90-VVVVVRESOLUTION NO. 90-V'~/',./V"V/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, APPROVING THE RELEASE OF SURETY FOR WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AT WINDWARD P,U.D. PHASE I FLORIDA WHEREAS, aewer eyatems WHEREAS, all pertinent WHEREAS, WHEREAS, construction of the aforementioned water and ia completed, and the water and sewer systems qave pas~ed teeting to date. and the developer has reoueated release of the developer has provided s]] neoeasary ~OW, THEREFORE. BE AND tT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMHISSION OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the sure~y bond requirement for ~he water and and aewer szstems at Windward P.U.D, Phaae I is released ~ Full ~nd the surety boao ;n the amount of $1],810.00 shall be returnec to the develooer. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS .~'~'" DAY OF ~__.~/~'~W,~-'/~ , I9 ~ CI ATTEST: Seal Mayor Cclm~ 5sion hember