Minutes 03-26-20 Minutes of the Community Development Block Grant Public Participation Meeting
Held on March 26, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.
At Intracoastal Park Clubhouse
2240 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida
Lashea Brooks, Interim Community Improvement Director
Chris Mitchell, Construction Coordinator, Community Improvement
Also Present:
Gloria Green, Praise and Deliverance Church
Lashea Brooks, Interim Community Improvement Manager, noted this was the
Community Development Block Grant Public Participation Meeting required to be held
by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for fiscal year 2020/2021. She
called the meeting to order at 5:23 p.m.
Ms. Brooks gave an overview of the CDBG program. The program provides funding
from the federal government to metropolitan cities. When a metropolitan city is
guaranteed funds, they have entitlement status. They use the funds to assist in
devising innovative approaches to improve the physical, economic and social conditions
in low-income areas. Local governments are known as grantees or recipients.
She explained subrecipients, who are generally non-profit organizations, assist the
recipient to implement and administer its program. Typically, they assist the recipient to
undertake one or more activities such as administer a home rehabilitation loan program
or manage a job training program. There are three national categories: benefit low to
moderate-income people, address slum and blight, and address a particular urgent
community need. Benefits for low to moderate-income persons encompasses an area
benefit, limited clientele, and housing and jobs.
In the low to moderate income persons, the area benefit will be projects that benefit a
geographic, target or city-wide area. The City of Boynton Beach's target area is the
Heart of Boynton (HOB) and the HOB receives more projects and services, although the
City does provide funds for other activities city-wide. Usually these are domestic
violence, health, senior centers or daycares. Those who use the building are
beneficiaries and it is perceived that 70% of the beneficiaries will be low to moderate
income persons or presumes that 100% of those who received services are abused
children, battered spouses, elderly persons, severely disabled, homeless and illiterate
Meeting Minutes
CDBG Public Participation Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida March 26, 2020
Community Development Block Grant funds can be used for public facilities and
improvement. These activities include acquisition, installation, construction and
rehabilitation of infrastructure including water/sewer lines, streets and sidewalks. Funds
have been used in this manner in the past, but not lately. Neighborhood facilities, such
as the Wilson Center, Sara Sims and the Senior Center all used CDBG dollars. There
are health care and substance abuse services, and they provide housing for battered
families. Pathway to Prosperity provides job training and budgeting and they work with
families to be self-sufficient and to eventually become homeowners. They have for
prevention of homelessness and Aid to Victims of Domestic Violence also provides the
same assistance so battered spouses they will have a place to go. Legal Aid provides
Fair Housing Counselling, and provides training and information. The City can also
refer applicants who are in an eviction situation who feel they were discriminated
against in housing, so they can intervene and defend It is a service they provide for the
CDBG funds assistance with child care, summer camp scholarships and youth
mentoring programs. Ms. Brooks advised the City does not know how much money they
will receive for fiscal year 20/21. Last year, the City received $529,565, but the City
estimates the funds will be about the same. The fiscal year for the program is October 1
through September 30tH
Fifteen percent of the funds is the maximum allowed for public services. The City can
retain 20% for administration of the program and the remainder is for other eligible
activities such as economic development, housing, rehab and infrastructure. The
guidelines do not allow program funds to benefit a church. A 501 (c) 3 such as
Pathways to Prosperity (P2P), that is a separate organization from the Church,
however, can receive funds.
Ms. Brooks suggested looking at the application, which is April 20th. Applications are
reviewed by a team of five people who score them. Applicants can also call in advance
or make an appointment and they can review the application together. Ms. Brooks
provided her contact information. She advised the application is very simple. The
funding is on a reimbursable basis and the organization has to be financially sound.
They must provide proof of how the funds were used and the funds are not intended to
be seed money. They have to provide an audit and financial statement.
Ms. Brooks concluded the meeting at 5:47 p.m.
Catherine Cherry 1)
Minutes Specialist