Walter "Marty" Trauger, Chairman
Garry Winter, Vice Chairman
George deLong
Marilyn G. Huckle
John Pagliarulo
Simon Ryder
Robert Wandelt (Excused)
Norman Gregory, Alternate
William Schultz, Alternate
Carmen S. Annunziato,
Director of Planning
Tim Cannon,
Senior City Planner
Chairman Trauger called the meeting to order at 4:00 P. M.
and recalled that in the Board's discussion of Areas, they
were discussing lot sizes under Area 30.
page 117
Area 30
East Side of U. S. 1, between N. E. 6th Avenue and the
Boynton Canal
Mr. Cannon informed the Members that he took a look at the
maps which have the actual property boundaries drawn on
them, and 80% of the lots along that frontage meet the C-3
zoning regulations (frontage and depth). Mrs. Huckle asked
if they met the 15,000 square feet. Mr. Cannon answered
affirmatively. When driving around Chairman Trauger thought
they appeared small. '
Mr. Annunziato told the Members that the Property Appraiser's
maps just show boundary dimensions. The lots shown on the
zoning maps the Members had could be different from the
actual property ownership. Chairman Trauger observed that
the lots were little, and it bothered him. Unless people
consolidated lots, as Mr. Annunziato had mentioned, he
questioned how they would be developable in the zoning cate-
gory the Board had them in. On the other hand, if they were
consolidating lots, Chairman Trauger asked how they would
set the Zoning Code regulations for those lots.
When they went over this last week, Mr. Annunziato recalled
that he had suggested the Planning Department would report
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back with an analysis of the actual ownership sizes, lot
sizes, and forms of existing uses. Be thought with that in
hand, they Would be able to make a better analysis. Chair-
man Trauger reiterated his former Observation. Mr. Annunziato
thought the lots were platted at about 5,000 or 6,000 feet.
Mrs, Huckle interjected that was why they did not originally
gotO C-3.
FOr the public hearings, Mr. Cannon said the Planning Depart-
merit would make a copy of that portion of the tax map so the
Members could see where the actual property lines are. Mrs.
HuCkie said that did not mean that was the way they would
stay. Someone could sell the lots off, or they could be
divided up. Out of 15 parcels along there, Mr. Cannon said
only four of them would not meet the C-3 regulations, Mrs.
BUCklie asked if he meant where they had been grouped together.
Mr' ~Cannon answered affirmatively. For zoning purposes, it
seemed to Mrs. Buckle they would almost have to put it on
the SiZe of the lots. There was more discussion.
Area 31
Property North of Four Seasons Retirement Bome
Mr. Cannon said this is a vacant parcel immediately north of
Four Seasons Retirement Bome. The Planning Department
recommended that the majority of the parcel be rezoned from
R-3 dOwn to R-lA because this is not the kind of neighbor-
hood that would lend itself to apartment development. The
Four Seasons is a developed, one story congregate living
facility. It is low intensity, multiple family housing. To
the east is a mobile home park.
Mr. Ryder asked what happened to the development that was
going to be west of the mobile home park. Mr. Annunziato
replied that they never built. Mr. Ryder asked if this
included that area. Mr. Annunziato answered, -In part."
BOth Mrs. Buckle and Mr. deLong had a great objection to
this. Mr. deLong did not think it was conducive to R-lA.
AS much as she liked to protect single family deVelopment,
Mrs. Buckle also liked to protect individual property
owners. She did not think (1) that this particular spot was
conducive to R-lA. (2) People who have an investment in
multiple family useage lots would be very much uninterested
in having this made R-lA.
To Mrs. Buckle, putting R-lA useage on 20 acres of multiple
family was like taking away property rights. She looked at
MAY 27, 1986
the property and did not think it was conducive to R-iA.
Mrs. Huckle could not think of a place that would be better
for multiple family with the mobile homes, retirement home
and apartments. Mr. deLong agreed. '
Mr. deLong informed Mrs. Huckle that Four Sea Suns are
apartments. Four Seasons is the retirement home. Next to
the funeral home is The Lord's Place. Then there is the
mobile home park, and then there are the railroad tracks.
Mr. deLong did not see how they could push it for R-lA.
Mr. Annunziato offered to the Members conversations he had
gotten over the years about the property. Everybody who
looks at it can only see subsidized housing. The prevailing
thought for the past two years has been whether they could
develop it with modular homes or put in a single family sub-
division for single family purchase. Based on his conversa-
tions, Mr. Annunziato said he would be very surprised if the
property ever develops into multiple family. For some
reason, the market is not working that way on that property.
Mr. Pagliarulo looked at the property about a year ago, and
it did not work out multi-family at all. Single family was
about the best use he could get out of it. Mr. deLong asked
if he was talking about financial feasibility and added that
the property could be secured for about $3,800 a unit. He
asked how much better than that he could do on multi-family.
For some reason, from what people told him, Mr. Annunziato
said it did not work for what you could sell the property
for and what you could resell or rent the units for. He had
never actually talked to Mr. Pagliarulo about this.
Mrs. Huckle asked how many owners were involved. Mr. deLong
advised that there is one owner on the 14 acre tract. Mr.
Annunziato informed the Members that the property has been
on the market for years, but the owners cannot sell it. Mrs.
Huckle commented that then, the owners would not object.
Chairman Trauger felt Mr. Pagliarulo should know. Mr.
Pagliarulo said he had maps and everything, and he felt
comfortable with single family there. That was his point
to bring forth to the owner. The owner was asking top dollar
because of the multi-family zoning but, in Mr. Pagliarulo,s
opinion, it did not work out.
Mrs. Huckle asked if Mr. Pagliarulo could not talk the owner
into selling the property for a different price. Mr.
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MAY 27, 1986
Pagliarulo replied that the man is willing to "bend over
backwards.- There was more discussion. Mrs. Huckle asked
about access to the property. Mr. Pagliarulo answered that
it is a little bit of a problem. Mr. Annunziato said there
would be access from the north because there is a publicly
dedicated street. From the east, Mr. Ryder said there Ks no
Chairman Trauger recalled they had this same argument eight
years ago. There was more discussion. Mr. Pagliarulo
observed that to the north, it is very nice, but the south
is going down. Mr. Ryder remarked that access has always
been a problem. Mr. deLong asked what kind of problem.
Vice Chairman Winter remembered there was a gate, and they
did not want to open up the street. Mr. Annunziato recalled
the City staff argued that 17th Avenue should be open from
4th Street eastward. The Board granted a variance to not
require the extension of 17th Avenue.
From past discussions, Mr. deLong gathered that future sites
are needed for low income housing and commented that would
probably be the best area.
