ON TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2020, AT 5:30 P.M.
Steven B. Grant, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
Ty Penserga, Vice Mayor James Cherof, City Attorney
Justin Katz, Commissioner Crystal Gibson, City Clerk
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner
Christina Romelus, Commissioner
A. Call to Order
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
John McNally, Information Technology Director, provided information regarding how to
participate in the live online meeting.
Commissioner Woodrow L. Hay provided the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Woodrow L. Hay led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. There was a quorum.
Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mayor Grant requested to add a discussion under Legal regarding curfew as item 12-B;
also add discussions under City Manager's Report regarding racial inequity, summer
camps and employment opportunity.
2. Adoption
Vice Mayor Penserga moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Katz
seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
A. Informational items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner Katz thanked the police and participants of the events, which has taken
place in the City of Boynton Beach. He acknowledged the citizens' rights to express
themselves and the Police Department's facilitation of the residents' rights to do so.
Commissioner Hay said his heart was heavy today because our country is in deep turmoil
and chaos, trigged by events such as the pandemic and killing of a citizen. This should
anger us as people. Commissioner Hay quoted the Bible, "Be angry but sin not" and
challenged our nation to come together with solutions.
Commissioner Romelus spoke with Bradley Miller of Miller Land Planning regarding two
items on the agenda. Commissioner Romelus shared a prepared speech into the record
regarding racism and her personal feelings on the matter being American, Woman and
Vice Mayor Penserga indicated he also spoke with Bradley Miller of Miller Land Planning
regarding two items on the agenda. Indicated he wants to learn and grow, and to show
up for everyone. He attended a protest and it was calm. He was worried how the media
was portraying the citizens. Vice Mayor Penserga stated all Black and brown lives matter.
Mayor Grant attended a Hispanic studies class through the Palm Beach County School
District on May 20th . He was deposed on May 22nd by the Homing Inn regarding their
freedom of speech lawsuit in Federal Court against the City of Boynton Beach. He
participated with the American Legion on Memorial Day. On May 26th, he attended a
Strategic Planning session. He was looking forward to having a discussion with the City
Commission about strategic planning regarding the City of Boynton Beach moving
forward. He also attended the National League of Cities. Informed the Commission he
has a meeting with congressional leaders June 3rd to discuss the City of Boynton Beach
and Federal funding. Attended the BDB Town Hall. Expressed his gratitude to Andre
Thaddeus for reaching out to him to have a discussion. Expressed the Commission needs
to address change, and pass resolutions and ordinances to help protect our residents,
our visitors, businesses, and our tours. Spoke with Boynton Strong to work together.
Informed the residents the Boynton Beach Police Department has the tools necessary to
monitor social media, and that they are aware of any sort of posting. The police turned
away 30 to 40 cars that they felt were looking to cause damage to the City of Boynton
Beach. Wanted to commend the Police Department for doing their job and keeping the
residents safe.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
3. Announcements, Community and Special events and Presentations.
A. Announcement of June Events by Eleanor Krusell, Public Communications &
Marketing Director.
Eleanor Krusell, Public Communications & Marketing Director, announced a Drive By at
the new Fire Station #1 on June 3, 2020, from Noon until 1pm; the Firefighters will be
giving out some goodies. Free play at the links Sunday, June 7th, the first tee-time: 6:55
am. Ms. Krusell stated the golf course was first opened on June 7, 1984. Currently 200
golfers have booked tee time. Saturday June 6th, between 2 pm until 4 pm, the City will
celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day at Boardwalk Italian Ice and Creamery. The City
of Boynton Beach will be distributing 75 flags. The City will be celebrating Flag Day -
Sunday, June 14th; the location and time are yet to be determined. Ms. Krusell noted to
follow the City of Boynton Beach on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Next Door for
B. Announce FY 20/21 Budget Workshops dates and times.
Mayor Grant announced the fiscal year 20/21 Budget Workshops dates and times.
Budget workshops are scheduled to be held July 13-15, 2020 in the Police Station
Community Room, 2100 High Ridge Road:
Monday July 13, 2020: 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020: 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020: 2:00 p.m.
The Commission adopts a Preliminary Fire Assessment Resolution and Tentative Millage
Rate Resolution at these workshops.
C. Proclaim Friday June 5, 2020 as National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
Miriam Laing of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in American will
accept the proclamation
Mayor Grant read the proclamation into the record.
Miriam Laing of Moms Demand Action for Guns Sense in America, thanked the City of
Boynton Beach Commission and the people of Boynton Beach for supporting gun
violence awareness. She spoke concerning her personal feeling about recent murders,
racism and gun violence. She explained that the mission of Moms Demand Action of
Guns Sense in America is to end gun violence, which is linked to a crisis that is centuries
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
D. Update on Library by Craig Clark Library Director
Craig Clark, Library Director, stated the Library is offering curbside service by
appointment and will be discontinued on June 13, 2020. The Library will continue its
Virtual Summer Reading Program for Kids and Teens, Virtual Storytime, and our virtual
do it yourself craft videos. On July 24th, the digital library will be accessible from the Library
webpage. All items which are currently checked out will be due back on August 3rd.
Reminded all there are no late fines.
4. Public Audience
Individual Speakers Will Be Limited To 3 Minute Presentations (at the discretion of
the Chair, this 3-minute allowance may need to be adjusted depending on the level
of business coming before the City Commission)
Mary Drago spoke about the Miraflor apartments. Concerned about the height of the wall
and whether it was concrete. Indicated she sent in a petition to the City Commission and
wanted to make sure the petition was received. Requested ideas on how the HOA can
protect the pool area from nonresidents.
Mayor Grant explained this information would be discussed later in the meeting.
Carline Paul new resident of the Boynton Beach indicated her experience has not been
positive. Her biggest concern is the corner of SW 5 and Seacrest. After each accident,
she must clean up the street. She asked for positive guidance.
Mayor Grant understands the frustration. He explained she may need to speak with Mack
Bernard her County Commissioner, regarding Seacrest Boulevard. Informed Ms. Paul to
speak with the Building Department.
Commissioner Romelus stated she forwarded Ms. Paul email to the City Manager as well
as Adam Temple, the Community Standards Director.
City Clerk Gibson read comments into the record, by Eva Chavez, to establish a citizen
police committee and other suggestions (see Attachment "A").
5. Administrative
A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on
City advisory boards.
Mayor Grant announced openings for each Board.
6. Consent Agenda
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City
Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with
all the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject
to staff comments
Commissioner Katz pulled items C
Commissioner Hay Pulled Items A and E
Mayor Grant pulled item 0
A. Proposed Resolution No. R20-044 - Authorize Mayor to sign the Locally
Funded Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Florida Department
of Transportation for the design of a complete street and vision zero project of
Boynton Beach Boulevard from NW 4th Street to Federal Highway (US-1).
Commissioner Hay requested clarification and possibly be shown a picture of the project.
His understanding was the CRA would be funding this project. Noted in the backup the
City would pay and receive reimbursement from the CRA.
Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager, explained this is a Complete Streets Project. This
project began several years ago as an initiative of the CRA. Mr. Groff stated "complete
streets" means all people could use, whether it is pedestrian, bicyclist, or other forms of
transportation. The CRA funded the first phase, which was a 30% design
phase. Encouraged Commissioner Hay to meet with CRA staff to review the project and
see some photos and rendering of the completed concepts of Complete Streets
Project. The CRA will initiate the project, and the City of Boynton Beach will coordinate
with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to build the project. The CRA does not
build projects, the City does. The City has an interlocal agreement with FDOT. This would
be the next phase of the project, to go from the 30% design, to the final design.
Commissioner Hay inquired if anything was being done from 1-95 to 4th Street.
Mayor Grant interjected the City was working with FDOT, redoing that intersection. While
the Town Square is being developed, they need not worry about ruining the streets in this
Commissioner Hay stated Gateway would follow those guidelines.
Mayor Grant noted the City does not have a Complete Street ordinance or resolution.
However, FDOT is working on a new intersection at Gateway that he believes will come
into effect in the next 2 to 3 years. Gateway is not set to be a complete street because
the CRA was able to fund the initial phase. If the City wants to move forward with Gateway
Boulevard, that would need to be a City initiative.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion,
which unanimously passed.
B. Proposed Resolution No. R20-045 - Authorize Mayor to sign Interlocal
Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Boynton Beach CRA to
fund the complete streets design and construction of Boynton Beach Boulevard
between NW 4th Street and Federal Highway (US-1).
C. Proposed Resolution No. R20-046 - Approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign the revised Dog Park Maintenance Agreement between the City of
Boynton Beach and Boynton Town Center Master Association, Inc. for the
perpetual maintenance of the Joseph Crowder Dog Park, subject to final
approval of the City Attorney.
Commissioner Katz acknowledge staff, stated the final stage of the Cortina is almost
complete. Noted the dog park on the lake is the crown jewel of the area and was not being
maintained. The City worked out a deal with the HOA, the City would take over and
manage some aspect of the park. This is a great facility. Recognized staff working to
make sure it is maintained properly.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Mayor Grant asked when the dog park would be opened.
Andrew Mack, Director of Public Works, announced the park is still closed; staff is adding
a fourth dog run. The POA is re-sodding the area of the dog runs. Indicated within the
next 30 days the dog run should be opened to the public.
D. Proposed Resolution No. R20-047 - Authorize Mayor to sign interlocal
agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Boynton Beach CRA to
provide funding for the construction of the East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Extension streetscape and parking improvements.
E. Proposed Resolution No. R20-048 - Assess the cost of nuisance abatement on
properties within the City of Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Hay stated there were four properties on the Resolution No. R20-048 and
he noted only one property was trying to comply. He wanted to know if the City had
extended the courtesy to the property on Seacrest, they look like they put in new shrubby
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
and painted the building as well. Efforts are being made, the other three properties seem
like nothing is being done,
Mayor Grant suggested tabling the 816 Seacrest Boulevard property until next
Commission meeting and move forward with the other three properties.
Commissioner Hay agreed.
Mayor Grant requested Mr. Temple to explain the costs nuisance abatement process.
Adam Temple, Community Standards Director, explained regarding 816 North Seacrest,
the city has expended funds. This is to recoup the cost to maintain the property. The
property owner has been provided several opportunities to pay this. During COVID-19,
the property owner contacted the Community Standards Department.
Mayor Grant asked if there were additional liens on the property. Mr. Temple replied
there are several liens on the property. This is a property, which was neglected for several
years. The property owner has made improvements on the property and the process for
applying for a lien reduction was explained to them.
Commissioner Hay made a motion to approve as stated. Seconded by Vice Mayor
Penserga, which unanimously passed.
F. Proposed Resolution No. R20-049 - Amend the fiscal year 2019-20 budget,
which will adjust budgeted appropriations and revenue sources and provide
spending authority for the Capital Improvement Fund (302) as it relates to the
ILAs with the CRA to fund Boynton Beach Boulevard Extension streetscape and
parking improvements and Boynton Beach Boulevard complete streets project.
G. Proposed Resolution No. R20-050 - Authorize the City Manager to sign a
Government Obligation Contract and related documents with Fleetwood
Financial. Fleetwood Financial Leasing LLC is financing the purchase of the
City's new Eventide playback/recording system purchased from Interaction
Insight Corporation.
H. Approve Task Order UT-3D-03 with Baxter & Woodman,Inc., in the amount of
$94,561 in accordance with RFQ No. 046-2821-17/TP, General Consulting
Services Contract, Scope Category D awarded by City Commission on August 7,
2018 for 30% civil engineering design plans and assistance with the City's 2021
Transportation Alternative Program grant application.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
I. Approve revisions to the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 approved surtax projects.
J. Approve an increase of$83,120 to the existing purchase order for sulfuric
acid with Shrieve Chemical Company utilizing the previously approved City of
Lake Worth Bid No.17-109 which expires October 17, 2020. This will bring the
total approved expenditure to $211,000 for the year.
K. Proposed Resolution No. R20-051 - Approve Piggy Back of the Palm Beach
County, FL Sole Source Solicitation SS150946/CC with Hach Company for
Instrumentation Products, OEM Parts, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs with
the same terms, conditions, specifications and pricing and authorize the City
Manager to sign a piggy-back contract with Hach. The maximum anticipated
annual expenditure under this contract is expected to be $100,000. Palm Beach
County has complied with purchasing policies and considered this as a sole
source provider of Products and Preventive Maintenance Services on Hach
L. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/or piggy-backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities as described in the written report for
June 2, 2020 - "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks."
M. Approve the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and authorize staff to
conduct negotiations with the highest ranked firm Globaltech, Inc. of Boca
Raton, FL and establish contracts in accordance with the Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) No. 006-2821-19/TP East Water Treatment Plant Generator
Replacement Progressive Design Build and per Florida Statute 287.055,
Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA). At the completion of each
phase of the negotiations, the Contracts will be brought back to the Commission
for approval.
N. Approve the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and authorize staff to
conduct negotiations with the first ranked firm, Florida Technical Consultants,
LLC. of Boynton Beach, FL. and establish a contract in accordance with the
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 007-2821-20/TP for Geographic
Information System (GIS) Engineering Services and Florida Statute 287.055,
Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA). At the completion of each
phase of the negotiations, the Contracts will be brought back to the Commission
for approval.
O. Proposed Resolution No. R20-052 —Authorizing the City Manager to enter into
a National Emergency Dislocated Worker Worksite Non-Financial Memorandum
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
of Understanding with CareerSource Palm Beach County to provide temporary
jobs to assist with humanitarian aid, clean up and restoration activities due to
David Scott, Director of Economic Development and Strategy, indicated his office was
contacted by CareerSource Palm Beach County, to assist those that have lost their jobs,
have been displaced by COVID-19 or for the long term unemployed. These grants provide
resources to States to help with unexpected layoffs due to disasters or other types of
events, such as COVID-19. These grant funds would cover the costs of employment of
temporary workers to assist with COVID-19 related tasks.
For the City of Boynton Beach, identified four positions and made them available for
consideration: park rangers, janitorial services, facility support as well as outreach for
some of the city businesses. This grant will support those humanitarian efforts. The
employees will be hired through the Manpower agency, which is an independent agency.
This grant supports these workers for approximately 2 to 3 months. They prefer positions
that may lead to long-term employment. The grant pays up to $17 an hour for four
positions. Upon approval of this item, the jobs will be posted on Employ South Florida's
website. The recruiting will begin immediately. After about a month of screening, those
candidates will be referred to the city for further consideration. These are 12-week
Mr. Scott wanted to clarify the business outreach position is in no way considered a
Compliance Officer. While it does have compliance, the title is more outreach and
information for businesses as a shift, to opening and supports them in their efforts to
comply with the Governor's Executive Order for social distancing. This is just our way of
supporting our businesses as they re-open. With regard to the parks, it is to support social
distancing, again, and communicate with those of our residents and visitors who attend
our parks to explain or share some of our social distancing measures to help with that.
Each, of these positions must be specifically COVID-19 related, and it is to support the
Governor's Executive Order.
Charles Duval, CareerSource, Assistant Vice President, stated he was excited to work
with Boynton Beach in this upcoming project.
Mayor Grant asked if Manpower was the preferred staffing agency. Mr. Duval indicated
CareerSource has entered into an agreement with Manpower, CareerSource will function
as the recruiting entity. He provided the criteria: being long-term unemployed and
COVID-19 related unemployment.
Mayor Grant requested CareerSource use their facility. Indicated the job fair did not work,
he would like to have a present in Boynton Beach. Mr. Duval stated this would be taken
into advisement.
Mr. Scott provided the names of the position, which the city would be hiring.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Mayor Grant asked to get this information out on the website.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked about the outreach specialist. He asked after the specialist
has visited a business and observed compliance, if the business is not in compliance,
what would be done?
Mr. Scott stated these positions are not code compliance; this is informational only. If the
businesses need any help, support would be provided.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which
unanimously passed.
P. Approve minutes from the City Commission meeting on May 19, 2020.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner
Romelus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
7. Bids and Purchases Over $100,000
A. Proposed Resolution No. R20-053 - Authorize the City Manager to sign the
proposal for the purchase of 5 Mobile Diesel Generators and one Mobile
Parallel Box from TAW Power Systems, Inc. of Pompano Beach, FL, a Kohler
Generator Systems Distributor for the sum of $332,960 through the national
Sourcewell Contract#120617-KOH. Sourcewell procurement process
satisfies the City's competitive bid requirements.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the Consent Agenda for items over $100,000.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
8. Public Hearing
6 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity as
Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-011 - Second Reading - Approve Madison on
the Avenue Future Land Use Map Amendment from Local Retail Commercial
(LRC) to Special High Density Residential (SHDR).
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Attorney Cherof read the proposed Ordinance No. 20-011 into the record on second
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning, Inc., on behalf of property owner Jarod Doros,
requested to address all three items with one presentation. The subject 0.67-acre
property is in the Federal Highway District (South) of the Community Redevelopment
Area (CRA). It comprises two parcels fronting SE 23rd Avenue, approximately 500 feet
west of Federal Highway. The eastern parcel is developed with a single-family home,
currently vacant, while the western parcel has a professional office housed in the 1966
structure. Currently, both parcels carry commercial land use and zoning designations. To
support a proposed 10-townhouse project, the applicant is requesting that the property
be reclassified to the residential category of Special High Density Residential (SHDR) and
rezoned to the IPUD Infill Planned Development District.
