Nathan Collins, Chairman
Cynthia Greenhouse
Murray Howard
Ma rityn Huckle
Shirley Stevens
William Cwynar (arrived
Efrem Hinson
Maurice Rosenstock (excused)
Gary Lehnertz (excused)
Chris Cutro,
Director of Planning
Tambri Heyden,
Senior City Planner
Jorge Gonzalez,
Assistant City Planner
Yamile Trehy
Assistant City Attorney
Nat Collins called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Following
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Recording Secretary
called the roll. In the absence of Chairman Rosenstock and Vice
Chairman Lehnertz, Murray Howard moved to elect Nathan Collins as
Chair. The motion was seconded by Msrilyn Huckle and carried
Due to the fact that a representative for Lawrence Lakes was pre-
sant in the audience, chris Cutro asked that Item B, Concurrency
Exemption Time Extension, be moved up on the Agenda just after
Item C, Master Plan Modifications.
Cynthia Greenhouse asked that 7-A(1) and 7-A(2) be switched since
the conditional use should be determined before the abandonment.
Cynthia Greenhouse asked that the minutes of the July 9th meeting
reflect the fact that her absence was excused.
At this point, discussion ensued regarding the absence policy.
Ma rilyn Huckle questioned the policy and seemed to recall that
the policy had been changed so that after three absences, a mem-
ber was removed from the Board. chris Cutro will check the
policy and report back to the Board at the next meeting. Murray
Howard, Marilyn Huckle and Shirley Stevens asked that the record
reflect the fact that, when necessary, they called the City
Clerk's Office to advise of their absence.
Ma rilyn Huckle asked that the July 9th minutes be corrected on
Page 14 to read, "...that restaurants should never be approved as
AUGUST 13, 1991
conditional use in C-1 zoning districts if they are not
Ms. Huckle also mentioned that there was a great deal of con-
fusion at the July 9th meeting and brought up the motions as pre-
sented on Page 11 of the minutes with regard to Application ~26.
She mentioned that the motion was changed many times and believes
she voted against the final motion. She asked that the minutes
reflect the fact that she has misgivings about the vote on
Application ~26.
Marilyn Huckle moved to accept the minutes of July 9, 1991 with
corrections which was seconded by Shirley Stevens. The motion
carried unanimously.
Chairman Collins recognized the presence in the audience of Vice
Mayor Ed Pla rmening.
Project Name:
Williams Auto Sales
Horace A. Williams
1009 North Federal Highway;
approximately 108 feet south
of the southwest corner of
North Federal Highway and
N.E. 10th Avenue
Request for conditional use
approval to allow for the
establishment of a used car lot
Jorge Gonzalez made the presentation. This request is for a pro-
posed used car sales lot consisting of a small sales office at
the rear of the property and a display area. No service or
repair of automobiles is proposed on this site. The parcel is
approximately 20/100tbs of an acre and currently zoned C-4
(General Commercial). Ussd car lots are permitted in the C-4
zoning district subject to conditional use approval. The
surrounding uses are Nuttin' But Ribs abutting the parcel to the
north, to the east, across Federal Highway is The Chef's Touch
gourmet restaurant, to the south is Meineke Muffler Auto Repair
Shop and FEC Railroad tracks abut the property to the west.
The Planning Department recommends approval of this conditional
use subject to staff comments. The recommendation was based on
the argument that the addition of a used car lot would not create
additional negative ~mpact. In addition, the proposed new
landscaping and general building maintenance would improve the
overall appearance of the site and surrounding area.
The three staff comments include:
To demolish a portion of the existing building which
encroaches on the 20' alley;
To dedicate a utility easement on the alley since an
active sewer line runs to that alley in a north/south
direction; and
Provide a letter holding the City harmless for any work
done on that utility line.
Ail property owners within 400' were notified by mail.
Cynthia Greenhouse questioned Mr. Gonzalez at length about the
Planning Department's recommendation to approve this conditional
use. She pointed out that in order to get to all of the residen-
tial areas on the waterfront, North Federal Highway must be used.
She stated that N & D Auto approached the Board with many promi-
ses to be a clean operation. They have been consistent viola-
tors. She could not understand how the Planning Department
argued that this would have no negative aesthetic impact on the
surrounding area. Mr. Gonzalez again explained that this
request is consistent with other uses in this C-4 zoning district
and felt there would be no negative aesthetic impact.
Murray Howard asked if the property owner could erect a used car
lot at this location without the approval of the Planning and
Zoning Board. It was explained that conditional use approval is
necessary for the property owner to erect this lot.
Ms. Greenhouse further stated that used car lots must be approved
by the City Commission. They are generally considered
"eyesores". She further stated that at the last Commission
- 3 -
meeting, one of the Commissioners stated that he would like to
see C-4 zoning eliminated in the Federal Highway corridor.
Mr. Cutro explained this is an active application and even though
Mr. Aguila asked that C-4 zoning be reviewed by staff, that has
no effect on this particular application. Ms. Greenhouse pressed
Mr. Cutro as to his feelings about the addition of another auto
sh~p on Federal Eighway. Mr. Cutro explained that he fully sup-
ports the recommsndation made by his staff and believes this
would not have a negative impact on the area.
Shirley Stevens stated it is her feeling that a used car lot
would create a traffic probHem. People will be test driving the
cars throughout the neighborhood. She pointed out how hard the
people in Delray Beach fought against the car dealerships. She
is against a used car dealership in th~s area. She wants to
improve this area and will vote against this application.
Marilyn Huckle questioned whether or
lot was approved on conditional use.
that the dealership had been at that
time. No one wes able to answer her
not the existing used car
Mr. Collins pointed out
location for a very long
Mr. Howard wondered, if approval was given, could the Board order
that no repairs be performed at this site. Mr. Cutro explained
that the applicant has indicated no repairs will be done at the
site. Mr. Howard felt he could not support this because there
would be only a verbal agreement. Mr. Cutro pointed out that an
environmental permit would be required. Such a permit could put
a condition on the owner that no repairs be done. Mr. Howard
feels the applicant could return seeking approval in the future.
Marilyn Huckle feels the Board should be careful about precedent
setting. There is not a lot of C-4 zoning in the City, but what
exists serves a very good purpose. To approve this conditional
use might set a precedent and the Board would have no recourse
but to grant additional conditional uses such as this in the
future. She cannot support this application.
Andy Williams, 126 S.W. 10th Avenue, stated that he intends to
have s boutique-type retail car lot only. No repairs will be
done at this site. He plans a chain of these lots. He was
insulted to have been compared with N & D Auto. He has met and
agreed to all of the recommendations by the Planning Department.
He will upgrade the area from an "eyesore" and a crack den and
make it more beautiful. He promised the Board his business will
be one of the cleanest, nicest and most attractive businesses.
In the time he has owned the property, he has cleaned up the
trash and debris he found on the property. His repair shop is
located in an industrial area in Boynton Beach.
With no further questions by the Board, Chairman Collins OPENED
Lloyd Powell, Officer of the Alpine Seven Co., Inc., owning pro-
perty at 1112 North Federal Highway, spoke against the approval
of this application. Mr. Powell questioned the location of this
business on North Federal Highway. He believes all conditional
uses should be removed along the North Federal Highway corridor.
Shirley Stevens again underscored precedent setting. Once such
conditional use is permitted, it will be extremely difficult to
deny such a use in the future.
Ms. Huckle believes the applicant is sincere. However, once the
conditional use is approved, if the applicant does not stay in
business, someone else could come in and mess up terribly.
Assistant City Attorney Yamile Trehy pointed out that Section
ll.2(d) sets forth the standards for evaluating conditional use.
She read a list of items to be considered and stated that recom-
mendations should be based on these findings.
Ma rilyn Huckle moved to DENY the applicant, Williams Auto Sales,
conditional use to allow for establishment of a used car lot at
1009 North Federal Highway. Cynthia Greenhouse seconded the
motion which carried 6-Q.
Project Name:
Williams Auto Sales
Horace A. Williams
1009 North Federal Highway
approximately 108 feet south
of the southwest corner of
North Federal Highway and N.E.
10th Avenue
Request for the abandonment of
a 20 foot wide alley
Lloyd Powell, property owner at 1112 North Federal Highway, feels
the abandonment of a alleyway should be approved. It is his
feeling that the alleyway serves no purpose and it would be in
the best interest of the City to abandon every piece of alleyway.
- 5
AUGUST 13, 1991
In response to a question by Cynthia Greenhouse, Mr. Cutro stated
that the abandonment of the alleyway would have no effect on the
conditional use. It was determined that the applicant still
wished to have the alley abandoned. Mr. Cutro recommended the
abandonment be conditioned on the owner demolishing the portion
of the buildinq which encroaches it.
Ms. Huckle asked the applicant if he still wanted the abandonment
of the alleyway. Mr. Williams responded affirmatively since it
might aid in the sa'le of the land. It was pointed out to Mr.
Williams that the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation will
go to the City Commission for a final vote. Mr. Williams was
familiar with all of the staff Comments and was in agreement with
Cynthia Greenhouse moved to APPROVE the request for the abandon-
ment of the 20' wide alleyway located at 1009 North Federal
Highway subject to all staff comments. The motion was seconded
by Murray Howard and carried 6-0.
Chairman Collins recognized
Arline Weiner.
the presence in
the audience of Mayor
3. Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Activity Center
Bill DeBeck, Project Manager
City of Boynton Beach
125 S.E. 2nd Avenue; S.E. 2nd
Avenue at S.E. 1st Street,
northwest corner
Request for parking lot variances
to Section 5-138 "Scope"(a) and
Section 5-142(h)(7) "Driveway" of
Article X, Parking Lots
Tambri Heyden made the presentation. She explained the City pro-
posed to demolish the existing Tennis Center adjacent to the
Library and the parking lot which currently serves it. In its
place, a Recreational Activity Center is proposed. This building
will accommodate the function of the old Arts Building which was
destroyed by fire. A new 89-~pace parking lot is proposed. The
remainder of the lot is proposed to remain as is. Two parking
lot variances are being requested; one to allow the existing
parking lot to remain as is without upgrades and the other
variance to allow a third driveway on SE 2nd Avenue. Staff
recommends approval of all parking lot variances. Elevations
were presented to allow the Board to view the proposed new
building. The TRB recommends approval subject to staff comments.
Ms. Greenhouse questioned the TRB recommending approval. Ms.
Heyden clarified that there had been general consensus not a
vot e.
Ms. Greenhouse stated that under normal circumstances, the
parking lot would be required to be brought up to Code and since
it is a request for a variance, a hardship must be shown which is
not Self-imposed. Ms. Heyden explained the design of the lot had
been discussed, The parking lots are physically separated from
each other. There is no cross access tying one lot to another.
Ms. Greenhouse questioned whether a private landowner or deve-
loper would be given the same treatment the City is requesting.
Mr. Cutro explained the situation is unique because when the
building is built, there is enough parking being provided for
that building. ~he problem is this is one contiguous site. The
Ma dsen Center is scheduled for restoration and change within two
to three years. The parking comes into play when the Madsen
Center and this building are added. Looking at the Recreational
Center only, there is no need for additional parking.
In response to a question by Ms. Greenhouse, Vince Finizio stated
that the parking lot stripes are faded, wheel stops are missing,
lighting system may not meet the Code, drainage is poor and there
is very littla landscaping. It does not comply with Code.
However, the parking lot is open to the general public.
Bill DeBeck, City Project Manager, reminded the Board that the
building could be torn down. The original site plans showed that
end of the block having a parking lot, a small urban mini-park
and a new tennis court. In either situation, a new parking lot
will be built at this end of the block.
Ms. Huckle is reluctant to approve because the parking lot is not
being brought up to Code. In her opinion, if this were any other
property owner, they would have to meet the Code. She feels if
the Madsen Center is brought up to Code now, it may not need much
attention in the future. She also mentioned the liability the
City faces when the lot does not meat the Code. Mr. Collins
pointed out that if the City did not feel the lot was safe, they
would not allow anyone to use it.
Mr. Finizio reiterated that the parking lot, as it now exists,
does not meet the Code. Whether or not a liability exists is
determination for the City Attorney.
- 7 -
Mr. Cutro suggested the Board can deny the portion regarding the
parking lot variance by splitting this into two motions.
Marilyn Huckle moved to APPROVE the request for the additional
driveway portion of the variance for the City of Boynton Beach
Activity Center at 125 SE 2nd Avenue. Cynthia Greenhouse
seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Cynthia Greenhouse moved to DEBTY the request for the parking lot
variance for the City of Boynton Beach Activity Center located at
125 SE 2nd Avenue. Marilyn Huckle seconded the motion which
*carried 4-2. (Nathan Collins and Efrem Hinson cast the
dissenting votes.
At this point, Ms. Greenhouse stated her feelings that the Codes
must be uniformly enforced and the City cannot be given special
treatment or exception to the rules. Shirley Stevens concurred
and feels the City has a higher duty to follow its own Codes.
1. Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Activity Center
Bill DeBeck, Project Manager
City of Boynton Beach
125 S.E. 2nd Avenue: S.E. 2nd
Avenue at S.E. 1st Street,
northwest corner
Request for site plan approval to
demolish the existing Tennis Center
and parking lot and construct a
6,640 square foot recreation
activity center and 89 space
parking lot
Regarding the Site Plans, Ms. Huckle mentioned the fact that the
proposed building is different in color from the other buildings
in the complex. Shm would prefer that this building be more uni-
form in color and design. These plans will go before the
Community Appearance Board for their review and approval.
Cynthia Greenhouse moved to APPROVE the request for site plan
approval to demolish the existing Tennis Center and parking lot
and construct a 6,640 square foot Recreation Activity Center and
89-space parking lot for the City of Boynton Beach Activity
Center located at 125 SE 2nd Avenue subject to staff comments.
The motion was seconded by Murray Howard and carried 6-0.
*Mr. ~oward cast the dissenting vote~ not Mr. Hinson.
MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION (Postponed August 1, 1991)
Project Name:
Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D.
Kilday and Associates
Tradewinds Development Corporation
Woolbright Road at S.W. 8th Street,
northeast and northwest corners
Request for approval of an amended
master plan to allow relocation and
addition of driveways, and changes
in size and use of outparcets
Tambri Heyden made the presentation. She explained that some
amendments are necessary:
The addition of a driveway onto Woolbright Road to serve
an outparcel (as depicted on an overhead map):
2. The addition of a driveway on SW 8th Street to serve an
outparcel; and
Southward relocation of a driveway and change in square
footage in two outparcels and the designation of one out-
parcel as a bank.
The TnB recommends
all the changes to
violate the intent
better to evaluate
approval of the request with the exception of
the driveways. The TRB felt this would
of the subdivision regulation and it would be
the driveway at the site plan level.
David Levy, one of the principals of Tradewinds, approached the
podium to ask Ms. Greenhouse to recus~ herself from this matter
due to the fact that she has openly identified herself as an
attorney for Mr. Finizio in litigation with Tradewinds. He felt
Ms. Greenhouse could not be objective.
Ms. Greenhouse clarified that she is not Mr. Finizio's attorney
in his suit against Tradewinds. She stated that she has no
conflict of interest and would not abstain from voting. She
stated she stands to gain or lose nothing by her participation.
Mr. Levy was insistent that Ms. Greenhouse~recuse herself.
Chairman Collins requested clarification fr~m t~e Assistant City
Attorney. She felt that Ms. Greenhouse had properly interpreted
the vote in conflict and she had determined there was no gain or
loss by her vote. Ms. Greenhouse was permitted to participate
and vote.
- 9 -
Ken Rogers, Registered Professional Engineer, of 1495 Forest Hill
Boulevard, West Palm Beach, represented Tradewinds. He addressed
two items. The first item concerned the proposed driveway on SW
8th Street. He explained that staff's objection involved the
fact that TRB felt a shortcut would be created into Home Depot.
This was never the intent of Tradewinds. The intent is to pro-
vide better access to the outparcels.
They spoke with Mr. Staudinger at approximately 7:30 this evening
and are willing to commit to eliminating both curb cuts between
the outparcel and t~e Home Dep~t'parcel located in the north and
south portions of the boundaryl between Home Depot and the three
outparcels, and replace them with one median break in the middle.
They want to encourage internal circulation between the outpar-
eels and Home Depot. Nc drawings were available since this deci-
sion had been reached after the meeting began this evening. In
their opinion, they had now eliminated the only stated reason for
denYing this approval.
Ms. Huckle wanted clarification on the number of openings to the
Home Depot parking lot. Mr. Rogers stated one opening would be
left to provide circulation to the outparcels. She felt this
would pose the same problem staff mentioned. At the map, Mr.
Rogers explained Tradewinds proposal. After much discussion, he
admitted if someone wanted to go out of their way to cut across,
it was an option; however, Tradewinds has provided a solution to
the problem of a straight shortcut.
Mr. Cutro explained the driveways will most likely float slightly
as will the median driveway dependent upon the uses. This will
have to be addressed at the site plan review. They are now
seeking conceptual approval. Mr. Cutro believes this is a good
Mr. Staudinger objects to the line up of the driveway on 8th
Street with the interior driveway. If the applicant is modifying
the internal driveways such that they are blocked by a building
in the future and will not line up with either of the two dri-
veways along 8th Street, his concerns would be satisfied. Site
plans will have to be checked so that driveways will be offset.
If approved, the drawings will have to be modified and returned
to the Planning Department within three weeks.
Ms. Huckle questioned whether the Planning and Zoning Board is
the last word unless this is appealed. As~sistant City Attorney
Trehy clarified that the general Ordinance provides that advisory
boards are advisory and all matters proceed to the City
Commission for approval. However, if this matter is resolved at
this level, it can go as a Consent Item. She is hesitant to vote
- 10 -
since this came up at the last minute. Mr. Cutro stated again
that he has no problems with this new offer. He also pointed out
that the record shows the intention and therefore, there should
be no problem discerning the intentions.
Mr. Roqers continued by addressing the driveway on the west side
of SW 8th Street. ' This is proposed to be a two-way driveway; one
lane in and one lane out. There is a median across Woolbright
which will allow vehicles to turn right only into the property
and right out of the property. There will be no left-turn move-
ments at this intersection. All left-turn movements will have to
be made at the signalised intersection. This change came about
by the change to the Master Plan for a small outparcel located at
the intersection. Access is of paramount importance in all out-
parcels. Staff objects to this driveway because they feel this
will be a shortcut drive~ay to get into the main commercial use.
There is no site plan for this site. Tradewinds is requesting
conceptual approval. At present., there is no user for this loca-
tion. It is difficult to get a user unless there is access.
They have presented to the TRB a plan which will discourage
through traffic from this driveway into the site. The~ are
requesting approval for the driveway in order to do the proper
site development planning.
The other main objection to this driveway has been the safety
issue. Staff feels it is too close to the intersection and will
cause safety problems. Mr. Rogers stated that Woolbright Road
is a County~maintained road. This location meets all of Palm
Beach County's criteria for driveway access as far as safety cri-
teria for minimum distance away from an intersection. The State
Department of Transportation issued new access~ control guidelines
regarding minimum spacing sway from major intersections. This
information has been submitted to the Engineering Department.
The proposed driveway meets all of the stringent Department of
Transportation minimum spacing criteria. He further stated that
Tradewinds is on record thatlwhen the final ~ser is determined,
they will show, at that time for the site plan approval process,
a driveway which will be designed for the outparcel user and will
discourage shortcuts.
At Chairman Collins' request, Mr. Cutro clarified that approval
must be obtained by the City before the County or DOT grants
approval. The city has the final jurisdiction in this matter.
Marilyn Huckle was informed there is 225' from the proposed dri-
veway to the major intersection. She was informed that signali-
zation · s provided after a warrant study. When the warrants have
been met, the ]uridiction maintaining the road puts in the
signal. The two main warrants involve the volume of traffic on
the main road and the volume of traffic on the side road.
In Ms. Stevens opinion, this site is extremely dangerous and she
could not support adding another cut.
Mr. Rogers reminded the Board that the developer has already
posted a bond for the traffic signal. The money is available to
pay for the signal and when deemed necessary, the signal will be
put in place.
Murray Howard felt Tradewinds was putting the "cart before the
horse" by requesting a driveway when there is no user. Mr.
Rogers feels they could market the property better if there
proper access.
Mr. Cutro again attempted to clarify that what they want is con-
ceptual approval, but final approval will be hinged on the site
plan. The Planning Department recommends conceptual approval at
this time. Final approval will go to TRB first and then to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
Ms. Greenhouse asked for Mr. Staudinger's opinion. Me referred
to his Engineering memorandum, Appendix A, Section 6, Item 4A,
Standards for Planning Commercial Development. In summary, he
feels this would contribute to traffic problems.
Michael Morton, a principal for Tradewinds, spoke in favor of
approving this conceptual plan. He stated that there are many
dangerous intersections which can be cited. However, he
questioned whether it is the intention of the Board to close all
of those intersections. He asked if every developer will have to
face whether or not an intersection is a legal intersection. He
stated the only thing Tradewinds wants is conceptual approval.
No intersection will be installed until the Board see what is on
the site plan. If the traffic liqht needs to be installed, it
will be in place before the inter~ection ever gets built.
Ms. Huckle was advised if this
comes up for site plan approval
plan modification.
is not approved tonight, when it
they will have to fila for master
Ms. Huckle questioned %2. Mr. Cutro explained they have with-
drawn the request for the gas station. No vote is needed on %2.
With regard to %3, Mr. Cutro stated this is a valid request and
there are no problems with it.
It is necessary for the Board to vote on %1, %3, %4 and %5.
