TUESDAY', HAY' 11, 1993, AT 7:00 P. H.
Gary Lehnertz, Chairman
Marilyn Huckle, Vice Chairwoman
Nathan Collins
Ken Johnson
Mikel Jones
Bradley Weigle
Paul Davis, Alternate
Bradley Miller, Alternate
Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning
Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development
Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner
Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner
James Cherof, City Attorney
Chairman Lehnertz called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. and welcomed all to
~he meeting. Mr. Davis sat at the dais as a voting member. The Pledge of
llegiance to the Flag was recited.
Chairman Lehnertz acknowledged the presence of Vice Mayor Aguila and
Commissioners Katz and Walshak in the audience, and introduced the Board mem-
Ms. Huckle moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Johnson seconded the
motion, which carried 7-0.
Mr. Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1993 meeting as sub-
~itted. Ms. Huckle seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
A, Report of the Planning and Zoning Department
Considering the length of the agenda, Mr. Cutro deferred his report until the
next meeting.
Mr. Johnson nominated Gary Lehnertz as Chairperson. Ms. Huckle seconded the
nomination. No other nominations for Chair being made, nominations were closed
and Gary Lehnertz was unanimously elected Chair.
Mr. Collins nominated Marilyn Huckle as Vice Chairperson. No other nominations
being made for Vice Chairperson, nominations were closed and Ms, Huckle was
unanimously elected Vice Chairperson.
- 1 -
HAY 11, 1993
A. Subdivisions
Naster Plan
Project Name:
Bo~nton Seacrest (flkla Cedar Grove)
Julian Bryan
Cedar Grove Investments, N. V.
The east side of South Seacrest Boulevard, approxi-
mately t00 feet south of S. E. 1st Avenue (South
Seacrest scrub site)
Request for master plan approval to subdivide a 53.69
acre parcel of land into 142 single family lots, 82
duplexes (a total of 224 dwelling units) and a 4.2
acre public park and concurrency certification for
roads, drainage and neighborhood park facilitiees.
The overhead projector was utilized during the presentation by the City
Engineer, W. Richard Staudinger. Mr. Staudinger referred to Planning and Zoning
Department Memorandum No. 93-100, He stated that this ,project was commenced
many years ago with a P.U.D. rezoning which was turned down. Last fall, the
applicant came in for a subdivision master plan under Appendix C of the Code of
Ordinances. Mr. Staudinger explained that this is the first step in a three
step formal process. Once the master plan ,for the subdivision is approved, the
next step would be a preliminary plat. OnCe the preliminar~ plat is approved,
a final plat is recorded and the lot can be sold. Mr. Staud~nger advised that
master plan submission came ma~y times over the last few months. It was sent
back to staff with no decision iq Eebruary,~ The,re have been two TRC meetings
and two resubmissions since then. Almost ~ll of the comments have been taken
care of except for a few, ipclUdilng the cO~ments from ~the Forester and the
Planning and Zoning Departm6nt con~erning~he environmental p, reserve. The
Forester and the Planning and Zonin~ Department recommend celttain lots be
deleted from development as a r~-sult of an :overlay of the environmental study.
Mr. Staudinger recommended master plan be approved, sub-
ject to staff comments, the !environmental issues
from the Forester and the which would result in
the deletion of a number of l(
recommended allowing the ~ime he sub-
mits the preliminary plat. ~u~ that if
the applicant does not comp
plat, the City has the abil
suggested the applicant pro does the
subdivision preliminary pla ).
The applicant can then move
construction plans, and
Mr. Davis inquired if there:woul~ be s~ioi~t,access, f~r emergency vehicles if
the lots are preserved. Ba~ed' ~h tih~ ~m~m~ fro~ ~he Fo:rester and ~he
~lanning and Zoning Department, ~r+~t~udi;~g~O~d not i~el:ieve a;mejor recon-
Tiguration of the roads would b~ neces~rY~
HAY I1, 1993
In response to Mr. Weigle, Mr. Cutro explained that the Comprehensive Plan
requires the developer to preserve 25 per cent of certain identified sites in
their natural state within the City. A study is then done to determine the best
possible plant life to preserve on the site and the development is worked around
that preserve as best as possible. During the P.U.D. process, the applicant's
environmentalist recommended the rear half of the property be preserved. Staff
was authorized to use the study of the applicant's environmentalist as a basis
for determining the area to preserve, and concurred that this was the best area
for preservation.
