FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1992, AT 7:00 P. M.
Nathan Collins
Dean Fleming
Gary Lehnertz
Bradley Miller
Marilyn Huckle
Shirley Stevens
Nabhan Sussman,
Paul Davis
Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner
Mike Haag, Site Development
James Cherof, City Attorney
Ms. Heyden called the meeting to order at 7:04 P. M. and congrat-
ulated all the new members on their appointment to the Planning
and Development Board. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was
Ms. Heyden referred to the memorandum from the Planning Director,
Chris Cutro, indicating he could not attend this meeting because
he is attending the Annual American Planning Association
Conference in Washington~
Mr. Collins nominated Gary Lehnertz for Chairman. Ms. Stevens
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Ms. Stevens nominated Marilyn Huckle as Vice Chairperson.
Mr. Collins seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Chairman Lehnertz introduced Mayor Arline Weiner, Vice Mayor
Lynne Matson, Commissioner Jose Aguila, Commissioner Edward
Harmening, the Board members, and Attorney Cherof.
Ms. Stevens moved to approve the agenda. Vice Chairperson Huckle
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
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MAY 12, 1992
Vice Chairperson Huckte moved to approve the minutes of the
April 14, 1992 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board.
Mr. Collins seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
A. Report of the Planning and Zoning Department
Ms. Heyden announced that this report will be postponed to either
the next regular meeting of the Planning and Development Board or
to the organizational meeting prior to the next regular meeting.
s. Heyden took this opportunity to
Muller, City Enginee~ ~ke Kazu~as,
introduce Mike Haag, June
and Recording Secretary Eve
A. None.
A. Public Hearing
Project Name:
N. W. 1st Avenue
(For Holiday Inn/Charles Leemon)
Larry Cuddy, Holiday Inn
City of Boynton Beach
N. W. 1st Avenue, between N. W. 4th
Street and Interstate 95
Request for the abandonment of a por-
tion of a 50 foot wide local street.
MS. Heyden distributed a survey sketch of the proposed resub of
Lots 1 through 7, Block 72, Beverly Hills Add. No. 3 which she
received from the applicant. She advised that Charles Leemon,
the applicant, is requesting abandonment of that portion of
N. W. ist Avenue, a 50 foot wide local right-of-way. That sec-
tion is between I95 and N. W. 4th Street. Mr. Leemon is the
property owner of the lots to the north, Lots 31 through 36,
which are part of the Holiday Inn site. He also owns a couple of
lots to the south of the abandonment, Lots 5, 6, and a portion of
Lot 7. Lots t through 4 are owned by Mr. Leemon's fathe=.
Mr. Leemon's purpose in submitting this request is to provide
additional land for reconfiguration of the lots to the south
which are currently oriented in a north/south direction. With
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MAY 12, 1992
the additional land, they would be able to be layed out in an
east/west direction in order to meet code. They are currently
nonconforming, The land could then be develope~ according to
the City's zoning code. In addition, with the northern half of
the abandoned right-of-way, this land could becombined with the
Holiday Inn site. The Holiday Inn site has intentions of placing
a railroad car next to the pool; however, they need additional
land to meet the rear setback. Staff recommended approval of
this request subject to the following three conditions:
(1) Rededi~ation of the 50 foot right-of-way to a 50 foot
wide easement to cover the existing utilities;
Replatting or lieu of platting submitting a certified
survey reflecting the new lot layout and legal documen-
tation that would be acceptable to the City Attorney,
which would secure the n~essary utility easement and
properly convey the reconfig~red lots and the right-of-
way acquisition; and
A sidewalk be constructed adjacent to the existing
sidewalk on N, W. 4th Street to extend the existing
sidewalk on N. W. 1st Avenue.
These conditions will need to be satisfied prior to the adoption
of the Resolution by the City Commission.
Mr. Collins noted that Southern Bell objected to the proposed
abandonment. Ms. Heyden said FPL had similar concerns; however,
those concerns are covered by the above conditions.
Mr. Collins asked if the applicant was aware of the conditions.
Ms. Heyden answered in the affirmative.
Mr. Miller asked if the handout was the proposed replatting.
Ms. Heyden referred to condition number 2 and said there are a
number of things that have to occur at the same time so that the
City can be assured that the rear two lots, Lots 5, 6 and a por-
tion of Lot 7, which are owned by a different property owner than
Lots 1 through ¢, would not be landlocked. There a number of
steps that have to occur in order for abandonment to be approved.
The handout might satisfy part of condition number 2.
Mr. Miller inquired about the proposed locafiion of the railroad
car. Ms. Heyden advised that would most likely require a minor
site plan modification which can be handled administratively.
Ms. Stevens asked if the zoning on the reconfigurated lots will
remain residential. Ms. Heyden answered in the affirmative.
Ms. Stevens stated that depending on where the railroad car is
MAY 12, 1992
sited, it might have an adverse impact on those homes next to it
if it is going to be noisy, open late at night, and have bright
lights shining.
Charles Leemon, the applicant, said he would like to place a
Pullman railroad car on the Holiday Inn site at the back end of
the s~imming pool and uss it as a refreshment and ensertainment
Ms. Stevens asked if the railroad car was going to be used as a
motel. Mr. Leemon said the railroad car will serve as an enter-
tainment center and refreshment area for the pool. It would only
be able to seat t0 or 15 people at any one time and will not be
open past 9:00 P. M. It would be fully enclosed and air con-
ditioned. There would not be live entertainment.
vice Chairperson Huckle referred to the memo from the Planning
Department and said it led her to believe that the abandonment
request was to be split between the northern half and the
soushern half. However, the applicant plans to get two-thirds.
Theref~re, there is a discrepancy. Ms~ Heyden said the lots To
the so~th are zoned residential and the lots to the north are
zoned commercial. The zoning code assumes that when you have a
situation like this, the zoning boundary runs down the middle of
the right-of-way. Whether or not, with the abandonment of the
right-6f-way, that zoning line could shift to accommodate a 3
foot v~rsus 47 foot separation ~hsr than half and half, needs
to be addressed by the Legal Department.
Mr. Leemon said his father needs the extra three feet in order to
meeL the width requirements for two buildabte lots. Attorney
Cherof said it really does not make much of a difference because
%he effect of the abandonment is to split the property down the
center line anyway by some subsequent conveyance that two prop-
er~y owners wish to adjust the p~operty ownership. In any com-
bination or any distance, they can do that subsesquent to the
abandonment; however, the legal effect of the abandonment is down
the center line.
vice Chairperson Huckle asked if Holiday Inn presently owns the
northern half of the abandonment. Attorney Cherof answered in
the negative. Mr. Leemon believed Holiday Inn owns to the center
of the street; that it is a street right-of-way and if it is ever
abandoned it goes back to the property owner. Attorney Cherof
said that is correct once it is abandoned.
Mr. Collins asked Mr. Leemon if he was in agreement with all of
staff's conditions. Mr. Leemen answered in the affirmative.
MAY 12, 1992
MS. Stevens asked if the neighbors were notified of this pro-
posal. Ms. Heyden advised that the abutting property owners were
No one wishing to speak against or in favor of this request,
Chairman Lehnertz closed the public hearing.
Ms. Stevens expressed concern for the nearby residences.
Mr. Fleming pointed out that the property being affected
is the applicant's property.
by this
Chairman Lehnertz asked if the ordinances will ensure that a wall
bebui!t and landscaping provided in the abandoned right-of-way
to buffer the house diagonally across the street at the northeast
corner and any houses 1~i1% on proposed Lots A and B at the time
the si~e plan modification for the hotel i! applied for.
MS. Heyde~ could not answer the question without knowing what the
site plan looks like.
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request for the abandonment of a
portion of a 50 foot w3~% local street located at N. W. 1st
Avenue between N. ~. 4th ~treet a~ld Interstate 95, subject to all
staff comments. Vice ~hairperson Huckte seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Parkin~ Lot Variance
Project Name:
Boynton Motel
Craig Livingston, Architect
Angelo Mascia
623 South Federal Highway
Request no allow a driveway access
U. S. Highway #1 about one hundred
sixty-two (162) feet south of the
intersection of S. E. 5th Avenue and
U. S. Highway ~1, and to allow the
driveway to be the second driveway
onto U. S. Highway 91 from the sub-
ject property.
Mr. Hang advised that the Boynton Motel previously received an
administrative site plan conditioned upon closing the north
ingress off of Federal Highway. He referred to the site plan on
the overhead projector. The applicant agreed to close the north
ingress but has since changed his mind. He would like the drive-
way to remain in place and have it a one-way entrance into the
property. The variance is required because it is closer than 180
feet to the nearest intersection.
- 5
Mr. Livingston advised that the majority of the people enter the
motel off of Federal Highway. It is easier and safer for them to
turn on Federal Hi§hway into the site as opposed to using the
southern entrance. The owners of Benson's Restaurant and the
Police Department indicated there have never been any traffic
problems or accidents. Mr. Livingston felt eliminating the
driveway as an entrance off of Federal Highway would create a
hazard because there is no stacking lane and one would have to
slow down to negotiate the 90 degree turn into tke site. He
requested the driveway remain in place as an entrance only onto
Federal Highway.
Chairman Le,~hnertz asked if Mr. Livingston has any problems with
the condition that staff recommended. Mr. Livingston answered in
the negative.
No one wishing to speak against or in favor of this request,
Chairman Lehnertz closed the public hearing°
Vice C~ai~erson Huckle moved to approve the request of the
Boy,ton M~tet~to allow a driveway access from U. S. Highway #1
about onehundred sixty-two (162) feet south of the intersection
of S. E 5th Avenue and U. S. Highway #1, and to allow the drive-
way to be the second driveway onto U. S. Highway 91 from the sub-
ject proper%y, subject to staff comments. Mr. Fleming seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
B. Subdivisions
Master Plan Modification
Project Name:
Knuth Road P.C.D.
Kitday & Associates, Landscape
Bill Winchester
Southwest corner of Knuth Road and
Boyn~on Beach Boulevard intersection
Request to delete the 6,068 sq. ft.
restaurant located at the northeast
corner of the site and add in its
place a 2,000 sq. ft. service
station/convenience store with a 512
sq. ft. detached car wash. A drive-
way has been added to Boynton Beach
Boulevard to provide direct access to
the service station. The bank will
be reduced from 5,400 sq. ft. to
4,500 sq. ft. The area of the retail
stores has been adjusted to maintain
the original approved t20,000 sq. ft.
for the entire site.
- 6 - *..otO allow the driveway to be the
second driveway from US 1 onto the
subject property.
MAY 12, 1992
Mr. Haag showed two overlays for the project on the overhead pro-
j ector. One was the proposed master plan modification and the
other was the new ingress/egress off of Boynton Beach Boulevard.
He advised that this project is located at the southwest corner
of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. He referred to the
exhibits attached to the backup material. Page 22 is the pro-
posed master plan modification and page 23 is the existing, The
changes were outlined in the staff report. Mr. Haag advised that
the applicant has replaced the restaurant on the northwest corner
of the PCD with aservice station/car wash/convenience store.
They have also added an ingress/egress into the site. They
reduced the size Of the bank directly west from 5,400 to 4,500
sq. ft. The rest of the retail a~ea~ was distributed, making the
total equal exactly wha~ was approved, namely 120,000 sq. f~.
The exhibits show there was no increase in Wa~er/~ewer a~d mini-
mal to Storm Wate~ drainages; hO~ewe~r, ~ke~e'lwas an ~mpact in
traffic trips p~ri~day,~ The~inee~ing Dep~r~ment of Pal. m Beach
County is .p~esent!y reviewing t~e i~crease ~ traffic trips per
day, Staff does ~9t havet~ir r~s~da~o~tthis t~e,
Staff r~cQm~.n~diapp~at~ntik~nt~p0~ ~P~tic~t impIsm~hting
whatever the County ~equest~.
Ms. Stevens asked what l~el of s~rvice this increase of 380
trips will mea~o/%that area of Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Mr. Haag did not know.
Ms. Stevens said a new ordinance was previously past allowing six
a '
sites to ha~e gas stations. She asked if this g s station was
one Of th~s~ s~x or in addition to the six. Mr, Eaag advised
that this ~s ~et one of those sites. This one entered into the
site plan r~view Process prior to the new ordinance going in
Ms. Stevens inquired about the location of the closest gas sta-
tions to this site, It was determined that the closest gas sta-
tions are the three gas stations at the intersection of Congress
Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Vice Chairperson Huckle asked when this parcel was annexed into
the City. Ms. Eeyden believed it was annexed in December of
Vice Chairperson Huckle could not believe that the water usage
would be less for a car wash than a restaurant. ~r. Haag noticed
that the site plan did not indicate that the car wash would have
recycled water and referred that question to the applicant.
Vice Chairperson ~uckle asked if the applicant showed resistance
or agreement to the right turn traffic lane traveling east.
Mr. Eaag advised that ~he applicant has dedicated land for that
Regarding the new access location and turn lane, it seemed to
Mr. Miller too short a distance to fit the turn lane, the taper,
and all the regulated pavement. It seems like it would create a
weaving movement of traffic. Mr. Haag advised that the lot along
Boynton Beach Boulevard is 175 feet. The landscape buffer at the
northwest corner is 25 feet. The ingress/egress is 35 feet. The
length of the turn lanes is 200 feet plus a 180 foot taper.
Mr. Miller asked if the turn lane would cross through the access.
Mr. Haag answered in the affirmative.
Mr. Miller pointed out that there was a 180 foot requirement on
the last appllica~ion. He asked if that requirement also applies
to this application. Mr. Haag answered in thenegative, s~ying
this is U~der the gas station ordinance. In the zoning code
there is a Separate section for gas stations.
Mr. Collins asked why another gas station is being considered if
there is an o~dinanc~ allowing only six. Mr. Haag advised that
the application was submitted Under the old ordinance aad meets
the reqUir~ents of the old Code for gas stations.
Chairman Lehnertz asked if the old ordinance specified a 1,000
foot distance and if this is greater than 1,00~ feet from the
station on Congress Avenue. Mr. Haag answered in the affir-
Kiernan Kilday; Rick Rossi, the Design Engineer of the project;
Architect Kirk Stetson; and Mr. Winchester, owner of the prop-
erty, were present. Mr. Kilday displayed the plan that went
through the approval process. The annexation was submitted in
December of 1990; however, final annexation occurred during the
summer of 1991. The proposed changes indicated are primarily to
allow foD the service station to be located on the site. The
original submittal anticipated a restaurant on that property.
The chan§e was made to allow for circulation that is required.
The bank site was adjusted. Simmons ~ White, Engineers, con-
tacted the Coun=y Engineer prior to writing the report and sub-
sequently believe everything is in order. The general rule is
that any change that results in less than 500 trips is an accep-
table c~ange, with regard to level of service, on Boynton Beach
Boulevard, the current capacity as a six lane road is 46,300
trips per day. It is currently measured at 33,252 trips. One
hUndred and twenty-five trips would be added in front of the
property and 203 trips would be added on Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Approximately 7,000 trips are required to be added. The net
result, with this project, would be 40,000 trips and the capacity
Cf the road is 46,000 trips. Mr. Kilday advised that there is a
settlement that will allow another station to be built at the
emtrance, to Winchester ~ark Boulevard and Boynton Beach
Boulevard. To the w~st of us there are no service stations until
you reach Military Trail. There are two service stations at
Military Trail. Neither one of them are at the corner. They are
both located toward the 01d Boynton Road intersection. The water
will be recycled. He was agreeable with the right turn lane.
The right turn into the project is 150 feet from the intersec-
tion. DOT has granted conceptual approval for both turns and the
access. Both access points will always be right turn only.
There will be no median cuts for either use. The northerly
access point will be oriented with the first driveway to the
parking area for the office building.
~rr. Kilday advised of a meeting with the residents of Banyan
ee~ a~ Stonehaven PUD last night. He said at the time the
original, apt0rovalS were receive~, there were agreements between
the ~°Per~0Wner and Mr. ~inchester regardingwalls and
security~gates a~d f_hose agreer0~gn~s are ~till ~n force. There
w~llbe a another me~ting~ wi~h the residents next Tuesday night.
Ra~gard~ing the traffic, Mr: ~<ilday under~tood and accepted that
y~ ~prQva~ wc~/~d t~e b~jectl to receiving approval f~om the
Count~ Engineer.
~S. Huckle inquired about proposed tenants. Mr. Kilday said he
does not have a: hank tenant. Negotiations are underway with two
nati0nal brand 'gas serviue stations. He was not at liberty to
say who they ar~; only t~ta% it is not an AMOCO ,station.
One of Mr. xilday's concerns is that what is done on the corner
does not a~erse~y affect the surrounding proper%les and the
balance of ~he ~ent'er. Therefore, Kirk Stetson, architect for
Kilday & ASSOCi:ates, will design the service station. The ser-
vicelstatic~,~ us.e~s ~ill be required to accept ~he architectural
gUidelines ~ha~: Kilday &i Associates set up, which are going to be
the gUidel~es that w~lL applY to the bank and to the balance of
the center ~o ths~t the architectural unity of ~he overall center
will be co~rol~ed by Kilday & Associates.
