Minutes 12-13-94MINUTES O~'-qilE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNT,ON BEACH, FLORIDA, oN TuEsDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1994, AT 7.QQ PRESENT Gary Lehnertz, Chairman Stanley Dub&, Vice Chairman JimGolden Tom Walsh Bradley Weigle Pat Frazier, Alternate ABSENT Maurice RoSenstock Daniel Winters (Excused) Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Lehnertz called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m,, and led the Pledge of Atl~egiance to the Flag. INTRODUCTION OF HAYOR) CONHISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS This item is handled later in the meeting. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice Chairman Dub& requested that the "Approval of the Minutes of the Special Planning and Development Board Meeting of November 15, 1994" be added to the agenda. Chairman Lehnertz announced that he has an item to be addressed under "Old Business". Motion Vice Chairman Dub&moved to accept the agenda with the additions. Mr. Weigle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting of November S_z 1994 Motion Mr. Walsh moved to approve as submitted. Vice Chairman Dub& seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Special Heettng of November 15) 1994 Motion Mr. Weigle moved to approve as submitted. Mr. Golden seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. - 1 - MINUTES Y PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 CONt4UN%CATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Report fram the Planntng and Zoning Department 1. Final Disposition of Las~ Month's Agenda Gulfstream Professlonal Butldtn9 Parking Lot Vartance was unanimously approved by the City Commission. Quantum Park Lots 12 through 14 Drainage Easement Abandontnentwas unanimously approved by the City Commission subject to moving some pipes and dedicating an easement to cover the new drainage facilities. The Gulfstream Professional Building Master Slte Plan Modification was approved by the City Commission sub- ject to all staff comments except requiring the entire parking lot to be restriped. The M~ster Plan Modification for Quantum Park Lots 12 through 14was approved by the City Commission to show both lots as office and research and development. The Site Plan for quantum Park for Lots 12 to 14, the MOtorola facility, was unanimously approved by the City Corrmission, subject to all staff comments and the recommendation regarding the use of non-Melaleuca mulch and the el)mination of the ~iddle driveway in lieu of the new driveway on the west side. Satellite Dish Ordinance - This Ordinance generated a great deal of discussion. The City Commission made changes regarding the screening on three {3) sides. January 9, 1995 - 6:30 p,m, Ca~mlssion Code Neetlug in City Commission Chambers Ms. Heyden advised that Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council will be present at this meeting to present alt of the Code recommendations they have been working on regarding the Central Business District, and the corridor between Seacrest Boulevard and Ocean Avenue. They will be codifying all of the recom- mendations involved with the downtown charrette. Although not required, attend- ance by Board members is requested to receive input. In the future, all materials related to an upcoming meeting will be sent out on the Thursday prior to the Monday meeting. With regard to the Planning Commissioners' Journal, Ms. Heyden has receipts for Vice Chairman Dub& and Mr. Winters. She requested payment from the remaining members who ordered the Journal. -2- MINUTES ~ ~' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 OLD BUSZNESS Chairman Lehnertz advised that every year the City of Boynton Beach recognizes the fact that the Board members spend their personal time and energy to help out the City by serving on a Board. The City treated the members to a very enjoy- able dinner and issued Certificates of Appreciation for each member. Chairman Lehnertz distributed the Certificates. INTRODUCTION OF MAYORs COMMISSIONERS AND BOARq MEMBERS Chairman Lehnertz introduced the Board members. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARING CONDITIONAL USE Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Sears Auto Center John B. Smith Engineers, Inc. Boynton - JCP Associates, LTD. Northeast corner of the Boynton Beach Mall, directly south of the C-16 Canal Request for conditional use approval to construct a 21,696 square foot automotive service center and associated parking and landscaping. Mr. Haag made the presentation. The Land Use Plan Designation is Local Retail Commercial {LRC}. The Zoning District is C-3. This is a fee simple building. Sears will own the building of 21,696 square feet. The leased outparcel site is 100,455 square feet {2.3 acres}. The Mall property is a development of regional impact (DRI) which was approved in Palm Beach County when Resolution R74-343 was adopted on May 7, 1974. The property was annexed into the City under OrdinanC~ No, 82-38 on November 16, 1982. Along with the property, the City took on 'the conditions of the Development Order. The automotive service aspect of the property was part of a special exception which occurred on September 12, 1978, prior to the City annexing the property. The original Development Order was for 1,108,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. Through the approvals and building of the Mall, they had a previous approval for a third floor for Macy's. The third floor was never built. The square footage from that third floor is being used for the Sears Automotive Center. There is a remaining balance of between 20,000 and 30,000 square feet. One of staff's com- ments is that they are to update the plan to supply the correct remaining square footage on the site. The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows: -3- NZNUTE$ ~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD #EETTNG BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 North . C-l$ Canal and Palm Beach County property and Savannah Lakes aPartment complex; East - commercial development zoned C-3; South - Mall parking area zoned C-3; West Mall parking area zoned C-3 When the City Commission, Planning and Development Board, and staff review con- ditional uses, they use tWelYe (12) standards for evaluation pu:rposes. 1. IngreSs/egress into the site is off the Mall loop road. Almost all of the construction is within the Mall loop rOad. Parki~ng surrounds the building. There is a service court in the rear and there will be some loading in front of the building When batteries are loaded. The parking spaces provided by the service center are equal to, or greater than what they need just for the particular use, without involving any of the parking spaces on the remainder of the site. The service doors for the project are located on the south side of the building; therefore shielding it from the residential property to the north. The service area and dumpster location are acceptable to the Public Works Department. Staff is concerned about the impact of the service Court dumpster on the residential properties to the north. 4. All site utilities are available. The plan meets the Landscape Code requirements which include vehicle use area hedging around the parking area. Staff has recommended that a six-foot high buffer wall be placed along the north property line to further shield the service area and dumpster court. In addition, further landscaping is recommended to go continually along the north property line to the west property line of the Mall property. This would be a hedge. This is a basic requirement from the Landscape Code, The signs were reviewed and the Building Department has a comment regarding the square footage of the signs. Staff has recommended that the site lighting pOles be shielded so as not to glare off to the north. 7. The building is well within the setback requirements. -4- #]'NUTE$ PLANNTNG AND DEVELOPI~NT BOARD #EET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI'DA DECEMBER 13, 1994 This use is compatible with other properties in the zoning district. Th~s building ~s not subject to the Community Design Plan; however, it does meet the Modern design district requirements. The color of the building will blend with the main shopping center buildings. 9. The height of the building will not exceed a maximum of 24'. 10. The auto center will benefit the Mall because it will attract some additional traffic which will benefit other Mall establishments. This will result in a positive economic effect on adjacent property and the City. 11. This application has followed the site plan procedures. 12. This use must meet the performance standards section of the Boynton Beach Noise Control Ordinance and must abate nuisances and hazards. There were only three departments with comments. Those departments are Utilities, Engineering/Building, and Planning and Zoning. Staff reviewed the project and has recommended that this conditional use be approved subject to staff comments and recommendations and modification of the permit plans to reflect compliance with those comments. Mr. Golden referred to Mike Haag's memorandum to Ms. Heyden dated December 6, 1994, wherein his recommendation includes a remark relative to the City Attorney reviewing the landscape and wall issues. He inquired as to whether or not a response had been received from the City Attorney. Mr. Haag responded nega- tively. Vice Chairman Dub~ pointed out that the dumpster area is 10' x 12' and it is too small to accommodate the additional dumpster for cardboard. A discussion in this regard was conducted at the City Commission Workshop meeting. Although the change has not yet been made in the Code, he feels we should begin to require a larger area to accommodate both dumpsters. Mr. Haag agreed with Vice Chairman Dub~'s remarks, and stated that the Board could make a recommendation to this effect. Mr. Weigle referred to Comment #5 on Page 3 of Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum #94-330. In his opinion, he cannot understand how staff can justify a small project such as this one having to plant such a great deal of hedging. Sears does not own the Mall. He supports Sears having to screen their own building, but feels requiring them to screen the entire north side of the Mall property is just too much to ask of them. Mr. Haag advised that this property is owned by the Mall. Sears will own the building. The requirement he references in Comment #5 is the basic requirement for vehicle use area screening. When the Mall was built, this requirement was not in place. Chairman Lehnertz pointed out that the Mall is the applicant. Mr. Weigle explained that Sears will be paying for the landscaping. -5- H~'NUTE$ ""- J PLANNZNG AND DEVELOPHENT BOARD HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR)DA DECENBER 13, 1994 Bob ~mtth~ 400 NE 3rd Avenue~ Fort Lauderdale~ said the applicant has no objec- tions to any of the recommendations with the exception of the wall. They do not feel it is warranted for the property since the e~tire Mall does not have a wall and it is zoned similarly. One of the unusual features of this property which abuts residential property is that the canal right-of-way is 210'. There is approximately 250' from the apartments to this complex. The applicant has no problems with the recommendation for planting additional trees and shrubs to aid in screening. In their opinion, such a wall would invite graffiti. They feel the residents across the canal would have more of a problem with graffiti than looking, at the building, He requested that additional trees and shrubs be added in lieu of the wall itself. Chairman Lehnertz asked if that would include the hedge along the entire north side of the property. Mr. Smith said he could not speak directly for the Mall, but if it is a condition, and in lieu of the wall, he is sure they will put the extra money into the planting of the hedge. Mr. Smith said this use will not generate cardboard since it is service repair. It deals with tires, batteries, mechantcal work on cars and appliance repairs. Ifany cardboard is generated, it can be stored in the tire storage area. Vice Chairman Dub~ noted that if the dumpster area was made wider, it would cause problems because part of the roadway would have to be removed. In response to V~ice Chairman Dub~'s question, Mr. Smith stated that the truck court is only for loading and unloading of tires. Mr. Smith said the Board has the option of restricting deliveries during the hours of the Mall operation. This will probably be a once-a-Week type of operation. Chairman Lehnertz asked Mr. Smith to explain the services which will be provided at this center. Mr. Smith advised that this is strictly tires, batteries and general mechanical. There will be fluid additions, but there will De no fluid exchanges at this site~ There wilA be t~n (10) to twelve (12) service racks in one large bay. Mr. Smith said the application went through the environmental review process and was approved. Chairman Lehnertz requested that the mulch be restricted to a non-Cypress type mulch. Mr. Smith had no problem with that request. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. Mr. Weigle expressed concerns about the recommendation for the six foot wall. He did not feel this was a requirement and pointed out that a wall already exists at the condos. He feels the applicant should be required to have land- scaping, but does not believe the applicant should be required to plant hedges the entire length of the parking lot. Mr. Weigle does not feel this is a sub- stantial change to the design since it has been in place since the inception when no hedges were required. To require this project to support hedges along the entire north property line is too much to ask. With regard to the buffer wall, he cannot understand forcing an applicant to put this in when it is not in the Code. -6- #TNUTE$ ~- ~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 13, 1994 Mr. Golden questioned whether or not a 6' buffer wall exists across the canal for Carriage Homes. Ms. Heyden and Mr. Haag responded negatively. Mr. Haag said there ~s a wall which separates Carriage Homes and Savannah Lakes from Catalina Center, and one on the west property line of the Mall property. Chairman Lehnertz explained that with conditional use applications, the City has, on occasion, put forward additional requirements which are not necessarily enclosed within the Code, to make the development fit in better with the sur- rounding land uses and make it more aestheticall~ pleasing for the surrounding residents. Mr. Weigle pointed out that it does not appear that this is a big deal to the surrounding residents since none of them showed up at this meeting. Chairman Lehnertz announced that a letter was received from a resident. Mr. Haag explained that this property is in the County. Mr. Weigle said he does not understand what property this person is referring to, and furthermore, this property is not wi thin the City. Vice Chairman Dub~ said she refers to the Mall traffic devaluing her property, but the traffic is almost al1 within the City. Mr. Haag said every property owner within 400' received a notice. Mr. Weigle feels this letter is moot, and if the surrounding residents were interested in a buffer wall, they would have attended this meeting. If the people had come out to argue for the wall, he would better understand the need for it. Chairman Lehnertz feels it is the Board's responsibility to represent the people