Mrs. Huckle inquired as to whether the property owners were
local or absentee owners. The two people Mr. Pagliarulo
knew of are local. Mr. deLong thought the property was
priced right and should move as a Planned Unit Development
(PUD) now if it is ever going to move. He said maybe Mr.
Pagliarulo was right. Maybe it would just be one great big
slum. Considering that some of the owners are local, Mrs.
Huckle felt they should be at the hearings and could voice
their opinions. There were other comments.
The main problem Mr. Cannon could think of was whether
subsidized housing would create a conflict with people who
live on the north or south. It seemed to him it would be a
sore spot.
This has come up several times in the last couple of years,
and, for all intents and purposes, Mr. Annunziato commented
that it looked like subsidized housing was dead, However,
the problem is there and is growing, so there will be a
public response. Mr. Annunziato explained and said probably,
in ten years, they might see a reversal. '
Mrs. Huckle wondered what subsidized housing looked like and
asked if it turns into slums. Mr. deLong thought there was
less chance of it happening if they put it to R-lA than on
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MAY 27, 1986
a PUD basis. Chairman Trauger predicted it would not go down
until the second generation, when it will become absentee
ownership. Mrs. Huckle remarked that could happen anywhere.
Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department would know the
Board's concern, and the Planning and Zoning Board can vote
on it.
Area 32
Old Sewage Treatment Plant
Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. deLong it is north of the Boynton
Canal, at the northeast corner. Mr. Cannon told the Members
this will be the location for the City's radio communications
tower. It is also anticipated that the City Nursery will
continue there and possibly expand. Mr. Cannon added that
the City should clean the property up and make it as
compatible with the surrounding property as possible. He
informed Chairman Trauger that the Area will remain in the
"Public Use" category.
Page 118
Area 33
Vacant Land Within Boynton Canal Right-of-Way
Mr. Cannon informed the Members that this is a substantial
right-of-way between 1-95 and U. S. 1. The City does not
know what South Florida Water Management District's
(SFWMD) plans for this property are but was stating that
if and when SFWMD ever decides to dispose of the property,
single family zoning should apply to the north of that right-
Chairman Trauger commented that it would make waterfront
lots. Mr. Annunziato pointed out that there is enough land
to be developed. Mr. deLong thought it would also be a good
recreation area. Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department
also made that comment.
Mr. Cannon believed that the City was attempting to acquire
property on the south side of the canal, in Laneharts Sub-
division, which may satisfy some of the demands for a water
based recreation area. He informed Mrs. Huckle that SFWMD
is the owner. Mr. Annunziato thought the LWDD also had a
right-of-way through there, but it is in public ownership.
Mrs. Huckle asked how they would go about turning it into
private property. Mr. Annunziato guessed it would take a
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MAY 27, 1986
determination of (1) a surplus and (2) a determination to
market by the governmental agencies.
Area 34
North Seacrest Blvd. between Boynton Beach Blvd.
and Boynton Canal
Mr. Cannon said this is the frontage on Seacrest. The
Planning Department is making the observation that there is
already adequate commercial zoning along that frontage.
The west side of Seacrest from Boynton Beach Boulevard to
8th Avenue is already zoned "Commercial,,. There is also
commercial property along 10th Avenue. Most of the existing
property zoned "Commercial,, is not developed. When Seacrest
Boulevard is widened north of the canal, Mr. Cannon said they
may get additional traffic and pressure to zone the entire
frontage commercial.
One thing Mr. Annunziato said the Board had to continue to
be watchful of was strip commercial zoning on Seacrest.
Nothing takes away the capacity of a right-of-way quicker
than that because of the tremendous number of curb cuts. It
is something the Board should always continue to be aware of.
Mrs. Huckle questioned the last sentence and read: "The
City should support the rezoning of this entire block to
multiple family zoning, if all of the lots on this block are
combined into a single parcel." Mr. Cannon clarified that
if you notice the convenience stores on the west side of
Seacrest, just north of the Boynton Terrace apartments, the
row of lots that the stores occupy is zoned for multiple
family. However, Mr. Cannon believed they only had a depth
of 120 feet.
The Planning Department was suggesting that if that property
plus the triangular block behind it, could be combined, it
might be a developable site for apartments. Right now, Mr.
Cannon did not suspect that the convenience stores on the
west side of Seacrest would ever be developed for residential
uses because it is only about 120 feet deep. You might have
a developable lot if the property behind it is also rezoned
to multiple family. Mr. Cannon explained that this was sort
of a conditional recommendation if somebody bought all of
those lots. '
Mr. Annunziato showed Mr. deLong the location of the block
and said it was near the cemetery portion of Sara Sims park,
on the south side.
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MAY 27, 1986
There was discussion about Bob Beane's lots, which are in
front of Boynton Terrace Apartments. Mr. Annunziato said
they are zoned "Commercial,,.
If it was not possible to put this into a single parcel, Mrs.
Huckle asked what the Planning Department would recommend.
Mr. Cannon answered that they would recommend that the R-3
zoning continue there. Right now, only the lots that front
on Seacrest are zoned R-3. The lots to the west are now
zoned single family.
Mr. Pagliarulo asked if Mr. Cannon was saying they also want
to rezone the lots where the stores are to R-3. Mr.
Annunziato replied that they are already zoned R-3. Mr.
Pagliarulo asked if they were commercial now because of the
previous owners. Mr. Cannon advised that they would not be
allowed to expand and agreed with Mr. Pagliarulo that they
are only allowed to deteriorate. Mr. deLong remarked that
was one of the big problems with phasing them out that way.
Mr. Cannon knew the property was zoned "Commercial,, in the
early 70s.
If that entire block is developed for apartments, Mr. Cannon
suggested that it might provide some incentive for removing
the little stores.
Chairman Trauger recalled a lady saying she was going to put
a store on 10th Avenue and asked what happened to her. Mr.
Annunziato informed him that the lady did modify a building
and is going to do structural mechanical and electrical
corrections. ' ,
Page 119
Area 35
South Seacrest Blvd. Between Boynton Beach Blvd.
and Woolbright Road
It was recommended that this stay in a "Residential,,
category. From time to time, Mr. Cannon said they get
inquiries about rezoning that frontage to "Commercial,,,
particularly for small offices. The Planning Department is
saying that office development should be concentrated in the
Central Business District (CBD). Any rezoning along that
frontage on Seacrest will detract a demand from the CBD.
Last week, Chairman Trauger was driving street by street,
back and forth, and a couple of those streets are very nice.
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MAY 27, 1986
Others are going downhill rapidly, and he thought it was
because of absentee ownership and a lot of rentals.
Mr. Pagliarulo was informed by Mr. Cannon that the zoning
there now is R-2. Mr. Annunziato estimated eight or ten
duplexes were built since this zoning change went in. It
seemed to have stabilized, but there is not that much
vacant property.
Mr. deLong asked if this went up to the water plant. Mr.
Annunziato replied that it does not It stops 1/2 block
north of Woolbright. '
Area 36
Residential Parcels in Vicinity of Old Boynton Road
and New Boynton Road, Between Interstate 95 and
Co__~ress Avenue
Mr. Cannon said this is another area where they see the
potential for strip, commercial zoning. The Board will be
hearing an application on this.
On the south side, Mr. Ryder said you have Leisureville
Condominiums° What he saw there was "Residential,,, but
access should be from Old Boynton Road, not from Boynton
Beach Boulevard. He was talking about the piece west of the
E-4 Canal. Mr. Annunziato did not think you could get there
from Old Boynton Road. Mr. Ryder said the access could be
by way of Hoadley Road. Mr. Annunziato said he would have
to take a look at it.
Mr..Annunziato said they have an application on hand for the
property between the Villager and the E-4 Canal, north of
Boynton Beach Boulevard. The existing zoning is multi-
family. He did not think they were proposing any changes in
the zoning.
Mr. deLong really did not see that as anything but a
commercial piece. If the Board decides next week that the
Planned Commercial Development (PCD) on the north side of
Boynton Beach Boulevard should be commercial property, that
would be incorporated into the Board's recommendations to
the Council.
Mr. Ryder said there are only two entrances from Boynton
Beach Boulevard. He thought they should keep it multiple
residential, but they should back up on the Boulevard and
not face it.
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MAY 27, 1986
Mrs. Huckle asked what kind of development is being proposed
on this at the Board's next hearing. Mr. Cannon answered,
that it will be a strip shopping center, but part of it will
be office and part of it will be retail. He confirmed that
Mrs. Huckle was correct in saying it was currently R-3
zoning. Mr. Annunziato added that it was the parcel west
of the E-4 Canal.
Mr. Ryder commented that Jefferson's was going to go there.
There were various comments by the Members. The reason Mr.
deLong thOught it should go "Commercial,, was because
"Commercial,, is to the west of it; "Commercial,, is to the
southwest of it; and "Commercial,, is to the northwest of it.
Mr. Annunziato did not think they should be arguing the
merits of the application until the public hearing.
Mr. Annunziato told the Members there is a lot of pressure
to rezone all of that vacant property "Commercial',. At the
intersections, Mr. Ryder said there is no quarrel with that.
That was why it was favored at intersections of major
arteries, but then there are questions as to how far you
carry it away from there. That was the travesty Mr. deLong
could see. When you leave something like Woolbright Road
residential, they turn into dumps because nobody wants to
build that close to what is established as commercial on
Area 37
Property on Northeast Corner of Old Boynton Road
~ress Avenue
When they first discussed the Land Use Element, as far as
changing the single family district to low density, Mr.
Cannon recollected they were stating this was the one
exception and that it should stay at the moderate density of
7.26 dwelling units per acre.
There will be an application to develop at least part of
this property for .commercial uses. Mr. Ryder asked if the
Planning Department advocated that. Mr. Cannon replied that
they do not think the road capacity will be there in either
Boynton Beach Boulevard or Congress Avenue. It may be
possible that with the acquisition of an additional right-of-
way on Congress Avenue, either by the County or if the
developer of this property would be willing to purchase that
right-of-way, that commercial development may be possible on
this property. That would be if the traffic impacts are
found to be acceptable.
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MAY 27, 1986
Mr. Cannon emphasized that it was hard to say at this point
and that the Planning Department was just making general
recommendations at this point that the property be developed
as a planned development as opposed to a piecemeal develop-
ment. If the property is developed for commercial use, it
was recommended that there not be access coming onto Old
Boynton Road across from the residences, which are on the
south side.
Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. Ryder the width of Old Boynton
Road is 80 feet. Mr. Ryder commented that it would have to
be widened, and Mr. Annunziato added that it will be a
substantial problem. Chairman Trauger noted it is not in
the five year plan. Mr. Annunziato advised there are no
plans to enhance Old Boynton Road. Chairman Trauger remarked
that they want to resurface it. Mr. Ryder drew attention to
the fact that it will be a busy approach to the Mall. Chair-
man Trauger told Mrs. Huckle it is a County road. Old
Boynton Road will be widened eventually, but Mr. Cannon
believed the schedule for just the engineering was not
projected until 1990.
Mr. Cannon said this is the last major parcel in the entire
City, and its future is still in question. Mr. Ryder asked
if they were talking about all the way to Motorola from the
Canal. Mr. Annunziato informed him it was 104 acres and
said it goes from Old Boynton Road, north to the Boynton
Canal, between Congress Avenue and the E-4 Canal. There was
nothing to say it could not be successfully developed as
"Residential,, if it could be bought for less than
Mrs. Huckle asked who owns the property and was informed by
Mr. Annunziato that Mr. Winchester,s father-in-law, Ernest
Klatt, owns it. Mr. Ryder said there is a lot of pressure
because it is in the vicinity of the Mall. It will not be
like Congress Avenue between 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road.
Mr. Annunziato said there will be a lot of pressure, but the
day may have passed when a more intensive category can be
placed on that property. Mrs. Huckle suggested a nice
nursing home. Mr. Annunziato said somebody could create
some nice home sites with frontage on the E-4 Canal and have
more intensive uses on Congress Avenue. He did not think
it should be a commercial or industrial category
Chairman Trauger thought they would see a lot of pressure
and asked how much commercial they could get as a developer.
Mr. Annunziato replied that they probably would have to
answer that question in a year or two.
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MAY 27, 1986
~age 120
Area 38
Property on Northeast Corner of Golf Road
and Congress Avenue
Mr. Ryder commented that the First Baptist Church is the
owner of this property and was supposed to come in here. Mr.
deLong thought they sold it. There was discussion that it
was tied up in the Tradewinds and Mr. Ryder mentioned Norman
Michael trying to get his property zoned "Commercial', and
being turned down time and time again.
Area 39
Property on Southeast Corner of Golf Road
and Congresa Avenue
Mr. Cannon commented that Areas 38 and 39 go together.
Ryder agreed and remarked that what happens to one will
happen to the other.
The Planning Department recommended that the out parcel of
Leisureville (the First Baptist Church property) and the
western half of the vacant property on the southeast corner
(Norman Michael's property) be rezoned to multiple family.
Mr. Cannon said the department thinks this would be the
appropriate zoning in that Cedarwood Villas (now Christian
Villas) to the north and Golfview Harbour Estates to the
south are multiple family. To the west is Savannah Place,
which will be multiple family development.
Mr. Annunziato advised that Savannah Place will be coming
back .for a master plan modification, and the Board may want
to say something about increasing the recreation. He
informed the Members that the City is carrying a development
bond on that property now. The owners decided not to go
ahead. Chairman Trauger recalled this was started in 1971.
There was discussion about Norman Michael and what he is
When you look at land use files, Mr. Annunziato said these
uses make sense, but there will be a lot of desire on the
part of the residents in the area to keep the uses single
family. Chairman Trauger referred to the single family
houses that were just built in Section 10 of Leisureville
and asked if they had been sold. Mr. Ryder replied that
they did not go too quickly, but he thought they had been
sold. Chairman Trauger thought that gave an indication for
the rest of that property.
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MAY 27, 1986
The way the property is configured in both instances, Mr.
Annunziato said there is constant pressure to put a commer-
cial zoning category on that. The multi-family reflects a
dominant land use on Congress Avenue, but this will be
controversial because of single family homeowners, particu-
larly in Golfview Harbour. They will be very vocal.
Mr. deLong thought there was enough commercial immediately
in that area. Mr. Annunziato added that it is residential
and should remain so. Mrs. Huckle was informed that the
current zoning there is R1AA. Mr. Annunziato said a nursing
home would have been the perfect answer for that corner.
Mr. deLong interjected that the people of High Point are
talking quite differently now. The ACLF facility was the
best use of the property for their own benefit and now the
people of High Point agree. '
Mr. Ryder commented that The Landings and Mahogany Bay
look terrible and there was some discussion about them.
Area 40
Industrial Property Fronting on East Side
of South Congress Avenue
Mr. Cannon said this Area reiterates a policy the Planning
Department has been implementing ever since that corridor
along South Congress Avenue started developing. They have
been requiring that developers along that corridor face
their garage doors and loading areas away from Congress
Avenue. Mr. Ryder thought it was a great idea.
Area 39
Mrs. Huckle called attention to the reference to Areas 35
and 36 in this paragraph. Mr. Cannon noted they were errors
and advised that Area 35 should be changed to Area 38 and
Area 36 should be Area 39.
Area 41
Residential Properties in the Vicinity
of Golf Road and Seacrest Boulevard
Mr. Cannon drew attention to the one out parcel immediately
at the corner of Seacrest Boulevard and Golf Road, between
Miss Little's Nursery School and Seacrest Boulevard. The
Planning Department recommended that parcel be rezoned from
R-2 to C-l, as those three lots are really walled off from
any residential use.
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MAY 27, 1986
There was discussion about the northwest corner of Seacrest
Boulevard and Golf Road. Chairman Trauger thought First
Bank owned that entire tract. Mr. Annunziato said it was
only a temporary facility. Mr. Pagliarulo informed the
Members that the bank has no intention of using that parcel
to the north. What they have there is quite permanent for
awhile. Mr. deLong commented that it is on the market. Mr.
Annunziato advised that the zoning will dictate the form of
Mrs. Huckle determined they were talking about changing the
actual corner from R-2 to C-1. Mr. Annunziato clarified
that there are three lots on the northwest corner, which are
isolated by Ridge Pointe Woods Villas. He said the City
would have a very difficult time trying to defend the R-2
zoning there because it is isolated. Mr. Ryder could see
C-1 zoning there. Mr. Annunziato could not recall who owns
the lots but estimated they are a total of 15,000 square
feet. There is also an intravening street where Miss Little
parks her bus.
Area 42
South Seacrest Boulevard, South of Bethesda Hospital
The Planning Department sees the potential here for strip
commercial zoning, particularly for small offices, and were
recommending against it. Mr. Cannon thought they would get
an application sooner or later for that row of undeveloped
lots on the east side of Seacrest, south of the Seacrest
Professional Center. Mr. deLong informed him that the
purchaser of the lots might attempt to get five lots out of
of four, but will stay at R1A. That is the way it was sold
and the way the purchaser bought it.
Area 43
Parcel on East Side of South Seacrest Boulevard
between Woolbri~ht Road and S. E. 23rd Avenue
Mr. Cannon said this is the parcel south of the water plant.
The Planning Department is more or less defending the exist-
ing zoning and land use designation that is there. Mr.
Annunziato advised that there are a couple of different
owners there. One is Attorney Gene Moore, who would probably
sell his property at the right price.
Mr. Cannon continued that the Planning Department is suggest-
ing that is not the appropriate location for commercial use
because it is a residential area near High Point, Squire
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MAY 27, 1986
Hill, and Seaway Villas. Mr. deLong advised that the land
owned by Gene Moore that they were alluding to could never
go "Residential-, as it is where the fencing is up against
the water plant' ,
There was discussion about the location of Attorney Moore's
property. Mr. Annunziato said Mr. Moore's property abuts
the Water Plant property from the south, but Mr. Moore has
an access easement through the water plant property. Mr.
Annunziato was suggesting that the property could not be
developed under the zoning category it is in. If it were
combined with the major parent tract, it would then be
developed.fronting on Seacrest Boulevard.
Mr. Annunziato said that was the parcel of land the
Community Redevelopment Agency talked about in the past for
housing for the elderly. There was discussion that it was
the Rose property. Mrs. Huckle recalled that at one time it
was going to be made High Point East after the development
of High Point West.
When you look at it, Mr. deLong said you immediately see
warehouses. Mr. Annunziato did not think they would ever
see warehouses there because there would be too much private
pressure. Mr. Cannon thought that, eventually, there would
be some type of group housing there.
Area 44
Lake Boynton Estates
Mr. Ryder remarked that this is where Tradewinds wants to
come in. Mr. Cannon told the Members the City is currently
being sued on this Area. Mr. Ryder said some homes have
been there for awhile. Mr. Annunziato informed him that the
plats were recorded in 1925.
Mr. Annunziato said this recommendation was sort of compli-
cated and mimicked the recommendation he made in connection
with the Planned Unit Development (PUD) about changes in
land use with a conclusion perhaps as to different kinds of
land uses in the area. The contract owners of Tradewinds
have sued the City over the denial of that zoning, so that
is being litigated. Tradewinds has filed a request for
Planned Commercial Development (PCD), which the BOard will
be reviewing on JUne 12. They have a ivery complicated
recommendation because the outcome is Unknown. Mr. Annunziato
said they will be dealing with three o~ four scenarios and
what could happen.
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MAY 27, 1986
At the outset of the Land Use Element, Mr. Cannon said the
Planning Department believed that the proper land use cate-
gory was a single family zoning district, which is "Low
Density Residential", as opposed to "Moderate Density
Residential.,, The Planning Department thinks the Land Use
Plan should show the City's R-lA and R-1AA zoning districts
as 4.84 dwelling units per acre as opposed to 7.26, which
they are showing right now. Presently, there are no R-lA,
R-1AA, or R-1AAB districts which are developed at a density
higher than five units per acre. The recommendation the
Planning DePartment was making for Area 44 was consistent
with that overall recommendation for lowering the land use
intensity of the single family districts.
The Planning Department was also suggesting that the R-3
strip along the railroad tracks be downzoned to R-2. It
seems an Boynton Beach that the development of duplexes along
railroad tracks has been a viable and desirable form of
development. The area along Boynton Beach Boulevard was
designated as Area 10 on the original Comprehensive Plan.
Mrs. Huckle asked if it was next door to where the medical
center was going to be. Mr. Annunziato answered affirma-
tively. Mr. Ryder commented that Los Mangos, being on the
tracks, is still viable. There was discussion.
On the northend of this particular property, Chairman
Trauger saw nothing preventing that same type of residential
from coming down to Woolbright Road, with the way it is set
up. It is quite viable; the lots are of a marketable
housing type in there, and you can see a higher market as
you come down there. It looked to him like it had already
taken off with the lower interest rates, because, "Where is
anything left in the City with this type of zoning?"
The Planning Department also made two recommendations
concerning transportation, which were mainly that a collector
road be provided from Woolbright Road to Ocean Drive, and
that a collector be provided going to the east to serve the
M-1 property (Winchester property). Mr. deLong recalled the
Winchester property is an industrial piece of property.
Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. deLong that Mr. Winchester
applied for, and the Planning Department is also recommend-
· ng, a railroad crossing to be located at approximately llth
Avenue, which is as far south as you can get and still meet
the railroad company's requirements. He thought the merits
of the crossing at this location were well known to everybody
- 15 -
MAY 27, 1986
who had to deal with the railroad crossing at Ocean Drive
and would be to everyone's benefit. Mr. Annunziato
expounded and added that the railroad crossing has been a
problem. It is an old crossing that is improperly located
for today's uses.
The problem is, to get from Railroad Avenue to 8th Street,
Mr. Annunziato said you need a collector because, by defini-
tion, it would be a collector road right-of-way. If you
assume that you already have an east/west collector there,
and that is what the land use term is on, because the same
problems that resulted from the PUD being proposed north of
the proposed collector, you would collect isolated parcels
zoned R-lA and R-3 southward.
The Planning Department,s recommendation was that the
property south of the east/west right-of-way should go into
an Office/Professional category. Mr. deLong asked what the
property is now. Mr. Annunziato replied that it is C-2,
R-lA, and R-3. When you put in the railroad crossing and
bring the road across, the Planning Department is suggesting
that the road should intersect with 8th Street, as far south
as you can get, given the forms of roads.
Mr. Annunziato said you are probably talking about 660 feet
north of Woolbright Road so, in effect, you would be
creating an "S" street. He drew a diagram on the blackboard
to illustrate what he meant and said the railroad crossing,
as proposed, would have to go just north of llth Avenue,
which is as far south as the railroad would let them go.
8th Street would be realigned to intersect with the median,
which is where it should go. That gives the signalized
intersection that you need.
If they are going to have a railroad crossing and a road,
Mr. Annunziato said they have to do something on that area.
Mr. Ryder looked at the illustration and commented that it
would really mess it up. Chairman Trauger asked how they
would keep C-2 from jumping in there. Mr. Annunziato showed
where it would go to "Medium Density,, and what areas would
go to "Office and Professional-. Mr. deLong noticed it would
take the C-2 right out.
Mr. Annunziato said that then they would have an "Office and
Professional-, a collector, and a single family neighborhood.
Given the situation that is there with all of the diversion
of interest, there is still substantial value there. It also
does away with a lot of the land use problems you have.
- 16 -
MAY 27, 1986
Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. deLong that Mr. Winchester has
about 23 acres of developed and undeveloped property. Mr.
deLong asked what industrial uses are there now. Mr.
Annunziato answered, "Four-Steel Corporation and Bulldog
Fence Company".
When you come on Ocean Avenue, where the American Legion is
and the feed and seed company, there is a big Legion Post.
The American Legion asked Chairman Trauger to find out who
they should contact about clearing the land, taking the
weeds out, sandblasting the building, and painting it. Mr.
Annunziato informed him that is what the Community Redevelop-
ment Agency is talking about moving over to the new inter-
section on the other side of the bridge. Apparently, it is
a landmark. Mr. Annunziato said it was the original Post
when this was platted in 1925. He agreed with Chairman
Trauger's statement that the City should preserve the
American Legion Post.
Mrs. Huckle asked what the reason was for the Railroad not
allowing any railroad crossing lower than llth Avenue.
Mr. Annunziato explained that there is a curve in the tracks
and a passing track. Geometrically, the railroads set the
point and said this was as far south as they could go. Mr.
Annunziato said it is probably in the City right-of-way.
Mrs. Huckle and Mr. Ryder liked the recommendation. Mr.
Ryder reminded the Members that they would be having a PCD
coming up. Mr. Cannon advised that it would be held on
June 12. Mr. Ryder pointed out that the applicant does not
c°ntemplate~"Office and Professional-, which was what Mr.
Annunziato was talking about. Mrs. Huckle thought the
"Office and Professional" would be ideal. Mr. Annunziato
did not know that it was necessary to sell the idea to the
owner. Mr. Ryder thought it would do away with opposition
from Leisureville.
Mr. Annunziato said this reduces the level of intensity in
all of the land, but it recognizes that you have to access
the industrial property. Mr. deLong asked if what Mr.
Annunziato was now proposing was "Moderate Density-, as
opposed to "Low Density-. Mr. Annunziato answered affirma-
tively. Mr. deLong estimated that would cut it in half.
Mr. Annunziato advised it would be from 7.26 to 4.8. Mr.
deLong asked how many acres were in the "Moderate Density"
portion of it. Mr. Annunziato thought there were about 70.
Mr. deLong commented that they were now talking about roughly
336 units, and they just came in with a plan of 618.
- 17 -
MAY 27' 1986
Mr. Annunziato reminded the Members that the City Council
can oppose this. Mrs. Huckle brought out that these people
are into lawsuits. Mr. Annunziato did not think the Board
or the Council should be concerned about lawsuits, as it
applies to any action they take in planning. They have the
law behind them. There was more discussion.