Chairman Lehnertz inquired about drainage. Mr. Staudinger explained the road-
side and back lot swale system that will be used.
Mr. Miller expressed concern about the front and rear setbacks and drainage in
the rear.
At this point in the meeting, Chairman Lehnertz acknowledged the presense of
Mayor Harmening.
Mr. Davis expressed concern about integrating the schools. He also asked about
the 400 foot wide recreational area that was requested. Mr. Staudinger advised
that this was an earlier master plan comment which has been corrected.
Jill Jarkesy, Esquire, represented Cedar Grove. Ms. Jarkesy advised that Cedar
Grove has agreed, in writing, to enter into an agreement with the School Board
that addresses racially balanced schools in the district.
Ms. Jarkesy stated that Cedar Grove is not willing to address the environmental
comments and has never acknowledged dedication of a 25 per cent preserve area.
She feels the City's Comprehensive Plan and Ordinances do not require a 25 per
cent set aside, and that the Comprehensive Plan deletes this site from the A
rated ecosystem. She was willing to go to a higher authority to discuss
environmental issues. Ms. Jarkesy advised that historically it was agreed to
dedicate 25 per cent of the upland habitat under the P.U.D. rezoning submittal,
but not as part of this master subdivision plan submittal.
Mr. Collins inquired about the approximate cost of the proposed units. Julian
Bryan, the agent for this project, anticipated the cost to be between $90,000
and $120,000. Mr. Collins felt it would be hard to racially balance the schools
in the area because minorities would not be able to afford these units.
Chairman Lehnertz opened the floor to public comment.
Wllda S~arcy, 402 N. E. 13th Avenue, expressed concern that black people would
be unable to afford the proposed units.
Kathleen Brennan, 2308 Aspen Way, was present on behalf of the Palm Beach County
Department of Environmental Resources Management. She gave an update on where
the County and State are as far as potential acquisition of this site. She
pointed out that the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires that any local
HAY 11~ 1993
government that is going to be approving a development on which scrub jays are
located has to contact them and go thrqugh a habitat conservation plan. In
addition, the Game and Fresh Water Fish'Commission for the State regulates the
relocation of gopher tortoises.
The following people spoke against approval of this master plan:
Corwin Campbell - 3612 S. E. 2nd Court
Mr. Miller - Chapel Hill Boulevard
Enrico Rossi - 625 Whispering Pines Road
Stanley Palivoda - 110 S. E. 31st Avenue
H. C. Sumerall - §10 Mission Hill Road
Rose Kritzer - 124 S. E. 29th Avenue
Marya~n Raimond - 3112 S. Seacrest Boulevard
In response to Chairman Lehnertz, Mr. Cherof advised that tMs matter is prop-
erly before this Board. The TRB has approved it subject to ver9 specific con-
ditiDns which they are asking the Board to consider.. Mr. Cherof advised the
Board that they can move-it forward in the:same manner, ~ith those conditions
being part of whatever motion is made, either appro~in~ or denying it.
Also in response to Chairman Lehnertz, Mr. Cherof'advis:ed that if the master
plan is approved with cond~itions, the applicant h~s no ~lternative but to submit
plans that are consistent with those conditions.
Chairman Lehnertz express~ concern that if the Board and the City Commission
were to approve this master plan with conditions, at the time of preliminary
platting, the applicant can claim he has a plan which corresponds with the
master plan, regardless of staff comments, Mr. Cherof advised that this is
possible; however, he was ~airly certain that the City will be dealing with a
higher authority at that point,
Ms. Jarkesy stated that she anticipated staff would recommend denial and was
surprised that they had not. She stated that she told staff from the beginning
that she would not address the environmental concerns. She felt the Board
should recommend denial because she has told City staff from the beginning that
the environmental concerns would not be addressed.
Mr. Cherof reiterated that the developer has positioned and postured itself to
come here tonight to obtain a denial from the Board. Mr. Cherof advised the
Board that this is not necessary; that the Board can move this forward with con-
Mr. Weigle asked Mr. Staudinger if he still recommends approval in light of
Ms. Jarkesy's statements. Before answering this question, Mr. Cherof suggested
the Board ask the applicant whether they are not going to submit a design on the
preserve area because it is premature or, alternatively, because they are not
required to do it at any point in time. If it is simply a matter of it being
premature, then it was Mr. Cherof's recommendation that the Board move this
matter forward. Ms. Jarkesy stated that at no point in time. under this
[,lAY 11, 1993
straight zoning master subdivision plan, will the environmental con,hen,s be con-
si~ered. She would allow the City to reconsider the previously submitted P.U.D.
rezoning, which addressed the comments and set aside 25 per cent. However, she
was not willing to resubmit anything.
Mr. Staudinger stood by his and staff's recommendation for approval with the
environmental conditions.
In response to Mr. Collins, Mr. Cherof indicated that if this Board denies this
request, the next step would be for the City Commission to address' this matter.
Mr. Miller did not feel the applicant has even attempted to address the require-
ment to meet consistency with the comprehensive plan.
Ms. Huckle moved to deny the request of Boynton Seacrest f/k/a Cedar Grove for
approval of this master plan for various reasons that have been brought up this
evening, primarily the impasse between the City's request that a preserve area
be established on this property, and the complete lack of interest on the appli-
cant's part to even consider the discussion of a preserve area on this piece of
property. Mr. Collins seconded the motion.
Amended Notion
Mr. Davis moved to amend the motion to include the following reasons for denial:
(1) Even if the applicant addressed the environmental issues, the storm water
system is inadequate; and (2) Because of the configuration of the system, it
would severely limit the ability to use the back yards. Mr. Weigle further
~oved to amend the motion to also include this reason for denial: That the
applicant's ecologist, Donald Richardson, has recommended basically what the
City is proposing.
Ms. Huckle and Mr. Collins agreed to the amended motion.
In response to Mr. Jones, Mr. Cherof had no idea how much it would cost the tax-
payers to take this matter to a higher authority.
The motion carried 7-0.
A, Public Hearing
Annexation/Land Use Amendment/Rezonlng
1. Project Name: High Ridge Road
Agent: Kiernan J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates
NAY 11, 1993
Newport Place Inc., a Florida corporation
West side of High Ridge Road, approximately 1,000
feet south of Hypoluxo Road
Request for annexation, land use amendment and
Mr. Rumpf used the overhead projector during his presentation. He stated that
Kieran Kilday, agent for Newport Place Inc., is proposing to annex two lots into
the City. The annexed property would be reclassified from low residential to
low density residential and rezoned from residential single family to R-1-AAB.
The maximum density allowed by the County's land use is two dwelling units per
acre. That would be changed to the City's 4.84 dwelling units per acre. The
property is not to be developed as residential. I,t is to 'be used to create a
secondary access corridor between the Stanford Place project and High Ridge Road
to avoid encouraging u-turns at the nearby intersection, and in order to elimi-
nate the incorrect use of the left turn lane for Tradewin~ Way. ~taff recom-
mended approval of the~land Us~ amendment. Mr. Rumpf advi,~d the'Board that
although annexation is listed ~nderth~ description, the B6a~d'~ recommendation
will Only pertain to the land use amendment and rezoning.
Mr. Davis asked why this access was not design~ in~o ~he ;Stanford Park P.U.D.
Mr. Cutro explained that when the ~eyeioPme~twas originally reviewed, the two
access drivewayS' were deemed to bea6cep~able, T~e p~i~n~1~l purchasers of this
site would lfk~ ~0 ha~e another access because they' ~e] ,~,~ ~ould be difficult
for~the elderly living in the area to g,o ~ut on H~pOl, rU~ Ro~d and make a u-turn.
It ~s simpler to Purchase the land and build a ro~d to ~e~ ~he elderly to High
Ridge Road, which is a less used roaO.
Mr, Davis inquired about the traffic impact on High Ridge Road. Mr. Kilday
advised that this wo~ld create 140 additional trips. He made ~ presentation and
intro~cedMichael Schoreh, Engineer.
Mr. Miller asked if there are any plans to extend 7th Court in the near future.
