have to jump over
the fence to retrieve the ball ia the future.
Chairman Duba said it looks like the neighborhood intenis to use this property.
Mr. Roll said they are welcome to use it as long as they behave themselves. He
advised that Bethesda Hospital is currently using the parking lot during the
weekdays for their student nurses.
Mr. Reitz moved to approve Item 7.A.4, Seventh Day Adventist Church, major site
plan modification, based on staff comments. Mr, Rosenstock seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
- 13 -
HAY 9, 1995
A. Residential Appearance Code
Chairman DubA stated that this Board recommended approval of the appearance code
on February 28, 1995. However, it was never adopted by the City Commission. He
advised that Commissioner Jaskiewicz has requested that ~his item be revisite6.
Therefore, it will be discussed at a City Commission Workshop on Thursday,
May 11, I995, at 6:30 p.m.
B. Continued DIscussion Regarding Parking Lot Variances as they Pertain to
Cormmntty Built Out
Mr. Wische and Mr. Rosenstock did not think variances should be required if com-
munities are already built out.
Mr. Reitz agreed with Hr. Beasley that a blanket change should not oe made
because this issue involves density of people in a particular area. He pointed
out that even if the overall population is not being increased by an addition,
the density i~ a particular location could be increased by an addition. How-
ever, he did not think this was the case in the Leisureville situation.
Mr. Rosenstock stated that he resides in Hunter's Run, which has a population of
about 3,000 residents. When they have an affair, about 600 to 1,000 people
attend. He pointed out that every single resident could potentially attend one
of these affairs. Therefore, an addition would not change the number of people
who could attend.
Vice Chairman Golden did not think that was necessarily true because some addi-
tions, such as recreational facilities, make it more attractive for people to
Mr. Rosenstock used Hunter's Run as an example again. He stated that the
parking lot is empty most of the year. Even during the summer there are enough
parking spaces. However, the turnout at an annual meeting is so great that
people have to park on the grass. Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that the
Code is not based on those events. Hr. Rosenstock agreed. He added that the
Code was not based on those events when the City allowed a certain number of
p~rking spaces when the project was built. Therefore, he questioned why they
should have to increase the parking spaces now.
Mr. Beasley asked if it is based on square footage basis. Vice Chairman Golden
advised that it is based on the uses and the density. Ms. Heyden advised that
the addition to Leisureville is an office addition and is based on square
footage. She advised that the type of addition should be taken into consid-
eration. Otherwise, an argument could be made that commercial uses are adding
square footage for storage and are not adding employees.
Hr. Rosenstock pointed out that the dining room in Hunter's Run can seat over
500 people. If all 500 people come at one time, there would not be enough
14 -
NAY 9, 1995
parking spaces. He stated that you have to use common sense and consider the
average number of peOple Who would Use the facility,
Ms. Heyden felt it should also be taken into consideration that ofentimes
homeowner associations lease their space to other groups. Mr. Rosenstock stated
that it could not possibly be leased to a number of people that would occupy all
the parking spaces.
Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that if you have an older nonconforming
clubhouse that has minimal parking, e.g., i0 parking spaces, and any function
normally attracts 30 or 40 cars, that situation creates a deficit even without
an addition.
Mr. Wische said Leisureville has three clubhouses and all the parking has been
approved for those clubhouses. He stated that the amount of people allowed in
those clubhouses for any affair is limited to avoid overcrowding of parking.
Mr. Rosenstock stated that there are exceptions. He pointed out that when there
is a COWBRA meeting, the parking lots cannot even accommodate one quarter of the
people who attend those meetings.
Mr. Rosenstock suggested that staff present the three ordinances involved in
this matter at the next Planning and Development Board meeting for discussion by
the members of the Board.
There being no further business to come before this Board,
at 9:10 p.m.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
the meeting adjourned
- 15 -
February 21, 1995
City Commission
City of Boynton Beach
10DE Boynton I~ach Blvd.
Boynton 13each, FL 33425
Buffer bordering the Property Line of the Naufica PUD. as follows: starting at
the westemmost point ofthe P_U.D., from Lake Worth Drainage District Canal 21
north 662.53 feet, from that DOint east 1408.47 feet from that point north 1326.05 feet
to end_
Dear Commis~ionem:
This letter describes proposed amendments to the approved buffer contained within the Natuica P.U.D
These amendments have been negotiated in good faith between G.L. Homes and the county residents
living in sections which ate immediately adjacent to and west of the P.U.D. Based on meetings
between G.L, Homes and e ~3alition of the residents, the undemigned have agreed to the following,
provided the~Commission approves the Nautica plats and grants site plan approval to the amended
landscape and buffer planting plans:
GeL. Homes will erect ~a~_~t chain link fence on its property along the property
line des,c~bed above. The posts of the fence will be set in concrete. The posts and the top rail
will ~01~i~t of galvanized steel pipe and the chain link wire will be vinyl coated eleven gauge
galvanized steel.
G.L Hbmes will plant a titus benjamine hedge using three gallon plant material to be
placed no morn than 24 inches apart on its property along the interior side of the chain link
fence referenced in ffl above.
G.L Homes will cause the Nautico Homeownere Association to maintain the hedge at a height
of no tess than eight feet a~s pert of its {Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements.
G.L. Homes will erect a six foot tall wood gate on the 20' emergency access easement to Sun
Up Trail as provided on the approved s'~e plan and as required by the City of Boynton Beach Fire
Department The gate will be locked and will abul on each end to the chain link fence
described in #1. No plant material will be inetslled in front of this gate.
G.L. Homes will use its best elforts fe obtain a permit for the construction of a fence and gate
along the Lake Worth D{ainage District Canal 21 at the western extremity of the Nautica P,U,D
If so permitted, G,L HomeS will install a s~x foot fence and gate,
In keeping wfth our objective of obtaining the meximurn possible buffer zone between the two
dflwlol]mP.n~. {31 Hnme~ ~0re~s to w~rk v~th the cil~ of l~oynton Bosch officiale te the end
goal of preserving as many of the native trees, such as oak and Dine, on site in compliance
with the Tree Management Plan for Nautica DevelopmenL
Thank you for your consideration to the antendme~t as sDelled out by the foregoing.
Agreed to, as authorized officer Of G,L Homes of Boynton Beech Corporation:
Richard A. ~esfelto, ~ce Pres~eM
Agreed to, as authorized representative of the homeowners of White Feather Trail,
Sun. Up Trail end Old Milita~ Trail.
George Gro~he ' Jo~n Gros~he
i~dhn D'~ond ~/ Becky Dymol~.
We the undersigned neighbors of White Feather Trail, Sun Up Trail and Old Military
Trai~l do hereby acknowledge and agree to have the builder of Nautica PUD, GL
Homes, to:
1. Erect a five foot chain link fence and plant a Fictm b~njarnina hedge using
three gallon goods to be spaced no more than 1 § inches apart along the prop~.rty
line as follow~: From LWDD Canal 21 north 662.53 feet, from that point ea,~t
1408.47 feet, from that point north 1326.05 feet to end. Location of this fence and
hedge also highlighted in pink on the attached Master Plan layout
2. This hedge shall be maintained at no le~ than a height of eight feet of
re~ulting growth The re~ulting fence and hedge, shall be de~ugned to place a
permanent barrier between the two neighborhoods.
3. The builder, and upon build out, the home owners' aae~ciation, which is
created to maintain common areas shall be required to maintain and repair the
fence and hedge<as.part of the common area.
4. To and lock on the twenty foot emergency
acce~ uired by ~he Fire Department.
5 [oo.t fence and gate on Lake Worth
~f Nautica prol~_rty.
The builder agreea to amend the d~v~lopment plan~ to include the above
improvements and .agrees to complete, theae improvements as indicated by ,~;lgnliag
below along Witll til~ ~lelghbor~
In lieu of these improvement~ to maintain the nature of both neighborhooda, w~
undersigned agree not to obstruct in any way the builders approval pl'oee$~ of
Nautica PUD. Further, we elect George and Joan Gro~cl~, and/or John and Becky
Dymond as our authorized repre~entativ~ in thJ~ matter.
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its propertyj but
we feel that the proper~y on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Propertias, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
Compliance with City ordinances concerninq
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
{Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
. ( S~ignat .u~we )
( S ignatu~e )
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwesu corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should hoe be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscap!ng, paving, and drainage_ without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the wesu with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
curren5 Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
( Signature )
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the OutpaTient
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
(Street address)
Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the firs~ stage of any
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we fee! that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Propertfes, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
l} Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, pavlng, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of Boyn~on Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on 5he southwes5 corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacr~st Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
t) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in che first stage of any
(Street add/~ess)
Boynton Beach, Florida
(Signature) ~ ~
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatien~
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception prov!slon for "temporary"
parking lots.
Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage o~ any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
- -
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwesc corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest ~lvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exceptio~ provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
tke residential properties to the west with e
slx foot stuccoed well, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage ~f any
improvements. ~Y4~
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
( S ignat~e~
4/ \9/95
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking ~ot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
!) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
- (~treet addreSS)
Boynton Beach, Florida
gnatu )
( Signature )
City of Boynuon Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the properuy on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that a~y use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stucco~d wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
4/ 7/95
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should nut be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscap!ng, pav~ng, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking tots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
s~x foo~ stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
· - i~nature )
(Street address) ~ ~
Boynton Beach, Florida
( S igna~ure )
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should hOC be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, !nc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concern!ng
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of. Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property~ but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage,, without,,use
of the exception provision for temporary
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street add~ess)
Boynton Beach, Flcrida
(Si at r6) _
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject, to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage w!thout use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address) (Si~tur~-~
Boynton Beach, Florida
( S~ture )
City of Boyn~on Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on ~he southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
l) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaplng, paving, and drainage without use
of the excep~io% provision for "temporary"
parking Lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
curren5 Ordinance, in the first stage of any
improvements ·
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the proper~y on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
iandscaplng, paving, and drainage withouc use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary'~ parking 1~.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
l) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, Uaving' and drainage without use
of the exceptioq provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
improvementS- ~ · ~
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of Boynton BeaCh:
We approve of an owner'S use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporarY" parking lot.
SO, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
'ance with City ordinances concerninq
1] Compl~ . ~avin~ and drainage without.use
landscap!nq, ~ =' . · ~ "~ m orat-
or the exception provision ~or Le p
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot ssuccoed wail, as provided in the
current ordinance, in the first stage of any
Boynnon Beach, Florida
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property~ but
we feel tkat the property on the southwest cc rner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary'~ parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be s~bject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exceptioq provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
~he residential properties to the west with a
slx foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
( S tre address ) ~
Boynton Beach, Florida
City of
Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its propertyr but
feel that the property on the southwest corner of
23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. properny be subject to these conditions:
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provmsion for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
( Signature )
4/ /95
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of ~ts property~ but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be sub3ect to these conditions:
i) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscauing, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of tke commercial property ~rom
the residential properties to the west With a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
( Si~hatu )
~ ~gn~ture )
City o~ Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest ccrner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, inc. property be subject to these conditions:
~) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception pr°vision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial propersy from
the residential properties to the west with a
six ~oot stuccoed wail, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the firs5 stage of any
(Street address)
Boynto~ Beach, Florida
( Signature ) ~
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So, we ask that any use~ of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc~ pro~ert~ be subject to these conditions:
Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parkinq lots.
Street addr~e/ss ) '
Boynton Beach, Florida
Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west with a
six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any
City of Boynton Beach:
We approve of an owner's use of its proper~y, but
we feel that the property on the southwest corner of
SW 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
as a "temporary" parking lot.
So~ we ask that any use of the Outpatient
Properties, Inc. property be subject to these conditions:
1} Compliance with City ordinances concerning
landscaping, paving, and drainage without use
of the exception provision for "temporary"
parking lots.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the west
six foot stu¢coed wall, as
current Ordinance, in the
improvements. //
(Street address)
Boynton Beach, Florida
(Signatu )
City of BoyntOn
We approve of an owner's use of its property, but
feel that the property on the southwest corner of
23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. should not be used
a "temporary" parking
So, we ask that any use of the Outpatient
property be subject to these conditions:
Properties, !nc.
1) Compliance with City ordinances concerning
~ ~avinq, and drainage without use
landsca~, 5 L~=~n for "temporary
of the excel°5 pru .....
parking lo~s.
2) Separation of the commercial property from
the residential properties to the wes~ with a
six foot stUccoed wall, as provided in the
current ordinance, in the first stage of any
(Street addresS)
Boynton Beach, Florida