R90-190RESOLUTION NO.~gO- ! ~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTIONS NO. 63-FF, 77-SS, 78-II, 83-FF. 8§-N, and 90~KKKK IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOA~RD; PROVIDING FOR THE BOARD'S CONPOSITION, ?ER~, THE FILLING OF VACANCIES, RATIFICATION OF SELECTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT REA~mPOINTMENTS, AND THE POWERS, DUI~IES, AUTHORITY, AN~ 'FUNCTIONS. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Beynton Beach, Florida, in recognition of the needs for providing an alternative forum for the peaceful redress of citizens' complaints or grievances, desires to create the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, wishes to emphasize the importance and need for the Boynt~n Beach Community Relations Board: as part of the City Commission's emphasis on the con- cern for the health, safety and welfare of all of the residents and citizens of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, continues to be convinced that proper safeguards and proper planning will help to avoid situations which might give rise to discord or injury to persons, property, or infringe upon the rights of others, and to avoid situations caused by strife between groups, fac- tions, or races that could result in damage to individuals and to the community at large; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, desires to create the Beynton Beach Community Relations Board, and desire of specifying its duties, powers, authority, and functions, as well as the composition and tems of its memberships through this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Resolutions No. 63-FF, 77-SS, 78-11, 85-N, 83-FF, and 90-KKKK be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. That the City Commission of the City ef Boynton Beach, Florida, being aware of its role in helping to preserve the dignity, peace, and harmony in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, does hereby create the existence of an advisory citizens board, to be known as the "Boynton Beach Community Relations Board," and thereafter refer to as the Board. Section 3. That said Boynton Beach Community Relatioms Board shall be composed of g members and 2 alternate members who are responsible law abiding citizens and shall be broadly representative of the social, economic, religious, ethnic and racial groups which comprise the population of our City of Boynton Beach. And that all members of the Community Relations Board shall be residents and elec- tors of the City. Section 4. That members of said Boynton Beach Community Relations Board be appointed by the Mayor and the City Commission as is currently in effect for alt City Boards. Section 5. That all members of the said Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall be appointed for three year staggered terms. That the two alternate members be appointed to one year terms. All members may be reappointed at the pleasure of the City Commission at the termination of their appointment, with no limit as to the number of terms a member may serve. Section 6. That if a vacancy should occur on the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board, said vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor and City Commission who selects members of each group {for example, selections by the Mayor), and the selected person shall serve for the unexpired term of the member's position which was vacated. City Commission may accept recommendations from the Community Relations Board as to appointments to the Board, and alternate members should be considered for regular appointments. Section 7. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board, in general, is to be utilized as a forum for the hearing of grievances or complaints of all citizens of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and said Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall make timely recommendations to the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach concerning such grievances or complaints. Section 8. That sPecifqcally, the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board ~uties, powers, authOrity, and functions include the fol 1 owl ng: a. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall act only in an advisory capacity to the City Commission, and the Boynton Beach Conmunity Relations Board actions and decisions shall not be binding on the City, the City Commission, or the City Administration. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall act as forum for grievances or complaints by citizens within the City of BOynton Beach, Florida. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Boardshall consider matters that both 1) are of a broad citywide concern, and 2) since the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board is advisory only to the City Commission, over which the City Commission may have jurisdiction or have authority to act. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall act as a forum for hearing disputes and/or grievances and the Board shall have the authority to conduct independent research into any complaints received by the Board. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall not consider any matter which involves a grievance or dispute between employers and employees, including those involving a City and its employees; nor shall the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board specifically consider any matters which are in litiga.tion or where there is a claim made in anticipation of such litigation. That the Boynton Beach Community Eelations Board shall hold meetings on a regular basis, which meetings shall be open to the public, minutes shall be kept of all such meetings, and any special meetings, with copies of said minutes, and any other reports, to be transmitted to the City Commission and the City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida within thirty {30} days of such meeting. ge he jm ke That the Boynton Beach Con~nunity Relations Board is authorized and encouraged to review matters which are the citywide concern, including but not limited to the rela- tionships between members of the community-at-large to identify any concerns and problems of a citywide basis, to suggest to the City Commission certain specific programs, guidelines, and outlines to address these iden- tifiable problems, which programs would serve to promote harmony and communication between all of the residents and citizens of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and to sponsor activities within the con~nunity which shall also serve to promote such harmony and communication. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board be con- cerned also with providing necessary information to the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach which concerns their health, safety, welfare or housing. That the Community Relations B~ard shall be empowered to review all requests for funds from all social service agencies, schools and/or community organizations and make recommendations to the City Commission regarding such requests. The Community Relations Board shall have no power to appropriate funds. That members of the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall serve without compensation, but reasonable expenses, if any, shall be subject to reimbursement as provided by the City of Boynton Beach. That the Boynton Beach Community Relations Board shall follow rules and procedures as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 9. That this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /7z( day of )~ez~oer, 1990 ATTEST: C i t.~/Cl~rk - (CCrponate- Seal ) CIT BEACH, FLORIDA '-'Vic~ Mayo)' Coknmissioner 'him' sionery J CommissiOner~ p~ ~ ~) EXHIBIT "A" RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD ARTICLE I - General Governing Rules: The Boynton Beach Community Relations Board (hereinafter referred to as the "CRB", shall be governed by Resolution No. RgO- of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and the Rules of PrOCedure set forth, herein, have been approved by the Commissioners of the City of Boynton Beach. ARTICLE II - Officers, Officers' Replacements, Committees, Clerk: The CRB shall elect a Chairperson, and Vice Chairperson annually in the month of April from among its membership by a majority vote of a quorum or more of its members present and voting. The Chairpers~on, er in his/her absence the Vice Chairperson, shall preside at all meetings, prepare an agenda, rule on all points of order and procedure, and act as spekespers~n of the CRB. In the event of resignation, or inability of the Chairperson to assume normal duty for the remainder of his/her term of office, the Vice ChairperSon shall assume the Ch~}r. A new Vice Chairperson shall be elected, andboth the new Chairpe:rs~n and Vice Chairperson Shall serve until the ensuing April meeting of the C~B. Furt~er~ in the event of resignation, or inability of the vilce ChairPerson tO continue in office, ~ ~ew¥Cce Chairperson shall be elected and shall serve until the emsuing~Al>ril meeting of the CRB. 4. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Vice Chairperson shall create any committees which may be necessary. The City Clerk, assigned by the City Manager, shall record the pro-, ce,dings of the CRB, keep minutes of the meetings, take roll call, record the votes, and carry out such other duties, as may be assigned by the CRB. ARTICLE III - Meetings. Quorum, Conflicts: The CRB shall meet every second Wednesday of each month, at 7:30 PM in ~the Commission Chambers of City Hall in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida unless there is no matter to be con- sidered before the Board to hold such a meeting, or it falls on a holiday, as designated by the City of Boynton Beach. The City Manager's office must be advised in advance of any deletion or deviation in the meeting schedule. A special meeting may be called by the ChairPerson, or in his/her absence by the Vice Chairperson. A special meeting may also be called upon request of four (4) members of the CRB. A quorum is required in order to hold a regular meeting. If a quorum is not available, a discussion meeting may be conducted, in which case no motion or voting will be carried out. A quorum shall consist of fifty percent, plus one of the members of the total CRB membership in existence at the time. All findings and orders of the CRB require a vote of a majority of its members pre- sent and voting within the stated definition of a quorum, 4. All meetings shall be open to the public. 5. The order of business at meetings shall be conducted as follows: a. Meeting called to order by Chair. b. The Clerk calls the roll. c. Approval of minutes. d. Approval or addition to agenda, if any. e. Public Audience. f. Old Business (Committee/Panel reports, tabled items, etc.) g. New Business. h. Adjournment. The Chair may change the order of business and should specify in the Agenda for,ach meeting what is old business and what is new business. 7. The "Roberts Rules of Order" shall be tKe prevailing authority, if any Rules or Procedure may not be specifically addressed herein. ARTICLE IV - Absences, Removal from Office: In order to insure participation of a full board in a reasonable manner it is directed, b~. the Mayor and City Commission that when a board member has missed three:monthly meetings for any reason that member will be notified tha{ One additienal absence will cause his bear~membership to be terminated and a replacement to be appointed at the time of the next absence. 2. Each CRB member shall be responsible for notifying the City Clerk's Office as promptly as possible of any expected absence from a CRB meeting. ARTICLE V - Amendments 1. These Rules of Procedure may be amended by the Board in accordance with its normal voting procedure. The Rules of Procedure shall be reviewed and updated as needed, approval,and the Board shall have authority to amend without City Commission