Allan Hendricks, Vice Chair Michael Simon, CRA Executive Director
Angela Cruz Bonnie Nicklien, CRA Grants & Project Mngr
Thomas Devlin Crysta Parkinson, Prototype, Inc.
Golene Gordon (arr. 6:42)
Sharon Grcevic ALSO PRESENT:
Aquannette Thomas Sergeant Henry Diehl
Anthony Barber, Chair
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Hendricks at 6:33 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Ms. Cruz noted that the Agenda should be amended to read 6:30 start time to 5:30.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Motion was made by Ms. Cruz, seconded by Mr. Devlin, to adopt as amended. In a voice
vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
4. Information Only
Mr. Simon gave a follow-up to the last meeting and the RFP presentations given to
the CRA Board on December 8; this was the same presentation that was given to
the CRAAB Board of December 3. The CRA Board selected Boynton Beach
Cottage District LLC, which was second in consensus by the CRAAB Board. Staff
has been directed to conduct meetings with the development team regarding this
site plan. The first meeting between CRA Staff and the developer was on
December 28 to begin making adjustments based on City input. As the developer
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2021
is not accustomed to working with a CRA, there is a bit of a learning curve.
Changes thus far are all regulatory: drainage, radiuses, frontages. It is unknown
whether the CRAAB will have an opportunity to comment on the revised site plan
or proforma.
An additional item is that the Legacy project that was before the Commission and
tabled for weeks, has at least had the land use and zoning approved at the January
6 meeting at first reading. Despite a lot of citizenry concern, and a 6-1 vote by
P&D to deny the project, it passed Commission 5-0. It will come before the
Commission again in two weeks for a second reading for any further input.
[Golene Gordon joined the meeting at 6:42 p.m.]
Ms. Thomas expressed a concern over the lack of the Cottage District developer
utilizing Boynton Beach businesses and contractors in the area. Mr. Simon said
that they had a general statement that they would try to use local subcontractors,
presenting a list of contractors they have already engaged. This was stressed to
definitely become part of the agreement. It is unknown as to why the Board chose
Cottage District LLC over Pulte despite recommendation; but Staff will keep it on
their radar to make sure the language, as far as possible, gets into the contract for
a more robust plan for dealing with local contractors.
Mr. Hendricks noted he was the only one who attended the CRA meeting; this topic
did come up and it was informative to watch them deliberate and arrive at their
conclusion. Mr. Hendricks stated his excitement that this project is moving forward
as it has been a long time coming. General discussion followed on ethical
bargaining for purchase of adjoining private property as well as use of local
Mr. Simon explained some of the points of the CRA Board's deliberations (in 2018
and currently) and discussed hypotheticals regarding what could happen causing
an RFP contract to fall apart. Mr. Simon will report back with the site plan and the
CRAAB Board is invited to tune into the CRA Board meetings for updates;
additional CRA redevelopment projects are on the agenda for the upcoming
meeting (115 Project, Ocean One Project, MLK/Federal Highway, and more). Mr.
Hendricks asked Ms. Nicklien to make a regular practice of sending invitations to
the Advisory Board members.
Mr. Hendricks asked if the large developer Pulte perhaps made this proposal to
balance out affordable housing units with their other projects. Mr. Simon did not
believe any of the respondents were doing these proposals as part of a
requirement to build units in the County. More than anything it was an opportunity
to get a large tract of land east of I-95, which is very difficult. General discussion
followed. Mr. Hendricks stated large developers are required to put a portion of
their development into more affordable and workforce housing as part of a
requirement for doing business in the County/City.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2021
Discussion continued as to whether it matters what recommendations the Advisory
Board makes if the City Commission does not go with their recommendations. Mr.
Simon explained the dynamics (depending on the season and the item and the
project), and how opinions are weighed by the Commission. Board members were
encouraged to go to the Commission meetings and speak as a citizen and not just
a Board member. Mr. Simon and Mr. Hendricks encouraged the Board Members
to not take it personally, the Commission does hear the Advisory Board and the
CRA Staff's input as well, but ultimately it is their decision to make.
5. Public Comment -- None
6. Consent
A. Approval of CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes — December 3, 2020
Motion made by Ms. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Devlin, to approve the December 3, 2020,
minutes. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
7. Assignments
A. Pending Assignments
i. Review of Commercial Properties within Boynton Beach Boulevard
Corridor within CRAArea
Mr. Simon noted that all that is needed at this juncture is to finalize the work done
to date on this item, then report to the CRA Board on the completed assignment.
Recapping the assignment: Is that corridor something the CRA Board should
focus energy and effort on in future acquisitions? Past meetings revealed
consensus that the corridor is a gateway to the Downtown, there are some
vacant and somewhat derelict properties that could be improved by CRA; the
corridor deserves focus rather than a haphazard approach.
Mr. Hendricks opined that CRA projects are up to ten years in the making and
Boynton Beach Corridor is truly the entrance to the new development in Boynton
Beach; mission is critical that a good job is done with it. However, this corridor
isn't any more important than Federal Corridor. The report should reflect the
condition and potential for all levels of redevelopment. Mr. Hendricks proposed
this Board go back and take another look, rate or grade the commercial
properties as a template for future projects that may come from the CRA (rather
like an inventory).
General discussion ensued in recalling what had been done to date and reported
at previous Board Meetings. Mr. Hendricks was recommended for preparing a
template to reflect the research done on this project and going forward for future
CRA Board requests. Mr. Devlin felt the two to three properties identified on
each block was a good start.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2021
Mr. Hendricks asked for a sort of executive summary from each Board Member
of the properties identified thus far submitted to Ms. Nicklien as a Word
document; from there a report can be compiled identifying the findings in each
quadrant with Mr. Hendricks adding some graphics.
Ms. Grcevic noted that with the work being done now, when the pandemic lifts,
the City will be ready to move and welcome more development. General
discussion followed on how City Development may be changing with the work-
from-home trends; however, this project focuses on identifying what needs
beautification and possible development. Finer points were discussed in
preparing the report, keeping in mind that the Board is not being asked to write
a plan or review a particular piece of property.
Mr. Devlin had an unrelated question: The Taco Bell going in on Federal and
23rd, is that a drive-in only? It looks like a tiny footprint building with a lot of
parking lot. Mr. Devlin wondered if he missed the site plan for this development.
Mr. Simon recommended going to City Commission website, search agendas for
Taco Bell approval. The site plan approved by the City should be attached to
that agenda item. A brief discussion of setbacks required by the Federal
Highway regulations followed, how this has affected other businesses and
ii. New Assignments -- None
8. CRA Board Items for CRAAdvisory Board Review and Recommendations
A. Old Business -- None
B. New Business -- None
9. Future Agenda Items -- None
10. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, in a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously
(6-0) and the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Attachments: None
[Minutes transcribed by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.]