R91-111RESOLUTION NO. R91-/// A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND JOSEPH MIQDLEBROOKS & ASSOCIATES, INC.; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton ~each (CITY) has determined that it is in the best interest ~f the City to retain the services of Joseph Middlebrooks & ~ssociates, Inc., in regard to the In-Fill Construction ,rogram. NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby [irected to execute an Agreement between Owner and Architect )etween the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and Joseph iiddlebrooks & Associates, Inc., a copy of said Agreement )eing attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall take mmediately uPon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of July, 1991. effect CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA %TTEST: 2it~ Clerk Corporate Seal) THE ARCHITECT STANDARD AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT THIS DOCuM£NT [-I,45 LEGAL CONSeQUEnCES AtVD COIqSU£ TA ~70N P/~t' AN A2TORNEY IS ADIf~SED AGREEMENT Made as of t~o Nm een Hur r and BETWEEN tha owner: day o! In ~ year The C~ of Boynt~'~ Beach 100 East Boynton Baach P_O. Box 310 Boynto~ Beach, FI. 33425-0~10 and the Amhitect: J~,e~h Mlddlebrooks & Assocl-tes. Inc. 6480 ,~.W. 62 Avenue Mlan% R..3.3143 For the following Project: For th~ d~slgaz of t~o diffrn~t ~ingtc fmrd~ unit~ ~md two d~w~o~:, one rmit w~'h t~ sFllt ma~ter b~droot~ The uni~ are to be. tocmed or; the ~ ~ indicated on ~achment A ant~ at~ to include th~ featm~ a~ ind~cawd or. a~achm~tt ~ each un# v,"i!l Oe ~p, ox#n~iy 1,00~ to 1,200feet ~nd comet of g~ree Oedroorn~ and two baths. ~ .~n:hl~ct Is to cota~lt w~th the clty sta~ conduct a field survey to dete,'mtne appro£~tate ntighbo~ooa style, provide two sealed/signed sets of Con$Ouetton Documents for eact: ma~er ~uita~ng designed, provide ~airnpIes of; material, ~ Co~t ESt~Ut~ and colored pers£ectiveg The Owne~ ar~ ~'chRect agree as set forth below. ..rMA D (J CTOMJE.NT 1 ARTICLE 1 SCOPE OF ARCH|TECT'S BASIC SERVICES 1; DEFINmON 1.3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE or negotJete~ prupgssla for oons~uoIIon, as required, Ciudng 1.4 CONSTRUCTION PHASE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADornONRL ;WCES 2.2 AS an ,~l~Onal Service in con~.e0~ with Change Ot~s and Construction Change DireCtives, ARTICLE OWNER'8 FIESPON:~IBILITiE$ 3. t me Owne~ ~all prouicle full ~nforma'Jon. I~ucling a ~nd criteds. 3.2 The Owner s~tall fumteh aurveys desctlbiflg ph~ ~ua~er~, i~ l~lt~o~ a~ ~ l~Jo~s ~ the when s~ se~e ~ r~ue~d ~y the Oocument~. 3.4 Th. Ov~er shall furnish all legal, ac~outlting and ARTICLE 2 ADDITIONAL. SERVICES !.1 ~wner of ARTICLE OWNER'S REc=PONSIBILITIES ~chedule. conettainta, buooet with re.oriole con~noenrJes. ~nd cflterht. 3.2 The Owner shelf furnish surveys d~:ribing physical ch&racte~sties, I~al lim~lons ~d uflli~ Io~ons ~r ~e sl~ of ~ ~oj8~, a wrl~n I~] ~j~on of ~ ~t~ ~ ¢l~mical, air and water ~tlut[on tests, tests for hazerdous matetial~, and othe~ I~omto~ and en~o~ ~, insp~on ~ repo~ ~md =y law ~ the ~ra~ The forgoing servi~s, inforrn~tJon, sunmys, and 3.0 Prompt wr~en fl~im shaft be iglvet~ by the Owner ~ Doc~menl~ 3,7 ARTICLE 4 CONSTFIUCTIOH O0~T 4,1 DEFINITION 4. t.t The :~t or 4,3 RE,~PONSIBIUTY FOR CONSTRUCTION COGT publication In derogofJo~ of lite ..~-chite~s ~'esen,~l rights, 4~3,3 At~y Project budg~ Of 6.1 ARTICLE e TERMINATION, I~USPEN;ION OR ABANDONMENT o/ this agreemefl! .through nm leal: of t~e ~3any the termL-.aflon. 6.2 ~r me:project iS.su,~e~ ~.nd~d by t~$ Owner f~ mgm 0.3 '~t ~s c of 7,2 ?,3 Causes of act!on between ~e pa,'~ea to ~thia oeeme~ :o na~ ~rued and 1~ applique s~t~s of 7.4 The Owner a,qd ~L'ah~te~t wa~e all t~ghta e~n,~t eac~ other and against trio oor~t~ac~om, cen~ tant~, agents and employees 0f ths oLhe~ for damages, but Only to the a~uant c~vered by property Insurance during COnstrue+jan. exc~,ot 7,~ The ~er 7.8 petychlarinatsd and General GOntraotOr. ARTICLE 8 PAYMENT~ TO THE ARCHITECT 8.1 OIRECTPERSONNEL EXPENSE employment ~s ~10~e¢ ststuton~y .m,oi~wee ~nefits, Insurance~ sl°k !eave~ ~°lidays, va~a~Jo~s~ pension ar~ sim, a 5 8.5 PAYMENTS WITHHE; D 8-~. 1 ~ ,'sel3ug~dorls shall ~ ~e ~m ~ N~it~'~ ~nMfi0~ on ~unt ~ sums ~thheld ~om ~e~ ~ ~ntr~ra. ~.3, PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES 8.3.1 Payment~ for I~1~, .~ervlces sna~J ~e mede month~, ~e 3e,'fom~ed o~ tho~e ~:~tio~s, b,~sed on (t~ the lowest ~ona 'ide bid or neg~t,lated p~oposaJ~ or [2] If no such bid 8_4 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF AODITIONAL SERVICES AND REiMI~URSABLE EXPENSES 6 ARTICLE 9 BASIS OF COMPENSATION O.~ AN IN percent (%) Tot~ 5asic Compensation: one hunclredipa'cent 9,3 COMPENSA~ FOR ~Dm~AL 5ER~O~ 9.~1 FOR PROJE~ REPRESE~AT~ON B~D BASIC $E~ICES OR ADDmONAL SER~S, POR ADDmONAL SERVICE8 OF SPEOIAL CONSULTANTS, [~uding a~:kMleral amo~ur~' rneoh~i~ aha 9.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, as de~-ribed in Paragraph 8-2. and shy other Item tt~Jude¢ in Ntlcle I0 a~ Relmbulsable Ex4:~lSea. a mu~Pm of ~qe hundred taft {1.10) times the expends incurred by the Atoh~'=L the Nohltaet's employees and ¢,onsultar~ in the intere~t ~ ~ Pmjeot. 9.5 ADDITIONAL PROI/1SIONS 9.$.1 IFTHEBASlCSERVlCE$COVEREOER'rHlSAareement~.v"n°tbeen=°rn~leteclwithln( ]months~f~e~e hereof, ~mugh no fault of the Archite,~L exte~io~ of ~e ,~q3hlteot'8 servi~e beyol~l ~hat 1~n~e ~,hafi be ~3mpensated a~ provided for in 'Compenaafio~l for' ,N:~llt~or~l ~ervioes% ;]aye ~' involoe date ~a]l bear Interest from Ibe d~ paym~n~ ~, du~ ~ the te~ m~e pNw,,~lln~ i~ the p~Jn;Ip~l pl~ O! I~uai[le~il 9.~.3 'rl~e rates ae~ mu~plos ~t forlh far ~dR[onal ~er~rk:ee shaJt ~e annually a~lju~ed in aCCOrdance with n~mal ~a~ n~.~v ARTICLE 10 OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERV]CF_.~ 10.1 INSURANCE The ~ohl~et abaCI n~t ~ work u~er ~ ~r~t un~l ~ h~ ~ln~ ~1 ]n~ r~ui~ hereu~er. main~n ~1 r~ J~u~[ ~e full~ ~ this ~ma~ ~d ~1 ~ ~ of knau~ ~ the ~n~. ~11=1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~g ~ Un~ the l~ ~ ~e ~ of This Agreement ent~recl Into as o~ tha day ar~ year first OWNER (~lgnature) (Pried name & ~It~' CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACI~' COM}4[/NiT¥ tNPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT UACRNT PROGRAM 39 . LOCATION: 40. DOCATION: APPRQXIMATE LOT SIZE: 41. LOCATION: P.C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: 42. LOCATION: P.C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SZ~E: 43. LOCATION: P,C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: 44. 