The applicant is requesting a Land Use amendment rezoning, and a Master Site Plan for
the infill Planned Unit Development Zoning for a 10-unit project. The site is on the south
side of south-east 23rd Avenue, which is the extension of Golf Road, west of Federal
Highway, surrounded, by multi-family development all the way around on the south side,
and east, and west, also across the road. Then there is some commercial spaces. The
applicant is proposing to change the land use from a commercial designation of Local
Retail Commercial (LRC), to a residential designation of special high density residential
(SHDR). The zoning is the commercial zoning of C2 to the infill planned unit
development, and the IPUD Zoning District. The unit's accesses, SE 23rd Avenue. There
are two buildings, five units each. Mr. Miller showed a slide with the breakdown of the
square footage. They are below the density. Mentioned, each unit has a two-car garage,
the garages will be wired. There will be the capability for electric vehicles to plugin. There
are recreational amenity and that south-west corner, which is a requirement to the IPUD
that we exceed that. Indicated they have buffered all the way around the perimeter of the
At the Planning and Development Board meeting, there were some conditions raised,
and discussed at the May 19th Commission meeting about providing additional
landscaping along the west facade and along the north facade of that front building, which
is shown. After reviewing the information, applicant realize it was actually a rendering
issue, which has been addressed.
The Planning and Zoning Board mentioned that installing a fence along the front of the
North building would give those unit owners a little more security and a little better
screening from the road; the rendering has changed. Mr. Miller showed a comparison of
the two that actually implements all of the plant material and it also implements the black
rail fence along the front. Provided an enlargement that shows how that fence will run
across the front, which gives a real nice feature, along the street frontage. Separates that
front yard area of the units from the public sidewalk.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Applicant is asking to eliminate both conditions 18 and 19. These are the conditions of
approval that were coming from the Planning and Development Board. Mr. Miller said
there was an error with the rendering. The West Facade is in good shape. Indicated some
windows have been added on that side. The balcony will wrap around. Applicant has
added Bahama shutter on that side. The West facade's is very well treated and does not
need the additional landscaping for condition 18.
Condition 19 to be removed and replaced with a new condition 20 that requires, prior to
permit submittal revisions, to the plant to depict a 4-foot-tall aluminum Rail fence along
the south side of southwest 23rd Avenue sidewalk, including pedestrian gates for each of
the residential units.
In conclusion, the exhibit shows how the site plan fits into the surrounding uses and
community. Applicant is requesting a land use Amendment, to the Special High Density,
the corresponding zoning, and the master site plan that goes with the
IPUD Zoning. Applicant agrees with all other conditions, with those modifications
summarized removing 18 and 19, and replacing those with condition number 20.
Open to public:
No one coming forward, Mayor Grant closed public comment.
Commission for Comment:
Commissioner Hay asked about the plants within the fence, would they grow higher than
4 to 5 feet. Mr. Miller stated it would be kept at 4 feet.
Mayor Grant thanked the developer for building new residences for sale. He suggested
seeing if there is any way the City of Boynton Beach could get this information to the
Commissioner Hay moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 20-011 removing
conditions 18 and 19. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion.
Clerk Gibson called the roll. Vote 5-0
Proposed Ordinance No. 20-012 - Second Reading - Approve Madison on
the Avenue Rezoning from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to IPUD Infill
Planned Unit Development.
Attorney Cherof read the proposed Ordinance No. 20-012 into the record on second
reading. Swore in all those wishing to speak.
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City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Commissioner Hay moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 20-012. Vice Mayor
Penserga seconded the motion.
Clerk Gibson called the roll. Vote 5-0
B. Approve Madison on the Avenue Major Site Plan Modification for the
construction of a multifamily residential development consisting of ten (10)
townhomes within two (2), two-story structures and the associated residential
amenities, parking, landscaping, and lighting on a 0.67-acre property.
Applicant: Jarod Doros, JWD Builders.
Commissioner Hay moved to remove from the table. Commissioner Romelus seconded
the motion, which unanimously passed.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve Madison on the Avenue Major Site Plan Modification
for the construction of a multifamily residential development. Commissioner Romelus
seconded the motion, which was unanimously passed.
C. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-013 - Second Reading - Approve Miraflor
Apartments Future Land Use Map Amendment from Medium Density
Residential (MDR) to High Density Residential (HDR).
Attorney Cherof read the proposed Ordinance No. 20-013 into the record on the second
Bradly Miller, Miller Land Planning, informed the Commission the 3.87-acre lot was
originally part of the Palm Beach Memorial Park, slated for a future expansion area of the
cemetery. At the time of the Memorial Park sale, the expansion plans were abandoned,
and the unused subject property was subdivided from the original cemetery parcel. The
site was approved for 40 townhomes in 2007, but due to the economic downturn, the
project was abandoned. Since then, the owners found an economically feasible use for
the property, given its layout and the steadily rising land and construction prices. To
increase development feasibility of the site, the applicant is requesting that the future land
use of the property be amended to High Density Residential (HDR), and its zoning
changed to Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD), the district recently approved to be
paired with the HDR category. The Applicant is requesting a land use amendment,
rezoning, and master site plan based on the IPUD zoning. Noted this parcel is on the
northern part of Seacrest Boulevard at the very northern border. The property spans
between Seacrest Boulevard, and 1-95 to the north. Pine Point Villas Condos is to the
South and then a single-family community to the east, the cemetery and the single-family
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
homes are in the county. Pine Point Villas are in the city. This parcel was separated and
sold off by the cemetery back in 2006 to property owner, where it was annexed into the
city. The applicant is proposing to increase the density to 58 units, which helps spread
the cost out amongst more units, which makes it more marketable to a unit size and a
price range that is more suited for the area.
Showed the land use designation. Applicant is requesting that land use be changed from
medium density residential, which is 11 units an acre to high density residential of 15 units
per acre. Applicant is also requesting to modify the zoning from the R-3 zoning district to
an infill planned unit development.
The property is a little under four acres. It has a vehicular access point, that the County
has required to be align with Mentone Road on the East side of Seacrest, which gives
that little "S" curve as you come in.
There are five different buildings. The buildings are going to consist of both three story
and two-story units where the units stack on top of each other. The end portions of the
building will be two-story. The middle of the buildings will be three-story components.
There are 142 parking spaces, which exceeds parking requirements. Mr. Miller explained
with the three-bedroom units, there is the potential of having three drivers in a unit. Those
additional spaces would address the density of the 15 units per acre the land use
designation. The unit sizes range there from around a 1000 to 1100 square feet per unit,
there is a mix of three-bedroom, two baths, and two-bedroom, two baths. Mentioned the
detention areas and the green space.
The front of the property on the right side of the screen, there will be a bus shelter that
would be added to the existing bus stop, people waiting for the bus will have a shelter.
There are electric car charging stations that are distributed throughout the parking area,
sidewalks, benches and bike racks, all throughout.
A landscaped buffer around the entire perimeter of the property to the north side. An
aluminum rail fence at six feet high to separate the property from the cemetery has been
proposed. Applicant has worked with the cemetery owners on a condition that he would
read into the record. The buffers on the East and West Sides are compliant with code,
both in width, and in the landscape material themselves. There are some water tolerant
trees that are included in the dry detention area.
Noted on the south property line, that buffer is twice as wide as it needs to be in
width. Indicated there was an easement in this area. There is an overhead power line.
Mr. Miller indicated the property is adjacent to the Pine Point Villas buffer, which includes
a six-foot-high hedge, and a chain link fence, which is on Pine Point Villas property and
would remain there. The applicant is adding an additional buffer.
There was discussion regarding activities for middle school aged children. A suggestion
was made for a basketball court. Mr. Miller believes having a basketball court may have
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
some unintended results. The court may actually attract more people to the community
than perhaps wanted.
Mr. Miller provided some options, combined the tot lot and the pavilion. Added a multi-
purpose play field, which was suggested by Vice Mayor Penserga, which it allows for
soccer, softball, kickball, throwing, and provides some flexibility.
The closest building to the property line, is 50 feet, there is additional 20 feet of separation
from the common property line to the nearest Point Villas condo. Indicated there is
approximately 70 to 75 feet of separation between the units, and with the transition, a two
story on the ends and the three-story building, it gives a better visual separation.
Applicant is requesting to eliminate condition 22, replaced by 24. The applicants in
agreement with 23 adding the foundation plantings, which is already part of the code.
Mr. Miller indicated condition 24 replaces the condition 22 to revise the plans depicting a
consolidation of active recreational components to provide greater, open play areas within
the designated usable open space areas. This is a modification to the recreational area,
to shift the pavilion over to the West Play area and use larger area on the east side for an
open, multi-purpose play area.
Condition 25 was the condition, which the Mayor requested, and 26 to coordinate with the
cemetery these were accepted the applicant. The condition worked out with the cemetery
states the proposed site plan landscape planting plan, has a five foot wide landscaped
buffer to be installed along the entire length of the north property line where adjacent to
the existing cemetery the Buffer Shell consists of the following materials as a barrier: six
foot high black aluminum rail fence as shown on the landscape planting plan. A red tipped
cocoa Plum Hedge installed as shown on the landscape planting plan, with three-gallon
plants, approximately two feet in height and two feet on center to create a continuous
hedge. Hedge shall be allowed to grow and will be maintained at a height of six feet.
There will be Fakahatchee grass on the landscape, including gumbo limo, live oaks and
cabbage palm. Applicant has staff recommendation with conditions.
Mayor Grant believe there was someone earlier, which had a comment regarding the
fence along the border with Pine Point Villas. Mayor Grant believes the applicant
answered, that there will be a six feet aluminum fence, surrounded by hedges. This should
prevent children from cutting through and hopping the fence.
Mr. Miller clarified, that is an existing chain link fence, which is a part of Pine Point Villas
and will remain along that south property line.
Mayor Grant asked if the applicant was going to be placing hedges along that chain link
fence or leaving it open? Mr. Miller replied there is additional hedging that goes along
that property line as well as additional trees. Their existing hedge is the 5 to 6 feet high
and under their control. The applicant has a similar hedge that will grow on the applicant
side of the property line plus additional ground cover and trees.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Opened to the Public:
Mary Drago asked if there was a possibility of a concrete wall. Indicated Pine Point Villas
is an adult community. (Inaudible.)
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning, stated he believed the resident was requesting a 10
ft. high concrete wall. Mr. Miller indicated having a 10 ft. wall would violate the building
code. He stated the chain-link fence and the landscaping provide a barrier and separation
between the two properties. A concrete wall provides an avenue for vandalism.
Mayor Grant asked the decimal level of 1-95 and Pine Pointe Villas. Mr. Miller indicated
the highway could be heard from the property. There is a sound wall along the DOT right-
of-way. There is a letter from the Department of Transportation (DOT) in regards to
considering extending the sound wall.
Mayor Grant asked if the management company would have any type of security camera
to make sure uninvited guest do not enter the property. Mr. Miller stated this would be a
trespassing issue. This is a good neighbor item.
Mayor Grant asked if Mr. Miller was aware of any communities other than Pine Pointe
Villas. Mr. Miller stated there are single-family homes to the north and east of the
development of Pine Pointe Villas.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 20-013, Miraflor
Apartments Future Land Use Map Amendment from Medium Density Residential (MDR)
to High Density Residential (HDR) with the additional condition of approval for the
applicant to apply for a pedestrian crossing from Palm Beach County. Commissioner Hay
seconded the motion.
Clerk Gibson called the roll. Vote 5-0
Proposed Ordinance No. 20-014 — Second Reading - Approve Miraflor
Apartments Rezoning from R-3 Multi-Family Residential District to IPUD Infill
Planned Unit Development District.
Attorney Cherof read the proposed Ordinance No. 20-014 into the record on second
Commissioner Hay moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 20-014 Miraflor
Apartments Rezoning from R-3 Multi-Family Residential District to IPUD infill Planned Unit
Development District. Vice Mayor Penserga seconded the motion.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Clerk Gibson called the roll. Vote 5-0
D. Approve Miraflor Apartments Major Site Plan Modification for the construction
of a multifamily residential development consisting of 58 rental apartments
within five (5), two/three-story structures with associated residential
improvements on 3.87 acres requested to be rezoned to IPUD. Randall K.
Rush of Seacrest Properties, LLC. At their May 28th meeting the Planning &
Development Board unanimously approved this request subject to staffs 21
recommended conditions of approval plus two additional Board conditions.
Commissioner Hay motion remove from the table the Miraflor Apartment Major Site Plan
Modification. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve with the applicant's amendments. Commissioner
Hay seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
E. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-016 — Second Reading - discussion and
direction regarding Advisory Board members and draft ordinance to
consolidate and conform Boards.
Attorney Cherof read the proposed Ordinance No. 20-016 into the record on second
Commissioner Katz moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 20-016 into the record on
second reading. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment on the ordinance.
Clerk Gibson called the roll. Vote 5-0
F. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-002 - Second Reading - Approving the
Boynton Beach Mall Rezoning from C-3, Community Commercial, to SMU,
Suburban Mixed Use. Applicant: Bonnie Miskel, Esq., of Dunay, Miskel and
Bachman, LLP. (This agenda item has been continued to the June 16,
2020 Commission Meeting.)
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
G. Approval of the Master Plan Modification (MPMD 19-004) for the Boynton
Beach Mall allowing for the phased conversion to a mixed use or life style
center with the reconfiguration of retail space, and the addition of residential,
hotel and office uses to the existing movie theater, fitness center and church
uses. (This agenda item has been continued to the June 16, 2020
Commission Meeting.)
9. City Manager's Report
A. Review and discuss staffs report on the City's Home-based Business
Regulations and comparison with the Village of Wellington's home-based
business standards.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, provided an update on the City of Boynton Beach home-
based business regulation.
Michael Rumpf, Development Director, provided an overview of home-based
businesses, which has been accommodated and regulated since modern zoning
regulations were established by local and county governments. The City's Land
Development Regulations defines a "Home Occupation" (a.k.a. home-based business)
as "the operation of an individual and/or members of the immediate family conducted
inside a dwelling unit within a zoning district that allows for residential uses, when such
dwelling unit is the principal use of the property and all the applicable conditions of this
Code can be affirmatively evidenced and complied with". The criteria and standards are
established to control the characteristics ("performance") of the business to prevent
impacts upon the residential environment, as well as to prevent its existence from even
being realized within the neighborhood. The regulations are primarily performance-based,
in that they regulate the characteristics of the business rather than being zoning-based
by specifying the permitted or prohibited uses.
The Zoning Matrix, footnote #34, regulates such uses with both objective and subjective
standards, including primarily those that address maximum area devoted to the business,
the operators of the business (residents only), the equipment or machinery used, use of
the home's garage, business signage, and parking and types of vehicles used for the
business. In most cases, these regulations are adequate in achieving the intended
peaceful co-existence within neighborhoods. However, staff has learned that there are
few uses that have associated operational characteristics that create noise or that
represent a greater commercial appearance for neighborhood compatibility, warranting
the application by staff of additional regulating rules. Such uses would include
landscaping contractors with on-site equipment trailers, towing companies, stretch limos,
mobile venders, and moving companies. This review, as requested by the City
Commission, has prompted a review of these processes for conformance with the
standards, or for the possible need for amendments to these standards.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
In comparison with the regulations of the Village of Wellington, staff describes the most
notable differences as follow: The City's LDRs allow a maximum of 20% of the dwelling
to be used for the business, verses 15% by Wellington; Both Cities allow residents of the
home to operate the business; however, Wellington also allows one (1) nonresident to
support the business. Boynton allows one (1) commercial vehicle consistent with the
City's truck regulations, and Wellington more stringently sets a maximum of two vehicles
at the property; Boynton does not require liability insurance, in contrast with Wellington
which requires proof of liability insurance; The City allows one discreet business sign
(non-illuminated, maximum 2 sq. ft.), whereas Wellington's doesn't allow any signage or
external evidence of a business; Wellington's ordinance has several
restrictions/provisions on personal instruction, which is attributed to the high equestrian
activity at the Village.
In summary, the City's requirements for home-based businesses are generally less
stringent than Wellington's standards, except for Wellington's provision allowing one non-
resident to assist with the business. Staff believes that the City's current standards
described above from Zoning Matrix Note #34 are adequate to support a home-based
business but recommends amending the regulations to allow one non-resident to be a
part of the business.
Mayor Grant stated the difference was to allow an additional employee on a trial basis
and come back to the Commission in a year to make it permanent.
There was consensus.
Vice Mayor Penserga, asked how this applies to homes within a Homeowners Association
(HOA). Mr. Rumpf stated that the HOA has authority to regulate on their own.
B. Discussions on Racial Inequity, Summer Camps and Employment
Mayor Grant stated the City Commission needs to create some ideas for plans to increase
awareness of racial inequities and racial equality. Suggested a taskforce or advisory
board. He also suggested having presentations from different departments and how we
are combating racial inequities in the city.
Commissioner Hay indicated he agrees to have a task force that would include our
citizens, leaders from the community, as well as staff.
Mayor Grant stated the task force would not be opened to everyone.
Ms. LaVerriere requested guidance from the Commission on what is expected and what
goals would the taskforce be expected to achieve.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Mayor Grant asked all Commissioners to provide the City Manager with options.
Requested the City Manager to have the item on the July 7th Commission meeting
agenda. The Commission could move forward with the Racial Equity Taskforce.
Ms. LaVerriere inquired as to who the stakeholders and participants on the taskforce
would be. Requested criteria such as backgrounds, professional background, and
community leadership.
Mayor Grant stated the Commission heard the public comments, which were read into
the record. Ms. Chavez had five different tasks that she wanted the city to implement.
Working with the community activists and different leaders that the City Commission
selected. Suggested no more than 10 different individuals to be on the taskforce.
Mayor Grant stated on the City of Boynton Beach Webpage, summer camps have been
cancelled. Requested a presentation from the Parks and Recreation department and
provide information on Palm Beach County school district is doing. He would like the city
to promote both County and School District on the city website.
Ms. LaVerriere stated the governor has released his Executive Order to allow organized
sports. Explained, under Palm Beach County order, the city is not allowed to open
recreational areas.
Mayor Grant stated he was concerned about the children of Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Katz suggested providing information to the School Board website. He
was opposed to using the city facilities at this time because of the liability.
Ms. LaVerriere indicated at the next emergency managers' meeting call, she will inquire
how to proceed.
Mayor Grant said he concerned about people without electronics or internet being left out.
Ms. LaVerriere noted recently school Board member, Erica Whitfield reached out to her
to talk about the issue of internet. Addressing the digital divide, obviously, the school
district experienced this. The City of Boynton Beach is committed to work from the
standpoint of wanting to do what it can to participate, perhaps, in some form of a
partnership, to help eliminate the divide in the Boynton Beach Community.
Commissioner Romelus inquired as to the re-opening of the Library. Ms. LaVerriere
replied there is not an actual re-opening date, but it should be sometime in July.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Commissioner Romelus remembers discussion of having internet access within the
downtown area. Inquired if this was accomplished in the construction process?
Colin Groff,Assistant City Manager, noted the City has the infrastructure, and the answer
is yes, we will have a wireless Internet and free Internet connections in the downtown
Commissioner Romelus inquired, what is the timeframe for implementation? Mr. Groff
replied after staff moves into the new city hall. Stated construction is still going on, it is
when the construction is complete, which would be several months,
Mayor Grant inquired if there is any sort of Internet over at Sarah Simms or outside.
John McNally, IT Director, said he believes that the Sara Sims Park renovation included
wireless access points throughout the park. He believed that is currently online and
available. There is Wi-Fi at that Carolyn Sims Center, but there may not be coverage
throughout the building. This was not intended to cover the whole parking area or the
recreational areas outside of that location.
Mayor Grant indicated there is nothing for the fields at Ezell Hester. Mr. McNally indicated
nothing currently at this point.
Mayor Grant requested a report regarding Sara Sims and how much data the City is
providing to the residents.
Mayor Grant noted as the Commission they could work with CareerSource; the Federal
and State government has allowed the City the ability to hire some individuals through a
staffing agency. As the Commission is aware, the job fair was not successful, with less
than 10% people being hired. As a City and Commission need to learn who is the
preferred staffing for the construction event. Secondly, he stated the City had an amazing
speed hiring event where they partnered with Feeding South Florida. Requested the
economic development strategy team to reach out to the local chambers and create a
speed hiring event for the local businesses so that anyone who preregisters can get an
interview, and that way we will hopefully have more of our residents employed. The City
needs to make sure that people are working because unemployment benefits are not
going to last throughout the summer. Hopefully, if the city receives any State or Federal
funding, it can be direct towards speed hiring, with local businesses.
Ms. LaVerriere stated once the City gets past COVID-19.
Mayor Grant stated he does not want to wait until COVID-19 is over. He feels the need to
have a pre-registry of applicants who are looking for work. Hopefully, the city being a
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
central location and have a database of people who want to work in the city, businesses
can come to the city and possibly hire them.
Commissioner Katz inquired if the city was going to have a speed hiring event for
private businesses.
Mayor Grant suggested the city would hold a speed hiring event for our residents. The
city would become a clearing house. Indicated there are many people who are looking to
work in Boynton Beach. If someone needs to hire an employee, they could possibly come
to the city and use the database of interested residents.
Commissioner Katz inquired which staff would be responsible for these activities?
Mayor Grant indicated it would be the Economic Development staff. The City of Boynton
Beach needs to make sure the residents are working. Mayor Grant stated he understands
this is new territory for the City.
Commissioner Katz stated he was not questioning the intent; he was trying to logistically
understand. The City of Boynton Beach would become the job source within the city.
Mayor Grant stated this was his hope.
Commissioner Katz indicated he would need more information as to whether or not this
has been tried before. Asked if this is the role of government versus allocation money to
fund a job source. Inquired if there is a template, has this been tried before. Is there any
research and outside of hiring for the City own internal purposes, for city positions? The
ideal of the city to do the legwork and link private businesses with employees, an example
to refer to.
Mayor Grant replied no, the only example, is the city doing it for itself. The City had a job
fair and many people were hired. Inquired of the 119 applicants which came to the City
Career Fair or Job Fair in February of 2019 how many were hired.
Commissioner Hay asked if this was an attempt to hold the private employee's hand?
The objectives are not clear.
Mayor Grant stated people that are missing information must start over, because
something is missing in their application. The ideal is to help the people in Boynton Beach.
If they hit a hurdle, not have them start the race over again. Mayor Grant stated he was
happy to have a further discussion with city staff, and encouraged everyone to do
something as well to see what the city can do to make sure the City of Boynton Beach
residents are employed. He appreciates the comments from the Commission, and maybe
staff could work more closely with a staffing agency, such as CareerSource. This was the
reason he invited CareerSource to use the City of Boynton Beach's facility. CareerSource
has an office in Delray and West Palm Beach; he believed this would mean the applicants
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
would come from Delray or West Palm Beach to work in the City of Boynton Beach.
Mayor Grant stated he wants to make sure the residents of Boynton Beach could work in
Boynton Beach.
Vice Mayor Penserga stated he would reach out to the Chamber to see what has been
done in the past; he does not want to reinvent the wheel.
Commissioner Romelus commended Mayor Grant for thinking outside the box and said
the willingness to be innovative is very important. Indicated she would like to hear from
the small businesses within the city limits. Do they even need to be hiring people right
Mayor Grant thanked the Commission for allowing for this discussion. Noted this is a very
real concern. As everyone knows, during the last depression, the government helped
out. When the city hit the recession, the City of Boynton Beach lost 40% of the property
valuation, which leads to 40% lower taxes. He wants to make sure that people who want
to live and work in Boynton Beach has an opportunity to do so.
10. Old Business - None
11. New Business-None
12. Legal
A. Discussion and authorization to terminate Franchise Agreement with
FLSC, LLC., for textile recycling program.
Attorney Cherof indicated the City Manager has been in contact with representatives of
the business, and they have asked for some extension of time to make their payments
and some adjustment of their program. There is an issue of outstanding fees that are
owed to the City of Boynton Beach. This needs to be part of the discussion. His
understanding is that an offer was made by the company to pay 50% of what they owe to
the City at this point. The balance will be paid off over an extended period. He indicated
this could be amortized, because it is a significant amount of money currently owed to the
Commissioner Katz moved to remove from the table. Commissioner Hay seconded the
motion, which unanimously passed.
Mayor Grant stated he was in favor of accepting the 50%, these are funds which could
be used in the General Fund. He agreed with the year amortization. So long as the 50%
payment is made.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Commissioner Katz asked if there is any documentation regarding the revenue or the
pound of product taken in. Asked the basis for the reduction, other than it was not working
Ms. LaVerriere stated the company anticipated locating 50 bins throughout the city; they
have only located 15 bins.
Mark Douglas indicated FLSC, LLC made a proposal for a reduction to the City Manager.
There have been some challenges since the beginning of the program. Thanked the
Commission for allowing them to work with a smaller footprint. The number of bins and
participation of business owners has been a challenge. There are only 15 bins within the
City of Boynton Beach and the vendors who purchase the clothing are closed because of
the pandemic. FLSC, LLC will pay $15,833 prior to the next commission meeting and pay
the balance over a 12-month period. In addition to making regular monthly payments.
There was consensus to authorize the City Attorney to place the offer in writing as well
the City of Boynton Beach receiving payment of $15,833, prior to the next Commission
B. Discussion of a Curfew
Mayor Grant stated having a curfew eliminates the freedom of assembly provided in our
First Amendment of the Constitution. Asked for an explanation of when it would be
implemented, why is a curfew allowed and how is it done.
Attorney Cherof replied it was allowed because it is provided for in Florida statutes, in a
chapter that ominously begins with the title of phrase riots an unlawful assemblies and it
provides for the declaration of a municipal local state of emergency. Noted that
declaration has with it, the right, amongst other rights, to impose a curfew.
Obviously, that is a very strong process that has a lot of implications on a citywide basis.
The Statute provides that type of declaration, and curfew is only good when declared by
the City Manager, the Police Chief and the Mayor sign off on it. The curfew is only good
for 72 hours unless it is extended by the City Commission as a whole beyond that
particular time period. There are safeguards built-in that neither the City Manager, the
Chief of Police nor the Mayor would act too hastily to protect the interest of the public, but
it could be extended by the City Commission.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked if there a recommendation that there be a curfew.
Mayor Grant replied there are no recommendation for a curfew. He wanted to make sure
the Commission knew the rules of a curfew.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
Commissioner Hay asked if this could be addressed after the fact. Ms. LaVerriere
indicated it could.
Attorney Cherof stated the 72-hour period is the initial maximum time period. It does not
need to last that long. The Statute allows those that have the right to sign the declaration,
and order of curfew and have the right to rescind it as well before the 72-hour period.
Mayor Grant stated he wanted to bring this to the Commission prior to this being enacted,
if the city decided to impose a curfew.
13. Future Agenda Items
A. Provide update on potential sale of the Nichol's property to Pulte Homes —
B. Mayor Grant has requested a discussion on Lake Park's Accessory Dwelling
Unit Ordinance —TBD
20-002), revising Chapter 3. Zoning: (1) Article III. Zoning Districts and
Overlays, Section 1.B. and Sections 2.0 and 2.E., to set maximum building
height consistent with Single-Family regulations and to modify development
standards for selected non-conforming lots; and (2) Article IV. Use
Regulations, Section 3.D. Use Matrix, to revise the locational criteria and
regulations for Automobile Rental and to allow Professional & Technical
Schools in Industrial (I) pods within Quantum Park, and to allow Self-Service
Storage in the C-4 zoning district; and (3) Article V. Supplemental
Regulations, Section 3.D. Swimming Pools and Spas, amending locational
criteria, and to add Section 3.AA, In-ground Storm Shelters. - June 16,
2020Funding agreement with FDOT for Complete Streets design of BB Blvd.
improvement project - June 16, 2020
14. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Hay moved to adjourn. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Katz and unanimously passed. The meeting was
adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
John McNally, I.T. Director, stated a recorded version of this session would be posted to
the City of Boynton Beach's YouTube channel. He noted that links to that channel are
available on the City of Boynton Beach website and this concludes the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida June 2, 2020
M or - Steven B. Grant
l� `r -
Vice Ma 71 ---Penserga
a• 'rig r— Justin Katz
Commissi.. - ',l ow L. Hay
WV n*
Commission-r — Christina Romelus
Crotal Gibson, MMC
City Clerk
Queenester Nieves, CMC
Deputy City Clerk
June 2,2020 City Commission Meeting Minutes
Public Comment—June 2.2020 Commission Meeting
Agenda Name Comments E-mail and/or Physical Phone Date/Time Method
Item No(s). Address No. Received Received
1. Not On The Eva "Good Morning, echaleff3@gmail.com (727) 06/02/2020; E-mail
Agenda Chaleff 729-0672 10:18am
I would like to submit public comment for today's commission meeting,on a subject not yet addressed in the agenda.
My name is Eva Chaleff and I am a working citizen in Boynton Beach.
In view of the horrific racial discrimination and wrongful aggressive actions taken by the Minneapolis police officers
against George Floyd,ultimately leading to his death,on May 25`^,2020,I am reaching out to you to enact change locally
so this does not happen in our city.Here are the changes I propose:
1. Establish a Civilian Review System in Boynton Beach to establish independent and civilian-led investigations and
establish police accountability.
2. Require the Standard Operating Procedure to include specific disciplinary actions for officers who engage in bias-
based profiling and violate the policy.
3. Ensure highly restrictive Deadly Force Policies are in place for the police force,which should be enforced by
community monitoring.
4. Require the police department to adopt and enforce a written policy governing the use of physical force,explicitly
restricting it to narrow situations and requiring officers to file written reports after any use of physical force.
5. Aggressively pursue Equal Opportunity Employment in the police department,to increase integration of all
peoples and equal protection of the law.
I want my future children to grow up in a world where our city's police officers are truly our trusted servants.I want our
city to be an example of anti-racism and help end this pattern of cruelty and intolerance in our nation.
I respectfully ask you represent our people in standing for racial equality and the eradication of police brutality by
pursuing written policy in support of such efforts.
Thank you,
Eva Chaleff"