Minutes 12-01-20 Minutes of the City Commission Meeting
Held Online Via the GoToWebinar Platform
Boynton Beach, Florida
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 5:30 P.M.
Steven B. Grant, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
Ty Penserga, Vice Mayor James Cherof, City Attorney
Justin Katz, Commissioner Crystal Gibson, City Clerk
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner
Christina Romelus, Commissioner
A. Call to Order- Mayor Steven B. Grant
Mayor Grant called the meeting at 5:33 p.m. John McNally, ITS Director, reviewed how
the meeting would proceed and how the public could participate.
Invocation by Rabbi Dr. Solomon Rothstein, Police Chaplain
Rabbi Dr. Solomon Rothstein gave the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Christina Romelus
Commissioner Romelus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. A quorum was present.
Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mayor Grant wanted to make an announcement regarding the MLK Committee as Item
2. Adoption
Commissioner Katz moved to approve as amended. Commissioner Romelus seconded
the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
2. Other
A. Informational items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner Katz spoke with Davis Camalier regarding his property on Federal
Highway and Boynton Beach Boulevard. He met with Bill Morris and his representatives
regarding CRA owned property on the west side of Federal Highway and Boynton Beach
Boulevard. He announced he will attend the Lighting Ceremony after the meeting.
Commissioner Hay had no disclosures, but advised he would attend the Lighting on
Ocean Avenue.
Commissioner Romelus had no disclosures and hoped all had a Happy Thanksgiving.
Vice Mayor Penserga had no disclosures.
Mayor Grant disclosed he attended the National League of Cities Virtual Conference
November 18th to the 21St. He noted President-Elect Biden was there and he committed
to working with cities. He attended environmental seminars and hoped to have a
presentation at the next meeting and he attended the Fire Station No. 1 Mural unveiling.
On the 23rd, he attended the General Employees' Pension meeting, noted the expected
rate of return for the pension was 6.9%, which was under the City's guaranteed rate of
7% for the DROP, which will affect next year's budget. He noted the City will have to
make up the difference. On the 24th, he went to the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Luncheon and met with new State Representative Omani Hardy and Mike
Caruso, Kelly Skidmore, Rick Roth and State Senator Tina Polsky. He noted some
Representatives already have agendas still open. He hoped to speak about it at the next
meeting of the first meeting in January, but there are different ways for the Legislature to
write bills in favor of cities. He hoped all had a safe Thanksgiving and all would shop
locally. He cautioned residents may have opened their bubble to others, so he requested
all be mindful of one another during the Holiday Season. Today was the coldest day
since March and people may be starting to get sick and they need to be safe and healthy.
He attended a Zoom meeting celebrating the one-year anniversary of Boynton's Sister
City in Farindola, Italy and attended a dune restoration event. He worked with the Institute
for Regional Conservation to plant over 200 plants in the dunes to restore biodiversity. In
six months to a year, the plantings will grow above the sea oats.
3. Announcements, Community and Special Events and Presentations
A. Announce Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Ceremony being held at Tom Kaiser,
USN, Boynton Beach Veterans Memorial Park on Monday, December 7th, at
12:00 PM. CDC guidelines will be followed.
Mayor Grant announced the event.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
B. Announce the lighting of Downtown Boynton on Tuesday, December 1, 2020
immediately after the City Commission meeting in front of City Hall.
Mayor Grant announced the event. He thought the CRA was holding something at Dewey
Park subsequent to the lighting in front of City Hall.
C. MLK Task Force
Mayor Grant requested Ms. Krusell contact the prior MLK Task Force to decide what they
want to do for the event next month, whether it is a CDC socially distanced gathering or
a drive through. He hoped they would find partners for the community event.
4. Public Audience
Individual Speakers Will Be Limited toThree-Minute Presentations (at the
discretion of the Chair, this three-minute allowance may need to be adjusted
depending on the level of business coming before the City Commission)
Chris Nordstrom, 1059 Grove Park Circle, wanted to assist the Mayor this month with
some of his initiatives such as the digital divide in the City, environmental beautification,
economic development and creating a career pathway. He provided his contact
Alexandria Wilson, 2040 NW 2nd Court, noted the death of an ATV driver last week. A
few years ago, she asked the City what they would do to make it safe for ATV drivers and
was told they would do something with Delray Beach. She asked if they would build a
facility and requested an update. Mayor Grant was saddened to hear about the death of
the ATV driver as he did not hear about it. He advised the City Commission will request
information from the Police Chief at the next meeting, including dirt bikes, the current rules
and how to enforce them.
No one else coming forward, Public Audience was closed.
5. Administrative
A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards.
Mayor Grant announced the openings. There were no applicants.
6. Consent Agenda
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City
Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and
subject to staff comments
A. Legal Expenses - October, 2020 - Information at the request of the City
Commission. No action required.
B. Proposed Resolution No. R20-131 - Authorize the Mayor to sign all
documents associated with the acceptance and grant agreement for the Edward
Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) subject to the approval of the
City Attorney.
C. Proposed Resolution No. R20-132 - Releasing the Declaration of Unity of
Title for Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County (a.k.a. HFH) to allow
establishment of individual parcels and property control numbers for each of the
two duplex units and satisfy lending requirements. Applicant: Jeffrey Fengler,
Habitat for Humanity of S. Palm Beach County.
D. Proposed Resolution No. R20-133 - Approving the Declaration of Unity of
Control for the property constructed with a duplex by Habitat for Humanity of
South Palm Beach County (a.k.a. HFH), as required to satisfy lending
requirements. Applicant: Jeffrey Fengler, Habitat for Humanity of S. Palm Beach
E. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy-backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities as described in the written report for
December 1, 2020- "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks."
F. Proposed Resolution No. R20-134 - Authorize the Mayor to sign an
Interlocal Agreement between the City and CRA for the funding of the Tree
Canopy Coverage Project.
Mayor Grant pulled item F and commented he spoke with Rebecca Harvey, Sustainability
Coordinator, to find out what was occurring. Ms. Harvey explained the Interlocal
Agreement is that the CRA approved the agreement and allocated $60,650 for tree
canopies in the CRA area. This follows up on the Resolution passed on September 1st
to adopt tree canopy goals to increase the canopies, which entails planting 3,000 trees.
They plan to split the funding half to the Public Works Department to plant in the medians,
along streets and targeted areas in the CRA District, and the other half to the
Sustainability Office to plant in open spaces in parks and creating and planting smaller
trees than the Code requires on medians and streets. They can plant 300 to 400 trees
with the funds and the Public Works Department will plant larger trees on streets with
about 80 to 100 trees. The Departments will pay to plant the trees because the CRA can
only cover the cost of the trees. The Sustainability Office will procure the vendors to plant
the trees, organize the events and request reimbursement from the CRA when finished.
Mayor Grant noted they are using some funds to buy mature trees for medians. Certain
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
parks can have a lot more trees because they will be saplings. Mayor Grant asked if they
could have a fruit forest and requested feedback from the City Commission.
Commissioner Romelus asked if the trees would be accessible to the public and learned
they would. Commissioners Romelus and Hay supported the fruit forest. The City
Commission will provide direction to create a fruit forest in parks. Ms. Harvey clarified the
trees in the various parks will still be 15-gallon trees which are nine or 10 feet. The hope
is that there would be a mixture of mature and non-mature trees for the canopies.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. The
motion unanimously passed.
G. Approve minutes from the City Commission meeting on November 4, 2020
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
7. Consent Bids and Purchases Over $100,000
A. Approve the purchase of twenty-five (25) replacement vehicles as approved in
the fiscal year 20/21 fleet replacement budget in the estimated amount of
$762,708 by utilizing the following contract: Florida Sheriffs Association, FSA20-
VEL 28.0. The Florida Sheriffs Association contract satisfies the City's
procurement requirements.
Commissioner Romelus inquired about the vehicles that were being replaced and prior
options. In the past, the City had given a vehicle to South Tech. Lori LaVerriere, City
Manager, explained they are selling the vehicles at auction. They could reach out to
South Tech. She believed the program was halted and she offered to inquire every year
before auction about the programs. Mayor Grant thought they should extend an offer to
high schools with automotive programs as well and pointed out South Tech also teaches
Marine. He requested if the City had any equipment to help advance local school and
non-profit programs, that they do so. Commissioner Romelus thanked the City
Commission for the vehicle donation, noting it was Giving Tuesday.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The
motion unanimously passed.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
8. Public Hearing
6 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity as
Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-039 - Second Reading - Approve Wells
Landing North Rezoning from C-2, Neighborhood Commercial and R-2,
Single-and Two-Family Residential to MU-1, Mixed-Use 1, with a master plan
for 24 multi-family units and 8,530 square feet of commercial. Applicant:
Elizabeth Roque/Wells Landing Apartments LLC
Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 20-039 by title only on second reading.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Vice Mayor Penserga seconded the motion.
There were no comments received.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
B. Approve Wells Landing North (NW SP 20-004) for a mixed-use development
consisting of a three (3)-story building with 24 affordable housing dwelling units,
8,530 square feet of commercial space, associated parking and related site
improvements on a 1.23-acre site. Applicant: Elizabeth Roque, Wells Landing
Apartments LLC. (Tabled from the November 4, 2020 Commission meeting.)
Mayor Grant presented the above item.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Mayor Grant noted the minutes referenced someone asking if Centennial Management
LLC would have job and career fairs. Brian Herbert and Elizabeth Roque of Centennial
Management were not in attendance. Mayor Grant believed they would, but would get
confirmation at the next meeting.
The motion unanimously passed.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
B. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-043 - Second Reading - Request for
abandonment of a portion of the SW 6th Street right-of-way consisting of a
portion of the unimproved swale abutting the east lot line of the subject property
located at 704 SW 25th Avenue (ABAN 20-010).
Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 20-043 by title only on second reading.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Mayor Grant received an email from a nearby resident attaching pictures of flooding and
also received several comments from residents on Chapel Hill that the flooding was
getting worse. He was not willing to move forward on this item because they cannot allow
construction if they are not retaining the water on their property. He thought the
Commission needed to ensure the swale area holds the water and until Engineering can
make sure it would not be an issue he would not vote.
Commissioner Katz withdrew his motion and moved to table. He requested the other
Commissioners receive a copy of the email the Mayor received. Mayor Grant agreed to
share it with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager Colin Groff. Commissioner
Romelus seconded the motion.
Commissioner Romelus explained she was working in the background with Ms.
LaVerriere and Mr. Groff regarding Chapel Hill, Lake Boynton Estates and other
communities facing major water issues during rain events. She wanted to work with the
City Commission and staff to create a long-term plan to improve these communities.
Commissioner Hay requested they include NW 1St Street in the study.
Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The
motion unanimously passed.
Mayor Grant noted flooding in the northeast area, north of Miner Road. He thought this
was indicative of how climate change affects Florida with King tides, excess building and
not enough trees and if the City was trying to be a sustainable city, they needed to be
more cognizant of environmental aspects when they lose green space or trees.
9. City Manager's Report - None
10. Unfinished Business - None
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
11. New Business
A. Review and action on Annual Performance Evaluation for the City Manager.
Julie Oldbury, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management, explained that each
year the City Commission has the ability to review the performance of the City Manager.
She sent out evaluation forms, which were returned and included in the back-up.
Mayor Grant thought experiencing a pandemic was not possible, but acknowledged one
had occurred. Citizens must realize the realities of infectious disease and they have to
plan. He announced the City Manager followed the Palm Beach County guidelines.
Mayor Grant advised he had suggested instituting a curfew because they did not need to
declare a state of emergency, but they had to create urgency due to the disconnect on
the federal, state and county levels regarding masks and the lack of consistent direction.
He thought it was difficult when the City Commission did not have the best information to
move forward and there were a lot of missed opportunities to move forward with the City's
Centennial year events. He thought it was tough to give someone wonderful remarks
when wonderful things did not happen and commented the Commissioners have their
own level of participation as elected officials. He wanted to be a more hands-on Mayor
getting involved with the schools, non-profits, the businesses and answering the
residents. Then they received information that City staff and the departments should
direct everything to the City Manager or her office, which he thought was the correct
procedure, as the Commission does not need to give department heads two different
directions to move towards. He thought there was not enough information about how the
City Manager interacts with all the City departments, which he listed.
He suggested the City Commission develop a unified level of reporting from the City
Manager to the different departments so they will know what is occurring and what will
occur. Mayor Grant noted the City has a meeting on the Strategic Plan once a year and
he requested receiving quarterly or biannual reports with these departments. He also
thought the City Commission needed to do a better job with the budget. Eleanor Krusell,
Public Communications and Marketing Director, showed him an old newsletter before
Funfare Magazine was created when the City would provide news stories, activities and
businesses, which he thought the Commission may want to revisit in the future. They
used to have a videographer before social media. He inquired if that was something they
would want to consider funding to give the best content they can. He thought the City
Commission needed to do more than having once-a-year meetings on strategic planning
to show how they are sailing the ship. After discussing the matter with the City Manager,
she was fine with the General Employees receiving raises above 2%, but he thought they
should have a discussion how they get the reporting from all the different departments on
a regular basis to see how many permits are in the queue and how many have been
issued and how the employees are being proactive.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
Commissioner Katz commented the City Manager does a fine job, but he was not a big
fan of these evaluations. In general, he thought the City has a high-quality City Manager
and there were some unprecedented events, which the City navigated resulting in the
City being relatively untouched. He saw newspaper reports from other County
municipalities that had to trim deeper, which the City really did not have to do. There were
other man-made issues that occurred during the year, and seeing the pandemic in
general and crisis management, he learned a lot. He thought the City Manager moved
swiftly and aptly and he appreciated her efforts. He supported Mayor Grant's comments
about a discussion of some sort of unified reporting, although he had no complaints, but
thought it was a good idea.
Commissioner Hay agreed with the comments. He thought he has seen it on both sides
and he appreciated a balanced budget and the way Ms. LaVerriere handles crisis. She
has a passion for the City and she handles matters professionally. A discussion or
workshop would be beneficial about the issues Mayor Grant referenced. He talked with
other City Managers about issues they have, and Boynton Beach does not have those
issues, which he attributed to the City's approach for problem solving. They are the third
largest municipality in the County, but when looking at the issues that arise, it is low and
it is from good management. He agreed with the comments with the discussion in the
Vice Mayor Penserga spoke to Ms. LaVerriere and had their evaluation conference. He
praised her where well deserved and what they did with the pandemic was well executed.
He discussed with her where to get testing sites and he could not be happier with the City
Manager and other managers on staff. He wanted to talk more about the reporting issues.
They do provide a standard City Manager's report which was sporadic. He wanted to
discuss a unified reporting system, which was a long-term goal of his. His biggest concern
is today, the City has Ms. LaVerriere who is excellent as a city manager, but they will not
have her forever and down the road, they may have staff that gives a somewhat
acceptable level of performance. He wanted as much information as possible to help give
them oversight to avoid problems before they start. If they do not know what is occurring,
they cannot gauge the situation. In the future, he supported more information to have
better oversight to catch things early.
Commissioner Romelus explained she and Ms. LaVerriere got to know one another over
the years. This past year, she recognized Ms. LaVerriere was a strong well-rounded
leader, and in the midst of the storm, Ms. LaVerriere stepped up and asked for help when
needed. All are imperfect human beings and she admitted when they needed help and
how to implement a plan to improve situations. She supported succession plans and
commented good operations stem from leaders at the top. She commended Ms.
LaVerriere for the work she did this year and she thanked Ms. LaVerriere and City staff
for all they do. The City is at a pinnacle of development in terms of a clean budget and
growth and has set a vision where it wanted to go. There is always room for improvement
and they know where they can improve based on feedback from the City Commission
and the public.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
Ms. LaVerriere explained the reason why the City is successful is because of the team,
staff and continuous, honest feedback. She announced her feelings would not be hurt if
someone was unhappy with something that has happened. She encouraged all to keep
the communication open because her job and passion is to do the best job she could for
the City. She could not be prouder this year of the City's response to the pandemic and
what it has done to the City in terms of reflection and the norms. The City's staff and team
has been incredible in its ability to react, respond, change, improvise, rethink processes
and continue services. They are fantastic and they are aware of areas that need to be
improved. There will be a dashboard created, hopefully within a year, to enable the
Commission to have all the data and reporting at their fingertips, which they are currently
working on collecting and collating the information. The team holds each other up and
supports one another. She loves her job and seeing the City transform. She urged all to
keep the communication open. She is there to serve and they have a dedicated team of
Commissioner Hay moved to renew the contract with a 2% raise. Vice Mayor Penserga
seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
12. Legal - None
13. Future Agenda Items
A. Discuss attainable housing options for future development in Boynton Beach. -
December 15, 2020
B. ILA for Women's Club transfer to the City - December 15, 2020
C. Staff to provide Executive Summary of discussion on polystyrene foam waste
reduction options that were discussed during at the November 17, 2020 City
Commission meeting. - December 15, 2020
D. Recommendations from the Recreation & Parks Advisory Board for the
naming of City facilities in the downtown/town square area will be presented to
the City Commission for approval - December 15, 2020
E. Mayor Grant requested information on the water quality of canal systems
within the City. - January 2021
F. ILA for Sara Sims Park Pavilion Improvements - February 2021
G. Vice Mayor Penserga requested a discussion regarding a City Mural Program
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
H. Discussion on funding for expanding Wi-Fi to City parks. - TBD
I. Discussion of LOI process for sale of city land - TBD
J. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-034 - First Reading - Approve Legacy at
Boynton Beach (REZN 20-001) rezoning subject property from CBD (Central
Business District) to MU-C (Mixed-Use Core) with a master plan for 274 multi-
family residential units and 12,422 square feet of retail, located at the northeast
corner of SE 2nd Avenue and Federal Highway. Applicant: Evan Vlaeminck of
GCI Acquisitions LLC. - TBD
K. Proposed Ordinance No. 20-035 - First Reading - Approve Legacy at
Boynton Beach (ABAN 20-009) abandoning a portion of the improved 45 foot
wide right-of-way of SE 1st Avenue running east from Federal Highway for a
distance of approximately 175 feet. Applicant: Evan Vlaeminck of GCI
Acquisitions LLC. - TBD
L. Approval of Legacy at Boynton Beach (NW SP 20-003) new site plan
application for a mixed-use development consisting of an eight (8)-story building
with 274 dwelling units, 12,422 square feet of commercial space, and associated
recreational amenities and parking on a 2.76 acre site. Applicant: Evan
Vlaeminck, GCI Acquisitions LLC. - TBD
14. Adjournment
Mayor Grant wanted the Commission to have a discussion of ATVs and what the City is
doing for them and for recreational activities. Commissioner Katz requested a report from
the Police Department. He did not support fostering ATVs in the City as all-terrain
vehicles and thought off-road vehicles should not be used on roads. He thought the safest
thing the City could do is to encourage safe and legal use only on appropriate terrain.
Mayor Grant advised they would hear from the Police Chief.
Ms. LaVerriere reminded all the Lighting will take place at the Kapok Tree at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. McNally explained how the public could access the meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Grant adjourned the meeting at 6:37
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida December 1, 2020
Mayor- Steven B. Grant
Vice Mayor—Ty Penserga
Commissioner— Justin Katz
Commissioner—Woodrow L. Hay
Commissioner— Christina Romelus
Crystal Gibson, MMC
City Clerk
(1a4LiA-iM.L(ii)A1 -•( -
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist