Minutes 03-06-19 [Type here]
Public Participation Meeting
Held on March 6, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.
at the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse
2240 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Octavia Sherrod, Community Improvement Manager
Lashea Brooks, Community Improvement Specialist
Alicia Hester, Pathways to Prosperity
Irwin Cinesus, Boynton Strong
Tory Orr, Boynton Strong
Melanie Rodriguez, AVDA
Patina Chaves, Economic Empowerment, Domestic Abuse
Keturah Joseph, Boynton Beach Faith-Based Community Development Corporation
Lynn Taylor Kosick, Sensibility
Jack Kosick, Sensibility
Tracy Anderson, Sensibility
Bonnie Schmidt, Sensibility
Debbie Majors, Americans with Disability Act Coordinator
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyamo, Mayoral Candidate
Welcome and Introduction
Octavia S. Sherrod, Community Improvement Manager introduced herself and Lashea
Brooks, the Affordable Housing Administrator, and began the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
I. Overview of CDBG Program
Ms. Brooks explained this was the annual meeting for the Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Program. They normally advise organizations CDBG is a reimbursement grant
and the organization has to demonstrate they have the funds to apply for the grant. They
spend their own money first and then seek reimbursement. The City asks for a budget and
review finances, which sometimes is difficult for start-up organizations.
A. History— PowerPoint Presentation
Ms. Brooks explained CDBG is a federally-funded program and the City of Boynton Beach is
an entitlement city, which is a City that gets direct funding from the Department of Housing
and Urban Development. Other entitlement cities in the county are Delray Beach, West Palm
Beach, Boca Raton, and Boynton Beach although there are other entities in Palm Beach
County. All the other cities in the county would have to apply to the county for the funds.
Meeting Minutes
CDBG Public Participation Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida March 6, 2019
The funds benefit individuals who have low, very low and moderate incomes. Funds are also
used to address slum and blight and urgent community needs. All organizations have to abide
by the objectives. Eligible activities funded in the past included acquisition and disposition.
The City used funds for the Boynton Beach Senior Center on Federal Highway, land
acquisition in the Heart of Boynton (HOB) for homeownership, and for clearing and demolition
of some projects as well. The completion for urban renewal projects included parks and
recreation, Wilson Park, Sara Sims equipment, street improvements in the HOB, construction
of housing and community-based organizations. They provide funds to assist organizations
that provide housing. One big non-profit that builds homes in Boynton Beach Faith Based
CDC (BBFBCDC) who handles intake, help with credit, prepare potential homeowners and
get them to lenders. The Wilson Center was reviewed which used CDBG funds.
Ocean Breeze West, off Seacrest, before was formerly Boynton Terrace. They demolished
Boynton Terrace and constructed 21 single-family homes, BBFBCDC, Habitat for Humanity
and the CRA had a role as did the City with CDBG dollars.
Economic and community development activities included retention of jobs, and matching
funds from Palm Beach County. That was a project, special dollars set aside for companies
to create job. if they were approved by the county, the companies coming in or expanding,
the City matched those dollars for the businesses, funds were used to construct building or
retro fit exist bldg. to accommodate the new ? that come into the city. It was done in several
phases over time. Economic/community development included infill housing in Cherry Hills,
just west of MILK Jr. Blvd.,
When applicants approach the City for home improvements or the first-time homebuyer
program, they use federal dollars and state dollars for lead abatement as many homes are
old. and rehabilitation for homeownership for single-family housing in the City. Funds can be
used for installation and construction and rehab of infrastructure, streets, water lines in
conjunction with public works, acquisition construction or rehab of neighborhood facilities for
those with special needs.
Health care and substance abuse services for domestic abuse prevent programs for the city.
AVDA provides services to you at the BBHS. Youth sign prevention programing, curriculum
by teaching how to sustain and build healthy relationship and be advocates for change, do
activities and events. in February BBHS held annual youth summit with Florida Coalition
against domestic violence
Emergency services — Community Caring Center and the aid and prevention of
Fair housing counselling, - the City spent $107,546, and, in the past, provided assistance for
child care in the City by having summer camp scholarships and mentoring programs.
In 18/19 the City got $544,399 from HUD. They do not know what they will get this year. They
hold the workshop and normally the funds are announced in March, but the last few years has
Meeting Minutes
CDBG Public Participation Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida March 6, 2019
been uncertain and last year, the City did not learn of their allocation until June. The City
accepts the applications, when they receive funds, they post them on the website.