Rachel CecChini of 1817
sions have
She Said
and a
haveon her
Stonehaven Drive stated that no provi-
made should the gas tanks start leaking. In
Road is not large enough to handle the traffic.
Buueau uses Knuth Road to give driving tests
store will bring in a lot of people. She
regarding the effec~ this service station would
va~ue. She was also concerned about the
the service station will be operating. Chairman
entrances on Knuth Road were necessary to
traffic on I95.
Ruth Meyerson o~ 1744 Banyan Creek Court, President of Stonehaven
Homeowners ~ss0~iation, said there has not been enough time to
MAY 12, 1992
discuss this proposal with the community at large. Another
meetin§ with Mr. Kilday is scheduled for next week and sub-
sequently a homeowners' meeting will be called to apprise
everyone prior to the City Commission meeting of the proposed
Ms. Stevens suggested notifying the homeowners' association when
this matter is slated to go before the City Commission. Mr. ~Iaag
advised that it is scheduled to go before the City Commission on
June 2, 1992 if it meets favorably with this Board.
With regard to the hours of operation of the service station,
Mr. Kitday did not believe there is any restriction in the PCD.
He said the normal business hours of the sh~pping center will be
10:00 A~ M. until 9:00 P. M. H~rwever, servic~ S~ations tradi-
tionally want the ability to be opea the hours they feel they
coul~ do business.
Vice Chairperson Huckte asked what the date of the original PCD
was. Mr. Kitday advised is was December of 1990.
Ms. Stevens asked if safeguards are taken when the gas tanks are
installed in the ground. Mr. Ki!day was not aware of any moni-
toring required by the State on this site. The only requirement
he was aware of was double wall tanks.
Vice Chairperson Huckle asked if the applicant has to pass an
environmental review for installation of gas tanks. Mr. Kilday
advised that the tanks have to be installed accordin§ to the new
State requirements. Chairman Lehnertz said the Department of
Environmental Regulation handles that. Mr. Haag said the permit
plans would have to be stamped by the Department of Environmental
Regulation before being accepted for permit review. It also wen~
through ~he City environmental review process as well.
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request to delete the 6,068 sq.
ft. restaurant located at the northeast corner of the site and
add in its place a 2,000 sq. ft. service station/convenience
store with a 512 sq. ft. detached car wash. A driveway has been
added to Boynton Beach Boulevard to provide direct access to the
service s~ation. The bank will be reduced from 5,400 sq. ft. to
4,500 sq. ft. The area of the re%ail stores has been adjusted to
maintain the original approved 120,000 sq. ft. for the entire
site, located at the southwest corner of Knuth Read a~d Boynton
Beach Boulevard intersection, subject to all staff comments.
Mr. Fleming seconded the motioa which carried unanimously.
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MAY 12, 1992
Preliminary Plat
Project Name:
Knuth Road P.C.Do
Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc.
Bill Winchester
Southwest corner of Boynton Beach
Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection
Knuth Road P.C.D. Plat No. 1, a 1.01
acre service station site identified
as Lot !.
Mike Kazunas, City Engineer, stated that this preliminary plat
was presented with a site plan for the K~uth Road service sta-
tion. If this is approved, it would be conditioned upon the
approved site plan. Several technical comments were made by the
Engineering Department and the Planning and Zoning Department
requiring certain notes to be added to the plat per ordinance.
The plat contains the dedications of right-of-way required by
Palm Beach County along BoyntonBeach Boutevard~nd ~nuth ~o~d.
Vice Chairperson ~uckle moved to approve the preliminary plat for
the Knuth Road P.C.D. Plat No. 1, Lot 1, subject to staff com-
ments. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
C. Site Plans
New Site Plans
Project Name:
Knuth Road P.C.D. Service Station
Kilday & Associates
Elsie and Bill Winchester
Knuth Road and West Boynton Beach
Boulevard, southwest corner
Request for site plan approval to
construct a service
station/convenience Store and car
Ms. Heyden distributed photographs of the architecture of the
adjacent property. Thzs project was submitted while the new
service stasion regulations were being reviewed. When it came in
it was being reviewed under the old service station regulations.