Mr~ ~¢~reh believed this road has been deeded to the City of Boynton Beach.
Mr. C~t~o advised that there are no plans to extend this road at this point in
Mr. Davis asked if there are any plans to widen High Ridge Road. Mr. Kilday
advised that it is not on any five year plan now and he did not believe it
would be in the near future.
Chairman Lehnertz asked if there is any way to stipulate that this is to be used
as access. Mr. Kilday stated that he has already indicated his willingness to
deed restrict the entire property for access only. In addition, there is a
recommendation in the engineering comments on the roadway plans submitted that
it be tied into the residential project with a unity of title so that it would
become part of overall Stanford.
~ohn Loon)is, 7200 High Ridge Road, was opposed to this request because of the
traffic, headlights aimed at his bedroom window every night, and the tortoises
on those lots.
NAY 11, 1993
In response to Chairman Lehnertz, Mr. Cutro advised that the applicant is
willing to move the road around. ~r. Cutro was confident that as much of the
natural habitat as possible will be preserved on that site.
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the
Comprehensive Plan in order to change the designation on the property to Low
Density Residential, and to rezone it from the County's zoning designation to
the City's R-1-AAB, Single Family Residential district, subject to all staff
comments, Mr. Johnson seconded the motion, which carried 7-0,
Project Name:
N. E. Sth Avenue
Christopher Cutro
City of, Boynton Beach
N. E. §:h Avenue, east of North Federal Highway
Request for abandonment of a 241.25 foot portion of
a 10 foot wide local street right-of-way.
Ms. Heyden used the overhead projector during her presentation. She stated that
the City is initiating this abondonment because there was a condition attached
to the .February approval of the conditional use for St. Mark's Catholic Church.
The condition was that the portion of N. E. Bth Avenue that conflicted with some
of the improvements shown on the site plan that was attached to that conditional
use had to be abandoned. Since the Engineering Department had the project
underway to abanden all the alleys and the rights-of-way in tha~ vicinity of
Federal Highway, the City Commission directed staff to initiate the subject
abandonment application to accommodate St. Mark's Catholic Church. Ms. Heyden
referred to the May 10, 1993 letter from Florida Power & Light and stated it was
not clear whether FPL is recommending that a 10 foot easement is needeed for
this application or the next one on the ~genda. Therefore, until she can get in
touch with Mr. Finizio, Ms. Heyden recom~iended this request be approved, subject
to the dedication of a 10 foot easement, if needed.
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request for abandonment of a 241.25 foot por-
tion of a lO foot wide local street right-of-way, subject to staff comments and
to the dedication of a 1D foot easement, if needed. Ms. Huckle seconded the
motion, which carried 7-0.
3. Project Name: Metneke Discount Muffler
Agent: Ronald J. Moore
NAY I1, 1993
Locat i on:
Raymond J. Moore
925 North Federal Highway; approximately 210 feet
south of the southwest corner of N. E. loth Avenue
and North Federal Highway
Request for abandonment of 105 feet of a 20 foot
wide alley located between the F.E.C. Railroad
right-of-way and the west property line of 925
North Federal Highway.
Ms. Heyden used the overhead projector during her presentation. She stated that
this request is similar to Item 8.A~2 on the~age~da. However, in this case,
since the Utilities Department needs a 20 foot wide easement, that easement
would more than accommodate the 10 foot ea.seme~t, if needed by FPL. She recom-
mended that this request be approved, subject to a rededication of the alley
into a 20 foot wide easement.
Mr. Weigleasked if the owner would be able to install a fence in the easement.
Ms. Heyden answered in the affirmative, Saying that she was ~nformed by Mr. Haag
that the applicant would have to sign a fo~m from th,e Building Department when
he applies forla permit. This form states that any fence erected would be at
the owner's risk and that if the Utility'Company needed to excavate, the fence
will have to be removed.
Raymond~ MoOre, owner and operator of Meineke Discount Muffler, advised the Board
that he Nas had a lot of problems with drugs being sold at this location.
C~e-r$ Uo ~ot even Want to come into his business any more because of the
drug~ · M~, Moore Wants to erect a fence to help beautify the place and stop the
drug dealing.
Lloydjpowel!, owner of Alpine Florist, 1112 North Federal Highway, pointed out
the~ ~h~ property to the north and south of Mr. Moore's property has been
fenCe~., whi6h leaves Mr. Moore's property wide open. Mr. Powell stated that
Mr. :Moore has been trying for a year to get approval for a fence to connect the
fen~e~to the north and south. He highly recommended approval of Mr. Moore's
In response to Ms. Huckle, Mr. Powell stated that there has been some question
as t.o the ownership of this piece of property and that before the City gave
Mr. Mdore a Certificate of Occupancy, they forced him to blacktop it.
Mr~ Weigle moved to recommend the abandonment, subject to the rededication of
the alley into a twenty foot wide easement. Ms. Huckle seconded themotion,
which ica~ried 7~0.
HAY 11, 1993
B. $~te Plans
New $1te Plan
Project Name:
Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center
Wayne E. Puls
Tralis, Inc.
2351S. Seacrest Boulevard, northwest corner of S.
Seacrest Boulevard and Southwest 23rd Avenue
Request approval to develop a .527 acre site into a
4,670 square foot, one-story medical office building
that includes associate parking and landscaping.
Mr. Cutro utilized elevations and the overhead projector during his presenta-
tion. He stated that this development is a one story building in a
Spanish/Mediterranean style. The co, lots and the ,b.uildiRg conform w!th the
design district. The landscaping pl~n,,is adequate to' meet the code, however, it
needs to be noted that 50 per cent of the species is required to be native. The
side setbacks need to be varied. Thle aPp,l~cant will be r~questing the Board of
Adjustment to grant a 7½ foot varian~ce on the north s!de and a 7½ foot setback
o~ the south side. It is a little larger than needed; hOWever, in talking to
the applicant's architect, ~ enlarge :the building. They
simply want the abili:y to move have to.
Mr. Cutro advised that there will
because the Thoroughfare Plan has
County has indicated that the
erty. Therefore, the appl
gets the variances. All
permit. Staff ~ecommended that th
Commission with a
subject to approval of th(
onal. Furthermore, the
at,on on this prop-
as he
time of building
to the City
staff ~omments and
Mr. Encinosa, the architect of the project, ~d Wayne PUls were present.
In response to Mr. Davis with regar~ ~o conflguratilo~ of ~he building,
Mr. Encinosa advised that HRSi:~ic~a~es the size and ~ype ~f rooms~ needed, which
dictates the si~e of the buil~Fng. In response to Ms. H~kle, Mr. Encinosa
stated that he has no problems with staff comments.
Mr. Davis made a, request that the carob trees be replaced with large pine trees
to semi-compensa!te foF removing the l~rge palm trees. Mr. Encinosa said he
would be happy to work with staff on ~his.
Mr. Weigle pointed ou~ that this int~nsection is dangerous and is backed up in
the morning. Mri. Cutro state~ that t~ere is probably enough right-of-way to put
in turn lanes, Which might help to ~ll~viate the backup. He will find out from
the County if they have any improve~n~s scheduled at this intersection.
Mr. Encinosa advised that a traffic s~udy has been done and indicates 141 addi-
tional trips. In response to Mr. Johnson, Mr. Cutro advised that'there is no
need to widen the road.
HAY II, 1993
Ms. Huckle moved to recommend approval for Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy
Center, subject to all staff comments. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion, which
carried 7-0.
Major $tte Plan Modification
Project Name:
Bo~nton Be~ch Promenade
Reese Jarrett, President
Max Developers, Inc.
901 North Congress Avenue
Request approval to increase the previously approved
floor area for the shopping center from 75,120
square feet to 79,318 square feet. The modification
includes changing the location, shape and size of
the building titled Retail "B", reconfiguring the
parking spaces along the south and west sides of
Retail "B", and relocating an existing dumpster
enclosure to the no~rthwest of the bank building.
