Minutes 02-16-90MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYlgTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1990 AT 6:00 P. M. PRESENT Robert Walshak, Chairman Nathan Collins, Jr., Vice Chairman Murray Howard Gary Lehnertz Daniel Richter Carl Zimmerman Dee Zibelli, Alternate (Voting) Denys "Sam" DeLong, Alternate (Present in Audience) Tim Cannon, Planning Interi~ Directoz ABSENT Harold Blanchette (Excused) Chairman Walshak called the meeting to order at 6:06 P. M. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, he igtro- duced the Interim Planning Director and the Members Of the Board. He recognized the presence in the audience of Commissioner Lee Wische. Also present in the audience were J. Scott Miller, City Manager, and Gary Ashcraft, Exgcutive Vice President of the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce. NEW BUSINESS A. Reconsider issue of consistency of Dry Boat Storace in Central Business District (CBD) Chairman Walshak apprised everyone a vote was taken ~y the Board on Tuesday, Feoruary 13, 1990 relative to dry ~oat storage. The vote that evening was 4-3 that dry boa~ storage was not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City Manager requested that Chairman Wals~ak call this meeting so the Board could reconsider their motion. Chairman Walshak thought there was more to the proposition being presented to the City Commission than the P&Z Board was aware of at their meeting on February 13th. Chairman Walshak read a letter from Harold Blanchette Member of the Board, which had just been delivered to'him. (See Exhibit 1 attached to these minutes.) MINUTES - SPECIAL PLA~;NING & ZONING BOARD MEETING - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1990 Motion Mrs. Zibelli moved to rehear the request for consistency review with the Comprehensive Plan for a dry boat storage facility in the CBD. Mr. Richter seconded the motion. Mr. Lehnertz believed the motion was out of order because he thought the motion should come from someone who voted on the other side. Mrs. Zibelli argued that the motion was not out of order. According to Robert's Rules of Order, Chairman Walshak advised the motion could not be made by anyone who had participated in the vote. Mrs. Zibelli did not participate in the vote. Therefore, Chairman Walshak ruled that the motion was in order. The Recordi~ng Secretary repeated the motion, and the motion carried 4-3. Messrs. Howard, Lehnertz and Zimmerman voted against the motion. In response~to a question by Mr. Lehnertz, Chairman Walshak replied tha:t he did not have Robert's Rules of Order with him. As Mr. Lehnertz seemed to be in doubt and as he was impartial ~nd familiar with Robert's Rules of Order, Commissioner Wische advised that anyone on the negative side cannot bring up an issue. Anyone on the positive side of the vote or anyone who has not voted as an Alternate sitting down can. Chairman Walshak thought those were also his feelings. He added that a motion to rescind is also under Robert's Rules of Order, and any Member of the Board can do that. Craig Livingston, Siteworks Architects and Planners, Inc., 118 S. E. 4th Street, Boynton Beach, FL, thouqht it was important for the Board to see a total picture of the proje'ct, and he presented renderings. Mr. Livingston said the key to the waterfront developmen5 will be Busch's Sea- food Restaurant, which is presently located in Ocean Ridge. He informed the Board that 500 to 600 people a n~ght go to the r.estaurant, and it will a~tract the kind of people the City wants in the downtown. T~ere will also be 30,000 squar~ feet of shops and boutiques. It will be a nice marin~ setting. In addition, there will be a raw bar, which peopl~e can come to by car or boat. Mr. Livingston said there will also be a 45 foot lighthouse, which will be a signature for the project. The project will consist of a 200 boat storage facility, so people will be coming in from other areas. Mr. Livingston said the boat storage building will have gray stained cedar siding on the exterior and white French windows. It will have a llght - 2 - MINUTES SPECIAL PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1990 blue metal roof, similar to Bayside. Mr. Livingston stated it will not be recognized as a boat storage building. All boat traffic in and out of the boat storage will be oriented directly into the water on the east side. One and ~wo story retail shops will be wrapped around the building, and the two story Busch's restaurant will be looking out over the water. Each building was carefully designed to fit the coastal village architecture. Mr. Livingston commented that the downtown is falling apart. He suggested reorienting Orange Avenue, which presently comes off Ocean Avenue, by moving it to the west and making it a north/south street that would connect Boynton Beach Boulevard with Ocean Avenue. Ail of the traffic would go east across Boynton Beach Boulevard. It will go across U. S. 1, down through the marina site, to miss the liqht at Ocean Avenue and U. S. 1 and back onto Ocean Avenue. Mr. Livingston continued by saying plenty of parking will be available to people. He also showed a future hotel. _WLr. Livingston apprised the Members he has been meeting with some of the property owners. There is a lot of land to build maybe a 50 or 75 foot water oriented hotel on Ocean Avenue. There would be room for a parking garage in the event the City wants to build a parking structure. Mr. Livingston reminded the Members he has been working on this project and trying to get it started for about five years. Mr. Livingston elaborated, and there was discussion about the project and the boat storage. Vice Chairman Collins thought it would enhance the downtown area. He asked if Mr. Livingston knew how many people would be employed as a result of the project. Mr. Livingston answered, "Not yet." He was in the process of doing the site plan approval package. Busch's employs 15 to 20 people, and he would have to calculate the number of their shifts. Mrs. Zibelli wanted to be sure this was what the City would get. Mr. Livingston assured her it was. Discussion ensued about financing, the 45 foot height limitation, the CBD, and this property being a keystone. During the Comprehensive Plan review process, Chairman Walshak recalled that the Board suggested a job by job performance standard for building in the CBD, which would have alleviated the City from changing any Ordinances. This project would have been a typical example, and he explained. Chairman Walshak asked what happened with the performance MINUTES - SPECIAL PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING - BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1990 standard at the City Commission level. He inquired whether it is