THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1990 AT 7:30 P.M.
Maurice Rosenstock, Chairman
Gary Lehnertz, Vice Chairman
Jose Aguila
Cynthia Gr-eenhouse
David Beasley, Alternate
Chris Cutro,
Planning Director
Yamile Trehy,
Asst. City Attorney
Nathan Collins
M~rray Howard
Daniel E. Richter
William Cwynar, Alternate
Chairman Rosenstock called the continued meeting to order at
7:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said.
The Agenda was accepted as prepared. It consisted of one
item only, which had been continued from the December 11,
1990 regular meeting of the Board.
Project Name: First Impressions Day Care Center
Agent: Harold Blanchette
Owner: Julie & Susan Monahan
Location: Seacrest Blvd. at S.E. 22nd Ave.,
northeast corner
Description: Request for conditional use and site
plan approval to convert an existing
single-family residence into a 2,330
sq. ft. day care center.
Chris Cutro, Planning Director, explained the plans before
the Board had been submitted by Mr. Blanchette. A review of
those plans showed the comments of the City Forester, the
Planning Dept and the iBuilding Dept. had been met. All com-
ments of the Engineering Dept. had been met with the excep-
tion of comment ~4 (to provide a parking facility lighting
plan with photometrics) and comment 96 (to provide a storm
water drainage system including drainage calculations and
percolation tests).i Mrs. Blanchette believed the information
was on the plan. Vince Finizio, Administrative Coordinator
of Engineering, di~ not be!ieve there was enough information
there for him to si~n off.
Relative to verifying the information in these areas, Mr.
Finizio stated if Mr. Blanchette provides the information
prior to building permits and it is not suitable, then Mr.
Blanchette would be asked to provide a formal drainage
system Or a revised lighting plan. These things could be
costly. If Mr. Blanchette waited until the time of per-
mitting, it would still be subject to compliance.
Mr. Blanchette explained this conditional use application
was made on September 28, 1990. It is now the end of the
year. He wondered why it was just coming to meetings at
this point. His client was upset about this. Chairman
Rosenstock pointed out this had just come before the PZB at
the December 11, 1990 meeting. Mr. Blanchette alluded to
notifications of the Public Hearing which he believed had
not gotten out to the newspapers on time. Discussion took
place regarding the sequence of events which included tw~
reviews by the TRB and two sets of staff comments. At one
point it was believed that the applicant might have to ~ile
for a parking lot variance, but that situation was resolved.
Relative to the lighting values, Mr. Blanchette stated the
applicant would meet the requirements of the Code. There
were comments about a notation on the plan itself and the
lighting. Mr. Finizio noted Chapter 19-17 requires that the
City have an indication of exterior lighting so it can
review possible hazards and nuisances. They would look for
glare, bleeding over into residential communities, etc. Mr.
Finizio believed the applicant could comply with the note on
the plans and still create a nuisance. Mr. Finizio wanted
to see the depiction of the actual lighting levels. If the
Board allows the application to move forward and Mr.
Blanchette provides the data at the time of permitting, Mr.
Finizio might ask them to do a complete redesign of the
lighting, based on the information provided.
Mrs. Greenhouse asked if the applicant was allowed to go
forward, would the City be able to enforce it. Attorney
Trehy responded they could attach conditions to the granting
of the conditional use. Vice Chairman Lehnertz asked what
would ensure that these conditions are followed. Attorney
Trehy stated the permit cannot be issued until all comments
are satisfied. Other remarks were made about comments that
are sometimes not complied with.
Relative to this case, Mr. Aguila felt the applicant had put
an acceptable note on the plans which indicated he is aware
of the Code and that he must take care of it. If the appli-
cant chooses to not obtain the photometrics at this time but
to save that for later, that is his choice. Later on, if
the applicant ~inds he doesn't have enough lighting, then he
will have put himself in a bad situation. Mr. Ag uila
believed the City could catch him now or later when he pro-
vides it.
Mrs. Greenhouse indicated she would rather see the burden
placed on the developer initially, rather than the City.
One member remarked that they could obtain the photometrics
free of charge. Mrs. Greenhouse asked since this was the
case, was there a reason they didn't get one. Mr.
Blanchette responded they had never gotten one. He didn't
realize they were being offered free of charge. In addi-
tion, the lights would rarely be lit, except for during the
Mr. Blanchette was asked if he would provide Mr. Finizlo
with a set of photometrics prior to applying for the
building permit. Mr. Blanchette was agreeable. Mr. Finizio
said this would be fine, if Mr. Blanchette would agree to
adhere to the City's comments at that point in time rather
than file any objections to reasonable comments the City may
have. Mr. Blanchette said he would not file objections on
anything that is required by Code. There was agreement.
Relative to drainage, as soon as an updated survey is
obtained, they will do a percolation test. The drainage
information will subsequently be provided the City. That
particular area is whit~ sugar sand which is excellent for
drainage. In connection with the polyethylene and bark
chips in the play area, Mr. Blanchette stated it would not
hold water or cause any drainage problems.
There were remarks about the proposed 6' privacy wall and
4' fence and what the Code requires. Mr. Aguila thought the
Health Dept. might end up requiring a 6' fence. Vice
Chairman Lehnertz wondered if a 4' fence would be sufficient
to contain some toddlers. Mr. Blanchette pointed out they
would be completely supervised. Later in the meeting, Mr.
Blanchette stated that if allowed by City Code, they would
put up a 6' fence.
Ms. Elizabeth Frick, 2310 S.E. 1st Street, thought this was
a dangerous location for the children. She was concerned
the children would climb the fence. Ms. Frick was also con-
cerned about the traffic impact.
Other remarks were made about the bulk of the facility's
traffic being in the morning and late afternoon. Susan
Cummins, who will serve as Director of the facility, stated
children would begin arriving at about 7:00 A.M. and
most of the children would be picked up between 5:00 and
6:00 P.M. Ms. Cummins stated the facility would be able to
handle up to 90 children. Mr. Cutro interjected that even
at maximum capacity, that would not be a big impact on
Seacrest which is four lanes.
Ms. Charlotte Duvall, 117 S.E. 22nd Ave., explained her pro-
perty is adjacent to Mrs. Monahan's property. Ms. Duvall
stated the Monahans have their rear fence 1' onto her pro-
perty. She stated the Monahan's sprinkler system is over
further than that." Ms. Duvall has had attorneys investi-
gate this situation for her to no avail and the situation
persists. Ms. DuvalI insisted the fence was on her pro-
perty. Chairman Rosenstock thought it was curious that Ms.
Duvall had hired lawyers and yet nothing had come of it.
Ms. Duvall felt that if Ms. Monahan didn't know where her
boundary lines are, "then she wan't qualified to run a day
care center." Other remarks were made. Ms. Duvall stated
she works at night and she was concerned increased traffic
would affect her being able to sleep in the morning.
Mrs. Greenhouse remarked that the survey does show some
encroachment onto Ms. Duvall's property. She asked Attorney
Trehy if the PZB needed to be concerned about that. Mr.
Cutro noted the existing chain-link fence would be coming
down when the wall goes up. That would be the time to
correct any encroachment. W~nen the updated survey is
obtained, it can be used to position the wall. Ms. Duvatl
stated she had her property surveyed last year and the
stakes were still there. It was noted that the new wall
would have to be looated on the Monahan's property. Ms.
Duvall did not believe another day care center was needed in
this area as Miss Little's School operates across the
Rosanne Patrick, 201 S.W. 23rd Ave., addressed the Board.
Mrs. Patrick owns and operates Miss Little's School. Mrs.
Patrick couldn't imagine 90 children in a 2,300 sq. ft.
building. Comments were made about the sq. footage the Code
requires for each child. Mrs. Patrick stated her own faci-
lity has a capacity for 52 children and they have 35 to 40
on the roll. She referred to other centers, some of which
are half full. She questioned the need for another day care
center in this area. Mrs. Patrick pointed out the cars
would be coming and going all day long, not just in the
morning and late afternoon.
Mr. Ralph Vallarella, 2210 S.E. 1st Street, was present to
represent 12 neighbors adjacent to the site. Mr. Vallarella
produced a map of the area. He referred to the Monahans
obtaining a change in zoning from R-2 to Professional. He
believed the Monahans' ultimate goal was to put a four story
building on the site. Mr. Vallarella did not feel the faci-
lity was needed. He referred to traffic impact caused by a
nearby nursing facility owned by Mrs. Monahan and the addi-
tional impact of the day care center which he felt would be
considerable and continuous. Mr. Blanchette indicated there
would not be any ingress/egress onto S.E. 1st Street. The
traffic flow was discussed. The flow will be two ways
entering and one way out. Lengthy discussion on the traffic
situation took place with Mr. Vallarella. Mr. Cutro noted
that when this application was brought before the TRB, there
were no objections to the traffic patterns from the Police
or Fire Depts.
Remarks were made about the capacity of the Bethesda
Hospital employee day care facility which is proposed. Ms.
Monahan was aware of this and still felt there was a need.
Relative to the All Care Nursing Care business, Mr.
Blanchette remarked Ms. Monahan was in the process of
searching for a new location to transfer that business, as
it had outgrown itself. Mr. Blanchette was not sure what
would happen to the present building. He thought it might
end up being used for infant care. Mr. Blanchette pointed
out the facility was actually only programmed for about 60
children. The property could handle 90 if they put another
addition on. Other remarks were made about the need for
child care in the area and the fact that the new facility
would be constructed to meet all standards of the Health
Mrs. Greenhouse pointed out that one o~ the greatest con-
cerns of the Task Force on Children was the need for day
care facilities in this area. She thought the market would
take care of itself. She felt this particular location was
appropriate for this type of use.
Mr. Vallarella pointed out he had canvassed all the day care
centers in the ares and o~ly one was nearly full. He still
could not see the need. He did not feel this location was
Mr. Aguila moved that the Board approve the First
Impressions Day Care Center as submitted, with all comments
and agreements made by the applicant. These items include
site lighting, drainage and the 6' fence, if permitted.
Mrs. Greenhouse seconded the motion which carried 4-1. Vice
Chairman Lehnertz voted against the motion. Mr. Blanchette
indicated he would pursue installation of the 6' fence
Mr. Vallarella wanted to be assured that the applicant
wouldn't tell the PZB one thing and then do something else.
He expressed further concerns about the traffic flow. Mr.
Vallarella was told he was welcome to speak to City staff
about remaining questions that he might have. Also, citi-
zens could address the City Commission at the upcoming
Commission meeting.
The meeting properly adjourned at
Shannon Burkett
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)
8:30 P.M.