Minutes 08-11-87MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD IN CO~ISSION CHAMBERS, PINELAND PLAZA, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1987 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Robert Wandelt, Vice Chairman Harold Blanchette Marilyn Huckle Martin Jackier Simon Ryder RObert Walshak Bob RousSeau, Alternate (Voting) Gary Lehnertz, Alternate ABSENT Walter "Marty" Trauger, Chairman (Excused) Carmen Annunziato, Director of Planning Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Tambri Heyden Assistant City Planner Vice Chairman Wandelt called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M., introduced the members of the Board, the Planning Staff, and the Recording Secretary. He recognized the presence in the audience of Mayor Nick Cassandra; Vice Mayor Ralph Marchese; City Manager Peter L. Cheney; Virginia Foot, Chairwoman, Downtown Review Board; Robert Foot; Commissioner Ezell Hester; Laura Hubbard, Reporter, Sun Sentinel; and Pamela Hasterok, Reporter, The Post. MINUTES OF JULY 14, 1987 Vice Chairman Wandelt apologized to the Recording Secretary and Betty Boroni, City Clerk, because he did receive the minutes of July 14th. He explained that they had been mis- placed by one of his family members. Mrs. Huckle drew attention to the top paragraph of page 19 and said she did not say that. She referred to the next to the last paragraph on page 18 where Mr. Blanchette had asked Mr. Annunziato if there could be a later meeting to discuss those things. Mrs. Buckle had favored that because she had wanted input from the Planning Department. She felt she had to vote against the motion because she did not have enough opportunity to ask questions of the planning staff, not because she did not have enough time to go over it. Mr. Ryder moved, seconded by Mr. Walshak, to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried 7-0. - 1 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACB, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1987 Mrs. Buckle had some problems with these minutes, and she thought it was because the circumstances at Royal Palm Club- house were so adverse. The speakers were hard to hear, and the Members did not have microphones. Mrs. Buckle called attention to the first paragraph on page 5 which stated, "Mr. Cannon said this site is particularly developable for apartments." They were talking about the rezonlng application for the Sunrise Academy site. The request was to rezone from R-3 Multi-Family to C-2 Neighbor- hood Commercial, and she did not think that was an accurate statement. Mr. Annunziato and Mr. Ryder agreed. With regard to Lake City Trailer Park, the last paragraph of page 6 stated that Mr. Cannon "thought the owner argued that it was developable for any residential use." Mrs. Huckle thought the owner argued that it was not developable for any residential use. Mrs. Ramseyer, Recording Secretary, agreed Mrs. Huckle was correct. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether it should be "some kind of residential development," not com- mercial, at the top of page 7, but she was not sure. Mr. Annunziato thought "some planned commercial development" would probably be appropriate. Residential use for commer- cial sales was what Mrs. Huckle got out of the discussion at the time, but she was not sure what it was. Mrs. Ramseyer .asked what the Board tkought it should be. Mrs. Huckle felt they would have to check with Mr. Cannon. Mr. Annunziato suggested that he have Mr. Cannon scrutinize the minutes for authority purposes. Be felt they should forestall the adoption of the minutes tonight. On page 18, the third paragraph, with reference to Shooters, Mrs. Huckle said it was reversed because General Commercial is C-4 and Community Commercial is C-3. Mr. Ryder said there was no doubt that Mrs. Buckle was correct about that. On page 28, in the paragraph above the last two lines, where Mrs. Huckle was talking to Attorney Rathburn, the Recording Secretary reported that the argument amused Mrs. Buckle. Mrs. Buckle stated that the argument escaped or lost her but did not amuse her. Mrs. Huckle was sorry to hear that the Board is going back to the Royal Palm Clubhouse for another meeting. Mrs. Huckle moved to defer approval of the minutes until Mr. Cannon has a chance to review them. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. - 2 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Annunziato announced that the September 8th meeting of the P&Z Board will be held at the Royal Palm Clubhouse on N. E. 22nd Avenue at 7:30 P. M. That night the City Commission will be conducting budget hearings. Other announcements did not appear on the agenda. Mr. Annunziato reminded the Board that on August 25, the P&Z Board will be conducting its second series of public hearings on rezonings which implement the Comprehensive Plan in the Commission Chambers at Pineland Plaza. On Monday, August 17, 1987 at 7:30, the City Commission will have a workshop sesson with the City's Housing Consultants (Plantec). Mr. Annunziato said the Board Members were welcome to attend the workshop. He thought Plantec was planning to offer some policy options for the City Commission. AGENDA Mr. Annunziato said they failed to place on the agenda a discussion of the Downtown Review Board (DRB) and its responsibilities as it applies to the P&Z Board. At the July meeting of the P&Z Board, he recalled that the Board transmitted materials, including the draft of the Ordinance adopted on first reading, which transfers the responsibility of the DRB to the P&Z Board. One of the reasons the City Commission forestalled adopting the Ordinance on second read- ing was to allow the various Boards an opportunity to make comments on that action. The City Commission will take up the Ordinance on second reading at the meeting of Tuesday, August 18th. Mr. Annunziato recommended that it be added to tonight's agenda under "Comments by Members". Mrs. Buckle moved to amend the agenda to add under "Comments by Members", "Review of Draft of the Transfer of Powers and Duties from the DRB to the P&Z Board" for purposes of discussion. Dr. Jackier seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. COMMUNICATIONS None. - 3 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS ANNEXATION Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Boynton Beach Mall Cormac C. Conahan, Esq. Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd. Lake Worth Drainage District Javert Street at Boynton (C-16) Canal, southeast corner See "Exhibits A and B" attached to the original copy of these minutes. Request to annex a 6.92 acre tract of land and an abutting 85 foot wide canal right- of-way (2.787 acres) for a total of 9.707 acres Mr. Golden read the Mr. Annunziato's memorandum of August 3, 1987, which was addressed to the Board. A copy of said memorandum is attached to the original copy of these minutes in the office of the City Clerk as Addendum C. The Planning Department had recommended that the application be approved as submitted. Cormac C. Conahan, Esq., 2000 Glades Road, Suite 400, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, came forward and said the applicant wants to become a part of the City of Boynton Beach and nothing more. They submitted an agreement that clarifies the understanding between the parties as to what the property is intended to be used as, while they process an amendment to the ~development order, which is under the Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The agreement sets forth that they understand, by processing the application, that they have no vest,ed rights to use the property for anything other than what thle development order specifies, which is open space preservation. Attorne_~ Conahan anticipated, after the annexation and the impaCt!that the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) may have ia the review process, that if they could obtain the approva!l of the Regional Planning Council to use it for other ~han open space~ they would come before the Board again and as~ for a designation for other than open space. If - 4 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 the~ are unable to obtain that through the usual processes, it will stay exactly the way it is. Mr. Ryder stated reference was made that in the event it is developed after it is annexed, there is the possibility of an anchor store. Physically, he did not see how that could be connected to the existing mall. In any event, Attorney Conahan said they would not use the property to be annexed for construction. The only thing that property would be used for, other than the preservation, would be for addi- ti~onal, overflow parking. Mr. Ryder asked what the reference to an anchor store meant. Attorney Conahan replied that it would be an anchor store like Sears. Mr. Ryder asked how, physically, it could be connected to the existing mall. Attorney Conahan had a site plan, if the Board wanted to look at it. It did not show the proposed new store, but he said he could show where the store would fit. If the~ ever do that, the applicant would come before the Board again. In the event approval was given to develop that as overflow parking, Mrs. Huckle asked what the situation with the canal would be. Attorney Conahan replied that they had not determined what the canal right-of-way configuration would be. The~ approached the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) to move the canal to the north end of the tract so that they could save more trees in the area. However, it was possible, in order to save more trees, that they would leave it in the existing location but crossover to get in the existing area. That had not been decided yet either by DeBartolo or LWDD. In the event it was used for parking in the future, Mr. Blanchette asked if they would put a wall up on the west, such as they have now on the west side of the mall. Attorney Conahan answered that they would bring in a site plan for the Board's review. It appeared sensible to him to continue that wall, if the neighbors would like a wall there. Attorney Conahan said they would comply with whatever the site plan review suggests. He added that they certainly want to cooperate with any of the nearby residents. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the request. There was no response. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the request. Mary McCullough, 3545 Oberon Avenue, thought she could speak for 95% of the residents of the neighborhood, when she said - 5 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 they were totally opposed to the annexation. She said the residents found it very questionable that, at this time, the applicants did not know what they were going to do. Mrs. McCullough said they believed the applicant had the plans for the parking lot. She emphasized that they do not want anything. They want the trees. Mrs. McCullough continued by saying half of the neighborhood did not get a notice. She already petitioned the neighbor~ hood to find out what the feeling was and had a a total response of, "No Way". The residents wrote a letter to their County Commissioner, asking for help, because they are totally against it. Mrs. McCull~ugh adamantly said Mr. DeBartola has built enough out there, and if they continue, there will be a concrete jungle there. Mrs. McCullough pointed out that all they have keeping them away from the Boynton Beach Mall are the trees, so they do not look right at the Mall. She asked if they are supposed to have a wall and parking lots. Mrs. McCullough alluded to the State's plan of preservation. It seemed to her they had plenty of parking. There were comments from the audience. Mrs. McCullough read the petition, which said the residents were totally opposed to any annexation of the property lo- cated on the northwest corner of the Boynton Beach Mall, as described in the hearing notice. They felt the location would be too close, and it would be a detriment to the safety of their children. Mr:s. McCullough further protested, saying they did not need this. She said the neighbors were firm and would go to whomever they had to go to, would write the State, and would go to the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) if necessary. Mr. Ryder asked what the present zoning is under the County's jurisdiction. Mr. Annunziato answered that it is zoned Commercial (CG). Mr. Ryder reminded Mr. Annunziato that he had said, eventually, something had to happen there. Mr. Annunziato reminded the Members that they were not consider- ing development of the land but annexation of the land. Mrs. McCullough questioned why Mr. DeBartolo wanted to annex into the City when the City has higher taxes. When the mall property was split, Mr. Annunziato said it was annexed into the City, which means there are two governing bodies. It makes for very cumbersome interlocal arrangements between the County and the City as they relate to the developer, Mr. DeBartolo. MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Annunziato wished the residents to understand that any requests for development of that land, as opposed to annexa- tion of that land, will follow a similar path. The dif- ference would be that instead of the applications being submitted to the County Commission, they will be submitted to the City of Boynton Beach. The path would remain the same. It would still involve the Regional Planning Council, the Division of State Planning, Palm Beach County, and the City of Boynton Beach. Mrs. McCullough asked whether the City would have the last say. Mr. Annunziato replied that the City would have the last say, subject to appeal by any body that would want to appeal the development order, which is the same situation as if it were in the County. Mrs. McCullough asked if the wooded area was protected under the State. Mr. Annunziato answered, "No." He explained that it is protected by the development order, which is enforced by local government. It is not protected by the State. The State, through the Division of State Planning, reviews the application as a part of the Development of Regional Impact. The requirement to have that property undeveloped emanated from Palm Beach County, not from the City. He agreed that the County said that in their develop- order. Mrs. McCull~ugh wanted to know how the City felt. Mr. Annunziato replied that when the question is asked, they will have an answer. Mrs. McCullough promised to be back. Mrs. McCullough reiterated that the residents do not want parking or walls. They want trees. Kenneth F. Herndon, 3513 Lothair Avenue, owns two properties in the area. One is directly across the street from the annexation area. Mr. Herndon had not received any informa- tion on this at all and had to find it out from a neighbor. He showed where his property is. Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. Herndon that no State or local law requires that people be advised if land is being annexed, which was why he did not receive a notice. Mr. Herndon understood they were just talking about annex- ation, but he attended a P&Z Board meeting when the mall was being approved. They were requesting a variance to leave the trees there instead of placing the wall there. At that time, Mr. Rerndon said the residents were promised by DeBartolo that the property would remain a natural preserve. That was DeBartolo's selling point for moving the retention - 7 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACB, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 pond there, etc. The mall has only been open for two years, and Mr. Berndon said now they are into annexing and parking lots. Mr. Berndon said they could forget about annexing anything west of Lawrence Road, because not a soul will come into the City because of this. Be added that the parking lot at the mall is not full on the biggest day at Christmas time, and he questioned why they needed more parking. At the end of the mall, Jordan Marsh is dying, and Mr. Berndon understood they were about ready to move out. Be asked why another store and additonal parking had to be put there when there was already no need for it. James S. Boubrick, 3600 Kitely A~enue, showed that he lives r~ght across from the buffer zone for the mall. Be indicated the location of the parking for the mall and said nobody parks there. It is so empty, he flies kites with his daughter. Mr. Boubrick understood that if any development whatsoever happened there, it would be a park area. When he moved in they were building the mall, and a wall was built to separate the residents from the mall. Mr. Boubrick wanted to know if the traffic would go down Javert Street if the property is developed. Be emphasized that it is a residential area with little kids riding bikes up and down the street. If people go speeding down those streets, it will be a disaster. For clarification, Mrs. Buckle did not think there was ever any intention of building anything on that property other than a parking lot. The anchor store, or whatever, would undoubtedly be attached to the mall store. Mr. Boubrick still was against annexing the property and said the resi- dents want to keep the property the way it is now. Vice Chairman Wandelt informed him that whether it is annexed or not, it would not guarantee that the property will stay that way. Mr. Boubrick asked if the property had to be annexed before anybody could build on it. Mr. Ryder explained that if it stays an the County, it can be developed for commercial use. If the property is not annexed, Mr. Walshak asked if it was true that the City would not have a "handle" on what can or cannot be built there. Mr. Annunziato said the City will have an opportunity to comment through the Development of Regional I~pact (DRI) process the same as the County will have the Qpportunity to comment. Be agreed with Mr. Walshak - 8 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 that if the City annexed the property, the City would have a "better handle" on what will be there. Cynthia Corey, 3513 Marlow Avenue, bought her home in January and was told this property could not be developed because it was a preserved area. She was also told this past week by the Planning and Zoning Department of Boynton Beach that it would have to go through the State. Ms. Corey was also told that the wall was supposed to have trees on both sides and look nice, but it looks like "garbage". Ms. Corey emphatically said that they do not want anything there. The neighborhood feels if the property is annexed, something will happen, and they are upset. Mr. Walshak asked who in the Planning Department told her it would have to go through the State. Ms. Corey pointed to Mr. Golden, and Mr. Annunziato explained that the State forms part of the process for DRIs. The State is involved, but the State does not issue the land development order. After receiving answers to some questions she raised, Mrs. McCullough, first speaker, told the Members to view her neighborhood and then tell the residents if this is a good idea. There were more comments from the audience. Mrs. McCullough told the Board Members the residents will get in touch with the State, if that is what they need to do. Vice Chairman Wandelt stressed that the question tonight was annexation. Mrs. McCullough retorted that the residents wanted the Board to oppose the annexation, tax dollars or not. Joan Herndon, wife of Ken Herndon (second speaker), stated that they just bought on Lothair in March, and they are right on the corner. They had lived on Oberon. Mrs. Herndon stressed that they would not have bought the house on Lothair if they thought the trees would be knocked down or that anything more would be built. They were opposed to the wall to begin with. The Mall did not bother them because the trees are there. She repeated statements made by Mrs. McCullough. Vice Chairman Wandelt pointed out that whether the property is annexed or not, there would be no guarantee. Mrs. Herndon retorted that one step would lead to the next, DeBartolo would get his way again, the trees will go, and the property will be built on, whether it is a store or a parking lot. There are kids, residences and trees there, and - 9 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 to Mrs. Herndon, it seemed as though "the bucks were talking." Vice Chairman Wandelt advised that there would be another meeting. Mrs. Herndon was saying they should stop the project now. They were promised there would always be a buffer. Mrs. Herndon expounded. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if it is easier to get site plan approval in the County than in the City. Mr. Annunziato answered that the process would be the same, but it would still require an amendment to the development order, which approved the DRI. The development of this property will Still be a political decision. Mrs. Herndon became adamant in repeating her prior statements of opposition. Mr. Annunziato assured her that stopping it now would not do anything. Mrs. Herndon said they were told the site plan is already "in the works", and she elaborated. Brian Haddocks, 3604 Pandora Avenue, thought some of the folks were missing the point. He thought the Board knew better than the residents did what strategy the applicant had and what he intends to do with the property. As a whole, Mr. Haddocks thought the residents would like the Board Members to use their knowledge, consider what Mr. DeBartolo proposed in the past, what his agreements were when he built the Mall, and consider that against what his requests are now. Mr. Haddocks asked the Board to act responsively to the citizens present tonight. Tom Adams, 3562 Noreen Avenue, showed that he lives where the canal comes through. He was born and raised in Florida and hunted and fished on the property before it was developed. Mr. Adams felt there had been enough development in Boynton Beach. He believed hawks nested on the property two years ago and thought the animals wanted to stay an the County, where the trees are. Vice Chairman Wandelt declared THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Attorney Conahan wished to comment further. In making this approach, Attorney Conahan said Mr. DeBartolo has been very straightforward in indicating what the plans are. He agreed they would like another anchor store. If that requires this area for parking when the site plan is reviewed, Attorney Conahan said they will ask to use some of that space for parking. Nevertheless, DeBartolo, in their site plans, does not propose, nor did he believe the City or the County would - 10 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 permit any traffic access on that corner of the property. DeBartolo has no interest in putting any traffic in that neighborhood on Javert Street. If parking is necessary on that site and even if the public officials of Boynton Beach allow parking on a portion of that site, Attorney Conahan said DeBartolo will work very hard to save whatever trees can be saved on the site. In looking at the site, he said there is quite a bit of open space where there are no trees, so they will work carefully with that. Attorney Conahan thought the residents should understand that the development order specifies that the property is open space right now. They cannot change the use of it as open space until they process the appropriate amendments to the order. There will be further public hearings on that matter, and DeBartolo has specifically set forth in the annexation agreement that he fully understands that until the development order permits using that for other than open space, they are not going to use it for anything but open space. If it stays in the County and is not annexed, Attorney Conahan said they can still process the same applications. Attorney Conahan told the Members the annexation would give the City greater control over the property at this point. If it is processed through the County, the City would not see the property except for comment to the County. If they annex the property, Attorney Conahan said this Board would be sitting in review of any site plans or Comprehensive Plan changes. Attorney Conahan elaborated on how the Board would be able to control the property and said right now, the Board does not control the property, except for comments. He asked the Board to move forward on the annexation, then they will come back and propose their plans and allow the neighbors to come in with their comments when they do. Mr. Annunziato commented that the Boynton Mall was approved as a DRI, which meant the approval required review and comment by the Regional Planning Council and the DCA of State planning. That same process will be triggered by any change which results in modification of that open space in any manner. It is also triggered by any change which adds more than 50,000 square feet of commercial area to the mall. The applicant has been honest about suggesting that in the future they intend to submit to the City, if annexed, or to the County, if it is not annexed, depending on what the 11 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 issues are in terms of land use, a request to amend the development order which approved the DRI. If it is processed in the City, Mr. Annunziato advised that not only will that procedure be triggered, but it will also trigger a request to amend the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan and to rezone the property if the open space is involved. At that point, all property owners with- in 400 feet will be notified by mail. Mr. Annunziato said that would ensure that property owners in the unincorporated County and those in the City are aware of the change in the zoning and land use so those public hearings, unlike the annexation public hearings, do require a more detailed public notice. At that time, there will be ample time for public comment, not only to the City but to the Regional Planning Council. Mr. Annunziato stated that there was no guarantee that, at any step along the way, there were auto- matic approvals here, and he explained. Mr. Lehnertz asked Mr. Annunziatc to expand on how the City looks at this in terms of the Evaluation and Appraisal (E&A) report. tion in hensive an open poses. amended Mr. Annunziato replied that there is a recommenda- the City's E&A report, which is an interim Compre- Plan, that requires that this property be placed in space category and be zoned for recreational pur- That is subject to change upon approval of the DRI development order. Attorney Conahan stated that he was not here in 1974, 1976, and 1978, when~ the various items were processed through the Regional Planning Council. He informed everyone that he used to be Chairman of the Regional Planning Council, so he had some idea of the process. From what Attorney Conahan could see from the record, there was no agreement to keep the area open space. There was a requirement of their application that was imp0sed upon the application. Attorney Conahan saidthey accepted the development order as proposed ahd built the mall with that open space as required. After repeating previous statements, Attorney Conahan said DeBartolo feels there is a demand for another anchor tenant, and they feel the public had a right to have input as to what they should do there. At the same time, Attorney Conahan wanted to express that they were not kidding anybody and not reneging on any agreements. They were simply stat- ing that they saw a demand for that and propose to process the application to bring in another anchor. If the people in the area and the Boards, after reviewing this, feel it 12 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BOARD AUGUST 11, 1987 is an appropriate use, they will ask for that. Attorney Conahan emphasized that they were not asking for that tonight. Very often, when you see annexations, there are no particular agreements. Attorney Conahan said they were coming forward with an agreement, specifying that they understand the rules of the game they are playing under and that if it is not granted, they will not get it. He stressed that no agreements in the past, that he knew of, were being violated by asking for either the annexation tonight or later when they process any other changes in the development order, Comprehensive Plan, or rezonings. Mrs. Huckle asked if Attorney Conahan had any knowledge of why Mr. DeBartolo did not choose to annex this particular section into the City when the rest of the area was annexed. Attorney Conahan did not. He only assumed it was because it was open space, and they had no plans for it at the time. At the time this came in, Mr. Blanchette recalled he was on the Community Appearance Board (CAB), and it was brought up that the property was being held in its natural state. He did not know if there was any agreement, but it was inferred that it would remain that way. Mr. Blanchette felt a way to resolve it would be to go back into the CAB minutes when they brought it up to the CAB for approval. With this property partly in the County and partly in the City, Attorney Conahan said they would have to process independent processes in the County. However, with it in the City~ there would be a greater opportunity to save the open space and trees where they would have one entity with one set of Codes reviewing the proces~s, and which would be able to process variances that would allow adjustments in the parking design or open space. Attorney Conahan felt the Board really had an opportunity to look at it and to allow the Planning Staff to review whatever applicatins come forward and make suggestions to save some or all of the open space. He expounded. Attorney Conahan assured the people that the annexation was not that they would tear down the trees. It was that they would have one jurisdiction where they could address all of the Codes at one time, and it may very well give the Board the opportunity to allow the applicant to develop another appropriate store with very little impact on the open space area. It would make it easier to save than if they were not in the City. - 13 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mrs. Huckle assumed it would have been paramount in the original annexation for them to round off the property at that time, and why it was not brought in puzzled her. Attorney Conahan thought part of it was the changes they have seen so rapidly in this area. If they were not going to do anything with it, they probably decided to leave it the way it was. Mr. Ryder thought they had to stick to the fact that, at the present time, annexation was being requested. He thought they had heard assurances that when it is followed up, people will have every opportunity to speak up. Mr. Ryder appreciated the fact that the residents would like to keep what they have, but said they must also understand that eventually something will happen there, whether it remains an the County or comes within the City. People in the audience began shouting, "Why do we have to understand?" Mr. Ryder told the audience the Board heard enough, had a long agenda, and they had been given an hour. A man in the audience wanted to know where he could get a copy of the original agreement which preserved the northwest corner. Mr. Annunziato advised them that they should get a copy of the Resolution from Palm Beach County which approved the development order for the DRI at the Boynton Beach Mall. He explained that those portions of the development order, which still enforce restrictions an Palm Beach County, and which relate to this property, are still enforceable by the County Commission. It was adopted when the City annexed the property. The law mandates that. Pursuant to other questions from the audience, Mr. Annunziato told the residents that he had a copy of the Resolution from the County in his office, if they wanted a copy. Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request for annexation, seconded by Mr. Walshak. A roll call vote on the motion taken as follows: wa s Dr. Jackier - No Mrs. Huckle - No Vice Chairman Wandelt - Yes Mr. Ryder - Yes Mr. Walshak - Yes Mr. Blanchette - No Mr. Russo - No The vote was 3-4. The motion FAILED. - 14 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Vice Chairman Wandelt would come before the they will be there. asked if the residents understood this City Commission. They replied that ABANDONMENT Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: New Palm Way James Leary Seacrest Villas Association City of Boynton Beach East of North Federal Highway, Oak Street and Lake Street between Lot 53, Block 2, W. S. Shepherds Sub- division, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 8, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Mr. Golden said the subject right-of-way is an improved 25 foot right-of-way. New Palm Way serves as the only link between Oak Street, which lies to the north, and Lake Street, which lies to the south. Mr. Golden was informed by the agent that the purpose of the abandonment is to allow for the closing of New Palm Way, at Lake Street, for internal security purposes. The City Engineer notified the public utilities, and no public utilities objected to the abandonment. With respect to the City departments, a memo from the Utilities Department indicated that the right-of-way abandonment could be approved, subject to the dedication of an easement. The Police and Planning Departments objected to the abandonment as it would hinder response to emergency calls, as well as efforts to patrol the area. If abandoned, Mr. Golden pointed out that it would create two dead end streets with- out cul-de-sacs and would severely hinder efficient flow through that area. If approved, the City Engineer recommended that an easement should be dedicated the full width of the r~ght-of-way for utility purposes. James Leary, Vice President of Seacrest Villas Association, 1820 New Palm Way, Apt. 204, was representing 63 members. He said the abandonment was a matter of security because the members of the Association have been victimized by crimes. Last year, they had 11 crimes, which they felt was a lot. The people want to secure their lifestyle. 15 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Leary thouqht a mistake was made because the residents did not want to close the Lake Street entrance. They only wish to close the termination of their property line, and they wish to fence around their area. Mr. Leary informed Mr. Ryder that you cannot go into New Palm Way from Oak Street, but you can from Lake Street. Mr. Leary also said they will give the City an easement. He said the termina- tion of their property is 134 feet from Lake Street. Mr. Ryder observed that they would not be able to go from Lake Street to Oak Street on Palm Way. Mr. Leary indicated on the overlay what the residents wanted. Mr. Ryder went down Lake Street, up New Palm Way, and along Oak Street. It seemed to him that they would have incidents where people would get trapped in there and have a hard time getting out. Mr. Leary argued that New Palm Way will still be ~here, but it would baa private road. They wish to ha~e some control over people that come in and vandalize them. Mr. Ryder stated that both streets dead end either at the park or at the Intracoastal. The only means~ of access is from Federal Highway. Mr. Ryder said that was probably why the Police, Utilities, and Fire Departments had problems. After comments, Mr. Leary stated that he dis not see the need for the Police to go through their parking lot. No homes are on the other half of New Palm Wa~. The other addresses are on Oak Street. Mrs. Huckle read the memo dated August 5, 1987, from the Police Department. Mr. Leary expressed that 1/2 of the 134 feet of the street is their parking area. The other 146 feet of the street goes past a mango tree and the side of a house. Mr. Leary did not know what patroling would be done there. Mrs. Huckle stated that the Police would patrol the whole area. Mr. Leary asked how inconvenient it would be for the Police to go up Federal Highway, which is a much better road, and drive down Oak Street. Bis unit is the only house on Lake Street. Mr. Leary did not see a great inconvenience, and he expounded. With the increase in traffic and development, Mr. Ryder said they want to provide increased access for cars and not block off streets the City already has. In his mind, this would be an awful mistake. Mrs. Huckle asked if Mr. Leary talked to any of the resi- dents on Oak Street. Mr. Leary drew attention to the two names on the application. He knew of no reason why anyone - 16 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 would use that street. All it does is connect the bottom end of each street, where there are no buildings. It is just an open alleyway for anybody wanting to "hit" their area. Mr. Blanchette asked what type of vandalism or "hits" they do. He noted that the Police said they could not make a proper patrol of the area if the street is closed. Mr. Blanchette asked if Mr. Leary was going to say the Police are not making the proper patrol now. Mr. Leary had a Police report and reiterated that members of his community asked that he represent them, and they were asking the Board for help. Mr. Blanchette asked if people are robbed when they go into the parking lot, because it is not lighted up enough. Mr. Leary replied that they are lighting and trying to light. The City Commission has given approval of increased lighting on Oak Street and Lake Street. They are increasing their lighting by 50%. Mr. Leary said people come from the park. Sometimes they are a little happy or in high spirits, and the residents "are hit" on their way through. It is not that they will ever close the street or deny access to the City, but they want the right to challenge someone who comes in and ask them why they are in the area and headed for the condominium. Dr. Jackier asked if they would have a security gate at that point. Mr. Leary answered that they would not have a security gate. They will just have their own people. Hope- fully, they will be able to ask a person coming in who they are visiting. Mr. Leary informed Mrs. Huckle that they do not want a physical barrier on Lake Street. They just want a physical barrier at the northern end of Seacrest Villas property, which is 134 feet into New Palm Way. It is not the full street. Mrs. Huckle observed it was about half of New Palm Way, and there would be a physical barricade, so they could not get over to Oak Street. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the application. John Zemke, 1820 New Palm Way, #408, said if they put a fence halfway through New Palm Way, anybody going through there will be trapped. He said their cars are being stolen. They have insurance, but it is still costing them money. 17 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Vandals are breaking the windows and breaking into the cars. If they are in there and a patrol car comes in there, they will be trapped. If a patrol car comes into their parking lot, the vandals see it and just go on out Oak Street. If the patrol car comes down Oak Street, the vandals will go out Lake Street. If a patrol car goes down Oak Street and there is a barricade, Mrs. Huckle thought they would be prohibited from apprehending someone. Mr. Zemke said they do not want access roads and do not want cars going there. If the vandals know there is a f.ence across New Palm Way, they may think twice about going there because they will not have a quick exit. They drive stolen cars out of the lot like they own them, and Mr. Zemke commented that the place is lit up right now. Mr. Zemke confirmed Mrs. Huckle's statement that cars have actually been stolen from there~ He added that there has been a lot of vandalism, breaking of windows, and attempts to steal cars. Four or five cars have actually been stolen. The rest were broken into and damaged, plus steering columns were broken. Mrs. Huckle asked if they have fencing around their parking lot. Mr. Zemke replied,"No." If they could put a fence across there, Mr. Zemke thought they could fence their area, and anybody coming down Lake S%reet, etc,. could pull into their area to turn around, Via Laga, or go back to Federal Highway. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if there was ample room to turn around there. Mr. Zemke replied that they have a bi~ parking lot. They have a parking lot on the east and west sides of New Palm Way. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if they could make a cul- de-sac there. Mr. Zemke did not think it would be necessary. As no one else wished to speak in favor, and no one wished to speak in opposition to the request, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Ryder referred to the comments from the Fire, Utilities, and Police Departments, who were opposed to the abandonment. When he was there today, he saw the need for it to remain as it is, because there is no other way in except by Federal Highway. Both streets dead line. Mr. Ryder was reluctant to go along with closing public streets, and felt it would be the wrong thing to do. Mr. Walshak drew attention to the memo dated July 21 from the Director of Utilities, which he thought indicated that - 18 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 the abandonment could be done, provided right-of-way ease- ments would be established. He looked at the memo from the Police Department, which said the abandonment would hinder their response to emergency calls and their effort to patrol the area, which he could not understand inasmuch as Police respondinq to that area either come down Lake Street or Oak Street. They would not come down Lake Street and cut through a parking lot to get to Oak Street. If they had to go to Oak Street, they would turn off of Federal Highway. In response, Mr. Walshak said they would not drop down one street to cut through a parking lot to get to another street. Mr. Walshak commented that this was not a different situa- tion than what many condominium areas on Federal ~ighway ~aaVe now, where there is only one access ~n. He alluded to tersedge. Mr. Walshak did not feel their request was any different than the majority of condominium areas on the Intracoastal side of Federal Highway. He thought for the security and peace of mind of the residents, the Board should give them the abandonment. Mr. Ryder noticed this afternoon that their means of access is by New Palm Way and not by Oak Street or Lake Street. F~ire equipment would have to go in by New Palm Way to get to the buildings. There was discussion. Mr. Annunziato Clari- fied th. at this was a request to abandon the right-of-way, which runs from Oak Street to Lake Street. The applicants are des~irous of the abandonment so they can split the street in an e~st/west manner so cars cannot traverse from Lake Street to Oak Street. The Police and Fire Departments have suggested that to do this would hinder their ability to r~spond in an emergency. Any time you reduce the ability to circalate in an area, Mr. Annunziato said you reduce the ability to respond in an emergency. Mr. Annunziato said a fence there will not stop vandals and car thiefs because the Police will not be able to respond in a concerted way on two streets as opposed to one. Mrs. Huckle understood if there was no access from New Palm Way to the condominium on Lake Street, they would have to go through the parking lot to get to the building. Mr. Annunziato believed that was what Mr. Ryder was saying. There was discussion. Mrs. Huckle wondered if the dumpsters would be a problem. Mr. Leary responded that the dumpsters are at the northern extreme of their property at New Palm Way, inside of where they wish to put the fence. He emphasized that their appli- cation does not say that they wish to close New Palm Way - 19 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 between Lake Street and Oak Street. They merely wish to close what was formerly Lot 53, and that composes only half of New Palm Way and terminates on the northern boundaray of their property. They have no wish to close off the other half of that small section on the other end of New Palm Way. Mr. Annunziato asked if the fence would go across the entire width of the pavement. Mr. Leary answered, "The entire width of the pavement, at the northern section of our property." Mr. Annunziato informed him that would terminate the ability to go north/south on New Palm Way. Mr. Leary agreed. Mr. Annunziato said that was his point. Mr. Leary stated that they were not concerned with the rest of the street. They wanted to protect themselves. Mr. Ryder moved to DENY the request for abandonment, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. The motion carried 5-2. Mr. Blanchette and Mr. Walshak voted in opposition to the motion. The request was DENIED. The Board took a break at 9:05 P. M., and the meeting resumed at 9:12 P. M. B. SUBDIVISIONS MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Melear Planned Unit Development (PUD) Kieran J. Kilday Larry Melear West side of North Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-20 and L-21 canals Request for the approval of an amended master plan to allow for a modification to paragraph No. 6 of the Agreement between City of Boynton Beach and the Melear Family for Construction of Roadway Improvements" Mr. Golden read Mr. Annunziato's memo of July 7, 1987, which was addressed to City Manager Cheney. (See "Addendum D" attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.) He then read paragraph 6 of the agreement and said the applicant is proposing to delete the four laning of Lantana Road from the section of the agreement. An updated traffic report prepared by the owner's Traffic Engineer, K. S. Rogers, indicated that Lantana Road is not critical in terms of traffic volume with 20 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BOARD AUGUST 11, 1987 respect to the project. The change would allow for the issuance of building permits for the remaining 50% of the units upon the four laning of Hypoluxo Road. The recently completed Sandalwood project represents the initial 50% of the units at the Metear PUD. The Technical Review Board (TRB) recommended that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change to the original approval for this modification and that the P&Z Board accept the recommendation of the County Traffic Engineer and approve this request, conditioned upon the language in the Traffic Engineer's correspondence. The request went before the City Commission on July 21st, at which time the request was determined not to be a substantial change, and the City Commission voted to forward the request to the P&Z Board. Mrs. Huckle read the last paragraph in Mr. Annunziato's memorandum, and explained that Mr. Walker said, "until such time as Hypoluxo Road from 1-95 to Congress Avenue and Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to L-28 Canal are constructed as 4 lane facilities." She said the proposal here was, "when the contracts are let." Mrs. Huckle felt this was a conflict of terminology that she thought was very important.to be resolved in the Board's consideration. Mr. Golden said the approval should read, "Subject to the conditions stated in the correspondence from the County Traffic Engineer." (See Addendum E attached to the original copy of these minutes in the office of the City Clerk.) Kieran J. Kilday, Landscape Architect, Kilday & Associates, Landscape Architects/Planners, 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, was going to present the same clarification. Their initial request was as read. They did a traffic study, including actual traffic counts. Based on that, there was the change in the language which, while Lantana Road was deleted, Congress Avenue was added, and there was the recommendation that the construction be completed. Mr. Kilday stated that they are aware of those changes, and the recommendations are acceptable to them. Mrs. Buckle moved to approve the master plan modification, including all staff comments, and with the language clarifi- cation that the four lane roadways are to be constructed, not just that the contract is let, before paragraph 6 of the agreement comes into conformity with the applicant's request. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. 21 - MINUTES BOYNTON PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Golden said the language was in the letter from the County Traffic Engineer. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that was different from the Planning Department's original submitted request from the applicant. Vice Chairman Wandelt repeated the motion, with the addition of the comments contained in the letter from the County Traffic Engineer (Addendum E), which Mr. Ryder agreed to. A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. C. SITE PLANS Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Addison Square Tom Scott Margaret J. Voltz South Seacrest Boulevard at S. E. 23rd Avenue, southeast corner Request for site plan approval to construct an 11,000 square foot professional office building on .475 acres Mr. Golden said this request followed a request previously submitted for a parking lot variance. The variance was approved by the Board several months ago and provided for driveways onto Seacrest Boulevard and S. Eo 23rd Avenue. The office building would consist of two floors with below building parking. With regard to architectural design, the applicant submitted the required renderings, which Mr. Golden explained. The type of construction was not speci- fied. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff commentsm Mr. Ryder called attention to the memo from Bob Eichorst, Acting Director, Department of Public Works, and asked how they would get around that comment. Mr. Annunziato replied that the garbage would be collected on site, not using dumpsters. When this came before the Board for a variance, Mr. Ryder recollected it wound up with curb cuts on both streets (Seacrest and S. E. 23rd Avenue). Tom Scott, Agent, 600 Egret Circle 7303, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, said they had considerable and lengthy dis- cussions with the staff and resolved all of the problems. At the time they were here, the issue of a 15 foot right-of- way came up. They had since agreed to give the right-of- way, and they reduced the size of the building somewhat. Mr. Scott added that they also reduced the number of parking - 22 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 spaces. The structure they have is by a highly respected and award winning Architect, and he felt it would enhance the area and set a precedent on the corner. Mr. Scott expounded. Mr. Walshak asked what had been decided about the trees on site now. Mr. Scott replied that a lot of pavement and building in on site. The trees that are there are not a substantial size and can be moved. Mr. Scott said they will save what they can and what they cannot save, they will replace. Mr. Walshak referred to Mr. Hallahan's memo of August 7, 1987. Mr. Annunziato advised that it is a Code requirement that the applicant advise that trees exist on site and what he intends to do with them, and it-has to be detailed on his plans. The first time Mr. Scott came before the Board, Mrs. Huckle recalled there was conversation that had to do with the parking lot. The question came up as to whether they would use the facilitiy for medical purposes. The answer was, "No." She asked if the plans changed and if there would be medical offices. Mr. Scott answered affirmatively. Because the building was reduced in size, there was extra parking. When they previously came before the Board, the parking was only adequate to allow General Commercial, not medical. Now the parking would allo~ partial medical. At their first appearance, Mrs. Huckle recollected that variance was the main issue, and they talked about how much traffic would be generated. If there was medical use, there would be more traffic than if there were offices, and she explained. It was brought out by the applicant's represen- tative that it would not include medical. Mrs. Huckle thought it was more likely for the variance to be approved when they came back had it not included medical. She was establishing, for the record, that, apparently, it had changed. Mr. Scott reiterated that the building was reduced in size, and this was addressed when they were before the Board the second time. The medical impact was spread over a daily cycle and did not impact at peak load, which was the main concern, but he understood what Mrs. Huckle was saying. Mrs. Huckle asked how much parking would be under the build- ing. Mr. Scott replied, "Probably only about 30%." He had no problems with the staff comments. Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments (attached as Addendum F to the original copy of - 23 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk), seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried 7-0. Project Name: Agent: Owner~ Location: Legal Description: Description: Best Western Motel Dennis Childs C.D.S. Associates West side of South Federal S. E. 18th Avenue and S. E. Highway, between 20th Avenue The N. 250' of the S. 1460' of the E½ of the NE¼ lying west of the west right-of-way line of Dixie Highway (State Road No. 5) in Sec. 33, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Request for site plan approval to construct a 150 room motel with a 148 seat restaurant/ lounge, including a shared parking allocation Mr. Golden said the owner is proposing to raze the existing structure and build a new motel. The new facility will have four stories and will include a 840 square foot conference room. 212 parking spaces will be located at the front and rear of the building. Mr. Golden told the Members that the applicant submitted a traffic report prepared by Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc., which recommends that two driveways be provided onto Federal Highway. The north driveway shall be a right turn in, right turn out only, as a concrete median exists on Federal High- way at that point. Mr. Ryder asked if that was for ingress only. Mr. Golden answered that there is no access from the northbound side because there is a solid median. Concerning the south driveway, it is proposed that an existing curb cut on Federal Highway be reconstructed to create a northbound left turn stacking lane. Mr. Golden apprised the Board that there is a cut there now, but it does not have the left turn stacking lane. The report from Kimley Horn recommended the reconfiguration of the median to allow the left turn stacking to enter the property at the south driveway, so they will have full right and left turn movements ingressing and egressing from both lanes. The driveway will be configured with three lanes (one ingress and two egress). Mr. Golden said one egress lane will be for the left turn egress and the other will be for the right turn egress. - 24 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BOARD AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Ryder thought it would have been helpful if the appli- cant had shown the change in the median, which would provide for the left turn. As a part of the staff comments, Mr. Golden said it was recommended that, prior to permitting, the applicant show the details of the turn lane construction on their drawings. Mr. Golden said they propose to keep the tennis courts in the northwest corner and to construct a pool and shuffle- board courts on the south side of the motel. The applicant will also be required to dedicate a right-of-way for S. E. 3rd Street, and he explained. The applicant was also requesting approval of a shared park- ing allocation for the hotel, which includes a restaurant and a lounge. The shared parking analysis was also prepared by Kimley Horn, and it indicated that the peak parking demand for the facility will occur on Saturdays, during the peak season, at 8:00 P. M. During the peak hour, they will be maintaining the minimum 10% buffer required by the zoning regulations. Colored elevations were submitted, and Mr. Golden said there was a color scheme. He explained the rendering to the Board. The TRB recommended approval subject to the staff comments attached as Addendum G to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. Dennis Childs, Architect, Dennis Childs and Associates, P.A., 2400 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 803, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, said the colors shown on the rendering were very closely represented the colors that will be on the final building. He stated that they had also submitted a color board with paint chips and the color numbers that will be used on the building. Mr. Childs informed Mr. Ryder that the predominant color of the building will be taupe, which is between a beige and gray, but it also has a little bit of a raspberry tinge. There was discussion about the renderings of the applicant. Mr. Walshak asked if air conditioning units were sticking out on the east elevation. Mr. Childs replied that they were not air conditioning units. They were flush grills. Mr. Blanchette asked if that would be consistent on all eleva- tions, and Mr. Childs answered affirmatively. Mr. Ryder asked if the units were individual or part of a central system. Mr. Childs replied that the units in the rooms are individual. The units for the common areas (restaurant, lounge, meeting room, etc.) are part of the central system. 25 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mrs. Huckle asked where the compressors for the central system be. Mr. Childs answered that they will be on the roof. They have a five foot parapet all around the entire roof, and nothing will project above that. Mr. Childs indicated the parapet on the rendering and explained. The parapet will be white, and the white will be carried down the stair tower. The stucco in between will be taupe, and there will be dark gray glass. Green house windows will be where the restaurant and lounge are, in front of the building. There will be a concrete canopy with a driveway underneath. Late Friday afternoon, Mr. Childs said they received a request that they have a problem with, and he proposed that they work with staff to see if they could work it out. Of all of the comments, Mr. Childs thought it was the only thing they had a problem with. Since they just received the comment and there was not time tonight to adjust for it, Mr. Childs stressed that they could not wait another month. He wished to proceed forward, with the Board's positive recom- mendation, on the project. Mr. Childs went on record to state that they would be working with Tom Clark, City Engineer, or anyone else at staff level, that might want to be involved regarding the 25 foot additional right-of-way that was requested by the City. At the time of the TRB meeting, they were under the ~mpression that the right-of-way was perhaps going to be 20 feet and were then informed that it could be as much as 25 feet. Unfortunately, it came out to be 25 feet in the request they just received. Mr. Childs said that would put the wall they are required to have along their west property boundary, on the other side of the tennis Courts, one foot from the tennis courts fence. The foundation of the wall would come to within one foot of the existing tennis court, so there would not be room for any landscaping or the six inch line they have to install to create their loop for fire protection water lines. Mr. Childs explained. He said they could live with the 20 foot right-of-way, but 25 feet made it extremely difficult for them to preserve the tennis courts, which they very much want to do. Mr. Childs pointed this out on the overlay. Giving up the property per se was no problem, except that they would not be able to comply with the other requests, such as installing the six inch water main, putting up a six foot masonry wall, and still keep the tennis courts, which Mr. Childs stated are in excellent condition. He added that there was no real reason to tear the tennis courts down. 26 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Annunziato commented that the problem which occurred there concerned what amounted to the center line of S. E. 3rd Avenue, from that point northward. From approximately the south one-third of the property southward, there is an existing 30 foot right-of-way. Mr. Annunz~ato drew attention to the sketch prepared by the Engineering Depart- ment. However, as you go north, the center line of the right-of-way shifts to the east, consistent with rights-of- way dedications previously required. In other words, for this property and the property north of it, Mr. Annunziato said half of the right-of-way will come off of each property. He explained and added that he did not know how they would overcome that problem if the minimum requirement for a public r~ght-of,way is 50 feet. One potential might be to shift the tennis courts eastward, but that would mean reconstruction of the tennis ceurts. There was discussion. Mr. Annunziato could not answer the applicant's comments conclusively at this point. Mr. Childs asked if there was an intention to put a road through on 3rd~Street in the fairly near future, or if it is something that can happen in ten or fifteen years. Mr. Annunziato thought it could happen in the near future. He said the potential for connecting 3rd Street, where it currently exists south of here to where it will intersect with 18th~ as now very real. Mr. Annunziato said the City Commission would have to make a decision to utilize a funding source to condemn and take properties, if the properties to the north do not develop, and then build the road right-of-way, or it would have the option of waiting u~til the properties north of it and on the west side of the future right-of-way would develop. Mr. Annunziato stated that this was a request placed in the Comprehensive Plan in 1979, and the City has been acting to implement it over the years. The decision to expedite that may occur as it gets closer and closer to being possible. Mr. Childs asked, because his client asked that if they thought nothing could be done about reducing~ the right-of- way request, that if the building or the improving of the right-of-way was something that was not eminent, perhaps the six foot wall could be built in the right-of'way with an agreement with the C~ty that upon their reqq~st, it would be torn down and rebuilt in the location where it would ultimately have to go. Mr. Annunziato replied that the Engineering Department told the Board where the right-of-way will go in a memo. He thought putting a wall in the future right-of-way would be 27 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 defeating the purpose. Mr. Annunziato elaborated and then said the TRB asked the Engineering Department to locate the right-of-way through the applicant's property directly to the north, which the Engineer had done. Mr. Ryder thought Mr. Childs should agree to make modifica- tions to the tennis court. Mr. Childs agreed. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if he would agree with all staff comments. Mr. Childs replied that he and his client would. Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request, comments and the required easement. Mr. the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. subject to staff Blanchette seconded Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Boynton Beach Municipal Complex Miller, Meier, Kenyon, Cooper Architects and Engineers, Inc. City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boulevard at Seacrest Boule- vard, southeast corner A parcel of land lying in Sec. 28, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., said land being described as follows: Lots 2 thru 25, of the plat of Boynton Center, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 12 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, less the right-of-way for N. E. 2nd Avenue (Boynton Beach Boulevard) and Seacrest Boulevard Request for site plan approval to allow for the expansion and renovation of the existing municipal complex including City Hall, the Fire Department, the Police Department, the Building, Planning and Engineering Depart- ment and construction of a 140 space park- ing garage. Included is a shared parking allocation for the Commission Chambers Ms. Heyden gave a brief summary of the City's request and added that the City was granted a Board of Adjustment variance last month for a parking garage setback. The CAB will review the City,s appeal application for the required five foot landscape strip between N. E. 1st Avenue and the parking lot on Monday, August 17th. Ms. Heyden said the Zoning Code requires 287 parking spaces, and 274 parking spaces are provided. However, only 274 parking spaces are needed since the parking of the 28 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Commissioners occurs during the evening hours in contrast to the 8:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. operating hours. Not only did the Zoning Code shared parking provision allow for a 50 parking s~ace reduction, but Ms. Heyden said during the hours of 8:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M., there is a surplus of 37 parking spaces. Ms. Heyden said the colored elevations before the Board showed the construction and color scheme of the complex. The TRB recommended approval of the site plan and shared parking study, subject to staff comments (attached as Addendum H to the original copy of these minutes). Mr. Golden explained the renderings and elevations, and William DeBeck, 9roject Manager, said the municipal garage would have four levels. Mr. DeBeck informed Mrs. Huckle that the same color of white ~hat exists on the west wing would be repeated throughout the project. He showed where the new east wing would go. Mrs. Huckle asked what the treatment is on the northern elevation of the new Commission Chambers. Mr. DeBeck replied that it is semi-translucent, and he explained. Mr. DeBeck told the Members they would not be able to see through it during the day, and it will look like a white surface during the night because the light will come through it. It will glow during the n~ght. Mrs. Huckle asked what the sun would do. Mr. DeBeck answered that it will look like a sky light effect inside. Mrs. Huckle wondered if that would affect the air conditioning. Mr. DeBeck assured her that it would not because it is an insulated panel. He elaborated. Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the site plan, including the shared parking allocation for the Commission Chambers, subject to staff comments. Dr. Jackier seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 4. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Beach Library Miller, Meier, Kenyon, Cooper Architects and Engineers, Inc. City of Boynton Beach South SeacreSt Boulevard at S. E. 2nd Avenue, northeast corner Request for site plan approval to allow for an addition to the library Ms. Heyden said the City is proposing a one story addition to the north and east sides of the existing library~ The - 29 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 CAB will hear the City's appeal application for the five foot landscape strip between the south parking lot and S. E. 2nd Avenue on Monday, August 17th. The colored elevations showed that it will match the existing colors and material of the library. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached as Addendum I to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. Mr. Ryder said there is a road now between the tennis courts and the east wall of the library. Mr. Annunziato informed him that the road will be closed. Mrs. Huckle observed that there will be no circulation around the back of the library. There was discussion. Mr. Annunziato said the parking lot would be constructed directly east of the library. ~. DeBeck explained the parking and the circulation to a ive in window. City Manager Cheney interjected that the parking lot to the south would primarily be an employees parking lot. Mrs. Huckle thought if the parking lot was for the employees, it would not need circulation. City Manager Cheney told Mrs. Huckle this would more than double the size of the present library. Mrs. Huckle asked if it would allow for .a second story, if needed. City Manager Cheney advised that two story libraries are very inefficient from a manpower and operation point of view. There was discussion. Mr. Ryder moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 5. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Beach Public Works Complex Miller, Meier, Kenyon, Cooper, Architects and Engineers Inc. City of Boynton Beach N. E. 9th Avenue at N. E. 1st Street, southeast corner Request for site plan approval to allow for an expansion of the existing public works complex Ms. Heyden told the Members the expansion will include a one story addition to the existing shop and maintenance building, a new administration building, storage warehouse, and vehicle maintenance building. At the last P&Z meeting, the Board approved an abandonment of a right-of-way, which forms the southern boundary of the Public Works complex. Also, at the last meeting, the parking lot variance was requested to make 30 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 three driveways onto N. E. 9th Avenue. This variance created safer and more efficient ingress and egress and enables an employee parking area to exist outside of the fenced, secured area. The Board of Adjustment granted a variance last month to permit a ten foot high buffer wall and security fence around the perimeter of the complex. The colored elevations sub- mitted by the Architect showed the construction and color scheme of the complex. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached as Addendum J to the original copy of these minutes. Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the application, subject to staff comments. Dr. Jackier seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. 6. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Desription: Palm Beach Post at Boynton Distribution Center Richard Wensing Architects & Planners, P.A. Regent Associates High Ridge Road at Industrial Way, end of cul-de-sac Lot 12, Boynton Beach Distribution Center, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 47, Pages 100 and 101, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida Request for site plan approval to allow for construction of an 11,100 square foot ware- house distribution facility for the Palm Beach Post Ms. Heyden indicated the location of the site and said park- ing is provided on the east side of the warehouse. The colored elevations provided by the Architect showed that the warehouse will have a silver gray stucco finish. The type of construction was not specified on the elevations. Jeffrey Sherman, Project Architect, of Richard Wensing Archi- tects & Planners, P. A., 1280 North Congress Avenue, 9100, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409, was familiar with all of the staff comments and was in full agreement with all of them, except that the Building Department asked that details of the pylon sign be submitted to the CAB. Mr. Sherman informed the Members that his client, Regent Associates, is not supplying the sign for the Palm Beach Post, and they have told the Palm Beach Post they will have to submit their sign 31 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 for approval. He stated that they could not get the sign approved at this time. What they were proposing was just a single tenant building. It will be a local distribution building for the local paper carriers. A service truck comes in once a day and drops off the newspapers for local distribution. People pick the news- papers up and distribute them around the Boynton Beach area. Mr. Sherman informed Mr. Ryder that this activity usually occurs between 3:00 and 6:00 P. M. Mr. Sherman continued that they have provided almost double the amount of parking that is required. He stated that they have not really pushed, probably because it is a single tenant building. It is 30%, which is less than half of what is allowed in that zoning district. Mr. Sherman felt it would be an asset to the community. Mrs. Huckle inquired how many employees they anticipate. Mr. Sherman replied that there are only eight full-time employees in the office area. Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the request, subject to all staff comments attached as Addendum K to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. D. SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Lake Werth Mariner Village Robert E. Kuoppala, Architect Boynton Mariner Village Homeowners Association North Federal Highway at N. E. 12th east side Avenue, A plat of a portion of Sec. 22, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E, and also being a replat of a portion of Lots 18 thru 26, Wilms Way, as recorded in Plat Book 23, page 110, a portion of Government Lot 3; and Lots 1 thru 5, Blk. 2, LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 11, page 71, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida Request for approval of an amended site plan to permit the addition of two motorized sliding security gates and a chain link fence 32 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 MS. Heyden said the applicant is proposing to amend the site plan to permit the installation of two motorized sliding gates at N. E. 12th Avenue and Marine Drive, a walk through gate at each motorized gate, and a six foot high chain link fence surrounding the property. The notation on the site plan indicates that a full-time staff member will be avail- able to open the gate for garbage collection and other services and deliveries. Police and Fire will enter, using a programmed code. Ms. ~eyden said a letter from the applicant contradicts this notation on the site plan by saying the system is not manned but is fully automatic, and residents will enter by activat- ing the gate with a remote activator. Guests will have to call residents at the gate, so residents can dial an opening code. Exiting will be automatic upon approaching the gate. The TRB recommended denial of the modication for the follow- ing reasons: 1. No backup system is provided in the event of an electrical failure. 2. Time spent finding appropriate access code. 3. Incresed response time for Police protection. 4. Limited access to City water and sewer lines within the fenced area. Robert E. Kuoppala, Architect, 5204 Tenth Avenue North, Lake Worth, Florida 33463, saying they were asking for the site amendment due to a security problem that the residents have experienced over the years. There has been trespassing, minor vandalism, and people who are not residents are going on the site and using the pool and docks. Mr. Kuoppala said the street is within the boundaries of the Lake Worth Mariner Village property, and they are asking that the gates be installed only for security. He talked to the supplier of the ga~es in Fort Lauderdale and was told a Knox box like those used nationwide would be placed on the telephone board at the entrance gate or at N. E. 12th Avenue for immediate access by the Police or Fire Departments. They will also have a box inside for access into the property. Mr. Kuoppala said there will be a full-time maintenance man, who will be sure the Sanitation Department will have no problem getting in on collection days. The Utilities people will be provided with a code to push in with the telephone system to gain access. All they will need to do is dial a four digit number, and the gate will open. - 33 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Kuoppala did not feel the response time by the Fire and Police would be cut down by the gates being there. If someone within the complex knows about the emergency, they can open gates prior to the arrival of emergency vehicles. Mr. Kuoppala advised that each system does have an optional backup system on the electrical in case of power failures, which will automatically open the gates. They are proposing that both gates be ingress and egress gates, so Mr. Kuoppala felt that staff comment should be taken care of. Mr. Kuoppala said the proposed location of the gates would not obstruct any existing driveways onto the adjacent property° They did not have a current survey, and he said they would use the one they used last year When they did the screen enclosures. However, Mr. Kuoppala said they can get an updated survey prior to any building permits being issued for the gates, if the City wanted it. Mr. Ryder asked if the TRB said this was not satisfactory. Mr. Annunziato replied that the plan, as proposed, was submitted to the TRB, and Members of the TRB highly suggested that this was an inappropriate request. He pointed out that they were talking about two gates, not just one (one at N. E. 12th, and the other from the south at Marine Drive). In effect, it would block out a road which has been used by the public for many years uninterrupted and would provide for a system that, for public safety, people feel is unacceptable. Mr. Kuoppala said the gate goes across Marine Drive, which is within the property boundaries of Lake Worth Mariner Village, as is N. E. 12th Avenue. The adjacent neighbors still have total access to get to 12th Avenue, and they still have complete access to get from the adjacent properties on Marine and Manor Drive. Before there was Lake Worth Mariner Village, Mr. Annunziato said there was Marine Drive. That road was open to the public over this property for many years. This issue was raised in the memo from the Building Department. Mr. Annunziato believed more appropriate comments emanated from the public safety people, who were concerned about their ability to perform under emergency situations, and he explained. Mr. Kuoppala apprised the Board that the President of the Homeowners Association was present, and he had verbally told him that the Homeowners Association is behind this project due to the vandalism and trespassing. He reiterated that Marine Drive is within the property boundaries of Lake Worth 34 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mariner Village and has been for many years. Mr. Annunziato stated that he would hate to have those people respond after an emergency situation, if there was an accident or someone suffered as a result of the City's inability to serve the property properly. He elaborated. Mr. Kuoppala argued that a Knox box is available for imme- diate access by emergency vehicles. It may delay them 10 or 15 seconds to open the gate, but the delay would not be substantial. Mr. Kuoppala said a Knox box is something similar to a realtor's lock box that they have on houses. In this case, it would be mounted on the telephone board of the entry at N. E. 12th Avenue. It has a lock on it. Inside is the key or code to enter onto the property. Ail the rescue people would have to do would be to open that box with a u~iversal key that would be furnished to the City and punch in the code or open the turn key (whatever it would take) to open up the gates. Mr. Kuoppala confirmed Mr. Annunziato's statement that in order to gain entry, someone would have to have a key or a bolt cutter. Mr. Annunziato commented that not all Police cruisers carry bolt cutters. Fire: engines probably do, but he did not know that ambulances did. With regard to utilities, Mr. Ryder asked if someone had to know a certain number. Mr. Kuoppala answered affirmatively and explained that the access code would be provided to the City's Fire and Utilities Departments. Mrs. Huckle read the comments contained in the memo from William Cavanaugh, TRB Representative, Fire Department, and thought it would give the residents a great deal of pause that the City is on record that they will not be responsible should the gate be installed. Mr. Kuoppala responded that there are many other communities in the County that have these security gates unmanned and unstaffed. Lake Worth Mariner Village would have some advantage, in that they are staffed during business hours. Mr. Kuoppala could not really say what would happen in the evening if worse came to worse, but they are looking for security. Mrs. Huckle recalled, when she looked at the units, there was a lot of wood construction. Someone advised that they are CBS. Mrs. Huckle asked if there is a lot of fence work and facades in front of the windows. Clarence Weir, 624-2 N. E. 12th Terrace, President of the Homeowners Association, pointed out that they had been here once before. He stated that all the roads in their com- munity are private roads. Mr. Weir indicated the boundaries - 35 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 and showed that the fence point and gate would be well within their boundary lines and explained. He thought some arrangements could be made for access to the community for the services they would require. They have a full time staff working until 4:00 P. M. Mr. Weir said there are 65 homeowners in the community that are t00% behind the plan, and he expounded. Mr. Weir said he could also state all kinds of factors regarding response time. They have had numerous break-ins, vandalism, tres- passing, use of their facilities by people that get very hostile when they are told they are on private property, and he was very tired of pointing this out to people. Mr. Weir wanted to work out the details for access into the community with the various agencies.that need to get in and out and said t~ey will be very. cooperative in that respect. Other communities have seemed to work out these problems as far as the gates are concerned. Mr. Weir said the Knox box is a treatment that is used by Fire and Police Department agencies throughout the country. The postal code can be applied to the gate system, and the post office can open up their postal lock. They just have to push a button. The Knox box works the same way. You cut the lock, open the cover, push a button, and the gate opens. During a power failure, the cylinder is activated, and the gates open. A man is there working full-time. He gets there 'at 7:00 A. M. and, on Mondays and Thursdays, he can open the gate. The garbage people can do their collect- ing then° Mr. Weir stated that they can work out some arrangement for the City's sanitary or water people, who come in occasionally to read meters, and they will work out their own problems with Florida Power and Light Company. United Parcel Service will not be able to come down the road, blowing their horn. They can stop at the gate and ring in the number of what delivery they have. Mr. Weir emphasized that the residents want security, safety, protection, and their privacy. John Schmidt, 637-1 N. E. 12th Terrace, pointed out an exit road and an entrance road and said the rest of the village is on a peninsula surrounded by water. He wanted the Board to think of it as a private peninsula because there is no reason for anyone who does not live there to enter there. There is no through traffic. Mr. Annunziato informed him that the through traffic occurred from the north at 12th, - 36 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 going south, east, and then south again. It has been open for more than twenty years. Mr. Schmidt agreed Mr. Annunziato was accurate, but said the Board had to think about it to the extent of if it was their property and they owned it. Mr. Schmidt told of putting an alarm system in his unit and not being "hit" when there were six or seven incidents. He showed where his car was broken into. The next night he was sleeping on his boat to protect it, and his place was broken into. One night he was sleeping on his boat. A "guy" who is now in prison for sixty days (which is all you get for trespassing) boarded his boat, and Mr. Schmidt had to subdue the "guy". A man who lived next door was "ripped off" and "cleaned out" during the first six months of his residence. Two doors down, another man was "ripped off". A lady who came before the Board ~nd begged for the fence was totally "ripped off" there ias well~ There was also an attempted rape in another area. On the other side of this area, across the railroad tracks, Ks the highest crime area in Palm Beach County, which Mr. Schmidt said evidently cannot be controlled. He told the Board he did not want a gate, but compared to having his place "ripped off", his car broken into, and what has happened to his neighbors, they have to do something. Dr. Jackier asked if any community in this area has a Knox box similar to what they were asking for. Mr. Schmidt could not answer. He thought it was a new technique in the Boynton area. ~owever, the company in Fort Lauderdale, that puts the box together, can give numerous references. Mr. Schmidt expounded and then said they have been worked out by o%her communities. He told Dr. Jackier the list was substantial, and they could provide them to the Board, but he did not have them with him this evening. Mr. Kuoppala said the Knox box is a very common application that is in most of Palm Beach County. Any place where it is required to have central monitoring of a fire alarm system, which is almost every building in construction now, a Knox box is required by the Fire Marshall. They unl6ck the box, and they have a key to turn off the fire alarm control. They are in almost every commercial building in Palm Beach County. Mr. Weir interjected that the system has a button for every resident in the community. Any resident in the community 37 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 can open the gate by simply dialing a code from their house to the gate. There is a telephone hookup to every resident in the community. After elaborating, Mr. Weir said he could not think a conflict with any driveway or property that is caused by this fence line. They had that problem, but they fixed it. Mr. Weir thought the box they were suggesting fixed the problem with the Fire Department. If there was a problem, obviously, someone would have reported it and would be there to open the gate. He repeated prior statements and added that he thought everyone would agree there is no need to have public access to the property. Mr. Weir guessed when they went down through everything, the residents would like to solve them in a way that they could live next to this extremely high crime area and not be victims of that location. In the five years that he has been there, he has found you have to take action to protect yourself. He did not think this would be the first gate the Board would be confronted with and he wanted to work it out professionally so they could have it done in a way that would answer these objections. If this was such a bad idea, Mr. Weir was sure this company would not be making a living putting gates in down in Fort Lauderdale. Mr. Weir believed access could be put together in emergencies in ways to get into the community, and they could put up with the annoyances they will have to put up with in trade for their security. Mr. Ryder said there have been incidents where residents of communities have set up their own patrols or hired somebody for security and patrol. Mr. Kuppola said this community has a high number of people who are absent during the sur~er season, and most of the people who live there are working and out most of the day. A full-time man takes care of the property, yet a lot of the thefts have occurred during the day. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked how they would keep people from coming in by the water. To his knowledge, Mr. Kuppola said they have not had a problem from water entrance. If they put up the fence, Mr. Schmidt said someone would have to go in the water to get around the fence, and he explained. The people that rob the residents do not own boats. Mr. Blanchette asked how high the gate would be. Mr. Kuppola replied that it is a regulation in the County that it be six feet high. He did not suggest someone could not get over it, but he did think it would slow someone down. 38 - MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Lehnertz gathered that what seemed to be the problem was that people coming from the west side of U. S. 1 are crossing U. S. 1 and going into Mariners Way. Mr. Kuppola said they did not tell the Board that the gates for the pedestrians are coded entry gates and are not open gates for access, so there is no way to go in an out or around the gates without having the combination. He suggested that more work be done to solve the specific problems. Mr. Kuppola repeated prior statements and expounded. Vice Chairman Wandelt asked if a person having a heart attack could open up the gate, so an emergency vehicle could come in. Mr. Kuppola replied that if he was in that condi- tion, he would have to assume a person was helping him to get the gate open. He said to assume he had a problem, and all he could do was get to his phone. Mr. Kuppola said he would call for help. When the person came, Mr. Kuppola would ring the person in. If he could get to a phone, he could get someone into his unit. Mr. Kuppola said they spent a lot of time investigating this. His initial idea was that it would not work and it would have all sorts of problems, but they found the problems they could come up with had been solved previously. Mr. Ryder pointed out that the Board was confronted with the fact that vital services strenuously objected to the proposal, and he did not see how they could disregard that. There was more discussion. Mr. Kuppola asked if he was to understand that anyone that would come into the City of Boynton Beach for such a fence would be disapproved. Mr. Annunziato thought that was a conclusion that Mr. Kuppola could not reach, because the Board had not acted. He thought the applicant had raised some valid points and wanted to look at it from an inter- departmental point of view. Therefore, Mr. Annunziato recommended that this item be TABLED. Mrs. Huckle moved to TABLE this item for further review by the City Staff, seconded by Mr. Ryder. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER Report on Status of Current Developmeq~_A_q%i_~ At the last regular meeting of the P&Z Board, Chairman Trauger requested that the Planning Department make this report. This followed a report which appeared in the news- - 39 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 paper related to the performance standard Palm Beach County is proposing and arguments being made there about the undeveloped surplus of housing units. Mr. Annunziato reported that quarterly reports are prepared about development activity in Boynton Beach. He drew atten- tion to the page that lists activity by year, by type. It appeared that there are 7,470 undeveloped units in Boynton Beach at this time, and that did not include the areas to be annexed. Depending on activity, that could result on any- where from five to ten years of house building in Boynton Beach before the number of potential units is well balanced. Attached to the report was a document for transmittal to people who ask these questions on a day in, day out basis, and Mr. Annunziato explained. Mrs. Huckle and Mr. Ryder posed questions about projects, which Mr. Annunziato and Mr. Golden answered. They commented that it was an excellent and very informative report. Status of Foreclosures Chairman Trauqer had also asked that the Planning Department explore this, and Mr. Annunziato reported that they had been unable to secure much information. He said, apparently, there is not a source when something goes into reorganization or bankruptcy. It did not appear that the information was in one location or easily forthcoming. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Review of Draft of the Transfer of Powers and Duties from the Downtown Review Board (DRB) to the Planning and Zoninq Board Mr. Annunziato reminded the Members that he transmitted to them in July information concerning the activities the DRB, Community Appearance Board (CAB), and the P&Z Board conducted. He had also transmitted a copy of an Ordinance, which the City Commission was considering, to transfer the authority and responsibilities of the DRB to the P&Z Board, and asked that the Members comment at this meeting, because the City Commission did not take final action on the Ordinance and would not take final action until the various Boards and organizations had a chance to comment on the exchange and responsibility. Mr. Annunziato thought the City Commission was looking for guidance in this regard. 40 MINUTES - PLANNING & zoNING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Ryder recollected that when the DRB was established about two years ago, they stipulated that the composition of the Board would consist of one Member and an Alternate Member from both the P&Z Board and the CAB. The rest of the Members would be people that lived or worked in the downtown and a Landscape Architect. At that time, Chairman Trauger and Mr. Ryder were selected by the P&Z Board to serve. Mr. Ryder said the DRB has been meeting every month. He recalled that Pineland was one proposal they were involved in, plus the marina and Bud's Chicken. Mr. Ryder's commented that, unfortunately, proposals were not forthcoming. There was a meeting Friday evening at the request of Virginia Foot, Chairwoman of the DRB. The City Commission met with the DRB and gave the members an opportunity to iRdicate how they felt. Generally, the members felt that although the Community Redevelopmen~Agency (CRA) is a function of the Commission, they could .s~i1 se~e a purpose. By being a separate board, they ~co~uld possibly get more people engaged to participate, particularly those concerned with the down- town. Mr. Ryder stated that no action was taken, and the Commission will resolve it this coming Tuesday. His feeling was that the Commission feels there is no need for the DRB as constituted, and the DRB will become one of the functions of the P&Z Board. In response to a question posed by Mrs. Huckle, Mr. Ryder said if the Commission decides that is what they want to do, the P&Z Board is up to taking care of it. At the meeting on Friday night, Mr. Ryder recalled he expressed that he felt the DRB could be effective provided a staff member was assigned to them permanently for guidance, direction, and continuity. The main thing was continuity. Mr. Ryder said they do not have continuity on advisory boards because they come and go. He asked what the P&Z Board would do without a staff member. The DRB did not have that. Mr. Ryder agreed with Mrs. Huckle that recently, the DRB had Don Jaeger, who was very helpful. Mr. Ryder pointed out that the Ordinance setting up the DRB made the DRB accountable to the City Commission, not the CRA. However, he felt there was a lack of coordination because they did not have the communication they should have had with staff and other areas, such as the Building Depart- ment and the TRB. - 41 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Ryder said the procedure at the time was that the Planning Director would get the proposal for the downtown area. ~e would set up a meeting for the TRB. They would consider it and send their recommendations on to the DRB. The DRB would make their recommendations to the CRA, and the CRA would have to get the approval of the City Commission. Mr. Ryder felt there was a gap when it left the TRB and went to the DRB becanse of the lack of a staff member. Questions would arise because, in some instances, the Build- ing Code differed from what the DRB was trying to do. The intent was to do something a little different in the down- town. They went into colors, a different type of sidewalk, etc. Dr. Jackier asked if there was an overlapping of duties in the CRA and the DRB. Mr. Ryder answered, "No." In the failure to be provided with a staff member, he recalled that the DRB had instances where, when certain decisions that were made were carried through, members on the DRB were required to prepare letters, etc., which he thought was unusnal to expect from an advisory board. At the meeting on Friday, Mr. Ryder thought, with the help of an assigned staff member, that the DRB could be effective as now constituted. In the e~e~t tkat the CommissTon felt the P&Z Board was the way they wanted to go, he saw no reason why the P&Z Board could not handle it. Since the Commission has taken over the CRA, Mr. Walshak thought it would work well between the P&Z Board and City Commission. As Mr. Ryder indicated, there was not a whole lot to do, Mr. Walshak thought that doing it through the normal procedure, as the P&Z Board does not, it would stream- line the CRA, and they would be more efficient. Mrs. Ruckle shared Mr. Ryder's view, but she thought nothing could replace the interest of a person who has a business in the area as being part of the process, even if that meant they had to wait until the terms of a member or two of the P&Z Board expire to get someone from the downtown area or expanded area into this. Mrs. Ruckle did not believe they could ever find the same kind of interest outside of an area that they could find in an area, and she said this is an unusual area that needs unusual expertise. She pointed out that all kinds of things in the downtown are set up separa- tely from the city's Code requirements, so it is a very unique area. If it reverts to the P&Z Board and the CAB, Mrs. ~uckle thought people who have businesses in the down- town should be highly considered aS members on the Boards that will govern the downtown. - 42 - MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 11, 1987 Mr. Ryder agreed that guidelines were set up when the Central Business District (CBD) was formed, and the DRB went into street lighting, coloring, etc. Members of the DRB have businesses in the downtown. One of the prime objectives was getting the people in the area concerned. If you do not get their help and participation, Mr. Ryder said they will not get anywhere. In his opinion, people have to come in and assemble parcels that can be developed properly, in order to get the downtown moving, arud he explained. Mr. Ryder said parking in the downtown is a problem, and a multi-level garage was discussed. Regardless of how the Commission and P&Z Board will move, they have to get the people in the area concerned. Bud's Chicken and the marina are not enough. Mr. Walshak thought the P&Z Board could adequately satisfy that particular need, and he said they could be supported by downtown business leaders in the public audience. Mr. Walshak thought it took a P&Z Board like this with members from-all factions to get into the development. He did not see why the P&Z Board could not work well with the downtown area, as they work for the rest of the City. Mr. Annunziato asked the Chairman an what form he wanted to convey this information. Mrs. Huckle suggested the minutes. In communications from the Board to the Commission, Mr. Annunziato said staff is in an awkward position. Mr. Walshak thought Vice Mayor Marchese, who was in the audience, knew the feeling of the Board Members. Vice Chairman Wandelt felt the P&Z Board would be capable of handling the job. Mr. Ryder did not think the Commission expected a vote because it will be their job to finally resolve this. Vice Chairman Wandelt agreed. Mrs. ~uckle thought the minutes should reflect their conversation, and she did not think the P&Z Board had to accept the responsi- bility. There were further comments. Dr. Jackier suggested that the Board accept the responsibility. If the Commission does not like it, the P&Z Board can withdraw. ADJOURNMENT There being no the meeting adjourned at 11:15 Patricia Ramseyer Recording Secretary (Four Tapes) further business to come before the Board, P. M. - 43 - 3/2/83 REF. DWG. 678-P2 BOYNTON BEACH PARCEL ~7 6.92 ACRES A parcel of land lying in Section 19, East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows: Township 45 South, Range 43 being more particularly Commence at the center of said Section 19; thence N 0© 51' 51" W along the North South 1/4 section line of said section, a distance of 35.00 feet to the principal point and place of beginning of the following description: Thence N 0° 51' 51" W along the said North South 1/4 section line a distance of 1191.31 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Boynuon Canal; thence N 88° 05' 26" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of 387.94 feet to a point; thence S 0° 05' 26" W a distance of 142.02 feet to a point; thence 233.87 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 335.00 feet and a chord of 229.15 feet bearing S 20° 05' 26" W; thence 372.10 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 410.00 feet and a chord of 359.46 feet bearing S 14° 05' 26" W; thence S 11° 54' 34" E a distance of 70.00 feet to a point; thence 172.26 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 235.00 feet and a chord of 168.43 feet bearing S 9° 05' 26" W; thence 182.18 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 325.00 feet and a chord of 179.81 feet bearing S 14° 01' 53.5" W; thence S 02° 01' 39" E a distance of 23.67 feet to a point; thence 94.25 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet and a chord of 84.85 feet bearing S 42° 58' 21" W; thence S 87° 58' 21" W a distance of 90.60 feet to the point of beginning and containing 6.92 acres of land more or less. EXHIBIT "A" BOYNTON BEACH DESCRIPTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF AN 85 FOOT CANAL RIGHT OF WAY A Parcel of land lying in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being on 85 foot canal right of way, the cen~erline of which being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the center of said Section 19; N 87~ 58' 21" E., (assumed) along the eas~ west quarter section line of said Section 19, a distance of 20 feet; thence S 00° $1' 51" E, parallel to the north south quarter section line of said Section 19, a distance of 7.5 feet to the point of beginning of the centerlihe of an 85 foot canal right of way, to be herein described; thence N 87° 58' 21" E, parallel to the east west quarter section line of said Section I9, a distance of 71.48 feet, to a point of c~rvat~re of a curve concave to the northwest; thence northeasterly along- the arc of said curve having a radius of 102.50 feet and a central angle of 900 00' 00" a distance of 161.01 feet to the point of tanqency of said curve; thence N 02° 0i' 29" W, a distal%ce of 23.67 feet'to the point of curvature of a curve concave -to the east; thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 282.50 feet and a central angle of 32° 05' 07", a distance of 158.36 feet to a point of reverse.curvature of'a curve concave to the west; thence northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 277.50 feet and a central angle of 42° 00' 00", a distance of 203.42 feen to the point of tangency for said curve: thence N 11© S4' 34" W, a distance of 70.0 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the east; thence northeasterly along the arc of s~id curve having a radius of 367.50 feet and a'central angle of 52° 00' 00" a distance of 333.53 feet to a point of reverse curve of a curve concave to the west; thence northerly along the arc of s:aid curve having a radius of 377.50 feet and a central angle of 40° 00' 00",. a distance of 263.54 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence N 00° 05' 26" E, a distance of 143.51 feet to the pein= of ending of said centerline of an 85 f~et canal right of way. EXHIBIT B M E M O R A'N D U M August 3, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIrmAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR BOYNTON BEACH MALL ANNEXATION APPLICATION INTRODUCTION Cormac C. Conahan, agent for Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd. and the Lake Worth Drainage District, property owners, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 9.707 acre tract of land, which includes 6.92 acres of open space preserve and 2.787 acres of right-of-way for the L.W.D.D. L-23 canal. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Javert Street and the Boyn~on (C-16) Canal and zs zoned CG (General Commercial) in Palm Beach County (see attached location map in Exhibit A). The resolution which approved the Developmenc of Regional Impacn (DRI) for the Boynton Beach Mall (Resolution No. R-74-~43), approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 7~ 1974, sets forth the requirement for preservation of the Pine Savannah in the northwest corner Of the mall tract. The main mall tract, which was annexed into the City on November 16, 1982, excluded the Pine Savannah in question, which remained in Palm Beach County. It was the ~decision of the developer to exclude the Pine Savannah from the orlglnal mall annexation application. PURPOSE It is the intent of the applicant to annex the subject parcel without submitting concurren5 applications for land usg amendment and rezonlng. The current CG zoning (Palm Beach County) will remain intact, as the applicant intends to submit an application for substantial deviation to the original Boynton Beach Mall DRI. The developer is considering adding a sixth major anchor (department) s~ore and to utilize the pine preserve area for additional parking. If the application for the amendment to the Development Order is denied, the applicant will then submit an application for Land Use Elemen5 Amendment and Rezoning consistent with the use permitted by the approved Development Order and the City's Comprehenszve Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. Potential Land Use Conflict Area 50 (P-137) of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report recommends that this parcel should be annexed and placed in the "Recreational" land use category conszstent with the existing DRI approval. The applicant has prepared and submitted,' in connection, wi~h the annexation application an "Annexation Agreement which when endorsed, will provide for the annexation of the pine preserve without the asszgnment of a City land use and zoning category at the present time (see attache~ legal doou/nent in Exhibit B). PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Elemen5 of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State statutes, and Boynnon Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: _ F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. EXHIBIT C -2- 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance ~79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution a76-X: Procedure for Annexation. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES There are three policies in the Comprehensive Plan which address annexations as follows: "Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous present munlcipal boundar!es;" 2. "Annex proper~y only after the preparation of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the costs of providing service;" and "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient servmce and on which urban development is anticipated." In order ~o determine the consistency of the Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd./Lake Worth Drainage District request with Comprehensive Plan Policies, each of the three policies will be addressed individually. Policy 1 - "Annex only property which ~s reasonably contlguous to the present municipal boundaries." The Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd./Lake Worth Drainage Qistrict property is contiguous with present corporate limits along its entire north, east and south property boundaries (approximately 1,884 feet or 61% of its entire boundary). In addition, this property l~es in the path of urban development~ Policy 2 - "Annex property only after the preparation of the study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing services." In response to policy two, you will to the City of annexing this parcel the City in taxes. find in Exhibit "C" the cost and the dollars returned to Policy 3 - "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated." As previously reported, the Boynton -JCP Assocmates, Ltd./Lake Worth Drainage District tract is 9.707 acres in size. It is anticipated that this parcel will experience urban development if the future application for substantial deviation is approved. Otherwise, this parcel will remain as an open space preserve area and will be designated for "Recreational" land use consistent with Land Use Conflict Area 50 of the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Departmen~ recommends that the application submitted by Cormac C. Conahan, agent for Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd. and the Lake Worth Drainage District, for Annexation, be approved as submitted. This recommendation is based in part on the following: 1. The parcel is contiguous to Corporate limits; 2. The parcel lies within a County pocket and it is in the path of urban development; 3. The parcel is located within the City's municipal service area. The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies for annexation; 5. The reques~ will no~ impair the value or future uss of lands in the surrounding area; and 6. The cost to serve versus the benefits received indlcate a positive re~urn for the City. CSA:ro cc Central File CAREN S. ~NUNZIATO AGENDA MEMORANDUM July 7, 1987 TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CI?f M~AGER FROM: CAR~[EN S. ANNUNZIATO, PL~dRN!NG DIRECTOR RE: MELEAR PUD t~STER PLAN MODIFICATION Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Larry Melear, property owner, has re_quested a modification to the previously approved master plan for the Melear PUD. The modification requested is an amendment to the "Agreement between City of Boynton Beach and the Melear Family for Construction of Roadway Improvements" (see attached). Specifically) the applicant is re_~esting that paragraph no. 6 of the'agreement be modified To allow for the issuance of building permits for the final fifty percent (50%) of the residential units and all of the commercial property, at such time that Palm Beach County lets the connrac~ for construction of Hypo!uxo Road as a four-ianed section from Congress Avenue to 1-95 (for a further explanation see attached correspondence from Kieran J. Kiiday). The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developmenus is twofold. First, the City Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. ' A determination of substantial change on the part of the City Commission, which has sole discretion in this ma~ter, would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of the request to the Planning and Zoning ~oard..sThe Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. Thz procedure appears in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. With respect to the change ~equested by Mr. Ki!day, t~e Technical Review Board (TRB) met on Tuesday, July 7, 1987, to review the requesn submitted, including the recommendation from ~he County Traffic Engineer (see attached), and they offer for y~ur consideration, a recommendation that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, and that the Planning end Zoning Board accept the recommendation of the County Traffic Engineer and approve this propos.al as submitted. C~3d.:ma S. ~2~-NUNZ~TO CSA:ro cc Central File ADDENDUM D -- Doroth}' ¢, June 15, 1987 c.:. [ Public · L i-. Kahlcrr _-ount ? hIL~inccr E NC R' Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI 33435 JUN 22 198} SUBJECI: REVIEW OF MELEAR P.U.D. RHASiNG REQUIREMENTS Dear Mr. Annunziato: Palm Beach County Traffic Division staff has reviewed the proposal submitted by Mr. Kieran J. Kilday to modify the Melear P.U.D. agreement for roadway improvements. The following comments are provided for your consideration in responding to this request: 1) A review of the original traffic distribution done for this project by Mr. Wil.liam F. Mulhearn, P.E. in I983 does not appear realistic in light of current land use patterns in the vicinity of the site and because of the distribution procedure used (which did not consider nearby trip destinations within the cordon area). 2) The revised traffic distribution done by Mr. Ken Rogers, P.E~ for the commercial portion of this project is stated to be based "upon the projected 1995 population patterns within a two mile project area". The intent of the County Traffic Performance Standards is, however, that the traffic distribution be representative of conditions that will exist at the time the development ~s assumed to be built out. 3) The revised traffic distribution done by Mr. Ken Rogers, P.E. for the residential portion of the project appears reasonable. 4) Given the revised traffic distribution, it appears that at least one additional road segment (Congress Avenue south of Boynton Beach ~oulevard) will qualify as Category A. A construction project which will widen this segment to 4 lanes is currently scheduled to begin September 1987. 5) Given the severe overcapacity conditions on Hypoluxo Road between 1-95 and Congress Avenue (which has a volume/capacity ratio of 1.66), it is imperative that no additional traffic be placed on this roadway segment until the 4 lane section is open to traffic. "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 (]505) 684-4000 ~DDE~UM E 6) Although it is difficult to anticipate the results of a redistribution of traffic from the commercial ~ortion of the site, it appears that _antana Road from 1-95 to Congress Avenue will be carrying less traffic (435 trips) than the significant impact/Category "A" threshold for a two-lane roadway (575 trips). The conditicn that Lantana Road be four-laned as a prerequisite for issuance of building permits of the commercial property and remaining 50% of the residential units could therefore be dropped. 7) The following revision of paragraph #6 of the agreement appears to be warranted: "The project development shall be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the residential units approved on the subject property. The balance of the residential units and all of the commercial property shall not be issued building permits until such time as Hvpolu×o Road from 1-95 to Conqress Avenue and Conqress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to L-28 Canal are constructeo as 4 lane facilities." Your transmittal of this information for our review is appreciated. Please do not hesitate to call me or Mr. Allan Ennis of my staff if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRN/AAE/jd File: S/D "Melear" MEMORANDUM Carmen Annunziato Planning Director Don Jaeger Building Department August 4, 1987 Site Plan Review: Addison Square As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The air conditioning pad, building sign, and a considerable amount of landscaping material are situated within the retention areas. Please clarify these details. 2. Double striping f~or regular parking stalls should be between 1.5 and 2 feet. For handicapped stalls, 4 foot wide striping is required. 3. Clarify the Iimi~s of the raised curbing throughout the project. The following comments are for the applicant's information: In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the following information should be provided in duplicate at the time of plans submittal: 1. Complete sets of the construction documents and plans, sealed by the relevant design professionals. Soil borings with the soil engineer's recommendations the necessary soil bearing values. 3o Signed and sealed energy forms in compliance with the Code. 4. Turn-out permits for work in the County right-of-way. signed and for obtaining State Energy NOTE: Separate permits are required for demolition, drainage, well, irrigation, signage, building, and site lighting. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bk XC: E. E. Howell Don Jaeger/ ADDENDI1M F-1 MEMORANDUM August 4, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Tom Clark City Engineer Site Plans, Addison Square ' Comments: 1. Relative elevations of sidewalks should be shown. The 25 ft. radius on north side of west entrance is not drawn to scale. Redraw or use D.O.T. type turnout construction. Permit required from Palm Beach County. Drainage flow concentrated at opening in raised curb requires a detail showing apron or other construction to reduce erosion. 4. Refer to Bill Flushing's memo of August 3, 1987. TAC/ck attachment Tom Clark ADDENDUM FROM: RE: 'b. Yom Clark Bill Flushing Addision Square Drainage Ealculations Retention areas in ~E and SE corners need more detail to show how storm run--off will reach them. The five foot area strip along the east and south sides may be required for additional retention; Total retention required: --- 2800 cu.ft. Total provided in three areas along west side is~g°~- cu.ft. Bill Flushing CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~_DD~ND~I F-3 NEIIORRNDUH To: From: Date: Sub, eot: Carmen ~nnunzia~o. Planning John ~. Guidry, Director o{ ~tugus~ 4. I987 TR8 Review - Rddison Square can approve thio project, oubject ~o ~he ~ollouing conditions: I. No ~rees are alloued over the 3" RCP uater main. Thio means no trees within ~he easemen'~ along ~he oou~h end o¢ the proper~y. Show on-oite sanitary service, complete I~ith cleanou~s, ma~eri~lo end slope. A city cleanout mu~ be ino~alled at the pre~er~¥ line If one ia not preoe~. ~. Ne~er muot not be in asphalt. ADDENDUM F-~ l-- TO Jim Golden Planning REPLY MESSAGE FROM Bob Eichorst Acting Director - P.W. :OLD Addiscn e ...... Due to the design of this building there is not enough room for a sanitation vehicle to service this. site. If this site is approved it may require the City to change its present trash re- movalpolicy and adopt one that will accommodate buildings that are constructed in this manner. PLEASE REPLY TO REPLY DAT~: THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ADDENDUM F_5 TO: FROM: RE: 1. 2. /bks MEMORANDUM 7 August 1987 The parking area should be screened with along Seacrest Boulevard (along walkway). Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Addison Square - Site Plan The applicant should determine what will occur with the existing trees on the site. a hedge from view / KEVIN 'J~ HALLAHAN! MEMORANDUM August 4, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR ADDISON SQUARE-STAFF COFE4ENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments pertaining to the above-referenced requesu for site plan approval: An additional 15 feet of right-of-way for S.E. 23rd Avenue is to be dedicated to Palm Beach Counuy within 45 days of site plan approval. Se A note should be placed on the paving and drainage plan indicating that the existing drop curb onuo Seacrest Boulevard is to be reconstructed to provide for a curb and a continuous sidewalk. Consistent with the parking lot variance approval, the two parking lot driveways should be a maximum of 24 feet wide and located a distance of 23 feet from the respective property boundaries. CSA:ro cc Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZIX~fO ADDENDUM F-7 STAFF COMMENT BEST WESTERN MOTEL SITE PLAN Building Department Fire Department Engineering Department Utilities Departm~ent Police Department Public Works Departmant Planning Department Forester/Horticutturalist See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See a~tached memo See attached memo Angle of dumpster enclosure to be modified See attached memos (2) Memo to be distributed at meeting ADDENDUM G-1 MEMORANDUM Carman Annunziato Planning Director Don Jaeger Building Department August 4, 1987 Site Plan Approval: Best Western Inn As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: t. The sidewalks must continue through the turn-outs on Federal Highway and must be ramped for handicapped accessibility. 2. The double striping for handicapped parking stalls in the parking area must be four feet wide. 3. An additional handicapped parking stall must be provided, bringing the total to seven. 4. South Florida Water Management District approval must be secured for the project. 5. The site lighting must be desi§ned to withstand a 120 m.p.h, design wind load. 6. The building and amenity areas must be designed to provide handicapped accessibility. 7. Construction details on the buffer wall and dumpster enclosure must be provided. Landscaping must be provided on the exterior of the buffer wall in accordance with the City Landscaping Code. 8. Additional dimensions must be provided for the turn-out areas and the parking areas. 9. The plans should state the proposed type of construction in conformance with Section 601.1.1., Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. State whether the building will be fully sprinkled. 10. There is a discrepancy between the drainage plans and the ground floor building plan in the loading zone area. The building plans show the loading zone four feen deep with the slope towards the building. A means for the water to be discharged must be provided if this detail is used. The following comments are for the applicant's information: In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the following information should be provided in duplicate an the time of plans submittal: 3. Soil borings with the soil engineer's recommendation the necessary soil bearing val~es must be submitted. The pool and recreation area must have Health Department approval. The pool mush be designed by a Florida registered engineer. Sewer and water flow rates by a registered engineer should be submitted ~in order for the Building Department to calculate capital facilities charges-for the project. A turn-out permit from the D.O.T. is required for the work in the Federal Highway right-of-way. for obtaining ADDENDUM G-2 Memo to Carmen Annunziato RE: Site Plan Approval: Augus~ 4, 1987 Page Two Best Western Inn 4. Signed and sealed energy forms in compliance with the State Energy Code must be supplied. 5. Health Department approval on the hotel and food processing area must be obtained. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell Don Jaeg~er ~ c~, ~. MEMORANDUM CITY P~ '~'*'~ 8-6-87 W.D. CAVANAUGH -FIRE DEPT., TRB i:L~,__(~ BEST WE$1~N ~IYl'EL S. ~EP~L I~Y. City Sub-Division requirements for Hydrant Spacing and Water Supply include a specification for 1500 gallons per minute in a ccmmercial area. Initial Flow Calculations reflect only 1200-1300 gallons per minute avail- able. P~rther information if required before this application will confom to city requir~nents. cc: Pete Masella Utilities ~DDENDUM G-3 MEMORANDUM August 4, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner TomClark City Engineer Site Plans, Best Western Motel Comments: 1. Plans for the turn lane construction as recommended by the traffic study are required. 2. Site plans should show the location of street lights. Light pole foundations should be detailed. 3. What is the length of the drainage inlet structure? 4. Refer to Bill Flushing's memo of August-3, 1987. 5. R.O.W. is requested for the extension of S.E. 3rd as per sketch attached. TAC/ck attachment Tom Clark ADDENDUM G-~ .............................................. ON l~ c ~ r~ ~- zi N D U M TI3: FF.' 0 I'i: Tom Clark BilI Flushing Best Western Additional required details a. 'Curbing b. Detail to sho~ how Parking stall detail. d. Stop sign detail. are ms follows: Bill Flushing I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~DDENDLi~ G- S To.' Date: .- SubJect: Carmen Rnnunziato. Planning Director_ ~ John R. Guidr~. Director o{ Utllities~ ~ugust 3. 1987 TRB Revieu - Best Western Hotel We can approve this project, subject to the {ollouino conditions: l.'-Irrigatien will Z. 'Hodi{y and add valves as neoded. 3. Relocate or eliminate tho dotector chock valve. 4. Provide details o{ the on-site sanitary seuer. not be permitted with city Due to the age of the seuer main in U.S. l, ue reques~ the propoeed 8'! line be cut into the manhole Go the ~outh. and an additional manhole be con- structed on-site. --. , : S.: Subr~it calculations and {leu vs. pressure curve on ~re-Flsw. + Rdditional o£{-oite mains may have ~o be constructed. The ;, calculations and curve should be based on an on-slie delivery S. Submi~ plans {or o{{-~ite improvemenf~. ' ....... '" 7.': On-~l~e water mains and ~he gravity seuer section ~o be maintained '_':'by ~he City mus~ be centered ulfhis appropriately sized u~lll~y .8..:Reloca~e ~he on-st~e usher main or ch~noe'~he proposed ~ree~ ~o ~ ..... :::....species suitable {or easements. ADDENDL~M G-6 MEMORANDUM Planning Department 05 August t987 -Attn:~ J. Golden Lt. D. Thrasher ,u,,,:T Best Western DT:gg the following are recom~mendations; Details on photo activated pole mounted high sodium vapor lamps for exterior. Proper road markings in the parking lot and on entrance/exit points. As oer the discussion on 04 Aug. 87, 2) 3) Detail on left turn lane - northbound U.S.I. Lt. D. Thrasher Police Dept. ~DDEND~M MEMORANDUM August 5, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS CARMEN SA ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR BEST ~,~ESTERN MOTEL-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval: Right-of-way to be dedicated for S.E. Third Street, as specified in the memorandum from the City Engineer, to be dedicated within forty-five (45) days of site plan approval. Required dumpster screening is a six (6) foot high concrete block wall on three sides with a stucco finish-color to match building. Existing drop curbs onto Federal Highway to be reconstructed to provide for a continuous sidewalk and raised curb. Site and engineering plans should reflect roadway improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn prior to sign-off. Roadway improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn to be constructed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. Typical parking lot lighting fixture detail to be provided. Plans submitted for sign-off should reflect the addition of two parking spaces at the west end of the parking lot in connection with the shared parking study. The minimum 10% buffer required by the zoning regulations for shared parking must be maintained upon incorporation of all staff comments. CSA:ro cc Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO~/ ADDENDUM G-8 MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR BEST WESTERN MOTEL SHARED PARKING ALLOCATION Section ll-H (13) of the Zoning Code contains the following, recently-amended provision for sha~ed parking: 13. Parking spaces required in this Ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in paru or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evidence shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) (b) Field studies and traffic counts prepared by a consultant experienced in parking studies. Adjustments for seasonal variations. traffic (c) Estimates for peak parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or some other recognized land planning and design organization. All data furnished must be statistically valid. In addition, a minimum buffer of 10% shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient numb peak hour use. following for Buffer warrant a separate parking requirement as a principal use. The parking requirement for the restaurant/lounge is 148 sea~s ~ 2.5 seats per parking space = 60 parking spaces. The total parking requirement for the site is 188 + 60 = 248 parking spaces. The proposed site plan provides for 210 on-site parking spaces, with an %dditional two parking spaces to be added prior to sign-off, as will be explained further in this memorandum. According to the shared parking analysis prepared by Kimley-Horn for C.D.S. Associates, the vehicular demand of the restauran~ and lounge will be 50% of the needs shown, since 50% of the restaurant and lounge demands are generated from the hotel. This is based on data furnished by the Urban Land institute (ULI). The peak hour parking demand for the entire site would occur on Saturdays at 8:00 P.~. during the peak season. At this time, the motel parking will ba 90% utilized, while the restaurant/lounge parking (reduced by 50% as per ULI data) will be 100% occupied. Therefore, a portion of the remaining 10% of the hotel parking that is unoccupied can be applied to the buffer calculation required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations for shared parking. All projections are based on s=atistical data f~rnished by the Urban Land Institute. In terms of parking space demand at the peak hour (Saturdays at 8:00 P.M.), there will be a need for only 207 of the 211 parking spaces provided on-site. This allows for the remaining statistical surplus of four parking spaces to be utilized in the calculation of the required buffer. The calculation of the required 10% buffer is as follows: Buffer = 4 x 100% = 11% 23 + 14 The above formula is calculated on the basis of the restaurant/lounge sharing from the surplus of parking spaces not utilized by the motel at the peak hour. The figure 23 in the denominator represenus the number of physical parkinc spaces provided to the restaurant/lounge that are not requi~ed by code for the motel, surplus motel restaurant/lc On Tuesday review tb recommep the adW for t~ Tech- all re MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: 7 August 1987 Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Best Western Motel Site Plan 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. /bks Fifty (50) percen~ of the tree species should be native species. Thirty (30) percent of the shrubs and ground covers should be native species. Shrubs and hedge material along the Federal Highway ROW must be 36" in height at time of planting. Ail interior parking lot trees must have a clear trunk of five (5) feet at time of planting. Hedge material abutting the north property line must be eighteen (18) inches in height at time of planting. A vine plant should be planted every ten (10) foot o.c. to cover the masonry wall on the project site. The site should be inspected for any protected animal species and a plan to protect them be submitted. There have been reports ~f gopher t~rtoi~es in the area near NE 3rd Street extended. ADDENDUM G-10 MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Boynton Beach City Hall, Site Plan Comments: 1. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated August included here. 2. Drainage calculations were not included.' TAC/ck attachment 1987, is Tom Clark ADDENDi1M H-fl TO: FROH: Tom C1 ~rk Bilt Flush:lng Boynton Beach Municipal Facility (CITY HALL) Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization~ this would be a substantial savings The debris b~ffle should be eliminated from the catch basin detail to provide jet-vactor main.tenance Bill Flushing CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH i~DDE~DHM H-2 MEMORANDUM August 4, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CARMEN S. ~NNUNZIATO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX SHARED PARKING ALLOCATION Peter L. Cheney, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, property owner, is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection witk a request for site plan approval for the redevelopment and expansion of the municipal complex. With regard to the number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Regulations for the municipal complex, the requirements are as follows: ._ Main City Hall Building (Sec. ll-H.16.d.20) 21,781 v 300 = 73 parking spaces East Wing City Hall (Sec. ll-H.16.d.20) * 2,933 $ 300 = 10 parking spaces Excludes lounge, library, gymnasium, and mechanical areas as these are ancillary to the principle use (office space) West Wing City Hall (Sec. ll-H.16.d.20) 17,652 $ 300 = 59 parking spaces Commission Chambers (Sec. lt-H.16.b.2) 200 seats ~ 114 = 50 parking spaces In addition to the above uses which are clearly outlined in the zoning regulations, the recommended parking for the fire and police department is provided below: Police Deoartment Nunf0er of employees on maximum shift = 70 parking spaces Fire Department Number of Employees on maximum shift = 25 parking spaces ADDENDHM H-3 It is recommended that the Planning and Zoning Board approve parking requirements for the Police and Fire facilities as outlined above in accordance with Section lt-H (12) of Appendix A, Zoning, which states that "where a use is no~ listed below, parking space requirements shall be determined by the City Commission after review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Board." Given the above parking calculations, there is a total requirement of 287 parking spaces for the municipal facility. The total amount of existing and proposed parking for the municipal complex is as follows: Parking Garage = 140 spaces New lot adjacent to school = 61 spaces New lot adjacent to west wing = 51 spaces Existing employee parking lot = 22 spaces (West side of school) Total = 274 parking spaces Based on the above, there is a difference of thirteen parking spaces between that required by ordinance and is proposed to be provided. (13) that which Section ll-H(13) of the Zoning Code contalns the following provision for shared parking: 13. Parking spaces required in this Ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quan- titative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on differ- ent days of the week or at different hours. __Quantitative evidence shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) Field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in parking studies. (b) Adjustments for seasonal variations. (c) Estimates for peak parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or some other recognized land planning and design organization. All data furnished must be statistically valid. In addition, a minimum buffer of 10% shall be provided to en- sure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at times of peak hour use. Said buffer is to be calculated based on the following formula: Buffer = surplus shared parking 1 on-site +shared parking provided 2 (1) Shared parking spaces not required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations for the proposed use~ (2] Parking spaces required for the proposed use as per the City of Boyn~on Beach Zoning Regulations. Evidence for joint allocation of required space shall be submitted to the Technical Review'Board, and approval of joint allocationof required parking spaces shall be made by the Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board. With respect to Section ll.H(13) of Appendix A, Zoning, as outlined above, the City is seeking to quantify, in this particular instance, that the "parking demand for the different uses occurs at different hours." Specifically, the Co~nission Chambers, which requires fifty (50) parking spaces, primarily operates in the evening hours when the primary City Hall functions are closed. Therefore, there is no need to provide parking for the Commission Chambers during the daytime hours when the. main City Hall facilities are operational. This allows for a reduction of fifty (50) parking spaces during the period from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and reduces the required number of parking spaces from 287 to 237, providing a surplus of thirty-sev~n (37) parking spaces. The surplus of thirty-seven (37) parking spaces ls sufficient to provide for the necessary parking for City-owned vehicles for the Building, Engineering, Police and Fire Departments. No buffer Calculation is required as the uses occur at different hours and there is no overlap in parking demand. On Tuesday, August 4, review the plans and recommended approval reservations. 1987, the Technical Review Board met to documents submitted, at which time they of the shared parking allocation without CSA:ro cc City ~anager Technical Review Board Central File CARMEN S. ANNUNZIAT~D MEMORANDUM 6 August 1987 TO: FROM: RE: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Boynton Beach Municipal Complex - Site Plan Two of the species, Eugenia foetida and Hibiscus rosa - sinensis must be eight (8) feet at time of planting. An irrigation system for the landscape area should be shown to allow the Parks Division to have plans for follow-up maintenance. The issue of a water supply source for the irrigation system should be addressed. /bks ADDENDUM H-4 MEMORANDUM ~Carmen AnnunziaSo Planning Director Don Jaeger Buildimg Department August 4, 1987 Site Plan Review: Boynton Beach Municipal Library As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: should 1. The handicapped parking stalls on the south side of the library should have an adjacenn ramp to allow accessibility to the sidewalk. 2. The building plans should detail handicapped accessibility into the structure. DJ:bh ~XC: E. E. Howell Don Jie~r ~jz ~DDEND~M I-1 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Jim-Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Boynton Beach Library, Site Plans August 6, 1987 Comments: 1. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated August included here. 2. Drainage calculations were not included. 3, 1987, is TAC/ck attachment Tom Clark ADDENDUM i-2 TO: ~E: Tom Clark Bill Flushing Boynteo Beach Municipal Faciti~y (LIBRARY) The drainage for the south side of the proposed SE 1st Ave. near Seacrest is not clear, it seems that water will be trapped there. A cross-road swale is required. 2¸4 Stripping in proposed SE thermoplastic. ist Ave, should be The proposed modifications to the existing Library south parking lot should show, stripping, stop sign, a handicap stall, and a drainage system. Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stab~lization~ this would be a substantial The '~ebris baffle should be eliminated from the caach basin detail to provide jet-ratter maintenance The ti~hting plan should sho~ the light intensities in candle power on the pavement 8. Drainage from the west side of the proposed East parking lot should not flow onto SE 1st Bill Flushing CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ADDENDUM I-5 MEMORANDUM Planning Department Attn: J. Go'lden Lt. D. Thrasher 05 August 1987 Boynton Beach Municioal Facilities - Library As per the discussion on 04 Aug. 87, the following are recommendations: - 1) -Do not enter sign on east side of library. 2) Stop sign at exit point in existing parking lot Lt. D. Thrasher Police DePt. DT:gg ADDENDHM I-4 MEMORANDUM 6 August 1987 TO: FROM: RE: e Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Boynton Beach Library - Site Plan Two of the tree species, Eugenia foetida and Hibiscus rosa - sinensis must be eight (8) feet at time of planting. An irrigation system for the landscape areas should be shown to allow the Parks Division to have plans for follow-up maintenance. The issue of a water supply for the irrigation system should be addressed. A variance should be requested to place landscape material in the City R.O.W. where applicable. /bks ADDENDUM STAFF COMMENTS BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX SITE PLAN Engineermng Depar~men~ Public Works Depar~men~ Planning Department ForesterTHorticu!turist See attached memo Dumpster Enclosure to be provided on site The required dumpster enclosure screen is a 6 foot high, concrete block, stucco-finish wall. Dumpster enclosure detail will need to be provided. Memo to be distributed meeting ADDENDUM J-1 MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 TO: F ROM: RE: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Tom Clark City Engineer Public Works, Site Plan Comments: The swale construction should be shown in N.E. When irrigation plan is submitted, said swale zrrigated. 9th Avenue. should be TAC/ck Tom Clark ADDENDUM J-2 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: 6 August 1987 Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Boynton Beach Public Works Complex A vine should be planted on the fence along the south property line. The plants should be installed on ten foot centers. An irrigation system for the landscaped areas to allow the Parks Division to have plans for maintenance. should be shown follow-up The issue of a water supply source for the irrigation system should be addressed. A variance.should be requested to place landscape material in th~ City right-of-way where applicable. /bks I. KEVIN ~. HAL~LHAN ADDENDTJM J-3 MEMORANDUM Carmen Annunziato August 4, 1987 Planning Director o~T~ Don Jaeger ,~,~,~ Building Department Site Plan Review: Palm Beach Post At Boynton Beach Distribution Center As a condition be o 5. 6. of site plan approval, the following commenns should incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: Approval from Florida Power and Light Company is required for the proposed construction in their 75 foot easement. The 20 foot light poles in the drainage easement must non conflict with the drainage structures. Submit details on this construction. The details of the proposed pylon sign should be submitted for Community Appearance Board approval. Light poles must be engineered to withstand a 120 m.p.h, design wind load. Indicate on the plans the proposed construction in accordance with Section 601.1.I, Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. Ail plans submitted for public record by a registered professional must be signed and sealed. In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the following information should be provided in duplicate at the time of plans submittal: 1. Copies of the South Florida Water Management District approval. 2. Signed and sealed energy forms in compliance with the State Energy Code. ~ 3. Soil borings with the soil engineer's recommendation for obtaining the necessary soil bearing values. 4. Proposed water and sewer flow ranes by a Florida registered .... engineer for the calculation of capital facilities charges. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell Don Ja~r ~ ADDENDUM K-1 TO: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner Tom Clark City Engineer Site Plans, Boynton Beach Distribution Center Comments: A cross-section thru the 5 ft. be shown. Said cross-section below the pavement to collect landscaped areas should should be graded 6 inches and percolate storm water. TAC/ck Tom Clark ADDENDLIM K-2 MEtgOftANDUPI From: Da~e: Subject: Carmen Rnnunziato, Planning Director ~ John ~. Guidry, Director of Utilities~V~ TRB Revieu - Palm Beach Post [Jo can approve this project, subject to the {ollowin[~ conditions: I. Relocate tho uater meter ~o a ~rassed area. Shou ~he proposed §anitary service, uith de~alls._ 3. Irrigation may not be supplied with c1~¥ water. 4. Use mini manhels on City's sewer cleanou~. ~DDENDUM K-~ MEMORANDUM Planning Department Attn: J. Golden 05 Auqust 1987 Lt. D. Thrasher Palm Beach Post Distribution Center As per the discussion on 04 Aug. 87, the following are recommendations; 1) Details on photo activated pole mounted high sodium vapor lamps for exterior. Lt. D. Thrasher Police Dept. DF:gg ADDENDUM K-~ - . ~ J~S GOLDEN ROBERT · k~:J.~... CITY P~R ',.- . :-ACTING DI~CTOR , . D STER ~ , PA~ BEACH ~OST DA~: -' . Plegse c~li' Public Works at to foming .. dumpster pad. - - -. PLEASE REPLY TO ~ 738-7424 prior PUBLTC WORKS 8/4/87 REPLY ._~ATE: _, ' -':-" "?," ::"' .' .SIGNED '. :,- '~.;--.~.::-; --::'. ' ' ' ' . "¥' '' '::'-" THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED TO: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM 7 August 1987 Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Distribution Facility of the Palm Beach Post - Site Plan Applicant should make the Community Appearance Board members aware of the notation about the trees and hedges shown along the south property line. 2. City water cannot be used for irrigating the landscape areas. /bks KEVIN J. HALLAHAN ADDENDUM K-6