Minutes 07-14-92HINUTES OF THE PLANNING ANO DEVELOPMENT BOARD HEETING HELD COI4NISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, OULY 14, 1992AT 7:00 P,M. PRESENT Gary Lehnertz, Chairman Marilyn Muckle, Vice Chairwoman Nathan Collins Ken Johnson Bradley Miller Shirley Stevens Nathan Sussman, Alternate ABSENT Dean Fleming (Excused) PaUl Davis, Alternate (Excused) Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Devel. Administrator Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Lehnertz called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the Pledge of ~llegiance to the Flag. INTRODUCTION OF NAYOR~ COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Lehn~rtz introduced the Board m~mbers and announced the presence in the audience of Commissioner Jose Aguila. AGENDA APPROVAL There being no additions, deletions or corrections, Shirley Stevens moved the approval of the agenda as presented. Marilyn Huckle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bradley Miller asked that Paragraph #4 on Page 16 be corrected to read, "Mr. Miller questioned the variance approval...". Shirley Stevens asked that a notation be made in the section on Waste Management to reflect the fact that she asked Michael Bryant or John Albert how long the City would get free mulch and his response was "indefinitely". Marilyn Huckle moved to accept the June 9, 1992 minutes as corrected. Mr. Collins seconded the motion which carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Tan~bri Heyden stated that discussions took place at the May meeting and the workshop.regarding documents for new Board members. At that time, documents were distributed. Ms. Heyden prepared and distributed a list of materials which had been presented to former members of the Planning and Zoning Board and - I - NINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPNENT BOARD NEE'rING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~IULY 14, 1992 Community Appearance Board. She suggested the list be reviewed and asked mem- bers to resubmit the list, placing his/her name on top with items circ)ed. The requested mateKiats will then be given to those members in the near future. A. REPORT OFT HE PLANNING ANG ZONING DEPARTMENT There is no report from the Planning and Zoning Department regarding administra- tive approvals. OLD BUS~NESS None NEW BUSINESS A. SUBDIVISIONS t4ASTER PLAH MODIFICATIONS Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Boynton Con~mrce Center Motchkavitz Engineering Company MIG Companies {MIG} Between Woolbright Road and Golf Road east of the E-4 Lake Worth Drainage District Canal and west of the Seaboard Airline Railroad Description: Request to reduce the width of the peripheral green- belt along the east side of the subject property from twenty-five feet {25') to approximately six feet {6') at the south end and fifteen feet (15') at the north end, add sixty-nine {69} parking spaces and asso- ciated landscaping directly west of the proposed greenbelt. Mike Haag made the presentation. Mr. Haag used an overhead projection to depict the site on a map. This is a Planned Industrial District for which there is a required greenbelt. A 25' greenbelt is required along the east property line, the south property tine and the north property line. There is a requirement for a 40' greenbelt on the west side of the property which is along Leisureville. The applicant has requested a greenbelt reduction from 25' to 6' at the south end to approximately 15' at the north end. This request was determined to be a minor change by the City Commission. The Planning and Zoning Department recom- mends approval subject to staff comments. In response to Mr. Miller's question, Mr. Haag stated the buffer is required because this use is adjacent to another commercial use. The applicant has requested the reduction in order to supply additional parking spaces on the east side of the project. It was explained that currently, there are enough parking spaces at the site, but the applicant wishes to add the spaces to make parking more convenient for the tenants on the east side. -2- HINUTES - PLANNING AHD DEVELOPHENT BOARD HEET]rNG BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORIDA JULY Z4, 1992 Ms. Stevens confirmed that the applicant is willing to agree to Mr. Hallahan's comments regarding relocating all existing trees. In response to Ms. Stevens' question, Mr. Haag stated that the applicant is responsible to upgrade only the new portion of the parking lot. ~f this request is approved, it will be necessary for the applicant to go through site plan review and return before the Planning and Development Board for the parking spaces. Ms. Huckle wondered if the present parking lot meets the current Code. Mr. Haag pointed out that although the Department has not gotten into such an investiga- tion, the site w~s developed in ~982-83 amd., t~erefo.re, it would no, meet the present Code. ~Additional foundation landscaping h~s:been added and the parking lot has been restriped. Mr. Collins pointed out that the site plan does not show any foliage at the narth end and asKedif~ they ptanto add Some landscaping in that area. Mr. Haag $~sted ~opl'a~s ~or SuCh an addition exist ~t this time. He ~urther pointed out ~hat ~nether s~te }s located to the north a~d the ~ntire project W~uld require a pe~ip~era.l greenbelt. The entire project has not yet beeh developed. The or~ginal They will be putting in forty trees on ~his Site. this pro- trees. ~airman Lehnertz mentioned a letter from NtG which talks about how the improve- ~ent? will add protection'to .the weltfi;e}d. He a~ked for an e~planation. Mr. G~nt~le stated there is a welilfield alOng the boundary. It is right off a ~wale. The runoff from the parking lot. ru~s over to the wel. lfield and per- O~la~es down. Grease from tCucks percolates into the well.. The applicant ~ill provide for a reversal of slope at ~hat location so that 'runoff will be ~e~Way fro~ the. wellfield. Further, the~ wil.l be. aspEalting around where the ll~iela i:s located so that serv.ice p~rsonnel wi~.l have an area for parking dathen tha~ pa~king ~n anether location where anythilng dropped by the truck wit Percol:at~ ~own into the ground. ~n response to Chairman Lehnertz' question, Mr. Gentile stated he has no problems with any of the staff comments. Mr. Gentile informed the Board that they are complying with the new ADA require- ments which provide larger handicap spaces. The project is not fully built out. This project has enough spaces now and will have enough spaces at build out. Mr. Sussman moved to accept this request at this point subject to all staff com- ments. Ms. Huckle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -3- NTNUTES - PLANNING AND I)EVELOPHENT BOARD HEETTNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA dULY 14, 1992 B. SITE PLAN HEN SITE PLAN Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Hodular Node1 Home Sales Center Jim Zengage Walter Dutch Southeast corner of NW 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard Description: Request to construct a modular model home with sales office, associated parking area, and landscaping on a .22 acre vacant site. Mike Haag made the presentation. This is a corner lot. The Land Use Plan Designation is Commercial/Local Retail and the present zoning designation is C-2. The type of use is a sal,es off~ce for a modular home. The building will be designed and constructed tO represen~ the model home. The site iS approxima- tely 9,500 square feet and ~he~uilding is=appr6ximately 1,583 square feet. Photos were presented for vie~ihg by Beard m~b~rs. Mr. Haag explained that theKe is a residential d~strict to the north, Wendy's Restaurant to the east, Boyn~on.Beach ~B~u)evar~to the south and across 7th Court to the west is a vacant lot. M~, Haagus~d the overhead projection to show a Site plan landscape pl,anof the ~ro~eCt. The entrance into this project will be off NW 7th Court'innova small p~rk~ng a:rea containing four parking spa- ces. The east half of the stracture w~l~ be ~hs model house and the office will be built where a garage would exist. ~Ths landscaping proposed is to Code sub- ject to Mr, Haag's co~ents. Pou'mdati~O~ landscaping ,has been provided around the structure. This site is located within the Community Des,ign District designated as Medi- terraneah~. The Planning and ZoningDepartmen~ feels if this theme is imposed, the home would not took like the home the appilicant is attempting to sell to prospective buyers. The Department asked foK relief from meeting all of the requirements of the Design Plan. However, the applicant is using the colors suggested in the Plan. ~r. Haag reminded the, members of some of the require- ments oflthe Mediterranean design plan and explained that this project will have asphalt Shingles rather ~han a cement tile roof. The project will be vinyl- sided ra~her ~han a brick or stucco finish. Further, the tree does not~ meet the Communityl DeSlg~ Planand there will be no iron gates, decorative lamps, accent tile, be)q towers or arches. Staff feels that comments cam be addressed at the time drawings are submitted for permit. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends the Board find the plans acEeptable and forward thom to the City Commission with a recommendation that it b~ subject to the administrative decision by the Director to waive the requirements of the buffer wall and the Board accept the degree to which the building and site areshown i~n compliance with the Community Design Plan for this spe~¢ific use and concept and subject to the applicant submitting working drawings Of the project for permit review that depict the project in compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and the attached staff comments. -4- MINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPHENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,)ULY 14, 1992 Hr. Haag explained that there is a requirement in the Code for a 6' masonry wall when a commercial site is adjacent to a residential site. The Department feels this requirement should be waived since this is a temporary use. The model home is a dry model, Ms. Huckle wondered why there was no recommendation for the replacement of the masonry wall with a hedge, Mr. Haag stated there is no requirement for any kind of buffering except for the required landscaping around the parking lot. She further questioned the height of the vegetation. Mr. Haag said the minimum at planting is 18". Chairman Lehnertz feels it is more important to question how high they will allow the vegetation to grow. He pointed out that Coco Plum will easily grow 6' to 8'. Ms. Stevens explained that the City Commission passed the Community Design Plan for this particular area. Mr. Haag said this corridor along Boynton Beach Boulevard going west is in the Mediterranean/Spanish theme, but much of the development in that area was done prior to the inception of the Community Design Plan. However, the new buildings are required to follow this Plan. Ms. Stevens further stated that this use does not appear temporary when they are planning to be at the location for at least three to four years. It is a com- mercial site and will always remain a commercial site, and she feels the resi- dents should be protected with a buffering wall. She further stated that the cost of the wall, can be recouped at the time of sale. Ms. Stevens stated she cannot support this petition. Mr. Miller asked for clarification of Mr. Newbold's memorandum requesting a cash bond to return the property to its original state. Mr. Haag reported that the TRC felt the City should have protection in case the applicant left the dry model on the site. The bond would be used to clean the lot. This is part of staff's recommendation. Mr. Miller further agreed with Ms. Stevens' remarks regarding the necessity for a buffering wall to protect the residents from the commercial use. ~O~m~RockwellDeveloDlng Company, 2499 Glades Road~ Suite 104~ Boca ~iFL3~4~ he has been attemptin-~--~o bring afford~hoUsin~--~-~to ! e community. He chose this Sitebecause of its high visibility. Mr. Zengage ~said it is impossible to build a modular home and keep it affordable if he follows the requirements of the Community Design Plan. The best he can offer is compliance with the color scheme. The landscaping requirements have been complied with except for the one northern line. He does not have a problem complying in that area. The construction of a 6' high masonry wall is cost pro- hibitive and feels the landscape buffer would be sufficient. With regard to the cash bond, he agrees to post a cash bond for the removal of the building, but does not see the necessity of destroying the parking lot and the underground utilities to return the site to a barren lot. Mr. Zengage suggested the construction of a window box fence versus a masonry wall, if the landscape !buffer is not sufficient. In response to Mr. Collins' question, Mr. Zengage stated that similar units in Flagler County have recently been completed. It is hoped that models can be offered in Boynton Beach at prices ranging from $40,000 to $70,000. Mr. Zengage ~has spoken with the Housing Partnership in Palm Beach County and they are interested in seeing this project come about. They have talked about doing infill projects north of Seacrest Boulevard. Mr. Collins does not see $60,000 -5- MINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA ~ULY 14, 1992 to $70,000 as affordable. Mr. Zengage stated that a small house is front end loaded with plumbing, electric, kitchens, bathrooms and air conditioning, etc. Ms. Huckle wondered if these hemes are prefabricated, Mr. Zengage responded that they are not prefabricated. The module is constructed off site. There are three DCA~approved plants in Florida. The modules are built in large factories under ideal conditions. The workers work shifts and produce a home within seven to ten days. The modules are trucked to the site, lifted by crane onto a stem wall and the front and back portions are "married" together from under the foun- dation. A family can be put into a home within fourteen days from delivery. Mr. Zengage confirmed to Chairman Lehnertz that these homes will be put on lots owned by the prospective buyers. Ms. Stevens questioned what decision had been made regarding the installation of spr3nkler system or fire hydrant, Mr. Zengage said no decision has yet been made. Costs are being investigated at this point, but one will be chosen. This is a requirement of the Fire Department. Responding to Mr. Miller's question, Mr. Zengage reported that removal is as easy as installation and the home can be used again. Mr. Zengage said that because of the dry construction of the model, it was not built toward commercial code, When this model=becomes ~bsol~te, his choices would be to remove the model or upgrade it to code. It would be easier to move the model to a residen- tial tot. Mr. Zengage is leasing the land. Chairman Lehnertz asked Mr. Zengage if he would have a problem con forming with a cOndition that the ~oc6 Plum be grown and maintained at a height greater than 18". Mr. Zengage h~s mo Problem with such a condition. Mr. Collins has no problem with this use and feels it might benefit some of the people in the commuhit~. Ms. Stevens does not feel this project is temporary since no time limit has been set. The only reason for waiving the building requirements is because this is a temporary use, but she does not feel this can me called temporary. All new construction in this area has been required to follow the Community Design Plan and she does not feel this project should be exempt. She further feels the wall must be provided to protect the residential areas. Ms. Stevens does not feel Boynton Beach Boulevard is an appropriate location for this type of facility and she will not support this project. Mr. Zengage explained to Ms, Huckle that no other site was considered because he was searching for a high profile location. He feels this model will blend in with the community. In response to Ms. Huckle's question, Mr. Zengage stated that his lease is for two years, renewable in two-year options. He has no objection to setting a specific time limit for the use and then returning to discuss the situation. Mr. Sussman questioned whether or not Mr. Zengage is still willing to post the cash bond. Mr. Zengage is willing to post the cash bond, but only for the -6- HINUTES - PLANN)NG AND DEVELOPHENT BOARD HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,,1ULY 14, 1992 removal of the house. He does not feel it is proper to return the lot to its original condition which he called scrub. He feels everyone would benefit from the landscaping and the next user might have use for the parking lot. He would like further discussions with staff on this matter. He is willing to remove the home and foundation from the property, but would like to leave the underground utilities, landscaping and parking lot. Chairman Lehne:rtz feels this is a~ goo~ project because the City has areas which are in need of ~nfill. This project'~ould ~llevia~e that problem. While he understands theconcerns about the Community Design Planand the lack of the buffer wall, he seesWend~'s ~nd Texaco closeto this site and their design is not at all close to the Community Design Plan. Chairman Lehnertz hooes this project will be successful, Ms. Hucklel feel~ ~Ee elevQtio~ facing Boynton Beach Boulevard is aesthetically u~appea~ing. S~%,~sked i'f.,~hat ~ul~be made more ~ttractive, Mr. Zengage ~greed;to Ures~L~tbeg~bl~e'~o.r~ion~iwith a dormer and ~eplace the tree on B6y~to~ Be~¢h B6~levard w~th' a~la~rg~ flowering shade tree next to the building. Mr, H~ag remind~d~he ,Board that i~ they are going to go along with the Planning D~p~m~nlt!~:s~ F~endation t~ waive the buffer wall, Comment #2 from his staff comments'would ~a~e tobe rom6ved. Mr. Miller; agreed the use is eeeded in the City; however, he has a problem with the ,u~e b~$nga~cen~ to ~hei~esidential community. Buffering is required. Fur~r,i ~e' ~th of time t~e use will be at the location and its non- com~l,ianc~,w~h?.~e Commun:ity!Design Plan are also problems. Mr. Miller asked if ~r. Zengag~ ~s. 1, willing to go along with a time frame such as two years; 2. wi]ling~,to relocate the tree near the building on Boynton Beach Boulevard; and 3. willing to post a 110% cash bond for removal of the building and foundation. Mr. Zengage ha.s~ no problomwith the tree. The 110% cash bond for the removal of the building and the foundation is no problem. Regarding the two-year time frame, Mr. Zeng~ge would rather not agree to two years since that is not very much time. He would suggest five years. After discussion, Mr. Zengage agreed to a time limit of four {4) years and then he will return to review the situation. -7- NIl, lUTES - PLANNING N,ID DEVELOPI4ENT BOARD HEET}*NG BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 14, 1992 Mr. Co]lins moved that the Board approve the request to construct the modular model home with sales office, associated parking area, and landscaping on a .22 acre vacant site subject to all staff comments with the exception of Michael Haag's Comment #2 requiring a solid masonry buffer wall and clarifying Mr. Jaeger's comment that the posting of a 110% cash bond would be for the removal of the building and the foundation; that we recommend this to be a four-year temporary approval at which point the applicant can come back to the City for renewal; that the hedge on the north parking lot line will be grown and main- tained at 6' heights; that there will beadditional landscaping or elevation enhancements on the south side to increase the aesthetics for Boynton Beach Boulevard; these will be handled through staff recommendations in working with the applicant; that the Board accepts the degree to which the building and site are shown incompliance with the C°n~nunity Design Plan for this specific use and concept and subject to theappiicant submitting working dra~i,ngs for the project for permi't review that depict the project in compliance with the City Codes of Ordinances. Ms. Huckle seconded the motion which carried 5-2, {Shirley Stevens and Bradley Miller cast the dissenting votes.) Ms. Huckle and Mr. Sussman announced that they will not be in attendance at the meeting iq AugUSt. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Recording Secretary (Two TaPes) -8-