even when they cannot attend the meetings. Chairman Lehnertz agreed with Mr. Smith's remark regarding the fact that because of the distance between the residences to the north and this project, a 6' wall will not make'a great deal of diffeFence. However, he reminded the Board that the applicant does not have a problem with planting hedges across the entire north end of this property in place, of the wall. Chairman Lehnertz feels this would be very useful. Ms. Heyden explained that the only reason there is any doubt about the land- scaping and buffer wall being a requirement is whether or not the DRI supersedes the City's Code requirements. The DRI included a very conceptual master plan which showed the general layout of the buildings. It did not require the level of detail required at site plan stage. She does not believe these issues were addressed at the DRI, and does not believe it was appropriate to address them at that time. The only reason there is a wall on the west side of this property is that when the DRI was approved, the residents who live on the west side of that wall were very vocal and the County required the wall. Our Code does require a wall and landscaping. This application is a major modification to the Mall and it requires compliance with the Landscape Code. Chairman Lehnertz said he attended some of the meetings Ms. Heyden referred to and the reason the wall was erected was as a result of residents' concerns. -7- N~NUTE$ PLANNZNG AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEET~NG BOYNTON :BEACH, FLORTDA DECENBER 13, 1994 In response to Mr. Golden's question, Ms. Heyden said Carriage Homes is a rental complex, He then pointed out that the property owners received the notices and not the tenants. That might be a reason why none of the residents were present for this meeting. Mr. Haag advised that the City posts signs at the project advertising the meeting. In Mr. Walsh's opinion, it is the Board's duty to do whatever is necessary to protect the residents in rentals or individual residences. The privacy issue is extremely important and the Board should ensure that the developers respect those rights of privacy to the neighbors. Whether it is a wall or landscaping, the developer Should be obliged to comply. Ms. Heyden explained that the City should be looking out for the citizens of Palm Beach County as well as the residents of the City. The mobile home park to the north is Oontiguous to the City. The City has been struggling with its annexation program. It is important to show these residents that the City is concerned abou~ Palm Beach County residents. Vice Chairman Dub~ commended Mr. Haag for Page 12 of the back-up material. As President of a homeowners' ass,ociation, if he was in this circumstance, he wou)d have wanted Mr. Ha~g's recommendations for the protection of the residents. Mr. Weigle pointed out that everything the Board does is a compromise, tf the applicant is willing to install the hedges for the entire length, he does not see why the City should require hi~m to install a six-foot wall. Furthermore, a six-foot wall is an arbitrary height. He feels everything must be considered including protection of the residents as well as requiring the applicant to meet excessive requirements. A good compromise would be the trade-off of no wall and inst~llation of a h~dge on the entire north property line. Mr. Golden moved to recon~nend approval of the conditional use application for the Sears Auto Center submitted by John B. Smith Engineers, Inc., to construct a 21,694 square foot automotive service center and associated parking and land- scapi,~g, subject to staff comments including the use of non-Cypress mulch. Vice Chairman Dub~ seconded the motion. Mr. Weigte asked for clarification on whether or not this motion is subject to all staff comments and recommendation. Mr. Golden responded affirmatively. Vice Chairman Dub~ said that in recommending the staff comments, the Attorney will make a determination. Mr. Haag suggested that since the applicant suggested he would add additional landscaping if there is not going to be a wall on the north property line, that should be a supplemental recommendation if the City Attorney deems the wall is not necessary. -8- MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#BER 13, 1994 Amended Motion Mr. Golden a~nended his motion to include a recommendation for additional land- scaping along the north property boundary if the City Attorney ascertains that the buffer wall is not reeuired. Vice Chairman Dub~ seconded the amended motion, which carried unanimously. AEANDONNENT e Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: The Vtn~ng$ at Boynton Beach CCL Consultants, Inc. Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee East side of SW 8th Street, approximately 1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road Request for abandonment of a 12 foot wide utility easement that runs approximately 200 feet east of and along SW 8th Street. Mr. Haag made the presentation. This easement is located in the Woolbright Place PUD. Hr. Haag used the overhead projector to display drawings of this site. A City sewer force main was put in place when th~ property was platted for single-family homes. The easement worked its way north and over to Lift Station #6D3 which is a major part of the force main for sewage for all of the property to the south and west of it. There are connections at Woolbright Road entering the force main which lead to the Lift Station. During the development of the Tradewinds project, a new Lift Station was recommended and the City and devel- oper shared the cost of construction for a new Lift Station which is very close to the old Lift Station. The new force main will eventually connect into the existing force main at Woolbright Road. The sewage coming from the development to the southeast has been rerouted into existing Lift Stations on the property to the south. The sewer and force main which goes along Woolbright Road and was feeding the old Lift Station is no longer needed. Staff recommends approval of the request for abandonment of the easement. There were no objections from Engineering, Utilities, or Planning and Zoning. The easement is )ocated within the property owned by the applicant. There were no objections by the outside utili~ty companies. The only requirement placed on this is that~prior to the abandonment receiving City Commission resolution approval, the City Utilities Department must receive the Health Department approval that the new force main in the south end is acceptable to City standards as~ell:as Palm Beach County ~Health Department. This should occur within the next three or four days. When that happens, the applicant can remove all of the old force main. The old Lift Station will be removed when Phase II is developed. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. -9- NINUTES - ~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 Louis Ca~k~anelli~ of CCL Censultants~ represented Howard Scharlin, Trustee. Mr. Haag pointed out that there is an error in the Legal Description. He questioned whether or not Mr. Campanelli was aware of the error. Mr. Campanelli said he saw it on the plans and does not know how that came to be. They probably pulled an east off rather than a west. Mr. Haag said staff feels this can go forward even though the advertisement was incorrect because this is well within the applicant's property. The drawing, which went along with the legal ad, was published in the newspapers and went to the utility companies. Notion Vice Chairman Dub~ moved to approve the abandonment by CCL Consultants for Howard R. Scharlin for The Vinings at Boynton Beach of a 12' wide utility ease- ment that runs approximately 200' east of and along SW 8th Street. Mr. Golden seconded the motion. Mr. Weigle suggested adding something to the motion regarding the Legal Description. /~mended Notion Vice Chairman Dub~ amended his motion to include ~he revised Legal Description changing east to west on Line #12. Mr. Golden seconded the amended motion, which carried unanimously. B. SUBDIVISIONS NASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Woolbright Place CCL Consultants, Inc. Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee East side of SW 8th Street approximately 1,4D0 feet north of Woolbright Road Request to amend the previously-approved master plan to subdivide Pods 2A and 2B and establish building, pool and dock setbacks from the new property line. Ms. Heyden made the presentation. This PUD is located on SWSth Street, approximately 900' north of Woolbright Road. The modifications are limited to the multi-family portion. The purpose of this modification is to further sub- divide the PUD. Using the overhead projector, Ms. Heyden pointed out that what was the phase line is now becoming a property line. Now that the property line is being established, it is necessary to set forth the permanent setbacks from that property line. Those setbacks are being established at twenty {20} feet. The side setback for a pool has been set at eight {8} feet and zero {0) feet for the dock. - 10 - PLANNING AND DEVELOP#ENT BOARD #EET]'NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#BER 13, 1994 This is being processed in conjunction with the proposed modification to the site plan. This project was approved for 548 multi-family units on Pods 2A and 2B. Based on the number of subdivisions since the last plat, this subdivision also requires the property to be replatted. With respect to the changes requested, the reconfiguration of Pods 2A and 2B did not increase the overall density; therefore, there will be no change in impacts normally reviewed with this type of request. Staff finds the proposed setbacks acceptable. When the City Commission reviewed this, they made a finding of no substantial change. They recommend that the Board approve the request subject to all staff comments. Ms. Heyden advised that the applicant has submitted construction plans for the completion of SW 8th Street to the northwest terminus which should be completed in March, I995. )~ql$ C~mpane111~ of ~CL Consulbant$, said his only problem is with Comment T~ Utilities De~-~rt--~-~nt Memorandum No. 94-324 dated October 11, 1994, wherein Mr. Guidry stated that the completion of this main is also a prerequisite for approval of the HRS