TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1989 AT 5:00 P. M.
Robert Walshak, Chairman
Nathan Collins, Jr., Vice Chairman
Harold Blanchette
Gary Lehnertz
Daniel Richter
Carl Zimmerman
Murray Howard, Alternate (Voting)
Marilyn Huckle (Excused)
Carmen Annunzia=o,
Planning Director
Tim Cannon,
Senior City Planner
Chairman Walshak called the meeting to order at 5:00 P. M.
He referred to a memorandum from Mr. Annunziato dated May
11, 1989. He did not have any problems with Section I, but
with regard to Section II, it seemed to him that Mayor Moore
said Section II should be discussed by the Planning and
Zoning (P&Z) Board to maintain some semblance of Order in
the Comprehensive Plan review process. Chairman Walshak
noted the memo said Section III consisted of comments which
were made by the public, but which were not addressed in
Section I, and he asked what that meant.
Mr. Cannon explained that the City Commission, in order to
shorten its review, requested that the Planning Department
make up a separate list of comments limited only to any
differences between the comments from the City Staff and the
P&Z Board's recommendations. That was what Section I
consisted of. Florida Statutes requires that the governing
body consider and respond to any comments by the public.
Therefore, in Section III the Planning Staff listed any com-
ments by the public that were not picked up in Section I.
Chairman Walshak asked if the comments were presented at
public hearings before the City Commission or the P&Z Board.
Mr. Cannon answered that they were from both. Chairman
Walshak questioned whether the P&Z Board did not review all
of the comments. Mr. Cannon replied that some of the com-
ments from the public were made only at the City Commission
hearing. The only things the P&Z Board did not address,
which the Planning Staff found by searching back into the
records, were some of the comments and memorandums from the
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MAY 16, 1989
City Staff, which was what Section II consisted of. Ail of
the comments made by the public at the hearings before the
P&Z Board, the P&Z Board responded to. There was repetition
of prior comments by Chairman Walshak and Mr. Cannon.
Chairman Walshak asked where the comments from Johnnetta
Broomfield, Director of Community Improvement, were. Mr.
Cannon thought all of the comments in Section II, under the
Future Land Use Element and that all of the comments under
the ~ousing Element were from Ms. Broomfield.
Page 49, line 3 Levels of Service
Mr. Cannon read the first comment referring to line 3 of
this page and said the only place where there might be a
real problem would be if they expanded the Commercial in the
Central Business District (CBD) because it might affect the
traffic generation substantially. Mr. Richter thought it
was said that except during peak periods, the traffic level
would be retained. Mr. Cannon replied that the Traffic
Circulation Element stated that in the coastal area there
would be a lower level of service (LOS) than the standard,
which is LOS "C".
Chairman Walshak thought the LOS here was referring to all
services (sewer, water, and traffic). Be asked if the
intent of the comment was that they were not to increase any
densities and that they should first do a study. Mr. Cannon
thought it was pointing out that the City may not be able to
meet the established levels of service that are in the other
Elements. If they cannot meet the levels of service, Chair-
man Walshak remarked that they cannot build, so increasing
the densities would mean nothing~ and it would be a moot
point. If they exceed the LOS, they cannot get a certifi-
cate of occupancy (C.O.) or a building permit, and this
statement would apply to anyplace in the City. Mr. Cannon
Chairman Walshak inquired why the P&Z Board did not see this
before. He saw the date "5/1/89" on the sheet before him
and said the P&Z Board had a public hearing after that. Mr.
Cannon answered that the Planning Staff received Ms.
Broomfield's memorandum concerning the Future Land Use Ele-
ment after the last P&Z Board meeting. Chairman Walshak
read," .(see previously transmitted memorandum, dated
5/1/89, from the Community Improvement Director)." The
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MAY 16, 1989
Board had its last public hearing on the Housing Element and
the Capital Improvements Element on May 9th.
Mr. Lehnertz saw no problem with it. Mr. Richter thought it
was covered. Chairman Walshak felt it was covered in the
plan already suggested by the Board, but he had a problem
with this coming after the fact when, apparently, it was
available prior to the fact. Mr. Annunziato referred to all
of the pieces of paper his Department processed so they
could get them to the Board in a reasonable length of time
and said he could not recall the sequence of events.
Mr. Cannon thought what happened was the Board limited its
discussion on May 9th to the Capital Improvements Element.
After expounding, Chairman Walshak referred to the Board
working hard to get the Plan presented to the City
Commission, and then they get things like this. He did not
feel it should "throw water" on what the Board had already
Page 49, line 3 - Mixed Use Zonin~
This was the second comment made by Ms. Broomfield with
regard to line 3. Mr. Cannon explained that if they have
performance standards, they would have to have setbacks,
depending on the building heights. Chairman Walshak
recalled that the Board had recommended that a performance
standard be attached to the Mixed Use (MX) zoning.
Page 51, 2nd paragraph
The Members had no problems with this comment.
Page 51, 5th paragraph, line 6 - Mangroves
Chairman Walshak thought this had been addressed by the
Board. He asked if the Board had discussed the Department
of Transportation (DOT) needing a retention facility in the
uplands section of the mangrove. Mr. Annunziato answered
that they did. The Members agreed with Chairman Walshak
that the Board had adequately addressed this.
Page 54, line 1 - Shopping Center Across From City Hall
Mr. Cannon thought this comment had been negated because the
City Commission decided they would not include the land use
recommendations for the CRA's expansion area except for
Boynton Beach Boulevard, between Seacrest Boulevard and
MAY 16, 1989
1-95. Chairman Walshak stated that the Board argued and
discussed this at considerable length. He thought the Board
ruled against a shopping center on that piece of property,
and that was the wa~ the Board wanted to see their recommen-
dation go to the Cit~ Commission. The Members agreed. Mr.
Cannon said the Planning Staff would reiterate that tonight.
P~ 5~, line 18 - TroDigas
Vice Chairman Collins asked if Tropigas has underground
storage. Mr. Cannon was not Sure. Mr. Blanchette thought
they just use LP gas. If Ms. Broomfield knew Something the
Board did not know, Chairman Walshak felt she should have
brought it to the ~oard's attention. Mr. Richter pointed
ou~ that it is a non-conforming use, and he agreed with Ms.
Broom£~eld,s commen~. Mr. Blanchette thought the soil was
being tested in all cases where tanks of any type come in.
There was discussion abou~ what banks require. Chairman
Walshak asked if the comment mean~ Tropigas or the new owner
is required to do soil tests. Mr. Cannon thought Ms.
Broomfield was referring to the current owner.
Mr. Annunziato said his Department received the memo from
Ms. Broomfield after the Board concluded its comments on the
Future Land Use Element and forwarded them to the City
Commission. Chairman Walshak repeated prior statements about
the date of the memo and the date of the Board's meeting.
The Members had no prolem with the comment.
Page 72, 1st ~aragraph
Chairman Walshak said the Board had made SUggestions about
the Community Redevelopment Plan.
Page 72, 4th paragraph, line 3 - Three Lots Lying
South of Martin Luther KingA_jr. Boulevard
Mr. Cannon thought the City
suggested that they may not owned the lots Ms. Broomfield
be suitable fo~ Residential.
Vice Chairman Collins asked why. Mr. Cannon replied that
they do not have access to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
or any other main street. He thought they were on an unpaved
alley. The Members had no problem with that.
~~4tha_p~ra~, ~ine 3 - Urban Design Plan~
Chairman Walshak stated that the recommendation from the
P&Z Board was that the City adopt the Urban Design plan as
quickly as possible. Mr. Cannon responded that had been
picked up in another comment.
Mr. Cannon said most of the comments were made by the
Planning Department. There were revisions to population and
dwelling unit figures, which were necessary because the
original population projections assumed annexation west of
Lawrence Road, and the City wanted to fix the boundary at
Lawrence Road as far as population projections. All of the
numbers have to be changed.
Chairman Walshak had no objections to any of the comments on
page 3 of the list of comments furnished to the Members for
their review, and the Members of the Board had no objections.
Page 4 of the Comments
Page V-1
The M~nbers agreed with this comment.
Page V-5 - ACLFs
Mr. Cannon informed the Members that the City Commission
decided it will allow Adult Congregate Llving Facilities
(ACLFs) in all Residential districts, subject to the 1800
foot separation. There was discussion about whether an
ACLF is a group home. Mr. Cannon clarified that they were
saying, providing the ACLFs are compatible with other dwell-
ings in the neighborhood. Chairman Walshak recalled that
the P&Z Board talked about group homes, and the majority of
the Board voted to allow them in any section of town, but
he felt ACLFs were a different breed altogether.
Mr. Cannon stated that this discussion was specifically
about housing for the elderly, which Chapter 95 required
that the Board specifically address. He informed Chairman
Walshak that ACLFs primarily provide housing for the
elderly. Mr. Howard asked if he was referring to a retire-
ment home. Mr. Cannon answered affirmatively but added that
the ACLFs range in size from three persons to potentially
hundreds. Mr. Lehnertz thought the key words were that they
have to be compatible with other dwellings in the ne~ghbor-
Mr. Blanchette, Mr. Richter, Vice Chairman Collins ha~ no
problem with it. Chairman Walshak had a terrible problem
- 5 -
MAY 16, 1989
with it, and he alluded to how he feels about group homes.
Mr. Howard also had a problem with it, as he was not quite
sure what it meant. Mr. Lehnertz agreed because he thought
ACLFs should be allowed in all areas of the City. Mr.
Zimmerman also agreed with the comment. Chairman Walshak
determined the majority of the Board said OK.
Page V-16, lines 7 and 12 - Change "Community Redevelop-
ment Agency" and "CRA" to Community_Improvement Department
After discussion, Chairman Walshak stated that if Mr.
Annunziato did not have a problem with the comment, then
did not have a problem with it.
Mr. Annunziato apprised the Board Members that the Housing
Authority was approved by Resolution. The responsibilities
were assigned to the Palm Beac~ County ~ousing Authority.
There has not been an active agency in the City for three or
four years. Chairman Walshak commented that according to
this, they would be changing the Housing Authority and the
authority to the Community Improvement Department. Mr.
Annunziato thought "Authority" related to 5ousing Authority.
Vice Chairman Collins felt the function would remain the
same. It was just a matter of changing the wording somewhat.
Chairman Walshak remembered that there were some benefits
through a Housing Authority. If the comment was intended to
just change "Housing Authority" to "Authority", Vice
Chairman Collins said he would not have a problem with it.
Mr. Annunziato advised that it was to change the Housing
Authority and "Authority", which referred to Housing
Authority to the Community Improvement Department. Vice
Chairman Collins asked if the function would be the same.
Mr. Annunziato answered affirmatively.
If the ~ousing Authority came back as a viable agency some-
time in the future, Mr. Annunziato thought all of these
things would have to be reconsidered. However, he did not
see it happening in the near future.
The last page reflected changes proposed by Walter Keller,
Jr., P.E., AICP. In examining his own work, Mr. Cannon
said the Traffic Consultant found these corrections were
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MAY 16, 1989
With the transmittal of this, Chairman Walshak thought
they should say, with reference to Section II, that the P&Z
Board addressed the concerns of the Community Improvement
Director in the Plan they recommended to the City commission
for approval. The Members thought that was a very good
Chairman Walshak saw that the P&Z Board recommended that
most of the comments in Section III be approved.
Vice Chairman Collins hoped that in the future, these things
would get to the Board in a timely fashion so there would
not be an overlap. Chairman Walshak thought Mayor Moore
indicated that doing it without a consensus of opinion by
the P&Z Board would violate the Ordinance and maybe the
Florida Statutes.
Mr. Btanchette moved to forward Section II to the City
Commission as revised by the Board at this meeting, seconded
by Mr. Lehnertz. Motion carried 7-0.
Th~ meeting properly adjourned at 5:40 P. M.
Patricia Ramseyer \ [
Recording Secretary ~J
(One Tape)