Minutes 03-06-89 MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING HELD AT PRIME BANK PLAZA, 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1989, AT 7:30 P.M. REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ELEMENTS PRESENT Robert Walshak, Chairman Harold Blanchette, Vice Chairman Jose' Aguila Gary Lehnertz Marilyn Huckle Daniel Richter Carl Zimmerman Murray Howard, Alternate Nathan Collins, Jr., Alternate Carmen ~nnunziato, Planning Director Tim Cannon, Senior City Planner Chairman Walshak called the meeting to order at 7:331P. M. Mr. Cannon referred to the eleven page packet he hadlpassed out to the Board members and stated that these pagesicontain the comments from the workshop meetings held on the %arious COmprehensiVe Plan Elements. He referred to the keylon the first page which was used to indicate where each comment originated. ~ FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Mr. Cannon indicated that a general comment for thisielement was made which indicated that recommendations and policies contained in the Future Land Use Element including hgight limitations are to be codified in the City's land develop- ment regulations when possible. This comment came about as a result of Mrs. Huckle's statement. Board's Recommendation The Board was in agreement with this comment. Page 54, 3rd paragraph and Page 102, Policy 9.7 Mr. Cannon noted that reference is made to the Boynt~n Beach Boulevard Urban Design Plan when this has not officially been adopted. Board's Recommendation It was the consensus of this Board that they would s~ggest to the City Commission that the BBB Urban Design Pla~ be adopted as quickly as possible. Mrs. Huckle suggested and the Board agreed that the sltate- ment included on page 102 "...except where the Urban 'Design -1- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOY'TON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Plan has been superseded by the adopted Community Redevelopment Plan" should be incorporated into the above recommendation. Page 58, 2nd paragraph The Building Official made the comment under this section. It was noted this applies to only a small area of the City, but there is a code which applies and it should be as stated. Board's Recommendation It was the consensus of the Board that this comment be included. Page 59, Area 1.a. Mr. Cannon stated these are the parcels south of the Hypoluxo marina at the north end of the City, east of U.S. 1. One of the Board members had suggested that the City not allow another boat storage building next to the one which exists on Hypoluxo. It was further suggested this would be an appropriate location for 16 dwellings per acre if developed for multi-family housing. Chairman Walshak agreed with the comment. Mr. Richter felt that no one would buy the units if high intensity residential were placed next to the "barn." He felt this was a good place (since the State was suggesting the City needs more marinas) for dry storage. He felt the high intensity could be moved south and provide a good buffer between the marina and the residential area. Mr. Annunziato felt that since the suggestion ~s that there be a Planned Commercial District (PCD) and this would deter- mine how the land would be used, the City would have approve the plans so there would be some control over goes in the PCD rezoning. Heights of buildings could controlled as well. The original pla~ shows this as retail if it is a PCD and approved as a marina boat s what be kocal orage. is is :orage The Mr. Richter further commented that he felt that if th allowed to be a marina, the higher building for dry s should be next to the "barn" which is already there. next 4 acres south of that should be ground level boa storage. To the south of that on the empty lots is where the planned R-3 development for high rises would go t~ shield from the single family lots south of there. SQuth of MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 the single family neighborhood is a 4 story condominimum (Inlet Harbor). Mr. Zimmerman wished to see a lower density and intensity (lighter use) which was graduated down. He also liked to see less height. Mr. Richter wished to see the possibility left open for a planned marina on the property. Mr. Richter did not want to delete the boat storage buildings as shown in the comments. Mr. Annunziato felt that the way staff's recommendations are worded would allow for that. Mr. Aguila felt that boat marinas should not be deleted, but they could limit it in height. Mr. Annunziato stated that the maximum height is 45' but it could be less, subject to approval. Chairman Walshak noted the property and is adjacent R-1AA property. currently zoned R-3 Mr. Annunziato stated that the PCD is for two old pl~tted lots which run from the Intracoastal from Lake Worth to U.S. 1. South of that it is recommended that the tier of lots on the north side of Dimmick Road be attached multi-family residential. He did not think this would ~ork at 16 units per acre. There was not enough land, so this should be the maximum of 10 units per acre townhomes. The remaining R-1AA should be changed to R-lA due to the small lot sizes. Mr. Richter agreed with this suggestion. Mr. Lehnertz did not agree with the comment and felt they should go with the staff recommendation in the original document. Mrs. Huckle stated that she agreed with t~e original text. It was the consensus of the Board that they felt the Driginal recommendation from staff was appropriate. Page 59, Area 1.b. It was the agreement of the Board that height limitations should be codified. Mrs. Huckle stated this should b~ addressed in the Comprehensive Plan as well. Mr. Cannon stated the height limitations would be codified within one year of adoption of the Plan. -3- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Page 61, Area 1.h. Chairman Walshak asked why the area by the Tropics which has such a noise problem could not also be Special High Density Residential (16 units per acre). Mr. Annunziato stated that several years ago a request for a PUD uo build fancy town- homes with no increase in density was denied. He did not feel the residents would go along with allowing 16 units per acre in that area. Chairman Walshak stated the property has been sitting for three or four years, and he felt that it could be discussed. The area south of Bernards and Via Lago might be an area to consider increasing the density to 16 units per are. This is the old trailer park. All were in agreement with this suggestion. Page 70, Area 2.f. There was much discussion as all the members wanted uo see something done to improve this old sewage treatment plant site. There was discussion about cost to level the site. Mr. Annunziato stated that the cost to do so would be substantial. City Manager Cheney had stated that something will be done in the next few years at this site. All were in agreement the site should be cleared and that the origi- nal staff recommendation be followed. Page 64, Area 1.n. This site has a large mangrove area behind McDonalds. Chairman Walshak had walked the area and he noted the land is very wet and mangroves cover most of it. Mr. Annunziato wanted to see the area surveyed before a decision was made. He did not want to see the door closed on any possible deve- lopment in that area. There was further discussion amd it was felt this area was right at sea level. After discussion, Chairman Walshak stated this was to be left as High Density and that the Special should be removed. Pages 72-76, Planning Area 3 The Board was in agreement with the comment made regarding attaching the PZB's recommendations on the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan to the City Commission. Page 78, Area 4.d. The comment was made that the maximum height be raised from 1 story to 2 stories for this area. Mr. Lehnertz was not in -4- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 agreement with raising the height limitation. Mrs. Huckle also was in disagreement. Chairman Walshak had made the comment and Vice Chairman Blanchette stated that wit~ the price of land being so high, it only seemed fair to give the developer a chance to make money with his property. Mrs. Huckle felt this would have too much impact on the property owners in that area. City staff had recommended that the buildings be one story and in keeping with the residential character of the neighborhood. Mr. Richter felt it could be developed as two stories and still be very beautiful. Mr. Aguila stated that he felt one story was appropriate. Vice Chairman Blanchette felt two stories should be allowed. Mrs. Huckle and Mr. Zimmerman wanted one story. It was a consensus of the majority of the Board that the height limit should be one story. Page 78, Area 4.e. This property is south of the water treatment plant and was acquired for water plant expansion and recreation. Mr. Zimmerman felt this use would provide a good buffer. Chairman Walshak felt this was an important piece of pro- perty which the City should look to purchase as quickly as possible. Vice Chairman Blanchette was concerned about recreation in an area which would have toxic problems. The Board agreed with the comment and added that the pro- perty should be acquired as quickly as possible by the City. Page 86, Area 7.c. This is the 104 acres across from the mall. Mr. Cannon stated that the Planning Department had tried to anticipate the wishes of the property owner wanting to change tc higher density for this area. Due to the traffic situation, it was recommended this be kept as moderate density residential. Mr. Annunziato used a hypothetical situation where someone like Motorola might want to come in. The area could be used for a purpose such as this. Much of the area could ~e left as lakes and with park areas. The comment listed is to leave the property as Moderate Density Residential. There was further discussion that a decision could be made when the developer comes in with his request. It was a consensus of the Board that the original texit should be used. -5- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Page 87, Area 7.d. The comment was to preserve this area in its natural state and place it in the Recreational land use category. Mr. Lehnertz was in agreement with this as the developerlhad originally promised to do so. He did not feel that a deve- 1Qper had the right to come back and say he now wanted to use part of the area for a parking lot to accommodate a sixth department store for the mall. Mr. Annunziato pointed out that the area has become ~ighly degraded. There is an opportunity to take the area ~nd make some improvements in the landscaping, etc. If left as is it will probably continue to go down. The pines in ~he area are in poor condition. Chairman Walshak pointed out ithat a serious rodent problem also exists in that area. This property will be discussed in May at a hearing Of the City Commission. Mr. Annunziato felt that the environmental issue and the buffer issue should be separated. The!people to the west want to see a buffer area. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to go with the original text. Pages 90-91, Area 8.a. This is the Tradewinds area, and contains 34.4 acres!of Sand Pine Scrub and 2 acres of pine flatwoods. Both are designated as "A" rated sites. Mr. Annunziato had spoken with the City Attorney in ~egard to this area since it is tied up in the courts. City Attorney Rea felt that they could continue with the Comprehensive Plan process. He did not feel that they should go so far as to change unit count as approved iin the stipulation. Chairman Walshak did not feel any actiQn should be taken which might jeopardize the City. ~e Iwanted to leave this area alone while the City is in litigatlion. Mr. Lehnertz did not feel the comment was changing anything. The wording is already in the ConServation Element anld this would simply make the Land Use Element the same. Chalirman Walshak did not feel the owner should be told that 401 of his 115 acres is an "A" rated site and he cannot build onI that portion. Mr. Annunziato had not seen the plans for the develoPment of the property so he did not know if the developer had Won- sidered the "A" rated sites when planning the development. There was further discussion that at the present timei, the plan was to preserve 25 percent of an ecological important site. Mr. Annunziato did not know if that percentageI was i MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 enough. Mr. Richter did not like the original text, but felt that no changes should be recommended until the!court case is resolved. Mr. Annunziato stated that it would not hurt 0r do any good to state that there are some scrubs on the parcel. After further discussion, it was a consensus of the Board that they Wished to stay with the original text. 91, Areas 8.b. and ~8.c. This is the corner which has been suggested as a possible ACLF site. The ACLF would have a conditional use aPProval which would give the City control over the development. There was discusison regarding Commissioner Weiner'sicomment that aniACLF exists down the road from this proposedisite. It was the feeling of the Board that was irrelevant %o this issue. It was the consensus of the Board that they go with ~he ori- ginal text on this issue. Page 92-93, Area 8.h. The text states that the north 10 acres of this area should be changed to Office Commercial and the remainder stay as local retail commercial. It was recommended that the entire 30 acre parcel be changed from Local Retail Commercial to either Office Commercial or High Density Residential.i Mr. Lehnertz agreed with the comments that it should be d-1 or R-3. Mr. Richter felt it ShoUld be C-1 or R-3. Chairman Walshak stated that a petition signed by 1000 residents was sent to the City six or eight months: ago to down zon~ from C-3 to C,1. Chairman Walshak wished to see C-1 or R~3. Mr. Annunziato stated that R-3 would cause some conc~ the reSidents. They would not be agreeable to rental Chairman Watshak stated that cost of the property wot from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 and not more than 200 could be built on the parcel. Mr. Annunziato stated 300 units would fit on the site. Chairman Walshak no that even if 300 units were possible, the cost would $25,000 to $35,000 per unit. He did not feel that an would want to pay such high rent for the units. Mr. Lehnertz preferred to go with C-1 or R-3 or a combina the two. ~ns for units. Id be anits ~-hat ;ed ;one :ion of It was a consensus of the Board that the zoning shoul~ be C-l, R-3 or a combination of the two. -7- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Mr. Rosenstock was in the audience and he stated the devel- oper wanted to develop the property as C-3, but would agree to C-1. He did not feel he would want to go to R-3. Page 93, Planning Area 9 City Manager Cheney had suggested that the west side of Lawrence Road, north of 22nd Avenue be considered for annexation into the City. City Manager Cheney felt this made sense since the City already services the area on the east side. Mr. Zimmerman questioned whether this had been done in any other area in the City. He did not understand the reasoning behind allowing only this small area. Mr. Zimmerman did not want to see the City line jog in and out as he feared that would happen due to the varying lot depths in that area. Mr. Annunziato stated this is in the City's service area. The City goes to the E-3 canal. Much discussion has been held regarding whether or not the County will be involved in providing urban services, and the lines of service were established. Mr. Aguila pointed out that the comment simply asked that the City take a look at that area. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to go with the comment and consider the suggestion regarding an analysis of the desirability of annexing parcels on the west sid~ of Lawrence, north of N.W. 22nd Avenue. Page 98, Policy 4.9 There was discussion about a comment made by City Manager Cheney. He had stated that the City should follow planning and then zoning. Chairman Walshak agreed provided t~at is specifically stated. Chairman Walshak then made comments about the water service agreement which was denied at a recent Commission meeting. He felt that if an area is in the City's service area, the City must provide that service. Mr. Annunziato stated that in this case the man was g for a change in zoning. He could not get in the Coun zoning process without his Water Service Agreement fr City. Mr. Annunziato further explained that what was stated in Policy 4.9 is that the City will oppose rec which are in conflict with the adopted Comprehensive The City will not agree to provide utilities to that This is allowed, and this is what the City has been d, There was further discussion about what those areas c~ )ing ~y )m the being Jests ?lan. ~ite. )ing. in do. -8- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 It was pointed out there are some wells and septic tanks in use in the County. Chairman Walshak still felt that the City should provide water and sewer for anyone in its ser- vice area. M~r. Lehnertz agreed with the comment and felt it should be added to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Richter did not understand why the above mentioned case could not go to the County first for their zoning and then come to the City for their water. Chairman Walshak noted they have to have the agreement before they can go to the County for their conditional use request. Chairman Walshak also felt that the City could go to the County and protest the conditional use approval when it comes before the County Commission. Mr. Zimmerman felt that the only control the City has would be given away if all Water Service Agreements were approved. He did not feel this was a good idea. Mr. Annunziato stated that no agreement existed with the County. The County is a sub-agent with the City. The argu- ment has been because the City accepted Federal funds that the City must furnish water. Mr. Annunziato noted that the only funding which goes into Improvements for the service area comes from the pockets of the citizens of Boynton Beach. Mr. Annunziato also noted that the City must care- fully consider the density of projects in its service area to determine if the City can logically furnish all the ser- vices that will be needed. After further discussion, it was a consensus of the Board to go along with the comment with the addition of the statement made by Mr. Cannon which says: "The City will use this to enforce compliance with the City's Plan." After a short break, the meeting resumed at 9:40 P. M. Page 63, 2nd Paragraph under COASTAL MANAGEMENT ~LEMENT As there were two people in the audience who had a question regarding this statement, the Board decided to discuss this comment next. Mr. Cannon explained that this comment was added by the Building Official. The Building Official felt that a mistake had been made in the original Element according to the flood zone maps and flood elevations. Chairman W~lshak noted this was just a technical problem. The people In the audience commented that apparently this had been incorrectly written in the original text and Mr. Annunziato agree~ this was the case. It was a consensus of the Board to go along with made by the Building Official. -9- the .~omment MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Page 100, Policy 7.4 This comment came from the Building Department, and the Board agreed they should go along with the comment. Page 102, Policy 9.1 The only Change suggested for this was to add "as adopted." The Board was in unanimous agreement to add this statement. Page 102, Policy 9.4 Mrs. Huckle had suggested that "generally" be changed to "essentially." The Board was in agreement and state~ that 9.6 and 9.7 should be Changed as well. Mrs. Huckle 91so suggested that correct wording wOuld be "to conform essentially." Page 103, Objective 11 After a brief discussion regarding what was meant byi"in conformance with policies below," Mr. Cannon stated ~hat referring to 11.1 through 11.13. cating trees, Page 107, etc. Ail were Policy 16.1 was This referred to rglo- in agreement with this ~omment. Chairman Walshak was concerned that this be codified las quickly as possible. He asked if this could be codified at the same time it is adopted. After further discussion Chairman Walshak requested that it stated that it wilil be codified as quickly as possible and the Board was in agreement. Page 109, Policy 16.1 Chairman Walshak commented that there may be areas in Central Business District or along the Coastal Manage Area which could have nice apartments on the second a third floors with an eatery or boutiques on the first He had seen this done in other cities and it had work well. He felt this idea would lend itself well to th town area. He was referring to someone coming in for ditional use. Mr. Annunziato stated this was already allowed in the CBD, but all the CBD is commercial prc)erty. It was noted that the traffic situation would have tolbe considered. Chairman Walshak felt that due to the con- ditional use approval, the Board and Commission wouldihave ample opportunity to consider all aspects of the request. Mr. Annunziato still had some concerns as he felt that a request could not be denied on the basis of use. the ~ent id floor. ~d down- s con- -10- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 There was discussion regarding where the Special High Density areas were located. Mr. Annunziato stated that one was where the old Grove Shopping Center was to have gone, there are two areas on South Woolbright Road and one area just south of Hypoluxo Road where the marina is located. It was a consensus of the Board to go along with the comment made for this Policy. Page 102, Policy 10.2 Chairman Walshak pointed out that people do not own their lots in the mobile home park and he felt that less than five years for amortization was reasonable. Mr. Cannon was not sure what amortization period would be required for mobile home parks. After further discussion, it was decided by the Board that they would go with the 5 years or less and that the City Attorney be contacted to see what period of amor- tization would be required for mobile home parks. Page 113, Policy 16.3 It was agreed that "or other legal means" should be deleted. Page 113, 17.1 Mr. Annunziato stated that he preferred to use the stronger terminology and wanted this section to read "do not allow." This would give him more authority in the Courts. Chairman Walshak had made the comment and he still felt that to be fair to the citizens involved it should be "discourage." This would allow anyone time before the Board. Mr. Annunzlato stated that either way a person can come before the Board. Mr. Annunzlato was still very concerned about making the wording stonger as he spends much time in court, and this would give him more authority. After further discussion, it was the Board's decision that they would go with the original text. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT Page 5 The two comments listed were made by the Engineering Department. The Board was in agreement with the comments. Page 18 Mr. Cannon noted that Figure 6 shows the existing number of traffic lanes of all the thoroughfares of the City. Mr. -11- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 Cannon stated that an asterisk could be added. A table later on in the Element contains a list of projects under- way. He felt that table could be referenced to clarify Figure 6. The Board was in agreement with this comment. Page 71, Objective 1 The Board was in agreement with this comment. Mrs. Huckle stated that the Board had asked if it was a good idea to submit the exceptions with the Comprehensive Plan before it goes to the State. She asked Jack Humphries and he stated that it was his feeling that the more detail and explanation which was put in the plan, the better. He felt it was a good idea. Mr. Annunziato stated that he had argued very strongly for this. He sat on the committee which was going to recommend the basis for exceptions to this - the Gap Committee. He felt that the arguments are made in the Comprehensive Plan. You base them on things such as redevelopment or an inability to meet a level of service previously established because of background traf- fic. You don't just unilaterally come out and make ~rgu- ments. Mr. Annunziato felt there would be an ordinanlce by June or July as he saw the program developing at this time. While the plan is being reviewed at the State level, ~he City should be in the process of going through the exoep- tions. He did not know what would happen in the end ~f they could not meet the Countywide Traffic Performance Standard. Chairman Walshak noted there had been some talk about excluding the CBD. Mr. Annunziato noted they basically said there will be an opportunity for exceptions for redevelop- m~nt. Mr. Annunziato would check the language on this. Chairman Walshak noted that no one could comply with ~he level of service for the downtown areaS. Mr. Annunziato stated that every road that serves 1-95 and goes into the CBD area cannot attain Level of Service "C" in Palm Beach County. Chairman Walshak thought the exception had been put into the referendum. Mr. Annunzia~o agreed to check into the matter. Chairman Walshak asked if the City had established a ~olicy as far as the Boynton Beach extension was concerned. He knew it was in the 5 year program, but he wanted to know if the City had established a policy saying it wants or does not want the Woolbriqht extension. Mr. Annunziato was not clear but he recalle~ that the City supported the county's thoroughfare plan and also submitted some language about the County's 5 year plan. Chairman Walshak was concerned about the traffic off the Turnpike exiting on Boynton Beach Boulevard. He felt that more traffic would be placed on the -12- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 roads which go through the City's communities. He referred to people who had been hit by cars on Boynton Beach Boulevard last week. He did not feel it made sense to take Woolbright through to Military Trail. Mr. Annunziato disagreed. Chairman Walshak noted that traffic coming off of the Turnpike onto Boynton Beach Boulevard (when comple- ted) will go north or south. They will come all the way down to Woolbright and he could not see taking them through a residential area. Chairman Walshak felt that the City should have a policy. He noted it would cost $5 million just to put the I¼ miles of bridge over the golf course at Quail Ridge. He did not think it was worth it. Mrs. Huckle felt that the traffic on Bo~nton Beach Boulevard wou~d be mitigated. Chairman Walshak did not agree. Mr. Leh~ertz felt that this would reduce traffic on the other roadways. Mr. Richter pointed out that the easement for the road through Quail Ridge golf cours~ has been there for a long time and Mrs. Huckle agreed. Chairman Walshak felt t~at they were opening up the commercial area. Vice Chairman Blanchette felt they would be taking traffic off of Golf Road and this is a residential area. Chairman Walsha~ suggested Golf Road be widened. Mr. Lehnertz pointed out this is strictly residential. Woolbright has some com- mercial development. Mr. Annunziato read the following statement: "The City shall continue to lobby Palm Beach County and the County MPO from the time of implementation of all programmed road improvements identified in this element." One of the iden- tified improvements is Woolbriqht Road with construction in 1990. Mr. Annunziato stated that Woolbright will evemtually go through to Jog Road. Questions about Land Use Element 3.1, Page 75 Mr. Aguila mentioned the strip of land on Boynton Beach Boulevard, 1-95 and Seacrest on the south side. He noted they began a discussion of what could and could not be in that area, but it was decided to bring this up when the Land Use Element is discussed. Chairman Walshak felt that if any problems arlze at the public hearings it will be in the Land Use Elemenn. This section states that it will be provided for "retail or office project." Mr. Aguila thought they had decided not to allow retail. Mr. Annunziato agreed that some development criteria should have been Included for this area. Mr. Annunziato stated they would come up with some development -13- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 6, 1989 criteria. Mr. Aguila stated there was much discussion about whether or not there should be any retail in that block where the post office is located. Mr. Annunziato referred to Planning Area 3 and noted that the text picks uplthe Redevelopment Plan. There had to be something as a basis for disCussion in the Plan. They were saying that the recommendation would be as already amended and forwarded to the Commission. Mr. Annunziato thought the CommissiOn was waiting to act on those comments until they have the Comprehensive Plan in hand so they can go through th~ same exercise the P&Z Board had done. The comments regarding the Expanded Redevelopment aria were incorpOrated in the comments on page 2 of the Commen~ paper. PUBLIC HEARINGS : There was discussion regarding how to handle the public hearings. Mr. Annunziato recommended that they takei questions rather than give a presentation on the variious elements. Mr. Cannon stated that most people who attiend have a specific problem or question. Mr. Cannon stated that slips of paper would be available for those wishing to speak to fill Out with a summary of what they wish to discuiss. It will then be up to the Board as to how to handle the i questions. CONTINUATION OF THIS WORKSHOP MEETING Mr. Annunziato suggested this meeting be continued after the public hearing on March 9th. He did not feel that the public hearing would be a long one. There was discussion regarding input from Mr. Keller Which Chairman Walshak did not feel they had received. Mr. Annunziato felt this had been addressed, in that thatlpolicy would be changed and be superimposed with two policies, and that the City would within one year prepare a programifor the acquisition of "A" rated sites. No percentage would be referenced. In the interim they would use as much au%hority as possible to save as much of the "A" rated acreage as possible. Mr. Annunziato felt that was the extent oflthe discussion, and Mr. Cannon stated that was how it wasi resolved. The 75 percent would be taken out of the t%xt. It was noted that the Board had not yet reached that Section for discussion. I ADJOURNMENT The Board adjourned this 9th after the public hearing. Peggy Cressman Recording Secretary (Three Tapes) meeting at 10:45 p. -14- M. until iMarch