Mr. Cutro utilized the overhea~ projector duri~ng his presentation. He advqsed
that in June of 1992, the City ~ommission aPproved a site plan based on the
recommendation of this Board. The owner then received approval for a condi-
tional use for the site for a M!otorola training facility. This facility occu-
pies the second floor of the old Promenade structure. During the permitting
process, some changes were made to the rear of the prQ~erty~ When the site plan
was originally reviewed, the parking calculations were .computed based on sepa-
rate uses. The original site o!lan ~alled ~or 75~130 ~quare feet of floor space
with 396 parking spaces. Howev~ the pa~ki~g ~alcula~ons were computed based
on separate us~s. The new s~tei lan sh~w~ 79,3~8 square feet of floor area with
397 parking sp~ces calculated Ks ~g 'the s~p~in~ center ratio of one space per
200 square fee~. The OfficeMaiz ~u~di~gha~:i~cre~sed in height ~rom 22 f~et
to 26 feet, an~ the windows ha~p e~ re~pved ~om the le~t side. Staff com-
ments can be h~ndled at the ~i~ f"~u~ld~g' ~e~it.. Staff recommeDded this
site plan modification be forwa~, d to th~' Ci~$iCQmmis~ion with a recommendation
for approval.
Mr. Cutro advised that the owner Wou]d like to ]eave the existing landscaping in
place; 'however, the Code requires that 50 per cent of it be native species.
Rather:than have the owner substitute mature landscapi.ng with native species,
staff ~uggested they be allowedlto leave the landscapi'ng in place and comply
with thee requirement for the native species as much as possible. Staff recom-
mended that the landscape appeal be forwarded to the City Commission with a
recommendation for approval.
Upon visiting the perimeter of the building today, Ms. Huckte noticed many trees
are in distressed condition. Mr. Jarrett advised that he has made an attempt to
- tO -
HAY 11, 1993
salvage as much of the existing landscaping as possible during the reconstruc-
tion period; however, much of the existing landscaping is suffering because the
irrigation system was cut off. Part of the system is back on and Mr. Jarrett
plans to replant what he cannot salvage with good vegetation.
Ms. Huckle asked Mr. Jarrett for a response to paragraph number 3 of Dorothy
Moore's April 28, 1993 memorandum. Mr. Jarrett stated that a full set of plans
for the restaurant will be submitted within the next thirty to forty-five days.
In response to Mr. Davis, Mr. Jarrett indicated that the Office Max building was
shifted directly south. He explained that when the building was originally
designed, he had in mind relocating the Florida Power and Light vault. When he
realized the expense and difficulty of relocating the vault, it was easier and
much less burdensome to shift the building. The building was shrunk approxi-
mately 600 square feet in order to facilitate the shift.
Mr. Miller would like to see a change in the parking ratios for retail centers.
To relieve some of the members' fears, Mr. Jarrett sta~ed that he has the capa-
city for additional restaurant space; however, he is r~stricted due to negoti-
ations entered into in order to get Office Max and Red Lobster to come to this
Mr. Johnson moved to approve the major site plan modification for the Boynton
Beach Promenade, subject to staff comments. Ms. Huckle seconded the motion,
which carried 6-I. Mr. Davis cast the dissenting vote.
C. Landscape and Community Design Plan Appeal
Review a request by Max Developers, owner of Boynton Beach
Promenade, to allow the existing required hedge and tree landscaping
around the perimeter of the project to remain in place and not be
removed and replaced with the appropriate number of native species
material and materials that will comply with the streetscape
requirements specified in Appendix III of the Community Design Plan.
This item was discussed Under 8.B.2.
Chairman Lehnertz suggested using 100 per cen.t native landscaping. Mr. Cutro
stated that when the trees need to be replaced, they will be replaced with
native species. Hedges will be replaced with~ similar type species.
At Mr. Davis' request, Mr. Jarrett had no problem with planting tall palm trees
to the left of the doorway along the sidewalk~ in front of the building.
Mr. Davis asked if there will be any attempt ~o improve the lift station area
with landscaping. Mr. Cutro will contact Utilities to see if there would be any
problems with putting shrubs there.
- 11
NAY II, 1993
Ms. Huckle moved to approve the request of Boynton Beach Promenade for landscape
and con~nunity design plan, subject to all staff comments, and with the addi-
tional palm trees in front of the building. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion,
which carried 7-0.
