Walter "Marty" Trauger, Chairman
Robert Wandelt, Vice Chairman
Harold Blanchette
Marilyn Buckle
Martin Jackier
Simon Ryder
Robert Walshak
Bob Rousseau, Alternate
Gary Lehnertz, Alternate
Tim Cannon,
Senior Planner
Michael Rumpf,
Assistant City Planner
Chairman Trauger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
and recognized the presence in the audience of Commissioner
Ezell Kester; Commissioner Leonard Mann; Commissioner Dee
Zibelli; Norman Gregory, former County Commissioner and
Member of the Civil Service Board; Robert Foot and Virginia
Foot, representing the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of
Commerce; Peter Cheney, City Manager; Pearl Wische, Member
of the Community Appearance Board (CAB); and Laura Hubbard,
Reporter, Sun Sentinel. Be introduced the members of the
Board, the Planning Staff, and the Recording Secretary.
These minutes were to be reviewed by the Planning Staff.
Chairman Trauger said they would be deferred from this
meeting and taken up at the next regular meeting of the
Board. The members unanimously agreed with this.
Mrs. Buckle moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Wandelt, to
accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Trauger abstained from voting because he was not
present at the meeting.
None. eDistributed separately to members. (See minutes of 9/8/87)
- 1 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Carmen S. Annunziato
First Baptist Church Parking Lot
(Application D)
First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach
301 N. Seacrest Blvd4
The East 1/2 of Lot 127 and all of Lots
128 and 129, Block A, BOYNTON HILLS
Request to rezone from R-lA Single
Family Residential to C-2 Neighborhood
Commercial for the purpose of implement-
ing the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation
and Appraisal Report
Mr. Ryder observed there were several items on tonight's
agenda that appeared before the BQard during the past few
years. He trusted Mr. Cannon would bring the Board up-to-
date on what has happened before. Mr. Cannon said he would
give the history on the zoning of parcels which were pre-
viously zoning requests. He explained that this was the
second group of a series of 17 rezonings, and they were
recommended in the Comprehensive ~lan's Evaluation and
Appraisal (E&A) Report, which was adopted in December of
1986. All of the applications ar~ initiated by the City
under State law. When the Land ~s~ Plan is changed, the
City has one year in which to bring the zoning map into
compliance with the Land Use Plan.
Mr. Cannon said the land use designation had already been
changed. It was the subject of h~arings held last summer.
Last Fall, the Comprehensive Plan was advertised through ads
in the newspapers, which are required by State law. Indivi-
dual property owners were not notified at that time because
virtually every property in the City was affected in one way
or the cther by the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Cannon advised that State law requires that when property
is rezoned, the affected property owners be notified. The
City has interpreted this to mean. the owners not only of the
property that is the subject of ~he rezoning, but also all
property owners within 400 feet o~f the property to be rezoned.
AUGUST 25, 1987
Mr. Cannon said the Board and City Commission had already
analyzed the land use and zoning issues as part of the
adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. He emphasized that
because the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Plan were adopted,
it did not mean they were fixed. If the Board had serious
misgivings about rezoning a piece of property, they could
recommend to the City Commission that the City initiate a
land use amendment and rezoning application to bring it into
what category they think is appropriate.
Mr. Cannon announced that there will be another public hearing
next week, before the City Commission, and the Commission
will make the final decision as to whether the rezonings
will be approved. Mr. Cannon explained.
Mr. Cannon said the Comprehensive Plan recommended that the
parking lot be brought into the same zoning category as the
Baptist Church building itself. Be indicated the location
of the church and the parking lot. To avoid splitting the
parcel by a zoning district, this was recommended. Mr.
Cannon stated ~hat the parcel has potential for use as an
office building and some other type of commercial use. The
underlying lan~ use has been changed to retail commercial.
The application is to have this rezoned to C'2, as is the
building itself.
In the process of adopting the E&A report, a desire was
expressed on the part of the Baptist Church, which also owns
lots that Mr. Cannon pointed out, that other property owners
bring ~heir prQperties into a Commercial zoning category.
The E&A report recommended that the City not rezone the
property, but %he City should consider an application to re-
zone the property if they coul~ be tied together with the
development or use of the church property. Mr. Cannon said
there would have to be some type of unity of title, and he
Mr. Cannon thought it was worth noting that there may be
some further analysis when the Boynton Beach Boulevard study
is completed. There may be a recommendation to push that
zoning district back along the entire frontage.
In the face of the moratorium and possible report, Mr. Ryder
asked if Mr. Cannon thought it was advisable that the Board
act on this at this time. Mr. Cannon thought they were
compelled by State law to act on the recommendation before
December of 1987. He felt it was possible to table or
postpone it.
- 3 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the request.
Clyde Worrell, 2668 S. W. 23rd Cranbrook Drive, Boynton
Beach, Florida 33436, representing the First Baptist Church,
wanted to go back to the original request. He said the
original request dealt with the church property. Mr.
Worrell showed the location of the parking lot on the over-
lay and said Lots 136, 137, and 138 were also part of the
church parking lot, and were part of their request to be
rezoned to make it all one zoning.
It was recommended that 3rd Court be abandoned, and Mr.
Worrell explained. He added that the City staff, on several
occasions, agreed that this was a dangerous intersection.
Mr. Worrell recommended that it be abadoned.
Mr. Worrell stated that First Baptist Church has acquired
property at Woolbright Road to build a new church. He
thought the highest and best use for this would be a C-1
zoning. The Church has gone so far as to negotiate with
the parties in the neighborhood, where the Church would
recommend that the corner could be zoned one zoning,
whether it is C-2 or C-1.
Mr. Worrell said the Church would agree to give it an
exclusive listing to where one buyer could buy the property,
if all the property owners would agree to sell to one buyer.
He stated that the Church feels this would be the highest and
best use of the property. Mr. Worrell told the Members the
Church has gone to the point of agreeing with four other
owners to offer a broker an exclusive listing. He was
disappointed that they were just talking to that part of the
parking lot, because they have almost 1/2 an acre of parking
area that should be in the same category. Mr. Worrell
recommended that they consider zoning the whole area if they
can show it is their intent to have one buyer.
Vice Chairman Wandelt pointed out that was not before the
Board tonight. Mr. Ryder agreed and said they were obliged
to give the parking area the same zoning the Church has
(C-2). Mr. Worrell recommended that Lots 136, 137 and 138
be included. Mr. Wand~lt reiterated that was not the ques-
tion tonight. There was disagreement.
Chairman Trauger advised that the other lots should be
presented by application to the Planning Department for their
analysis. So they would be on record, Mr. Worrell wished to
- 4 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
have Norman Gregory tell how far they have qone with the
neighboring people as to the use they would recommend. Mr.
Gregory would also speak on the rezoning of a lot. Vice
Chairman Wandelt did not think that was necessary and
adamantly stressed that was not what the Board was there for
tonight. Mr. Worrell retorted that they were not going to
rezone the whole area, but just that one lot.
Mr. Walshak reoalled Mr. Cannon said the City was consider-
ing rezoning one piece, so they could tis all of the church
property into one zoning area. Mr. Cannon clarified that
the church owns the three lots to the.north of 3rd Court,
but they are not developed aS paved parking areas. Houses
are on the lo:ts, and i% is a very informal parking lot. The
City thought since the triangular piece is already paved and
is used as the Church's parking lot, it should be in the
same zoning.
Mr. Walshak understood Mr. Cannon to say because the Church
ownod both parcels, the City was tying them together in one
zoning. He asked what the explanation would be for not tying
the whole parcel together. Mr. Cannon responded that you
would have an out parcel. Lot 135 is not owned by the Church.
The recommendation in the E&A report was that this lot should
be included in the rezoning application. There would have
to be a unity of title tying that lot to the Church's
property, so the owner could not be transferred independently.
Mr. cannon ~hought it would have to take some initiative on
the part of the Church. Mr. Walshak pointed out that Mr.
WorreI1 had stated he had a unity of title proposal. Mr.
Cannon advised that the Church would have to make an appli-
cation. He informed Chairman Trauger that an application
has not been submitted.
It was Chairman Trauger's opinion that the Board should stick
to the agenda. Vice Chairman Wandelt and Mr. Ryder agreed.
There were further comments. Mr. Ryder reminded Mr. Worrell
that he came before the City before on this.
Mr. Worrell read a paragraph that stated it was recommended
that the rezoning to commercial, beyond that which is
occupied by the church parking lot, be conditioned upon some
form of unity of title. That was what they were recommending.
Chairman Trauger understood that the~City did not have the
unity of title and said, until that time, the Board could
not take action. Mr. Worroll just wanted it in the minutes
that they were recommending this. He wondered if there was
a time frame and inquired whether they would have to wait
AUGUST 25, 1987
another year. Mr. Cannon advised that they can sumbit an
application any time they want to.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone else wished to speak in
favor of the parking lot and not the rest of the property.
Norman Gregory, 644 S. W. 3rd Avenue, stated that this was
a public hearing. As such, he did not see how they could
restrict the views of a citizen to express his opinion, as it
related not only to this particular parcel but to that which
was mentioned by Mr. Worrell. Although this was a recommen-
dation by staff to be considered tonight, Mr. Gregory
believed that it was within the power of the Board to extend
and amend that recommendation to the City Commission.
For the record, Mr. Gregory wished to elaborate on what had
taken place during the last week. If Mr. Gregory was going
on to the other lots, Chairman Trauger warned that he would
have to rule him out of order because the parking lot was
what was on the agenda for consideration in this part of the
public hearing. Vice Chairman Wandelt and Mr. Ryder agreed
with Chairman Trauger. Mr. Gregory wanted to go on the
record to tell what their thinking is. Chairman Trauger
advised what they wish to do would be in the application.
As part of the public hearing, Mr. Gregory asked what the
thinking of the staff was qhen they selected just that
slight portion to be included in the zoning recommendation
when, last year, the approved area was the topic and subject
of rezoning. Mr. Ryder answered that it was an attempt to
help the Church. Now they can use that for parking.
Apparently, it is zoned R-lA, and they cannot use it.
Mr. Gregory thought they would take the advice of the Board
and come in with an application to give them an overall view
of what they have in mind.
As no one else wished to speak in favor of the request,
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in opposi-
tion to the request. There was no response. THE PUBLIC
Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request and to find that it
is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Huckle
seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0.
- 6 -
Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Carmen S. Annunziato
Hathaway Park
(Application E-l)
Thomas H. Hood, Darrell and Sue R. Hinson,
Thompson Coal & Construction Company,
John A. Weiss
East side of Railroad Avenue and FEC tracks,
between S. E. 8th Avenue, and S. E. 10th
Lots 11 through 20, Block E, HATHAWAY PARK
(Plat Book 13, Page 17)
Request to rezone from C-3 Community
Commercial to R-2 Single and Two Family
Residential for the purpose of implementing
the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and
Appraisal Report
Mr. Cannon indicated the location of the property on the
overlay and said that prior to 1979, the strip was zoned
C-3. In 1979, the Comprehensive Plan recommended that it be
zoned Residential. The intent of the recommendation was
that by preventing any kind of commercial or industrial
development along the strip, they would be protecting the
residential neighborhood, which lies to the east. The
residential neighborhood has moderate houses, most of which
are in good repair, but some are starting to show siqns of
deterioration. Mr. Cannon further explained.
Mr. Cannon said the strip of lots the Members were looking
at are undeveloped on the northern portion. He indicated
the location of a single family house and a warehouse. Mr.
Cannon believed the owners of a building and two lots brought
an application an to rezone them to M-1 in 1981. The appli-
cation was denied by the City Council. The warehouse build-
ing has been allowed to continue as a non-conforming use
s~nce 1975. Mr. Cannon elaborated.
Mr. Cannon said there is some question as to whether even
C-3 zoning is appropriate, and he added that some people
tonight would tell the Board it is only good for industrial
use. He pointed out that even C-3 zoning does not allow a
warehouse or industrial use. Mr. Cannon said there may be
some amendments to the uses allowed in a C-3 zoning district
that will be suggested in Fall of this year, which will
allow for wholesale uses as a conditional use in lots lying
along the railroad tracks. He felt the Board Members may
want to keep that in mind in their deliberations tonight.
The application before the Board tonight came before the
City Council in 1980. Even though the underlying land use
was already changed to Medium Density Residential, the City
- 7 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Council at that time decided not to go ahead and rezone it
from Commercial to Residential. Under State law, when you
have a conflict between the Land Use Plan and the zoning,
the Land Use Plan prevails. In effect, Mr. Cannon said it
is already a nonconforming use. He repeated prior state-
Mr. Cannon informed the Board that the Planning Department
~as a~gued all along that it would be feasible to use these
lots for some kind of residential development. They have
seen duplex development further to the south, along the FEC
tracks, on the west side of the tracks. Even most of them
are rental properties, they appear to be in good condition.
Mr. Cannon told Mrs. Huckle that Thompson Coal owns a ware-
house and two vacant lots to the north. The remainder of
the lots in the strip are owned by people who own property
on S. E. 3rd Street. There was discussion about the lots
and the warehouse.
Mr. Bla~chette asked if the only access to the property
was along the railroad. Mr. Cannon answered that there is a
30 foot road right-of-way running along the railroad. Mr.
Blanchet~e asked if the Planning Department felt that was
conducive to good planning for residential developments.
Mr. Blan~hette pointed out that all they have is 30 feet.
Mr. Cannon responded that it would be possible to put a
paved road in hhere, but you may not be able to put a side-
walk there. The City has paved roads in 30 foot rights-of-
way. Mr. Cannon said it may be desirable to acquire addi-
tional rights-of,way. Mr. Blanchette commented that the
lots are already small.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the request. There was no response. Chairman Trauger asked
if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the request.
John Weiss, 306 S. E. 10th Avenue, one of the property
owners, owns the property next to Gulfstream Ceramics. He
has a single family home and a 24x30 garage. Mr. Weiss
exclaimed that there is not even an alley to go through
there. There Ks approximately 25 feet from the railroad
track to the property line of the people. Mr. Weiss told of
ceilings and his driveway being cracked by the trains going
by. He expressed that rezoninq to R-2 was ridiculous and
said they have been here three-times on the same subject.
Mr. Weiss bought his place in 1959, has paid commercial
taxes on commercial property for 28 years, and Ks grand-
fathered in under M-1. There was applause.
Mr. Weiss informed Chairman Trauger that he is right next
door to Mr. Thompson's property on the railroad. The
properties face S. E. 10th Avenue.
Janet Folsom, has commercial property at 1213 S. E. 2nd
Street, and was greatly opposed to changing and evaluating
property against the owners' wishes. She stated it was
robbing owners of their assets and perhaps their livelihood.
Ms. Folsom said S. E. 2nd Street runs north of 12th Avenue
along the tracks and ends abruptly at 10th Avenue. With a
slight jog west, it becomes a narrow alley known as Railroad
Avenue, barely 20 feet from the tracks themselves. It is
paved for only 100 feet to serve an attractive brick office
and storage building. After those 100 feet, the Avenue
exists only on the map, running north to an equally no~-
existent 8th Avenue that is supposed to exit east to 3rd
Street. Neither have ever been paved.
Ms. Folsom said the nine small lots could not meet today's
residential code. They would have no frontage except the
narrow Railroad Avenue, as~ their only outlook would be over
the tracks to the backs of the work shops on the other side.
To Ms. Folsom, a home there would be depressing and dehuman-
izing. The need for housisg in this area is not so desperate
as to risk that quality building, since there are still
empty lots available to the east. Ms. Folsom suspected the
lots had not been built on, as some homes have become so
unsightly and rubbish strewn as to degrade the whole
In contrast, Ms. Folsom said the commercial properties
furnish a helpful noise buffer to the railroad, are important
to the community, productive, well cared for, and safe. She
urged the Board to oppose the rezoning.
Darrell Hinson, 915 $. E. 3rd Street, pointed to Lot 11, 1/2
of Lot 13, Lots 14, 15 and 16, which he owns, and said he
has lived there for over 20 years. If you ride down S. E.
3rd Street, you will see garbage and wrecked cars. If they
zone it to Residential, it will end up like the southend of
Lake Worth. Mr. ~inson wondered who would live there, and
he asked Mr. Cannon if he would live there.
Mr. Hinson informed Mr. Ryder that he is next door to a house
that is partially dismantled, and the house has been there
for five or six years dismantled. There was discussion about
Codes Enforcement. Mr. Hinson said he went to Mr. Howell on
April 1st, and he guessed they were working on it. Mr.
Hinson stressed that this was what he is living next to.
AUGUST 25, 1987
Mr. Hinson told the Board to zone all of it Commercial, even
S. E. 3rd Street. Even though the lots Mr. Hinson owns are
C-3, Mr. Ryder said they can be developed as single family
homes. Mr. Hinson responded that he did not want to develop
the lots. Mr. Ryder asked if anyone had approached him
about developing them as residential. Mr. Hinson answered,
"No", and he questioned who would finance them. Mr. Binson
added that no one wants to live there.
