Minutes 03-18-20 Minutes of the City Commission Meeting
Held in the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse
2240 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida
On Tuesday, March 18, 2020, at 5:30 p.m.
Steven B. Grant, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
Mack McCray, Commissioner James Cherof, City Attorney
Christina L. Romelus, Commissioner Crystal Gibson, City Clerk
Ty Penserga, Commissioner
Justin Katz, Vice Mayor
1. Openings
A. Call to Order - Mayor Steven B. Grant
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Invocation — Commissioner McCray provided the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner McCray.
Roll Call
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. There was a quorum.
Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mayor Grant requested to add to Administrative, Item 2-B regarding Commissioner
Romelus donating Community Support Funds to the Florida Youth Rugby Union.
Mayor Grant also requested to add a discussion regarding part-time hourly independent
contractors (school crossing guards), under New Business, Item A.
2. Adoption
Commissioner McCray moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner
Penserga seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
B. Proposed Emergency Ordinance No. 20-008 -An emergency ordinance of
the city of Boynton Beach, Florida, authorizing the city manager to make
provisions for electronic attendance by elected and appointed officials at city
meetings during periods of a declared public health emergency; providing for
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public participation by telephonic or electronic means; providing for automatic
delay of finality of official action pending public comments; and, providing an
effective date.
Attorney Cherof read proposed Emergency Ordinance No. 20-008 into the record.
Attorney Cherof provided some background information on the ordinance and stated the
City of Boynton Beach and other municipalities have been waiting almost two weeks for
the state to provide guidance regarding public meetings. There is a governor's executive
order, which makes specific reference to local governments granting broad powers to
local governments. In addition, the general counsel for the Florida League of Cities wrote
to the governor outlining the interest of all 412 municipal governments in the State of
Florida requesting a specific executive emergency order addressing public meetings. The
reason this ordinance is before the Commission is that it did not seem prudent to wait for
the state government to deal with a local issue, which needs addressing. The state
government has taken the position that issues relating to public safety and emergencies
are unique to certain areas of the state. This emergency ordinance, which is temporary,
makes the provisions for action taken by the City Commission to occur with less than a
quorum being present. If there is a quorum by telephone, it would be acceptable. It
provided for recording of the commission meetings and posting of those meetings on the
city webpage and a 48-hour period, which the public could make their comments
electronically, in writing or via telephone message. If a member of the public wants to
address any item on commission action, after the expiration of the 48 hours that action
does not become final until the comments of the public are taken into consideration at the
next meeting. If there is an agenda item without comments, that agenda item become
final after the 48 hours. Attorney Cherof believes this was a proper balance legally,
between the need either for the public to participate in public meetings, electronically or
by telephone. Attorney Cherof noted since this was an emergency this ordinance does
not require a second reading.
Commissioner McCray inquired as to who would be the person to contact regarding this
ordinance. Attorney Cherof replied there was a dedicated telephone line in the City
Manager's office. The telephone communications will be recorded and made part of the
official record of the minutes of the next commission meeting. There is also an email
address available, which would also be made available.
Commissioner Penserga requested the telephone number and the email address.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, noted once the ordinance is adopted, staff will upload the
information on social media after the ordinance has been adopted. Ms. LaVerriere
provided the telephone number of 561-742-60067 the email address,
cit ranaer bbfi.us.
Commissioner McCray inquired if there would be a waiting period prior to items being
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Attorney Cherof replied only on items, which the public has made a comment. There is
no final action until the next meeting. Commissioner McCray stated this is the right
Commissioner Penserga asked if this would allow for video conferencing. Attorney
Cherof responded yes, or by telephone would be available.
Mayor Grant asked about the public hearing items and indicated this would be going on
after the fact. Mayor Grant requested to allow public comment cards available prior to a
ruling being made.
Attorney Cherof responded when staff publishes the agenda, a notice is placed on the
item. If the public would like to make a comment, he expressed there could be a
dedicated telephone line into the commission meeting. They could also be given the
opportunity to make comments within 48 hours after the meeting has been posted.
