ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2020, AT 5:30 P.M.
Steven B. Grant, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
Ty Penserga, Vice Mayor James Cherof, City Attorney
Justin Katz, Commissioner Crystal Gibson, City Clerk
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner
Christina Romelus, Commissioner
1. Openings
A. Call to Order
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Alan Karjalainen, Web Design Coordinator, provided information regarding how to
participate in the live stream online meeting.
Commissioner Hay provided the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Justin Katz led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. There was a quorum.
Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve the agenda as stated. Vice Mayor Penserga
seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.
2. Other
A. Informational items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner Katz spoke with John Markey from JKM.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Commissioner Hay had a wonderful breakfast at City Hall with staff.
Commissioner Romelus had no disclosures. Commended the Parks and Recreation staff,
for collaborating with Loggerhead Marine Center to provide a great program for some
young students.
Vice Mayor Penserga had nothing to disclose.
Mayor Grant noted on July 24 attended the Business Development Bureau Town Hall.
Spoke with Dr. Fennoy of Palm Beach County School District, regarding what the city
could do to help the children transition back to online school. The Education Foundation
will be working with Katherine Matos, Assistant City Manager to make sure the students
of Boynton Beach have supplies. July 25th attended the Boynton Strong Event. July 27th,
attended the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board meeting. July 28th
attended Town Square meeting with the Executive team for the City of Boynton Beach as
well at the National League of Cities Early Childhood Municipal Policy Seminar. July 29th
attended the Transportation and Disadvantage Local Coordinating Board. Announced
August 7th there will be a backpack Grab and Go at Densen Pool. He also had a
conversation with John Markey and Jeff Johnson of JKM.
3. Announcements, Community and Special events and Presentations.
A. Proclaim the month of August 2020 as Water Professionals Month. Phil
Donovan, State Publicity Chair for the FL Water & Pollution Control
Operators Association, will accept the proclamation.
Mayor Grant proclaimed the month of August as Water Professionals Month. Phil
Donovan, State Publicity Chair for the FL Water & Pollution Control Operators
Association, will accept the proclamation
Phil Donovan, State Publicity Chair for the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operator
Association. Thanked the Mayor and City Commission for taking time to speak with the
water professionals. They will display the proclamation.
B. Early Voting for the August 18, 2020 Primary Election will begin on
Monday, August 3, 2020 and will continue through Sunday, August 16,
2020. The Early Voting hours are from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. daily at
the Ezell Hester Community Center located at 1901 North Seacrest
Boulevard. A listing of Early Voting locations throughout Palm Beach
County is available at the following website:
htt•s://www.•bcelections.or•/Voters/Earl -Votin•.
Mayor Grant announced early voting in cooperation with the Palm Beach County
Supervisor of Election. The Ezell Hester Community Center will be an Early Voting
location. This location is available to all citizens within Palm Beach County.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
C. On Friday, August 7, from 9am to 4pm, a Health Care District of Palm
Beach County mobile bus is coming to the Ezell Hester Center
in Boynton Beach to provide free COVID-19 tests for county
residents. No appointment is needed. ID and facial coverings are
required. If there are questions, please call 561-642-1000
Mayor Grant Health Care District of Palm Beach County mobile bus is coming to the
Ezell Hester Center in Boynton Beach to provide free COVID-19 tests for county
residents. No appointment needed. ID and facial coverings are required.
D. Due to the Presidential Preference Primary, the August 18th City
Commission Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, August 19th at
5:30 p.m.
Mayor Grant announced due to the Presidential Preference Primary the August 18 City
Commission Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, August 19 at 5:30 pm.
E. Regular Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 at
5:30pm (Location TBD)
Tuesday, September 8th at 5:30pm — First Public Budget Hearing to
adopt the Proposed Budget and to adopt the Final Fire Assessment
Rate Resolution (Location TBD)
Regular Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at
5:30pm (Location TBD)
Tuesday, September 22 at 5:30pm - Second Public Budget Hearing to
adopt the Final Millage Rate and Final Budget (Location TBD)
Mayor Grant announced the Regular Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 1,
2020 at 5:30pm Tuesday, September 8 at 5:30pm — First Public Budget Hearing to
adopt the Proposed Budget and to adopt the Final Fire Assessment Rate Resolution
(Location TBD)
Regular Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 5:30pm (Location
Tuesday, September 22 at 5:30pm - Second Public Budget Hearing to adopt the Final
Millage Rate and Final Budget (Location TBD)
Mayor Grant stated there would be four commission meetings in September.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager replied yes. Noted the TRIM schedule did not work in the
City favor this month and required to have both of the hearing off the regular schedule.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
4. Public Audience
Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations (at the discretion of
the Chair, this 3-minute allowance may need to be adjusted depending on the level
of business coming before the City Commission)
Allan Karjalainen, Web Design Coordinator, provided an overview of how to participate.
Joan Nelson 170 SE 26 Avenue wants to be more involved with the community. The
roads are falling apart; the gravel is like little rocks. There has been problem with garbage
pickup. There are people who go through the trashcans. Many city workers cars going
through her area. There are several neighbors having commercial businesses on their
property. There is a neighbor renting out his garage and the tenants are using the side of
the garage as a bathroom. She has called the police regarding parking on the sidewalk
and along the street. Stated there was a lack of respect in the community. She has called
the police and they do not want to give tickets for the garbage, parking on the street or
next to the fire hydrant. She cannot enjoy a peaceful existence.
Mayor Grant thanked Ms. Nelson for coming forward. Stated they are moving forward
with the Community Standards department. If a business is not wearing a mask as
Ms. Nelson understand there is no law with respect to a small family getting together.
Inquired if there are any laws, which prohibit 75 or more people getting together in a
confined space.
Mayor Grant stated the city is going through the parking ordinance; the city is trying to
add metered parking. How does the city enforce parking standards in the
neighborhood? If you have an unregistered or vehicle, it cannot be parked on the grass.
Ms. Nelson stated she has a swale, and understand she is responsible for the upkeep of
the swale. Indicated very large trucks and cars Park in the swale.
Mayor Grant responded the law allow the resident to place blocks in the swales.
Susan Oyer 140 SE 27 way, thanked Andrew Mack, Adam Temple, and Jaime Lynn who
quickly took care of a problem she was having. Asked the commission to look at the
ordinance regarding trees.
Ralph Lewis 1054 Gateway Blvd, speaking on behalf of the Hat Foundation. Provided
turkey for 10,000 families. Requested a donation to the Hat Foundation, they were able
to feed six families of five people each for the $200 donation made by Mayor Grant.
Mayor Grant stated he was willing to help again, and provide some community support
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Annette Gray 1500 Gateway Blvd suite 220, provided an update on CBDC
Entrepreneurship Institute, this summer because of the economic grant, the students
were able to take some classes at Ivy League colleges. Joined as a consultant with FAU.
Reached out to Boynton Beach, regarding to CBDG grants that are available.
Yvonne Savon 3050 North Federal Highway apartment 1405, speaking on behalf of
Casa Costa, there is an issue on the original site plans. There are 395 units, 77 of those
units are transit units. Those 77 units classified as hotel/condo. The homes in Casa Costa
does not have any type of room service. There needs to be some type of rezoning.
Mayor Grant suggested reviewing the association documents. The association
documents may need some amendments.
Ms. Savon responded the board is in the process of amending the association bylaws.
The association attorney suggested requesting the city for a zoning change.
Mayor Grant responded this is a question for the City attorney, he does not think rezoning
is not the answer.
President of Tuscany inquired about SE 23 and Federal Highway. Who is paying for the
underground Infrastructure that has been going on for several months? Is Taco Bell still
going in that location? What are the plans for the property? The property is an eyesore.
Mayor Grant replied Colin Groff; Assistant City Manager informed him that the City of
Boynton Beach is paying for the utility work. Taco Bell has some delays due to some
design changes. The utility work is almost complete and the rest of the work should be
proceed shortly.
Public Audience closed.
5. Administrative
A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant
positons on City Advisory boards.
Mayor Grant announced openings for each Board.
Commissioner Katz nominated Jeremiah Young to the Education and Youth Advisory
Board (STU NV). Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion, which unanimously
6. Consent Agenda
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Vice Mayor Penserga pulled item 6-G
Mayor Grant pulled item 6-F
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City
Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with
all the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject
to staff comments
A. Proposed Resolution No. R20-069 - Authorize the Mayor to sign the tri-party
interlocal agreement between the City of Boca Raton, the City of Delray
Beach and the City of Boynton Beach for the purpose of operating a Biology
Processing Laboratory (BPL) to pre-process DNA samples obtained by Boynton
Beach Police Department pursuant to criminal investigations.
B. Proposed Resolution No. R20-072 - Authorize the City Manager to sign a new
three year agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) for a
Small Government Enterprise License Agreement through with a total cost of
$157,500 to continue the use of the Esri's ArcGIS geographic information system
software platform.
C. Proposed Resolution No. R20-073 - Approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign the Statement of Work Summary from ERMProtect (Enterprise Risk
Management) to purchase and implement Qualys advanced threat detection and
patch management software to monitor, detect, remediate and prevent
cybersecurity events on our City computer assets.
D. Approve an increase to the estimated annual expenditure of the US Communities
Contract# R-TC-17006 with Amazon Business in the amount of $25,000,
increasing the estimated annual expenditure from $40,000 to $65,000.
E. Accept the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Status Report of the General Fund
and the Utilities Fund for the nine (9) month period ended June 30, 2020,
F. Proposed Resolution No. R20-074 - Approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign an agreement with the first ranked firm, ABM Building Solutions, LLC for
Town Square / City Facilities Maintenance Services., subject to final approval by
the City Attorney, in accordance with the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No.
Mayor Grant requested a presentation.
Colin Groff, Assistant City Attorney introduced Chad Armstrong, ADM.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Chad Armstrong, ADM Building Solutions, proud to serve the city of Boynton Beach,
with potential job opportunities, recruitment and hiring. The company respects and has
appreciation for differences of everyone. Commitment to equal employment opportunity
an affirmative action. ADM has a high number of veterans; the company share in the
success our clients. The company has an excellent training program and opportunities
to use those skills. There are more than 400 resources available, onboarding and new
hire training and tools, skill and department specific leadership development. Safety
training daily moment for safety online and classroom training program, site inspections,
OSHA compliant safety program, Local safety subject matter experts and regional
safety directors. Mr. Armstrong stated he was excited to become a part of team
Boynton. There are some opportunities such as landscape, Janitorial, Lawn
maintenance. We promote growing from within.
Mayor Grant stated this was very important to provide a workshop; this is a worldwide
company, looking forward to working with him.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked about the number of jobs available.
Mr. Armstrong stated they are in the process of working with staff to clarify and finalize
some of the specific scope and Statement of Work. Noted he has been looking at a couple
of places to have a job fair.
Commissioner Romulus wanted to make sure that were are giving back to the local
efforts and economy.
Vice Mayor Penserga moved to approve. Seconded by Commission Hay, which
unanimously passed.
G. Proposed Resolution No. R20-075 - Authorize the City Manager to sign the
Disaster Relief Funding Agreement for Federal and State assistance for DR-4486
COVID-19 between the City of Boynton Beach and State of Florida, Division of
Emergency Management.
H. Proposed Resolution No. R20-076 - Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign
AGREEMENT between The CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ("Subrecipient"), a
local government that meets the State Housing Initiatives Partnership ("SHIP")
Program eligibility requirements, and the FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE
CORPORATION ("Florida Housing"), a public body corporate and politic duly
created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to govern
the expenditure of the CRF funds as indicated in the accompanying
agreement and subsequently disbursed CRF funds by Florida Housing.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Mayor Grant read the proposed resolution no. R20-076 by title into the record.
Vice Mayor Penserga requested clarification on what this means to the city residents, and
how to use these funds. Expressed housing is obviously a very big problem, as it relates
to evictions and the moratorium delayed. There is uncertainty in the community.
Lori LaVerriere City Manager stated there is a $263,000 in Cares Act funding that will
allow the city to augment the existing programs to go toward affordable housing.
Mike Rumpf, Development Director Staff created criteria for allocations. There is an
agreement between the city of Boynton Beach and SHIP and the State of Florida program,
for distribution of funds.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked about the income requirement, what does this mean and
120% of the AMI
Lashea Brooks, Interim Community Improvement Manager, explained AMI is an
abbreviation for'area median income,'this is a statistic by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) for purposes of determining the eligibility of applicants for
certain federal housing programs. In the United States as a whole, the AMI for a
household of four is around $60,000 per year. In Palm Beach County, the AMI is $73,800.
here are several applications, working with rental assistant as well as emergency housing,
they will be about to assist with emergency repairs, applicants which are evicted can
assist them with security deposit, this is including in the monthly rent and the association
fee, final program is the homeownership program, they will sent they over to the
homeowner prevention program. The city currently administers program with mortgage
assistance, rental assistant, homeowner's insurance policy payment, association fee
payment, home repairs.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked if people are on the edge of eviction. Inquired if these
funds would be allowed to pay back rents.
Ms. Brooks stated the program designed to pay rents in advance.
Vice Mayor Penserga inquired if someone received funding from another source, would
the city also provided funding. Ms. Brooks responded the city does not duplicate funding
or services.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked about the timelines. When would this program begin? Ms.
Brookes indicated as soon as the agreement is signed and sent back to Florida Housing
it can began, indicated she has four files awaiting the agreement signature. Ms. Brooks
provided a telephone number as well as an email address: 561-742-6066
Brooksl a@bbfl.us.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Vice Mayor Penserga moved to approve. Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
I. Approve minutes from the City Commission meeting on July 21, 2020.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the agenda as amended. Vice Mayor Penserga
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
7. Bids and Purchases Over $100,000
A. Approve the extension for RFPs/Bids and/or piggybacks for the procurement
of services and/or commodities as described in the written report for August
4, 2020 - "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks Over $100,000."
B. Approve an increase to the estimated annual expenditure of Omnia Partners
City of Tuscon Contract # 192163 with Grainger Inc. in the amount of
$50,000, increasing the estimated annual expenditure from $70,000 to
C. Approve an increase to the estimated annual expenditure for Water Meters
and Equipment with Sensus USA in the amount of$200,000, increasing the
estimated annual expenditure from $400,000 to $600,000.
D. Proposed Resolution No. R20- 077 - Approve a contract with Globaltech,
Inc. for the installation of new emergency power generators of the East Water
Treatment Plant (EWTP) and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract.
The phase 1 budget for development of the GMP is $142,051.00 Globaltech,
Inc. was selected through Request For Qualifications (RFQ) #066-2821-
19/TP and approved by Commission at their June 2nd 2020 meeting.
E. Proposed Resolution No. R20-071 - Authorize the City Manager to sign a
new five-year contract with CentralSquare Technologies, LLC. with a total
cost of$1,169,498.04 to continue the use of the Naviline enterprise resource
planning software and maintaining CentralSquare Technologies, LLC. as our
applications services provider.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve the Consent Agenda for items over $100,000.
Commissioner Hay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
8. Public Hearing
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
6 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity as
Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-028 - Second Reading - Approve
amendments to Part II of the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Motor
Vehicles and Traffic, creating a new Section 14-14, Parking Meters, to add
definitions, standards, and fees to regulate parking meters in the City and
striking Chapter 16 Section 16-61 and 16-82 removing redundant language.
Attorney Cherof read proposed ordinance no. 20-028 into the record by title on second
Mayor Grant suggested an annual pass for the boat ramp of $350. Stated the city has
Commercial Fishermen.
Attorney Cherof stated the fee could be worked into the fee schedule.
Commissioner Katz asked if there would be a different amount for residents versus non-
Mayor Grant indicated since Palm Beach County help fund the boat ramp improvements;
this could not be limited to just Boynton Beach residents.
Commissioner Hay asked if the $350 was in line with other cities.
Mayor Grant stated he does not have those numbers. This could be done one yearly. This
would be a pilot program.
Commissioner Katz asked how this would affect the revenue, relative to operations.
Colin Groff Assistant City Manager explained the fees are not listed in the ordinance
itself, the fees are listed in the resolution. The city has not looked at that, but think it
would be a difficult one to calculate. Because we do not have exact count.
Mayor Grant asked if anyone applied for the annual pass for the boat ramp.
Andrew Mack, Director of Public Works, indicated there is an annual boat pass for the
Oyer park, he is not sure if this would affect the revenue.
Mayor Grant stated if you are a Commercial Fisherman, and if you fish all day all week,
before you could have paid 50 per month. Now the cost is $350.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Vice Mayor Penserga supports the annual pass. He requested comparison with other
municipalities and other boat ramps.
Attorney Cherof stated the fee schedule is in the resolution.
Mr. Mack stated they do not need to name it in the ordinance, and they will make the
adjustment in the fee schedule
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Seconded by Vice Mayor Penserga, the motion
passed unanimously.
Opened to public comment.
Susan Oyer 140 SE 127th way, inquired if this fee was for boaters.
Mr. Mack stated this would be for every space at Oyer Park. The spaces will have meters.
Ms. Oyer inquired if families are going to play in the park would they need to pay. Noted
her taxes has already paid for the park. She was in agreement with the boaters paying
the extra fee. This is wrong for families to have to pay for parking. The boaters are using
the facilities; residents are being forced to pay for parking. This is wrong; it is not as if the
park is overwhelmed with people.
Mayor Grant inquired if the city would charge the Coast Guard for parking, when they
have a meeting.
Lori LaVerriere City Manager stated the Coast Guard should be exempt from paying a
fee. The Coast Guard provide a free service to the city.
Commissioner Hay stated most of the parking spaces are long. Inquire how many regular
parking spaces are regular.
Mayor Grant replied someone is saying 10 spaces.
Commissioner Hay agreed with Ms. Oyer. She has a valid point. It seem a little unfair, to
charge the boaters the same as families to use the playground.
Mayor Grant stated this would be under the fee structure, trailer versus vehicle.
Mr. Mack stated at Oyer Park would be an hourly rate.
Mayor Grant asked if they are encouraging people to park at intercostal and walk over.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Vice Mayor Penserga inquired about the current rate. Mr. Mack replied currently there is
a flat rate for parking.
Ramona Young 101 South Federal Highway stated it was too much to ask residents to
pay for parking at Oyer Park.
Public Comment closed.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
B. Proposed Ordinance 20-029 - First Reading Approve request for
Abandonment of a portion of a ten (10) foot wide Utility Easement (ABAN 20-
008) located at 2735 SW 23rd Cranbrook Drive, Cranbrook Lake Estates
PUD. Applicant: David LaMaster
Attorney Cherof read proposed ordinance no. 20-029 on first reading.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Vice Mayor Penserga seconded the motion
passed unanimously.
Opened to public comment.
Public Comment closed.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
9. City Manager's Report
A. Discussion and direction by City Commission regarding the reinstallation of
the mural at Fire Station #1.
Katherine Matos, Assistant City Manager, provided a brief update of the reinstallation of
the mural at Fire Station 1. Indicated at the June Arts Commission board meeting, it was
discussed and decided to put the originally approved mural up. It was also decided the
prudent thing to do would be to have a written consent from the people depicted in the
murals. Letters were sent out to those people who were identifiable. As of today, staff
received 13 responses, 12 of them are positive. The goal is to do right by the community,
right, by the art world, right by the artist, and staff wanted to have a discussion with you
all on how to move forward. It is staff recommendation to move forward with Re-installing,
the mural, as it was originally designed.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Mayor Grant asked how many no replies received. Ms. Matos stated there was one
person requesting not be shown. There were about 20 letters not responding.
Mayor Grant asked about the 20 not responding, are we using their likeness without
Attorney Cherof stated this was the purpose for sending out the request for consent
letters. Whether there is risk associated with identifying, from a legal point of view, they
have asked for consent, people have chosen corresponded.
Vice Mayor Penserga inquired when the letters were sent out. Also, did everyone
receive a copy of the artwork, and was a deadline given when responses were due.
Ms. Matos responded there was no deadline given. Provided a return envelope.
Vice Mayor Penserga asked what to do, if the city is about to reinstall and a letter is
received stating the person, no longer wants to have their picture on the mural.
Mayor Grant stated an option was not given for a non-consent. Staff needs to resend
the letter with a change in language.
Commissioner Romelus stated there should be an end date.
Commissioner Hay stated they are in no hurry; he wants this done correctly. Give the
person proper time to respond.
Mayor Grant asked if 30 days enough to respond.
There was a consensus.
Lori LaVerriere stated they would work with legal before it is sent out.
There was consensus the Commission will review prior to letters being sent out.
10. Unfinished Business
A. Continuation of Commission review of Town Square private development
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager wanted to revisit Mr. Markey request. Mr. Markey
requested the following of the City Commission: 1. Instruct city staff to open
negotiations with him to pursue bank financing and have the City sign as a co-
guarantor. 2. Instruct staff and Michael Simon, the CRA Director, to start a conversation
about how TIFF financing provided to fund improvements. Encourage the City Attorney
to work with Mr. Markey's attorney in "cleaning up" easements on the existing parcels.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Attorney Cherof stated the easement request protects Mr. Markey interest. Noted Mr.
Markey interest comprise two parking lots. Newly paved parking lots on Boynton Beach
Boulevard, and east of the Children's Museum. Mr. Markey requested the City of Boynton
Beach enter into an agreement that contained a number of provisions in exchange for
him allowing us to use that property as temporary parking for City Hall and all the other
Attorney Cherof concerns was make sure this space was not for storage of equipment
other than vehicles. Confirmed in writing to Mr. Markey's attorney the agreement as
well as the format. Mr. Markey need to obtain consent of the lender, which has an
interest in the property. The City was informed Friday, consent of the Lender has been
received. Therefore, the documents are signature ready. Since he is granting the
easement to the city, Staff requested that he provide his signature, to those documents
first. Attorney understanding as of today, Mr. Markey's attorney has advised Attorney
Cherof paralegal that he will obtain the signature.
Attorney Cherof noted the only action that is required on those temporary parking
easement is the commission to authorize the Mayor by motion to sign the agreement
when the signed agreement received from Mr. Markey. Note the easements will be
released in sequence.
Colin Groff stated there are easements for utilities along the property lines that are
necessary to finalize the project. There are four easement; there are two for the city
and two for JKM
Mayor Grant stated at a previous meeting; if the city were going to cosign anything, the
land would be given back to the city. The city is not going to be held liable for the loan,
and not own the land.
Commissioner Katz asked staff for their recommendation. If the city is guaranteeing the
loan which would finance the project, is there any benefit continuing the relationship if
the party cannot fulfill their legal obligation. Inquired if there is a benefit and some
continuity. Alternatively, is it better to bifurcate the garages, because they are on a
completely different plot, as well as time schedule? If the city were going to back a loan
for a garage, he would oppose anything other than the south garage. Requested
guidance from staff. Should the city continue with this partnership, which is not
producing or would it be better to end the partnership with JKM?
Lori LaVerriere requested for clarification about giving the land back. Inquired if the
Mayor was speaking about only the parcel, the portion of land on which the garage will
sit or the entirety of the parcel, including the residential development piece.
Mayor Grant replied it would be all. If the developer defaults, the city would have collateral.
Ms. LaVerriere inquired how would that effects the developers financing. This would be
a restructuring of the contract. Asked if this was for the north and south.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Mayor Grant stated the first request was not in the original contract. This would be a
Vice Mayor Penserga, stated there needs to be a renegotiation.
Commissioner Hay stated he does not feel comfortable with Mr. Markey.
Vice Mayor Penserga inquired when the last time there was a meeting with Mr. Markey.
Ms. LaVerriere stated before COVID.
Ms. LaVerriere stated from a co guarantor standpoint to consider renegotiation of the
contract and conveying the land back to the city. Asked about the TIFF funds.
Mayor Grant replied this was be for the CRA board to discuss.
Commissioner Katz stated he wanted to weigh in on the TIFF funding now. There was
limited opportunity to discuss this funding. Based on the financials he has seen from city
staff and how much money has already been invested in this partner to developed
properties, just leads him to believe that, he would not, under any circumstance support
another penny from the CRA because literally millions have been poured in the
infrastructure. The city gave the land. Plan B is to support failure, to be able to deliver on
a contract is not give more money to the party that failed to deliver and I cannot support
that for any reason.
Commissioner Hay stated there were a list of requirements that needed to be satisfied.
The developer needs to do what has been agreed. He was not ready to spend additional
funds on this developer.
Mayor Grant stated any TIFF dollars would be after the completion of the project. This is
money, which comes after the certificate of occupancy. The city hopefully would have
workforce housing, subsidized housing on the property and create affordable housing.
Reaching out to the community, more parking spacing, there should be more parking
spaces. If they were not offering anything more, then he would agree with
Commissioner Katz and Commissioner Hay.
Commissioner Hay stated this is why the commissioner has directed the City Manager
and the Assistant City Manager to renegotiate with JKM.
Mayor Grant stated the city and the CRA are two different entities.
Commissioner Katz stated it was his understanding relative to any proposal for affordable
housing on this property, for tiff funding, if the party, in question defaults and is incapable
of performin,g and the contract is broken; this site would automatically be subject to the
affordable housing ordinance?Which would mandate affordable housing by whoever took
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
over the project. Whereas the current project was codified prior to the ordinance. Inquired
will it be mandatory that any other parties, who take over and develop this property, build
affordable housing, if a similar residential structure moved forward?
Attorney Cherof replied the answer was yes.
Mayor Grant asked if the work-housing ordinance is mandatory.
Attorney Cherof stated the ordinance as drafted would apply to someone new coming
in. It does not apply to JKM, because they came in before the ordinance was in place
Mayor Grant stated it is Voluntary workforce housing versus mandatory workforce
housing. Unless someone wants to have workforce housing the City are not going to
require it. It is not a mandatory work force housing ordinance. Even though it would
apply, if they ask for additional height or density.
Commissioner Katz stated except for the fact that the city under this scenario would
own the land and could mandate anyone who took on the project to adhere to that
component of the ordinance.
Attorney Cherof stated that is correct.
Commissioner Katz stated his point is, he is not inclined to pay somebody for anything
the city could get free under the alternative scenario.
Commissioner Romelus expressed the easiest thing to accomplish is to get those
easements. This is a good faith effort, to show there is a partnership, and to get those
easements signed. She would make sure there is a discussion to figure out what is
going to happen. JKM made a promise that has not been delivered. There is a timeline,
in her opinion; she does not see good faith effort. The city needs to move forward, if that
means getting another partner she was in agreement with that as well.
Commissioner Hay asked about a reverter clause.
Attorney Cherof stated there is an option agreement, with JKM him obtaining financing
on the property.
Commissioner Katz requested all future meeting between city staff and JKM would have
minutes taken. He would like to know what was said in any future meeting.
There was a consensus.
Attorney Cherof requested clarifications, there are written agreements, which require JKM
and Mr. Markey to fulfill certain responsibilities to build the project out. The commission
is directing the City Manager, City Attorney and Colin Groff to return to the table to
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
renegotiation. The first step would be for JKM to review the documents and come back
with a proposal, which clarifies how the documents are modified, if they intend to go
forward with the entire project. If they intend not to move forward with the entire project,
whatever he drafts as a proposal should be contained in the document. Attorney Cherof
stated it would not serve any purpose to go to the table without a proposal.
Attorney Cherof stated he was in agreement with Commissioner Romelus regarding the
easements. The first step should be to take care of the issue with the easements.
Expressed Mr. Markey's attorney his client was prepared to sign off on the easements.
Once this is done, the team can consult with the commission.
There was consensus.
Vice Mayor Pensega asked for a timeline to get this done. Attorney Cherof stated the
best people to establish the timeline is the commission. Noted he would work with Lori
LaVerriere City Manager, and Colin Groff Assistant City Manager to work with JKM.
Commissioner Katz requested to bring the information to the first meeting in September.
If one party has indicated, they are having struggles and maybe incapable fulfilling the
contract. It should be their responsibility to dig a way out of this. The City did not create
this issue.
There was consensus for the first meeting in September.
11. New Business- None
12. Legal
A. Proposed Resolution No. R20-078 - Approve the Parking Division fee
schedule associated with the installation of automated parking technology
which includes parking rates, permits, valet, violations, and penalties
Mayor Grant read the proposed resolution no. R20-078
Andrew Mack Public Works and Solid Works Director provided a recap of the discussion
of ordinance 20-078. Informed the commission there were 330 boat permits issued for
Oyer Park boat ramp. Mr. Mack provided a comparison of other municipalities. Boca
Raton charges $60 for Palm Beach County Residents. There is a charge for non-
residents of$480. Lake Worth Beach charge $50 for Florida Resident and $150 for
commercial and non-Florida residents.
There was a consensus at a previous Commission meeting, to adjust the proposed
residents parking pass. The pass would remain at $50. Similarity the senior parking
permit, and in the future would include veterans, and disabled persons.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
This fiscal year amended revenue for daily parking rates is $300,000, and parking
permits is $170,000. Proposed for next fiscal year, $680,000 for daily parking, $50,000
for parking citations. Commission directed Mr. Mack to see the impact if the rates were
lowered. Mr. Mack stated it would be about a 21% reduction in the daily parking fees,
which equates to about $142,000.
The resolution could be amended to include the boat-parking permit. He will get this
corrected before publishing. Informed the commission the City of Lake Worth Beach has
a commercial permit rate of $150. He believes this was a fair amount.
Commissioner Hay asked how many spaces are at the City of Lake Worth Beach. Mr.
Mack stated he does not have that number.
Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager stated there are two questions regarding the
ordinance. The passes for boat parking. This would be easy to add into the resolution.
The other thing you may want to consider right now, Commercial Fishermen during the
weekday. Mr. Groff stated if the city added a pass, staff recommends having the pass
for the weekday only. The weekend is extremely busy. Commercial Fishermen are
usually during the weekday. The 10 parking spaces in Oyer Park would be labeled for
cars only, and would be free. Indicated on the weekend there would be a charge for the
spaces. If parked in a boat space there would be a fee.
Mayor Grant stated in addition, staff would work with the local Coast Guard auxiliary to
give an exemption to their members as well.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve Resolution R20-078 as amended for 10 free
parking spaces for vehicles without trailers. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Romelus move to approve a Boat parking pass of $350 annually, in
addition, staff would work with the local Coast Guard auxiliary to give an exemption.
Seconded by Commissioner Hay, motion which passed unanimously
B. Proposed Resolution No. R20-079 - Authorize the City Commission to
increase the amount collected for fees that are charged to the City by the
Palm Beach County Clerk of Courts when a civil citation issued.
Mayor Grant read proposed resolution no R20-079 by title only into the record.
Attorney Cherof there is money waiting for the city to ask for it.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve Resolution R20-079. Commissioner Hay
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously
C. Proposed Ordinance 20-030 - First Reading - Adoption of ordinance
allowing for virtual city commission meetings by communication media
Attorney Cherof read proposed ordinance 20-030 on first reading into the record by title
Attorney Cherof noted the clock is running on how much longer the city permitted under
the Governor's emergency orders to conduct virtual meetings. The last emergency order
that the Governor issued created quite a conflict for local government. The order stated
the city could have the September budget hearings by use of technology to conduct those
meetings, but did not extend the drop-dead date for regular city commission meetings,
which would be August 31. The city expect the Governor's Office to fix that inconsistency
between now and September 1 meeting. The Governor's office has not been
communicating with local government very much about the implications of these
emergency ordinances. This is the methodology of decision in the hands of the City
Commission, under the city's home rule Powers, Declaration of Emergency authorization
of virtual meetings, in September for regular city commission meetings, if necessary. If
the fix is addressed by the Governor before a second reading of this ordinance. The city
would not need a second reading. This was an opportunity to make sure that the city
was not cut off for the September 1, meeting to conduct its regular City Commission
meetings virtually.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve Ordinance 20-030. Commissioner Hay
seconded the motion.
Opened to public comment
Closed to public comment
City Clerk Gibson called the role; the vote was 5-0
Mayor Grant requested to add some internship programs. Presentation a presentation
on internships, to see how it can be expanded at City Hall Library and Civic center. To
work with the city staff and do a career fair. Give an opportunity for the young adults in
the community.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Commissioner Romelus agreed.
Commissioner Katz asked if the request to have city staff to conduct interviews of
random students
Mayor Grant replied, he was asking the marketing department to interview staff to
educate the community to explain how they advanced their career with the city of
Boynton Beach. It is like a career day, they see professional coming in.
Vice Mayor Penserga stated he agreed.
Commissioner Romelus stated the marketing department inundated with work.
Suggested working with a nonprofit to conduct the interviews and videos.
Commissioner Hay stated they have career days in schools.
Commissioner Katz stated there are still career days through the school system.
Mayor Grant stated they would not go to school this semester. This is not only for
students and young adults, but for businesses as well.
Commissioner Katz get consideration, ask the city manager to identify who would be the
most appropriate person interviewed.
Mayor Grant with Facebook live, Chief Carter, they have the equipment, we could reach
out to other nonprofits.
Vice Mayor Penserga, Municipal Wi-Fi. He has discovered that this is actually part of
the school district plan to build some infrastructure. He would like to invite Erica
Whitfield or some other staff person from their technology division to provide a
Commissioner Romelus informed the commission she had a conversation with the
Education Foundation in regards to the conversation we had last Commission meeting,
in terms of what can we as a municipality do to help our school district and our local
schools within our municipality boundaries. The Education Foundation wants to
partnership with the City of Boynton Beach.
13. Future Agenda Items
A. Mayor Grant requested staff present information about our CDBG/SHIP
housing assistance programs - August 19, 2020.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
B. Provide update on potential sale of the Nichol's property to Pulte Homes
— August 19, 2020
14. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Katz moved to adjourn. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Hay, which unanimously passed. The meeting
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Allan Karijalian, Web Design Coordinator stated as a reminder, a recorded version of
this session would be posted to the City of Boynton Beach's YouTube channel. Links to
that channel are available on the City of Boynton Beach's website, at
www.BoyntonBeach.Orq. This concludes tonight's meeting.
• : NACH
• -yor - Steven -. Grant
Vic:-1. 01garir*11611
likk 1 -4.
Corn - — Justin Katz
Commissioner—Woos/ L. Hay
Commissione / Chris Ina Romelus
C stat Gibson, MMC
City Clerk
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 4, 2020
Queenester Nieves, CMC
Deputy City Clerk