After being informed by Mr. Binson that he has owned the
property since 1964, Mrs. Huckle asked if he had originally
planned to develop the lots into commercial or industrial
uses. Mr. Binson had no plans to develop them. Be bought
them because he lived on S. E. 3rd Street, and they were
directly behind him. Mr. Ryder felt that was an interesting
point, since they were zoned M-1 at that time. He asked if
there was no time that Mr. Binson intended to develop the
entire strip under M-1. Mr. Binson answered, "No," and said
he would like to sell and leave because he felt the whole
south end of the City was going bad. He explained.
Mrs. Buckle asked if the houses on the north and south of
Mr. Hinson were*overoccupied or rentals. Mr. Hinson replied
that the property north of him belongs to Mr. Hood, and it
is rental property. The two houses south of him are vacant.
Mrs. Buckle queried whether any houses near Mr. Binson are
owner occupied. Mr. Hinson answered that Mr. ~ood lives in
part of his house. Mrs. Buckle inquired whether it is more
predominantly a rental neighborhood than owner occupied.
Mr. ~inson indicated vacant lots on the overlay and said
there are only five houses there. He thought only three
houses on that street were occupied. Mr. Binson reiterated
that he was opposed to Residential.
Roger Barr, 1241 S. W. 27th Avenue, President of Gulfstream
Ceramics, said he leases a majority of the building in ques-
tion. Bis wife is Vice President of Thompson Coal & Construc-
tion Company, which owns the building and lots, and Mr. Barr
also represented them.
At the time they purchased the building and lots, Mr. Barr
said it was zoned M-1. They purchased the building and lots
to expand their business as necessary. One year later, the
City changed the zoning from M-1 to C-3 and never gave them
a notice. They did not even know about it until some time
later. Be elaborated.
Mr. Barr stated that Carmen Annunziato, Director of
Planning, said it should be R-2, but Mr. Annunziato would
*Should be
See 9/8/87
- 10 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
not want to live there. He showed the Members photographs
of the area. Mr. Barr said the only reason he had to reroof
his building was because it shook so much, there were cracks
in the roof produced by the railroad track. He elaborated.
Mr. Barr said his buildings have sprinkler systems, are land-
scaped and look 99% better than any of the houses in the
area. In 1981, he proposed to build a building on two lots
(which he indicated on the overlay). Mr. Barr showed the
Building Department a plan of a building from which he was
going to sell school art supplies. The City said it was
a nice building until he got to Mr. Annunziato, who said he
did not like the building and wanted to see a house.
Mr. Barr referred to a Supreme Court ruling, which said if a
City limits the land use from what you purchased it at, they
either have to buy the land from you or reimburse you for
your losses. If the City chooses to rezone'this to R-2, he
said the City would either have to buy the land or reimburse
the owners for everything they have lost. Mr. Walshak
advised that was not what the Supreme Court said, and it was
not true. He advised that the Supreme Court ruling only
applied to a municipality in California and had nothing to
do with rezoning of property. Mr. Ryder said the Board was
told that was a specific case and did not apply to them.
Mr. Barr said there is a lot of property that he has been
paying a lot of taxes on. Now the Board was going to tell
him he cannot use it. He tried to build a C-3 building, but
Mr. Annunziato refused it. Mrs. Huckle asked how he would
access his new building. Mr. Barr replied that S. E. 10th
Avenue goes to the railroad track and ends. Along the front
of his existing building is a paved right-of-way. From there
to Mr. Hinson's property, it is shellrock. Mrs. Huckle asked
if Mr. Barr was saying his new building would meet City Code.
He repeated prior statements. Mr. Ryder interrupted to say
that Mr. Barr's statement that Mr. Annunziato was the only
one that would not approve his building did not make sense.
Mr. Barr emphasized that Mr. Annunziato said it did not
conform to his plan and, therefore, he was not going to
allow it. There was disagreement.
Mr. Cannon clarified that the Comprehensive Plan was not
Mr. Annunziato's plan. It was the plan that was adopted by
the City Commission. The reason the Planning Department could
not accept the application was because, according to State
law, where there is a conflict between the Comprehensive
Plan and the zoning, the Comprehensive Plan has to prevail.
Mr. Annunziato was following the law.
- 11 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Mr. Barr asked where the property owners r~ghts were under
C-3. The City Commission passed C-3. They brought it back
before the City Commission, and they passed C-3 again. It
has been before the City Commission three times, and they
said it should be Commercial property. The City keeps
constantly bringing it back to get it zoned R-2. Mr. Barr
stressed that it is not suitable in any respect for R-2.
There is no respect under which the Board could justify
putting R-2 there. He had more pictures, if the Board
wanted to see them.
After looking at the pictures, Chairman Trauger recommended
that Mr. Barr give them to Commissioner zibelli for Codes
If the request was denied by the City Commission, Mr.
Walshak asked if Mr. Barr would be able to build his build-
ing under C-3 zoning. Mr. Cannon replied that the City
Commission would have to initiate an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan to allow a commercial land use plan. In
1980, When the City Commission decided to keep it C-3, they
should probably have initiated a Land Use Amendment at that
point to bring the Land Use Plan back in conformance with
the zoning. That would be the City Commission's solution if
they chose to deny rezoning.
Mr. Walshak agreed with the people who had appeared before
the Board, that the property is zoned properly now. Resi-
dential zoning there is absolutely meaningless. The right-
of-way would be undersized. The lots are landlocked, and
they are up against the railroad tracks. Mr. Walshak did
not think Residential in that particular area would be
conducive in the City.
Mr. Ryder called attention to 2nd Street, below 10th Avenue,
and said it is all Commercial and developed Commercial. He
felt they were faced with the suitability of suddenly coming
up with an R-2.
Vice Chairman Wandelt did not think the area should even be
C-3. He thought it should be M-1. Mr. Barr agreed, and
called attention to the fact that the lots are facing M-1.
Mr. Cannon repeated his prior statement that the City is
going to bring in wholesale and storage uses as a Conditional
Use in the zoning district where lots abut ~he railroad track
and there is no arterial. That might be a ~omDromise
solution. Vice Chairman Wandelt c6mmented tha% C-3
authorizes office supply stores.
12 -
After further comments, Mr. Ryder stated that the Comprehen-
sive Plan needs amendment. Everytime it is brought up, Mr.
Barr said, in each case, the P&Z Board and City Commission
have said it would be better Commercial than Residential.
There was more discussion.
Michael Brinkman, 957 Isles Road, owns Lot 4, Bowers Park,
which is across the tracks, was here before, and he did not
want to lose his M-1 zoning. Mr. Brinkman did not under-
stand why the City kept picking on this one strip and
isolating this one section. He wished to go on record as
opposing the rezoning.
As no one else wished to speak, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS
Vice Chairman Wandelt visited the area several times and
could not see any way of it ever being a residential area.
Mr. Blanchette felt the same way and thought it was a poor
solution by the Planning Department. He expressed that
there is probably a better solution down the road.
Mrs. Huckle thought they should make note of the fact that
Mrs. Betty Thompson communicated to the Board and Commission
that she owns property there and is very opposed to the
rezoning of her property.
Chairman Trauger was totally amazed at the condition of the
lots and the junk that is scattered through that area. He
alluded to Codes Enforcement. Since this came up several
years ago, and because there is no possibility of developing
the undeveloped area, Mr. Ryder said if they go along this
way it will continue and get worse. He thought a practical
solution would be to provide for the possibility of amending
the Comprehensive Plan so the area can be developed.
From what Chairman Trauger listened to, Chairman Trauger
believed there should be a denial of the request and a
recommendation to the City Commission for an application for
a change to the Comprehensive Plan. The zoning should be
left C-3 with the consideration of Commercial along the rail-
road to be landlocked. That was about the only solution he
could see. Vice Chairman Wandelt thought it should be M-1.
Mr. Cannon thought there would be an opportunity for the
Board to consider an Ordinance later on in the year that will
allow wholesale uses and storage at this location without
allowing manufacturing, repair garages, and some of the
other blighting uses that accompany manufacturing districts.
13 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
If they recommend
that subsequently
Huckle agreed.
that it remain C-3, Mr. Ryder thought
they could see some development. Mrs.
Chairman Trauger felt they should recommend an amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Walshak agreed and wanted to
somehow see that Mr. Barr's application gets to the City
Commission because it sounded like a good idea to him. He
thought the Board should cooperate with Mr. Barr. If they
leave it at C-3 and support it with the Comprehensive Plan,
Chairman Trauger said there would be no reason why Mr. Barr
could sot build the building.
Mr. Ryder moved to DENY the request with the understanding
that it will be necessary to amend the Comprehensive Plan.
Vice Chairman Wandelt seconded the motion.
*(Chairman Trauger advised that the motion should include that
the Board finds it is not consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan. Both Mr. Ryder and Vice Chairman Wandelt agreed this
should be added to the motion. Chairman Trauger repeated
the motion with the addition, and th~ motion carried 7-0.
There was applause.
3. Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Carmen S. Annunziato
Gulfstream Lumber Out Parcels and Adjacent
(Application E-2)
Antonia Kriegsmann, Adrien and Dilly A.
Jimenez, Hildegard I. Crockett, John
Weihmueller, Gulfstream Lumber Co., M. E.
& Julia V. Romano, Clifford A. Littlejohn,
Herbert T. & Joyce M. Shackleton
East side of S. E. 2nd Street, east and
west s~des of S. E. 3rd Street, south of
S. E. 12th Avenue
Lots 7 ~hrough 23, Central Park Addition
to Boynton Beach
Request to rezone from R-2 Single and Two
Family Riesidential to C-3 Community
Commerciial for the purpose of implementing
the Compirehensive Plan Evaluation and
AppraiSal Report
Mr. Cannon asked the Members to recall that about 18 months
to two years ago, Gulfstream Lumber requested that the
parcels they own be rezoned to C-3, which would allow them
*DF~I.~:L'k~D per
Minutes of
- 14 -
to expand into the lots and use them as a storage area for
their lumber yard. At that time, the Planning Department
recommended that the rezoning application be denied since
doing so would result in a mixture of residential and
commercial uses. Mr. Cannon indicated where there are a
number of single family homes and duplexes.
In the E&A report, the City recommended that the entire area
south of 12th Avenue be rezoned to Commercial so that the
whole area could eventually be redeveloped for Commercial
uses. Doing so would allow Gulfstream Lumber to apply for
a conditional use to expand thei~ lumber yard and would
laundromat and convenience store.
Mr. Cannon further
If the Board votes to deny the application and keep it
residential, Mr. Cannon said they might consider qualifying
it by recommending that the entirety of the lots on U. $. 1
be brought into a Commercial zoning district. He explained
to Mr. Walshak that the lots on U. $. 1 are split. The
majority of the lots are in a Commercial zoning district.
The back 50 feet of each of the lots were in Residential.
Mr. Ryder asked if there was an application at one time to
close 2nd Street. At the time Gulfstream Lumber applied for
rezoning, Mr. Cannon recalled they also applied to have a
portion of 2nd Street abandoned. This was strictly an
application for rezoning, and the application for abandonment
would have to be initiated again.
Mrs. Huckle asked if S. E. 3rd Street runs between the two
parcels. Mr. Cannon answered affirmatively. ~rs. Huckle
asked if the abandonment of S. E. 3rd Street has not been a
part of their consideration in the overall scope of the
building of the property. Mr. Cannon replied that the
abandonment of those streets was not addressed in the E&A
report. That was something Gulfstream Lumber would have to
Chairman Trauger was trying to recall why it was not changed
to Commercial when Gulfstream previously appeared before the
Board. Mr. Ryder reminded him that there were residences on
the other side. Mrs. Huckle thought it was recommended that
the whole area be looked at the next time they consider the
Comprehensive Plan instead of piecemeal. There was
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Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in opposi-
tion to the proposal.
Howard Nicholson, 1121 S. E. 4th Street, said his condominium
is on S. E. 12th Avenue. If Gulfstream gets the right to
put their lumberyard there, they will not be able to open
the windows because of the dust and noise of the trucks.
There is another two story, eight family apartment close by
and a lot of small houses around there. Mr. Nicholson said
he has lived there for 14 years. He alluded to garbage at
Lil' General. Mr. Nicholson was opposed to the rezoning.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the request.
Bob Allen, General Manager of Gulfstream Lumber, thought it
was a great idea. He wanted to clear the air of a couple
of things they proposed a couple of years ago. He pointed
to the property Gulfstream owns. Two years ago, they asked
for rezoning of five lots only and the abandonment of a
street. They did not attempt to have other property rezoned.
Mr. Allen also wanted to make it clear that they acquired
property in that area because it came on the market, or they
were approached by the homeowners of the property. They
have never tried to buy property from somebody in a
neighborhood unless they were approached first.
Mr. Allen thought it made good sense for the property to be
rezoned for C-3 Commercial and for a Conditional Use for
lumber stores to utilize. Two years ago, they had plans
prepared that he thought would be accepted to the Beautifi-
cation Committee. Mr. Allen hoped the Board would consider
what the City Planner recommended to them.
In response to a question from Mrs. Huckle, Mr. Allen showed
on the overlay the property Gulfstream owns. Mrs. Huckle
asked if some lots had private residences on them. Mr. Allen
indicated the lots with residences. Mrs. Huckle asked if
Gulfstream has made any offers on the other properties that
are not theirs. Mr. Allen pointed to a property on the over-
lay and said they have had some negotiations with that owner.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone else wished to speak in
favor or opposition to the proposal. There was no response.
Mrs. Huckle wondered if any other owners listed on the agenda
were in the audience. Mr. M. E. Romano was present but did
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AUGUST 25, 1987
not wish to speak. Mr. Cannon confirmed that all of the
people had been notified. Mrs. Huckle found it interesting
that there was so little input from the property owners.
Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request and to find it
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Huckle seconded
the motion, and the motion carried 7-0.
Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Carmen S. Annunziato
Golf Road and Seacrest Boulevard
N. W. corner (Application F)
Rosanne L. Patrick and Grace Schraut
N. W. corner of Golf Road and Seacrest
Lots 43, 44, and 45, Westchester Heights
(less return curve area in Lot 45, as in
O.R. Book 2772, p. 1252)
Request to rezone from R-2 Single and Two
Family Residential to C-1 Office and
Professional Commercial for the purpose of
implementing the Evaluation and Appraisal
From a zoning standpoint, Mr. Cannon said the three lots
that are the subject of this application are lots that were
left over when the Ridge Pointe Villas PUD was created.
The PUD was developed, and a high CBS wall was put around
the development, which resulted in the creation of a very
isolated parcel of land located at a minor intersection.
It seemed to the Planning Department that since the other
three corners were zoned for C-1 uses that this also is a
suitable location for C-1 uses. Right now, the two lots on
the corner are vacant. A small right-of-way separates the
two lots from the day care center.
Chairman Trauger asked if all three lots are under the same
ownership. Mr. Cannon replied that the day care center is
under one ownership, and the other lot is owned by one
person. The Planning Department's recommendation was
qualified by stating that any development on the three lots
should be limited to one story buildings. If there were two
story office buildings there, they could look down into the
residences of Ridge Pointe villas. Mr. Cannon informed the
Members that the height of the buildings there would be
limited because it is in the Comprehensive Plan. If the
height was any higher, Chairman Trauger said the view would
be obstructed, and it is a dangerous corner.
AUGUST 25, 1987
Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if it would be possible for the
Board to restrict the buildings to one story. Mr. Cannon
replied that the restriction is already in the Comprehensive
Plan. C-! zoning allows two story buildings, but it is
restricted to one story in the Comprehensive Plan, which
supersedes the zoning regulations.
That did not seem right to Mrs. Huckle. Mr. Cannon
discussed it with Mr. Annunziato before, and Mr. Cannon
added that his viewpoint is that you can use the Compre-
hensive Plan to fine tune development regulations. Be
explained and said the County already does that. Mr. Cannon
further explained. Mrs. Buckle was sure that before the city
Commission passes it, they will have the legal opinion of
the City Attorney. From read~ng the Local Government Compre-
hensive Planning Act, it did not appear to Mr. Cannon that
there~was anything in the Act that prohibits local govern-
ments from making v~ry specific recommendations about
specific parcels.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the proposal.
Robert Foot,. 2400 S. W. 1st Street, showed the location of
his property on the overlay. A year ago when this issue
came up, he said they were not notified. As members of the
Chamber of Commerce, they were advised this was up for
consideration tonight. At that time, the Chamber monitored
what the P&Z Board did to be certain there were "no hooks"
in the action and that any development of the property would
be C-1 as oppposed to duplex properties.
Mr. Foot was concerned about the nursery school. As a
neighbor, it is quiet at night. In terms of long term deve-
lopment of his neighborhood, Mr. Foot said professional
office buildings on the piece to the east of the right-of-
way would be fine. When the Board rezones the nursery
school property itself to C-l, he said it would basically
grandfather in the school's use of that property, which he
understood was now a non-conforming use. There would be
limitations on their expanding the use of that lot.
Mr. Foot preferred not to see the nursery school expand on
that lot, particularly with any abandonment of the r~ght-of-
way that is there, and wanted to see some control maintained
in that aspect of it. If that could be done by maintaining
the existing zoning on that one lot, he thought it would
benefit the neighborhood. At the same time, Mr. Foot
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realized the Board was working with spot zoning, and he
explained. Mr. Foot supported the rezoning of the lots
between Seacrest and the right-of-way.
Mr. Ryder called attention to the fact that the roadway,
which divides the two sections, was not under consideration.
Mr. Foot. Mr. Foot presumed that the Board controlled the
access to the property, and he asked that they keep it away
from the intersection. As the Board considered the piece
diagonally across the corner, Mr. Foot recalled that they
were Concerned about ingress and egress. For this piece to
face on Seacrest is not enough to provide egress and ingress,
and he showed on the overlay where it would make sense to
have ingress and egress.
Chairman Trauger asked if there was any way of protecting
that parcel from the expansion of the nursery school. Mr.
Cannon answered that day care centers are a conditional use.
in both the R-2 zoning that exists there and also in C-1
zoning. I.f the nursery school wanted to expand, they would
have to go back to the conditional use procedure, which
would require notification to all of the property owners in
the area.
If C-1 zoning meant that the highest and best use of the
property should be a professional office building, Mr. Foot
said the nelghborhood would be happy to see it go that way.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone else wished to speak either
in favor or in opposition to the request.
Hugh Robinson, 9-A Ridgepointe Drive, President of the
Association at Ridgepointe, said Ridgepointe does not want
anything that will overlook their area. They definitely
do not want a convenience store, gas station, or anything of
that sort. Mr. Robinson said Ridgepointe is violently
opposed to it. Therefore, they would rather see the zoning
stay R-2 because it would eliminate future problems. Mr.
Robinson showed how close their wall is and said all of
their buildings looking in a certain direction would be
involved. The residents did want better conditions on the
Mr. Robinson said 30 people from Ridgepointe were represented
tonight, and they are concerned. Mr. Ryder informed him
that R-2 permits two story buildings. Under c-l, they would
not get that. Mr. Robinson thought that was a good point.
Mrs. Huckle advised that C-1 also would not allow convenience
- 19 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
stores or gas stations. It would be offices and professional
buildings. C-1 is a very protective use.
In the event it would be a one story office building, Vice
Chairman Wandelt asked if Mr. Robinson would still be opposed
to the request. Mr. Robinson thought a doctor's office or
something on that order would be advantageous. The nursery
school was there before Ridgepointe. There were further
Jerry Bauer, Secretary, Ridge Pointe Woods, 23 Ridge Pointe
Drive, asked about an ambulance company. She said that is
a concern because ambulances are very noisy. Chairman
Trauger replied that the ambulance company is already at one
location. Ms. Bauer argued that they could buy the two lots
and expand on that corner. Vice Chairman Wandelt advised
that it is an ambulance route. Ms. Bauer retorted that it
would be a lot noisier for the ambulances to go screeching
out on their corner than to come down 23rd. Chairman
Trauger did not think she had to worry about that.
Ms. Bauer did not think 23rd was a "minor" intersection, as
Mr. Cannon said. Mr. Cannon explained that neither Seacrest
nor Golf Road are arterials. Ms. Bauer considers 23rd a
very busy street, and she did not see why the Police do not
monitor it. If they build a professional building on the
two lots, it is not too much of a distance from the corner of
Seacrest. Ms. Bauer wondered how people will make a left
turn onto 23rd and how they will turn the corner when it is
backed up with people trying to get into the lot.
Mr. Cannon told Ms. Bauer those questions would have to be
addressed at the time of site plan approval, and he
explained. Ms. Bauer asked more questions, which were
answered by Mr. Cannon.
Ms. Bauer asked if the land was under consideration for
development. Mr. Ryder answered that the Board did not
know. They will know when a site plan comes through.
Clifford Painter, Vice President, Association at Ridqepointe,
22-B Ridqepointe Drive, said Ms. Bauer brought up his concern
about traffic. If a tenant is in the area with a lot of
customers, it will cause a lot of problems. Sometimes
doctors' offices have people parked all over the grass.
As no one else wished to speak, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS
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AUGUST 25, 1987
After giving examples about traffic, Mr. Ryder said the
question was to what use it would be put. Under C-l, he did
not see traffic becoming a consideration. What is happening
across the road will get worse. Someone asked what is coming.
Mr. Cannon replied that a two story office building will be
on the southeast corner.
Mr. Blanchette asked if a turning lane northbound on Sea-
crest will be required at that time and also a turning lane
coming south on the property they were discussing. Vice
Chairman Wandelt understood it was a County Road. Mr.
Cannon advised that it would have to come up at the time of
the site plan. He elaborated. Mr. Blanchette said that
anyone that lives in that section knows they have a problem
trying to make a southbound turn off of 23rd. There was
more discussion about traffic. Mr. Cannon said they are
both County thoroughfares, a~d he expounded.
There was further discussion about traffic. Mr. Walshak did
not know what the Board could do, other than discuss it. He
said they could suggest to the City Commission that they
forward a letter to the County Commission, as it is a bad
situation. Mr. Ryder thought that would be appropriate when
they get a site plan. There was more discussion about
Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the request with the limitation
of one story buildings for the purpose of implementing the
E&A Report and finding it consistent with the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. Mr. Jackier seconded the motion, and the
motion carried 7-0.
5. Applicant:
Project Name:
City of Boynton Beach
Carmen S. Annunziato
Old Dixie Highway Frontage
(Application G)
Jack Pica, Langston Bay Co. of Fla., Inc.,
Spada Land Company, Kay Cee Association of
Boynton Beach, Inc.
Gulfstream Associates, Ltd.
Lots 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48 and 49, A~ended
Plat of Trade Wind Estates
Request to rezone from C-3 Community
Commercial to C-4 General Commercial for
the purpose of implementing the Compre-
hensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal
- 21 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Mr. Cannon said there has been piecemeal annexation in these
areas over the years. Up unil the E&A report, he did not
think much thought was ever given to the zoning in that
area. Mr. Cannon explained, then said they would see more
annexation of lots that front on Old Dixie Highway, but which
do not run through to U. S. 1. He said they found the land
uses tend to he hea~ily in favor of retail and office use on
U. S. 1. Old Dixie Highway is mostly a mixture of storage
and repair.garages and is probably not an appropriate loca-
tion for C-3 Zoning, because C-3 is intended to be a highly
visible commercial zoning district oriented toward retail
and office uses. Old Dixie H~ghway is a two lane road, pro-
b~bly only has'about 1,00D ~rf~s per day, and is not ver~
visible f~om any major th0ro~ghfa~e.
About two years ago, Mr. Can.non said there was an applica-
tion to rezone a lot owne~ by Spada Concrete. Spada wanted
to zone the lot M-1. At that time, the question came up as
to whether this strip of lots should be zoned M-l, C-3, or
C-4. In doing the analysis that went into the E&A report,
it seemed to Mr. Cannon and Mr. Annunziato that it would be
better not to establish another M-1 zoning district east of
1-95, since the land use patterns in the area east of 1-95
tend to be more intimate. There are smaller lots, and land
uses are closer together.
Mr. Cannon said C-4 would allow repair garages and a few
other heavy commercial uses, which should be sufficient to
develop that strip of lots along Old Dixie Highway. He
showed on the overlay where an owner will put a boat parts
store, the lot of Langston Bag Co., the lot that was
occupied by Spada Concrete, and the Knights of Columbus
Mr. Cannon showed Mr. Ryder the location of Gulfstream
Mobile Home Park. Mr. Ryder questioned why that should go
to C-4. Mr. Cannon thought the mobile home park would be
redeveloped eventually as a commercial use. It is for sale.
Mr. Cannon informed Mr. Ryder that the entire row of platted
lots along Old Dixie Highway will be rezoned to C-4. He
added that all mobile home parks are non-conforming uses in
the City.
Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if the Langston Bag Company is
now C-3 and will have to be changed to C, 4. Langston Bag
owns a lot that fronts on U. S. 1 and a lot that fronts on
Old Dixie Highway. The lot that fronts on Old Dixie High-
way will be changed to C-4. Vice chairman Wandelt noted
- 22
AUGUST 25, 1987
it was not indicated on the map. Mr. Cannon indicated the
Langston Bag property and further explained.
In answer to a question by Chairman Trauger, Mr. Cannon said
as lots are annexed into the City, the ones in the County
will be zoned C-4. The ones fronting on U. S. 1, which are
in the County, will be placed in the C-3 zoning category.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak in favor of the rezoning. There was no response.
Chairman Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in opposi-
tion to the request.
Richard Ehrhardt, 3595 Gibbs Road, observed that Gibbs Road
was not on the map, but said it is near Spada's property.
He knew the property had been cleared, but he said they had
a noise, pollution, and traffic problem there for about a
year. Mr. Ehrhardt told about the problems caused by Spada
and did not want to see the property return to something
like that. That was under C-3. Chairman Trauger thought
Mr. Ehrhardt could thank the City Manager for getting the
lot cleaned up. There was discussion.
Mr. Cannon informed Mr. Blanchette that Spada Concrete
established their operation~egally. Action by the Codes
Enforcement Board removed them from that property. He told
Mr. Ehrhardt that C-4 zoning does not allow for contractors
storage. Mr. Ehrhardt did not want the property to revert
back to something like Spada had.
As no one else wished to speak, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS
Mrs. Huckle thought it was unusual that there were not
more property owners to speak for or against the request.
That being the case, it seemed to her the project would be a
good one to rezone.
Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the request and to find that it
is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Dr. Jackier
seconded the motion, and the motion carried 6-1. Mr.
Blanchette voted against the motion.
Both Vice Chairman Wandelt and Dr. Jackier announced that
they would be out of town for the next meeting and the
meeting of September 8th.
*Should be
illeqally. See
9/8/87 Minutes
23 -
AUGUST 25, 1987
Mrs. Huckle asked if the City agreed to maintain medians
just down to Sun Wah Restaurant. She drove to Gulfstream
and said the medians are in a "mess". From Sun Wah north,
they are "gorgeous". City Manager Cheney said the City
probably maintains them down to Sun Wah.
Mrs. Buckle recalled that at a meeting she attended, they
talked about the different properties and how they have
developed. At the last Commission meeting, she understood
t~e fence at The Grove was to be repaired. Children were
biking through there. It seemed to Mrs. Huckle like it was
a liability for someone. City Manager Cheney said this
did not come up at a Commission meeting. Through Codes
Enforcement, he said the City has tried to get the property
owner to resolve that problem. The City has a bond. The
developer is to come back in with another proposal and new
plans for that property. The City is trying to get it taken
care of. There was discussion.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
the meeting properly adjourned at 9:45 P. M.
(Three Tapes)
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