Mayor Grant indicated his concern would be to hear public comments before the ruling
on an issue, not after, especially if it is a quasi-judicial item. He indicated this was not
necessarily a law that goes beyond the Florida Sunshine Law, because it is not codified
into the Florida Statutes. One of the big things about the Florida Sunshine Law was the
ability to cure it. If someone does not want an item to be approved unless there is public
hearing, then the city needs to wait until there is capability to have public input. He
expressed there are third party vendors which have the ability for the public to call into
the meeting. He indicated this does not apply to the consent agenda. Staff needs to work
on this for the public hearing aspect.
Attorney Cherof stated there could be a special notice in the special hearing section of
the published agenda.
Mayor Grant noted the public needs to have the ability to make comments before the
meeting as a public record. He stated he received emails on items, which are going to
be tabled, which would be not part of the public record. He does not feel only having just
the presenter does not give a fair representation to the residents. Requested staff to have
the public comment cards available to the public, including the telephone number and
emails would be a part of the meeting. The public still has 48 hours to make public
comments if they can move forward, if not, the item would be tabled.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, noted the Information Technology Department is working
on providing the ability to have the public call in live during the Commission meeting.
John McNally, Director of Information Technology Services, indicated staff is looking at a
couple of different options. One of the options is called Zoom, which would allow both
web and video conferencing. He is under the understanding both Zoom and other options
are overwhelmed. The City would have some type of capability for interaction with the
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Ms. LaVerriere stated there would be extra effort taken on social media and the website
to remind the public to review the agenda and provide comments.
Mayor Grant stated the issue is not everyone has electronic access. Inquired if staff was
planning on printing out the agenda, if requested, or placed on a flash drive and given to
the public. Asked about audio recording of the meetings and them possibly being placed
on the website as a zip file. Ms. LaVerriere stated there are recordings of each
commission meeting.
Commissioner Penserga inquired if the city uses a platform such as Zoom does it have
the options like Facebook Live, to provide comments as the meeting airs. Mr. McNally
responded that it depends on the platform and the options selected. Mr. McNally stated
one of the options would be to have something like a webinar with the ability to have the
public to raise their hand, then forward their comments to the Commission. This would
be interactive participation.
Commissioner McCray asked how long it takes for the video version to upload onto the
YouTube channel. Mr. McNally responded the video is usually processed and uploaded
the next morning before noon.
Commissioner McCray expressed concern with changes to the agenda once published,
such as walk-on items, and inquired about the reason to why the TV station was
Ms. LaVerriere responded it was due to not having staff support and low viewership.
Mr. McNally stated the TV station was only broadcasted on Comcast. There was no way
to monitor the viewership of that station. This only reached a faction of the potential
Commissioner McCray indicated YouTube should be available at the library for those
without computers. Ms. LaVerriere responded YouTube can be accessed on public
computers at the library.
Commissioner Penserga stated Comcast has made their Wi-Fi network open and
available to the public for free for the next two months.
Commissioner Romelus stated she was open in favor of public comment cards to make
sure anyone can participate.
Mayor Grant said this was not a part of this ordinance. Commissioner McCray stated
comment cards should be made a part of this ordinance.
Attorney Cherof indicated he added a provision on page 4, paragraph F, which allows for
flexibility and the City Manager to make changes on how business is conducted. Attorney
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Cherof stated there may be an Executive Order which dictates how the City must address
this concern.
Mayor Grant indicated it needs to be a part of having the public comments or statement
read into the record.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll.
Vote 4-0 (Vice Mayor Katz absent)
2. Other
A. Informational items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner McCray and Commissioner Romelus congratulated Commissioner
Penserga on the election.
Commissioner Penserga stated if we do proceed to have any type of curfew to have more
time for informing the public.
Mayor Grant extended congratulations to Commissioner Penserga and Mr. Hay and to all
the newly elected officials of Palm Beach County. On March 6th, he attended breakfast
week at Galaxy Elementary School and attended a Senior Health Fair and Resiliency
Round Table. Mayor Grant stated he has been asked why he has not done things in the
City. He Indicated he backs the City Manager in all the decisions that she makes
regarding keeping the City safe and have some type of normalcy. He stated only 2,500
people have been tested out of 20M people in the state of Florida. He encouraged
residents if they do not need to be out, please remain at home. The City and staff do not
turn off water, but provide an extension. He indicated he personally received a letter from
the courts stating all nonessential hearing have been canceled. Thanked Commissioner
McCray for the invocation and thanking God for all He has provided.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, stated the city is modifying the way things work. Indicated
the city is working with Feeding South Florida drive up food distribution at the Hester
Center weekly, serving a need in the community.
Mayor Grant suggested to keep the 6-feet distance.
Commissioner McCray asked how burials in the City of Boynton Beach would be handled.
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Ms. LaVerriere said the City is encouraging the families to be mindful and limit the amount
of members at the cemetery site. The staff have been provided with PPE protective gear.
3. Announcements, Community and Special Events and Presentations - None
4. Public Audience — None
5. Administrative
A. Approve the request of Mayor Grant to distribute $200 of his Community Support
Funds to the HATT Foundation.
Commissioner Penserga moved to approve. Commissioner McCray seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
B. Approve the request of Commissioner Romelus to distribute $1000 of her
Community Support Funds to the Florida Youth Rugby.
Commissioner Penserga moved to approve. Commissioner McCray seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
C. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards
Mayor Grant nominated Dale Sugerman to the Building Board of Adjustments and
Appeals (REG). Commissioner Penserga seconded the motion, which unanimously
Commissioner McCray nominated Mariah Kinlaw-Hamilton to the Education and Youth
Advisory Board (STU). Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which
unanimously passed.
Commissioner McCray nominated Ace Ratcliff to the Library Board (REG).
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
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Mayor Grant nominated Alison Black to the Senior Advisory Board (REG). Commissioner
Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
Commissioner McCray tabled his nomination. Mayor Grant seconded the motion, which
unanimously passed.
6. Consent Agenda
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City
Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with
all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject
to staff comments
Commissioner Penserga pulled Item D.
A. Legal Expenses - February 2020 - information at the request of the City
Commission. No action required.
B. Proposed Resolution No. R20-022 - Authorize the City Manager to enter into a
Kiosk Agreement, Addendum to Kiosk Agreement and End User License
Agreement with Java Connections to purchase LaptopsAnytime kiosks that will
house 36 laptops for Library customer use inside the Library.
C. Proposed Resolution No. R20-023 -Authorize and direct staff to apply for a
grant from the Florida Inland Navigation District (F.I.N.D.) for financial assistance
to renovate and improve the boat ramps at Harvey E. Oyer Park.
D. Proposed Resolution No. R20-024 -Authorize the installation of honorarium
signs for a portion of NE 9th Ave. in honor of Rev. Lance Chaney.
Mayor Grant read the proposed Resolution No. R20-024 into the record by title.
Commissioner Penserga asked what was the policy on naming streets as an honorarium.
Commissioner McCray responded there is a policy. The policy recognizes a person who
has been a positive influence in the community.
Ms. LaVerriere indicated this was up to the Commission.
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Mayor Grant asked if the city was responsible for the signs. Ms. LaVerriere indicated the
City would make the signs. Commissioner McCray suggested placing the sign on St.
John Missionary Baptist Church property.
Ms. LaVerriere stated she would speak with representatives at St. John Missionary
Baptist Church. Commissioner Romelus inquired if there were any other names for NE
9th Ave.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve. Commissioner McCray seconded the motion,
which unanimously passed.
E. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy-backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities as described in the written report for
March 18, 2020 - "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks."
F. Accept the written report to the Commission for purchases over $10,000 for the
month of February 2020.
G. Accept the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Status Report of the General Fund
and the Utilities Fund for the fourth (4) month period ended January 31 , 2020,
H. Approve minutes from the City Commission meeting on March 3, 2020.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve the consent agenda as amended.
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
7. Consent Bids and Purchases Over $100,000
A. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy-backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities over $100,000 as described in the
written report for March 18, 2020- "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks."
