Date: October 28, 2020
Location/Time: via Zoom Meeting 6:00 P.M.
Dial In — (346) 248-7799, Meeting ID 858 3192 6029
George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair, (Arrived 6:06 p.m.)
Marcia Levine Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director
Elizabeth Sherlock
Robyn Boucard
Lindsay Karten
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
I. Pre-meeting announcement from Craig Clark, Library Director
Craig Clark, Library Director, read a statement explaining how the meeting would
proceed and how the public could participate.
II. Call to Order— Board Chair
Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6 pm.
III. Approval of Minutes - September 23, 2020
Ms. Karten moved to approve. Ms. Levine seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously passed.
IV. Correspondence and Communications — None
V. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 28, 2020
VI. Chair's Report - None.
VII. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update
Mr. Clark announced as of today, the Library is fully staffed, but as of tomorrow, there will
be a full-time vacancy. A full-time Library Associate is leaving for a new opportunity.
AmeriCorps Program —Jeannie Taylor
Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director, announced they have three AmeriCorps
volunteers. "Abby" is handling Adult ESOL and is getting people together for small classes
and holding more one-on-one individual sessions. "Joe" handles the Teen After School
Homework Help and College Prep, and "Oliva" handles After School Homework Help for
the youth.
Career Online High School
Ms. Taylor explained the Career Online High School has three students enrolled working
towards their high school diploma and two students are in the prerequisite program. Two
of the three in the high school program are more than halfway through. There is a lot of
interest and she receives inquires every week.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted someone inquired about GED's and asked if the Library has
anything for GEDs. Mr. Clark explained they only have resources to help students study
for GED exams.
VIII. New Business:
Youth Library Overview— Kat Green, Senior Librarian, Youth Services
Mr. Clark announced Ms. Green was with the Library for just over a year. Ms. Green
explained the Youth Services Department provides a collection of resources and
programs. The collection is divided into easy picture books for read aloud stories, easy
reader books for children just learning to read, juvenile fiction, teen fiction and a non-
fiction collection, which covers all ages, from beginning readers to teens. The collection
is age divided so a student of any age could look up the subject they want from one place.
The Library has an interpersonal relationship with the patrons and community and their
programs focus on building positive relationships and bringing in entire families and
introducing them to crafts, STEM programs, holiday themed activities and further
Library staff has held digital story time every week before the move and they had an
audience, but when she issued the summer reading sign-up sheet, they had 90
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 28, 2020
participants, mostly between six and ten years old. The program is an incentive program
and a way to gather community statistics. As youth sign up, they ask for their age and
school information and it is a way for students to receive incentives, such as prizes or
raffle tickets, for reading over the summer. When she reviews which school the students
were enrolled in when they signed up online compared to in-person sign up from prior
years, there was a big difference. The audience online is very different than in person and
there were very few students that came in to pick up their prizes. Staff is trying to bridge
that gap. Ms. Green explained there has been a Read for the Record table outside her
office for a week, with take home crafts and 40 crafts kits were taken home in the past
few days.
The AmeriCorp program was good to have which operates by appointment and the
audience is always growing. Staff reviews what resources they have to offer patrons and
then adds them. One of the great things about being a city library, versus a county library,
is staff can shape the collection based on the specific needs of the community.
Staff looks forward to the return of programming. "Bianca" is taking the lead and looking
at an ADA accessible recording booth for the Virtual Zone. There are a lot of youth
already recording music and embarking on a lot of entrepreneurial activities on their own.
The recording booth will have good editing software and superior microphones and
patrons can use the booth for story time and green screen projects. Ms. Green has been
asked about early literacy kits and she noted, statistically, schools in Boynton and Galaxy
need assistance in this area.
Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo asked if staff had activities that could be conducted via web
conferences and/or Flipgrid, but there is a lot of free programming. Ms. Green explained
they would like to have those activities and AmeriCorps offered digital services. The
Library's biggest barrier as a library, versus a school, is that school is required so the
question of resources is not how to convince the youth to use them itis what resources
can they get for the guaranteed group of people they will have. The community views the
Library as a brick and mortar source of information. It is a challenge trying to get people
to access the services they have. They would love to offer a Path to College and hold an
entire workshop. They have set it up, and they have done similar things, offering cash
and incentives, but when it is primarily digital, they have trouble getting the message out
to those who would most benefit from it.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought they would have to instruct the patron and have a catch to
pull in that age group. She thought focus groups and think tanks could be helpful to even
target two activities. Staff would love to reassess and strategize with promoting and
training the public to expect these services.
Chair Feldman asked if optimum performance at the Library would increase state funding.
Mr. Clark explained it was not performance based; it was based on the local government's
investment in their library. The more the City increases the Library's budget, the more
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 28, 2020
State Aid the Library would receive. The LSTA funds from the Federal Government has
nothing to do with Library funding.
Ms. Sherlock asked if there was a lot of interest in 3-D printing and learned most of the
interest comes from people who did not live in the area. They were seeking the
information and found it online. Once in-person programming returns, the best feature
about 3-D printing is learning the associated software, coding skills, and artistic features.
The printing is accessory to learning the software, most of which is open source.
Mr. Clark explained the Library is getting a second 3-D printer with grant dollars the
Library received which is part of the Makers Space currently being developed. They will
allow people to book time for the printer and they will be shown how to use it in the
presence of a staff member. In the next six months, they will increase marketing the
printers. Chair Feldman asked if staff could film a training session for the printers and
include it as part of the Makers Space. Mr. Clark advised they could. The new model the
Library is purchasing is an updated model.
Ms. Karten asked how intertwined the library was with the local public schools. Ms. Green
agreed there should be coordination. She thought it was a struggle and it worsened from
COVID, but it was one of her long-term goals. Libraries have a difficult time getting the
required reading lists from the schools. One advantage staff had was the Library's
AmeriCorps volunteers because several of them have friends in the schools. Ms. Karten
suggested contacting the PTA, and volunteered to help in this regard. These are the type
of parents that would take their children to the library. Mr. Clark commented they could
speak at the PTA meetings as outreach in the future. Historically, it has been difficult
getting into Palm Beach County Schools because they are test driven. They had some
luck in the past with outreach programs and advertising the Summer Reading Club. He
has a contact with a school library in the County and he thought there may be an
opportunity to work with them.
Ms. Green explained the Library has a lot of homeschoolers visit. Facebook was also
great for homeschoolers as many homeschoolers sign up for summer reading. Vice Chair
Hayden-Adeyemo noted many teachers are overwhelmed and many schools have
literacy coaches. She thought the Library has many things listed on the website, but not
the list of main core school zones in their zip codes for the City Library. The Vice Principal
would be the one that develops curriculums. She was optimistic the long-term vision of
the Library would serve the City's needs. Ms. Green explained they want to have the
things the schools did not have. Ms. Karten thought the resources were needed more
Consider and vote to merge the November and December 2020 Board Meetings
(Due to holidays) to be held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, at 6:00 pm.
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Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 28, 2020
Mr. Clark explained the Board does combines the November and December meetings
every year. Chair Feldman advised he would be out of town and Vice Chair Hayden-
Adeyemo could run the meeting in his stead.
Ms. Levine moved to approve merging the meeting. Ms. Karten seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed. The next meeting is December 9, 2020, online at 6 pm.
Friends of the Library annual Donation for Library programming in FY 20/21
Mr. Clark shared the importance of the Friends group that raised a lot of money over the
years. The Library submits a budget to the Friends each year and their Board has been
generous and approved it. There was a form in the meeting materials reflecting they
funded about $35K. The Library does not have a normal programming budget and they
raise money by selling used books. It is a nice chunk of money they do a lot with. He
publicly thanked them for their generosity and their time in raising those funds.
Ms. Sherlock used to volunteer for the Friends. Usually they have jewelry they bring in
for Christmas. Mr. Clark explained this year they will put up a Friends Holiday Table after
Thanksgiving. There will be two tables this year. Any members having items they may
want to donate were encouraged to do so. Jewelry was a popular donation as were new
unused items and any gift-type product. .
IX. Library Director's Report/Statistics
September 2020 Monthly Report
Mr. Clark noted last month, in September 2020, 88%of the circulating items were checked
out on the self-checkout system and staff did an amazing job teaching patrons how to use
the technology. There would soon be new features added to the system. Mr. Clark noted
88% is very successful. Ten years ago, when they had self-check, it was only used 10%
to 12% of the time.
Ms. Boucard inquired about the account status report and the 470 incorrect addresses.
She asked if they have email addresses. Mr. Clark explained the service they use utilizes
skip tracing through the post office. and they work with the post office address system.
They will track the addressee down and send them a letter. The Library pays Unique
Management $8.95 per record. When the record is sent to the borrower, a $10
administrative fee is added to the patron record. It is a revenue neutral transaction. Chair
Feldman asked how often they check addresses and learned they update addresses
continuously. Ms. Taylor confirmed they did so as long as the account was open. A key
component of skip tracing is one's Driver's License number.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 28, 2020
Ms. Sherlock noted at the last meeting, there was supposed to be a list of volunteer
opportunities for the Board members. Mr. Clark advised he had not had time to compile
the list, but one will be provided in December.
Ms. Levine did not know how the Library interacts with other City boards or agencies.
She noted she is Vice Chair of the Arts Commission and there are exciting programs
coming up pertaining to the downtown redevelopment. The Cultural Center was renamed
the Civic Center and there is already talk about incorporating schools and learning
programs there. She thought there was a way for the Library to get involved. She noted
Artist Sonja Sanchez will exhibit three upcycled dresses in the Civic Center and she
thought the Library may have books on recycling, or upcycling and fashion as part of the
exhibit. In March there is the International Kinetic Art and Symposium, which is a biennial
event, and there may be a way for the Library to get involved. Mr. Clark explained they
partner with the public arts programs via the Public Art Manager, which the position is
currently vacant, but the Library could have book displays about different types of art and
publish a bibliography of different resources. Ms. Taylor noted in the past, when they
were on the Avenue, there was a lot of foot traffic in the Library and during the event.
They would be happy to put a display together. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo commented
the Library Could have an Art Walk and asked if there was art at the Library. She advised
she would register if there was Zoom meeting to hold these events. Ms. Levine explained
there is a socially distanced indoor and outdoor exhibition and she would bring up Zoom
capabilities at the next Arts Commission meeting. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo thought
a drone view could be used. Ms. Levine explained they would be installing larger outdoor
kinetic pieces shortly. There is a rolling installation to finish working towards the March
event date. The piece on Seacrest Boulevard and Ocean Avenue was already installed,
which is the major piece. As the Arts Commission is signing contracts for the outside
pieces, they are being installed. Mr. Clark noted they installed several public art pieces
in the Library, which he anticipated would be part of the program. Ms. Levine explained
it would not be part of the kinetic event, but it would be on the public art map.
X. Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — December 9, 2020 —Via Zoom Meeting
XI. Adjournment
Chair Feldman announced the next meeting. He thanked all for attending and wished all
a Happy Thanksgiving. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 pm.
Catherine Cherry t
Minutes Specialist