DATE: Monday, June 14, 2021 TIME: 6:30 P.M.
PLACE: Commission Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
1. Agenda Approval
2. Approval of Minutes — March 8, 2021
3. Communications and Announcements
4. Old Business:
A. Historic plaques for designated properties —Staff will present the latest versions of the
plaques that will identify historic properties, including the Rosenwald School Plaque as achieved
through assistance provided to the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation. Both
products are ready to go to final fabrication.
B. Historic Preservation Programming —The Board will again be prompted to continue any
discussions regarding desired preservation activities and programming. Staff will suggest both
short- and long-term planning activities, considering immediate and future needs, and
5. New Business:
6. Other
7. Comments by members
8. Public comments
9. Announce date of next meeting —August, 9, 2021
10. Adjournment
The Board may only conduct public business after a quorum has been established. If no quorum is
established within 15 minutes of the noticed start time of the meeting the City Clerk or designee will so
note the failure to establish a quorum and the meeting shall be concluded. Board members may not
participate further even when purportedly acting in an informal capacity.
Minutes of the Historic Resource Preservation Board Meeting
Held on Monday, March 8, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
In the Community Room, Boynton Beach City Hall
100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida
Barbara Ready, Chair Mike Rumpf, Board Liaison
Thomas Ramiccio
Dr. Ben Lowe
Michael Wilson
Rev. Bernard Wright
Hollis Tidwell
Rhonda Sexton, Alternate
1. Call to Order
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda Approval
Mr. Ramicco moved to approve the Agenda. The motion was duly seconded and
unanimously passed.
4. Approval of Minutes —January 11, 2021
Mr. Wilson moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Ramiccio seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
5. Communications and Announcements
Mr. Rumpf received an email from REG Architects, who were the architects and project
manager for the Old High School rehabilitation project. Tomorrow is the deadline for an
award application they want to submit. He shared the template for a letter of support
with Chair Ready. They were seeking awards for a 2021 Florida Preservation Award for
an adaptive reuse turning the building into a cultural arts hub for the City. It gave the
history of the building, which is on the Boynton Beach Registry of Historic Places. The
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
inside was adaptively reused and the exterior remained original. The building was on
the State's endangered list for several years. The Board had no objection to signing the
support letter.
Mr. Rumpf also advised the City was asked to partner with Harvey Oyer, III's efforts to
install a Charlie Pierce History Trail. A brochure was included detailing Mr. Oyer's
fundraising efforts for the improvements he would like to see. It would be similar to the
Downtown Trail and have trailhead kiosks and markers. The Historic Preservation
website would be updated for the Downtown Trail system referencing the Charlie Pierce
History Trail. There are current discussions about labeling the train in the brochure
tying it to the original train they had in the area and tying it to a replica scaled down
version of Charlie Pierce's home that he had in the area that would be placed at the
termination point of the trail, which was near the amphitheater. There was a possible
additional art component of items regarding water lands, upland scrub or wetland bird
species. The elements are taken from Harvey Oyer's, III children's book, "The Barefoot
Mailman and Charlie Pierce." Chair Ready believed the information is taught in the
fourth-grade student curriculums. She asked if there was a map and how long the trail
was. Mr. Rumpf explained all is just conceptual. It was a history trail not a walking trail.
He will apprise the Board about the effort as he learned about the effort recently. He
was asked to see if the former Historic Preservation Planner could assist with the matter
and he has not said no and he has helped Mr. Rumpf gain better access to him. When
they discuss strategizing, they would use Mr. Lowe's suggestion and look to see what
kind of intern resource they could use.
6. Old Business:
A. Historic plaques for designated properties (Informational Item) — Staff will
provide an update on the status of acquiring plaques for historic properties.
Mr. Rumpf advised they were working on a couple of plaques and he received a proof of
one of them. The Board had approved the proof so they will have something in hand by
the next meeting. The year 1925 is one of the more common dates of the most valuable
homes in the survey. A former Board member may be willing to purchase the plaque,
which was a little over$200. He requested Chair Ready approach the Historical Society
to see if they would make a partial or three-way payment. Mr. Rumpf will provide an
update and take pictures on posting the plaque on the first house in the City to the City
Commission. The plaque was a smaller plaque intended to be placed on homes. Ms.
Sexton had voiced support for the smaller 8 x 15 plaque. The A.5 plaque, which the
company recommended so the letters would not be so pressed was 10 x 20, and Mr.
Rumpf was curious to see how it would look. He thought the larger and more visible,
the better as long as it was to scale with the house. There was a mock up for the high
school plaque. Mr. Rumpf already started working with the same company and the
Board will need to approve the layout.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
B. Rosenwald Schools (Informational Item)— Staff will provide the Board with
informational material on the Rosenwald Schools awareness program and status
of coordinating with former City Historian/Archivist Janet Devries Naughton and a
representative from the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation in
obtaining and displaying a historic plaque near Poinciana Elementary School.
At the last meeting, there was a discussion about the placement of a Rosenwald
School plaque, a suggestion to feature more information and the Rosenwald School
program. He encouraged the members to read about Mr. Rosenwald and how he got
into the Sears company. The document was written by Janet DeVries. Board Member
Wright was also heading an effort to have a plaque recognizing the efforts of his
ancestors at Poinciana the school.
Mr. Rumpf explained the other plaque being presented is the Rosenwald School
Plaque. Mr. Rumpf explained a representative of the Jewish Society for history
preservation has been doing this throughout the State and they can get a State issued
plaque. They have been looking at this option, but there is a time delay as they review
them on a scheduled basis. They missed the first deadline for this option, but staff will
re-approach. He thought a local registry should be sufficient. There is more versatility
for the Rosenwald School. The meeting materials showed Rosenwald one side of it has
a map, and they would like to use that plaque for focus on the overall program in
addition to it focusing on the Poinciana area. Mr. Rumpf was not looking to the Board
as they have no funds. He spoke to the Public Works Director who may be able to
assist. He hoped it would have some similarities between the plaques. The members
talked about the layout. Staff tracked down the elementary school national designation
plaque in storage and will get installed soon.
Mr. Ramiccio asked when would be a good time to present a proposal to the City
Commission for the plaques and perhaps a couple thousand dollars. The City has a
Historic Resource Preservation Board and Ordinance and the Commission should find
value in investing in the plaques. He noted the plaques were on the agenda this year
and all of last year. Mr. Rumpf explained the City began the FY 21/22 budget process
about a month ago and he would be requesting funds. Mr. Ramiccio also commented
the City will need a survey, as some developments are turning over 50. He thought
amendments to the Code were needed so a demolition would come before a review
board, otherwise developers could come in and buy up the land. There should be a
cursory look by a Board and it can even be on the Consent Agenda.
Dr. Lowe commented they need to find out how much the City is getting from the Cares
Act as it would be a significant amount, and they need to be able to write the project into
the budget. This is an opportune time to hire another Historic Preservation Planner. He
noted Mr. Rumpf is wearing multiple hats. The Board meets every other month and
they need a driving force and push to get something in the budget. The Cares Act
funds do not have to be used until mid-2023.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
Mr. Wilson suggested a survey as well. Old Boynton, Treasure Island, Venetian Isles,
and a few wood frame homes from the 1930s and 1940s. Chair Ready spoke with Mr.
Rumpf about using interns from the college for assistance updating the inventory. She
hoped that was something they could work out and requested the members make a list
of what a historic planner would do. There is a job description for a Historic Planner
position, but they need to justify it. It is beneficial to have a current survey and Mr.
Rumpf will also review the CLG requirements. Mr. Rumpf s focus with the limited
resources they have is the older homes, 1920's mission homes, some frame vernacular
and to renew public notification and update the public and new owners about the
program. Now that they have a plaque, they could send out a brochure or letter about
it. The City never had a plaque program. Mr. Rumpf could use an intern to update the
website. The framework of the existing program was poor. At the last meeting, the
members discussed the placement of the Rosenwald School Plaque near Poinciana
Elementary School, recognizing the historic action of getting the school built originally
as a colored school, and a debate followed. Additional information about the
Rosenwald School program was included in the meeting materials. He encouraged the
members to read the information to gain a better understanding of the program. Board
Member Wright was also in touch with the school officials about the efforts of his
ancestors regarding the school.
C. Historic Preservation Programming and the local Ordinance — Staff will
continue advancing the Board's awareness of the status of program
implementation, as well as prompt continued discussions on program direction by
featuring the prior attempt at establishing a historic district.
Mr. Rumpf wanted to bring up past efforts and listed the established registered
properties in the City and where they are mapped. He wanted to expand on this at the
next meeting expanding out the registered properties about other more notable City-
wide sites listed in the 1996 inventory. The idea behind a District is to place a boundary
and a set of rules in an area with a high concentration of homes. There was no notable
concentration, but one was initiated at the request of a property owner residing in the
area and the former Historic Preservation Planner attempted to establish that district,
which requires a vote of the property owners. Support materials for the prior effort was
They talked about strategizing where they wanted the program to go, funding, having a
dedicated staff person, a historic preservation planner and the use of interns. It will take
extra effort. The former City Historic Planner worked in concert with the FAU planning
program as students have to have internship hours. Dr. Lowe could find out how to get
involved. The person who did the last survey at the City, Dr. Sandra Norman, is still at
FAU and she is in charge of the intern program. She has done work in other
municipalities. She has classes that is individually run, but the interns and she works
with someone at the Historical Society or the City. She would work with Mr. Rumpf to
develop a program and she evaluates them based on reports and consultants with the
person overseeing the progress. The students in the program end up in public history
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
positions. When they are ready to move forward, she can address the Board or the City
Commission, or Dr. Lowe could be the conduit. It would have to work through a
semester system. The interns do not usually work during the summer. The interns do
not get paid, but a lot of them who do are offered paid internship or part-time positions
afterward. It may not be a bad idea if they ask for funding for internship support. They
could also use it for the materials to do the survey. Dr. Norman is a great person and
she works well with the point person for the agency. He noted FAU also hired a new
Public Historian who is reaching out to all the historical societies. She is interested in
African America History in Palm Beach County.
Mr. Ramiccio agreed a Historic Preservation Planner would be in charge of coordinating
interns. A dedicated planner to work daily on a survey would be beneficial. He
commented the education process before establishing historic districts was important.
He noted he has not seen any Certificates of Appropriateness while on the Board and
he thought many properties went away without a Board review. As to education, a good
education process is needed. It starts with a good story and the improvements they
could make are used as a carrot. It is comprehensive, and when it is put all together, the
program will offer property owners some improvements and investments and show
them the value they will get back. Staff would also have to implement the
recommendations about changes in doors and windows and it takes a lot of that takes a
lot of time. They need staff to manage the interns or the programs. He thought a
$100M budget could certainly fund a planner position for$100K to $200K. Dr. Lowe
Chair Ready explained the Ordinance specifies they do not have the authority to stop a
historic demolition. Mr. Ramiccio understood, but he explained when a Board member
makes a comment, do not take it literally. Often people think if a Board Member is for
Historic Preservation, they are against development. There needs to be a mechanism in
place. He recalled the train station that was torn down 20 years ago. It was a signature
for what could have been a neat redevelopment. The Delray train station had a fire and
Delray said they are going to preserve it and the adaptive reuse is where the awards
come. Historic homes can blend in with new homes. He thought they needed to go in a
different direction. The agendas last year all pertained to the plaques. They can
implement a program. Taking pictures of a home before demolition is not Historic
Preservation. He could make recommendations and the Board could make
recommendation to the City Commission how the Ordinance could be amended. He
noted there were only nine properties. The program has to choose how to nominate the
homes. He wanted to change the nomination process so those who want to improve
properties can go to the website. He requested the members look at the definition of
historic in the Ordinance. The historic downtown is gone and only a few historic sights
remain. He thought there was a lot more history in the City. He repeated a survey
needs to be done on the west side of the community as there are a lot of little gems.
Mr. Ramiccio thought City staff needs to have a workshop to understand how the history
has evolved and what is good historic preservation. There was a disconnect between
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
the program and the City Commission. He did not understand how the City could have a
program with no funds. it Ready explained the Ordinance was created by an Ad
Hoc Committee.
Chair Ready explained the members' homework was to make a list of why we need a
historic planner. Mr. Ramiccio thought they need to educate the Commission out
historic preservation and how it fits in with development. They do not want two factions
fighting with each other. Dr. Lowe asked when was the last time they met with the
Commission and discussed the matter. There is a board liaison, but no member of the
Commission was assigned as a liaison to the Board. Dr. Lowe thought there needs to
be education and communication. He asked when was the last time a Commissioner
attended a Historic Preservation meeting. Mr. Rumpf explained none oft Advisory
Boards have a Commissioner liaison.
Chair Ready explained they cannot go before the City Commission unprepared. The
Board needs a list to justify why the program is good, why they need a planner, and why
the Certified Local Government status is good for the City. They need their ducks in a
row. Mr. Ramicclo explained they need a story. They need to be part of understanding
history and how it fits in with redevelopment. It can increase the tax base and have
Mr. Wilson asked what would be the best way to proceed. Mr. Ramiccio thought the
first meeting should be a PowerPoint presentation by a local historian with the story of
Boynton Beach. It improves property values and how itshould correlate it with the tax
base. It could correlate tot budget. They can tell little stories like Charlie Pierce that
could be woven into a larger fabric aft City. They could do more with the program,
especially with the changing of doors and windows and Certificate of Appropriateness.
With the new Cottage District, they presented a square box with a window and a door, if
nobody cares about the design of the home, this is what we get. A Cottage District
should reflect a Cottage District. He questioned whether the Board could conduct a
Certificate of Appropriateness fort project. There is a lot of work that can be done
and there is a lot of value in historic preservation. The City has evolved.
Mr. Rumpf advised the points made at the meeting have reinvigorated him and National
Preservation month is coming up. They could make some type of presentation. They
should put something together tot advantage of the moment. He was happy the
Cottage District will return tot CRA. Planning staff conducted a preliminary design
review and offered very good recommendations to prevent it from looking like regular
homes. One proposal had great looking models. They will try to assert some influence
on that. Dr. Lowe noted Dr. Norman and Jane Day conducted the 1996 survey and they
have their own consulting business.
Discussion followed about using interns. Dr. Lowe did not think interns would not be
working over the summer, sat first real use of interns would likely be August. Mr.
Rumpf thought he could reintroduce himself to Dr. Norman. Dr. Lowe explained he is
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 8, 2021
the Chair of the department. He will provide the email address to Mr. Rumpf. He
thought she could team up with the Board and help craft a presentation. They need
advice and could use interns. It could create awareness, education and funding.
7. New Business:
A. None
Dr. Lowe was in the Old High School for the kinetic art event and they had tours of the
school. There are a lot of rooms and he thought they could recreate an old classroom
from when the high school was started. There is history in the old high school that they
tried architecturally to keep. The building is a centerpiece in the downtown, but there is
nothing historic in it. He thought they could put a sign in there that talks about the
historic nature. Mr. Rumpf explained they did that at the elementary school museum.
Chair Ready thought all the rooms were used except for a small room for a sandwich
shop or cafe. It would be nice to have a piece of history. They could put up posters or
have artifacts. Something more historical would be nice as an orientation to the history
of the City. In the future, if rooms are not being used, they could create a small
museum or recreate a classroom. Chair Ready thought the City Archivist may have
items on display in the Library they could use. She also thought the members should
attend the City Commission meeting on May 41h for the Historic Preservation Month
8. Other
9. Comments by members
10. Public comments
11. Announce date of next meeting — May10, 2021
12. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, Chair Ready adjourned the meeting
at 7:56 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist
TO: Chair and Members,
Historic Resources Preservation Board
FROM: Michael Rumpf
Deputy Director of Development
DATE: June 9, 2021
RE: Historic Resources Preservation Board
Regular meeting of June 14, 2021
Staff Report
This report and exhibits represent the combined back-up for the subject agenda.
Item 4.A. Historic Plaques for Designated Properties
Staff will present the latest versions of the plaques that will identify historic properties,
including the Rosenwald School Plaque as achieved through assistance provided to the
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation. Both products are ready to go for
Item 4.B. Historic Preservation Programming
The Board will again be prompted to continue any discussions regarding desired preservation
activities and programming. Staff will suggest both short- and long-term planning activities,
considering immediate and future needs, and resourcefulness.
Historic plaques for
designated properties
Attachment: Plaque Comparison—AO5 (10.5"x 20") and AO4 (8" x 15")
t{ ,
�s is
In 1912,Tuskegee Institute founder Booker T.Washington invited Jewish-
American philanthropist Julius Rosenwald to serve on the Tuskegee board
of directors to help African-American education,where rural,segregated
southern schools suffered from inadequate facilities and books.
