Minutes 08-11-92MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1992, AT 7:00 P. M, PRESENT Gary Lehnertz, Chairman (Arrived late) · ~'Nathan Collins Dean Pleming Ken Johnson Bradley Miller Paul Davis, Alternate ~ABSENT ~Marilyn Huckle, Vice Chairwoman (Excused) '_!Shirley Stevens (Excused) Nathan Suss~an, Alternate (Excused) Chris Cutro, City Planner Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator James Cherof, City Attorney In the absence of Chairman Lehnertz, Mr. Fleming moved that Mr. Collins chair 'the meeting. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. There were no objections. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Collins called the meeting to order at 7:11 P. M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ~2. INTRODUCTION OF HAYOR~ COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS The members introduced themselves and Mr. Collins announced the presence of Commissioner Aguila in the audience. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL There being no additions, deletions or corrections, Mr. Miller moved the ap- proval of the agenda as presented. Mr. Fleming seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Miller moved to approve the July 14, 1992 minutes as submitted. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 5, COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A, Report of the Planning and Zoning Department Mr. Cutro advised that Ms. Stevens telephoned to say she is unable to attend this meeting because she is ill. Mr. Cutro included the first Planning Commissioner's Journal in each member's packet. At the request of some members, he is trying to obtain back issues. When he receives them, he will provide copies to those members who want them. - 1 H~NUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING ~ -BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST ~1, 199~ Mr. Cu%ro reported that on June 16, 1992, the City Commission approved the Waste ~anagement mulching site on Industrial Way. They denied the Mobil Oil Gas Station at the corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. The Plaza West con- ditional use at the southeast corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard ,,was approved. The Boynton Amoco at Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park 'Boulevard was approved. The Bookstop at the corner of 22nd and Congress was '-~approved. The request by Walter Dutch to move the zoning line in C-2, which ~this Board approved, was also approved by the City Commission. They approved the Master Plan modification for the Boynton Commerce Center to allow land- scaping along the railroad. They also agreed to consider changing the ordinance ito allow the Planning and Development Board to table items for specific reasons. n July 7, 1992, the City Commission reversed their earlier decision and pproved the site plan for the Mobil Oil Station on Hypol~xo and Congress. On uly 21, lg92, the City Commission denied t~he Cedar ~rove PUB based on it not ~i~g consistent with the surrounding zoning. The mad~lar Bome sale center on lithe corner of Boynton Beach B~ulevard and N. W. 7th stree~ was approved. On ~ugus~ 4, 1992, 'the City co~ii~sion aPproved the chang~6 [he LaWrence Lakes ~'!UDI and the Bay Tree PU~. Th~ lat~er~tW~ items are b~fOr~ the ~BOar~ this ~vening. The City Commission.' also ~ppr~veda phased ~x~e~sioq iOf the Lighthouse Square Marina and agreed to look at' ~ chang6s ~o the ~3 z~ning district to ~l~owminor automotive repairs under certa~-ncOnditiOns. Th6 latter item will 5rO6ably be coming befbbe ~his Board next ~ohth~ ~r. Col:lins asked if any conditiqns;were ad~ed by the City Commission with ~gard to the Mobil Oil Station. ~r. iHaag Said the r~oQft~p equlipment had to be ~iei~ed from view 600feet~ the H~rs 6f ~era~ing t~ car wash and the vacuum ~yste~ were lqmited, and' ch~:ngi~ o~,oi,i w~ not a'llow~ on site. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLICHEARING PARKING LOT VARIANCE 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Cross Creek Center Robert A. Bentz/Land Design South Cross Creek Associates 1313 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Request to eliminate an existing fire lane in front of the building to allow the construction of addi- tional parking spaces. Mr. Cutro advised that the applicant requested a postponement until September 8, 1992. There has been a proposed change to the ordinance and Mr. Cutro felt this postponement is not out of line. -2- MINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST Il, 1992 Mr. Miller asked if there was a response from the Fire Department. Mr. Cutro was not certain what happened,to the memo, but he advised that at the TRC meeting, Mr. Cavanaugh ~ndicated that the Fire Department did not have a problem with the request to eliminate the existing fire lane in front of the building. REZONING Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Appllcation No. 13-A1 (f.k.a. Application 13/Planning Area 7.al Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Florida Power & Light Parcels on the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road Request to rezone from R-2 (Duplex Residential) to C-2 (Neighborhood Cbmmercial) for the purpose of impl~enting ~h:e t989 Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rumpf said this apl i rezoning recommendation. ~three times, at one time with ~iidentified as Application ~Board of May 14, 1991 with Comprehensive Plan rezonings. 1 in favor of Application responding to the opinion felt C-1 would be more approp tion for this property. the City Commission on June denied on June 16, 1992. The property owner. Ironicall Comprehensive Plan Planning Area 7.a conditions being combined with the sm~ll This adjacent parcel is ( imf. Rumpf ~ out out that this ap) ween the subject ~roperty was done to insure that all regardless of how the properties. Staff concurs is now consistent with the 'linated out of the Comprehensive Plan as a ~nically gone to public hearing This application, then the then Planning and Zoning processed as Group II ~ing and Zoning Board voted 6 to denied it. Furthermore, in ~:owner, the City Commission processing a C-1 applica- 13-A and was brought to tabled and ultimately opinion of an adjacent based upon the original ~ecommendation for subject property upon it rcel at the intersection. of the overhead projector, Mr. Rumpf pointed right-of-way lying bet- )arcel to the south. This is prop~rl~ rezoned, to the adjoining the City Commission, which Mr. Davis asked if the adjacen~ ~oper~y owner had a chance to look at this and comment. Mr. Rumpf said h~ mo~ l~l,~el~ Peceived a 400 foot notice. He added that the recommendation for C~t i~ StaYtinQ to I~e seen as a better transition between the commercial prop~r~d the reSiden%i]al property to the north, which ~as R-2 and rezoned to a tower d~i~andis consistent with the small C-1 locket, When it came back bef6r~~ ~he Cit~ CommiSsion, a representative of a )roperty owner indicated th~ t~u61~m~aning of th~ Comprehensive Plan recommen- lations, 3 MINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOAP,.D MEETi'NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 Attorney Raymond Posga~ of Ft. Lauderdale,. represented the owner of the small triangular parcel and Florida Power and Light, who is on the other side of the abandoned right-of-way. He said that originally the City's planners suggested that this be a C-2 area, when a change was made at the last minute because a person spoke up. That person was in the neighborhood and truly not an adjacent owner. When the City Commission reviewed the record last June to try to find out the rationale for the last minute change, they could not find one. Attorney Posgay's clients have owned property in t~at area s~nce the early 1970s and it has been zoned C-2 that whol~ time, He gave Mr. Cutro a copy of the County ResOlution that was passed on June 16 and recorded on July 7. In response to Mr. Miller, Mr. Rumpf advised that the current zoning is R-2. Notion Mr. Miller moved to approve item number 2 of the agenda. Mr. Fleming seconded the motion which carried unanimously. B. SUBDIVISIONS MASTER PLAN I~ODIFICATIO~S Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Lawrence Lakes, a P.U.D. Sonja-Martin-Morgan and/or George Fuller Tindus Investments, Inc. East of Lawrence Road directly south of Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-21 and Palm Beach County Elementary School "P" Request to change the front building setbacks from 25 feet to 20 feet. Establish the rear setbacks for pools and screen roof screen enclosures at 3 feet, and estabish the side setbacks for pools at 8 feet and the side setback for screen roof screen enclo- sures at 7~ feet. Mr. Cutro stated that the owner of the Lawrence Lakes PUD is requesting a modi- fication of the setbacks within this development. This request would reduce the front building setbacks from 25 feet to 20 feet to establish a rear setback of 3 feet of screen roofed screen enclosures, an 8 foot side setback for pools and a 7.5 foot side setback for screen roofed screen enclosures. The City Commission has reviewed this and determined it to be a minor change. The Technical Review Committee reviewed the request and did not have any comments. The Engineering Department commented on the removal of the recreational ameni- ties. However, the previous developer of this site paid the full recreational impact fee and the improvements were voluntary. Staff is presently reviewing for conformity with the landscaping code. Staff recommended approval, subject to their conditions. In response to Mr. Miller, Mr. Cutro advised that the setback for the main structure is 7.5 feet and the rear easement is a lake management easement. 4 HINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPHENT BOARD HEETING ,. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 Mn. Cutro further advised that staff does not have a problem reducing the set- back because in many instances there is about 20 feet of land before you get to the lake. Mr. Haa9 added that the easement is completely outside of the bound- aries of the lots. In response to Mr. Davis, ~ohN Fuller of Tindus Investments advised that both the screen enclosure and the pool will be at the option of the individual owners. Mr. Davis wondered if, since the development had been designed with the slope in mind, changes later on would have a negative effect on that slope and make it more aifficult to maintain the lake. Hotlon Mr. Fleming moved to approve the master plan modification, Lawrence Lakes, with alq staff comments. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 2. Project Name: B~ Tree ~ ~he He~dQws 300, Tr~e~ "B", ~ P,U.D. Agent: Gary Maresea Owner: Bay Tree Homeowners Association Location: South side of Meadows Boulevard west of Willowbrook and north of the L-20 Lake Worth Drainage District Canal Description: Request to reduce the rear yard setback, for the pur- pose of screened-roofed and hard-roofed structures, to six (8) feet, or to the existing easement of record where applicable for Lots i through 88. Mr. Cutro stated that this is a request from the Bay Tree Homeowners' Association for a master plan modification for Tract B of the Meadows 200 PUD. This amendment is to reduce the rear setback from 15 feet, which it presently is on the plat, to 8 feet or to the rear utility easement. Mr. Haag pointed out the location with the use of the overhead projector. Mr. Cutro advised that the City Commission has determined this to be a minor modification and forwarded it to this Board for final disposition. The Technical Review Committee reviewed the changes and had no comments on the requested modifications. A question was raised as to whether or not there would be a problem with the utilities if the the setback is allowed to 9o back to the easement lines. Therefore, staff added a condition that the applicant would have to contact the utilities, prior to pulling any additional building permits, to make sure there are no problems. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Miller was concerned about adjacent properties and asked if there was a buffer between Tract B and Tract C. Mr. Cutro pointed out that this request only affects Tract B. He said there is an easement at the top. He was not sure if there was a buffer; however, he stated that normally a buffer would be required between single family subdivisions. -5- M~NUTES - PLANN)NG AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD )4EET~NG BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 At this point in the meeting, Chairman Lehnertz arrived at 8:42 P. M. Mr. Cutro said the only separation between houses is whatever yard area the homeowner chooses to leave there, plus the easement, plus whatever easement is on Tract C, Mr. Cutro confirmed for Mr. Miller that along the common boundary line between Tract B and Tract C, the setback would be 15 feet to the easement. Mr. Davis asked if this would be considered the same as a variance. Mr. Cutro answered in the negative, saying that the Meadows 300 consists of a series of tracts, each one of which has a separate plat filed. Normally When a plat comes through and is allowed under the PUD ordinance, the developeF sets up a series of setbacks. The PUD ordinance allows the normal setbacks to be put on the side and new setbacks to be proposed, which has to be approved by this Board and the City Commission. Mr. Fleming asked if there are any provisions for buffering between the houses in addition to the easement. Mr. Cutro answered in the negative, saying that in this case there is a zero lot line anU there is no buffer in the back. There is an e~sement, but no requirements for buffering between the residential. Normal zoning does n6t require buffering between single family subdivisions. The set- b~cks are taken from the edge of the buildable areas. It is not uniform because the easements~and lot lengths change. Chairman Lehnertz apologized for being late, saying he had a flat tire. In response to Chairman Leh'nertz, Mr. Cutro said there are other sections in this PUD that have to be developed. For the edification of the new members, Chairman Lehnertz stated that planned developments Come in with certain setbacks and restrictions, which the Board approves. However, they continually return to ask for easing of those setbacks, expressly for the purpose of screen enclosures and pools. Chairman Lehnertz felt that if the development is going to put these in, they should have the set- backs in place when it is developed and not put the burden on the buyers to return to the Board to ask for easing of restrictions. He did not think it was right for the City to turn around on a piecemeal basis and ease restrictions in the Code. He believed at some point the Board has to be arbitrary and stop this. In response to Mr. Flemi.ng, G~ry Naresea, Vice President of the Bay Tree Homeowners' Association, said the distance from the house to the property line is 15 feet. Some lots are deeper than others and porches can be built on them; however, there is not any available space on most of the lots. Chairman Lehnertz ~ointed out that people are being allowed to develop to the absolute maximum allowable by the Code and the City seems to be perfectly willing to go along with requiring the minimums at the time a PUD is developed and then relaxing those minimums as soon as somebody asks for relaxation. Mr. Collins asked how long this area has been developed. Mr. Maresea believes Bay Tree is almost nine years old. Mr. Collins pointed out that people's lifestyles change. -6 - HINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 Mr. Cutro advised that staff is starting to address this situation by suggesting developers make allowances for the future when identifying the buildable area. He did not think it is proper to enter setbacks on plats and felt it should be part of the Master Plan. He said the plat is a legal document which is recorded and it is difficult to change it. If the Board approves this request, the applicants will have to file a whole series of legal documents, Mr. Miller asked if there is a requirement for open space per lot. Mr. Cutro ~dvised there is not; that it is defined by the setbacks and the requirements Or the open space have already been taken Care of as part of the overall site plan for ~he entire Meadows developments. In addition, drainage will not De affected. Chairman Lehnertz asked if this Master Plan modification passes unanimously, if it has to go to the City Commission. Mr. Cutro answered in the negative. Mr. Cu~ro asked Attorney Cherof if this request is denqed, if the applicant can appeal to the City Commission based on the ordinance presently in place. Attorney Cherof answered 'in the negatqve. Mr. Miller asked how the homeowners felt about this request. Mr. Maresea said the: Architectural ContrOl cOr~nittee, which is comprise~ of five owners, and the homeowners' association, Which ~s also Comprised of five owners, voted unani- mously in favor of this request. In response to Mr. M]ller, Mr. Maresea said there are 86 homeowners in the Subdivision. He advised that the other 76 hOmeowners were notifieo of this modification through newsletters and have had the Opportunity to attend'homeowners' associatiqn boa.rd meetings to voi~e their oppoSitiOn. In addition, all~approvals~are entered i~to the homeowners asso- ci~tio~meeting minutes. Motion Mr. Fleming moved to approve the Bay Tree at the Meadows project, subject to all staff comments. Mr. Lehnertz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Collins turned the chairmanship back over to Chairman Lehnertz. C. SITE PLAN NEW SITE PLAN Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Kldstop II Robert E. Kuoppala, Kuoppala & Associates, P. A. Quantum Associates 3800 Quantum Boulevard Request to construct a dayschool for approximately 180 occupants on a 1.1 acre vacant site at Quantum Corporate Park. Mr. Haag said this is a request for a new site plan for a business called Kidstop II which is a day school in Quantum Park. He used the overhead projec- -7 - HINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 tor to point out its location. The building is 8,852 square feet and is divided into four structures connected with a single roof. This is a PID; however, when the PID came into being, the Master Plan showed uses other than industrial uses and identified a certain area (which he pointed to on the map) for office uses. Office uses in the conventional zoning district are C-1 uses and this use is a permitted conditional use. He displayed the landscape plan on the screen which shows the layout of the site. He also pointed out the parking spaces. When the Community Design Plan was created, it did not include Quantum Corporate Park. Therefore, the architectural theme is at the discretion of the Board, since there is none that this building has to comply with. The closest building is the Allstate building o~ 22nd Avenue, The colors of that building are grey with two blue b~nds.going around the t~p, of the build,lng. The landscaping on the site is f~r St~ff recommended t lclo- sure Works some In response to Mr. Collins, Mr. Cutro said most of the architeczure in that area is of. a fu~ct$onal ~ture. He suggeste]dp?