Date: August 26, 2020
Location/Time: via Zoom Meeting 6:00 P.M.
Dial In — (346) 248-7799, Meeting ID 895 6269 6562
George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director
Marcia Levine Madison Kjosa, Library Marketing
Elizabeth Sherlock and Outreach Manager
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
I. Pre-meeting announcement from Craig Clark, Library Director
At 6:03 p.m., Mr. Clark read a statement explaining how the meeting would operate and
how the public could participate.
II. Call to Order— Board Chair
Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. He introduced new Board Member
Marcia Levine.
Approval of Minutes — July 22, 2020
Ace Tilton Ratcliff explained she is non-binary, which means Mx. Ratcliff does not
identify as male or female. Being non-binary is different for everyone who identifies as
non-binary. For them, it meant Mx. Ratcliff does not use female pronouns. When
referring to Mx. Ratcliff, one would say, "they" said something. Mx. Ratcliff referenced
the first page of the July minutes, second paragraph, second sentence and made
recommended changes. A copy of the amended minutes are attached.
Chair Feldman requested a motion to approve the minutes with the changes as
Chair Feldman moved to approve the minutes as amended with the gender explanation.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2020
III. Correspondence and Communications -
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to Three-Minute
Chair Feldman opened the floor to public audience. No one was present.
V. Chair's Report
Chair Feldman had books to donate and asked if they could be left on a table on the
first floor of the Library where people can drive up, run in and drop the books off. Mr.
Clark explained they are not taking many books at the moment because they do not
have volunteers that can handle them for staff and staff is busy. A few books would be
fine, but 100 books would be too many. Donated books can be deposited in either the
manual book return drop box or the automated one.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update
Mr. Clark advised they were filling four part-time positions and he finished the interviews
this afternoon. Offers are being made and if accepted, the Library will be fully staffed.
Staff was excited to get the new people on board which Mr. Clark anticipated would be in
about five or six weeks.
Library Construction Update
Mr. Clark announced the Library is done and this item would be removed from the agenda.
The developer was still addressing punch list items. He announced the Library is beautiful
and staff received great feedback from the public. Ms. Levine stopped in yesterday and
was wowed, which encouraged her to apply to serve on the Library Board. He encouraged
the members to visit the Library and let him know as he would be happy to give them a
tour. Mx. Ratcliff advised they were there today and would take Mr. Clark up on the tour
next time. They thought the Library was beautiful.
Virtual Summer Reading Club
Ms. Taylor advised the Virtual Summer Reading Club was completely virtual due to the
Library move and COVID. They had 85 youth participate in the summer reading.
Registration is now closed and staff was preparing their prizes (which were summer
reading themed toys and books) and would giving them information how to pick up the
VII. New Business:
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2020
AmeriCorps Program — Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor announced the Library received the full complement of three AmeriCorps:
Abby is the Adult English as a Second Language tutor; Joe is the Teen Afterschool
Homework Help and College Prep tutor, and Olivia is the Afterschool Homework tutor for
the little ones. All three have already started and they are at the Library planning. It was
explained the homework help usually starts after Labor Day when school begins. Ms.
Taylor commented they are wonderful, young, energetic college students with lots of
ideas. The problem now with COVID is the limitation on the amount of people who can
come and they will adapt it to be online, but they have to be very careful to protect the
privacy of children and keeping them and staff safe.
Ms. Taylor explained AmeriCorps is similar to the Peace Corps, but in the United States
and their focus in Palm Beach County is literacy. They usually have 40 AmeriCorps
volunteers they recruit each year and they are located where ever there is a literacy
environment. They work in schools and the library to teach literacy skills to children and
adults, as well as college prep. There was a full complement of 40 volunteer this year and
they are throughout the county at sites that accept them, which the library does. They
generally have a requirement the volunteers have to provide so many hours for the entire
year. The volunteers who serve in the schools have difficulty with hours and they will have
trouble this year. The Library has their three volunteers dedicated to the library, but after
about a month, Library staff hosts a workshop for other volunteers about getting extra
hours at the library helping with after school homework help It was noted the volunteers
receive a very small stipend
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo explained they also receive, similar to veterans' preference, for
federal jobs. They receive health care and a stipend for a minor child, but they cannot
make a living off the stipend. Part of the giveback is assisting the volunteer to achieve a
brighter path.
Presentation by Madison Kjosa, Library Marketing & Outreach Manager
Chair Feldman introduced Madison Kjosa, Library Marketing and Outreach Manager. Ms.
Kjosa announced she was excited to be attending the meeting and to meet everyone .
Ms. Kjosa has been working for the library for two months and handles the Library Social
Media Account. She focuses on archive features and works with the archivist to show
photos and other items from the archives as Throwback Thursdays. Fill it in Fridays is
when they ask questions and the audience can respond, which gets a lot of audience
engagement. The Check-out is a rundown of book titles someone may be able to check
out that week focusing on new titles. The Back to the Data Basics is how they share the
Library's Digital features and digital databases. She advised all of these were recurring
Ms. Kjosa included social medial metrics in the Library report and explained. She clarified
Facebook's likes is the number of people who like the page. Followers is similar to likes,
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2020
but when someone is following the Library's page, their post will show in the Library's
news feed. The Library's Facebook followers are composed of 21% in the 35 to 44 age
range, which is consistent with other branches. Twitter, is like Facebook and they will
see the tweets in Twitter stream. Twitter is a micro blogging platform which means the
feed is constantly updated. The best practice is to post more on Twitter than Facebook
and Ms. Kjosa aims for three or four tweets a day, which was either her pushing out
Library content or retweeting the other City Department information. Instagram is the
same with likes and followers. Instagram is geared towards a younger audience and the
content performs well when aesthetically pleasing. Instagram is their newest platform
and they are at 603 which is exciting. They were at 584 when she started. Since COVID
is still ongoing, the library has been offering virtual programs hosted on social media.
Thursdays at 10 a.m. they have the Virtual Librarian Christina and each week, they make
a craft with Christina. Virtual Story Time was held during summer reading, they have a
different youth services staff member read a book, which was typically posted on
Wednesdays. Staff is considering a redo or some other sort youth service program. Past
story times are available on the Library's Facebook account. The newest program Ms.
Kjosa implemented was BBCL Trivia Time, posted every Friday and each week has a
different general knowledge question people can throw out. There are no prizes, but it is
fun, and they ask for suggestions.
Ms. Kjosa updates a lot of the library materials with the Library's new logo and branding.
A big part of the Library's focus is social media outreach and having organic and paid
social medial posts and posting in other groups. Staff will place a table on the first floor
that will have promotional materials and the ability to sign people up for library card. One
upcoming campaign in September is Library Card Sign Up month. Staff also created
bingo sheet of different activities in the library. The sheets are in the Adult and Youth
libraries. The first three people to return the cars will get a Boynton Beach Library prize
pack. Future outreach projects include speaking at HOAs, have a table at City events,
and community events such as St. John Missionary Baptist Church Back to School event,
which was cancelled this year due to COVID. They are looking forward to doing so next
year, and they will do more social media ads in local Facebook groups and in the Funfare
magazine by the Boynton Beach Recreation and Parks.
Ms. Kjosa is contemplating bringing back Great Decisions hosted by the Foreign Policy
Association, which is a discussion on foreign policy, which starts in the spring. ESOL
classes held by the AmeriCorps Volunteers, the Adult Reading Club, the quilters, author
events, and Grab and Go craft kits for makers space, by Christina. They will have kits so
people can pick up items to make the crafts. Ms. Kjosa would like to have the brown bag
series and a different speaker for every brown bag. They can get speakers from NASA,
paranormal societies and meteorologists.
Chair Feldman thought the members could share library information on their social media.
Mr. Clark thought it was a great idea.
Library Services and Technology Grant Award $40,000
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2020
Mr. Clark explained they received approval for the Library Services and Technology Grant
Award. It is a $40,000 Makers Space related grant. Mr. Clark will bring Joyce Brenacone
to discuss this at the next meeting. They will be able to purchase two more 3-D printers,
a laser cutter and engraver, as they have two in the budget and six cricket crafting
machines, which will fire up the makers space. Makers spaces are common in libraries
and university libraries and they involve different types of activities, crafting, art, video
and music production. It was in the teen area and will be used after COVID. Ms. Taylor
explained Makers Spaces are creative learning environments. There are many tools for
people to use to be creative at home and get new businesses started. Staff wants to
demonstrate how to use this to give them the basic skills to get started. Now that they are
mainstreamed, they can introduce people in the Library to them. These items normally
were not in the home, but now they are and they are introducing the technology to the
community in an educational way. Mx. Ratcliff thought it was a great opportunity and
noted many of the things were cost prohibitive and it could be a great space and for not
only local artists to use this technology in their making. But having a video to show the
different things that could be done with the technology and the way the audience can
translate it in to real like. She advised a cricket could cut vinyl, or leather or woods. They
are versatile machines. They thought it would be cool for the audience to see what people
use them for but what they can use them for as well. Mx. Ratcliff thought it would be a
huge draw.
Cares Act Grant Application Submitted for $12,950
Mr. Clark announced the State Library system received funds to support public library in
Florida and museums that are overseen by a public library director. The City submitted a
grant. If approved, the Library can purchase 10 additional scholarships for the Career
Online High School because the State did not fund them this year. The Library had six
scholarships left. The Library Council that oversees the awarding of these grants advised
there were $5M in grant requests for $1.9 million that was received. The chances are
questionable but he hoped the application would be awarded.
Library Grand Opening Event
Mr. Clark announced the City Marketing team and the Library are planning a grand
opening event for the Library. He will let the members know and send an invitation via
email. It would likely be on September 16th at about 9 a.m.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
June & July 2020
Mr. Clark did not have specific report, but the June and July statistics were included in
the meeting materials. Business was slowly picking up and he would be happy to answer
any questions about the statistics
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2020
IX. Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — September 23, 2020 —Via Zoom Meeting
Chair Feldman announced the date of the next meeting. He thought at the next meeting,
the members should pick a specific attribute of the library and discuss it briefly at the next
meeting. He summarized they should get involved with social media to promote the
Library. He noted Ms. Taylor had been the Chair of the Library Board for 15 years and
he thanked her for her participation and showing members around. Ms. Taylor explained
the Library is her community. She wanted to raise her children around the library and she
did and then she pursued master in library science and then served on the Library Board
for 11 years and she spent her vacations attending Library Conferences to keep current
in the library world. She has loved the Library for a long time. She was also able to work
four 10-hour days so she had a day during the week to volunteer. She had a chance to
switch careers mid-life and she is proud to be working for the Library. The Library is a
special place to her and she was happy to be involved. Chair Feldman thought there is
a lot of information about what is occurring in the City at the Library less the politics.
X. Adjournment
Chair Feldman moved to adjourn. Ms. Levine seconded the motion. He noted more
members were needed as they almost did not meet due to lack of a quorum. The motion
unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist