Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Jos~ Aguila
Alexander DeMarco
Don Fenton
Quintus Greene, Director of
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City
Michelle Hoyland
Henderson Tillman
I. Call to Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
III. Agenda Approval
Vice Chair Heavilin moved for approval. Motion second sd by Mr. Aguila and
unanimously carried.
IV. Executive Director Position:
Selection of Interviewing Committee and Discussion of
Interviewing Procedure
Chairman Finkelstein noted that the ad for the Executive Director has already
appeared in the newspapers and requested he be furnished with copies of all the
resumes. Mr. Greene reported that to date 19 resumes have been received by
the Human Resources Department. Human Resources will weed out the people
that do not meet the criteda and then prepare two lists. The first list would
contain the names of all the people that meet the cdteria and the second list
would be those persons who marginally qualify. Mr. Greene stated that he had
Meeting Workshop ~,,mutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 12, 2002
the resumes today and if the Board wished to look at them they could. However,
he had to return them to Human Resources. Members would like to see all the
applications. Mr. Greene pointed out that resumes would continue to be
submitted until the position is filled. The ad still has to be posted on the City web
site, as well as a government job site also on the web, which should be done this
Mr. Aguila, Mr. DeMarco and Mr. Fenton requested to be on the review
committee. Chairman Finkelstein also would like to be on the committee and
noted that the Board had originally discussed having a comm ttee of three Vice
Chair Heavilin requested that all Board members 1~ afforded an opportunity to
review the resumes, which was acknowledged by Chairman Finkelstein.
Mr. Greene suggested that the committee establish a standard set of questions
and that everyone on the short list should be interviewed. M r. Sugerman said
that the Board should look at all the applications or have someone else screen
the applications. It is very important that all applicants be given due
consideration and be treated equitably. All applications must be considered until
the position is filled, since the advertisement stated "open until filled." Once the
position is filled, the Board can then notify Human Resources that no further
applications would be accepted.
It was decided that there would be a committee of four to review the applications,
with all Board members having an opportunity to see them. The Committee will
consist of Chairman Finkelstein and Messrs. Aguila, DeMarco and Fenton
January 31, 2002 will be the date when the committee will begin to review the
applications. There was a consensus that this would be the procedure followe(~
by the Board.
V. Marina/Promenade
Present representing the Madna project were: Messrs. Bruce Jarvis, Mike
Fawley, Jerry Garray and Roger Fry.
Mn Jarvis acknowledged that they t~ave agreed to pay for the design-
development costs for the Promenade, and they would like the Board's input of
what they would like. Mr. Jarvis presented a schematic that was prepared using
information furnished at a previous meeting. Areas that need to be addressed
are artscape, landscape, design, fencing, bollards and other issues. Also Mr.
Jarvis said they needed to know if there would be a land acquisition or if there
would be a jog in the street on [he east side. Chairman Finkelstein said that they
are moving forward to acquiring this land. Also, the signage that is place on
Federal Highway will carry over to Ocean Avenue on a smaller scale.
Meeting Workshop~,hutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
Mr. Greene said if they can move forward to acquire the land on the east side of
the right of way, this could be done in a short period of time. However, if the
eminent domain process had to be utilized, this could take much longer.
Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that the CRA has the right to "quick take"
property and place the funds in escrow; the court process would be another
issue. A "quick take" would involve approximately 60 days.
Chairman Finkelstein stated that the Board has agreed that this project must
move forward regardless of any obstacles. Further, he thought that enough
information had been furnished at the last meeting that a design would have
been presented today by the developers.
Mr. Greene stated that the Promenade should be designed from Federal
Highway to Sixth Street in a way that would complement the design on Sixth
Street and Casa Loma, to present the feeling of one area. It ~s important that
everyone be together on how the street should look from a design standpoint.
Chairman Finkelstein stated that the design for the Promenade is from the
Visions 20/20 Plan and presented some artists' drawings of how the area should
look. Discussion ensued on design and the parking situation.
Mr. Fry inquired if it was intended to have a boardwalk through the mangroves.
Mr. Garray asked if there would be expanded parking opportunities to go with the
Promenade, since he felt that additional parking would be necessary for the
events intended for this area. Chairman Finkelstein responded that there would
be additional parking and pointed out these areas on the drawings. In addition to
the parallel parking on the street, Mr. Garray said there are two to three potential
pocket lots for overflow parking. One would be at the Relax Inn property, the
second would be north of the First Financial Plaza and possibly at the lift station.
Mr. Fry inquired about the property once the Relax Inn is purchased Would
additional land be added to the right of way? Chairman Finkelstein stated that no
specific details have been determined. He would like to have lanes on each side
with a median. There would be no parking along the entryway. Mr. Fry stated that
they would need some additional land onthe comers for the placement of sig ns.
Mr. Jarvis pointed out that the original schematic shows parallel parking on the
north side and questioned why the parallel parking couldn't continue further
north. Chairman Finkeistein pointed out that the Promenade is not intended to
be a large commercial entryway. It's intent is to bring people in and provide
walking in the area.
Mr. Greene said that the parking would also depend upon the kind of appeal that
the Promenade is intending to offer. If an urban feel were desired, parallel
parking would be appropriate. Chairman Finkelstein said they were looking for
more of a park feel than an urban ~eel. The intent of using the bollards is to block
Meeting Workshop ~,~lnutes
Community Rede,~e epment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
the area off to traffic so that festivals could take place. Mr. Jarvis did not think
that parking along the ~street was a good idea. He felt that the Promenade would
become a driving lane if parking were permitted. Members agreed that they did
not want to see the Promenade become a parking lot, but that some parking
could be allowed.
Mr. Fry inquired about placing a picket fence on the park side. Mr. Aguila did not
think there was a need for a picket fence and felt it could become prohibitive to
pedestrians. Aisc Mr. Fry suggested hay ng clearly defined entrances to prevent
j~eople from walking Out nto th~ street. He also fel:t that a median would prevent
~3eople from crossing the street. Chairman Finkelstein noted the intent of the
median was to slow traffic down.
Mr. Fry inquired how the Board envisioned the proposed arch and Chairman
Finkelstein felt it should look natural and head towards the water. Chairman
Finkelstein displayed other concept drawings, which were reviewed and
Mr. Jarvis inquired if it would be worthwhile to mitigate the mangroves on the
north side of the Marina. He felt that the mangroves served no purpose design
wise. Chairman Finkelstein stated that they would be amenable to all ideas. Mr.
Jarvis asked about the timing and Chairman Finkelstein did not have an answer
atthis time. Mr. Aguila felt that it would take approximately two to three years.
Mr. DeMarco said there is a need for coordination between the City, the
developer and the CRA Board. Mr. DeMamo would like to have a representative
from each group meet to discuss a design that would be agreeable to all parties.
This would prevent further delays in moving forward. Mr. Greene pointed out that
the developer was present today for this purpose. Mr. Greene said that the next
step would be for the developer to bring back a preliminary design to the Board.
Mr. Aguila noted that there are constant meetings between the City and the
developer, of which this Board is unaware.
Chairman Finkeistein inquired if any additional information was needed at this
time. Mr. Fry suggested bringing back some sketches to the Board and to move
forward from there.
Mr. Jan/is inquired how the electrical lines would be handled and if it was
intended to have the lines buried. Mr. Sugerman reported that it costs
approximately $1 million per mile to bury the lines.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked if Mr. Jarvis could bring something back to the next
Board meeting scheduled for February 12t~. Mr. Fry stated that he would have
something for that meeting.
Meeting Workshop~,lutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 12, 2002
Mr. Jan/is presented drawings of the first building intended for the Marina Project,
along with a conceptual drawing of the restauranT. It is intended that the square
footage Of the restaurant will be 7,900 with a 4,000 square foot deck that would
have a beautiful view of the Intracoastal The drawings displayed had a "Key
West" theme to give Boynton Beach its own identity. It is anticipated that the
restaurant would De built first, and the parking deck and the south building would
begin simultaneously. When the~ parking deck is completed, construction of the
second structure should begin. This should take approximately 19 months.
Mr. Jan/is reported that the underground work for Casa Loma and Sixth Street is
scheduled to begin, on the third week Of this month. FPL should begin work
du~ing the last week of the month. It should take FPL two to three weeks to
coml~lete the work. The first phase Of the paving on Casa LOma should be done
by the end of February.
Mr. Garray announced that the name of the project has been changed to Marina
Village and will no longer be known as Marketplace. This name gives a real
identity to the area. It is anticipated that NE 6th Street will become "Marina Way".
They are planning to come back to the Board shortly for site plan and use
approval. A status report will be presented at Tuesday's City Commission
Mr. Garray reported that the Development Agreement would be revised. It is
contemplated that there will be major revisions and date changes will be
Mr. Garray said that they would continue to keep the Board updated.
· Riverwalk
Chairman Finkelstein presented some design concepts that he had done
previously for this property. Chairman Finkelstein said that at one time he had
considered building condomin lums on this property and feels that Riverwalk will
be a great asset to the City. Chairman Finkelstein had in his possession a
release from the State from the Sovereign Submerged Title Act stating that they
had no interest in the parcel. It would appear that the City should be able to
move forward with its plans for Riverwalk.
Chairman Finkelstei~ asked if the Board members had any suggestions or
changes for the Riverwalk: He would like to proceed with a conceptual drawing
and obtain the necessary approvals. The property has already been approved
Meeting Workshop ~,~.~J~utes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
for acquisition. Mr. Aguila did not think that the plan needed any more defining
before moving forward. Mr. Aguila would like to have a package :)ut together and
hire a consultant to finalize the plans. However, before getting to that stage, he
felt it would be better if the land was acquired to cut down on fees and costs.
Mr. Sugerman inquired if submersible pilings would be necessary, and Chairman
Finkelstein responded that pilings would be necessary since the land involved ~s
submerged. The intent of the project, would be to connect it to the existing
Mangrove Walk to make the entire area a destination point.
Mr. Brian Edwards, a member of tne audience, inquired if any environmental
problems could surface. Chairman Finkelstein responded that when he met with
the DEP, he discuSsed having a boardwalk and that did not appear to be a
problem. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that there is no sea grass involved
that would prevent a boardwalk from being built.
There was a consensus that there was enough information available to move
forward to the next phase to hire a consultant to put together an RFP to
determine the costs.
Mr. Sugerrnan stated that the City already has four consulting, amhitectural
design firms onboard through the Utilities Department. These firms would be
available to the CRA since they have already gone through the Consultants'
Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNAI and have been approved. Camp, Dresser
& McGee, one of the firms, did the work on the Pond. This would make them
familiar with submerged land. Mr. Sugerman explained that engineers and
architects are not hired on a pnce basis. They are hired based upon
qualifications and then the price is negotiated. Mr. Aguila questioned whether
this type of engineering firm would have the expertise that the Board would need
for this particular project.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the firm that did Mangrove Park and the
Intracoastal Park would be available. Mr. Sugerman reported that the firm
Chairman Finkelstein was referring to was Wallace, Roberts and Todd, and they
are under contract with the City as well. Mr. Fenton suggested contacting them
to determine if they would be interested in working on the project.
Mr. ,Aguila noted that the consultant's fee and the value of the work must be
under a certain amount without going out for an RFP. Mr. Greene said that the
Board must clearly define the scope of work to be done and provide the
consultant with as much information as possible. Mr. Sugerman stated that the
City has open-ended contracts with the first four firms that he mentioned and the
contracts are not project specific. The rates are houdy and are open ended.
Meeting Workshop ~...~utes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~ach, FlOrida
Members discussed having the project done in various phases. The first phase
would be to define the scope of work for phase one, which would include the
environmental issues. If the project cannot get past the first phase, the Board will
at least know how to proceed.
Mr. Aguila asked Mr. Greene if he had enough information to put together an
RFP or Whether he could define a scope of work to determine if any of the in-
house consultants could do the work. Mr. Greene said his first step would be to
determine if Wallace, ROberts and Todd could be used. The project needs to be
design driven, rather than engineering ddven.
Mr. Bob Foot, a member of the audience, questioned whether the demand for
this type of project justifies the expense. Mr. Aguila felt that this is the type of
project that if built, people would come. This project should enhance the
Mangrove Park and will make people want to come to Boynton Beach
Chairman Finkelstein requested that Mr. Greene draft an outline and determine if
Wallace, Roberts and Todd would be available. The firm that is hired would (1)
address any outstanding environmental issues, and (2) come up with a
schematic design once the environmental ~ssues are known. Mr. Greene
suggested that One of the engineering firms could be used for the environmental
analysis. When that portion of work has been completed, then the Board can
move onto the schematic design phase.
VI. Federal Highway Corridor Plan/Zoning
n givinga status report regarding the Plan, Chairman Finkeistein noted that the
Commission had approved the Plan, but the zoning and land use changes to
imp ement the plan were denied. Mr. Greene stated that the Commission has
agreed to amend the Code to include a mixed use and a mixed use light zoning
category; however, a zoning change to mixed use or mixed use light can only
occur if a property owner requests it. The min ~mum sizes for the mixed-use
zoning categories need to be defined to avoid spot zoning. Even though the
zoning categories cannot be applied as broadly as the Plan set forth, it is still
advantageous to have these categories in the code.
Chairman Finkeistein inquired if the Board would like to become more proactive
in acquiring property located at the Boynton Beach Boulevard corridor from 1-95
to Federal Highway and then from Woolbright to the C-16 Canal. If the CRA
acquired these parcels, it would prevent them from having uses that the CRA
does not want. Mr. Greene noted that the CRA will have about $6 million in its
account. From those funds the CRA has a debt service of approximately
$315,000 per year; staff costs of $150,000 per year; and costs for office space,
etc. This should leave over $4 million. The properties for acquisition that have
been identified to date, based on appraised value, will use up most of this
Meeting Workshop ~lutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
money. Chairma~ Finkelstein felt that there would be more money available in
the future and he would Iike to continue to look at property acquisition, as it
becomes available.
Mr. Foot requested to speak. He felt the Federal Highway Plan was a good
proposa, but it appeared to him that staff and the Board never worked together
tO get their ideas across and that is why the Plan failed. He also pointed out that
a lot of uses were not permitted. Mr. Foot and his wife are both in favor of
improving the downtown. Mr. Foot presented ways that he felt the Board could
become more successful in getting their ideas approved.
Chairman Finkestein responded that professional consultants and the staff
prepared the Federal Highway P an Cha' rman F nke stein acknow edged that
the Board missed' ncludi~g~m~ny uses that should be permitted in the downtown
area. The Board should haVe excluded certain uses instead of trying to decided
on permitted uses. He also stated that it was the Commission that sent the Plan
back t0 staff and that it never came back to Re CRA for alternatives. Chairman
Finkelstein said that he has asked the Commission to allow the Board to re-
exam ne the Plan in order to address some o~' the compla nts that have been
raised. When this has,been accomplishedl he Plan would be sent back to the
Commission. However, he has not heard anything further on this.
Mr. Greene felt that even though the Plan was changed, it is a workable plan
upon which the CRA can proceed.
Mr. Fenton expressed displeasure with the lack of support shown by the
Chamber of Commerce that did not come out to support the Plan. Mr. Foot
agreed that the Chamber of Commerce should have taken a position on this.
VII. Way Finding Signage Program
Chairman Finkelstein requested an update of the signage program that was
originally intended for the dOwntown core area. Mr. Greene responded that the
focus for the way finding signage program is the downtown. The City of
Hollywood was selected because they have a signage program that staff was
impressed with and they can contract their services to Boynton Beach through an
intedocal agreement. The City's Public Work's Department will be coordinating
the program since that Department is responsible for signage in the public rights-
of-way. Mr. Livergood, the Public Work's Director, informed Mr. Greene that he
intends to come before the Commission for authorization to enter into a contract
with the City of Hollywood.
Mr. Greene did not have any specifics as to size, design and locations of the
signage. Mr. Greene suggested inviting Mr. Livergood to attend the next CRA
meeting to explain the program.
Meeting Workshop~utes
Community Redeve~l~dpment Agency
Boynton Beach~ FlOrida
J__anuary 12. 2002
Mr. Fenton thought that the Board authorized approximately $25,000 towards a
way finding signage program. Chairman Finke stein res
approved a small downtown sinn~n¢ --- - ponded that the Board
_.o__=,, ~J~ugram au a cost of approximately $20,000
and BODA agreed to contribute another $2,000.
VIII. Public Audience
Mr. Brian Edwards said he was disappointed that the Commission did not
request that the Federal Highway Corridor Plan be re-evaluated before chang ng
landscaping and fagades that wo[~ d t e in with th~ Marina Village concept
the Plan., Mr. Edwards would like to see some provision in the Plan for
Further, he would li~e to have something in place that would require curr~nt
businesses to clean up the r property and if they did not, certain consequences
would apply. Mr. Edwards said he was pleased to hear the plans be ng
discusses t~day, but felt the City was back to'ground zero by maintaining an ugly
VIII. Other
IX. Adjournment
There being no further busIness, Mr. DeMarco moved to adjourn. The motion
was duly seconded by Mr. Fenton and unanimously carried. The meeting
properly adjourned at 12:00 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
BArbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(three tapes)
(January 14, 2002)