City Manager Cheney entered the meeting at 5:15 P. M.
Mr. Annunziato continued that the comment here is that it
should be replatted. Mrs. Huckle and Mr. Ryder liked it.
Although Chairman Trauger thought it was great, he wondered
how they could hold on to this concept against the plans
that will come up on June 12th. Mr. Annunziato thought this
was just something else to consider in light of the applica-
tion that comes up. Mr. Ryder exclaimed that it was more
fitting to have this type of thing than to have a shopping
center, and it is compatible with what is across the street.
There was more discussion. Mr. deLong and Mrs. Huckle
commented that loss of the C-2 portion would be a problem.
Mr. Annunziato pointed out that the applicant would be losing
the C-2 but probably would be doubling the commercial acreage.
Substantial value is created by that recommendation. Mrs.
Huckle asked what is west of 8th Street. Mr. Annunziato
replied that it is C-2 and R-lA. Mr. Ryder added that it is
R-lA along the canal adjacent to Leisureville.
Since the Baptist Church moved their plan over to the west
side, Chairman Trauger said it might change their plans.
Mr. Annunziato thought it would depend on what they do
Mrs. Huckle questioned whether the access road from llth
Avenue to 8th Street would impact two or three different
parcel owners. Chairman Trauger replied that Kislak Mortgage
Company owns some of it. Mr. Annunziato added that Riteco,
and also the Church, own "a bunch". No matter what they do
on this parcel, it will be full of problems.
page 210
Before going into the specific recommendations for areas
outside of the city limits, Mr. Cannon thought they should
turn to the annexation policies on this page.
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MAY 27, 1986
Page 211
In 1983, Mr. Cannon said there was a straw ballot in which
the voters were asked how big a city they wanted Boynton
Beach to be. On that ballot, the voters overwhelmingly
stated that they did not want the City to expand beyond the
boundaries necessary to square off the existing boundaries.
The map showed the existing City limits and what they
interpreted to be the line that would be consistent with the
straw ballot.
Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department recommended that the
City adopt, as a formal policy, that this will be the ulti-
mate City limits. There may be some exceptions to the line,
in the High Ridge Corridor. In some areas, they recommended
that the City should analyze specific annexation applications
to see if they meet the criteria for annexation and also the
criteria in the State Statutes for annexation as far as the
compactness of the additions, etc.
Boynton West
There was discussion about the map. Reference was made to
the Boynton West subdivision. Mr. Cannon estimated that
about 2/3 of the area was developed with single family homes.
Methods of Annexation
One of the constraints imposed on the scenario that the
Members saw is the way you can annex in Florida by State
Statute. Mr. Annunziato said you can annex by voluntary
petition or by joint referendum. If people in the City
and people in the area to be annexed both agree that they
want to be in the City, and the City wants them, you can
annex. You can also annex by a legislative act like the
Legislature might do for Delray BeaCh.
Mr. Annunziato said this suggests there will not be much
desire on the part of the people in those subdivisions to
annex. If they do not want to annex, unless they change the
laws, they are not going to be in the City, regardless of
the City's position. Built into this is an interpretation
of people's attitudes.
- 19 -
MAY 27, 1986
High Ridge Road
Mr. Cannon informed Mr. deLong that the west side of High
Ridge Road is already platted and developed. There are
numerous small large lot subdivisions on the east side of
High Ridge Road. It is very difficult to annex this area.
Mr. Cannon wished to summarize the Planning Department's
recommendations for land use along the boundaries of the
City. They included everything going up to Hypoluxo Road
and out to Lawrence Road in their Land Use Recommendations,
even though they do not anticipate that either of these
areas will ever be annexed. Given the outside chance that
they might be annexed, Mr. Cannon thought it was wise to
have some kind of policies in a Comprehensive Plan.
With reference to the High Ridge corridor, they recommended
the area south of the lots which run down Hypoluxo Road it-
self be preserved as a "Low Density Residential,, area and be
primarily "Single Family,,.
Hypoluxo Road
The Planning Department thinks the frontage along HYpoluxo
Road is going to go "Commercial,,. The County already
recommended in their Land Use Plan that most of that front-
age be zoned "Commercial,, to a depth of approximately 300
Pockets in the Northwestern Corner of the City and
West of the Existing City Limits
The Planning Department is recommending that this be annexed
and placed in the "Low Density Residential,, category. He
did not think there was going to be much controversy as far
as those two areas because the County already has those in
their "Low Density,, category.
Mr. Cannon thought where they would get some argument,
particularly if they try to compel annexation, would be in
the area shown on the County Land Use Plan in the "Medium,,
to "Medium High Density,, category. The County has a base
density of eight units per acre but which allows, providing
they meet certain standards, densities up to 12 units per
acre. Assuming these property owners could get maybe ten
units per acre in the County, Mr. Cannon thought the Board
could anticipate that they will resist being compelled to
annex into the City at 5 units per acre.
- 20-
MAY 27, 1986
Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park
Mrs. Huckle asked if any of the land Mr. Cannon referred to
was developed. Mr. Cannon showed the location of the mobile
home park and said it is developed. The other parcels are
not developed. Whispering Pines is a rental park, so they
think, eventually, it may be developed for permanent housing.
Providing the City wants to annex this, and they think it
should be because it abuts existing developments in the
City, the City should insist that the property owners annex
and that they annex into the City's Land Use category, as
opposed to developing in the County.
Mr. Cannon thought the implication was that the Planning
Department does not think "High Density" development should
be allowed in an area that is immediately to the west of
where "Low Density" development is in the City. He showed
where a single family portion of Meadows 300 will be and
a portion of the Melear PUD will be.
Sunny South Estates and Gustafson property
Even though Sunny South Estates had about 6~ dwelling units
per acre, Mr. Cannon showed a portion of Sunny South Estates
that is developed in small, single family dwelling units.
He said Sunny South Estates and the Gustafson property would
be in the "Moderate Density', category, which is 7.26 dwell-
ing units per acre. Right now, it is questionable as to
whether Sunny South Estates would ever be annexed into the
City. If the mobile home park is ever redeveloped, (which
the Planning Department thinks is going to happen), they can
then compel them to annex into the City. The City has a
water and sewer agreement with a portion of Sunny South
Estates and the Gustafson property and can then tell them to
Boynton West
This is single family housing, and Mr. Cannon did not see
much chance of that ever being annexed.
Oakwood PUD
The Planning Department does not think that will be annexed.
They already have utilities from the City.