45. 46. 47 LOCATION -' P.C~N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: LOCATION: P.C.N.. APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: LOCATION: P.C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: LOCATION: P.C.N.! APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: N.W. 16th Avenue 044006~ ~140 sq,ft. N.W. 16th Avenue 08 43 45 21 34 044 0070 N = i02,79', W = 185.85' E = 75', S = 203.90) N.W. 16th Avenue 08 43 45 21 34 044 oORO (ap~r~. t4,716 ~q. £t.) N.W. 16th Ave~u~ OR 4] ~ 21 34 S~ ~ 1~27.9i', = 75' (~P~rox. 7,9Zl sq,ft.} N.W. ~th Stree~ 08 43 ~5 zI 34 044 0190 Nf = tZ7.9i'~ W = 131.59 S = 95.4~', E = (approx. 11,556 sq.ft,] N.W. 5th Street 08 43 45 21 34 044 0Z00 96' x 63' = 6,048 N.W. 5th Street 08 43 45 21 3~ 044 0210 112' X: ?0' = 7,~40 sq.ft. N,W. 4th Street 08 43 45 21 $4 045 0070 70' x 100' = 7,000 sq.ft. N.W, lth Streeu 08 43 45 21 34 045 0080 70' x 100' = 7,000 ~q.f~. Page CITY 0F BOYNTON BEAC~ COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT pROPERTY INVE~i~OR¥ LIST VACANT LOTS AVAILABLE FOR INFILL PROGR~/4 48. 51. 53. 55. LOCATION: P.C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: N.W. 4th Street OS 43 4S 21 24 042 0!70 100' LOCATION: N.W, {tk Street P,c,N,: 08 43 45 ~1 3% 042 02SO APPROXI~TE LOT $!~E: 70' X 100' ~ 7,000 sq.ft. LoCATTON: P,C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: SIZE: LOCATION: P.C.N. APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: LOCATION: P,C.N.: APPROXIMATE LOT LOCATION: P,C.N.. APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE: 08 43 45 21 34 0~Z 0190 70' x 100' = ?,000 sq.ft. N.W. 4th Street 08 43 {5 21 34 04~ 0300 70' x 100' = 7,000 sq~ft~ N,W. 4th Street 08 43 4S 21 34 042 03!0 70' x 100' 7,000 sq.ft. N,W. 4th Street 08 43 ~5 21 3% 042 0320 70' x 100' = 7,000 sq.ft. LOCATION: N,W. 4th Street P.c.N,: 08 43 45 21 @4 042 APPROXIMATE LOT ~IZE: 70' x 100' - 7,000 sq.ft, LOCATION: N,W. 4th Street p,c.N,: 08 43 4S 21 34 042 0340 ApPROZIMATE LOT SIZE: 70' ~ 100' = 7,000 sq.ft. VACLOT.ARC 4/3/91 Page 2 of 2 ....... 3~ 0~5 O070 --..~-~-~ o~ q~ ~] 2~ 3~ 0~2 0270 z,-~t-g~ O~ z,~ 45 2~'34 0~2 03t0- · ,-,, O.. O~ 45 ~5 21 34 0~1 032C · I- C~TY OF B0¥NTON BEACR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT INFTLL CONSTR~-£~ON ~ EXTERIOR FEATURES * C.B-8~ s~nglc family hoo~: ~,0O0-1,~O0 sq. ft, total with three bedrooms. tie be~m. Underground Utilities. fwd exterio~ hose bibs and two weatherproof outlets. Concrete driveway, waikwa? and sidewalk in broom finish, Concrete patio with broom finish, Scree~ enclosed porchfpatio area~ ~ntenance-fzee ~luminum cozltinuously-vented soffit and aluminum fascia Ridge vents ~or efficient at~i¢ Self-se~ling. fung-~s resistant fiberglass shingles. Soil poisoning trea:ment under slab fo[ termite protection (5-Year warranty). Covered m~tal roof valley. Galvanized mteel garage Entry side lisht. Mill or uromze fialsh a~in8 windows w~th £1idi~s glass STANDARD ENERGY PEATLrR~$ K-30 insulatlon batts in ceilings. F.-3.3 blown i~$u!a~io~ In exterior walls i~ C.B.~. construction, R i5,3 m~tal clsd insulated e~gry door ~ith magnetic weather-stripping. High efficiency air conditioner/heat unit with insulated ducts- INTERIOR FEATURg$ Wall ~o wall carpetzng~ $12~00 per square yard allowance. Standard grade ceramic tile in baths and foyer. Marble window sills. Fuji vanity mirrors in bathroom$~ Recesse~ medicine cabinet i~ b~throom, Moan single handle wa[er faucets ~nd wader conservinz shower heads. Water saver elonzated toilets~ Plu~h hollo~ Dorm interior d~ora amd wood trio ~ackags, Vinyl co=~e~ steal v~ntil~:e~ chairing. XJ~',,.v. PROGP~ ~NSTRUfT~/.0~ FF, A~ - PA~ 2of 2 INTERIOR FINISHES CONTINUED S500.00 lighging fixture allowance Stainless steel kitcI~en siak - double bowl. Side by side washer amd dryer hmak-upa. Door ~hime, Pfe-wi~e for TWO-c~ble T.V. Pre-wire for phome ~tlatm - Imeludes kitchen, l~vin&room ~nd'bedr~oms. Pre-wire~ f6~ Attic storagm Pull dawn ~t~ia st~irm wher~ ~ermitted. Choice Of formlca~clad cabinets ~ wood re,leer. Jecorativ= hardware cabinet ~bove refrigera£or fully ~djum=able Shelving APPLIANCE gnerg¥-efficient refrigerator. * Range with self-cleaning oven. * Dishwasher, * Garbage disposal. * &O Gall.on quick recovery elecgric hot water heater. LANDSCAPING PACKAGE includin~ land~cape pack.se (~ r~qu£r~d by applicable codes a~d A~to~atic sprinkler zysgem w~gh timer or well and pump sysEeJ~. ARCHFEAT.DOC ~/i/91 "AI-rACHMENT C" COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES a). C~oncepmal Design b~. Cen,~ruCtlCgl Drawings c). arm Obsercatlons/'Vlsits Per UnitCost for Re-Use of Drawings ~400 each. One Week each ~ each - Two Weeks each H~1y. Cost: $8Q p/hour $275 each Unit Site Plan Design $150 each it is a~Sed that the Architect has no control over the Owner's time schedule for construction and m-uses, Therefore, the Arc.tact is to be ~aid the re-Use fao after completion of the Construction D~curnents as fellows: a fee of One Thousand Nine Hundred TwentY Five Dollars [$1,926) for seven (7) re-usaA no later than September 30. 1991. and an additional Two Thousand Two Hundred doll.s for eight (8) re-uses no later than January 30, 1~J2. Fresentl~,,. the Owner intends to construct 17 $in,{3ie family units (15 re-uses), it s expressly agreed that the Owner may construct mere than the indicated 17 un~, at the Owner's option, withstanding Article 5_t and the above p~ragmph, the Owner has the right to re-usa the documents for additional ~onstructlon sites, and shall remit p~yment tothe Architect in accordance with the aba3v9. THE ARCHITECT STANDARD AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT $ IGNA'I~U~ PAGE DATED this day of CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH · 1991. Mayor Consultant Titla Attest/Authenticated: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Approved as to Form: Attest/Authenticated: Office of the City Attorney