R90-163A RESOLUTION OF TttE CITY OF BOYNTON BENCN. FLORIDA ST. 30SEPH'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~REREAS= construction of the ~forementioned ~tar the ~ater sWs'Len ha~ pa~ed ail pert~nen~ ~NEREHS. the d~v~I~per has requested UHEREAS. the developer ha~ provided all neces~arg Ng~= THEREFORE. BE AHO IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COHHISSION OF BOYHTOH ~E~CH. FLORIDA= That th~ s~Jr~tv bond r~q~irR~Rnt Tot the ua~r ~Wst~ PASSED AHU AOOPIEO THIS gAY OF C~ ATTEST: v ~(Co~rporate Seal) ST.~TE OF FLORID~'~ DEPARTMENT O ,F.iHE.A~LTH TO R.~qUEST FOR LETTER OF RELEASE PLAC~ WATER SUPPLY .SYS..~EM INTO SERVICE Oeneral .~nformation System completed to the full extent of the approved plans Partially completed to the extent noted herein Indicate deviations and/or portions being certified / / Construction water only requested II Engineer's Certification This ia to'certify that the project has been substantially com- pleted in accordance with approve~ plans and specifications, or that the deviations noted on ~he attached record.~rswfn§s will not prevent the system from functioning in compliance with requirements of Environmental Comtrol Rule II (ECR-II) and Chapter ZZ~ Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), when properly operated a~d maintained. Further, the system has passed the pressure* and bacteriological tes~s ~bat ~ere conducte~ in accordance with AWWA Standards. This certification is based~upon on~sl%e observation of con- struction, scheduled and conducted by ~/e o.r by a proJec~ repr.sentat , under my Name and Address ' - III Acceptance by Utility* The subject system has #xL~u~lutt been......~ /-- jsecept~d for operation and maintenance. /: ?<ZA , ;,: - . PAl M ltl;~Cll C¢)IIIIIY Ill:Al I'III')~P^I1TMFFJF I'~¢1 Ilill(~It. WI;III'PAl Mltl;^(~.II. FI.., (Over) INC. 12 B~ ttn: Pel zzeIla Dear mete: Please accept tbi ~,f we oan be of amy furtheF-.as~,is to call'. -'4 r warranty against please feet free GHL/j1 1241 OKEECHOBEE RD., WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (407) 833-~. ~ 41 F Z N A L R E L E A S E O F L I E N CONKLZNG & LEWZs CONSTRUCTZON, '/NC. 1241 OKEECHOBEE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FL 334el KNON ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENT, that the undereLgned, CO~G & ~TIS CO~S?i Ln cons/deretlon of Payment Ln the sum of $ ~n ~: race/pt uhereof Ls hereby acknowledged ICcruLng,°ther Valuabledo C°nslderatLons mnd boner/ts · and i ,ri, i .Y ~crlbed on account of work and labor Performed, and/or materials" rum/Shad Ln, to, or about the conetructlon of an b o~ buildinge altueted thereon, or '- - : Y U~ldlng aoove Oaacrlbed. ar any part t~areo~: zmprovzng cold property Xt be/ag the undarotand/ng Xo. · tea/Var end ReXe--- ~. ~.. th_l underclgned that underllgned ~a .... - ~he premlle~ delcr~bed h re~- - ~l~ace, by v/r~ue of th .... ~..;:~--~-~en Igaxn~t la/d r Ma/var ;-~ . ~"' unuer!zgned hl~ the r~--- - ' ...... __~ . -,,u., ~eZeale, and tha~ -~ · / ~,,~ bo execute -.,,~-~v~men ;~ upon .he ~on~ructlon of premises, have been fully paid. and that no conditional bill of ~ale, retained'title Contract or chattel mortgage has been given by anyone, *.for or In connect/on ~lth any materl~Ze, fixtures, furnishings and aPPliances or machinery Placed upon or 'Installed In the premlees. ~N N/TNES5 ~EREOF Z have executed this ln=trument under u~ rn ~ : u~ZCER: t GRANI' OF 'EASEMENT' THIS INDENTURE, rna~e this 27 day of ~.~_~embA~ ................. . 1990 betweem ~_ poseph'~ Church party of the first cart and City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. whose addreee is 100 N.E. 2nd. Avenue. Boynton Beach, Florida, ~42~, party of the second part: ~ _I_ T_ N_ ~ S_~ S_ _E. T_ II: THAT, the party of the first part. TOt and in coneidera- tion of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good ano valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the par~y of the first part. has granted and does hereby grant, to the party of the eecond part, its suc- cessors and ~ssigns. forever, the right, privilege and ease- merit to construct, reconstruct, lay, install, operate, main- tain, water relocate, repair, replace, improve, remove and inspect transmission and oistribution facilities and all appurtenances thereto, and/or sewage transmission a~d col- lection facilities and ail appurtment equzpment, ~ith full right to ingress thereto and egress therefrom, the property of the party of the first part. described as follows, to wit: September 25, 1990 EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS EASEMENl ~: An easement 10 foot wide in the Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of the Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Section 4, Township Q6 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of said Northwest quarter (N.~. l/Q) of Southweet quarter (S.W. l/q) of Northwest quarter (N.W. l/q) of Section 4: thence N.89~ 38' IS" W.. along the South line of said Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Section 4, 4e.ee feet; thence N.~ O0'O0"E., along a line 4e.ee feet West of and parallel with the East line of said Northwest quarter (N.W. 1/4) of Southwest quarter (S.W. l/q) of Northwest quarter of Section 4, 385.90 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N.BgC22'40"W,, 561.70 feet: thence S.33°18'35,,W.'. 7.89 feet: thence S. 1 03'48"W., 65.00 feet to the terminus point of said centerline. The side lines of said 10 foot easement to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points and to terminate at a line 40 feet West of the East line of the Northwest quarter (N.W.1/Q) of the Southwest quarter (S.W.1/4) of the North- west quarter (N.W.1/4) of Section 4. EASEMENT B: The South 10 feet of the North 216.50 feet of the West (N.E.1/4) of the East half (E.1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (N.E.1/4) of the Southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of the Northeast quarter (N.E.1/4) of Section 5, Tow~3ship 46 South, Range 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida. Order No. 71-1268 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part by its proper officials has hereunto set its hands and seals the year and day first above written. Sig%~e~t a?-?L Sealed:C ~?- ~,. in,%,..~,the Presence of: Attest~ Secreta~ St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, Inc. Corporation President (SEAl.) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) .B~o~e,me personally appeared,t~ silent/7__ and ~(~.~'~/~/~c~'.(_,Secretary, respectively, of..~~~~ a ~rsda Corporation, to me ~ell known and kmo~n ~o m~ to be th~persons described i~ ~nd ~ho executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed, on behalf of the corporation, ~ ~itness my hand and o~icial ';eal. this ~ day of NOTARY PUBLIC STATE Of FLORIDA ~t large My commission expires: This instrument prepared by: C~gL F-- ORTMAN Strata of Floridm. My C~mm. E~,~. 6/5/~3