~ing attention to colors and archi- tect~ral f~tufes aso~her buildings c~me ~h. Mr. Ftemingsugg~s~ed that the applicants be r~qui:red?to supply pictures ~f the surrounding buildings in the future. Mr. Johnson asked what kind of design will be used to offset the wall. Mr. Haag said he is concerned about how much of the wal~l is exposed. If the wall is only 1 or 2 feet, he believed nothing would be needed. However, if it is 6 or 7 feet high, he suggested it be offset about every 30 feet. Mr. Miller asked if the purpose of the wall is a retaining wall because of the change in elevation. Mr. Haag answered in the affirmative. Bob Kuoppala, Project Architect, 5204 lOth Avenue North, Lake Worth, said the site drops approximately 3 to 4~ feet between the road and going back towards the buildings towards the east. At this point in the meeting, Attorney Cherof left the chambers. Mr. Kuoppala stated the retaSning wall will be approximately 3 to 4½ feet high. It will have a chain link fence on top of it. Any exposed areas of the wall which will be built out of concrete block will be stuccoed and painted to match the building. If the wall is higher than 4½ feet, he would be glad to put some offsets in or some heages to help break up the mass. The wall is about 144 feet long. In response to Mr. Davis, Mr. Kuoppala said the fence would be a chain link fence to enclose the children's playground, and it would stand another 4 or 5 feet above the wal:t. The County requires a 4 foot high fence to enclose the playground. Mr. Davis was concerned about the appearance of a chain link fence -8- NINUTE$ - PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 and asked if there were other options. Mr. Kuoppala plans on doing it in a green mesh with green posts and rails to make it blend in and not be an eyesore. Mr. Haag pointed out that a hedge borders the fence on the inside of the wall. Mr. Fleming expressed concern about the landscaping and the safety of the children. Chairman Lehnertz was familiar with the landscaping and felt nothing poisonous was being used. Mr. Fleming suggested that if there is concern about the fence, that some of the landscaping be moved to the fence area since the building seems to be pretty well covered with trees. In response to Mr. Miller, Mr. Cutro said the chain link fence would be on top of the wall, and a hedge would be behind the chain link fence. The hedge would be 3D inches and grow to the height of the 4 foot fence. Hr. Kuoppala added that the ground at ~he playground will be approxqmately 3 to 4½ feet higher than the g~ound at the road. Mr. Davis asked iY the Forester's comment has been addressed. Mr. Kuoppala said the Forester asked ~f there w~s going to be a tree preservation microsite and it was no~ed on the applicant's plans that there would not be. It was mentioned that t7 pine trees are going to be preserved. Mr. Davis expressed concern for the pine tKees because they are susceptible to dying during construction. He asked, if th~ )andscape requirements would still be met if a number of the pine trees die. Mr. Cutro explained that the applicant would have to replace the pine trees that die. He added that there i~ a requirement in the Tree Prese~ati~n Ordinance ~obar~i~a~e ~he ~tre?. ~evin Hatlahan, Urban Forester of the~iRec~eatio~ arq Parks DQpartment, Wi~l~ show them where the barricades need to be ~l!ac~d.' Mr. Kdoppa!a said it is stated in the plan that the existing treeQ ~ill ~be pro~ected as muc~ as possSble ara the ones being kept will be ma~n{a~ned. In response to Mr. Davis, Mr. Cutro advised that there are no roofing require- ments ~ QuantUm Corporate Park. Mr. Fleming asked about the dumpster situation. Mr. Kuoppala advised that the owner requested that the dumpster be moved back towards the east end of the site. He said Carel Fisher, Assistant Director of Public Works, did not have any problems with this and preferred it back there originally. Mr. Kuoppala was concerned with having enough space for the truck to turn around. He said he would provide a turnaround and add more asphalt to the north just behind the building and the east property line. The dumspter will be moved from the front and replaced with a couple of parking spaces. In response to Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kuoppala believed the landscaping would be irri- gated by an open bottom well. Notion Mr. Collins moved to approve the request to construct a day school for approxi- mately 180 occupants on a 1.1 acre vacant site at Quantum Corporate Park, located at 3800 Quantum Boulevard, subject to staff comments. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. -9- NINUTE~ - PLAHNING AND DEVELOPHEHT BOARD flEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 In response to Mr. Fleming, Mr. Cutro said the applicant has indicated that he will move the dumpster. The motion carried unanimously. D, CONHUNITY DESIGN PLAN REVIEW 1. Revtew request b~ Arb~'$ Restaurant located at 2015 S, Federal H}ghw~Y t~ add neon highlighting to roof area of structure. Mr. Cutro advised that Arby's Restaurant, located at 2015 South Federal Highway, has asked to add neon lighting to the roof of their structure. The highlighting will be red and~ilt be added to a portion of the upper roof line and front cor- ners of the main roof. The subject property is located in the