It meets the old service station regulations in terms of site
size, landscaping, buffering, gasoline pump setbacks, driveway
width and distances, and car wash stacking. There are a number
of ways it does not mee~ the new service station re~nlations.
There are two access points, one off of Knuth Road through the
shopping center, and a new entrance is being proposed off of
Boynton Beach Boulevard. There is also an interior entrance to
encourage cross access within the PCD itself. This is a service
station, a car wash, and a convenience store. The bufferin§
requirements, etc., meet or exceed the old service station rec~/-
la%ions. She referred to the color elevation displayed on
easel. It meets the Community Design Plan. The comments from
the Forester, the Utilities Department, the Engineering
Department, and the Plannin9 and Zoning Department will be rec-
tified through the Permitting process. Utilities and drainage
are accommodated on the adjacent parcels which are ~art of the
PCP. Easements will be necessary to cover the utilities, cross
parking, and drainage.
Ms. Stevens inquired about the bike path. Ms. Heyden advised
that the bike path is required oa Knuth Road.
Mr. Miller asked for clarification of the Safety Island.
Ms. Heyden said the old service station overlay district requires
Safety I~sland wkich does not apply in this case because there are
not two driveways on one frontage.
Chairman Lehner%z inquired about the pretreatment of water being
accomplished off-site. Mr. Kazu~as pointed out the future bank
site on the plan and said it is not part of the plat, which makes
it off-site. An agreement is required to make sure the dry
retention will be ~here until it is replaced with the dry reten-
tion for the larger'site.
Chairman Lehnertz asked Mr. Kilday if he has any problems with
staff comments. Mr. Kilday answered in the negative.
Chairman Lehnertz asked Mr. ~ilday if he was aware that the de-
veloper shall confirm the assumption that the bike path will be
constructed on the east side of Knuth Road. Mr. Kilday answered
in the affirmative. Mr. Kazunas clarified that a set of plans
for roadway improvements for Tara Oaks is on tonight's agenda in
which a bike path is involved. There is an existing bike path on
the east side of Knuth Road. The comment was to bring to the
attention of the developer that even though he is showing a five
foot sidewalk as part of this development, if the plans for Knuth
Road should change, that five foot sidewalk might be turned into
a bike path, Right now it looks like it is going to be on the
east side.
Vice Chairperson Huckle said the east side of Knuth Road is not
part of this parcel. Mr. Kazunas said that is correct but a
bike path presentl~ exists there. The larger PCD will require a
sidewalk to go its entire length, which will not connect to
anything. The intention is to make sure there is one continuous
down t~e east side. The entire plans are not available yet;
therefore, some assumptions are bein~ made. Vice Chairperson
12 -
MAY 12, 1992
Huckle asked how the City could make the applicant put in a bike
path on property he does not own. Mr. Kazunas said the bike path
already~exists. It is in the right-of-way; therefore, the appli-
cant could be made responsible for the Knuth Road improvements,
and as part of the Knuth Road improvements, to connect the bike
path the full length. It is possible to have the bike path tied
into some development; however, Mr. Kazunas was not sure right
now which development it is. He did not know that the PCD is
obligated tO any part of the Knuth Road improvements.
Mr. Fleming moved tO ~pprove the request for site plan approval
to construc~t a service station/convenience store and car wash
located at Knuth Road and west Boyn~on' Beach BOUlevard, southwest
corner, subject to all staff comments. Mr. Miller seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
Project Name:
Fisher Apartments
George Davis, Architect
Don J. Fisher
2107 S. E. 3rd Street
Request to construct two 4 unit
apartment buildings and a detached
car garage.
Mr. Haag used the overhead projector and an elevation during his
presentation. He said this project is going to be an eight unit,
two building apartment complex. The zoning district is R3 which
requires some large setbacks which the applicant could not meet.
The applicant previously received approval for a reduction of
front and rear setbacks from the Board of Adjustment. The pro]-
ect consists of two two story ,buildings, each building having
four units and a detached thr~e bay garage in the bottom right-
hand corner. The garage is not~ included in any of the required
parking. It is for the applicant's use only. He distributed
pictures of the surrounding buildings.
Ms. Stevens asked if the applicant was going to live there.
Mr. Haag stated that the applicant has not said he is going to
live there. The garage is going to be used to possibly keep some
vehicles or some materials and supplies used for repair and main-
tenance of the building. Vice Chairperson Huckte asked if this
was allowable. Mr. Haag answered in the affirmative.
Mr. Davis nor Mr. Fisher were present.
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request to construct two 4 unit
apartment buildings and a detached 3 car garage located at 2107
S. E. 3rd Street, subject to staff comments. Vice Chairperson
Huckte seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
- 13
MAY 12, 1992
Major Site Plan Modification
Project Name:
Boynton Beach Promenade
Oliver Glidden ~ Partners, Architect
CS, Inc., a Texas corporation
901 North Congress Avenue
Request to raze 52,535 sq. ft. of the
exist'lng 76,940 sq. ft. retail/office
project and construct 47~224 sq. ft.
of building which would include a
24,888 sq.ft, retail building added
to~ th~ ~ortion of the existing retail
buildin~ that is to remain, and two
(2) detached buildings, one a 14,000
sq. ft. retail buitding and an 8,336
s~. ft, restau=ant. Other improve-
ments inCtu~eparking lot recoqstruc-
tion, site and congress Avenue ,median
Mr. Haag used
Boynton Beach mall on
large retail shopping center.
certain portions of the
shopping center will be
Bank. In its place will go
restaurant. The exterior des.
cally what is there. The col~
architectural feature of the
will be removed, The sign
place. At this time, the
retail area. No elevations
site. Therefore, that will ta
bring the restaurant site into
for permits. Right now we are.'
the overhead projector and an elevation durin§ his
He said the si~e is located in fron~ of the
The existing site is a
is proposing to raze
The remainder of the
with the'exception of Carney
square footage and a
the building will match basi-
the same. The
placed on there
will remain in
exist are for the
the restaurant
.on to
%hey may apply
~ its location and
Ms. Stevens asked if this will come back to this Board for the
restaurant. Mr. Haag said he would not know until he sees the
drawings for the restaurant. If the drawings for that building
are not harmonious with the existing shopping center, then it
will require approval through this Board for a variance to the
Community Design Plan.
Mr. Miller asked about the status of the traffic impact state-
ment. Mr. Kazunas said he has not received it to date,
Ms. Steve&qs said it would be nice to have the traffic impact
statement available. This is the second or third application
MAY 12, 1992
tonight where we have not had all the reports in front of us upon
which we are basing a decision. Mr. Sussman agreed. Mr. Hang
said the total square footage of the building was reduced. There
is an indication that there is not going to be an impact.
Mr. Haag distributed photographs.
Mr. Miller stated that often just a reduction of square footage
does nO~ lower the impa~t ~f traffic if there is a~so a change of
use, which there ishere by adding the restaurant. The
restaurant is going to drawa higher traffic volume than the uses
thatprese~iy exist. ~e ii footage was reduced
to ba~e it out. Mr. s~ was
correct; however, he typicallydoes not star% an analysis until
he ~e~i~es th~ traffic,~impa~t s~at~me~t. ~r. Kazunas was pre-
sensed with a traffic aD3a~ysis, f~r his, review.
Br~wn with Oliver-Glidd~en Architects was present repre-
~ ~i%sed tha~ abo~t a year and a half
did major!~m°dlifica~ion of thi~ project. They
the ~e~=~er!o~ ~nd a ~umb~r of other things in
~r~ to at~ract~te~a~ts into the-~enter~ That effort did
I o~t as we~l as ~311ey had expected it to. The proposed
, ~ire an attempt %~ br~g in tenants a% this time. The ne%
olf these~c~aages is aPp~ro~imatelF 5,i~00 sq. ft. less than
Currently e~st~. ~her~ wi be less ~mPaCt ontraffic.
B~a~ does no~ mti ipa~e ~s the r~bbo~s off of the bank
offices~t!ructure ~r the sig~ge.
vice Chairperson Euckle asked ~f there are presently any com-
m£tted ~enants. Mr~ Br~Wn advised that negotiations are underway
for one uortion of the buitd~g and the restaurant.
After reviewing the traffic analysis, Mr.
acceptable and shows a reduction of 625.
foot reduction of all uses,
Kazunas said it was
It is based on a square
Chairman Lehnertz asked if comment number 3 in Mr. Kazunas'
Memorandum No. 92-092, dated April 17, 1992, has been satisfied.
Mr. Kazunas stated he is now able to recommend going forward.
Number 3 addressed the possibility of the buildings being fee
simple and he was not aware of the outcome of that. Mr. Hang
said as ~ar as he knows, this site plan is what was submitted.
There is no indication of separation of property. Mr. Brown
advised that presently he does not anticipate a subdivison of
more than three. There is some discussion as to subdivision;
however, nothing is finalized.
Benny Vivona of 8 Cambridge Place and Charlie Dai of West Palm
Beach, owners of Rickshaw Wok & Grill in the Boynton Beach
15 -
Promenade, were present. Mr. Vivona asked if there are plans
have any other restaurants on the two parcels. Mr. Brown said
there has been discussion of restaurant use in retail A with a
cap of 15,000 sq. ft. of restaurant for the entire center.
Ms. Stevens moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of
Item 8C3, the request to raze 52,535 sq. ft. of the existing
76,94D sq. ft. retail/office project and construct 47~224 sq. ft.
of building which would include a 24,888 sq. ft. retail building
added to t~e portion of the exist£ng retail building t~at is to
remain, a~d two (2) detached buildings, one a 1~,i000 sq. ft.
retail building amd an 81336 sq. ft. restaurant, 'plus other
improvements., inc!~ing~parking lot ~e~onstruCti~n, si~ ~nd
C0n~ress Avenue med%an landscaping, s~b~e~t ~ a~! staff com-
ments. Vice Chairperson Huckl~ s~conded %he ~oti~n Which carried
D. Other
Infrastructure Improvements
Project Name:
Tara Oaks
Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc.
Bill Winchester
Knuth Road at Woolbright Road
Approval of road improvements for a
portion of Tara Oaks PUD prior to
preliminary plat.
Mr. Kazunas advised that there is a condition at Tara Oaks that
Knuth Road be improved. Usually the road improvements come
through with the site improvements. The developer requested that
the City approve the road improvements for construction prior to
any site improvements related to the church parcel. The plans
show a 700 foot roadway attaching to woolbright, with a dead end
at the end of the church property, a temporary retention basin
being installed, and no indication of where the access to the
church property would be because there is no church site plan
submitted with it. It has not been determined what improvements
will be required with Tara Oaks PUD on the church site plan for
the remainder of the road. It has not been determined where the
sidewalks will go. The right-of-ways do not line up between the
north and south portions of the canal. The golf course is fenced
the entire length of Knuth Road. The compromise to provide the
bike path along the entire length of Knuth Road is to put the
bike path on the east side and omit a sidewalk on the west side.
This allows for more landscaping area and more area for drainage.
It would be a sidewalk that could not be accessed because it is
fenced property and not in the City at present. The right-of-way
shifts from 80 feet to 60 feet. Sixty feet is very tight for
16 -
MAY 12, 1992
building a roadway, tf we put a sidewalk to the west, it would
shift the roadway closer to the existing houses, Elimination of
the 4 feet improves the alignment of the roadway going through
there. Mr. Kazunas recommended the road improvements be approved
and forwarded to the City Commission, subject to staff comments
and approval from Palm Beach County. (Palm Beach County is
reviewing the interchange on Wootbright Road.)
Mr. Collins moved to approve the request for approval of road
improvementsfor ~ port'on of Tara 6aks PUD prior to preliminary
plat, located at Kn~th Road at Wo01bright Road, Subject to staff
comments. Vice Chairperson Huckle sec0ndedthemot~on which
carried unanimously.
Ms. Heyden extended an invitation to all Board members to the
PoliceiDepartmen~s t4thAianual Poli~e Memorial Service and:
Awards ceremony on May 13, 1992 at 2.00 P. M.
An organizational meeting of the Plannin§
was confirmed for Wednesday, May 20, 1992
Mr. Collins will be unable to attend.
and Development Board
at 7:00 P. M.
Ms. Heyden requested that the agenda packets and blueprint
drawings be returned for recirculation if the members have
need fo'r them.
There was discussion regarding what materials the members should
have for their edification.
At the organizational meeting, Attorney Cherof will address the
recent cases dealing with communicating, being lobbied, com-
municating with the public on pending issues, and the semi-
judicial manner in which the Board members are supposed to hear
Chairman Lehnertz inquired about the State being informed of the
dissolution of the Planning and Zoning Board and the forming of
the Planning and Development Board. Attorney Cherof believed the
City Clerk is taking care of this and will check on this.
There being no further business,
at 9:30 P. M.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
the meeting properly adjourned