applications for the on-site water and sanitary sewer improvements. Mr. Campanelli advised that the water main on SW 8th Street is presently under construction and he does not believe it will be completed and signed off until mid-January or the end of January. The water and sewer plans are presently completed for the Vinings project itself and they have been sub- mitted to the City. Mr. Campanelli has a meeting~ scheduled for tomorrow with the Cit~ to discuss this project. He would not l*ike to see Comment #2 taken verbatim so that when he meets with the City, they will not sign off on the applications until there is a sign off on the SW 8th Street project. He is aware of the fact that he will not be able to get COs for the rental units until both the sW 8th Street water main and the on-site water main are approved by HRS. This is the amendment he would like. In response to Ms. Heyden's question, Mr. Campanelli said he has had conversa- tions with Mr. Peter Mazzella about this situation. Most recently, he stated that he would sign off once he started seeing construction proceeding on the water main. That water main is virtually completed except for the tie-ins to the main line. Mr. Campanelli is meeting with him tomorrow to go over the design plans and the signing of the applications. Mr. Campanelli does not believe Mr. Mazzella has any objection to signing off on the applications tomorrow. Ms. Heyden recommended that the Board incorporate in its decision that as long as it is coordinated with the Utilities Department, it is okay. Chairman Lehnertz recognized the presence in the audience of Commissioner David Katz. - 11 - M~NUTE$ '~' '~ PLANN!NG AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD #EET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 Mo~lon Mr. Weigle moved to approve the request to amend the previously-approved master plan to subdivide Pods 2A and 2B and establish building, pool and dock setbacks from the property line for Woolbright Place, subject to all staff comments and recommendations with the proviso that the Utilities Department has the discre- tion of signing off on their comments on Page 12.~ Vice Chairman DubA seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Bethesda Memorial Hospital PUD Greg Hall, P.E. Bethesda Memorial Hospital South of Golf Road and west of SW 2nd Street Request to amend the previously-approved master plan to allow a thermal water storage tank use and establish setbacks and height for the structure. Ms. Heyden made the presentation. Bethesda Memorial Hospital is requesting 40' side setbacks and a 17.2' rear setback. The height will be established at 25'. The Bethesda Memorial Hospital master plan was established as part of a 1983 settlement agreement between the hospital and the City. In 1984, the City Commission approved the rezoning of the property from R-1AA to Planned Unit Development. The reason for the request is that the thermal water storage tank will be used to chill water at the least_expensive and least used period and store it in the tank. The tank will be a s~and alone structure which is 65' in diameter and 25' in height. There are no operating mechanical appurtenances attached to it. This use would not adversel things such as noise and sa impacts which will be assoc the unlikely event of ruptu an existing berm within the raining water on site. The tional landscaping and relo t affect the surrounding residential properties if ~ety hazards can be mitigated. There are no noise iated with this. The tank will be double walled. In 'e, there would not be a flooding problem. There is western landscape buffer which will also aid in con- scale of the structure will be subdued with addi- :ation of some trees. With regard to setbacks, thpre are no minimum setbacks in a PUD district. In the stipulated settlement agreement, there was reference to a 40' wide landscape buffer. We are now at that 40' setback. With regard to the height, the stipu- lated settlement agreement Uid reference a 25' height for the buildings that were propos,ed at the time of the rezoning. The applicant has lowered the height of the tank to 25'. When this went before the City Commission, they made a finding of no substantial change and recommended approval subject to all staff comments which include the Utilities DePartment memorandum, Forester memorandum and Planning and Zoning Department memorandum. - 12 - M~NUTE$ 'x ./ PLANN;NG AND I)EVELOPNENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR]fDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 Ms. Frazier pointed out that this tank will be visible to the residents in the neighborhood. In addition, she feels the existing 6' wall will not provide much of a buffer. Ms. Heyden said that is the reason for requiring additional land- scaping. Bruce Mandtgo, Director of Engineering, Bethesda Memorial Hospltal~ said some of the past problems with the residents to the rear of the hospital involved the mechanical building. Mr. Mandigo has spoken with the residents and advised them that some of the landscaping has already been put in place in order to minimize the impact of the structure. Mufflers have been added to the fans in the area