- 12
With regard to ~1, addition of a driveway on Woolbright Road,
Marilyn Huckle moved to recommend DENIAL in the request for
Master Plan Modification for the Shoppes of Woolbright. Shirley
Stevens seconded the motion which carried 5-1. (Nat Collins cast
the dissenting vote.)
With regard to #2, this has been withdrawn by the applicant.
With regar~ to $3 of the Master Plan Modification for the Shoppes
of Woolbright, M~riiyn Hu~kle recommended APPROVAL which was
seconded by Cynthia Greenhouse. The motion carried 6-0.
*With regard to ~4 and 95, Murray Howard moved to ALLOW for a
second driveway on the east side of SW 8th Street with the con-
dition that the two internal access drives be eliminated and one
internal access drive be allowed in approximately the center of
the island, and that that d~riveway be blocked by a building as
much as possible and not line up with any of the driveways on SW
8th Street. Marilyn Huckle seconded the motion which carried
William Cwynar arrived for the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
1. Lawrence Lake PUD - 12-month time extension for exemption
from concurrency.
Mr. Cutro explained this is a request to extend the concurrency
status. Last October, Lawrence Lakes requested a time extension
in order to put in their infrastructure. That request was
granted by the City Commission. That expiration date has been
extended to August 21, 1991.
The extension of the concurrency was not discussed at that
meeting. The Concurrency Review Board recommends that the
twelve-month extension be granted to coincide with the extension
on the implementation of the infrastructure. Cynthia Greenhouse
confirmed with Jill Jarkesy of Perry, Shapiro & Miller, P.A. that
they agree to post surety prior to the deadline.
Mot i on
Shirley Stevens moved to APPROVE the request for extension for
Lawrence Lakes PUD until August 21, 1992 subject to the agreement
to post surety. Murray Howard seconded the motion which carried
*Ms. Greenhouse made this motion, not Mr~ Howard.
- 13
B. CONSISTENCY REVIEW (pursuant to Chapter 163.3194 F.S.)
Site Plan Reivew Ordinance - amendment to Chapter 19 of the
Code of Ordinances to implement a new site plan review proce-
2. Administrative Procedures Ordinance - amendment to reorganize
Chapter 19 of the Code of ordinances and revise board duties.
Nonconforming Uses and Structures - amendment to Appendix
A-Zoning, Section 11.1 of the Code of Ordinances to allow for
expansion of nonconforming uses.
Proposed amendments to Appendix B-Planned Unit Developments
of the Code of Ordinances, Section 6.F Planned Commercial
Development District and Section 7 - Planned Industrial
Development District of Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of
Ordinances to create time extensions for master plan
Proposed amendment to Appendix A-Zoning to allow towing com-
panies in the M-l, Light Industrial Zoning District.
Proposed amendment to Appendix A-Zoning to allow wholesale
distribution of prepackaged meat and poultry in the C-4,
General Commercial Zoning District.
Mr. Cutro explained that Item ~1 was adjusted to meet the con-
cerns stated at the special meeting. It was determined that the
CRAB can act instead of the PZB on plans in the CBD.
Regarding Section G, a question arose as to how plans would be
forwarded to the PZB after TRC had made a recommendation. There
is no simple way to deal with this. Mr. Cutro recommends when
the TRC submits their recommendations, they will be forwarded to
PZB. The PZB will get a summarization and the Planning staff
will make a recommendation as far as the necessary action. With
regard to the review procedure, staff will return comments within
thirty days. In looking at "C", the wording was changed slightly
to read .... "based upon all of the following..." This means
that all work must be internal, there will be no increase in
parking and the site must meet Code. Mr. Cutro will add language
as follows, "in the event that a property owner or organization
disputes my determinatIon regarding this substantial compliance,
the work shall automatically be subject to site plan review".
In Section 4.5, a time provision has been added for the site
plan. It is a one-year approval and we are allowing the City
Commission to extend it for one year. This was done because of
the economy and has become absolutely necessary.
- 14 -
AUGUST 13, 1991
Cynthia Greenhouse commented on Page 2, B-i, she is concerned
that someone might construct a group of duplexes. The present
Code does not require this person to go through site plan review.
Mr. Cutro will work with the attorney on rewording (duplex on a
single lot of record).
Regarding Page 3, Section 4.4-C, Ms. Greenhouse stated that some-
times plans come forward at the last minute and it is expected
that they will be reviewed by staff and put on the next meeting.
Mr. Cutro stated there will be a specific schedule to follow.
Past problems dealt with resubmission.