B. Award task order F-20-2020 Hester Center Restroom and Locker Room
Renovations, part of Bid No. 018-2511-18/IT for Minor Construction Services,
and authorize the City Manager to issue a Purchase Order to Anzco, Inc. of Boca
Raton, FL as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the total amount of
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Commissioner McCray moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Romelus
seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
8. Public Hearing
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-005 - First Reading - Approve 7-Eleven 101 W.
Woolbright Rd, amending Future Land Use Map from Low Density Residential
(LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Local Retail Commercial
(LRC). (The applicant has requested to continue this agenda item to the April
7, 2020 Commission Meeting.)
Proposed Ordinance No. 20-006 - First Reading - Approve 7-Eleven 101 W.
Woolbright Rd. Rezoning from R-1-A Single Family Residential District and R-2
Single- and Two-Family Residential District to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial
District (The applicant has requested to continue this agenda item to the
April 7, 2020 Commission Meeting.)
Mayor Grant noted the applicant requested to table to the April 7, 2020 Commission
Meeting. Mayor Grant said he spoke with the applicant and they are willing to wait until
after the Emergency Ordinance ends. Mayor Grant requested to table until the May 5,
2020 meeting.
Commissioner McCray moved to table proposed Ordinance Nos. 20-006 and 20-005 to
the May 5, 2020 Commission Meeting. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion,
which unanimously passed.
B. Approve request for Conditional Use and Major Site Plan Modification (COUS 20-
002 / MSPM 20-002) for Southland Corp Tax Dept #1039 to allow redevelopment
of an existing convenience store for a new 3,454 sq. ft. convenience store, gas
pump islands consisting of six (6) pump stations under a 3,096 sq. ft. canopy, and
related site amenities and improvements on a 1.05-acre parcel located at 101 W.
Woolbright Road zoned C-3 (Community Commercial). Applicant: Shane Laakso,
Creighton Development. (The applicant has requested to continue this agenda
item to the April 7, 2020 Commission Meeting.)
Commissioner McCray moved to table to the May 5, 2020 Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
C. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-002 - Second Reading - Approving the Boynton
Beach Mall Rezoning from C-3, Community Commercial, to SMU, Suburban
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Mixed Use. Applicant: Bonnie Miskel, Esq., of Dunay, Miskel and Bachman, LLP.
(The applicant has requested to continue this agenda item to the April 21,
2020 Commission Meeting.)
Mayor Grant indicated he has not spoken to the applicant. This item is outside of the
emergency order.
Commission Penserga moved to approve tabling this item to April 21, 2020.
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
D. Approval of the Master Plan Modification (MPMD 19-004) for the Boynton Beach
Mall allowing for the phased conversion to a mixed use or life style center with the
reconfiguration of retail space, and the addition of residential, hotel and office uses
to the existing movie theater, fitness center and church uses. (The applicant has
requested to continue this agenda item to the April 21, 2020 Commission
Commissioner McCray moved to approve tabling this item to April 21, 2020.
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
9. City Manager Report
A. Award of the City of Boynton Beach Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation
Grants in the amount of $30,000 to the three (3) first ranked grant
applicants in the three (3) categories that received responses and provide
consensus with staff recommendation to redirect the remaining funding, in the
amount of$20,000, to support the future City Hall Innovation Space programs
and infrastructure.
David Scott, Director of Economic Development and Strategy, requested Commission
approval of the award of three of the entrepreneurship grants, in the amount of 30,000 for
the two respondents. The Commission has budgeted $50,000 per year for
entrepreneurship grants. In response to the Commission's directions, the grants were
opened to more groups. The grants were reduced to $10,000. The City is seeking to
support business incubators in the form of grant financing for a total of$10,000 per grant.
The City publicized the grant opportunity through its website, social media, and direct
email to stakeholder partners such as the Business Development Board, Boca/Boynton
Beach Chamber of Commerce, Palm Beach State College, South Tech, and others. The
City budgeted $50,000 for the Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation Grant Program.
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Within the grant program, $40,000 for Business Incubators that focus on women, youth,
technology, and minority-owned businesses, and $10,000 for four individual grants of
$2,500 to Working Groups on Entrepreneurship in each focus area. The City has
established four focus areas in entrepreneurship: Sustainability, Hospitality/Tourism,
Health, and the Gig-Economy for Entrepreneurship.
The grant application period opened on January 22, 2020 and closed on February 17,
2020. He indicated only two organizations responded to the three (3) grant categories.
An internal team of City and CRA staff was formed to evaluate each grant submitted
based on the published evaluation criteria for each grant category. Once all grant
applications were received, they were distributed to the grant evaluation team for
independent review and scoring. The total scores were tallied and ranked as follows:
Business Incubation Grant Program —Women Owned Business:
1st - Be. Lead.Grow., LLC $10,000
2nd - GBDC Entrepreneurship Institute
Business Incubation Grant Program — Minority Owned Business:
1st - Be. Lead.Grow., LLC $10,000
2nd - GBDC Entrepreneurship Institute
Youth Entrepreneurship Business Incubation Grant:
1 st - GBDC Entrepreneurship Institute
Mr. Scott requested to redirect the remaining $20,000 funds to go towards an innovation
incubation space at the new Town Square, to support the next operator for that space.
Commissioner Romelus inquired how many applicants applied for the grants. Mr. Scott
replied two. Commissioner Romelus inquired if the buildout of the incubation space was
included in City Hall budget. Ms. LaVerriere stated the internal buildout was not included.
Commissioner Romelus asked if the plan was always to use this funding for the incubator
space. If the Commission allocated $50,000 to be used toward the entrepreneurship
grants, she would not be in agreement to use the excess fund for the incubator space.
This should be allocated towards the applicants. The grants need to be reevaluated. She
believes there is more opportunity out there.
Mr. Scott stated this would provide for an operator to come in and use the space. The
space would provide funding for an incubator. Requested to redirect funds for the
buildout for an operator which would incubate businesses on behalf of the city.
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Commissioner Romelus clarified the funds would not be used to buildout the space but
used for an operator for an incubator. Mr. Scott stated the space would be for an operator
to incubate businesses for the city.
Commissioner Penserga asked if Mr. Scott was seeking consensus as to what is to be
done with the additional funding. If the allocation is approved, if there is an operator, this
would need to come back before the Commission for approval. Mr. Scott stated yes.
Mayor Grant suggested providing more funding to the businesses, which applied for the
grants. Mr. Scott replied if this was the Commission's direction.
Ms. LaVerriere shared feedback from recipients: if offering smaller grants, it was not
worth applying for the grant. Originally, the grants were larger. Ms. LaVerriere noted if
the funds are not awarded, the funds would go back into the general fund; it does not
carry over.
Mayor Grant asked if these were not CBDG funds. Ms. LaVerriere said that was correct.
Mayor Grant indicated the remaining funds are going back to the general fund.
Commissioner Penserga stated he was in favor of the buildout of the incubator space; he
was also in favor of reassessing the nature of the grant program. He stated that it is a
tremendous amount of work to get $2000. He would like to make a larger impact.
Mr. Scott indicated there were some after-action forensics, and stated the grants were
too small. The recipients were looking for a larger grant award.
Commissioner Romelus suggested considering using the remainder of the funds to
source a program to help get the program off the ground and asked would the board
consider splitting the grant to increase the amount of funds. Mr. Scott stated there were
three grants. Mayor Grant stated the grants were advertised in a specific manner, even
though the Commission has the authority to change, it should not be changed at this
Commissioner McCray stated he was not in favor of change at this point.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Penserga seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
Ms. LaVerriere requested clarification on the motion. Is the balance of the funding
supporting the incubator efforts at City Hall?
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Commissioner McCray provided clarification, recommendation to redirect the
remaining funding, in the amount of $20,000, to support the future City Hall Innovation
Space programs and infrastructure.
10. Unfinished Business
Commissioner McCray asked what happened to the job fair information update.
Ms. LaVerriere stated this was one of the items, which was pulled from the agenda. She
spoke with Sophia Nelson and Michael Corbet. This was pulled because of public
comment. When the City is ready, they are ready to present.
11. New Business
A. Hourly crossing guard /independent contractors.
Mayor Grant asked with the schools being closed, are the school crossing guards still
being paid?
Ms. LaVerriere stated the City pays about $300,000 to a vendor which employs the school
crossing guards. With the school district closing, she does not know of the impact.