of the incinerator and scrubber to minimize the noise. In order to further minimize the noise, discussions had taken place regarding building a giant wall. However, the mufflers have lowered the noise down to just below what the Code requires. When the tank is put in place, it wilt act as an additional barrier. A berm will be built around the tank and a Ficus hedge will be planted. In discussions with the neighbors, it was Mr. Mandigoms opinio~ that the residents would prefer the Ficus hedge row rather than looking at the scrubber and the incinerator. In response to a question from Ms. Frazier, Mr. Mandigo said this tank will not generate any noise. FPL representatives in the audience confirmed that Motorola has a similar tank which is extremely quiet. Ms. Heyden said the tank at Motorola is currently in the permit process. The tanks which are located there are for hydrogen and nitrogen. In answer to Mr. Weigle's question, Mr. Campanelli said the tank will match the peach color of the existing building. Chairman Lehnertz requested that the applicant substitute a non-Cypress mulch in the landscaping. Mr. Mandigo was agreeable. Motion Mr. Golden moved to approve the master plan modification for Bethesda Memorial HospitaT PUD, submitted by Greg Hall, to amend the previously-approved master plan to allow a thermal water storage tank use an~ establish setbacks and height for the structure, subject to Staff comments incl~uding the use of non-Cypress mulch. Vice Chairman Dub~ seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. TIME EXTENSION 1. PrOject Name: OWner: ~ Location: Description: Citrus Park PUD Rafael Saladrigas Val-Sal Investment Company, Inc. East Side of Lawrence Road approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard {NW 22nd Avenue} Request for a fifth time extension for six months to concurrency exemption and to filing a final plat. - 13 - MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#DER 13, 1994 Ms. Meyden made the presentation. The applicant is requesting an additional six months which wiTl expire June 4, 199B to extend their concurrency exemption and previously-approved preliminary plat. The last PUD master plan for Citrus Park was approved in 1989 for 113 single- family, detached zero-lot line units. The plat was approved in 1990, and since then there have been several time extensions granted. Because the project was approved prior to the Concurrency Ordinance, it is exempt from all levels of service. Our Concurrency Ordinance states that a preliminary plat is valid for one year. After that point, the applicantmust apply for final plat approval and, within eighteen months, the ~pplicant must record the final plat. The last extension which was granted for one year expired December 4, 1994. The applica- tion for this extension was submitted prior to that date and, therefore, it was submitted timely. There is a contract to purchase the property and a final plat has been submitted to the Development Department and is currently under review. It should go to the City Commission either next Tuesday or the following City Commission meeting. The Technical Review Committee recommends approval of the six months' time extension subject to payment of water and sewer reservation fees and the prop- erty being maintained. Those issues are discussed in Utilities Department Memorandum No. 94-376 and Fire Department.Memorandum No. 94-301. Staff recom- mends approval subject to those two memoranda. Chairman Lehnertz wondered how many more times this will come before the Planning and Development Board, and pointed out that if it comes before the Board again for the same purpose, there would be reasonable ground for denying another time extension. Louis Campanelll~ CCL Consultants~ representing the new owners of the property, offered to address any questions or comments. In response to a question from Chairman Lehnertz, Mr. Campanelli advised that the property was sold about three weeks ago and a construction loan is being pursued. That construction loan is contingent upon concurrency approval. Once that is done, the fees for the final plat will be paid and the final plat will be recorded. The new owners want to begin breaking ground next week. Vice Chairman Dub~ asked about the development company and was told that Target Development Company, Coral Springs, is the developer. Ms. Frazier questioned whether or not these units will be rental units. Ms. Meyden advised that they are not. Motion ViceChairman Dub~ moved to recommend the approval of the fifth time extension for Citrus Park PUD by Val-Sal Investment Company for six months to concurrency exemption and to the filing of a final plat, subject to staff comments. Mr. Golden seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. - 14 - MINUTES PLANNZNG AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1994 COI4MENT$ BY NEMBERq Mr. Walsh wished everyone a happy holiday season and a healthy New Year. Vice Chairman Dub~ asked that the record reflect the fact that some of the com- ments made against staff at the last meeting were uncalled for. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Prainito Recording Secretary {Two Tapes) - 15-