Ms. Huckle referred to Page 5 with regard to notification of
signs to be posted. Under "A", it states "approved used" when it
should read "proposed use". Mr. Cutro has already made a note to
change that wording.
Mr. Finizio questioned Page 3, Section 4.4-E. He asked if the
TRC meets and generates additional comments, is there a mechanism
to transmit those comments. Mr. Cutro stated he is not certain
the comments to the applicant will be affected. Comments are to
be coordinated. Mr. Cutro feels the TRC meeting must be held
prior to the 30 days so that additional comments ca~n be imme-
diately forwarded to the ~pplicant. ~e will repeat the paragraph
on "D" to "E".
With regard to issuance of building permits on Page 4, Section
4.5, it will be changed to read expiration of site plan time
limits. Mr. Cutro explained that there is no ability to renew a
permit if there is no construction activity on the site. Mr.
Finizio Stlated if a permit is due to expire, it can be renewed
prior to i~ts expiration. The building permit is valid for six
months. Further, it is good for six months after the date of
inspection. Mr. Fini~zio stated tha~ it is worthless to pull a
permit an~ not commence cOnstruction. Mr. Cutro will discuss
will make ~ recommendaltion as far as the necessary action. Mr.
Cutro will discuss this with the ch~ief building official. If
necessary, he will change it for some type of commencement of
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_AUGUST 13, 1991
On Page 4, Section 4.6, it states the Planning Department will
supply the applicant with a sign. Mr. Cutro is presently
exploring the cost recovery system. If cost recovery is not
done, the application fee will be increased to cover the cost of
the signs. The cost will be minimal.
Page 8, Section 4.9 provides subjective language which concerns
Ms. Greenhouse with respect to claims against the City. Mr.
Cutro feels an experience level must be built. The City
Commission will be notified about specific minor site plan modi-
fications. Assistant City Attorney Trehy suggested language will
be added similar to that added in the exemption with regard to
going through a sit~ plan review. Ms. Greenhouse questioned the
amount of discretion left in the hands of the Planning Director.
Mr. Cutro explained there is no other alternative. If there are
any problems, they will be seen almost immediately.
The word "substantial" will be removed on Page 2, Section
Mr. Cutro explained the addition of plans in the CRA area. A
paragraph will be added as follows: "For areas zoned CBD or
within the Community Redevelopment Agency area jurisdiction, all
sections of this chapter shall apply except that the function of
Planning and Zoning Board shall be performed by the Community
Redevelopment Advisory Board and functions of the City Commission
shall be performed by the Community Redevelopment Agency". This
was proposed at the workshop. Mr. Cutro advised that the
Planning and Zoning Board will be notified by memo when something
is going before the CRAB.
The changes will be reflected in the copy forwarded to the City
Commission if such a recommendation is made. Copies of the
changes will be sent to the Board members. He explained that the
land development regulations are being reorganized. As this is
done, new chapter numbers will be applied. The Code of
Ordinances will shrink, and will expand at the rear and even-
tually the appendices at the rear will disappear and be incor-
porated into the land development regulations. It is hoped that
one or two chapters will be done each month.
Cynthia Greenhouse moved that the Site Plan Review Ordinance with
changes discussed be found consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
and be forwarded to the City Commission with a recommendation for
approval. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Huckle and carried
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MS. Greenhouse thanked Mr. Cutro for the work he did on this pro-
With regard to Item 8-A(2), there is no need for action at this
Regarding Item 8-A(3), Nonconforming Uses and Structures, correc-
tions requested by Planning and Zoning were made. An additional
change will be made so that it will read, "Nonconforming
Structure with a Conforming Use". E~erything referring to non-
conforming uses was eliminated. The Ordinance was reduced. What
is now being dealt with is the ability to change, expand and
restore a lawful nonconforming structure. This has been relo-
cated into the Nonconforming Structure section. It is not part
of the Nonconforming Uses section. There is now consistency in
the flow of the Ordinance.
Ms. Greenhouse referred to Page 3, Review Criteria. She
questioned the parking being required in only the expanded ares
of a nonconforming structure. It is inconsistent with the
Occupational Licensing section. Mr. Cutro explained this is a
p. roDlem. They will have to rely on public parking or pay fees.
E~en some of the expansions may not alter parking. What has been
accomplished by thi~ is that if there is parking on site, it must
remain. However, our requirement will be for the additional
expansion. Ms. Huckle suggested ~addi~ng "additional parking" to
E-3. Mso Greenhouse suggested E-3 and F-3 be tied together; not
eliminating the required parking, but review it case by case.
Mr. Cutro cannot put in F-3 at this time. An impact section is
necessary which spells out the impact fee and how it is being
charged. Mr. Cutro will work with the Attorney's Office on the
language which will enable him to bring in the parking impact fee
in September.
Assistant City Attorney Trehy said this must be studied and a
separate impact fee Ordinance is necessary. Ms. Greenhouse won-
dered whether recommending this to the Commission without the
parking impact fee Ordinance was advisable. Mr. Cutro will draft
the change as part of this Ordinance and then it will be
'plugged" in approximately two weeks after the original
Ordinance. This will be handled as an amendment to the
Mr. Cutro suggested going through the remainder of the Ordinance
and the ~mpact section could be delayed until the September
Ms. Greenhouse suggested the language of F-3 be changed to read,
"required parking can be waived based on payment of a fee to the
City to be used for provision of public, on-street parking only if
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land is not available for off-street parking. Mr. Cutro stated
that he will give this some thought and review. If there are no
problems with this, he will change the language.
Mr. Cutro asked the Board to remove ~5 from Page 4.
City Attorney Trehy stated that if this provision is
will never go away.
put in, it
No action is necessary on this item at this time. Mr. Cutro will
meet with the City Attorney to insert the necessary language.
Mr. Cutro will supply corrected copies at the next meeting.
Mr. Cutro distributed a entire new Item 8-A(4). He asked that
members take this home to review major language changes. He
explained that all of the language in the Ordinances regarding
time extensions is now consistent. When it appears in the PUD,
it will appear the same in the PID and PCD. Also, some
situations were corrected. This will be discussed at a future
Item 8-A(5) was not started by the City Commission and, there-
fore, could not be heard.
Item 8-A(6) asks for a text amendment to allow wholesale distri-
bution of prepackaged meat and poultry in the C-4 zoning
district. This proposed use is not presently allowed in C-4;
however, the Comprehensive Plan states it is allowed in the
General Commercial Land Use category which is what corresponds
with this zoning ~in the Land Use Plan. This request is con-
sistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Planning Department
recommends forwarding this to the City Commission with a finding
of consistency recommendation of approval.
Ms. Greenhouse was concerned about Federal Highway and again
pointed Out that, in her opinion, C-4 zoning should be removed
from Federal Highway. Mr. Cutro pointed out that at present, the
Comprehensive Plan spells out that wholesale should be allowed in
the C-4 district. There has ~ever been a policy decision made as
to whether the C-4 zoning should be changed along Federal High-
Ms. Stevens feels the wholesale distribution of processed meats
in this location would be fine. She does not feel the neigh-
borhood would be hurt by this business. However, she feels
differently about the entire C-4 district. Mr. Cutro pointed out
that when the recommendation is made, it is made for the entire
zoning district, not for one site.
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Assistant City Attorney Trehy questioned whether there are any
special exceptions in the Code with regard to authorized use.
Mr. Cutro explained there are numerous conditional uses. It was
determined that a conditional use could be attached to a specific
property in the C-4 district, but Mr. Cutro feels the property
will probably not be improved by this particular applicant.
Ms. Greenhouse clarified that this could be found consistent as
conditional use and sent to the City Commission. The condition
could be that it not be located on Pederal Highway. Mr. Cutro
stated he would work on the language.
Mot i on
Cynthia Greenhouse moved to find the wholesale distribution of
processed meats and poultry in the C-4 district as a conditional
use to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Such uses
should not be allowed on Federal Highway. Murray Howard seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
Mr. Cutro mentioned Ms. Greenhouse's request for a text change to
the existing gas station regulations. Mr. Cutro was specifically
instructed by the City Manager's office not to work on any
changes to the gas station Ordinances. The text change requested
by Ms. Greenhouse to 240' as opposed to 170' was proposed as part
of the proposed Ordinance. It was not s separate text change.
Mr. Cutro asked if the Board still wanted that change brought to
the City Commission with a recommendation that the existing Code
be changed.
There was discussion on this subject. It was determined that
there is an inconsistency in the Code and applicants were able to
take advantage of this loophole. The intent was to correct what
was in the Ordinance.
Cynthia Greenhouse moved to bring forward to the attention
of the City Commission the fact that there is a loophole in the
existing Ordinance. The Board recommends a text change to
increase the footage from 175' to 240'. The motion was seconded
by Marilyn Huckle and carried 7-0.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned
at I0:10 p.m.
Janet M. Prainito
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
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