Coastal Village design area and n~on is not listed as an a~chitectural feature in this design area. However, ~he:building was' built prior to the Co,unity Design Plan being adopted. In addi~ion, other structures in the corridor have been allowed to use neon, most notably Pop's Sea Grill. Staff asked the Board to determine whether or not to allow neon to be used on the existing structure, since other buildings may try to do this in the future. In response to Mr. Collins, Mr. Cutro said the Coastal Village architectural design stretches ~Pl and ~down Federal Highway and is lapped over a series of buildings that were not bullet in an architectural design. Mr. Cutro thinks a precedent needs to be built, taking into account the a~chitectural style of the existing buildings. In response to Mr. Collins, Mr. Cutro advised that this is not considered a sign and that the amount of neon being .placed on the building is minimal. He considered it to be an architectural highlight. Joe Trapanl with Ryan-Markland Sign Company stated that neon lighting will greatly increase nighttime business at restaurants because people will be less fearful of coming out at night. At this point in the meeting, Attorney Cherof returned to the dais. Mr. Collins envisioned the area looking like Las Vegas if too many neon lights are installed. Mr. Johnson thought red neon highlighting might be gaudy looking. He asked if any studies have been conducted regarding illumination affecting drivers. Mr. Trapani did not believe there is enougn neon on the building to cause an accident or look gaudy. Chairman Lehnertz said whatever the Board does is going to provide a precedent and he expressed concern about creating garish neon lighted buildings. He won- dered if it would take away a little bit of the garishness if the two vertical pieces of neon were removed. Mr. Trapani said Arby's has asked that those be removed anyway. Mr. Trapani plugged in samples of neon lighting to display to the Board. 10- HINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPHEHT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACN, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 Mr. Miller shared some of the concerns about setting a precedent of this kind of architectural feature. Mr. Fleming pointed out that the Board has flexibility and also that many restaurants have gone out of business in this area. Mr. Cutro stated that the neon only covers a portion of the horizontal element of the roof. He felt it would look better if it is extended along the roof lines instead of just stopping in the middleof the building. Mr. Trapani said Arby's Restaurant did not want to take on the additional expense to do that. Mr. Davis asked how the sign requirements and criteria deal with neon. Mr. Cutro said a wall sign can be done in neon and can be up to 1½ sq. each lineal foot of building frontage. ft. for Mr. Cutro pointed ou~ that neon is not called out as an architectural feature treatment in the modern d~strict. Motlon Mr. Fleming moved to approve the neon as submitted, The motion died for lack of a second. Motion Mr. Collins moved to deny the request by Arby's Restaurant to install the neon sign located at 2015 South Federal Highway in Boynton Beach. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-4. Morton Mr. Fleming moved to approve the neon with the deletion of the two vertical pieces. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, Mr. Collins was afraid that Pandora's Box will be opened up by approving this request and was not in favor of this type of illumination. Chairman Lehnertz thought it was important to note that several members of this Board have mentioned that this is not something they want to get out of hand and needs to be restricted. It should be noted by any other applicants that come before this Board that while some small judicious use may be per- missible, anything too heavy would be looked at in disfavor. The motion carried 4-2. Mr. Collins and Mr. Davis cast the dissenting votes. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Mr. Miller wondered if the ordinance could be changed to include specific guide- lines and to restrict the percentage of neon used. Attorney Cherof advised that the Board can make this recommendation to the City Commission through these min- utes and the Planning Director if the Board feels this might be a trend in the future. He said it may be something that should be specifically addressed in 14INUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPHENT BOARD HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1992 the Code, either to prohibit it or if it is permitted, to have specifics. Mr. Cutro will speak to the City Con~nission and the City Manager about this. Commissioner Aguila thought the time has come to tackle the Community Design Plan. Mr, Fleming offered his assistance to Commiss'ioner Aguila. 9. ADOOURI, I~qENT Recording Secretary (Two Tapes) 12-