Area between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard
The City staff has already discussed with the County Planning
Staff what the future of this area should be. They
- 21 -
MAY 27, 1986
reconciled their oriqinal differences and concluded that the
property along Boynt6n Beach Boulevard and the eastern 1/2 of
property, which Mr. Cannon indicated, in between there and
Old Boynton Road, should be in the "Retail Commercial,, cate-
gory. The area to the west of that should be in the "Office
category. "
Mr. Annunziato interjected that there are only three or four
property owners in the entire area. One property owner owns
most of it. Before that property is developed as a develop-
ment of regional impact, the Board will be going through the
same process it went through with the Park of Commerce. Mr.
Annunziato thought it would have to be annexed before they
could go through the development and regional impact analy-
sis because the local government has to process the develop-
ment of regional impact.
Mrs. Huckle asked if the County could not do that. Mr.
Annunziato replied that they can, but the City would lose the
ability to conclusively determine the outcome through the
planned commercial development regulations, and he explained.
It is really a pocket in the City. The City will be pro-
viding Police and Fire protection and utilities and should
be determining the density.
Mr. Cannon confirmed Mr. Ryder was correct in saying there
is a County pocket between the new post office and Gallo,
and said the Planning Department is recommending it should
be placed in a "High Density Residential- category.
Area West of Knuth Road
Mr. Cannon told the Members the City would be wise to adopt
Knuth Road as its boundary. The Land Use along Boynton Beach
Boulevard to the west of Knuth Road is an issue that mainly
affects the County residents (Quail Ridge and Bent Tree),
and the City would be wise to stay out of that discussion.
South Congress Avenue
There is one more out parcel of approximately 14 acres on
South Congress Avenue, and the Planning Department recommended
that be placed in the "Low Density,, category for single
family residences, since Silver Lake Estates lies immediately
to the north.
- 22-
MAY 27, 1986
Mr. Cannon commented that, obviously, this should be in the
"Low Density. category, It is a little out parcel that
fronts on Barwick Road.
West Side of Lake Ida
Another out parcel lies along the west side of Lake
Ida, immediately south of Lake Eden Estates, where Grimes
Warehouse is located. There are several single family houses
immediately north of that warehouse. The Planning Depart-
ment recommended that the City annex the warehouse, if
pgssible. At the time of annexation, it will be annexed as
a non-conforming use in a residential category because the
Planning Department does not see an industrial use immediately
south of that warehouse.
Mr. Cannon imagined the owner would like to see all of the
development ultimately be a warehouse. He thought it was
the City's poliCy to prevent any future industrial develop-
ment along Lake Ida.
Gulfstream Boulevard
There is a small out parcel on the north side of Gulfstream
Boulevard, immediately to the west of Gulfstream Mall. The
Planning Department recommended that the existing land use
category for zoning be brought southward to Gulfstream
Boulevard. Mr. Annunziato informed Mrs. Huckle it is west
of the tracks.
Mr. Ryder asked if the development of Rollingwood, which is
R-1AA, was under construction. Mr. Annunziato replied that
it was not, and the Board may end up seeing a completely
different plan for that property.
South U. S. 1
Mr. Cannon said they made an attempt to sort out the land
uses along south U. S. 1. At the time Spada Concrete applied
for rezoning to a M-1 category along Old Dixie Highway, they
made an analysis of the existing land uses in that area and
found along U. S. 1, there is still a predominance of retail
office uses. Therefore, they recommended that the lots which
front on U. S. 1 continue to be placed in the C-3 zoning
district. The Planning Department thinks the lots along Old
Dixie Highway are not suitably located for retail use.
- 23 -
MAY 27, 1986
As to the lots which are in the County, they have mostly
developed for wholesale uses. The Planning Department
~recommended they be in the C-4 category.
Mr. Cannon pointed to a small area which had already been
developed and platted for single family homes. The Planning
Department does not see much chance that that will be
annexed into the City. It has been a pocket for some time.
Theoretically, it should be in the "Moderate Land Use"
category. The lot size mostly conforms to the City's R-1
zoning. They are very small single family lots.
Mr. Cannon said the R-1 zoning district, which the Members
could see on the north side, is the only single family
zoning district. The Planning Department was recommending
it continue in the "Moderate Density" category.
The Planning Department also recommended that the City's
boundaries be squared off to include U. S. 1 and only those
parcels west of U. S. 1. They do not think it is particularly
desirable to try to add any piecemeal annexation of those
properties along the east side of U. S. 1. Mr. Cannon told
Mr. Ryder he believed the Town of Gulfstream came up to the
City's southern limits.
Mr. Annunziato said two things could change that recommenda-
tion. If there was a desire on the part of those residents
to join into the City's utility system, it could be the
basis for a joint referendum to determine annexation of that
property or, if the County ever gets out of the urban
development business, through some act of the Legislature,
they could also become a part of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Annunziato told the Members those were the only two
scenarios the Board should consider. They should not
consider voluntary annexations of lots. Mr. Annunziato
thought that would make it very difficult to serve the
Police and Fire. The subdivision is not in the City, and
everybody knows that. If houses are in the City, it would
create the same problem Delray Beach is having.
With reference to the area of "Moderate Density Housing"
along the west side of U. S. 1, which Mr. Annunziato was
indicating, Mr. deLong asked if that was the area that has a
street called Wall Street. Mr. Cannon answered affirmative-
ly. Mr. deLong questioned the fact that they were recommend-
ing housing in there. Mr. Annunziato replied that is what
it is zoned for. Mr. deLong pointed out that they were
talking about Future Land Use.
- 24 -
MAY 27, 1986
Mr. Annunziato explained that first, you get what the
potentials of different land uses might be. Any time you
have a residential area like that, which is fairly old and
subject to.deterioration, you can think in terms of recon-
struction in a different category or look at it in the frame
of what you can do to substantiate what is already there.
Mr. deLong responded, "Not when you are surrounded with C-4
and C-3." Mr. Annunziato advised that to offer reconstruc-
tion in a different land use category would mean that if it
is ever annexed, those people could not maintain their
Mr. deLong asked how many homes were in there. Mr. Cannon
estimated there were about fifty. Mr. Annunziato commented
that to go in and remove fifty homes would probably be
impossible because no one would be able to put together all
of that land.
Mr. deLong asked what would happen to the land if they zoned
it C-4 and questioned whether it wouldn't really eliminate a
slum. Mr. Annunziato thought they would be doing more to
create a slum because they would take away the incentive to
maintain property. Mr. deLong disagreed and asked, "What
incentive do you have to maintain property when you are
surrounded completely by C-3 and C-47" Mr. Annunziato
informed him it is that way now. Mr. deLong added that half
of the property should be bulldozed now. Mr. Annunziato
agreed but said putting it into a commercial category would
result in less maintenance.
Since it is already subdivided and developed, Mr. Cannon
said there is very little chance that the City will be
annexing it. He thought it was really a land use issue for
the County. Mr. Cannon recalled Dr. Bartley said a sub-
division is 9/10tbs of land use. There was discussion.
Mr. Cannon asked if the Members had any questions about the
line the Planning Department had drawn. Mr. Annunziato
added that the line was a statement, and they were suggest-
ing that the people think about it. There were more comments.
As far as land use, Mr. Cannon thought it was preferable to
have a major street dividing the City from the County.
Lawrence Road is a natural buffer between any development on
this side and any development on that side.
- 25-
MAY 27, 1986
Knollwood Groves
Mr. Annunziato informed Mrs. Huckle that Knollwood Groves is
in the City. Mrs. Huckle thought Lawrence Road was the
divider. Mr. Annunziato explained that the City approaches
Lawrence Road at Knollwood Groves. Mrs. Huckle was talking
about Knollwood Groves on the west side and asked if that
meant the City would not let them come into the City, if they
wanted to, because the City wants to tidy up its boundary
lines. Mr. Annunziato said they would be creating an exten-
sion beyond the boundaries. An interpretation has to be made
as to what happened when there was the referendum to square
off the boundaries, and he explained.
Mrs. Huckle noticed that Knollwood Groves is half in the
City and half in the County. When the City did the '79 plan,
Mr. Annunziato recalled that Knollwood asked to be put in
the category of "Agriculture". Their statement was that they
intended to be "Agriculture- for a long time, and what was
the matter with having a green space in the middle of the
urban area.
Tradewind Estates
Mr. Pagliarulo asked if this was still in the County. City
Manager Cheney told of them being on the mailing list, by
error, for the pocket annexation business in Delray Beach.
They let Delray Beach know that they were above the area
where the districts are, but then they wrote Boynton Beach
and gave City Manager Cheney a copy of Delray Beach's
information sheet. They wrote that they protested going into
Delray Beach, but they would like to be a part of Boynton
Beach. City Manager Cheney thought he would write to them
and suggest that Mr. Annunziato and he talk to them to be
sure they understand what it is about re streets, etc.
Mr. deLong asked if City Manager Cheney had any idea what
the tax base in there would be. City Manager Cheney replied
that this is where annexation is talked about as a common
sense delivery system of public service, not as a tax base
situation. He suspected it would cost the City more to
serve them. On the other hand, it is costing the taxpayers
more for the County to serve them now. A heavy part of the
Board's thinking should be common sense delivery of public
services. Sometimes, they will deliver a service that will
cost more than its total.
City Manager Cheney referred to the COBRA group and said
there is no reason the City would want to annex all of the
- 26 -
MAY 27, 1986
residential areas out there (west of the City), provide
those services, and have that additional number of people
wanting beach decals.
Property behind Sun Wah Restaurant at the Intracoasta]
Mrs. Huckle drew attention to Bamboo Lane and asked if that
is in the County. Mr. Annunziato replied that the canal is
in the City, but he thought the houses were in the County.
Page 131
Area 72
Remainder of Reserve Annexation Area
and Utility Service Area
Mr. Annunziato informed the Members that the reserve annex-
ation area and utility service area go as far west as the
E-3 Canal, which is 1/2 mile west of Military Trail. The
service area is larger than the reserve annexation area
because the reserve annexation area excludes Quail Ridge,
Pine Tree, Village of Golf, and Delray Dunes. The Village
of Golf Utilities still delivers water to Quail Ridge south
of Woolbright Road, the Village of Golf, Delray Dunes, and a
part of Indian Springs. Recently, they disconnected their
sewer system and tied into the master lift station located
on Golf Road. Now they are a wholesale user of the City's
City Manager Cheney explained that the Village of Golf has a
collecting system, and they sell their sewage to the City.
The City takes it from the Village of Golf's pumping station
on Golf Road to the regional plant and charges them for
transportation and treatment.
Mr. Annunzia%o informed Mrs. ~uckle that the Village of Golf
has a treatment plant off of Golf Road, about 1/4 mile east
of Military Trail. Chairman Trauger wondered if that water
treatment plant was getting old. City Manager Cheney guessed
so. There was discussion about how long the Village of Golf
has been there.
Because Attorney Gene Moore told him, Mr. Annunziato apprised
Chairman Trauger that he understood the basis of the reserve
annexation area was to prohibit the additional incorporation
of municipalities. What happens is it remains a County
pocket unless there is some desire in the future for them to
create their own city, at which time it will be addressed,
and there will be a negotiated settlement.
- 27 -
MAY 27, 1986
For a long time, City Manager Cheney said the utility service
area kept being raided at midnight by political actions
between the County Commission and folks out here. The City
now has an agreed upon utility service area with Palm Beach
County. There is a fixed agreement, a Resolution, and no
more argument about it.
Mr. Cannon stated that the recommendation for Area 72 mainly
concerns the water and sewer systems for the City of Boynton
Beach. They are recognizing that the City's water and sewer
capacity are both finite, and both systems have been designed
based on what the City knew to be existing, approved
developments, and also on what the Palm Beach County Land
Use Plan called for. As far as the City can understand, the
water and sewer systems would be able to accommodate, up to
the mid point on the County's Land Use Plan, those areas that
are still zoned "Agriculture".
For Area 72, Mr. Cannon said they were recommending (1) that
there are existing or approved developments that the City
not approve revisions to our water service agreement that
would increase the densities over what they are now, (2) On
those portions still zoned "Agricultural", that the City not
approve densities which would be above the mid point of the
density range on the County's Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Ryder could not help but think that at one time it was
contemplated that this job of evaluating would be farmed
out. No way could any consulting outfit have done what the
Planning Department had done. Besides, the consulting firm
would have taken up a lot of the Planning Department's time.
Mr. Annunziato thought when you do things in-house, you do a
better job because you are familiar with them, but it takes
time, and you also build in bias.
Mr. Cannon told the Members they still have to review the
energy and traffic circulation elements. Finally, at the
beginning of the capital needs list, they will be setting
the basis for the City's Impact Fee Ordinance. It was
decided the Members could converse better in the Conference
Room of the Building Department, and they would meet again
there on Thursday, May 29, 1986 at 4:00 P. M. Vice Chairman
Winter stated he would be unable to attend that meeting.
- 28 -
MAY 27, 1986
There being no further business to come before the Board,
the meeti~rly adjourned at 6:00 P. M.
Patricia Ramseyer ~
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
- 29 -