Time Extensions
Request for one year time extension of a conditional use by Exxon
for a convenience store with gasoline sales,
Mr. Cutro advised that Exxon, through its agent Trammell Crow, has requested an
extension of a conditional use for a convenience store with gasoline sales at
the southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. He stated that
there has been no change in conditions since originally approved. The Technical
Review Committee reviewed this and there have been no objections raised on the
extension. Staff contacted the applicant regarding payment of the reservation
fee, The right, of-way has already been dedicated. Staff recommended this be
forwarded to the City commission w~th a recommendation for approval. Mr. Cutro
expects the site to be solE.
Mr. Weigle pointed oqt that this site is a mess. Mr. Cutro advised that there
is supposed to~besome type of.ground cover down if there are no active permits.
He will conta~ COde Enforcemest. He Will also contact Exxon about seeding the
site and the bwne~s about cutting off the access to the site.
Mr. Davis suggested granting approval subject to the property being brought up
to code.
David Feldman, agent for Exxon, will pass the information relative to the
maintenance of the property onto the owner.
Mr. Davis moved to approve Exxon's request for a one year time extension, sub-
ject to staff comments and subject to the entire site being brought up to Code.
Mr. Johnson seconded the motion, which carried 6-1. Chairman Lehnertz cast the
dissenting vote.
Use Approval
2. Request to amend the list of permitted uses at the Boynton
Commercenter P.I.D. to include the following:
(a) Nursing registries;
(b) Accessory retail of plastics;
- 12 -
HAY 11, 1~3
(c) Non-profit trade organization research facilities and records
(d) Leasing office; and
(e) Satellite operations management offices for any light industrial
use allowed in the M-1 zoning district,
(f) Clarification of the reference to offices on the current list.
Ms. Heyden stated that the Boyntom Commercenter has reached a point where they
feel a need to revise the list of permitted uses to include the following:
(1) Nursing registries;
(2) Retail of plastics as an accessory use to wholesale/distribution
Of plastics;
(3) Non-profit trade organization research facility and records
sro rage;
(4) Leasing office;
(5) Satellite operations management offices for any light industrial
use allowed in the M-1 zoning district; and
(6) Offices as referenced under operations centers on the current
list of permitted uses for the Boynton Commercenter, Section
She stated that, historically, other concerns that have been raised when evalua-
ting the appropriateness of commercial uses in P.I.D.s include such things as
traffic, parking, m~xes of uses, employment competition, and availability of the
land already in the City that is zoned for the kind of use proposed.
Staff has reviewed the proposed uses, and in view of the factors that have come
up historically, recommended approval of items (1) through (5) above. However,
with respect to (6), it is anticipated that because of traffic, parking, the
employment situation, and since there is already land in the City that more than
adequately satisfies the future office demand, staff does not recommend general
offices be allowed and placed a limitation that only satellite operations man-
agement offices for any light industria! use allowed in the M-! zoning district
be allowed. In addition, an application is pending in the Occupational License
Department for a professional engineer, and staff recommended this also be an
approved use because it is similar in nature to the existing uses and it gener-
ates a little traffic from the public.
Ms. Heyden confirmed for Ms. Huckle that this request only deals with the
Boynton Commercenter P.I.D.
Ms, Huckle moved to approve the list of permitted uses for the Boynton
Commercenter to include nursing registries, accessory retail plastics, non-
profit trade organization research facility and records storage, leasing office,
satellite operations management offices for any light industrial use allowed in
the M-1 zoning district, and professional engineering office, subject to staff
comments. Mr. Collins seconded the motion.
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14AY 11, 1993
The motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Lehnertz mentioned that he was disappointed not to see Vincent
Finizio's comments because he has a great deal of respect for his knowledge of
City Codes and his insights into how all these applications are impacted by the
City Codes. Mr. Cutro advised him that the items pertaining to engineering are
handled by Mr. Staudinger. Chairman Lehnertz stated that he looks forward to
seeing Mr. Finizio's commen~s because he has such a good knowledge of City Codes
and how they apply in various circumstances. Mr. Cutro said he would bring this
to Mr. Staudinger's attention.
Mr. Cutro spoke to the members about the Planning Commissioner's Journal.
Mr. Cutro advised the Board that Shirley Stevens has resigned from the Board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting properly
adjourned at 10:40 P. M.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Four Tapes)
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