Rosenwald's 1917 school building fund encouraged local collaboration
between blacks and whites by providing seed money and requiring
€' communities to raise matching funds. Between 1917 and 1932, Rosenwald
funded 5,357 community schools and industrial shops in 15 southern
! states. 1
Palm Beach County's first Rosenwald-funded school was the Boynton
Colored School, constructed in 1925-26 and renamed Poinciana School in
1960.School Superintendent Joe Youngblood petitioned the Rosenwald
Fund for emergency monies after the devastating September 1928
hurricane that left the Boynton school intact but damaged or leveled most
other PBC schools. By 1931 Rosenwald schools and industrial trade shops
were operating in Jupiter, Boca Raton, Delray Beach (shop),West Palm
Beach (school,shop), Pahokee, Belle Glade,South Bay, Kelsey City, and
Canal Point (school, library). -
Julius Rosenwald&Booker T Washington
r � u �
t jLi ii; to a 17 � 1 ��4
g -
Teacher Blanche Hearst Girtman
at the Boynton School
_ a
hm p�„ .-m�tarauc
Boynton School built 1925-26
Jewish American Society for Boynton Beach Historic Boynton Beach
Historic Preservation Resources Preservation Board Historical Society
Rosenwald School Marker Example — Faguier County, Va.
f�fpJAl� i { ti
s, Si
Objective la.Promote cultural tourism and civic pride by Place plaques on existing buildings and Centro Hispano of Dane County,Dane County
sharing Madison's unique culture and character sites,lost buildings,end cultural places Historical Society,Wisconsin Hmong Assoc,
to identify significant historical events Medium Term Ho Chunk Nation,Madison Trust for HP,
and locations. $$ City
(3 to 5 years) Network of Black Professionals,OutReach
IGBTQ Community Center,Wisconsin
Historical Society
locate storytelling plaques on cultural Downtown Madison Inc,Capitol
and historical buildings and at historical Medium Term $$ City Neighborhoods Inc,Historic Madison Inc,
sites throughout the City. (3 to 5 years) Madison Trust for HP
Develop tourism marketing and Chamber of Commerce,Capitol
branding materials that highlight Neighborhoods Inc,Dane County Historical
Medium Term City and Local Preservation
historic attractions In the City. $$ Society,Destination Madison,Downtown
(3 to 5 years) Organizations
Madison Inc,Historic Madison Inc,Madison
Trust for HP,local tour companies, public TV
Objective lb.Celebrate social history along with buildings, Create story sharing events,local and Centro Hispano of Dane County,Historic
places,and cultural landscapes City-wide,that allow people to learn Madison Inc,Wisconsin Hmong Assoc,Ho
about Madison's social history. Short Term Local Preservation&Cultural Chunk Nation,Madison Public Library,
(0 to 2 years) $ Organizations,Neighborhood Madison Trust for HP,Network of Black
Associations Professionals,OutReach LGBTQ Community
Center,UW Madison and student
Sponsor a Historic Preservation booth at Medium Term City and Local Preservation
local events with brochures,educational $$ Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP
graphics,and resources. (3 to 5 years) Organizations
Objective lc.Share stories of places that have been lost Create an exhibit of lost buildings and
while also looking forward significant structures that can be shared Long TermSSS City and Local Preservation Historic Madison Inc,Madison Public Library,
at different locations across the City and (5+years) Organizations Madison Trust for HP,UW Madison
Produce Historic Preservation social
media sites In an easily accessible online Centro Hispano of Dane County,Historic
format where people can post or share Madison Inc Wisconsin Hmong Assoc,Ho
Short Term City,Neighborhood Associations, Chunk Nation,Madison Trust for HP,Network
historic items. (0 to 2 years) $ Local Preservation Organizations of Black Professionals,OutReach LG8TQ
Community Center,Wisconsin Historical
Society,local neighborhood associations
Create story sharing events about
Medium Term Local Preservation&Cultural Historic Madison Inc,Madison Public Library,
buildings and landmarks that have been $
lost. (3 to 5 years) Organizations Madison Trust for HP
Objective id.Promote best practices In historic Coordinate an urban design program to Medium Term
preservation within City-owned buildings and places visually promote City-owned historic SSSS City Neighborhood Associations
buildings and historic districts. (3 to 5 years)
Publish a list of city-owned historic Short Terni
_buildings and provide public access. (0 to 2 years SS City Madison Public library
Objective 2a.Represent the history of Madison's diversity Study which types of resources/building Centro Hispano of Dane County,Wisconsin
types/groups are underrepresented as Hmong Assoc,Ho Chunk Nation,Madison
Medium Term City,Native American Nations,
part of previous historic preservation. $$ Trust for HP,Network of Black Professionals,
(3 to 5 years) and Local Cultural Organizations OutReach LGBTO Community Center,
Wisconsin Historical Society
Create story sharing activities,local and Centro Hispano of Dane County,Historic
City-wide,that highlights Madison's past Madison Inc,Wisconsin Hmong Assoc,Ho
and current diversity. Medium Term Neighborhood Associations,Local Chunk Nation,Madison Trust for HP,Network
(3 to S years) $ Preservation&Cultural of Black Professionals, OutReach LGBTQ
Organizations Community Center,Wisconsin Historical
Society,local neighborhood associations
Objective 2b.Ensure good stewardship of historic Administer Historic preservation
buildings,districts,and places easements on landmark-eligible Long Term
properties $$ City Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP
the City sells to ensure the (5+years)
property is protected.
Provide Do-it-Yourself training
Medium Term Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
workshops about historic preservation $5 Local Preservation Organizations
(3 to 5 years) Madison College,building trades
Consider a City-wide building protection
policy for historic buildings that are Short Term $ City Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
adjacent to construction projects. (0 to 2 years) local developers
Objective 2c.Protect historic buildings that are Require demolition permit
Short Term
deteriorated or threatened by demolition documentation to be strengthened and $ City Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP
expanded. (0 to 2 years)
Develop a Top 10 Historic Buildings to Medium Term
$$ Local Preservation Organizations Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP
Preserve exhibit or program (3 to 5 years)
Work with professional organizations to American Institute of Architects,Historic
create a Disaster Response Plan and Medium Term City Preservation Institute at UW-Milwaukee,1.1W-
Assistance Program for historic (3 to 5 years) Milwaukee School of Architecture&Urban
resources. Planning
Objective 3a.Promote sustainable economic growth by Develop a database of properties that Short Term
integrating new development,reuse,and preservation are eligible for historic tax credits. $$ City,Wisconsin Historical Society Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP
g g g (0 to 2 years)
Encourage adaptive reuse as an Community Development Authority,Habitat
affordable housingoption. Medium Term Local Preservation&Cultural
p $$$$ for Humanity,Madison Development
(3 to 5 years) Organizations
Corporation,local developers
Identify and publicly list vacant lots
permitted for development within Short Term City Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
historic districts. (0 to 2 years{ local real estate organizations
Promote and document how good Medium Term Downtown Madison Inc,Chamber of
design is good for business (3 to 5 years) SS Local Preservation Organizations Commerce,National Trust for Historic
development and retention. Preservation
Objective 3b.Identify incentives and financial resources Identify and provide grants for condition
and allocate funding for historic preservation projects assessments,Historic Structures Long Term Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
Reports,and professional services of (5+years) $$ Local Preservation Organizations National Trust for Historic Preservation
qualified historic properties.
Dedicate demolition permit fees to help
fund programs related to historic Medium Term $ City Community Development Authority,Madison
preservation. (3 to 5 years) Development Corporation
Develop a revolving loan program that
can be used for private rehabilitation Long Term City,Local Preservation
and property acquisition for historic (5+years) Organizations Local foundations and lending institutions
preservation projects.
List local,state,and federal funding Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
Short Term City,Local Preservation
sources on the City's Historic $ National Trust for Historic Preservation,
(0 to 2 years) Organizations
Preservation website. Wisconsin Historical Society
Objective 3c.Measure neighborhood benefits from Prepare an annual impact study of Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
historic preservation historic property investments in the Medium Term National Trust for Historic Preservation,
City. (3 to 5 years) $$$ City Realtors Association,Wisconsin Historical
Society,local lending institutions
Establish a database that documents the
Medium Term Realtors Association,Madison Trust for HP,
base assessments of historic $$ City
preservation properties and projects. (3 to 5 years) Wisconsin Historical Society
Objective la.Coordinate efforts and regulations among Coordinate Historic Preservation Short Term
City plans,policies,ordinances,and departments recommendations and policies between (0 to 2 years) $ City City departments
departments and agencies.
Develop a document that outlines the Short Term 5 City City departments
review procedure and documentation (0 to 2 years)
Objective ab.Facilitate and coordinate preservation Collaborate with other historic
Dene County Historical Society,Historic
efforts with other governmental and community entities preservation commissions,historical Medium Term City,Local Preservation Madison Inc,Ho Chunk Nation,Madison
societies,tribal groups,and relates (3 to 5 years) 5 Organizations Trust for HP,Wisconsin Historical Society,
groups to explore and promote historic Focal neighborhood associations
Encourage Building Rehabilitation American Institute of Architects,Habitat for
Medium Term
Programs that focus on historic S Local Preservation Organizations Humanity,Madison College,Madison Trust
properties. (3 to 5 peen) for HP,Realtors Association
Collaborate with Madison College and
technical universities to develop trades Medium Term American institute of Architects,Madison
S Local Preservation Organizations College,Realtors Association,buildingtrades
and skills necessary for historic (3 to 5 years)
Objective at.Integrate historic preservation end include building reuse as a sustainable Short Term Habitat for Humanity,Project Horse,Sustain
environmental sustalnabliFty policies strategy in City plans and (0 to 2 years) 5 City Dane,architectural salvage companies
Allow a streamlined process for using Short Term
sustainable strategies on historic (0 to 2 years) 5 City Ctty departments
Objective ad.Provide dear and predictable City processes Provide an online outline of the process
and all pertinent Information required Short Terni $ City City departments
(Oto 2 years)
for historic preservation applications.
Allow an expedited/simplified review Short Term SS City, Wisconsin Historical Society
process for tax credit projects. (0 to 2 years)
Prepare Illustrated Design Guidelines American Institute of Architects,Historic
for buildings within historic districts, Long Term $$$S City Preservation Institute at VW-Milwaukee,UW
including those outside period of (5r years) Milwaukee School of Architecture8 Urban
significance. Planning
Objective 4e.Enforce and enhance existing preservation Consider properties with existing NRHP Historic Madison Inc.Madison Trust for HP,
programs designation for local designation,if they Medium Term ss City,Local Preservation Wisconsin Historical Society,local
have already proven to have (3 to 5 years) Organizations neighborhood associations
Review the boundary of existing historic Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
districts related to NRHP districts. Medium Term SS City, Wisconsin Historical Society,local
(3 to 5 years) neighborhood assodatbns
Develop a training program for Historic
Preservation staff and Commission Short Tenn
members that reviews the purpose, S$ City Wisconsin Historical Society
procedures,and regulations of 10 to 2 years)
preservation projects.
Review and simplify historic Short Term 5 City City departments
preservation applications and forms. (0 to 2 years)
Update the Historic Preservation Plan Centro Hispano of Dane County,Historic
every 1.0 years. rri
Lang Tarin Madison Inc,Wisconsin Hong ASsoc,HO
$S$ City Chunk Nation.Madison Trust for HP,
(5.years) Network of Black Professlonah,OutReach
LGBTO Community Center
Objective 5a.Solicit ideas and stories about historic Utilize a variety of tools,both digital and Centro Hispano of Dane County,Historic
preservation from the public through a variety of methods in-person,to gather and post Madison Inc,Wisconsin Hmong Assoc,Ho
Medium Term City,Local Preservation
and techniques information about Madison's history, (3 to 5 years) 55 Organizations Chunk Nation,Madison Public Library,
diversity,and culture. Madison Trust for HP,local neighborhood
Integrate art into the story telling aspect Dane County Historical Society,Historic
of historic preservation. Medium Term Madison Inc,Madison Arts Commission,
$$ Local Preservation Organizations
(3 to 5 years) Madison Trust for HP,local artists,local
Sponsor a Historic Preservation booth at Dane County Historical Society,Historic
local events with brochures,educational Long Term Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,National
$$ Local Preservation Organizations
graphics,and resources. (5+years) Trust for Historic Preservation,Wisconsin
Historical Society
Objective 5b.Ensure an actively inclusive engagement Reach out to local underrepresented
process groups to gather additional information Short Term Local Preservation&Cultural Centro Hispano of Dane County,Wisconsin
$ Hmong Assoc,Ho Chunk Nation,Network of
about buildings,places,or events that (0 to 2 years} Organizations
should be part of Madison's story. Black Professionals,Urban League
Expand the Neighborhood/Trusted Centro Hispano of Dane County,Wisconsin
Advocate Ambassadors program to Medium Term Hmong Assoc,Ho Chunk Nation,Madison
include historic preservation. $ Neighborhood Associations
(3 to 5 years) Trust,Network of Black Professionals,Urban
Utilize social media to announce events Dane County Historical Society,Downtown
and engage the public on historic Short Term Madison Inc,Historic Madison Inc,Madison
preservation practices,events,polices, $ City&Madison Trust for HP
(0 to 2 years) Public Library,Madison Trust for HP,
and projects. neighborhood associations
Objective 6a.Educate visitors and residents of all ages Create interactive websites,online Destination Madison,Historic Madison Inc,
about Madison's history articles,exhibits,and tours on the Short Term Local Preservation&Cultural Madison Public Library,Madison Trust for
benefits of preservation. 10 to 2 years) SS Organizations HP,public radio and TV,Wisconsin Historical
Society,UW Madison,local touring groups
Digitize and create a website for the
City's historical collection,Including Medium Term $$ ph, Madison Public Library
Landmarks applications and NRHD (3 to 5 years)
Encourage the development of radio Dane County Historical Sodety,Destination
talk shows,podcasts,YouTube.and Madison,Historic Madison Mc,Madison
other press groups that highlight stories Medium Term S Local Preservation&Cultural Public Library,Madison Trust for HP,public
about historic preservation. (3 to 5 years) Organizations radio and TV,Wisconsin Historical Society,
local tounng companies
Coordinate with local schools to
Local Preservation&Cultural Local schools,Madison College,UW-
integrate historical activities into the Long TermSS
curriculum at different age groups. (5+years) Organizations Madison,Wisconsin Historical Society
Provide a mechanism to amend or Medium Term
5 City Wisconsin Histprial Society
update existing nominations. (3 to 5 years)
Develop and maintain an easy-to-find
online instructional form for historic Medium Term
S City City departments
preservation actions and procedures. (3 to 5 years)
Objective 6b.Support the public and property owners by Develop a Property Owner Handbook American institute of Architects,Historic
Informing them about historic preservation benefits, that highlights restoration strategies, Preservation institute at UW-Milwaukee,
Long Term
techniques,efforts,and requirements materials,techniques, reg ( g
and regulations. $$$ Local Preservation Organizations National Trust for Historic Preservation,
5+years) Madison College,UW-Milwaukee School of
Architecture&Urban Planning
Create a technical page on the Historic Historic Madison Inc.Madison Trust for HP,
Preservation wlbsite that has links to Shoff TCfn $$ City National Trust for Historic Preservation,
local and national historic preservation (0 to 2 years)
Wisconsin Historial Society
Develop a professional training course
for real estate and insurers that Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
Long Term City,Local Preservation Wisconsin Historical Society,Madison
highlights the city procedures and $$
process for historic preservation (5+years) Organizations College,local trade groups
Objective 6c.Recognize and publicize successful Establish events to showcase historic Long Term City,Local Preservation Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
preservation projects preservation. (5+years) Organizations Wisconsin Historial Society
Develop an awards program that Downtown Madison Inc,Historic Madison
honors property owners for careful Inc,Home Builders and Remodelers groups,
Medium Term City,Local Preservation Madison Tryst for HP,Wisconsin Historical
stewardship of historic properties and 53$
(3 to 5 years) Organizations Society,local business&neighborhood
local historic preservation projects.
Objective 6d.Share stories of historic and community Create an online catalog and map of Long Term City,Local Preservation Historic Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
places that have been lost or are under-recognized historic sites and buildings. (5+years) Organizations Wisconsin Historial Society
Produce Historic Preservation social Dane County Historical Society,Historic
media sites. Short Term $ City,Neighborhood Associations, Madison Inc,Madison Trust for HP,
(0 to 2 years) Local Preservation Organizations Wisconsin Historical Society,local
neighborhood associations
c. Terms and Definitions. See Chapter 1, Article II for definitions and terms
associated with historic preservation.
2. Submittal Requirements. See Chapter 4, Article IX, Section 6.E for the submittal
requirements of this application.
3. Review Criteria. See Chapter 4, Article IX, Section 6.E. for the review criteria
applicable to the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption.
Ch. 4, Art. IX, Sec. 6. Historic Preservation Requirements.
A. General.
1. Purpose and Intent. These provisions are designed to identify, protect, restore
and encourage the reuse of Resources, all of which are essential to the City's health,
safety, morals and its economical, educational, cultural, and general welfare. These
valid public purposes shall be fulfilled by the ordinance, to achieve the following goals:
a. Preserve, protect, enhance and perpetuate Resources which represent
distinctive and significant elements of the City's historical cultural, social, economical,
political, archaeological, and architectural identity; and/or serve as visible reminders of
the City's culture and heritage;
b. Ensure the harmonious, orderly, and efficient growth, prosperity and
development of the City through retention and reuse of its historic and cultural
c. Strengthen civic pride and cultural stability through neighborhood
d. Contribute to the stabilization of the economy of the city through the continued
use, preservation, conservation and revitalization of its Resources;
e. Protect and enhance the city's historic, cultural and architectural attractions to
tourists and visitors and the support and stimulus to business and industry thereby
f. Promote the use of Resources for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the
people of the City;
g. Provide a review process for the continued preservation and appropriate,
compatible and sensitive development of new construction and additions with in the
city's historic districts and neighborhoods;
h. Protect an enhance the scale, character and stability of existing
neighborhoods, and protect against destruction of or encroachment upon areas which
contribute to the character of the City;
i. Facilitate the creation of a convenient, harmonious and attractive community,
and protect the architectural beauty, special architectural features, and special
landscape features of the City;
j. Avoid demolition, or other adverse effect on historic properties (Properties) and
Districts, which would cause an irreparable loss to the City;
k. Assist neighborhoods to achieve a positive neighborhood identity and sense of
In addition, these provisions are designed to implement, be consistent with, and
assist in the achievement of the goals, objectives and policies, as specifically required
by the City's Comprehensive Plan, with respect to historic, conservation, and
neighborhood Resources.
2. Terms and Definitions. See Chapter 1, Article II for all applicable terms and
definitions which pertain to the historic preservation regulations and standards
contained herein.
3. Certified Local Government Review. The City Commission is a Certified Local
Government (CLG) approved by the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical
Resources. The City Commission as a CLG is required to participate in the Florida
National Register of Historic Places nomination process, be involved in the Section 106
process, and is eligible to receive grants from the Certified Local Government Section of
the Florida Department of State, Historical Resources Grants-In-Aid program.
4. Unsafe Buildings and Structures. Should the Building Official determine that a
Historic Property or a Property within a Historic District is unsafe, the Planning and
Zoning staff and Historic Resources Preservation Board shall be notified of such
findings. Within applicable laws and regulation, the Building Official shall endeavor to
have the Resource repaired rather than demolished and shall take into account any
comments and recommendation by the Board. The Board may take appropriate actions
to Effect and accomplish the preservation of the Resource, including, but not limited to,
negotiations with the owner and other Interested Parties, provided that such actions do
not interfere with the Florida Building Codes.
In the case where the Building Official determines that there are emergency
conditions dangerous to the life, health or property affecting a Historic Property or a
Property within a Historic District and timely Demolition is the only course of action, the
Building Official may order the Demolition and notify the Planning and Zoning Division of
the impending action. In this instance, a Certificate of Appropriateness will not be
required and the Historic Resources Preservation Board will promptly be notified of the
action being taken.
5. Waiver of Technical Requirements. The provisions of the technical codes
relating to the construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration or moving of
Buildings may not be mandatory for those Resources listed in the Boynton Beach
Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places, when evaluated
by a Florida registered architect or engineer and demonstrated to the Building Official to
be safe and in the public interest of health, safety and welfare.
Resources or portions thereof that do not strictly comply with the Florida Building
Code may be considered to be in compliance, if it can be shown to the satisfaction of
the Building Official that equivalent protection has been provided or that no hazard will
2017-2021 GOALS, OBJECTIVES, Goal 1: Identify,Document,
AND STRATEGIES and Preserve Florida's Historic
Vision for Historic Preservation o Increase public awareness of, and access to,
in Florida • Objective 1-A:Bolster Identification and Goal 1: Identify, Document, archaeological resources through digitization of
Evaluation of Historical Resourcesand Preserve Florida's Historic artifacts and sites, made available via interactive
o Conduct surveys at the municipal level to educational websites.
The goals, objectives, and strategies presented here identify historic properties important in Places(cont.) o Promote knowledge of submerged archaeological
are intended to guide preservation efforts throughout Florida history. sites as cultural heritage and patrimony,rather than
Florida over the next five years.They are guideposts for o Reevaluate previously surveyed areas, and update • Objective 1-D:Improve the Management resources for personal or commercial gain.
general decision making,and are not intended to provide records as necessary. of Archaeological Resources
place-specific or resource-specific guidance. Individuals, o Encourage the incorporation of modern technologies o Survey aquatic preserves and other Florida submerged • Objective 1-E:Address Long Term Threats to Historic
organizations,and communities can use this framework to and techniques in historic resource survey, including lands to identify and document sites. Properties
tailor their activities to their specific needs,while operating oral histories o Establish archaeological preserves, in conjunction o Incorporate historic preservation into disaster response
within the broader context of a statewide preservation o Expand the scope of historic resource survey beyond with appropriate historic designations, to protect plans at the state,county,and local levels,including
effort. architecture to identify rural and urban landscapes, significant archaeological sites. through the expansion of Certified Local Government
traditional cultural properties, and other under- o Strengthen public understanding of archaeology as a Programs.
By presenting this broad framework for a vision of represented resources tool to interpret and preserve cultural heritage. o Digitize and securely back vp planning and preservation
preservation,the Florida SHPO feels that Floridians and o Train land managers and law enforcement officials on documents to improve resiliency and facilitate the
visitors to the state will become increasingly aware of • Objectiv.l-B:Enhanc.Recognition and Contributions the management and protection of archaeological timely distribution of information in a disaster scenario.
Florida's long,rich,and important history that includes at of Under-Represented Groups in Florida History sites on public lands. o Establish long term planning strategies for mitigating
least 14,000 years of indigenous American occupation o Produce multilingual publications on historic o Provide greater assistance and public involvement and adapting to sea level rise,and incorporate them
and the establishment of the first permanent European preservation. of site management throughout Florida, through into response plans and comprehensive plans at all
settlements in North America. Furthermore, Florida's o Produce multilingual historic markers. collaboration with volunteer groups, avocational planning levels.
past and present are diverse, multi-cultural, and unique. o Develop historical contexts that address organizations,and professional organizations. o Survey sea level rise adaptation and mitigation efforts
The broad heritage of our state is relevant to all living underrepresented groups in Florida. of other coastal states,and adopt relevant strategies.
Floridians and visitors.Even if new to the state,Floridians o Identify and designate Traditional Cultural Properties
should be inspired and take pride in Florida's heritage. in Florida,and list them on the National Register of
By employing an inclusive and open-minded approach, Historic Places,
they will develop an effective, broadly based, statewide • 4n'p '• r"
o Increase identification efforts for historic properties i • �••••0 7 'w,frt -
network of well-informed historic-preservation minded • , •'�^fieri gr 11!.•�.ejil;: -
associated with African Americans,Native Americans, el.r.....,.n.,
people.Property owners,government officials at all levels, t 6 I lsssix• VIM won, - --
Latinos, Asian Americans, the LGBT community, g - -' _
�rw e•w rer.r•. I
developers,and other professionals will steward Florida's •
• , .y •_r�� 71�e!tlr �.
religious minorities, and other underrepresented i �.
significant prehistoric,historic,and folk resources as highly .�I -. e. ' +lei, •� ..
groups. •- �• .�w.r111 •......
valued assets.The state's present-day cultural,economic, '- ht �-..-�., m.t. S•.1r �r.�.
and environmental well-being will be enhanced as Florida's - �„-., t.�t er.w'� r�.e
heritage is preserved for future generations. Obj.etiv. 1-C: Encourage Coop.ration and - um0� �'T..,'r�"'�••arr=7-'I'•M �-
Collaboration to Enhanc.Historic Preservation �� „r,lir T pm. - esz
o Provide easy,online access to National Register '����rr.•'el7.r�•� •............ =mil='
Building upon the Florida's worldwide recognition as a - '��" .+r' n'"'>n-loo ---•
nominations,surveys,site files,historic contexts, �!}r•r7f•; ., -��L' ;•�
lace of rich historyand heritage, and in the spirit of t/ `a 7 I' . �•
p g P and other information through an online , �� _ _ +' ` •
` `
collaboration and cooperation, the Division offers the Geographic Information System portal. *��
following goals for consideration: o Utilize new technology and social media _ ,�
platforms to facilitate collection and distribution l- ` O •oPb
of preservation information. •
o Conduct training and outreach on preservation • -i • • - %
concepts,techniques,strategies,and benefits. • _ j
o Incorporate traditional building skills into (t II in Tha Miami Circle,
concepts of Florida Folkways. 2011,Miami
o Distribute informational materials that
address timely and specific preservation
Goal 2: Expand and Encourage Public Goal 3: Foster Pride in Goal 4: Promote Historic
Participation in Historic Preservation Florida's History and Build a Preservation at the Local and
Preservation Ethic Regional Levels
• Objective 2-A: Encourage Preservation Outreach
Efforts Objective 3-A: Share a Positive and • Objective 4-A: Integrate Historic Preservation into Objective 4-C: Foster a Network of Preservation
• Objective 2-B: Promote and Facilitate EconomicEnabling Preservation Message Local and Regional Planning and Decision Making Advocates and Allies
Benefits of Historic Preservationo Organize informational sessions to educate property o Grow the Certified Local Government program.
o Promote preservation through local events and
o Promote historic sites as economic engines as well asowners,developers,insurers,and others on the positive o Increase Certified Local Government program benefits publications.
tourism assets. impact of preservation. by improving and expanding training and technical o Provide preservation education and training through
o Clearly identify,describe,and promulgate the benefitso Increase social media presence to showcase assistance. Main Street communities and Certified Local
of heritage tourism, preservation projects,people,and events. o Adopt preservation ordinances at the municipal level. Governments.
o Update Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation in o Coordinate with the Florida Trust for Historic
Florida. • Objective 3-B: Encourage Hands-on and Interactive • Objective 4-B:Build Support for Historic Preservation Preservation and the Florida Public Archaeology
o Grow the Florida Main Street Program. Strategies for Teaching Florida History Among Officials and Developers Network on outreach,preservation projects,and public
o Increase the number of tax credit projects withino Partner with colleges and universities in the o Expand participation in the Historic Preservation Tax nvolvement.
commercial downtowns and Main.Street communitiesdevelopment of historic contexts. Credit program. o Provide grant funding opportunities to support local
o Continue development of thematic heritage trails o Promote historic rehabilitation and adaptive reuse as and regional preservation efforts.
• Objective 2-C:Expand Geographic Outreach Efforts across Florida. environmentally-friendly development. o Develop a directory of preservation related
o Hold Florida Historical Commission and Nationalo Involve local residents in preservation efforts such as o Inform legislators and local officials of the positive organizations in Florida.
Register Review Board meetings in locationshistoric surveys and National Register nominations. impacts of preservation projects within their districts. o Partner with university programs to cultivate new
throughout Florida to encourage public attendanceo Participate in National History Day activities. o Encourage Floridians to become engaged in state and preservation talent.
and participation. o Provide materials in a teacher-friendly format for use national preservation advocacy efforts. o Expand the number of internships available for
o Establish Certified Local Government regionalin schools. students in preservation and related fields.
trainings and informational meetings. o Develop activities for children and young adults,with
o Participate in onsite workshops and webinars to local and state preservation organizations. Lake Munson canoe being transported to
publicize opportunities for historic preservation grants DI-IR For conservation,Tallahassee
and tax credits. • Objective 3-C: Recognize Preservation Success - -_. • i _ -
o Identify and share local and regional successes in 4.;i itZf -v, -! *ier
historic preservation planning practices. 'ti ,,��jj ...•ossa—��� :
o Recognize model Certified Local Governments and ^^ _L,., 'I
utilize their efforts to train and improve other CLGs. ' '� •- _ s
o Highlight model preservation projects. ' , •-, e - i' -
o Celebrate preservation milestones at the state - _ d� 401:,_
and local levels. . s - t, - • ��'
fe r
o Promote Preservation Month and Archaeology _. - - ` , - - ,•
month through hands-on programming. —-- s t ',• 4Al!_ S_V
o Honor individuals and organizations, cities, �- �! + i 4� ,_'
and counties that have made significant .,,4 E
- I - a'- _ _
contributions to preservation in Florida. k - - -•- _
• - 1` y
— -w ..• ,