11. Sub-recipients
A. Application submittal — one [1] hard copy original and one [1] electronic copy
B. Application Submission Deadline — Monday, April 8t" 2019
No Later than 4:30 p.m. — City of Boynton Beach - 3301 Quantum Blvd, Suite 101
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
111. Public Audience — Comments — Questions
Irwin Cineus learned there is an application process. Interested parties have five weeks to
prepare an application. The applications are then reviewed by a committee, city staff and
individuals in the community who benefit from the programs, but who are not related to the
agencies or are city employees. They review and score the applications, which the City then
reviews. Hopefully the City will know how much money they will receive and the requests go
before the City Commission for approval. Community Improvement has a one-year action
plan. Staff prepares the documents which outline what the city's plans and activities are and
entities that will handle them.
It also seemed like a lot of grant funds were concentrated in some areas. It was explained
there is a formula HUD uses to see if cities are entitled to the funds and why. "Entitlements"
are based on poverty levels and population. The program requires 51% of the funds go to
assist people who are in the very-low and low-income categories.
In 1997, when the program started, historically the Heart of Boynton was the area that had
the highest preponderance of poverty. The City tries not to box themselves in though. They
have an area of preference, but if there are needy elsewhere and the applicants meet the
income criteria, the emphasis is on meeting building standards.
Mr.Cineus queried if there was education to help with applications. Ms.Sherrod explained
technical assistance for the application is available and that was the purpose of the meeting.
She provides technical assistance and help with questions.
Mr. Cineus explained he was trying to provide information to the community. It was explained
the City works with many agencies such as Bridges, Pathways 2 Prosperity and the
Community Caring Center. When the City does its reporting, they ask what the agency
addressed. The Community Caring Center pays rents, mortgage, counselling helps people
look for jobs, help get medicine vouchers at medication station. They look for agencies to
provide services. On average, since 1992 they get half million. After administrative funds
and funds for the other categories are dispersed, there is not much left for housing, roofs,
windows and doors. The funds try to address hurricane mitigation and electrical upgrades
Meeting Minutes
CDBG Public Participation Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida March 6, 2019
and half a million dollars does not go very far. They try to get the biggest bang for the buck.
The funds are to benefit the community by providing services needed
Mr. Kosick represents individuals with deficiencies; however, no money was spent on that
segment of the population. Ms. Sherrod explained it depends what they are trying to do.
Often funds go to the end user directly to the underserved person. If there was a non-profit
that provided affordable rental housing for this population, such as a shared housing concept,
she would refer them to the county. The City does not have a rental strategy, when using
funds for rentals, they are required to monitor them for 15 years. She noted many smaller
cities move away from rentals. The City's strategy is more of homeownership.
Ms. Sherrod noted the City does not have large parcels so they addressed infill housing, but
each time they gave away land, the City would have to do site preparation. The Boynton
Beach Community Development Corporation and Habitat for Humanity assists and the City
gave them the lots. Habitat for Humanity had handled new construction. They have a
construction coordinator for people to apply and he does the inspections. There is an open
policy for contractors to apply and when they have a house, the house is bid to the contractors.
Years ago, Habitat did not do rehabilitation, but they have expanded. There is enough work
for all, but there is just not enough money. The City also receives SHIP funding, but for the
last few years, the funds were slim. The State promised more funds this year, so they can
conduct rehabilitations with those funds as well.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked about housing for vulnerable populations in lower socio-
economic groups and the forgotten, such as the elderly or the intellectually or emotional
disabled. Sometimes their caretakers take them to state funded institutions. She asked if
there would be opportunities for group homes. Ms. Sherrod could not answer that. The SHIP
program is for moderate income individuals and years ago, SHIP was given to individuals for
housing in the Preserve.
A question was posed if the funds could provide assistance for people to find homes in areas
other than District II and learned they did. One person found a property behind Checkers.
Mr. Tory Orr asked about jobs for the community. Ms. Sherrod explained there is an Economic
Development Director, David Scott, who was hired to create jobs. A portion of the fund was
used to set aside funds for an economic development Planner to create jobs. All they do is
for the City of Boynton Beach. Ms. Sherrod explained the Community Caring Center on 4th
Avenue provides job training, restaurant work, and helps with start-ups. As an advocate, they
want to share the information. Ms. Sherrod explained they hire contractors from the
community. Mr. Orr commented he knows people who want jobs in the community but cannot
find any.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if a non-profit could apply for a space for a teen center. Ms.
Brooks noted P2P already has a teen center.
The application is simplified from prior years and much simpler. It was 27 pages in the past,
it is easier, any questions, please call them. There is a glossary, self explanatory and simple.
Meeting Minutes
CDBG Public Participation Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida March 6, 2019
IV. Adjournment
Ms. Brooks closed the meeting at 6:13 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist