ON THURSDAY, 3UNE 22, 2000 AT 5:00 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Bruce Black, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor
William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tern
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
.]ames Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
City Manager Bressner opened the meeting and advised he had not reviewed the backup
documents with the meeting being held a week early. He asked the Commissioners if
they had any questions on any agenda items.
Item III-A.1 - Free Bus Service for One Week - Mr. Bressner advised this would
be tried for a week to see how many people are using the bus service and some data
base information will be collected with the coupon.
Item X -A - Purchase of Used School Bus - Mr. Bressner advised that he originally had
pulled this item wanting to discuss this purchase with Wilfred Hawkins, but since he has been
out of town, he thought it should be moved along and taken under consideration.
Item IV-C.12 -Purchase Order to G.E. Capital Information Technology Solutions -
Commissioner Fisher referred to $41,000 being spent for an operating system that very few
people continue to support and asked if we are doing this and will have to replace it in three
months when we go to NT? Mr. Bressner replied that he would give him an advance copy of
the backup information and have Peter Wallace give him a call.
Item IV-E - Change Order for Service/Maintenance Agreement - Vice Mayor Weiland
stated he would like to see the original contract for this $16,000 change order.
Item IV-C.13 - License Agreement with Metricom, Tnc.- Commissioner Fisher asked if
these were the little boxes for the wireless intemet and if it was not included in the new taxing
and Mr. Cherof informed him these are on the existing poles and it is not included.
Commissioner Fisher asked if we could charge the maximum and be grandfathered in at a
higher rate and Mr. Bressner replied that the amount is $60 per pole per year. Commissioner
Fisher asked if that was the most we could charge and Mr. Cherof replied he would check it out.
Item V- Ocean Avenue Promenade Report -Mr. Bressner stated the bids are
approximately $800,000 and Mr. Quintus Greene added that is a 39% difference between the
engineer's estimate and the Iow bid. He explained how they were looking at some alternative
options, such as taking all the brick paving out of the intersection, deleting the entire first block
of the project from Seacrest Blvd. to ist Street and taking away the landscaping. After some
.1UNE 22, 2000
discussion, the City Manager explained how quantities could be reduced and a contract awarded
at a subsequent meeting. Mr. Greene further told about installing the utilities and irrigation.
Discussion then ensued in reference to engineering estimates being lower than many bids. Mr.
Bressner assured the Commissioners that the consulting engineer would be present to respond
to questions at the meeting.
Commissioner Fisher asked about the time for completion and Mr. Greene informed him it
would be nine months from project start. He explained how the project objective was to
maintain traffic on the street at all times meaning to do one-half of the street at a time. He
emphasized that the contractor is obligated to hold the bid for 90 days, but we may choose to
reject the bid and decide when the economy is different with not as much work, we may want
to try again.
VIII. D - Stormwater Fee Structure for Pond B - Mr. Bressner referred to having options
for the stormwater fees and stated he would like to not have a surcharge if we can avoid it on
Pond B. He suggested only applying it where there is a clear indication where they are
increasing the amount of impervious surface and apply it at that point and be done with it. He
told about discussions with the public.
XI. B.2 - Zoning Amendment Ordinance - Mr. Cherof explained how the first document
made reference to C-4 covering certain uses as a conditional use, but advised there was too
much uncertainty in the Federal Highway corridor to add any uses, but permitted uses could be
in industrial areas. During discussion, it was agreed two ordinances should be presented with
undefined uses being assigned to M-1 in one and unnamed commercial uses allowed in C-4 as
a conditional, use in the other. It was pointed out that we must be covered to make sure we
are not excluding uses in the city. Mr. Cherof then concluded that his recommendation was
the cure factor to avoid some businesses not fitting anywhere in the city right now; the cure is
having them fit in M-1.
VIII. Future Agenda Items - Vice Mayor Weiland asked when changing the code for future
landscape requirements would be considered and Mr. Bressner suggested putting it on a future
agenda as he had not received a report back from staff regarding this matter.
Vice Mayor Weiland questioned what Adult Depot was allowed to do, as they are in the retail
business and Mr. Bressner replied they are allowed to do that. He added that he has been in
contact with the state attorney regarding enforcement of the county adult use ordinance.
Additions - Mr. Cherof noted his additions since the first draft of the marina settlement and
Casa Loma Boulevard abandonment.
Commissioner Fisher referred to the possibility of an interim location and usage of the Rolling
Green Elementary School for community group meetings and after school activities. Mrs.
Kruse advised that a copy of the agreement with the school permitting this had been forwarded
to the City Manager.
.1UNE 22, 2000
There being no further
adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
City Clerk
(One Tape)
business to come before
the Commission, the meeting properly
Vice Mayor
Mayor Pro Tem '~