90-OOOOOORESOLUTION NO. 90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, APPROVING THE RELEASE OF SURETY POR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS INSTALLED FOR THE R.J. GORE DEVELOPMENT'S FLORIDA PROJECT WHEREAS, construction of the aforementioned water and sewer systems are completed, and WHEREAS, the water amd sewer systems have passed all pertinent testing to date, and WHEREAS, the developer has requested release of surety, and WHEREAS, the developer has provided all necessary easements and warranties to BY THE NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED CITY COMMISSION OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the cash surety bond requirement for the water and sewer systems serving the R.J. Gore Development's Project be released in fu].l , and the amount of ~5,837.92 be returned the developer. ATTEST: ~o [ (~ rD.. Se~t) Co~%mi ssion M~mber GENERAL CONTRACTORS September 5~ 1990 Uti!les Department City of Boynton Beach 124 SE 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 R.J. Gore Development Corporation hereby gives a full one year warranty on labor and material for the force main and water servzce supply om mhe 3-unit townhouse located at 11600 Coquina Road. Said warranty shall commence from September 1. 1990. Gore Development Corp. 2i5 North Federal Highway, Suite 2 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Office: 338-5205 RELEASE OF LIEN KNOIr/.4LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned, f~r an~ in consideration of the paymem of the sum of.. ?.~?.e. .... · .t.h. ousand e,i~h.t hundred thirty-seven and ..n~..n.e.tzT.t.w.o. /i00 D~llars {$. 5.~832..~.. ) pa d b- the .... .R.~J, G.o.r**e. Development CorPoration recei t fwbich is ' .................. ' ' r ...................... p, o hmeb¥ acknowledged, .... hereby releases am quit ctai ms to the said ...... LT..t.i.l.f..ry..D.c.p.a.r.t.m. e~.t.,., g~.t.~...o.f, .B.o.y~.t..o.n.'..B.e.a..e.h its successors and assigns, and ......... ?,,$,..G. Qlcp..D.e;¥~,l.qp~p~,t;. gp~rg.q~i~.t~.g~ ............. the owner, all liens, lien rights, clc~ims or demands of any kind whatsoever, which the undersignnd now has-or-- ~ g - .._.:'~ ..... '. mi~ht hove against the building n premises legally described as .................................... ~; ...... Lol:. ~, .Le~. ~k~ .~To~h. 70..~eer, ~nd. 3.e es..~be..%utb..~25o-~ .Fe~. tke-~eo~. ........... F~antz Pelican-Beach Add., according to the plat thereof recorded' in the an accountof labor performed an~/or material famished Jar the constrUCtion of any improvements thereon. That ali labor and materiais used by the undersigned in the erection of said improvements have been fully paid far. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand seal this ...... 1..s.t .............. day of .... ~e.p.t.e.m.b..e.r. ................ , 19 . .9..0 .... _ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF{ ss. J hereby acknowledge that the statements contained in the foregging Release of L en are true and correct. Swam to and subscribed he,re me My commission expires: Nbta;y Pi/b/lc Slate o/F/or/da at Lal~e ............... ~ .................... (SEAL)-='< =- RJ Gore Development Corporation RELEASE OF LIEN .KNOIV ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the unclersigned, far and in consideration of the payment of the sum of ........... Five thousand eight hundred thirty-seven ......................................................... and .p~g~yc-.t.w. p/100 DoHors [$.5.8~7., 9g., ) pa~d by the ...... Beachwood Contracting,. Inc. · ...................... e-.~ ..... ~ ................ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby releases and quit claims ta the said .... ~ti!it.~f Departmenn City of Boynton Beach its successors and assigns, and ....... ~3.--.e,¢b:o'.qg~ .C.Q~3~:.~l~z.~g,..1.qq the owner, all fiens, lien rights, claims or demands of any kind whatsoever, which the undersignnd now has' c~'" might have against the building on prem scs legally described as ................................... Lot E~ less the North 70 feet and less thelSouth 125.31 feet ther,e.o.f,. ... ...... ~.~.tz.....Pe~ic&n... ...Be~¢h .... A4~..~¢cord~n.g...... . ,.t.o. the plat thereof recorded in the · p.l.a.t, book 23~ p.a~e 132 of the publ'ic records of Palm Beach County, Florida. on accountaf labor performed and/or material fumished far the construction of any improvements thereon. That all labor and materials used by the undersigned in the erection of said improvements have been fully paid far. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand seal this .... 1st day ~f .,. ~.eD temher ................. , t9 .9.0 ....... WtT~ ' STATE OF FLOR IDA } COUNTY OFj' ss, I hereby acknowledge that the statements contained in the foL3~goi~l~e_qse of Lien .aret~ue ~r;d Co,~ct i / ' z.,s.... Sworn to and subscribed before me this .............day pi ................ , 19 . . ' .......... My Camm[ssion Expires February ZT, [gD~ t-._-:-~ ~:'.z: .n ~. NoraO, P~blic State ~/Florida at La~ge aerson, ~resident ' Beachwood Contracting, Inc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) ss: Before me the undersigned, personally appeared ~-7-- , who being by me first duly sworn~ on oath depose(s) and say(s) that he is the owner of the following described property; to wit: Water and sewer system for a 3-unit londominium at 11600 Coquina Road, Boynton Beach, Florida That the above described property is free and clear of all liens, taxes, encumbrances and claims of every nature, kind and description whatsoever, except for the year That all persons, firms and corporations who have performed labor or supplied materials thereon have been fully paid and that there is no person, firm or corporation who has any right or claim of lien against the above property for having furnished material or performed labor thereon; and that there have been no improvements, alterations or repairs to the above described property for mechanics', materialmen's or laborer's license against the chattels situated in or upon any building which may be erected on said premises is completely paid for and is free of all liens, claims and encumbrances; that no violations of municipal ordinances pertaining to the above described property exist; that if rental units are erected upon the above described property, affiants state that in the operation of said buildings they have complied fully with the existing sales tax report when due and that they will pay all such sales taxes; that if said property is unimproved, affiants state that as of the date of this affidavit, no improvements have been commenced on said property nor has any labor been furnished and no building materials have been delivered to or stored upon said property. These affiants agree that, in the event the current real estate and personal property taxes vary from the figures used in making prorations in connection with closing had this day, a proper adjustment and new proration will be made upon demand. That affiants are this above described property to day selling or mortgaging the City of Boyn~on Beach · and this affidavit is made as an inducement to the purchase of or the placing of a mortgage encumbering the above described property as r e said. / (Seal) ~~-~ ~ ,~ ./~ (Seal) / day Sworn to and subscribed before me this N~ary Public My Commission Expires: of