Minutes 08-02-90MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD RE PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE, HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACh, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1990 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Planning and Zoning Board Gary Lehnertz, Vice Chairman Jose' Aguila Cynthia Greenhouse Daniel E. Richter Community Appearance Board Lynne Matson, Alternate Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director Tambri Heyden, Assistant Planner Vincent Finizlo, Adminis- trative Coordinator of Engineering .ABSENT Planning and Zoning Board Maurice Rosenstock, Chairman Nathan Collins Murray Howard Harold Blanchette, Alternate Community Appearance Board George Armas, Dale Mitchell, Pearl Wisehe, Arthur Berman George Davis Jean Sheridan Eleanor Stephen Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary (Excused) Shuman Jones, Alternate Mr. Golden called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. It was decided to go through the proposed Ordinance page by page. It was apparent to Mrs. Greenhouse that the proposed Ordinance was an attempt to relax the existing Sign Code and it did not seek to correct th~ problems already existing in the City. As one example, she mentioned painted wall signs and said there are no guidelines for them. Mrs. Greenhouse gave further examples. Mr. Richter said the proposed Ordinance was done almost verbatim from the model sign code written by the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. - i - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 Page 1 Sec. 21-3. Definitions Awning should read: "A structure made of cloth or metal with a frame ." instead of "with a metal frame. Changeable copy sign Mrs. Greenhouse emphasized that nowhere in the Code did it refer again to changeable copy signs. Mr. Golden determined it was a definition that did not tie in with anything. Vice Chairman Lehnertz suggested the Members keep this in mind while going through the rest of the proposed Ordinance. Page 3 Flag After discussion, the last line in this paragraph was changed as follows: "The maximum allowed is two (2) dif- ferent flags per pole and up to three (3) poles per lot. Mrs. Greenhouse was the only one who disagreed with this change. Page 4 Illuminated sign Discussion ensued as to whether this also meant neon signs. Mr. Aguila observed the word "neon" was not mentioned any- where in the proposed Ordinance. The Members questioned whether the Ordinance would be allowing neon signs. After further discussion, the Members decided to come back to this definition. (See page 6 of these minutes for another change to this page.) Page 5 Premises Mrs. Greenhouse questioned this definition. During dis- cusslon, Members wondered whether a sign is an appurtenance. 2 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 The other Members felt this definition should remain as written. (See page 5 of these minutes for a further change to this page.) Page 7 Vehicular sign Mrs. Greenhouse called attention to this definition, and there was discussion. Mr. Finizio referred to Mr. Butcher's bull, businesses who use such things as a cow, bug, elephant, or ice cream cone to advertise, and asked whether the Members would allow those. Mrs. Greenhouse commented, "Ugly signs make a city ugly." Discussion ensued. Mr. Richter pointed out you can- not prohibit anything in a definition. Mrs. Greenhouse read the definition of "Vehicular sign" which appears in Sec. 21-3 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. After further discussion, it was agreed the definition of "Vehicular sign" in the proposed Ordinance should read the same as the definition in the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. GENERAL REGULATIONS Sec. 21-4. Permit required After discussion, the Members agreed to the change to the second paragraph of this Section, recommended by Mr. Aguila: "Signs or sign structures constructed prior to the adoption of this Ordinance shall be mandated to obtain a permit. If said sign meets the provisions of this Ordinance, then upon obtaining the required permit, said sign shall be considered in full compliance, and all provisions of this Code shall apply. Signs or sign structures which are unable to meet the requirements of this Ordinance shall be removed within 24 months after adoption of this Ordinance." - 3 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD A_ND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 Page 9 Sec. 21-8. Annual inspection; fee Discussion ensued about how often building inspect. Mrs. Greenhouse made an addition which the Members agreed to: inspectors should to the 4th line, ". .ascertaining whether repair or maintenance, not application the same is unsafe, in need of in conformance with the permit Sec. 21-9. Revocation of permit Mr. Aguila wanted to tie something 21-10 into this Ordinance. It was should be added: like what was in Sec. decided the following "If the owner fails to correct the violation within "X" days (number of days to be determined by City Staff) after such notice, such sign or other advertising structure may be removed or altered ." (Pick up remainder of paragraph beginning with "to comply" in the 9th line under Sec. 21-10. Sec. 21-10. Unsafe and unlawful signs It was decided "a reasonable time" chanqed to" within X number mined by City Staff). in the 7th line should be of days" (to be deter- Sec. 21-11. Number, date and voltage Mrs. Greenhouse observed the word "date" was not included in the definition and thought it was an oversight. Mr. Aguila clarifisd a date indicating when the sign was permitted should be on the sign. Page 10 Sec. 21-12. "Painting required" was changed to "Maintenance required" Discussion ensued about painted wall signs. Mrs. Greenhouse did not think they should be allowed. Mr. Agu~la stated they are not harmonious with architecture. Mrs. Matson commented they are not aesthetically pleasing. The Members agreed to revise the definition as follows: - 4 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 "The owner of any sign as defined and regulated by this ordinance shall be required to properly maintain said sign. The owner of any painted sign shall be required to properly repaint the entire slqn and all parts and supports thereof in its original color at least once every two (2) years. Maintenance per this Section is required regardless of the applicability of this Article." Pages 10 and 11 Sec. 21-15. Removal of abandoned signs Pursuant ~o a recommendation from Mrs. Greenhouse, this definition was changed to read as follows: "Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer adver- tises a bona fide business conducted at that site shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure upon which such sign may be found, within thirty (30) days after the business use ceases. Page 12 Sec. 21-18. Signs and related equipment prohibited in all districts There was discussion as to why "(e) Bus bench signs" were prohibited, and the Members agreed this should remain as written. Page 13 Further discussion ensued about painted wall signs. Page 5 Sign Beginning with the 5th line, an addition was made to this definition as follows: ". .illustration or insignia used to advertise or promote the business interests of any person " Page 13 After further discussion about painted wall roof signs, the Community Appearance Board the following were added to this Section: signs, painted (CAB), and models, MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 "(w) Painted wall signs prohibited. (x) Vehicular signs. (y) Models, whether two scale, less than scale." than scale or greater The consensus was 3-2 that painted wall signs should be pro- hibitedo Vice Chairman Lehnertz and Mr. Richter objected to adding the verbiage that painted wall signs would be prohibited. Page 4 Painted wall sign This paragraph was reworded to read as follows: "Painted wall sign: A sign painted on any exterior surface of the building structure, including the roof." Page 14 Sec. 21-21. Aesthetic qualifications There was lengthy discussion about the CAB and whether the aesthetic considerations should also be reviewed by the Technical Review Board (TRB). (See page 7 of these minutes for decision.) Sec. 21-23. Setbacks The first paragraph was revised as follows: "Ail signs must mee~ a minimum of a ten (10) foot setback measured from the property line to the closest surface of the sign. Where a building is closer than ten (10) feet from a property line, a freestanding sign can have its lead- ing edge one half way between the property line and the building." Page 20 Sec. 21.30. Signs permitted and regulated in planned districts (P.U.D., P.C.D. and P.I.D.) After discussion about the approval of sign programs, the following changes were made: - 6 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 (a) Purpose and intent. The last sentence in this paragraph was changed to read as follows: ~'Prior to issuance of permits, the sign program must be reviewed by the TRB and approved by the CAB.'~ (b) Sign program. The first sentence was revised to read as follows: "Ail requests for approval of a sign program shall be filed with the Planning Department (See page 9 of these minutes for another change to page 20.) Page 21 Paragraph (3) was to reflect the following: "Six (6) copies of the site plan ." After discussion about free standing signs, facade signage, projecting signs, signs visible from the road, signs in shopping centers, industrial areas, the CAB, and directory signs, the Members recommended that an additional section be added to the Sign Ordinance requiring a review by the CAB of all primary non-residential signage. Page 14 Sec. 21-22. Interpretation After discussion about the second pa.ragraph of this Section and who people could appeal to, it was decided this paragraph should remain as written. Sec. 21-21. Aesthetic qualifications Discussion ensued about the community design plan, projects in the City, the CAB, and guidelines for the CAB. The Members recommended the City Staff should provide more specific guidelines to the CAB under this Section. Page 15 Sec. 21-24. Signs permitted and regulated in residential zoning districts There was discussion about paragraphs (b) and (d). It was - 7 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 agreed the following should be added to the title of this section: "Sec. 21-24. Signs permitted and regulated in residential zoning districts other than planned districts" Pages 15 and 16 Sec. 21-25 (b) Beginning with the third sentence on page 16, this paragraph was revised as follows: ". .no such sign shall exceed sixty (60) square feet in area. No sign shall be taller than sixteen (16) feet." (See page 9 of these minutes for additional change to page 16.) Page 17 After discussion, paragraph (g) was changed to read as follows: - (g_) Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height with a limit of one sign per driveway" Beginning with the second sentence, paragraph (b) was revised as follows: '~This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one (1) square foot of sign area for each linear foot of street frontage of the lot, provided such sign shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet in area with a maximum height of sixteen (16) feet. .~' Page 18 Paragraph (b) must read the same as (g) on page 17: "(g) Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height with a limit of one sign per driveway" This also applies to the following pages: - 8 MINUTES - PLA~NNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 Page 16, paragraph (f) Page 20, paragraph (d) Page 19, paragraph (g) Sec. 21-28 Discussion ensued about the size of freestanding signs. It was decided paragraph (b) should reflect the following: "[b) One (1) freestanding sign, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area, advertising the use of the premises. This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one half (1/2) square foot of sign area for each one (1) linear foot of street frontage, with a maximum height of sixteen (16) feet." After noting wall signs appeared in paragraph (c), the word "wall" was deleted, so the paragraph should begin: "(c) One (1) or more fixed projecting or flat sign(s) which advertise . ." Page 19 Sec. 21-29. There was discussion about freestanding signs and various projects. The Members directed the City Staff to prepare language that freestanding signs shall be permitted in existing and renovated projects, and that new projects must conform in full with the CBD Design Guidelines but should not be allowed to have freestanding signs. Mrs. Greenhouse recommended that existing projects being remodeled should not be allowed to increase the size of their signs. Th~ Members further agreed to the following changes: "(b) One (I) freestanding sign, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, advertising the use of the premises. This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one (1) square foot of sign area for each one and cne half (1-1/2) linear foot of street frontage, with a maximum height of sixteen (16) feet.'~ "(c) One (1) or more fixed projecting or flat sign(s) which advertises the use (See second line from top of this page for a further change to page 19. - 9 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 Page 20 (See pages 6, 7, and 9 of these minutes for changes to page 2O.) Page 21 Sec. 21-31. Special signs. There was discussion. A question of the meaning of "Large areas", which appears in the second sentence of paragraph (a) arose. The Members recommended the City Staff should give direction as to what constitutes a large area. After further discussion, the following changes were made: The second sentence in paragraph (a) should read as follows: "Large areas under development siqns not to exceed a combined twenty (120) square feet. shall be permitted two (2) aggregate area of one hundred The next to last sentence in paragraph (a) was revised as follows: "These signs must be removed within thirty (30) days after the permit is issued, if construction has not commenced, or if such construction is substantially abandoned for sixty (60) days, as evidenced by a lack of inspections. ." (See page 7 of these minutes for another change to page 21.) Page 22 Mrs. Matthes questioned the number of directional signs allowed, and lengthy discussion ensued. It was the consen- sus of the Members to make the following changes: (c) Directional signs "(1) General directional signs limited to four (4) per civic organization, church, recreational facility and limited to seventy-two (72) square inches per sign and located at street intersections or other locations for the convenience of the traveling public, may be permitted in city right-of-way when approved by the City Engineer. These signs may be further limited, subject to approval by the City Engineer, for public safety purposes. ." - 10 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COM~JNIT¥ APPEARANCEBOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 The last sentence in paragraph (1) was revised as follows: "A limit of three (3) signs on one (1) pole may be permitted at each street intersection.' After discussion, the Members agreed to these revisions: The following sentence was added at th~ end of paragraph (~): "Said signs must be removed within three days of the completion of the event. "(3) Street signs. A subdivision name sign may be placed on a city street post by city personnel, provided it is requested through the Engineering Department ." Beginning with the third sentence, paragraph (4) was revised as follows: "Said signs shall be approved by the City Engineer or his designated agent.~' Page 23 Discussion ensued about paragraph (6), temporary political signs, and it was decided the City Staff should draft appropriate language for the removal of signs that create a public safety hazard, based on recommendations of the Engineering and Police Departments. Sec. 21-32. Nonconforming signs Mr. Aguila found s contradiction in this paragraph. The paragraph was corrected, as follows: "A sign or advertising structure in an area annexed into the city after the date of the adoption of this ordinance must comply with this chapter as a condition of annexa- tion within 24 months of annexation. Any existing permanent sign which does not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall hereafter be termed nonconforminq." Tbs remainder of the paragraph was deleted. - 11 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING RE SIGNS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 2, 1990 Mrs. Greenhouse was concerned about existing signs. After lengthy discussion, it was agreed to add the following: "Such signs must be removed or brought within 24 months." ~age 24 Sec. 21-34o Penalties The following words were deleted from the top of page 24: and/or imprisonment ADJOURNMENT The meeting properly adjourned at 10:55 P. M. (Three Tapes) into compliance second line at the not exceeding six (6) months." - 12 ADDENDUM TO WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD RE PROPOSED. SIGN ORDINANCE, HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1990 AT 7:30 P. M. In accordance with the Planning and Zoning/Community Appearance Board Workshop relative to the proposed sign ordinance, please revise the following section: Sec. (a) (b) 21-32 Nonconforming Signs A sign or advertising structure which by its type, height, square foot area, location, use or structural support does not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall here- after be termed non-conforming. Ail other provisions of this ordinance to the contrary not withstanding, all signs made nonconforming pursuant to prior duly adopted sign codes, shall be removed no later than three (3) years after being made nonconforming by said prior ordinances. (c) Those signs made nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be removed within two (2) years. (d) A sign or advertising structure in an area annexed into the City after the date of the adoption of this ordinance, must comply with this chapter as a condition of annexation. Pursuant to the request of the Members who attended the above captioned meeting, the foregoing revisions to SectiQn 21-32 were provided by Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering.