Minutes 02-14-89MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD AT PRIME BANK PLAZA, 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Robert Walshak, Chairman Harold Blanchette, Vice Chairman Jose' Aguila Gary Lehnertz Marilyn Huckle Daniel Richter Carl Zimmerman Nathan Collins, Jr., Alternate Murray Howard, Alternate Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Jim Golden, SeniQr City Planner Tambri Heyden, Assistant City PLanner Chairman Walshak called the meeting ~o order at 7:30 P. M. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBERS AND VISITORS After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Chairma~ Walshak introduced the Members of the Board, the Planning Director, and Planning Staff. He then acknowledged the presenCe in the audience of Vice Mayor Ezell Hester; Peter Cheney, City Manager; Former Mayor Nick Cassandra; Frank Cassandra; Marvin Greenhut, Member of the Community Relations Board; Lee Wische, Member of the Recreation and Parks Board~ Johnnetta Broomfield, Director of Community Improvement; George Davis and Pearl Wische, Members of the Community Appearance Board; Simon Ryder, Former Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board; Sam Scheiner, Former Vice Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency; Owen Anderson, Executive Vice President, and Craig Livingston, President, Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce; and introduced the Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Workshop Meeting Held January 5, 1989 Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Richter and carried 7-0. Regular Meeting Held January 10, 1989 Mr. Aguila called attention to an error on page 2 of the minutes. The Joint Workshop with the Commission was held on January 24th and not January 14th. Mr. Aguil~ moved to accept the minutes with the correction. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 1 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BOARD FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Workshop Meeting Held January 10, 1989 Mr. Aguila moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Blanchette, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 7-0. Special Meeting Held February 2, 1989 Chairman Walshak wished to move the approval of these minutes to "D. OTHER, 1. Motion to recommend consistency of expanded redevelopment plan with the City ComprehensiVe Plan, as he had questions. This was agreeable with the Board Members. (See page 39 of these minutes for continua- tion of this item.) Ai~NOUNCEMENTS Joint Workshop with City Commission, February 28, 1989 at 6:00 P. M., Commission Chambers, Prime Bank Plaza, to review the Future Land Use, Circulation, Governmental Coordination, and the Capital Improvements Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Mr. Annunziato made the announcement and said the workshop would probably be extended for one or two nights because they anticipate a lot of discussion on the Future Lan~ Use Elements. Following that, the Local Planning Agency [LPA) will be conducting public hearings on the City's proposed Comprehensive Plan in March. The City Commission will be conducting public hearings zn April and May. At least five public hearings are to be conducted, at which time input from the public is desired. Mr. Annunziato informed everyone that copies hensive Plan Elements are in the Library for well as on reference. of the Compre- circulation, as COMMUNICATIONS (Verbatim requested by Mayor Marchese) Walshak: Do any Board Members have any communications that they would like to discuss at this time? There's one that I would like to discuss, and I am going to ask the audience to - Can you hear me out there? How about now? How about now? I'm going to ask the audience to bear with me here a ~inute, and I'm going to beg your indulgence. I don't normally, as Chairman of this Boardi, allow personalities, politics, anything of that n~ture to be put into these hearings, but I've been on MINUTES BOYNTON Walshak: (Cont.) PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 this Board now two years. I'm at the end of my one year Chairmanship of this Board, and I've come to know all of my fellow Board Members pretty well, and everyone of the ladies and gentlemen sitting at this Board in front of you, ladies and gentle- men in the audience, is eminently qualified, and I underline the word "eminently". They are eminently qualified to serve on this Board! All of their characters are above reproach when it comes to making decisions as the Planning and Zoning Board. It's a pleasure for me to sit up here with people of this high integrity an~ character. We sit through meeting after meeting after meeting and, of course, our salary is tremendous, it's all pro bono. We're in workshop after workshop, and I ne~er hear a complaint from any one of these l~adies and gentlemen on this dais tonight. Now, we have an election coming up in this and it seems to me that the Planning and Z( Board is being used as a football. I atte] City Commission meeting on Tuesday, this Tuesday, and I have in my hands a verbati those minutes, and there were some pretty things said about the Planning and Zoning I'll tell you what. I don't care who it i when it happens! I'm going to take them t( City, ~ning Lded a Lst copy of ~arsh ~oard. · and task! These were statements made by Mayor Marche~e, and I'm going to read verbatim what Mayor Marctese had to say about the Planning and Zoning Board. Please, ladies and gentlemen· excuse me, they got my dander up. This says, and I quote: "My problem with the Planning and Zoning Board, and why I did what I did, I explained to you and I will explain it once more. We're undergoing a Comprehensive Land Plan Use. The suggestions and changes that wer~ made were compatible with the plan that we have, but that information was coming out all wrong out of our Planning and Zoning Board, and so, because of that, we lost TIF money, money that we sorely need to redevelop the northeast portion of town." End quote. Now, Mr. Marehese speaks broken English fluently but, irregardless, those particular statements are MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOTflqTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Walshak: (Cont.) Wilda Searcy: Walshak: Walshak: nothing but a political diatribe and lies,i and I will not let anybody~ anybody, heap this Wind of nonsense on this Planning and Zoning Board as long as I am Chairman! This is not The TIF ifunds that Mr. Marchese is talking about have a~solutely nothing to do with the Comprehensive Land ~se Plan that we are now developing and have to subnit to the State. The plan that he was talking a)out is the Community Redevelopment Plan. Now, on December 15th of this past year, w'~, as a Board, voted 7-0, 7 zip, to table that plan until we had a decent opportunity to look at thelplan and intelligently render decisions. 7-0, Ladies and gentlemen! The following week, at thei City Commission meeting, and incidentally, this~B~ard makes only recommenda~tionS! We do not vot~ 'yes" or "no" on City PoliCy. That is uP to the|City Commission. Now, on December 21st, at the City Commission meeting, there was a motion put on the floor by Commissioner Weiner to approve th,~ Community RedevelOpment Plan, even though '~his Board had tabled it 7'0. That mOtiOn fail,~d. The only one thati can~ disapprove a plan is the City Commission, so when Mayor Marchese salts the Planning and Zoning B6a~d is responsible f6r a loss in TIF fundsi, I e~ther think he is using it as political diatribe!, or he doesn't know ~at he is talking about. Thank you. Wilda, please, I'm very serious about this[ This Board does not deserve that kind of treatment, and out of pure respect and dignity, we should be treated, all of us up here, with dignity azd character! We all sit up here and do our obs for one specific reason, the betterment of this community, and that's all any of us up here are concerned with! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for listening. Do we have any comments from the Members o~' the Board? There was no response at this time. Some Members responded later, under "E. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS". (See page 40 iof these minutes. - 4 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 OLD BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS PARKING LOT VARIANCE Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: A&A Investments Medical Office Building Robert E. Fetrow, P.E., Project Engineer Michael H. Agnello 326 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Lots 5 and 6, less the N. 10 feet,i Blk. BOYNTON HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REVISED PLEAT, according to the Plat thereof on f~le in the Offlice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach Countyi, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 64. Request for approval of a varianceito Section 5-142(h) (3) "Driveways" o~ the Parking Lot Regulations C. SITE PLANS NEW SITE PLANS Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: A&A Investments Medical Office Building Robert E. Fetrow, P.E., Project Engineer Michael H. Agnello ~ 326 West Boynton Beach Boulevard See above "Legal Description". Request for site plan approval to construct a parking lot to serve a proposed medical office building on .155 acres Mr. Golden made a presentation of both of these requests. He said the driveway would be located approximately i27 feet east of N. W. 3rd Street. The City's parking 10t regu- lations do not allow driveways within 180 feet of th~ intersection right-of-way line, as Boynton Beach Boulevard is an arterial road. The proposed parking lot would!serve an existing dental clinic, which is currently under a Code Enforcement action. Concerning the site plan, Mr. Golden said there is an exist- ing carport on the east side of the building that will be - 5 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 removed to provide for the driveway to serve the si~ spaces at the rear of the building. No changes are proposed to the existing building. The Technical Review Board (TRB)i recommended approval of the site plan, subject to stiaff comments attached to the original copy of these minuites in the Office of the City Clerk as Addenda A-1 through %-3 inclusive and to the following comments: Utilities Department 1. Show all water and sewer utilities. 2. Provide a reduced pressure back flow preventer on the water service. Public Works Public Works will offer can pick Planning Department up of office trash ~nly. 1. The buffer wall must continue along the entire so6th property line from the east property boundary to ~he west proPerty boundary. , 2. It is recommended that this project comply with tSe greenbelt improvements that are required for the youth side of Boynton Beach BoUlevard under the proposed Urban Design Plan. Forester/Horticulturist 1. The sod type should be noted, i 2. Hedge material along Boynton Beach Boulevard must ibe 36" in height. 3. The landscape plan should be in accordance with t~e Boynton Beach Master Landscape Plan. , 4. The applicant must meet the requirements of the T~ee Preservation Ordinance for any existing trees. I Mr..Golden said the recommendation of the TRB concer~ing the parking lot variance was that it be approved as submitted. The basis for the recommendation was that the applicant would be unable to access his property, as his en~tir~ front- age lies within 180 feet of the intersection of the ~ight- of-way line. Mr. Golden added that this would creat~ an undue hardship for the applicant. I Mrs. Huckle inquired whether the Code Enforcement actlion was a result of not having obtained this relief, or if itll was MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 because of doing business without a license. Mr. Golden understood that the dentists moved in without obtaining a license. Mrs. Huckle noticed there was an existing dentists' office there, and she wondered what the application was all about, if they were already underway. Mr. Golden answered that the ownsr was present. Vice Chairman Blanchette observed that the lot was ngn- conforming, and he commented that was because the Code was written to make it non-conforming as far as the driveway. He noted this lot and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 are in the same position. Vice Chairman Blanchette felt the Board had no choice but to allow this. He questioned whether they were going to take a piece of property and make it useless. As the location of this is on the south side of Boyn~on Beach Boulevard, Mr. Zimmerman asked if there would be any effort to get the applicant to conform with the greenbelt_ Mr. Golden referred to the comments from the Planning Department and the Department of Community Improvement concerning conformance, to the degree of being possibly feasible with the Urban Design plan for Boynton Beac~ Boulevard. Mr. Zimmerman questioned whether there would be roomlfor it Mr. Golden replied that they have about 19.58 feet, Which . would just about Squeeze in the 20 foot greenbelt. ~owever' there is another 5 foot and a seven fOot corridor. One is like an overhang, and the other is like an additional landscape strip. They would not have room fOr that. Some plantings are required in the rear, along the buffer wall. Because of the width of the parking lot, as required by the Parking Lot Ordinance, that would squeeze out all of the room at the rear of the lot. It would be diffiCult o put that in and make drainage work, etc. Chairman Walshak asked if this was the area where, at the last workshop meeting, the Board had recommended the~ go two lots in the C-1 professional category. Mr. Annunzia~o answered ~affirmatively. Chairman Walshak thought they would have that problem all along there until people moving into these places understand that they can expand another~lot deep behind them. He thought there would be some relief in the new Comprehensive Plan. : Mrs. Huckle asked if only one dentist was applying, ~ven though several names are on the building. Mr. Golden said the owner could clarify that. The issue came up at the TRB - 7 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 meeting, but the applicant did meet the Code. Mrs. Huckle elaborated on how much parking may be needed if there would be more than one dentist. If they met Code, she thought it could represent a serious problem, and they should look at the Code more closely because it would be unrealistic if there was more than one dentist. After explaining, she asked if it is according to square footage. Mr. Aguila inquired whether the square footage could increase. Mr. Golden answered that the building, as it stands, is at the square footage. If they expand, they will have ~o do separate site plans. Chairman Walshak thought Mrs. ][uckle had a good point and they could look at it when they look at the new Comprehensive Plan. Michael H. Agnello, 4012 Shelldrake Lane, Boynton Beach, FL 33436, and Mark Morgan, Associate of Robert E. Fetro~, P.E., 200 Knuth Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33436 came forward. Mr. Agnello informed Mrs. Huckle that there are three dentists. It is a partnership, and they operate two other medical facilities, so there is only one dentist on Site at any given time. They rotate between Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, and this site. There are only two rooms, so only one dentist works on site. There is a receptionist, who is also a dental hygenist. Mr. Agnello explained that the group of dentists applied for a building permit, made the improvements inside, installed a back flow preventer outside, and then went to the ity for an occupational license. After making $5,000 improvements inside in addition to his several thousand dollars or the exterior to meet the City requirements, Mr. Agnello said the dentists were told they could not receive an occupational license because there was inadequate parking to the urrent parking standards presented by the City. That was w~y the dentists were already there. On the existing entrance, Mr. Agnello said there is a driveport in the carport area into the property. not changing anything aesthetically. The front area already grassed and sprinkled. A row of bushes is in of the property, and it is an attractive sight. lready hey are is front There were comments about the landscape plan. Mr~ Ag showed Mr. Aguila where the hedges are and said they widen the entrance. Mr. Aguila thought it was very bare, far as the landscaping was concerned. He wanted to~ee aello have to as - 8 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYAITON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 trees on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Mr. Aguila referred to the 5th comment in the staff comments from Don Jaeger, Building Department, which said hedges must be provided along the west property line to the limits of the parking area. He asked if Mr. Agnello had any problem with that. Mr. Agnello answered that he would do that, and he had no problem with it. Mr. Agnello had a concern in reference to the request to meet Urban Design's plans for several reasons: (1) The property is only 50 feet wide. Referring to the entrance- way, Mr. Agnello said that literally half of the property is a driveway. The other is a grassed area. (2) The Urban Design Plan has not been adopted. (3) All of this was due to Code Enforcement because the occupant was in there and did not meet adequate parking requirements. Mr. Aguila further referred to the landscaping and was concerned about what people see. Chairman Walshak inquired whether Messrs. Agnello and Morgan were familiar with the staff comments. Mr. Morgan answered that they had reviewed them. Chairman Walshak asked if they were in agreement with the staff comments. The only issue Mr. Agnello strongly disagreed with was complying with the greenbelt improvement due to the fact that the proposal for the downtown has not been accepted yet. Chairman Walshak responded that the taxpayers paid a lot of money for that design, and the City fully intends to adopt it in the very near future. He again asked if Mr. Agnello was in agreement with the staff commen~s. Mr. Agnello replied that he would feel more comfortable presenting his issue to the City Commission, if that was the next step. He certainly agreed with the other comments. Chairman Walshak advised that he should address the Board. When he goes to the City Commission, he should address them. Chairman Walshak again asked Mr. Agnello if he was iR agree- ment with the staff comments. Mr. Agnello was not iR agree- ment with one of the staff comments. Mr. Zimmerman asked if the temporary driveway on the!west side is being used by trucks that cannot get throughithe car- port on the east side. Mr. kgnello confirmed that was correct. Mr. Zimmerman inquired whether the temporary driveway on the west side would be closed off and lamdscaped. Mr. Agnello estimated about 1/8th of it is on the property of the existing site. There is grass almost the entire part - 9 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 of the parcel they were referring to. Mr. Zimmerman asked if they were the only ones who can use the temporary drive- way. Mr. Agnello answered that it is utilized by the property due west and right now, by this property. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether the temporary driveway is legal access. She clarified for Mr. Agnello that she was referring to the dirt road on the west. Mrs. Huckle asked if the road was regularly used as a means to gain access to the property. Mr. Agnello answered that it is right now. He told Mr. Zimmerman that with this plan, the back yard will have a concrete curbing, which will prevent that from happening. Also, there will be a hedge along the concrete curbing. Mr. Richter did not think that road was of any consequence to this request. Mrs. Huckle thought it was an interesting thing that the City should pursue. Mr. Richter pointed out that if they are going to put a curb and bushes there, the road cannot be used to gain access. Mr. Zimmerman informed him that a curb is there now. Mr. Aguila referred to the staff comments from Johnnetta Broomfield, Director of Community Improvement, which per- tained to landscaping. He asked if %hat was all inclusive or if the seven feet and five feet were part of the 20 feet. Mr. Aguila also questioned why Mr. Agmello did not have room in his 20 feet to do what the Board was asking him to do. Mr. Golden answered that the 7 feet and the 5 fget are additional (above and beyond the 20 feet). The building sits where the 7 feet and 5 feet would be. Mr. Aguila determined that Mr. Agnello could do the 20 feet but not the 7 and 5 feet. Mr. Agnello said the 20 feet consists of a foot of bushes, as well as the new sod that they laid, sprinkled, etc. It is green, attractive, and there is a row of bushes. Mr. Agnello felt they were complying, but he had a strong feeling of ripping out existing sidewalk at his expense. If they conform to the Urban Design plan, to his knowledge, it will be tbs existing property owners expense to rip up an existing series of sidewalks that are there now to make it winding. To Mr. Agnello, that would be an incredible waste of the property owners' money if the plan is adopted. Mr. Aguila interjected that the Board was not asking him to do that. Mr. Agnello stated that all of the property owners he is familiar with on Boynton Beach Boulevard are going to be proceeding on that issue. Mr. Agnello understood abou~ the greenbelt, thought it was beautiful, great, and he was in favor of it. That was what 10 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 he has done to the property since purchasing it. Mr Aguila said that then Mr. Agnello should no~ mind putting another tree there. There were further comments about the planting of trees, and Mr. Aquila stated that the Board could require more trees. Chairman Walshak asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of, or in opposition to the project. There was no response. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Vice Chairman Blanchette wondered why they were talking about trees when they were not the Landscape Board. All they had before them was the request for approval of a variance, and he elaborated. There was discussion alout the Community Appearance Board, landscaping, and Urb. n Design's plan. Chairman Walshak felt that the City staff recommended that comment, and that was why he was interested in finding out from Messrs. Agnello and Morgan if they agreed with the staff comments. If they do not comply with all of the staff comments, Vice Chairman Blanchette said they will not be granted a permit. Mr. Annunziato read the second comment from his memo, (See "Planning D " · epartment , page 6 of these minutes). He explained that the intent there was that the applicant should comply with things he can comply with. There was no intent to have him move the building. Mr. Annunziato elaborated on other elements of the Urban Design plan for Boynton each Boulevard and said the City has begun to tie in the redevelopment of Boynton Beach Boulevard through street lights, etc. He explained. Chairman Walshak thought that was the way the staff domments should read. Mr. Aguila wondered~ if the City had clarified with the applicants what issues tney could meet vers~s what they could not, so they knew what the Board was referring to. After further comments, Chairman Walshak asked i Mr. Annunziato could get from the City Staff what the Cit Staff feels the applicants can adhere to prior to them goin before the City Commission. Mr. Annunziato answered "Definitely." There were further comments. Motion on Parking Lot Variance Vice Chairman Blanchette variance, subject to all seconded the motion, and moved to approve the request for staff comments. Mr. Aguila the motion carried 7-0. i1 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Motion on Site Plan Mr. Aguila moved to approve the site plan, subject tD staff comments, and with the stipulation that the City Staiff will provide the applicant with additional comments as conditions to be met regarding the greenbelt on Boyn!ton Beach Boulevard prior to the City Commission meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1989. Vice Chairman Blanchett seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS PARKING LOT VARIANCES 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: First Church of Christian Scientists Capstone, Inc. i Christian Science Society, Inc.i West side of South Seacrest Boulevard, north of Golf Road i Request for a variance to SectiOn 5-142(9) "Parking Lot Construction" of the Parking Lot Regulations ' In his memo of February 3, 1989, the Planning DirectOr had recommended that this request be continued to the Ma~ch 14, 1989 meeting at 7:30 P. M. because the required sitelplan was not submitted at the January 23, 1989 deadline a~d, therefore, could not be reviewed by the TRB at the Fgbruary 2, 1989 meeting. Mrs. Huckle moved to meeting of March 14, carried 7-0. 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: CONTINUE the public hearing to ~he 1989, seconded by Mr. Richter. Motion Gulf Oil Service Station Alan J. Ciklin, Esq. BP Oil Company Edward and Joan Madden South Seacrest Boulevard at Woo~bright Road, northeast corner Request for a variance to SectiOn 5-142(h)(3) "Driveways", of the Parking Lot Regulations Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director, by memo dated February 2, 1989, recommended that the request be continued - 12 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 to the March 14, 1989 meeting at 7:30 p. M., as the ~ite plan and conditional use application were not submitted at the deadline for the February meeting. Mrs. Huckle moved to meeting of March 14, carried 7-0. CONDITIONAL USE 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: continue the public hearing to 1989, seconded by Mr. Lehnertz. Dunkin Donuts George C. Davis, ~he Motion Project ArchitE~ct PHLD Partnership I South side of West Boynton Beac~ Boule- vard east of North Congress Avenue Description: ReqUest for site plan and conditional use approval to construct a 1,900 square foot drive-through restagrant on .36 acres ~ Miss Heyden read the memorandum addressed to the Boaid from Mr. Annunziato, dated February 8, 1989. She showed +n the overlay the driveLthrough window and said the drivewgy would wrap around the building in a one way traffic flow. / The Planning Department recommended that the conditional se application be approved, subject to the recommendations made in the memorandum from Mr. Annunziato (AddendumlB-1), and the staff comments in Addenda B-2 and B-3, plus %he following comments: ! Engineerin9 1. 2. Turnouts into S.R. 804 should comply with D.O.T. requirements and permits from the D.O.T. will be zequired. Refer to Bill Flushing's memo of January 27, 1989. Memo of January 27, 1989 from Bill Flushinq: ~ Certification shall be provided indicating that the light poles comply with Chapter 12 of the Standard Bull~lng Code (120 MPH wind loading) as per parking lot ordinance. A section detail zs required showing the draznageiznlet grates being 1 to 6 inches above the grassy swale~ invert. A section detail is required showing the subgrade,i base, and wearing surface. General paving information is also required. - 13 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYIgTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Radiuses of the turnouts and planting area curves are required. Utilities 1. Show the sewer and water serevices locations, sizie and material. 2 TYpe "K" ~ · copper shall be used for the water servilce line frOm main to the meter, with a ball valVe and valve box at the tap into the main. Police 1. One Way signs at entrance and exits. 2. Do Not Enter sign at exit. 3. Number of trips generated by drive-in. 4. Comply with Construction Security Ordinance 88-25 Public Works The entrance to this property creates somewhat of a 9roblem to the Sanitation Vehicles entering this site. Our ,ehicles require a 90' turning radius, and that is not availa]~le between the area to the west and your entrance. Due to this, our vehicles have to be re-routed to accommoda{.e servic~ to this site. A 20' minimum driveway is also needed on the east side to allow service vehicles to exit. Forester/Horticulturist The landscape keY should include heights, diameterso iand quantities for materials. The ROyal Palms along Bo~ton Beach Boulevard should be consistent with the Boynto~ Beach Boulevard Master Plan, have a clear trunk of 10 ft. Ms. Heyden informed the Members that Mr. Aguila was ~alking about how to address the problem with the two feet t~at are needed on the east side of the building for the sanitation Vehicles, and she was explaining to ' .i . him that everything is going to move two feet to the west. Mr. Aguila understood that. His question was whether they could put two f~et of additional pavement onto a nine foot utility easement. Mr. A/lnunziato replied that as long as it does not interfere with the easement, the answer would be~"yes". Mr. Gdlden interjected that it is a Florida Power and Light Company (iFP&L) easement with overhead power lines. - 14 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOY'TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Miss Heyden showed Mr. Richter how the refuse trucks go and said, apparently, it is too close. Vice Chairman Blanchette noted that Miss Heyden momentary delays. Even on a 25 foot throughway, there are monentary delays everywhere he goes. talked about he said Mrs. Huckle questioned whether there was any feedback from the applicant when it was suggested that the order b6ard be on the west side instead of the east side. Chairman Walshak was concerned about that, and thought they should address Mr. George Davis. George Davis, Architect, 1100 South Federal Highway, informed Chairman Walshak that it is a visual order board. Chairman Walshak asked why the illuminated drive-through sign could not be on the west side. Andy Botwik, District Sales Manager, Dunkin' Donuts, stated that he works in the Operations Department. Referring to one sign, it was his understanding that it was a small sign with an arrow, saying "Drive-Through", which directs people to the drive-through. Mr. Botwik thought the sign that raised the question was a sign that is v~sual only, and it is attached to the side of the building. Mr. Botwik thought it was pictured on an ele- vation that he showed the Members. He said it is a ~mall, plastic sign that mimics the sign that hangs inside the store. It is used as a reference to allow the customers to know some of the items Dunkin' Donuts is selling. Mrs. Huckle asked if it was a speaker, and Mr. Botwik answered that it was not. He stated that it is a back lit illumi- nated sign with colored inserts, so not much of the ~ight shines through the sign. It just shines through where the letters are. Mr. Aguila did not think it would be objection- able. Mr. Lehnertz asked if there would be a loud speaker, microphone, etc. Mr. Botwik answered that a drive-through at Dunkin' Donuts is not at all like drive-throughs at most conventional drive-in restaurants. Their customers tend to know exactly what they want. In this shop's layout, they will be able to see the doughnuts from the drive-through window, which should be sufficient for most of the customers. Mr. Lehnertz again asked if ther~ would be any kind of public address system that would be blasting at the neighborhood. Mr. Botwik replied that it will be people leaning over and speaking. - 15 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Chairman Walshak wanted to be sure the parking lot l~ghting was not reflecting on the residences. Mr. BOtwik responded that they would make certain of that. Mr. Aguila did not particularly have a problem with the project. The only thing that bothered him was the walk-in cooler on the outside of the building. When Mr. Aguila saw that, it seemed that they ran out of room and could not put it inside. This was a new building, and why they were start- ing out with something on the outside bothered him. Mr. Aguila realized it is in the back of the building and most people will not see it, but that caught his eye more than anything else. Mr. Davis replied that it is~a small lot. Mrs. Huckle asked what kind of treatment would be used for the roof top air conditioning units so they would be adequately screened. Mr. Davis answered that they would put a screen of some sort up. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that two story buildings are overlooking the site. Mr. Richter thouqht the intent was that they be screened from the street. Mr. Davis said the roof comes up with a parapet wall several ~eet. According to the details Mr. Lehnertz saw, it was not very high. Mrs. Huckle referred to the 5th comment in the memo from Don Jaeger, Building Department, and said it would have to be adhered to. Chairman Walshak asked if the applicant was familiar with all of the staff comments. Mr. Davis answered that they reviewed the staff comments, and they accepted them. Becky Smith, Dunkin' Donuts, Boca Raton, informed the Members that the mansard is 14 feet. Mr. Annunziato advised that there ~ere two issues relating to the air conditioning. One was seeing, and the other was hearing. He wished to hear from the applicant what would be done about muffling the sound of the compressor, as it could be extraordinary inconvenience to the residents to the east. The soumd would carry over 78 feet. Since it will be sitting down i~ that part of the wall, Mr. Davis believed most of the noise to the south would be muffled. Mr. Annunziato asked about the east. Mr. Davis believed there was a parapet wall to the east~ and he thought it would muffle the sound. He said he would try and see if they could get the air hammers down inside the roof. Mr. Lehnertz asked if Mr. Davis would add additional screen- ing above the parapet. Mr. Davis did not think the units would be seen above the parapet. 16 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BO~-NTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Chairman Walshak asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the project. There was no response. Mr. Collins did not catch what the Assistant City Planner was saYing relative to the concrete median. To him, i that Seemed to be one of the concerns. Miss Heyden informed him that there will be no planting in the median. The planting she was referring to was in respeCt to the Boynton I Beach Boulevard design guidelines. I Simon Ryder, former Chairman of the P&Z Board, 2379 ~. W. 13th Avenue, was not opposed to Dunkin' Donuts, but ~r. Collins led up to something which he felt was a verylsensi- tire situation. He referred to the location plan an~ said this is an out parcel. Some years ago, a bowling alley was built, and they have their own entrance. There are four curb cUts, going to the gasoline station and the shopping center. This contemplates two more, and then there is the one going to the bowling alley. The point Mr. Colli~s made was a very serious one. : Mr. Ryder pointed to an opening in the median that il used o go into the main shopping center. It is also used to go to the other side of the Boulevard to the Villager S~opping Center. Commonly, left turns are made. Mr. Ryder showed how the traffic usually goes. Within 700 feet, he e~phasized that they would end up with seven curb cuts between ~he corner of Congress AVenue and the bowling alley. That, in connection with the movements that take place at onelloca- tion and the "U" turns that take place here, was ver~ criti- cal. . Mr. Ryder further commented about curb cuts and alluded to Federal Highway. He wanted to see some kind of change made so one of the curb cuts would be eliminated and that~it be made a safer means of access. There was discussion ~bout the location of the ourb cuts. Prior statements wer~ repeated. Mrs. Huckle commented that at least there was only o~e way into this project and one way out. Mr. Ryder advised that they were confusing a situation that now is very good. Mrs. HUckle argued that anything that goes in there would,ave to have an access. Mr. RYder thought it would be helpfql if they would limit this to one means of ingress and egress. Mr. Aguila disagreed, saying in and out at the same o~ening is a lot more dangerous than having separate ones. . 17 - MINUTES - PLAiqNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Ryder brought up the fact that they would be faced with a steady flow of traffic this way. The traffic behind you is affected, whether you slow down, stop, or are coming out. Mr. Ryder asked the Board to keep in mind that there are seven curb cuts within a distance of just a couple hundred feet. Chairman Walshak asked if Mr. Ryder was speaking for or against the project. Mr. Ryder was not speaking against the development, but he thought a revision should be made, where- by they would eliminate one of the entrances. Mr. Richter noted the point was made that this was one of several plans. The TRB found that this was the best of those that were submitted, in lieu of the fact that neither the bowling alley nor the shopping center would cooperate with this parcel in accommodating ingress and egress in park- · ng. Mr. Ryder responded that, of course, they would not want anyone encroaching on their access, and a matter of liability would be involved. He further commented about it being a sensitive area, alluded to difficulties he has had in crossing from one place to another, and added that this would not help. Victoria Castello, 406 South Seacrest Boulevard, asked if they could have a regular doughnut shop if they did ~ot have a drive-through. Chairman Walshak answered affirmatively. Mrs. Castello said at that corner, people are making a right turn on red after stopping. Her office had been there, and she had to hold her breath to make it across. Mrs. Castsllo could see a restaurant, but a drive-through would be an awful thing there. Mrs. Huckle asked her to elaborate. Mrs. Castello responded by saying to go where Lund's is, which is a bit in, ~ust to get across where she was going west and heading south into the shopping center, was hard. After further elaborating, she said a little Dunkin' Donut would be fine, but she was opposed to a drive-through because of people going in and coming out. She could see people coming and and other people trying to leave, and she elaborated. Chairma~ Walshak informed her that all of that would be taking place, whether there was a drive-through or not. Mrs. Castello responded, "Not as much." George Thomas, President, Le~sureville ComJ~unity Apartment CounciL, President of Building F, which is located near the site, whose address ~s 1117 Lake Terrace, Apt. 2~0, - 18 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Building F, came before this Board and the City Commission about this parcel before, because of the potential for a very harmful effect on the people he was most concerned about. Most of the residents of the condos, particularly in the area bordering immediately on this area, are in fragile health. They are elderly people, and all of them are constantly in a doctor's care. Mr. Thomas said the bowling alley is in operation unt.il 1:00 A. M., and they park along the fence which face~. directly on the west face of condo buildings F, E, al~d I. The problems of late night parking and a brillisntly lighted lot already give the condos problems, not to mention the disturbance created by boisterous people at all hours of the night. Mr. Thomas has a record of 25 calls to the P(lice for problems in that area. All hours of the night, t~eople are coming and going and creating an additional hazard in noise, pollution, and those things associated with i~. They certainly will not help the health of the people in he condos. The comments about ingress and egress also intereste~ Mr. Thomas. The inner lane on Boynton Beach Boulevard e~st has an opening for Lake Terrace, which dead ends there. Mr. Thomas expounded about the difficulty getting out of there and said this cannot help, as there will be additional intrusions ~n that lane based on the exit that cars ill get off. After further elaborating, he said he could not help but think of it as a very serious problem to the health and welfare of the citizens. Mr. Thomas referred to Chairman Walshak's opening statements and stated that he believed this Board was dedicated to the betterment of this community. He asked for the Board's serious consideration about an all night drive-throuqh, which can be nothing else but a transplant of the ~ Indianapolis Speedway, with lights included, at all Hours of the night. Chairman Walshak asked if the problem had been cleared up about the garbage and trash being thrown over the fences there. Mr. Thomas answered that the present Manager is try- ing to do something about it~ but they do not have all night security to help with that problem. Chairman Walshak informed Mr. Thomas that this project would be perfectly acceptable under the City Code without the drive-thr4ugh. It is a permitted use. The applicant is asking for a conditional use just for the drive-through. Mr. Thomas very affirmatively opposed that. 19 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Thomas said when the zoning went from C-1 to C-3, their hearts sank because it permitted uses of this type. They had thought they would have doctors and retail establish- ments that would function during the day and go home at 5:00 or 6:00 P. M., but it has not been like that. It has been a most disturbing factor in their existence all of these years. Mr. Thomas pleaded with the Board to give this their serious consideration in thinking of the number of people that would be adversely affected by this. He alluded to how mu~h taxes Dunkin' Donut may pay to the City versus the problems it will create for them. A man in the audience wished to speak in rebuttal to what he had heard. Chairman Walshak informed him that he had an opportunity to speak in favor of, or in opposition to the request. People were speaking in opposition now. A: no one else wished to speak in opposition to the applicatio]~, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Aguila observed that one thing that would affect the drive-through would be the traffic it would generate The Police Department had concerns about that as well, a~d they requested that the applicant supply some traffic inf©rma- tion. As far as he knew, it was still not available It was hard for Mr. Aguila to make a decision on something when he did not know how it would be affected by the drive- through. If he found it would be a minor contributor to traffic, he would be more inclined to go along with ~he request. If he saw it would be a stronq traffic problem, he would be more hesitant. Without the re~ort, Mr. kgu~la stated he was uncomfortable making a decision tonight. To Vice Chairman Blanchette felt the report would only be an analysis. He knew of one Dunkin' Donut in town and of two in the~County that do not present big problems with ~rive- througns. Lake Worth Road is as busy, if not busier than Boynton Beach Boulevard, and Dunkin' Donut has no pr(blem with its drive-through. He did not think the analys~s would show a tremendous amount of traffic owing to the dri e- through window except early in the morning. Mr. Lehnertz wondered what kind of buffer there woul~ be on the east side of the property, and he further commented. Chairman Walshak thought the CAB should handle that. Miss Heyden said an 18 inch hedge is required at planting. There were comments about zoning and driveways. 20 - i MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Zimmerman stated that one thing that had been overlooked was the pedestrian traffic on the south sidewalk, just north of this project. Many people walk over to the shopping center. With these two additional curb cuts, it will make it still more difficult for pedestrians. When Boynton Beach was widened, it was necessary to set the sidewalk out on the curb and to narrow it down. Mr Zimmerman referred to see- ing accidents at the entrance t~ the driveway at Lun~'s, so he thought the pedestrians should be considered. Mr. Zimmerman said the traffic going into the Fairlanes Bowling Alley is coming east from 1-95, and it makes a "U" turn at the end of the median cut, and goes back a considerable distance before making a right turn to get into the bowling alley driveway. Many, instead of negoti- ating a "U" turn and a quick right turn, shoot straight in by Lund's, go through the alley, and get into the bowling alley parking lot safely. You cannot do that going to this drive-through restaurant. Mr. Zimmerman said you would have to makie a ,,U,, turn, and it is only a short distance Before you h~ve to get way over in the right lane to make the right turn into the project. You do not have the space you have to get further east and make the turn into the bowling alley driveway. Mr. Zimmerman repeated prior statements. It occurred to Mrs. Huckle that if the conditional use was not approved and this existed as a restaurant, it could exist with one curb cut and one entrance. She thought that was a factor they should consider. They would elimimate a curb cut. Mrs. Huckle thought the amount of traffic was problematical. There would be an increase of traffic with the drive-through. After elaborating, Mrs. Huckle said if the curb cut that remains would be the one most easterly, there would additional room to swing across the median cut over to the proper side for a right turn in. Mr. Aguila added that it would also help the garbage pick up. Some Members commented that Mrs. Huckle made an excellent point. Chairman Walshak felt they should leave the engineering up to the TRB for review. His only concern was the residents to the east. They have to put up with a lot right now with the bowling alley, and he elaborated. Chairman Walshak felt Dunkin' Donut should be hidden as much as possible from the residents in the dwellings to the east. An 18 inch ~igh hedge will not hide it. Because the building is a permitted use, Chairman Walshak stated he could not have any objec- tions to it, but he stated that he would like to see a barrier put up on the east side of the property, such as a - 21 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 ten or twelve foot hedge to buffer it because it will be a 24 hour a day operation. After expounding, he hoped the applicant would put in a ten or twelve foot hedge to completely buffer the east side. Motion Mrs. Huckle moved to DENY the request for site plan and conditional use approval. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-2. Vice Chairman Blanchette and Mr. Richter voted against the motion. THE BOARD TOOK A RECESS AT 9:20 P. M. The meeting resumed at 9:30 P. M. B. SUBDIVISIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Hunters Run Tract Q "Windsor" Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect Summit Associates, Ltd. West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals Request for approval of the construc- tion plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infra- structure improvements and landscaping to serve 40 units at Tract Q in connec- tion with a previously planned unit development C. SITE PLANS NEW SITE PLANS Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Hunters Run Tract Q "Windsor" Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect Summit Associates, Ltd. West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals Request for site plan approval to construct 40 duplex dwelling units Tract Q of the Hunters Run Planned Development at Unit 22 - MINUTES -.PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Miss Heyden said this is the last tract of Hunters Run to be developed. Tract Q is located directly east of the club- house. The site plan provides for a private recreation area with a pool, bath house, parking facilities, an entry wall, and signage. There were colored elevations to show the units, bath house, and the signage. The signs will be gray stained wood with white lettering and trim. The units are white stucco with gray tile roofs. Preliminary Plat The TRB recommended approval, subject to the staff comments from the Engineering Department (Addendum C attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk) and the following comment: Planning Department Right-of-way width on plat does not agree with width on site plan. Site Plan The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached to the original copy of these minutes as Addenda D-1 and D-2, and to the following comments: Engineering Department See Addendum C attached to the original copy of these minutes in the office of the City Clerk. Public Works Department 1. Establish a permanent sampling point near fire hydrant No. 3 2. Re-establish water service to Buildings 2 and 4. 3. Type "K" copper is required on water services where either end of the pipe lies under paving. 4. Add additional valves on hydrant lines over 20 feet long, and an each branch's intersection on the water main. Police Department Comply with Construction Security Ordinance 88-25. Charles N. Gilbert, Architect, Summit Associates, Ltd., 3500 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, FL 33436, told the 23 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Members these are the same units as those in Tract I~, which are under construction now. He was in agreement with all of the staff comments. Mr. Gilbert inquired what the seven parking stalls required at the swimming pool were predicated upon. Mr. Golden answered tha~ the Ordinance requires one parking space for every Square foot of water area when you take 25% of!that. Mr. Gilbert stated that they will come up with sevenlparking s%allS. Motion re Preliminary Plat Mr. Richter moved to approve the preliminary plat, s~bject to staff comments. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion,!and the motion carried 7-0. , Motion re Site Plan Mr. Lehnertz moved to approve the site plan, subjectito staff comments. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. B. SUBDIVISIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Quail Run Phase II George W. Caulfield Coscan Development Corporation West of South Congress Avenue, between Golf Road and Woolbrigh~ Road extended Quail Run - Phase II, a replat df a portion of "Quail Lake West andiTracts One & Two", as recorded in Plat iBook 50, pages 3, 4 and 5, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying in Sec. 31, Twp. 45 South, Rge. 43 !East, Palm Beach County, City of Boyn~on Beach, Florida R equest for approval of the conStruc- tion plans and preliminary plat|which provides for the construction of! infra- structure improvements in connection with a modification to the Tract! 4 boundary 24 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Miss Heyden reminded the Members that this was approved by the Board in October, 1988. Due to the cost of filling the area, she said the applicant is now proposing to leave the eastern portion under water. Ms. Heyden Heyden informed Mrs. Huckle that this was a replat of the Quail LakeiWest Plat. Mrs. Huckle was very impressed with the development. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff commehts, as follows: ' Engineering Department 1. An easement will be required on each side of S. W~ 26th Avenue for the street light poles and undergroundi conductors. 2. The location of Sec. A-A and Sec. B-B should be s~own on sheet 4. 3. Refer to Bill Flushing's memo of January 27, 1989i Comments from Bill Flushing: Plat 1. The current date shall be added to the Title. 2. PCP's are required. Site Plan 3. Several buildings have less than stated 20 foot separation. 4. Area around drainage inlets shall be swaled and a detail provided showing the inlet grates beingi4 to 6 inches above the swale invert. Police Department Comply with Security Ordinance. Planning Department See "Addendum E" attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. Tom Lira, Director of Development, Coscan Developmentl Corporation, 1900 Corporate Boulevard, N. W., Boca Raton, said when this was first surveyed by the first Surveyor they had, the Surveyor did some cross sections of the dept~ of - 25 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BOARD FEBRUARY 14, 1989 the water. When they dug the lake, the fill was to fill in this tract, and they were going to develop upon it to the legal description that was originally described. The new Surveyor found errors in the cross section somewhere in the neighborhood of six to ten feet. Fortunately, their Engineers were able to not lose any units and to get the site plan to work. Mr. Lira said they are going to dedicate this as a water management tract to the Association. It will stay as a lake, and all of the plans will be revised accordingly. Mr. Lira agreed to all of the staff comments. Mr. Annunziato said the Board could expect a site plan amendment next month. Mr. Lira affirmed that they would meet next month's deadline° Vice Chairman Blanchette moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Mr. Richter seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. C. SITE PLJ~NS NEW SITE PLANS Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Old Du=ch Mill Tom Ferrante Anything Neon, Inc. Ronni Kulla North Federal Highway at N. Avenue, southeast corner E. 10th Lots 20 and 21, Block 3, Lake Addition Request for site plan approval to allow for construction of a free standing sign Ms° Heyden called attention to the sign colors on the eleva- tion, which were blue letters on a white background. The height of the sign is 24 feet, which is within the 30 feet allowed. The TRB recommended approval, subject to the staff comments attached to the original copy of these minutes as Addenda F-1 and F-2. Mr. Ferrante could not appear as Agent, so one of the~ owners of Anything Neon, Inc. appeared in his place. Vice Chairman Blanchette asked what the size of the face of the sign was. The Agent answered, "4'x4~". - 26 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mrs. Huckle read the 2nd comment in the memo from Mr. Annunziato and asked if the site plan had been updated. If it would be OK, the Agent said he would submit it to Don Jaeger, Building Department with the Engineer's drawing, etc. He just found out about the comments~ so could not have a survey done in that time. The Agent had to speak to the Owner too. Chairman Walshak thought the time frame was a concern of t~e Building Department and Planning Department. He asked if the Agent was in agreement with the staff comments. The Agent answered that he was 100%. Mr. Lehnertz asked if it would be an illuminated sign. The Agent replied that it would be exactly what was show9 to the Members. It will be back lit white plastic with blue letters. Mr. Annunzlato called attention to the first comment from the Planning Staff concerning a setback for the sign. The Agent was willing to have that on the plan when he finally submits it. Referring to the third comment in Mr. Annunziato's memo of February 6, Mr. Lehnertz asked if there are any non-conforming signs on the site. Mr. Annunziato did not know, but he wanted the applicant to keep in mind that these things are Code. Mr. Richter moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Mr. Leh~ertz expressed that he was not happy with the sign. After further commenting, a vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 6-1. Mr. Lehnertz voted against the motion. 4. Project Name: AgenT: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Zicaro's Plumbing Craig Livingston, A.I.A. Project Architect Boynton Industrial Ventures Industrial Way at Commerce Park Drive, southwest corner Lot 33, Boynton Beach Distribution Center, according to the plat t~ereof on file in the Office of the Cl~rk of the Circuit Court in and for PaLm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 47, Page 100. Containing 62,000 square feet, more or less Request for site plan approval t~ construct a 20,000 square foot w~re- house/office building on 1.4 acres - 27 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Miss Heyden made the presentation. She said the signage would match the blue and beige colors of the building. The sign would be blue letters on a white background. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached to the original copy of these minutes as Addenda G-1 through G-3 inclusive, and to the following comment: Forester/Horticulturist 1. 30% of all hedge materials must be native species!. 2. The irrigation system shOUld provide water to thelroad right-of-way. Chairman Walshak asked what kind of construction theibuilding would be. Miss Heyden answered that the bottom partlwill be stucco. The top half is metal siding. Mr. Lehnertz referred to the first comment in the memo dated January 27, 1989 from Bill Flushing, Engineering Dep~rtment (Addendum G-2(b)) and asked if that would be the same type of situation where the first hour of a three year st6rm will be retained in the general area, but not speclflcall~ on the site. Miss Heyden answered affirmatively bu~ said t~e City is encouraging that, if possible, it be on the site.i Chairman Walshak wondered Why they do not require that run o f water be contaIned on the s~te. Mr. Annunz~ato ~eplied that the City does noW. Since the adoption of the 1~86 Comprehensive Plan, the City requires that it be retained on site, or at least prior to being discharged intO theirecelv- ing bOdy, that it be drained over landscaped areas. , After further explaining, Mr. Annunziato said the idea is to cleanse the water before it has a direct connect to ~he aquzfer. This is a grandfathered subdivision. Ther~ was discussion about other projects, a trailer park, restric- tions, regulations, local governments, South Florida!water Management District, and drainage. Craig Livingston, A.I.A., Siteworks Architects and P~anners, Inc., 1301 North Congress Avenue, represented Nick Z~caro, the Plumbing Contractor. They received the staff comments and agreed with all of them. Mr. Livingston said th~ sign will probably be a wood sand blasted sign on 6'x6' p~sts, and it will be a non-illuminated sign. I Chairman Walshak asked if this is a metal building. Livingston answered that it has concrete that goes up nine feet, then concrete block. The metal panels would th!en be attached. 28 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Mr. Richter seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS 5. Project Name: High Ridge Country Club Agent: Michael P. Corbett, A.I.A., Project Architect Owner: High Ridge Country Club, Inc. Location: South side of Hypoluxo Road, west of High Ridge Road Legal Description: High Ridge Country Club, as described in Plat Book 39, pages 137-138, Palm Beach County, Florida Description: Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for an elevation change Mr. Golden said the changes were outlined in the letter dated January 24, 1989 from Michael P. Corbett, A.I.~., 401 West Lantana Road, Suite 8, Lantana, Florida, attached to the original copy of these minutes as "Addendum H". The TRB recommended approval as submitted. Michael P. Corbett, Registered Architect, showed the original scheme approved in 1988 and said it had very high roof lines and clear windows along the top. Their intent was to lower the scale of the building and eliminate those window~ to cut down on the solar effects in the large dining room. The square footages were relatively unchanged. Mr. Corbett had no problem with the staff comments. Vice Chairman Blanchette thought it was a nice change. Mr Corbett felt the drop in elevation brought it down to a better scale. He informed the Members that it is on the south side of High Ridge Country Club and faces out ~owards the golf course. It is not seen from any place on the road. There were comments about High Ridge Road, the golf ~ourse, and the gate to the Club. Mrs. Huckle asked if there would be any new treatment to the front entrance. Mr. Corbett answered, "No," and he elaborated on what is being considered and the new expansion. Mr. Richter pointed out that there were no staff comments, and reference was made to the previous plan. Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Richter. The motion carried 7-0. 29 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 6. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Hunters Run Tract I "Essex" Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect Summit Associates, Ltd. West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a privacy wall Miss Heyden said the buffer along Summit Drive. The TRB recommended appr( subject to staff comments attached to the original these minutes as "Addendum I" and to the following: Utilities Department applicant wishes to make a continuous ,val, py of "We have no objection to the proposed changes; however, any conflicts between the p oposed wall and existing utilities must be resolved with the approval of this Department." Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect, indicated whese the addition would be. He informed Vice Chairman Blanch~tte that landscaping is there, but the developer wanted to afford mor~ privacy from the road. Mr. G~lbert conf~rmed Mr. Aguila s statement that the applicant wants a wall in addition to the landscaping. He had no problem with the staff comments. Vice Chairman Blanchette moved, seconded by Mrs. Huck approve the request, subject to staff comments. Moti carried 7-0. 7. Project Name: Agent: Owner: LocatiDn: Description: Hunters Run Tract J "Bristol" Charles N. Gilbert, Project Arch Summit Associates, Ltd. West side of South Congress Aven between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L- canals Request for approval of an amend plans to allow for interchanged tions of unit types and the addi a privacy wall applicant as above. interchange the le to on itect site loca- tion of wished to add a privacy wall The second part of th~ unit types, and she Miss Heyden said the for the same reasons request was to - 30 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 explained. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached to the original copy of these minutes as "Addendum J" and to the following comments: Utilities Department "We have no objection to the proposed changes; however, any conflicts between the proposed wall and existing utilities must be resolved with the approval of this Departmenk." Planning Department 1. Update unit type summary chart for the requested unit type change in phase 1 and 2. 2. Dimension wall setback, if any, from the tract boundary line. Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect, noted that the appli- cation said they were requesting changes, but they were not requesting changes because those changes were always permissible. He clarifisd for Chairman Walshak that in their letter, the only thing they were requesting approval of was the addition of a privacy wall. Miss Heyden responded that was not the City's impression. Mr. Gilbert read from his letter dated January 20, 1989, "In addition, the Site Plan submitted with this application indicates the interchanged locations of the several unit types. This is permissible under the original approval." He stated that they had approval to change the unit types. Chairman Walshak asked if Mr. Annunzlato had any problem with that. Mr. Annunziato answered, "No,", and he added that Mr. Gilbert was saying that in the previous approval, they were allowed to switch from unit A to unit B. Mr. Annunziato thought approval, subject to staff comments, would accommodate it. The change was nothing. Mr. Golden pointed out that it was noted on Mr. Gilbert's letter of submittal that they were doing that. Mr. Gilbert inter- jected that he just did not want to confuse everybody because they would look at the plan and see different units. If that addition had not been requested, Mr. Gilbert thought the 3rd comment in the memorandum from Don Jaeger, Building Department (Addendum J) would not have been put in there. Hunters Run has already been through that, and it was his understanding that Hunters Run was not required to comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. 31 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BO~-NTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Annunziato could not answer that question. Mr. Gilbert pointed out that this comment would not necessarily be one they should necessarily comply with. On the original application that was approved by the Board, Chairman Walshak asked if Mr. Gilbert had agreed to comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code. Mr. Gilbert replied that they did no~. Mr. Aguila inquired whether Mr. Gilbert knew what Table 600 was. Mr. Gilbert answered, "Yes." Mr. Annunziato preferred not to make that an issue. After discussion, he told the Members that many times, comments are put in just for informational purposes, me guessed that maybe the City Staff should do a better job of explaining what is information and what is not. When they change units, Mr. Gilbert said it sometimes changes the distance between units. That was why they do not necessarily put that on there. The survey drawing a/ways follow up anyway. Mr. Lehnertz moved to approve the request for an amendsd site plan to allow for the addition of a privacy wall for Hunters Run, Tract J, "Bristol", subject to staff comments. Vice Chairman Blanchette seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 8. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: 9. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Hunters Run, Tract P, "Eastgate I" Tim Gietz Eastgate I Condominium Association West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L~30 canals Tract PI at Hunters Run Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the option of a side porch addition and a rear Florida room for the type IV units Hunters Run, Tract P, "Eastgate II Tim Gietz Eastgate II Condominium Association West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals Description: Request for approval of an amendied site plan to allow for the option of la side porch addition and a rear Florid~ room for the type IV units 32 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Golden presented both of the above requests at the same time and pointed out that there are two Condominium Associ- ations. The additions and Florida rooms will be constructed in the common easement area. They will be fairly similar, except for the windows. The TRB recommended approval of both requests, subject to staff comments attached as "Addendum K" to ~he original copy of these minutes (as to "Eastgate I"), and to the following comment: Utilities The proposed additions conflict with drainage easements on Units 30D and 32A. These should be deleted from the approval. The staff comments for original copy of these the following: Utilities "Eastgate II" are attached to the minutes as "Addendum L" and irclude The proposed additions conflict with a sanitary sewer ease- ment on Unit 65A. This unit should be deleted from ~he approval. Tim Gietz, Agent, 3500 Clubhouse Lane, informed Vice Chairman Blanchette that there is a covered patio under the existing roof. They are proposing to enclose it in and make it part of the house, rather than an exterior patio. Mr. Gietz agreed with all of the staff comments. Motion as to Hunters Run, Tract P, "Eastgate I" Mrs. Huckle moved, seconded by Mr. Richter, to approve the request, subject to snaff comments. Motion carried~7-0. Motion as to Hunters Run, Tract P, "Eastgate II" Mrs. Huckle moved, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman, to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Motion carried 7-0. 10. Project Name: Hunters Run, Tract M, ~'Estates" Agent: Tim Geitz Owner: The Estates Condominium Association Location: West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 canals - 33 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Description: Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the option of a side porch addition and a rear Florida room for the type VI and VII units Mr. Golden said Tract M is located southwest of the club- house. These additions will be constructed in the limited common easement area. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments as follows: Building Department Ail additions mus~ comply with Table 600 of Building Code, 1985 Edition, as well as all City Codes and Ordinances. the Standard applioable 2. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must signed and sealed. be Utilities Department "The size of the addition to Building 35 must be reduced to allow a minimum of ten (10) foot clearance from the water main to the building." Tim Geitz, Agent, was asked by Mrs. Huckle if he had any problems with the above comment from John Guidry, Director of Utilities. Mr. Geitz replied that additions are not being constructed on every unit. Chairman Walshak i~quired whether Mr. Geitz was agreeing with the staff comments. Mr. Geitz answered, "Correct." Mr. Aguila moved, seconded by Mrs. Huckle, to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Motion carried 7-0. 11. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Bethesda Medical Office Building John Campbell Universal Medical Buildings Bethesda Health Care Corporation South Seacrest Boulevard at S. W. Avenue, northwest corner Request for approval of an amended plan to allow for the addition of rear service door 26th site a - 34 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mr. Golden said the proposed door will be in the vicinity of the dumpster. The TRB recommended approval of the r~quest as submitted. John Campbell, Universal Medical Buildings, 839 North Jefferson Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, was present. Mr. Richter moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Lehnertz. Motion carried 7-0. D. OTHER 1. Motion to recommend consistency of expanded redevelopment plan with the City Comprehensive Plan Chairman Walshak commented that the Board had several workshops and lengthy discussions about this. He thought one of the reasons they met on the 2nd of February was to get it done at that time, prior to the 60 day time period. Mr. Annunziato explained that the 60 days was a period in w~ich if the Commission had not received a recommendation within the 60 days, they could have approved it with6ut the recommendation, but it was kind of a moot issue. He thought the workshop meetings were good. Mr. Annunziato said he attempted to pun in memo form what he interpreted the sense of the Board to be. Chairman l alshak did not see anything on the piece of property at Sea~ rest east and the north side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. He recalled they had plenty of discussion on a specific shopping center going in there. ~e was looking at the minutes of February 2, 1989. Mr. Annunziato advised that it was Map Letter B, and he interpreted that the consensus of the Board was to approve the recommendation. Chairman Walshak was looking at page 15 of the minutes of that meeting. He stated that the minutes were not verbatim, but under Map Letter B, he saw that "Mr. Aguila went with the recommendation but echoed that there should restrictions because he did not want a Winn-Dixie acr from City Hall. Mr Lehnertz agreed with the recomme with a unity of tit~e restriction. With the exceptio Chairman Walshak, everyone else agreed with the recom dation, subject to restrictions." Chairman Walshak q tioned whether the recommendation was to go ahead. Mr. Aguila recalled that Mr. Annunz~ato had said that later, when the Land Use Element came up, they could define ~heir ~long De some Dss ~dation, ~ of hen- les- 35 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 concerns. Chairman Walshak did not remember it that way. He remembered there was a long discussion about what they should and should not have there. After further comments, Chairman Walshak informed Mr. Annunziato that he did not see the restrictions in his memo. Mr. Annunziato replied that he would not see the restrictions, because the unity of title already appeared in the attached memo. Concerning the uses, he was not so sure the Board could be that specific and define at that level the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Changes. Mrs. Huckle stated that the Board was supporting Local Retail, which was what the recommendation was. Mr. Annunziato was saying the Board was not saying they were supporting a shopping center. They were saying they supported the recommendation of Local Retil. In Local Retail, Chairman Walshak pointed out that it could be one of many things. A shopping center is just one of those categories. There was further discussion. If the City Commission winds up adopting the Comprehensive Plan allowing for this change, then, and only if, all of the properties ars put together, if someone comes in with a request to rezone the property, Mr. Annunziato thought there would be an obligation by the City to approve it because it would be a rezonlng consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Huckle noted the comments of the Board Members mere on page 12 of the February 2nd minutes, and she read the second paragraph. There was further discussion as to what t~e Board should do. Chairman Walshak wanted to make reference to the fact that some of the Members feel that property should not be a shopping center. Mrs. Huckle felt perhaps an attachment of the minutes should go with the recom~enda- tion. That was one reason why Mr. Annunziato felt he should bring it back to the Board. The consensus of the Members was actually leave it like that. According to the February 2nd minutes, Chairman Walshak thought the consensus w~s with the exception of Chairman Walshak, everyone agreed wi~h the recommendation, subject to restrictions. He remembered talking about it. Mr. Annunziato responded that then they will put the restrictions in there, but he did not think they could do that. There was discussion as to how the other Members felt about it and what they recalled. Mr. Aguila knew what Chairman Walshak was after, and he knew he did not want a grocery store there. Chairman Walshak thought they should make the 36 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 City Commission aware of their feelings. Mr. Aguila recalled that the Board Members decided they did not want any retail there. When they see the Land Use Element, Mr. Annunzlato said they will see limitations on building setbacks, number of stories, lot sizes, etc. He did not recall that they had been brazen enough to say you cannot take advantage of all of the uses in a zoning category. After further discussion, Mr. Annunziato stressed that this was Land Use, not zoning. In response to a comment from Mr. Richter, Chairman Walshak responded that they could l~ave it as it is, and if somebody wants to build a shopping censer, they will have to ask for a Lan~ Use change and go through the procedure, which will mean public hearings. Mr. Annunziato advised that it was always an alternative for the Board to go against that recommendation, but the Board did not go against the recommendation. If a shopping center such as Publix or Winn-Dixie wanted to go in there, Mr. Aguila felt the necessities of that partic- ular use would be difficult for them to meet at that inter- section. If they had unity of title on that whole mass of property, Chairman Walshak stated that they could comply. If there was only an issue with respect to Map Letter B, Mr. Annunziato felt they should isolate Map Letter B, and he said he would add it to the memorandum to the Commission. There was further discussion about Map Letter B. Mr. Howard questioned whether they could put a cap on the square footage of a store, and the answer was "No." If they would say they were in agreement with C-3, Chairman Walshak did not think the Board could stop a permitted use from coming in and doing what they please, as long as they build it in the confines of the Building Code. Mr. Aquila inquired whether how they feel about Map Letter B would affec~ how they feel about Map Letter C. Mr. Annunziato answered affirmatively. Mrs. Huckle noted that the area Where the grocery store is now, on the corner facing Boynton Beach Boulevard, is not in Medium Density Residential right now, so they would have to delineate that a little bit further, because it is already in a retail commercial mode. Chairman Walshak thought they were saying that in the future, if anybody wants to unify control of the title and build a Winn-Dixie, Publix, or whatever, they will come in and go through the whole process. 37 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Mrs. Huckle was saying they could not recommend the whole piece because part of it is not Medium Density right now. She pointed out that Map Letter B includes Commercial facing Boynton Beach Boulevard. Chairman Walshak responded that, in essence, they were leaving it alone. Mrs. Huckle advised him that "alone" is Medium Density Residential, which is what is not on the corner. After further comments, Mr. Annunziato thought what was recommended was that to create a shopping center at that site, you would have to bring some non-commercial land uses in with the existing Commercial land uses and combine them. The text of the Redevelopment Plan would reflect that only a portion of this changes the Land Use. Mr. Annunziat~ under- stood What the Members were saying and felt that probably, just by referencing the Plan, it would take care of ~he problems. Chairman Walshak wished to get a consensus from ~he Members. Mr. Aguila thought they should leave it Medium Density Residential and not go with the recommendation of the Consultants. Mr. Lehnertz understood they were saying they want someone to take unity of title of the whole area, and for whoever does it to say they want a land use change and a zoning change. If they leave Map Letter C the way it is, they will be indicating to future developers that they want the~ to come and ask for a change. If they do not agree with_Map Letter B but agree with Map Letter C, they will be pointing out to people that are looking at this that it is a r pe area for having a land use change and a zoning change~ Chairman Walshak asked what Mr. Lehnertz would suggesl . Mr. Lehnertz leaned toward approving Map Letter B as sugg~sted by the Consultants (Local Commercial). However, he f~ it he would have to go along with the Board in leaving Map ],etter B the way it is but approving Map Letter C as High Dersity Residential, because he thought the two together woul~ be pointing out that it is an area that is ripe to be changed. Chairman Walshak felt by leaving Map Letter B the way it is, it would negate anything they would do to Map Letter C, irregardless of what it was. Mr. Richter thought Map Letter B should be left as it is. Vice Chairman Blanchette felt it should be left Mediu~ Density. Mrs. Huckle wanted to leave Map Letters B a~d C the way they are. Mr. Zimmerman thought Map Letter B should 38 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 be Medium DenSity, and Map Letter C should be the way the BOard recommended the last time. Chairman Walshak thought the consensus of opinion wa~ to leave Map Letter B alone and to go ahead with Map Letter C. Mr. Lehnertz thought they would be better off to lea~e Map Letter B as Medium Density and Map Letter C as High Density Residential. Mr. Annunziato stated that he would add a paragraph Go the recommendations which would say the Board is not in ~avor of Map Letter B. Motion Mrs. Huckle moved to recommend consistency of the expanded ~ve~opme~} plan w~th.the City's Comprehensive Pla~, D]eC5 tO the restrictions and items the Board talk~!d about, as contained in the memorandum dated February 7, 1989, addressed to the Board from Mr. Annunziato, and with the addition of paragraph 5. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 2. Transmittal of Event Calendar A copy of the calendar was in the agenda packets the ~embers receiVed. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING ~ELD FEBRUARY 2, 1989 Mrs. Huckle called attention to the last sentence in :he next to the last paragraph on page 12 of the minutes, where it said, "Mr. Annunziato advised that they would not ;et a shopping center to locate on North Boynton Beach oulevard. Mr. Annunziato agreed with her that this should be corrected to read" to locate north of North Boynton Beachi Boulevard." Mrs. Huckle noted that the word "exist" in the last para- graph on page 12 should be changed to "exit." On page 14,.Mr. Lehnertz stated the word "acre" shoul~ be changed to anchor" everywhere it appears in the last! paragraph. In response to a question from Mrs. Huckle, Chairman Walshak had no changes to the minutes. Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the minutes as corrected~ Mr. Lehnertz seconded the motion, and the motion carried ~-0. - 39 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1989 E. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Vice Chairman Blanchette thanked Chairman Walshak for defending him against the accusations made by a politician at an open Commission meeting, because he thought it was a very harsh review of the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Richter seconded that. ADJOURNMENT The meeting properly adjourned at 10:55 p. M. Patricia Ramseyer ~/ Recording Secretary (Four Tapes) - 40 - MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN APPROVAL A&A INVESTMENT MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The proposed buffer wall must extend to the east and west property lines. 2. The buffer wall must be stuccoed and painted on both sides. 3. Handicap striping must be painted blue in conformance with the city code. 4. Specify the type of sod to be used. 5. Hedges must be provided along the west property line to the limits of the parking area. 6. The building must be accessible to the handicapped. 7. A Department of Transportation permit is required for work in the Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way. 8. A demolition permit must be secured to rem~ethe carport. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. Don~Jae g~ ~/~ ' DJ:aaf cc:E.E.Howell ADDENDUM A-t To: Tom Clark From: B~ll Flushing MEMORANDUM Re: A & A Investments Medical Office Building (Mike Agnello) Handicap parking stall strip!ng to be blue. Drainage calculatlons ~re not correct. With a width of 5 feet and a depth af 5 feet, the exfiltration trench would have to be 97.7 feet long. By making the trench 6 feet wide and 6 feet deep the trench length is reduced to 63.6 feet. See attached calculatlons. Bill Flushing ADDENDUM A-2 (a) DS = Th._~t Part at the Tr2-nc;- -~:-* ~ '-:-.ow th~ w~Eei-' ~3i:-:e ~s 0,0 ~t DU That par~ of ' -- -,-- ~,.-... · H2 = The deptl~ to tu~ ho]~ -,- ~c',~ c,r' w.3~eP rai) le wiq~:%h ~ ~.~. The p~' rt. or head) A = Coiiti"TbLit:; ~.:~ ar'e_:,. ~..-,T4h W = Trench w~dt~-, ,~,-,~c~: ~.: ,-lS' fJ:; Toz.~ 1 s i'e.~ J F, Sci. 'f t . :3 C~ ' 3 ADDENDU~ A-2(b) ~ & ~ Znveszmenzs Hed :~t ~6:13:52 O 27- Open -- Idol mr'oeosed Tr'encn )ottom.) d Diameter of zest l;o].-_ - DS That Part or' ~'-- H~ght of tecf h¢.F:tC'- .]r.c Tn-_ Per','"ot 3ti ;-, I, H- DF ft, ft- ,~ ' . [) F) I') f: .'] .~ ADDENDUM A-2 (c) 989 rotal area )r '~q. ft. .;~6, MEMORANDUM February 6, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: Carmen Annunziato Planning Department Johnnetta Broomfield Community Improvement TRB Commenns Relating to A & A Investments Site Plan and Parking Lot Variance Community Improvement Department has no objection to granting the Parking Lot Variance, however, comments on the Site Plan address areas of the plan that are not in conformance with the Boynton Beach Boulevard Design Guidelines (even though they have not been formally adopted). ..Landscaping - South side of Boulevard 20' greenbelt, 7' row planting, 5' private planting strip. ..No tree removal of existing trees shall occur without authorization of DRB. ..Residential Buffer - a 5' wide residential buffer shall be installed where a non-residential use is re- habilitated adjacent to a residential area. ..Sidewalk Paving System/Accent Paving. JB/jm ADDENDUM A-3 MEMORANDUM February 8, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBER~, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR DUNKIN' DONUTS RESTAURANT-CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION FOR DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY S~__~: George Davis, agent for PHLD Partnership., is requesting conditional use approval for a Dunkin' Donuts restaurant with drive-through facilities to be located on a vacant parcel on West Boynton Beach Boulevard, approximately 500 feet east of the intersection of Congress Avenue and West Boynton Beach Boulevard. The .36 acre parcel is zone~ C-3, Community Commercial. Restaurants with drive-through facilities are permitted in the C-3 zoning district subject to conditional use approval. Surrounding Land Uses and Zonin9 (see attached map): Abutting the subject parcel to the north is the Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way. Further north across Boynton Beach Boulevard is The Villager Shopping Center, zoned C-3. Abuttin~ the subject parcel to the easu is a 78 foot strip of land providing access to Fair Lanes bowling alley to the rear (south) of the subject parcel. Further east is Leisurevilie Lake Condominiums zoned R-3, Multi-family Residential. Abutting the subject parcel to the west is Leisureville Plaza shopping center. Proposed Use (see attached site plan): The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,900 square foot Dunkin' Donuus restaurant. Under the proposed layout and design of the parcel, the drive-through window would be located on the east side of the building, facing away from Boynton Beach Boulevard. The drive-through entrance would be located at the northwest corner of the building, with the exit located at the northeas~ corner of the building. The main entrance ~o the building would be located on the north side facing Boynton Beach Boulevard. Standards for Evaluatin9 Conditional Use~: Section !l.2.D of the Zoning Regulations contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. Following each of these standards is the Planning Department,s evaluation of the application as to whether it would comply with the particular standard. ADDENDUM B-1 (a) The Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations, and, in Connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the faithful adherence to and of fulfillment of such restrictions and - conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication'of property for streets, alleys, and recreation space, and sidewalks, as shall be necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens, genera~_~ . conditional uses '~ ~ w~are, or ~eny wnen not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety, and welfare of the community, and make written findings certifying that satisfactory applicable:provision has been made concerning the following standards, where Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in ease of fire or catastrophe. Access to the proposed restaurant would occur by way. of an ingress-only driveway at the northwest corner of the parcel. This driveway wraps around the west, south and east sides of the building, a one-way traffic flow pattern, to an egress-only/no left turn driveway at the northeast corner of the parcel (proper signage of these one-way drives will be needed-see Police Department memo). This driveway functions as not only an access aisle and necessary back up for the parking spaces along the west and south property boundaries, but the drive-through lane to serve the drive-through window, within which stacking of cars will occur. A separate pass by lane has been provided adjacent to a portion of the drive-through lane on the east side of the building where the window is to be located. This pass by lane will enable restaurant patrons, service vehicles, and drive-through customers who wish to pull out of line for either emergency reasons, or having reconsidered using the drive-through facility, to egress the site withou~ interfering with the drive-through lane traffic flow. The Public Works Department, however, will need to have the pavement width increased from 18 feet to 20 feet adjacent to the drive-through window to enable sanitation trucks to safely pass vehicles waiting in the drive-through lane. This will mean that the building and pavement area on the west side of the building will have to be shifted 2 feet to the wes~ where the 2 feet can be accommodated between the western property boundary and the parking spaces in this area (see Public Works Department memo). ADDENDUM B-1 (b) With respect to access to the site from Boynton Beach Boulevard, there is an existing median cut approximately 18 feet west of the proposed entrance drive to Dunkin'.Donuts. This median cut is used primarily to access a Leisureville Plaza driveway that is approximatley 47 feet west of the Dunkin' Donuts entrance. It was realized that there may be some safety concerns associated with a u-turn movement at this median cut which is necessary to access the site from the east, compounded by the available frontage (125 feet), limited size (.36 acres) of the parcel, the number of existing driveways in close proximity to each other in this vicinity of BOynton Beach Boulevard and the unwillingness of the adjacent property owner (Fair Lanes 'bowling alley) to grant-Dunkin' Donuts a cross access agreement. However, the applicant has previously submitted several design alternatives, of which this scheme.is the most viable. It should be noted the Police Department has expressed the need for the applicant to supply traffic data to analyze any significant traffic generation differences if the site were developed for restaurant use vs. a restaurant wi~ a drive-through facility. - Off-street parking and:loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D.1. above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use would have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. Prior to the Technical Review Board meeting on February 2, 1989, the applicant submitted a revised site plan showing a slightly reduced square footage and an additional parking space needed to meet the parking requirement based on a gross floor area calculation. With the revised site plan showing 19 parking spaces, adequate off-street parking has been provided for the use limited to a maximum seating capacity of 47 seats. With respect to parking space convenience and traffic flow, a car backing out of one of the angled spaces along the south property line could be momentarily delayed when more than 2-3 cars are stacked in the drive-through lane due to the overlapping design of the back up and the drive- through lane (previously discussed in section 1 above). In.reference to the economic, glare, noise and odor effects the conditional use may have, Dunkin' Donuts restaurants operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Noise would be generated from vehicles entering the site and waiting in the drive-through lane, car doors slamming, car radios playing an~ from human voices. The ordering station itself would be plainly audible for up to 200 feet. Since the proposed location for the menu board where orders are placed is on the east side of the building, approximately 100 = * ~ee= from Leisureviile Lake Condominiums, it is strongly recommended that the menu board be moved to the west side of the building. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the' items in subsection D.1 and D.2 above. A dumpster is proposed to be located along the south property line towards the southwest corner of the site; in close proximity to several existing dumpsters on adjacent properties. The Public Works Department has indicated 'that to service the proposed dumpster, sanitation vehicles would have to be rerouted onto Boynton Beach Boulevard and loop around, as they would not be able to service the Leisureville Plaza dumpsters, exit onto Bolrnton Beach Boulevard and maneuver into the Dunkin Donuts driveway that lies within 47 feet of the Leisureville Plaza exit/entrance dirive (see Public Works Department memo). The Public Works Department further stated at the Technical Review Board meeting that'although looping back onto Boynton Beach. Boulevard is not ideal or preferable, it was the only solution possible with the parcel's development constraints. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. The Utilities Department has indicated that sewer and ~ater service locations, sizes and materials information has not been provided (see Utilities Department memo). Screening, buffering, and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions and character. The proposed screening, buffering and landscaping meets the requirements of the zoning and landscape regulations respectively. Additional screen!ng is recommended for the proposed rooftop mechanical equipment~particularly due to the visibility from the second floor of Leisureville Lake Condominiums. The Urban Design plan for Boynton Beach Boulevard recommends that the proposed Royal Palms be spaced 30 feet on center. It is recommended that the Royal Palms be aligned as consistently as possible with the Boynton Beach Boulevard design guidelines. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. The signs proposed are in accordance with the sign code with the exception of the location of the directional signs which will need relocating. There is also a potential problem with the sign height proposed and a light pole located within an easement where there are overhead power lines. A revised lighting plan will be needed that corresponds with the revised site plan due to a minor conflict with a light pole location and the additional parking space that was added. It is also recommended that the light proposed on the east side of the site be shielded from the residential property to the east (Leisurevil!e Lake Condominiums). ADDENDUM B-1 (d) 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. The proposed building setbacks exceed the requirements of the C-3 zoning regulations. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other properties in the zoning district. The proposed use of the parcel would be compatible with other uses on adjacent properties. It is not anticipated that the proposed drive-through facility will result in the creation of any adverse impacts. The nearest residentially-zoned property (Leisureville Lake Condominiums) is approximately 78 feet to the east separated from the subject property by a fence, Australian Pinehedge and the paved access drive to Fair Lanes Bowling alley. It should also be notedthat restaurants without drive-through facilities are permitted uses in the C-3, Community Commercial, zoning district without requiring conditional use approval. Therefore, should the drive-through facility be denied, a restaurant would be permitted, as well as any other u-se listed in the C-3 zoning regulations, subject to site plah approval. Height of buildings and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. The proposed building is a one-story structure which is compatible with surrounding land uses. 10. Economic effects on adjacent properties and the City as a whole. It is not anticipated that the proposed drive-through expansion would have an adverse impact on property values in the vicinity, or would impair the developability of these properties. Comprehensive Plan Policies The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are relevant to this Conditional Use application: "Provide a suitable living environment in all neighborhoods." (p. 7) "Provide a range of land use types to accommodate a full range of services and activities." (p. 7) "Eliminate existing and potential land use conflicts." (p. 7) "Encourage the development of complementary land uses." (p. 7) "Encourage the development of commercial land uses where accessibility is the greatest and where impacts to residential uses are minimized." (p. 7) ADDB~DU~4 B-1 (e) "Provide for efficient and safe movement within the City." (p. 7) Conclusion/Recommendation: The proposed use and development of the property would be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and would be' consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies. Although it is realized that the two insurmountable issues in developing this site as a restaurant with drive-through facilities (which would also be the case if the site were developed as a restaurant) are driveway access and the close proximity of the proposed driveways~ to existing driveways on Boynton Beach Boulevard in this vicinity making sanitation service and westbound turn movements difficult, the Planning Department recommends that this conditional us9 application be approved, subject to the recommendations made in this memorandum and the attached comments from the Building Department, Engineering Department, Utilities Department, Police Department, Public Works Department, Planning Department and the Forester/Horticulturist. CSA:ro DUNKIN31 Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZiA~ ADDENDUM B-1 [f) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department February 3, 1989 CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL DUNKIN' DONUTS As a requirement of conditional use approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documenns by the applicant: 1. The Royal Palm trees along Boynton Beach Boulevard should be planted with a clear trunk of tan (10) feet in order to comply with the Boynton Beach Boulevard Master Plan. 2. The free standing sign and a light pole are shova~.within a Florida Power and Light easement. Overhead power lines exist within this easement and could possibly conflict with a twenty (20) foot high light pole and the twenty-one (21) foot high free standing sign. Approval from Florida Power and Light must be secured prior to permitting. 3. The Boynton Beach Si~ Code permits directional signs only at points of ingress and egress from parking areas. 4. The building elevatio~ does not s~ow the proposed walk-in cooler. 5] Rooftop air conditioning units must be adequately screened. 6. Health Department approval is required. 7. A Department of Transportation permit is required. 8.'Documentation on proper right-of-way dedication must be provided. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding wil~ insure a timely permitting process. Don Jae~' ~ comments DJ:eaf cc:E.E.Howe!l ADD}~k!DU~ B-2 MEMoR~ February 9. 1989 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS 'PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO~ PLANNING DIRECTOR DUNKIN' DONUTS RESTAURANT CONDITIONAL USE (DRIVE-THROUGH) -STAFF CO5~ ,=LEN~$ Please be advised of the P. Ianninq Department,s comments in approvalC°nnecti°n: with the above~-ref, ere~ced request for conditional use 1. Right-of-way for Boynton Beach Boulevard to be dedicated to Palm Beach County sixty (60) feet from centertine, consistent with the thoroughfare Right-of-Way PrOtection approvalMap' within, forty-five (45) days of conditional use 2. Recommend moving menu board with'sDeake~ to the west side of the building. - - 3.-The Bo!rnton Beach Boulevard design gUidelines recommaends that the proposed Royal Palms be Spaced thirty (30) feet on center. It is recon~ended that these Royal Palms be spaced/aligned as consistently as possible-with the Boynton Beach Beulevard guidelines. 4. Screen rooftop mechanical equipment from public visw. 5. With the provision of nineteen (!9) parking spaces as shown on the revised site Plan, seating sha!~ be limited to 47 seats. - 6. The pavement encroachment along~=uh~ west property b°undarymay need to be removed to accommodate shifting the building 2 feet to the west to widen the paved area on the east side of the bUilding to 20 feet and still maintain a minimum 2 1/2 foot landscaped strip along the west property line. 7. Dimension setback of dumpster from rear property lines. 8. elevations. Note proposed colors of signs and building on the ~t)DENDUM B-3 (a) t Review and comments are based on the revised drawings that were submitted prior to the Technical Review Board meeting showing the additional parking space and the slight decrease in building square footage (site plan, landscape plan, and sheets S1, A1 and SP-D). 10. A revised lighting plan is needed that shows relocation of the light pole in the rear that conflicts with the parking space that was added on the revised site plan. In addition, the following information should be incorporated on the revised lighting plan: a light pole detail and a note that the light fixture on the east side of the property will be shielded away from L~4m~reville Lake Condominiums- 11. The minimum aisle width required for 60° angled parking spaces is 19.8 feet. The aisle shown on the plans is 20.32 feet and is designed to include the drive-through lane. CSA:ro DUNK cc Central File ADDENDUM B-3 lb) TO: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Tom Clark City Engineer Tract "Q" at Hunter's Run February 6, 1989 COMMENTS: 1. The typical lake Section should be deleted or crossed out on the detail sheet. 2. An Easement deed is required for the off-site outfall storm sewer. 3. Striping details are required for the parking lot. 4. A note should be added to the plans that all street lighting and parking lot lighting will be done by Florida Power & Light Company with plans approved by the City. 5. Refer To Bill Ftushing's memo of January 27, 1989. TAC/ck attachment Tom Clark ADDENDUM C-1 TRB MEMORANDUM To: From: Re: 1. ? Tom Clark Bill Flushing Tract ',Q- at Hunters Run Plat title on zlr_t page is incomplete (RUN is missing). Mayors n~me sho~.~td be Ralph Ma~~h._s~ A statement is required absolving the ~- ~ ~y zro~ any responsibi!lty for the con,roi of aquatic ~eeds ~ · -ppe~u_~. C nzu. ?zii Sec. tl D. 11). 4. Pcp's are required. _-e~.. A 20 f~---n~n~e--b~'a~-~a~.ar~ ~ is ~.~.~=~---~-~. ~. _~ 6. Curve informa~zon is missing from the north end of Windsor Circle. The orlginal boundary line of Tract "Q" where designated, shall have the ~erm "Housing Tract" remo~ved. This has confused laymen into believing it is a special set-back line. TP~CT "Q- SITE PLANS The average light level i~l candle power must be indicated for the parking lot. 10. The handicap ramp for the parking lot is not shown. Swale construction is required in the ar~as of the drainage inlets. 12. A section is req~ired showing the drainage inlet orates ~eing 6 inches above the 'swale invert. ~ ~ ±~sh~ng ADDENDUM C-2 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM DATE RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department February 3, 1989 SIrE PLAN APPROVAL - HUNTERS RUN TRACT Q "Windsor" As a condition of site plan approval, the following corm~ents should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Delete the "Boundary Line - Housing Tra~t Q" from the plat documents. 2. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. 3. Ail site amenities Fast be accessible to the handicapped. Provide details on the site plan. The sidewalk from the parking lot to the pool area on the site plan should also be shown on the engineering plans. 4. Details of the parking lot must be provided in compliance with the City. parking lot ordinance. 5. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must be signed and sealed. 6. Ail structures must comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition. · 7. Proposed signage requires Board and City Commission approval. 8. Supply construction details for the post lights in the pool area. 9. Details of the site walls must be provided. I0.'Health Department approval is required for room areas. the pool and res~ 11. The pool must be designed by a engineer registered i~ the State of Florida. 12. Landscape plans must indicate a three (3) foot hedge around the pool parking lot. 13. A total of seven (7) parking stalls are required. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. n~ ~£~ DJ:caf ~Do · JaegerI ~ ADDENDUM D-1 cc :,E. E. Howell MEMORANDUM February 6, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR HUNTERS RUN, TRACT Q, "WINDSOR" SITE PLAN-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval.. 1. Provide wall details including design and colors. Any change in unit ~YPe and/or change in structural amenities other than what is shown will require future site plan approval. 3. Seven parking spaces are required for pool. Six spaces are shown. Site plan is showing a thirty-two (32)-foot right-of-way whereas, the preliminary plat is showing a thirty (30) foot right-of-way. 5. The typical roadway section on sheet 2 of 3 shows fifteen (15) feet and twenty-five (25) feet for the same dimension. 6. A typical parking detail has not been provided showing layout, striping and wheetstops. Project signage details on the entry walls or the three (3) sign locations shown were not submitted. Indicate sign height, colors, wording, materials, lettering style and colored sign elevations prior to the ~ommunity Appearance Board deadline February 8, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. If this cannot be met, a future site plan approval will be required. Provide parking lot lighting details including average illumination level, wattage, energy source, pole detail, photocell activation, manufacturer's specification. CSA:ro CAP, MEN S. ANNUNZIAT~ ADDENDUM D-2 February 6, 1989 FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR QUAIL RUN PHASE II,PRELIMINARY PLAT (MODIFIED TRACT 4 BOUNDAR¥)-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the PlanningDepartment's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for preliminary plat approval. Label "Tract W" as "Water Management Tract W" on plat document consistent with the other water management tracts to clearly indicate that this is to be submerged land. A future site plan modification including a revised landscape plan is required. According to the letter submitted with the preliminary plat, sheet 5 of 9 was modified to reflect top of bank as being the same as property line. Label top of bank on the typical lake/outfall section. e Indicate more clearly on of 9 via arrows or a key, line, edge of water line sheets 2 of 9, 3 of 9, and 4 representation of the plat and top of bank line. In researching the plats previously recorded within the Quail Lake P.U.D., the housing tracts, water tract, streets and drainage easemenus within Quail Run, Phase I, are dedicated to the Quail Run Master Association. This preliminary plat request for Phase II indicates that the housing tracts, streets and easements are to be dedicated to a different association, the Quail Run Condominium II Association. CSA:ro cc Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZI~O ADDENDUM E M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziano, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Developmen~ - Building Department February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN APPROVAL - OLD DUTCH MILL As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: Structural plans for the szgn must be by a engineer registered in the State muse be designed to withstand a fifty foot wind load, signed and sealed of Florida. The sign (50) pound per square 2. Indicate on the site plan the proposed setback dimensions for the sign from the south and wesn property lines. 3. The Community Appearance Board recommen~dapproval of the free standing sign with the stipulation that no red letter- ing be allowed and that the sign consist of blue lettering on a white b~ckground. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding commen~s will insure a timely permitting process, DJ:eaf ADDENDUM F-1 cc:E.E.Howell MEMORANDUM February 6, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR OLD DUTCH MILL SITE PLAN-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval. Indicate proposed setback of freestanding sign. At the present time no setback from the front properuy line is required for freestanding signs in commercial zoning districts. However, staff has recommended to the City Manager that a ten (10) foot setback be required for such signs in commercial districts and that this be considered by the City Commission in any future amendment to the sign code. Therefore, it is recommended that'the sign requested be setback ten (10) feet from the front property line. 2. The survey submitted is ten (10) years old. Site plan submittals require surveys no older than six (6) months. Any existing nonconforming signs on site shall be made conforming within three (3) years of the adoption of the new sign ordinance (July 5th, 1988). CSA:ro cc Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZIAT~ -- ADDENDUM F-2 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN APPROVAL - ZICARO'S PLUMBING As a condition of site plan approVal, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Curbing is required around landscaped areas adjacent to parking stalls. 2. South Florida Water Management District approval is re- quired. 3. Details of signage must be submitted for Community Appearance Board and City Commission approval. ~- Details on handicap accessibility to the building must be provided. 5. The site plan'sBows trees, hedges and light poles proposed in utility easements. Approval from the applicable utilities must be secured prior'to permitting. The applicant's prompt compliance ~i~h the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. D6n er~ DJ:eaf cc:E.E.Howell ADDENDUM G-1 MEMORANDUM February 6, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: Mr. Jim ~olden Senior City Planner Tom Clark City Engineer Site Plans, Zicaro's Plumbing, Boynton Beach Distribution Center COM~NTS: 1. Street lighting is required in the public Rights-of-Way. The street lights are a bonded improvement and are shown on sheet t of 4 of the subdivision development plans. A plan and cost estimate has been requested by the City Engineer from Florida Power & Light Company, who will use their own plans (approved by City) for street light installation. Upon receipt of funds (as per F.P.& L. cost estimate) from the developer or Surety Company, F.P.& L. will be authorized to install the street lights. 2. Drainage plans shall include inlet structures in dry grassed ponds o~ swales. Storm sewers may be connected to inlet structures in the R.O.W. No sheet flow across sidewalks is allowed, even though the Water Management plan included the run-off from the platted lots. Regrading of the parking - lot may be necessary to accomodate the collection of rain failvonlsite. 3. The current City standard for turnouts into the R.O.W. is not swaled. Elevations indicating a swaled turnout should be revised as should the typical section. - New 4. Stop signs should be 7 feet above grade~ 5. Grassed swales should be 8 inches below crown grade of the street. sod is required where grass is dead. 6. Roof drainage could connect directly to the storm sewers. 7. Refer to bill Flushing's memo of January 27, 1989. TAC/ok attachment Tom Clark ADDENDUM G-2 (a) To: From: Re: TRB MEMORANDUM Tom Clark Bml! Flushmng Zicaro's Plumbing A letter is required explaining why the first hour cf a three year storm (2.5 in.) ms l%ot retained on site as is ~-~-~d by Boynton Beach Code. Copies of all permits an~ agreements shall be included. There should be no storm water flow over the sidewalk. Certification shall be provided indicating that the l_g~ poles comply '~ ~ ~tn chaste~ ~ ~ 12 of the Standard B~ilding C~de (120 u~ .~ - ~,H ~ ~,d ±oaezng) as per parking t~t- wrdl~,~,~._.- ~.-i Flushing ADDENDUM G-2(b) MEMOR ANDUM February 3, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR ZICARO' S PLUMBING SITE PLAN-STAFF ~OMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval. 1. The on-site retention comment from the January 5, 1989 Planning Department memorandum was not addressed. The swale section provided does not indicate the depth of the swale; nor does the drainage plan show spot elevations at the bottom of the swale along the eastern and northern property.lines. "Provide a cross section of the perimeter landscape strip showing the deepening of this area to provide additional on-site retention. 2. Indicate proposed colors on elevations. Indicate setback and provide details of freestanding sign including colors, lettering style, wording, materials, height, and colored elevations prior to the Community Appearance Board deadline February 8, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. If this can not be met, a future site plan approval will be required. CSA:ro cc Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZIAT~ ADDENDUM G-3 iViICH~EL P. OO~ETT. AX.A. 401 W. LA.',"r~,~, Rm.. SU~?E $ LA~WA~,. i~LO~DA 33462 (407) 588-2236 January 24, 1989 Mr. Jim Golden, Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department Boynton Beach, Florida Re: High Ridge Country Club Clubhouse Expansion Site Plan Modification Dear Jim: Per our discussion the following are the revisions to the Site Plan Review Drawings: Site Plan- A. There is no increase in square footage however some minor adjustments have been made to tie into the existing building.columns as they now exist. (1) Pro Shop revised to 60'-4" vs 60'-0" and footprint revised to elevation design ( S.F. Reduction to accomodate the building adjustment in width) (2) Card Rm revised to 60'-8" vs 60'-0" and southern extension unchanged. (3) Lounge Width reduced from 48'-0"to 46'-0" to accomodate increase at card room. (~) Kitchen/ Revised to accomodate scale and city requirement Dining for backup area at dumpster area. Bo No Significant change to building footprint and no increase in building area Elevations- A. Clerestory windows eliminated on the South, East, and West Elevations to improve energy requirements of the building and to help reduce building height on the elevations. B. Building height is reduced at ell porticos on the South, East and West Elevations by at least 4'-0" to accomodate a much more esthetic scale. and reduce the building height. C. North elevation and trellace will remain similar to the original scheme. No other changes are anticipated. Sincerely, Michael P. Corbett, A.I.A. cc: High Ridge Country Club MPC/sc ADDENDUM MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, ~lanning Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department DATE: February 3, 1989 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTERS RUN TRACT I "Essex" Privacy Wall Addition As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Details of the proposed wall construction must be shown on the plans. 2. A landscaping plan must be submitted showing how the pro- posed wall addition affects approved landscaping. 3. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must be signed and sealed. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:eaf cc:E.E.Howell MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato,.Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development BuildingDepartment February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTERS RUN TRACT J "Bristol" Unit Type Change and Privacy Wall ~ddition As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorproated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Indicate on the site plan the dimensions between buildings. 2. A landscaping plan must be submitted showing how the pro- posed wall addition affects approved landscaping. 3. Ail additions must comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition as well as all applicable City Code of Ordinances. 4. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must be signed and sealed. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a'timety permitting process. · Dd{~ Ja%e~er D~:eaf ee:E.E.Howell i~DDENDLiMJ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Department HUNTERS RUN TRACT P-1 "Eastgate" Rear and Side Porch Additions As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Ail additions must comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1985 edition, as well as all applicable City Codes,and Ordinances. 2. No construction will be permitted to encroach platted easements. 3. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must be signed and sealed. 4. The third sheet indicates that enclosures are requested for unit number VI. As no units with this number are contained within this plat, this appears to be a mistake and probably should read "unit number IV". The applicant's prompt compliance:with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. on J~er DJ:eaf cc:E.E.Ho~ell~ ' MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department February 3, 1989 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTERS RUN TRACT P~2 "Eastgate" Rear and Side Porch Additions As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorproated inno the related documenns the applicant: by ~ Ail additions must comply with Table Building Code, 1985 edition, as well Codes and Ordinances. 600 of the Standard as all applicable City 2. Ail plans submitted for public record by a design professional registered in the State of Florida must be signed and sealed. 3.ments.N° conskruction will be permitted to encroach platted eas~- 4. The third sheet indicanes that enclosures are requested for unit number VI. As no units with this number are contained within this plat, this appears to be a mistake and probably should read "~nit number IV". The applicant's prompt comptiance~wi.th the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. o~ Ja~ / DJ: eaf cc: E. E. Howell