still a part of the zoning process. Mr. Cannon replied that the City does not have a performance standard Ordinance at this time. The plan suggests that performance standards be adopted, but until they are adopted the existing regula- tions will be in effect. If boat storage works for' this particular project, Chairman Walshak explained to everyone the City Commission could approve it without opening up the whole CBD to boat storage. According to State law, Mr. Cannon said the City must adop~ those regulations by June lat. Mr. Lehnertz wondered if he heard correctly when he heard Mr. Livingston say the boat storage would be a minor part of the project and the restaurant would be the people drawer. Mr. Livingston answered that the boat storage building is the largest building. From the standpoint of the activity it will generate, it Ks not the central portion of the pro- ject. The boat storage building will probably have two employees. Generally, about 28% to 25% of the boats are out at any one time. Chairman Walshak asked if fork lifts will be runnzng around the outside of the building. Mr. Livingston answered, "No," and he explained that it will be a totally inside operation. According to the Ordinance, it was indoor boat storage. Chairman Walshak wondered if the Ordinance forbids fork lifts from runnzng around the parking lot and things of that nature. Mr. Howard znquired whether they were going to rely on people storing boats to create business in the CBDs. He noticed over 50% of the whole complex will be boat storage. Mr. Livingston replied that only 25% of the 200 boats will be used at any one time, and that will not bring in a lot of people into the downtown. Part of the key is to have the restaurant and retail shops. Discussion ensued about the amount of people the project will bring into the CBD, Busch's restaurant, and marinas up and down the coast that do not have dry boat storage but attract people. In reading through the memorandum from Mr. Cannon, it seemed to Mr. Lehnertz that the dry boat storage could be approved without any finding of consistency. Mr. Cannon answered that all of the regulations have to be reviewed by the Board for consistency. - 4 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1990 Mr. Richter referred to the Ordinance in the back of the Members' packets and read: "Dry storage of private pleasure craft as a conditional use, including service and repair of same as an accessory use. Buildings used for dry storage of boats shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, shall be enclosed on at least three (3) sides, and shall be designed so as to be compatible with the intent of the CRA Plan, CBD zoning and landscaping regulations, and CBD Design Guidelines." Chairman Walshak noted Mr. Cannon said the Planning Depart- ment seemed to feel this would be consistent. Mr. Cannon answered that the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA's) Plan anticipates that there will be dry boat storage in the CBD, but it hinted the best place to put the dry boat storage would be under each bridge which, at this point, was not even on the five year plan. He told Mrs. Zibelli he thought the CRA plan had a graphic which showed dry boat storage underneath the bridge. It never explicitly said in the text it should be underneath the bridge or that it should be prohibited. Mr. Cannon informed Chairman Walshak that the Planning Department felt it was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Howard alluded to the appearance of boat storage build- ings deteriorating quickly. He wondered how they would up- hold this appearance. Mr. Livingston replied that the restaurant owner will be in the center of the marina. The advantage of a project like this is each one is dependent on the ethers to make it a totally overall successful project. Mrs. Zibelli maintained. downtown. was not worried about how the project would be She thought it would be a big boost for the Mr. Lehnertz reiterated that he had severe reservations about putting a warehouse in the middle of the CBD. It will take over half of the project but will only draw 1% or 2% of what the other half of the project will draw. No matter how good it looked on paper, Mr. Lehnertz emphasized it is still a warehouse and still will not draw any people. He felt the City could do a lot better and could draw people in a much more positive effect. Mrs. Zibelli asked if Mr. Lehnertz had any ideas of what should be put there, as he sounded like he was against the project. Mr. Lehnertz was against putting a warehouse in the CBD. He repeated prior statements. Mrs. Zibelli challenged his vision. - 5 - MINUTES - SPECIAL PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1990 Chairman Walshak had mixed emotions. Be agreed with Mr. Lehnertz that it was a warehouse deal. That being the core of the CBD, he had reservations. On the other hand, the Board was to determine whether the project was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Depart- ment told them it is consistent. Chairman Walshak commented that the Guidelines for the CBD are terribly ambiguous. He read them and the Comprehensive Plan and could not find where this pro3ect was inconsistent. That was the reason he voted the way he did on Tuesday evening, February 13, 1990. Mrs. Zibelli moved to find the project consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Vice Chairman Collins seconded the motion, and the motion carried 4-3. Messrs. Howard, Lehnertz and Zimmerman voted against the motion. ADJOURNMENT ~The meeting properly adjourned at Patricia Rams eye Recording Secretary f / (One Tape) 6:45 P. M. - 6 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN 3133 LAKE WORTH ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 33461 305/965-8424 Residonce 732-9559 ~R~ARY 16, 1990 CEAI~5~-P&Z BOARD M]~BER-H L BLANOHET~E BOAT STORAGE BUILI~NG It is my epimion that the future development of the City of Boyaton Beach relies on the way the ~u~ is plsamed. If it should begin with a weak plsm, future plan~ers will change the concept or drop it altogether su~d that will be a disaster. Om the other hand if the CORE is well pla~med end has a strong theme, the project will h~ve the base to carry it to the designed conclusion. At the last board meeting I voted negatively on the boat storage facility because by it self it is not a condusive reason for developer or la~d owner to get excited about the new approach to the 21st ceatury. If I had been showa the entire presentation I may Dave had a different attitute ward the building. If it is the consensus of the pla~ming & zo~ing board, I would be in favor of a~other hearing of the consistency review foozle future of the Fi~u~cial/ ~si~ess/ Recreati°n Center of Beymten Beach. EXHIBIT 1