R92-37RESOLUTION NO. R92-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR .MAINTENANCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AND UNISYS; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, hereby deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City tO enter into a maintenance Agreement with UNISYS for the maintenance and repair of the UNISYS NCIC/FCIC terminal; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA T~T: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton iBeach~~hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City · Clerk to execute the maintenance Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and UNISYS, which Agreement is attached hereto. Section 2. upon passage. This Resolution shall take effect immediately PASSED AND ADOPTED this J day of March, 1992. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: C~y Clerk Corporate Seal) UN ISYS. aGR Mayor Vice Mayor' Co~her uae od Boynton Beach I00 E. Boynton Beach BouiCvara 'p.o. Box310 '~oynton Be~h, Flooda 33425-0310 Oey H?dl: 1407) 734.8111 F:%¥: ~407~ 738.7459 March 6, 1992 UNISYS 2218 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL RE: Resolution #R92-37 & Maintenance Agreement To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find three original agreements pertaining the above mentioned resolution. Please sign where indicated and return two originals for Central Files and the Police Department. If you have any questions pertaining to this, please do no5 hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH mas Attachment Sue Kruse, City Clerk Americas Oateu'au UNISYS State and Local Government Agreement number Customer name and mailin8 address BOYNTON POLICE DEPT 135 NE iST AV~.NUE BOYNTON BEACH; VT. qq435 6000795 (2/881 te. rr~s and conditions: :g Defi,~Uons 1.1 Softwore means the edject ~de version of compuler progrsms and any related oocumentatirm, excluding maintenance d~agnostles` Software also means the source code version, vchere 3rovided by Unisys. 1.2 Products means equipment, Software, documentation, including manuals, and education materials. Software Process ng Unit ( SPU ) means edu pment wh ch contro S and axe- s Software. Services means all forms of mstallation, maintenance and suppor~ for the Jucts, systems serv~eas and education. 1.5 Proprietary Information means Software. documentation, including manuas, and any other information ceafidantial to Unisys or its liceesors. 1.6 lestallatienDatemeaesmedateUnisyscomoleteslsstallation esae[ermlaed by Unisys) or, if equipment or Software is to be installed 3y Customer, the tenth day following shipment 2. Effective Date This Agreement will become effective when signed by duly authorized representa- tives of both parties ahd will ~ohtihue in effect until terminated according to its terms. 3. Schedules - Ordering Frocedure 3.1 Uoisys ~i~ furnish to Customer acc Customer will accept and pay for the Preductsand Services itemizei:f on the following schedules which, togetherwith the terms o~ the Schedules. ere an integral part of this Agreement. Schedule Name A Equipment Sole B Equipment Maintenance Services C Software Lls~saes and Suooort Services D Systems Services AIl references to Products and Services in this Agreement are to the PrOdUCtS and Services listed on the Soh~dales and on any Schedules submitted to and accepted by Unisys pursuant to Section 32 3.2 Ceatomer may order additional Products and Sorvlees under this Agreement by submitting properly completed Lrnlays Schedules` ~11 Schedules will refer to this ~reeme~t by number and wi I b~ signed by Customer. Al! educat on ecture courses must be ordered on a Custome Course Enrollment 4ppliceUon. 3.3 Ail orders are subject to acceptance by Unisys, and the Unisys policies and sharges in effect on the dat~of acceptance w apply- Acceptance by Un sys will be ~'-'~ive when comm~nieat~d ih writing to Custon~er. The receipt or deposit by ys of Customer ~own payment will not constitute acceptance of an order. Any 3 .payment raneiv~d from C'dsthmer will be returned it the order s not acccoted 4. Detisery and Installation 4.1 Unisyswd[arraegefardeli~erYofPreductaaedCustamerw payfortraesperta floc in accordance with the Unisys pubhshed transcortation charges in effect at the brae of delivery or, if Unisys has not published any SUCh charges Customer wit pay Unisys for transpertatirm ~her~es actually incurred. 4.2 Unisys will provide C~stomer wrth ose cody of the them curren[ user oocumen~a_ fio~ for use with the Products ordered and emnronmental seecifleatlaes for equip- meet, w~ere applicable. Prior to dehvery of equipment. Customer wi Dreesre the mstallation site and will continue to maintain the [estailahon site in accoraance with such specifications. 4.3 Customer will install all items of equipment w~th the deslgeapen "Y" ~ the Oastomer*thstailable column, when there is nc charge listed in the lestallobon Charge column of Schedule ~. Union's will install ali other items of equipmenL Customer wil~ install ail items of Software other than ~ose for which a fixed mstailation charge is indicated sn Schedule D. At.4 Customer may arrange for installation by Unisys of Customer-installable Pro- ttpats, subject to the then currant standard Unisys charges and cond~tioes. 4.5 tf additioeal labor and dggmg ~s required for installation due to Customer's special site requirements. Customer will pa~ those costs inclea~ costs to meet 5` Payment 5.t Charges for Products will be invoiced upon ShiDmen~. 5.2 Charges for Equipment MaintenanCe Servlaes and Software Support Services wili be iavoleed in advance, monthly or armuahy, or at omer periodic intervals [odieated in the applicable Schedule following the Installation Date: otherwise, coarges,*ili be levo ced after the services are oerformed 5.3 Charges for Systems Services will be invmaeo as the services are performed. I~l c~arges must be pa~d no later than 30 aa s from invoice date Un* s m Y . sy ay ~ se a late payment charge equal ta the leeser of {a J 1*~% per mcoth or (b) the [[ mum rate allowed oy law. [._~Addit~rmul charges may apply to esrv~ces rendered outside contracted hours or beyond oormal cov~rsge at Customer's request` e.g. trave expenses, premium and minimum charges. 6. Taxes 6,1 Customer wilt say any tax Unisys becomes obligated to pay by virtue of this Agreement, exclusive of taxes based on the net income of Unisys. 6.2 All personal prone~ and similar taxes assessed after shipment will be oaid by Customer 7. Price Protection 7.1 ~e charges for Products in any acce~ted order wil~ remain firm mrough delivery, unless mrough no fault of Unisys smpment takes olace more than one year after the ~ata of the order, If Unisys notifies Customer that an increase ir charges ~ll apply to its order, Customer ma~ termmate the affestco part of its order by g v ng wr tten notice to Unisys withle ten days of the ~ata of notification of the i~crease. 7.2 Equipment Maintesance Servlaes charges will not be iecreaesd durmg the first twelve months foilo~ng me commencement date of service, but ma: ce increased thereafter upon 90 days' odor written notice to Customer. 7.3 Charges for Scftware Licenses, Software Support Services and S~rstoms Sorvi- ces wdlnot be iecreased dudnganyane-year term, out may be lacreased door[can, subsequent term upon 90'd~ys' prior ~ril/en notice to Customer f Software or services are contracted {~n a month-to-mbnth basis the charges may be ncrea~ed any time foilo~ng 90 days nonce 8, Sccedty Interest Unisys reserves a purchase money security interest in equipment until payment ~n full is received for all equipment delivered to Customer and, for that purpose, th s Agreement is a eacur}ty agreement- Upon r~quest by Unisys. Customer w execute tea necessary fieaesmg statements; alternative y, Unisys may file this Agreement or a copy of this Agreement to oerfect its security interest. If this Agreement or a CODy of it iS files, information concerning the saCUdTy mterest ma) be obtained from Unisys at the address stated in Section 20. 9. Customer's Operational Responsibilities 9.1 Customer anknowJedges it has indepesaeney deterrmned that the Products ann Services ordered under this Agreement meet its requirements` 9.2 2estomer has sole responsibility for use of the Produc[s` including operating proceoures audit controls, accuracy and security of input and ou[put oata res[ar[ and recovery routines and other procedures necessary for Customer's intended use of the Products 9.3 Customer will ensure that its personnel are, at all times, eoucated and trained in the oroDer use and operation of the Products and that the Products are ~sea ~r accordance w~th applicable Unisys manuals and mstruutmns` 9.4 Customer will maintain Dana-Up oa[a necessary to replace critical Customer data in me event of loss or aamege to such data from any cause. 10. Protection of Proprietary Information lOJ ;ustomer Mil ~eep in confidence and protect PrconetaG lnformatmn from OlSClOSUre to thio ~arfies and restrict its use as arovided 1 th~s AgresmenL Customer acknesaedges that ueauthorizes OlSCiOsure of Pronne[ary information may cause SUbStantial economic loss [o Umsys or its I~censors` All ma[anals ;cream ng Proprietary leformatlan will be matted with "Froanerary," "Confidential orma manner whice g~ves notice of its proprietary nature. Proprietary Information wilt no[ be copied, in whole or in parc except ween essential for correcting, generatmg or moo~rying Proprietary Information for Customer's authorized use. Each CODy, mOlUO- ing its storage med~a, will be marked by Customer with all notices which acoear on the original. 10.2 uoon terminal'on or cancellation of any i~ceese granteo unoer tms Agreemem. Customer wil, destroy (and in writing, certifl/~estruct on ~r return to ur sys all ccoies of the Softe, ere the license for which has tieea so terminated or cancelled aec any other related Propdetary information in Customer's posseesmn (mcludmg Proprlatar~ information laceTpora~ea m other software or writings/. dO.3 Cestomerw nformitsemployeesoftheirobligatioesunderthlaSect )el( and instruct theft so as to ensure ~uch (~bligatioes are met ~_0.4 This Section 10 wilJ survive termmason or cancesation of this Agreement. 11. Lmaese 11.1 Unisys grams to Customer a personal, non-exelasive ann non ~ransfersele license to use Software and related docomantat on according to the .terms conditions of this Agreement, leclsdleg Schedule C, solel~ for Customer s J ntemai data processing mqmremonta on the Unisys SPU in the United States on which the Softwar~ ~s initially lastailed. Customer's use of Softwa e wi I also ce govented by any additional conditions which Unisys may provide on or prior to delivery of Software. 112 Customer may mod~ any Unlays application Software acc may combine such with ~ther programs or materials to form an upaated wor~. orovlded that uPOn discontinuance or termination of the ticense, the Unisys application Sofl3vare will be removed from the updated work and returned to umsys. 11.3 Cuatomer ~il not decempite or disassemble any Software provided coder this Agreement or modi~ Software which bears a copyright notice of any third party. Customer will make and maintain no more than one arcmval copy of each item ~f Software, and each copy ~ll contain all legends and notices and will be scojec~ to the same conditions and rest'fictions as me original. 600079E (2/88 -.'quipment location Schedule B - State and Local Government Equipment Maintenance Services 399797-0125 - BOYNTON POLICE DEPT 135 NE 1ST AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 Billto 399797-0125 BOYNTON POLCIE DEPT 135 NE 1ST AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 Zone travel charge ama METRO I [quipment schedule S~le name Quantity Maintenance Monthly maintenance charge (]ncludes zone travel charges) Extended on site service charge · plan unit total AP1337 I 0 8.00 8.00 Total monthly charge Total extended service charge Effective Date: 1/3/92 $ 8.00 $ Grand total* Coverage: 5 X 9 $ 8,00 Hours of coverage Sta~800 Mon-Fri Optional services Billing information s~°~O0 Holiday maintenance to coverage $ /yr. (~ Annual After hours preventive To maintenance $ /mo. 0 Monthly Resident customer To service engineer $ /mo. 0 Other: Other: $ Additional services apply Sat Sun Grand total does not include any Optional or Additional Services selected by Customer, 0 Meterec use 0 Hourly use 5 6000795 2/881 Schedule B - Terms and Conditions: A. Maintenance Service Plans 1.On-Site ("0") a. Preventive: Unisys will provide preventive maintenance and installation of mandatory engineering changes dudng the remedial maintenance noura selected by Customer between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and midnight, Monday through Friday, excluding Unisys designated holidays. b. Remedial: Unisys willprovide remedial maintenance during the days of the week and the hours identified on this Schedule, c. Extended On-Site ServicePeriod: Customer may purchase :Extended OmS~te Service which consists of On-Site Service up to 24-hours, Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday as Customer may elect at the Unisys rat~s and policies then in effect, If Cus, tomer regularly uses equipment outside Of the basic period set fo'th on this Schedule and does not purchase the Extended On-Site Service, Unisys may terminate the services on ten ('10) days prior writton notice to Customer. The minimum in'itial term is three months for Extended On-Site Service. d. If Customer requests maintenance services outside of its designated hours, UniSys will p~ovide such m~i~tenance, subject to the availab IJ{y bfCustume~ Service Ehgineers, at its hourly rates then,in effect. Travel. time and expenses to and from Customers Ocation will be included in these cnarges. 2. Central ("C") a. UniSys will repair failing equipment delivered or shipped to a ~-= Central Service Centerby Customer. (1] If equipment is hand-de!iver~_;d by Customer toea Cent[al Service Center dud~g normal working hours, Unisys Will - - repair the equipment, not fy Customer of com~)leti~n of the repair and Customer will promptly pick ue the repaired equ~pment~ (2) If equipment is shipped by Customer to a Central Service Center, Unisys will repair and?turn ship the equipment to Customer~ as sopr~as reas;onably possible. Customer bears al co~ts and:risk of-lo~s in transit t~ Central Service Centers, b. Customer will deliver or send'the failing equipment to the Central Service Centerdesignated by Unisys in accordance with a service autherizaUon form which was included with Customer's unit, c, Altered equipment is not et gible for service. All non-Unisys attachments must be removed prior to submitting eoui~- merit for service. d. Customer will reinstall and test repaired equipment 3. Scheduled ("S') a, Customer will deinstall equipment requiring maintenance and move it to a mutualy agreed unon des gnated serv ce location on Customer'spremises. b. Unisys will repair the equipment at the designated service location on a regularly_schedu ed bas s and Customer w pick up and reinstall the equrament. The predetermined schedule is: Days ofweek: c. The maintenance service JncJudes labor and parts and is provided between the hours of 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Unisys designated holidays. d. All equipment transportation expenses will be borne by Customer. B. Optional Maintenance Services (Applicable only toOn-Site Service) 1. HolidayMaintenance Unisys will provide remedial maintenance se-vices at the site shown on this Schedule during the hours indicated on Unisys designated holidays at the rams on the reverse side. The minimum initial term is twelve months. Period selected: Hours of day- From to 2. After-Hours Preventive Maintenance Unisys will provide preventive maintenance and the installatior of engineering changes at the site shown on this Schedule during the hours and days shown and at the rates on the reverse side. The minimum initial term is three months. Period selected: Hours of day- From Daysofweek-From to 3. Resident Customer Service Engineer Unisys will provide Customer Service Engineering personnel at the Customersite shown on this Schedule during the heurs and eays identified at the rates indicated on the reverse side. The minimum initial term is three months. Period From No. of se,ec~eo: oersonne Mon-Fri zo Sat ~o Sun ~o C. Additional Charges in addition to the maintenance charge for the there is a charge of $ per for use exceeding .per period, 6 6000795 2/88 , ce~pyright or mraappropriate naae secrets protectee unaer United States law pro- vided Customer (a) gives Unisys prompt written ooticeof such c aims pursuant to Section20 (b permitsUnleystedefendorssrbethecleims and c provdesall reaseaab e assi~tenca ~o Unisys n defending or esrbi~ the claims. :1.8.2 As to any Product whleh is or in the opinion of Unisys, may became subject to a cleimof nfr ngement or misappropriation. Unisys mayelect te (a) obtain th~ right of c~tinuc:~t use of such Product for Customer or (b) replace or modify such Prodoct to void such :loire. If neither alternative is availeele on commercially reasonable .~rms` then. in me case of equipment, at the reausst of Unisys. Customer will iscontinue use and totem such equipment and Un sys wi r grant a credit for the vdce paid to Unisys, less a reasonable ~ffset for use and obsolescence- in the case of Software. the applicable I[ceasa will be terminated epa no further c~arges will 183 Unisys will not defena or meammfy Customer f any claim of infringemen[ or misappropriation (a) is asserted by a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Customer, { b) results from Customer's dss~gn or aitemtiea of any Product. or (c) results from uss of any Product in combination with any non-umsys Product. 18~4 This Sectioo 18 states the enbre liability of Unisys and Customer's sole and exclusive remedies for cetentor copyright infringement and trade secret mlssparo- priation. 19. Termination and Cancell~ea /9.1 Unisys may suspend Equipment Maintenance Services or Software Supper[ Services if any payment under this Agreement is past due mere than 30 day~. /9.2 Either party may terminate (a) any license for software. (b) seftware Support Services for any Item of Software, or (cl Equipment Maintenance Services for any item of equipment, uponexpiration of the applicable term by providing 30 days' prior ~ritten notice. Failure to give such notice will result In a renewal or extension of the license or service in accordance with the previsions of the applicable Schedule. The licenses for asY seftware sutomat[cally rbrminate upon Custemer's dlecentmuaene of use of the SPU on which the Software was licensed, at which time Customer must either destroy or return the Software to Unisys. /9.3 Without prejudice to other remedies Unisys may cancelth sAgreement or any order ptaced under it, for default and repossess Producta (excluding only equ pment f~r which the purchase price h~s been fu iy paid) if, upon wntten notice. Customer fa. ils to (i) make any payment identifie,d as delinquent (including payment of charges for Services) withiit ten days or (iii cure any d~fault relating to Sections 10 or 11 within 30 days. /9.4 Unisys may terminate Software Support Services on 30 days' prior written nefice if Unisys determines that any Customer Software modificaoon or failure to ~r~s~tall a maintenance re ease will interfere with the provision of such servmes` .5 f the governmectat bsdy mat aparopriefes Customer's tends for dats process_ y terminate all or any par[mn of this Agreement. Customer will be iable for any ~cumuleted payments due prior [o the effective date of me new fiscal year. C~stemer is not permitted to obtain any similar data processing equipment soft ware or service from any third carry following such termisat on notice to Unisys. /9.6 Termination or cancellation of thle Agreement w not affect any rights or drbies arising under it with respect to Proprieta~ Information or socunty interast. 20. Notices 20.1 Alt notices reqeaeq by this Agreement to be gwen to Customer will ne sen[ m it~ address on the cover page of this Agreement_ 2~).2 Afl notices requires by Sections 18 and 21.5 to be given to Unisys and all re~!uests for nformatien under Section 8 will ce addressed to: Law Department Unisys Corporation Township Line & Union Meeting Roads Blue Bet[ PA 19424 cc: Regional Vice President All other satins to Unisys wilt bessnt to the Unisys office wtiich has been ssrv~cmg Customer. toted20'3 AllmaiLnotices reouirec by Sections 18 and 21 wilt ce sent b) certified or regis* 2£ Arbitrafio~ 2~:.~. Subject to sections 21.2 through 21.5 hereafter, any cea[raveray or ctaim aesmg out of or relating to this Agreement or the oreacn thereof will ~e settled Dy arbitranan oefore three arbltratom i~ accercance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Assuc[a~on "AAA") then in effect, and judgment upon the award ren- dered bythe arbitratom may be entered in any court having jurieqictiea. Any suc~ arbitration will be conducted in the city nearest Customer's main U.S. office having an AAA regional office. The am~tratem wilt be selected from a 3opel of Demons nawng experience with and knowleage of electronic comsuters and the computer business, and at least one of the arbitrators selected will be an attorney. 21.2 The arbitratars will have noauthontyte award punitive damagss ear anyomer acreages not measured by me prevailing party's estuat oamagea and may no~ ~n any event, mak~ a~y tilling,finding or awardthat does not conform to the terms and canditioes of this Agreement. 21.3 Either ~ar[y, before or during any arbitration, may eqply to a court having jurisdiction for a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction where such relief is necessary tc; protect its inter~sta pending completion of the arbitration proceedings. Arbitration wiil not be required for actions for recovery of specific property, such as actJens for replevin. 21.4 Neither party nor tns arbitrators may disclose the exlete~e or result, or, any arbitration hereeader witbeUt the bdor written caneant of hath parties.-~ ~5..Prior te. initi~t!on of arbitratiea or eny other form of legal or equitable pmceed~ §, [ne aggneveo party will:Rive the other party written notice in accordance with section 20 descdbingthe claim and amount as to which it intends to initiate action. 22. Other Provle~ons 22.1 All risk of loss or cemage to Products will 3ess to Customer upon delivery to Customer's location 22.2 Neither party will be liable for failure to fulfill its obligations when sue to causes beyond its reasonable control 223 An~ taiJure or delay by either party n exercising any right or mmesy will not constitute a waiver. ~/-~ ~L: ~ ~2:,4,, T~,,: ~.gi:eem,en, will ? governed by the local law of the ~, 22.5 This Agreement constitutes the entire agmemant Pstwesn the parbes with respect to the Products and Services provided hereunder and supersedes all Drier proposelS and agreements both written apo om, and ail other written and oral communications between the carbss. The terms and conditions of this Agreement will sucersede all other terms and conditions submJttec o) Customer. 22.6 unisys may ass g~ this Agreement or its interest m any esuiament, or assign me ngbt to receive payments, w]theat Customer's consent. Any SUCh assignment, however, will not change the obligations of Un isys to Customer. Customer will not assign or transfer itc rights or obligatieas under this Agreement without prior written consent of Unisys. Any assignment or transfer prohibited by this 3rovisiea will tie void 22.7 This Agreement may be modified only ay a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of each party. 22.6 No axbitratran proceeding or ega action, regardless of its form, related to or adsing out of this Agreement, may be brought by either party more than two yearn after the cause of action first accrued. 22.9 Each paragraph and provision of this Agreement is severab e, and if one or more ceragraphs or orovisioes are declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Customer acknowledges it has read apo understands this Agreement including alt attached schedules and amenaments) and i~i at entering into this Agreement on the basis of any representations not expressly set forth in it. Agreed and Accepted Unisys Corporation Customer Tine UN-ISYS Equipment location 5cl edute - State and Local Government Software Licenses and Support Services ~ltem SUe name Description 'Quantil Warramy Ucense Software LicenSe ~harge Software Support charge number plan Support Plan MLC Other i i"otal License charges Total Software Support charges $ Terms and Conditions: A License Plans ?eose.s of Software for wmcn umsys charges either an Annua~ L cease ~.narge (ALC)or a Monthly License Charge (MLC)wi haveaninitiatterm of twelve months commencing on me InstalIaUon Date. The MLC I~cense wi,, continue on a month-to*memo eas~s ano me ALC wilt renew annua~y unt thet~censeis terminated or c~ncel[ed in accoroance with Section 19 of th s Agreement~ 2. Far certain JJcenses. un~sys may charge an Initial Liceese Charge which will include t~e first monthly or annual charge. 3, Extended Term Pla~ IETP: Certain licenses of Software for which Un sys charges a single fee ma: have a 36 monm or 60 monm extenoeo terrr ~mencingon the Installation Date. dnon exn~ration of the ex, er ]ac term ~cense will be automatically continues on a month-to-moore oas~s for a [~l) Ucense Charge, unless terminated in accoroance with Section 19 .~us Agreement, or Customer may pa,' another ETP fee for an addibona~ exceeded term. if available. 4. One-T/me Charge (OTC): For certain Software. unon payment of a one.time charge Hnvoice(] ueon shipment of the Software. Unisys w,i Hcense Customer [o use the Software so long as Customer :ontinues to use the software on the SPU on which it was 3riginal~, I~censed for use. Software mat hes noliceese charge hsted on Schedule C will have a ~cense term which is coterminous with Customer's possession and use of the equipment on wn,ch the Sot~ware s mstalle~. 8 Software Support Services 1. unisys offers a verie~ of Software SupporL Services inc :ding oft-site anc on-site assistance. The type of services orovided varies by prooucc 2. The initiaJ ~erm 3f one year for any level of Software Support Services commer~ces on the installation Date of the re~ated Software. Renewal for successive one ]esr terms ~s automatic unless Software SuPPort Services are termmate~ or cancelled ~n accoreance with Seeder 19 of th s Agreement or if the unQerlying Software license ~s terminatee or cancelled pursuant to this Agreemen~ 7 600079512/88) Schedule D - Description of Systems Services