Mayor Grant stated the City needs to support the school crossing guards. They need to
be a part of the economy. He does not believe they should stop paying those funds.
Commissioner Penserga asked about the contract. Ms. LaVerriere stated these are not
employees of the City. The employees are hired by a third-party contractor. There is no
mechanism in place to pay them directly.
Mayor Grant stated the city cannot bypass the vendor, if the vendor indicates the
employee cannot work.
Police Chief Michael Gregory stated what was said was correct; the city has no means to
pay a third party without their consent.
Commissioner Romelus asked if these costs have already been paid with the expectation
of services being rendered. Is there a refund of the monthly amount?
Ms. LaVerriere stated the funds are being paid monthly; the City will not pay for services
not being rendered.
Commissioner McCray said he understands what is being said. For many of these
people, this is a supplemental income. Stated the school crossing guards are funded
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until the end of the school term. He agrees with Mayor Grant to continue to pay the third-
party vendor.
Mayor Grant stated the he along with Commissioner McCray would like to pay the vendor
even though the crossing guards would not be working. The School District of Palm
Beach County is paying its teachers even though they are not teaching.
Chief Gregory stated there are no guarantees, if the city continues to pay the vendor if
they are obligated to pay the employee. Chief Gregory explained the city cannot control
how private vendors pay their employees.
Mayor Grant gave direction to the manager to do whatever they could do to help alleviate
the stress to the independent contractors providing services to the City of Boynton Beach.
Ms. LaVerriere expressed from an Inspector General standpoint, for the City to pay for
services not being received is an issue. Help may need to come in a different form. It
may need to come outside the existing contract.
Mayor Grant instructed staff to do whatever can be done for the crossing guards.
Commissioner McCray and Commissioner Penserga stated if there are no legal
roadblocks, they agreed to help.
Ms. LaVerriere inquired if this would be for the remainder of the school year.
Mayor Grant indicated it would be.
There was a consensus.
Attorney Cherof commented there will be unanticipated city expenses for city employees,
which are going to be on leave, when they run out of sick and vacation accrual.
Ms. LaVerriere stated they have numerous part time employees to keep working.
Attorney Cherof stated there needs to be a balance.
Mayor Grant requested an employee update.
Ms. LaVerriere stated there is going to be a plan in place on March 19, 2020.
12. Legal
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-007-First Reading - Establishing the Boynton
Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) sunset date and extending the
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time certain for the completion of projects described in the Community
Redevelopment Plan.
Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 20-007 by title only, on first reading.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve. Commissioner Penserga seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
Commissioner McCray asked for clarification.
Mayor Grant explained this item was approved to extend to 2044, then the Florida
Legislature approved it for 2039, unless the city enacted an ordinance with the end date.
Clerk Gibson called the roll.
Vote 4-0 (Vice Mayor Katz absent)
13. Future Agenda Items
A. Quarterly Census Update - TBD
B. Legislative Updates - TBD
C. Commissioner Penserga requested a discussion on single occupancy restrooms
possibly converting to gender neutral restrooms - TBD
D. Presentation of 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - TBD
E. Provide update on potential sale of Nichols property to Pulte Homes — TBD.
F. Mayor Grant has requested a discussion on Lake Park's Accessory Dwelling
Unit Ordinance — TBD
G. Mary Lou Bedford, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Palm Beach County
Chamber of Commerce will present on member benefits. - TBD
H. The City Commission requested a presentation of the Town Square Opportunity
Fair hiring efforts and results. - TBD
I. Discuss CBD oil and its impacts on the City's Drug-Free Workplace Policy as
requested by Mayor Grant. - TBD
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J. Short presentation and discussion by utility staff regarding Septic Tank
Inspections. — TBD
K. Request by Mayor Grant to discuss Wellington's home-based business
regulations. - TBD
14. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner McCray made a motion to
adjourn. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:35
yor- St-ven B. Grant
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Meir - Justin Katz
Commissioner—Mi./ ow Hay
Commissione — Chri tina Romelus
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C stal Gibson, MMC
City Clerk
Queenester Nieves, CMC
Deputy City Clerk
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